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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Continuing education of older workers

Thieme, Paula 26 November 2015 (has links)
In den letzten Jahrzehnten führten abnehmende Geburtenraten und die zunehmende Lebenserwartung zur Alterung der deutschen Bevölkerung. Zur Sicherung des Rentensystems wurde das Renteneintrittsalter auf 67 Jahre angehoben. Um die Arbeitsfähigkeit zu erhalten und den technologischen wie organisationalen Wandel zu bewältigen, fordert die Europäische Union zum lebenlangen Lernen auf. Diese Dissertation bietet einen Literaturüberblick und drei empirische Aufsätze, die die Weiterbildungsmotivation älterer Arbeitnehmer auf ihre demographische Relevanz untersuchen und altersspezifische Einflüsse von arbeitsbezogenen Faktoren sowie Altersheterogenität belegen. Der Literaturüberblick erläutert die demografische Relevanz älterer Arbeitnehmer, ihren Altersübergang, ihre Arbeitsmotivation und Weiterentwicklung. Anhand von Querschnittsdaten wird der positive Zusammenhang von Weiterbildungsmotivation mit Arbeitsfähigkeit und dem Weiterbeschäftigungswunsch gezeigt. Die Weiterbildungsmotivation Älterer ist über alle Befragtengruppen hoch, was darauf hin deutet, dass Partizipationsungleichheiten weniger von unterschiedlichen Motivationslagen, sondern von anderen Barrieren abhängen. Eine weitere Analyse identifiziert altersspezifische Unterschiede in Hinblick auf den Einfluss von Arbeitsplatzfaktoren auf die Weiterbildungsmotivation. Es zeigen sich schwache aber signifikante Einflüsse einiger Faktoren. Anhand von Längsschnittdaten lässt sich zunehmende Altersheterogenität in Bezug auf die Zufriedenheit mit dem Leben, Arbeit, Familienleben und Gesundheit feststellen. In der Zusammenfassung ist die Weiterbildungsmotivation älterer Arbeitnehmer hoch, sie wird durch den Arbeitskontext beeinflusst und hängt positiv mit der Arbeitsfähigkeit und dem Weiterbeschäftigungswunsch im Rentenalter zusammen. Übliche Mittelwertanalysen älterer Arbeitnehmer haben nur begrenzte Aussagekraft. / Decreasing birth rates and increasing life expectancy have led to the ageing of the German population during the past decades. To sustain the German retirement system, retirement age is increased to 67 years. The European Union calls for individuals’ lifelong learning to maintain work ability and cope with challenges of technological and organisational change. This dissertation consists of a literature overview and three empirical essays investigating older workers’ motivation to participate in continuing education (MPCE) and its demographic relevance, highlighting age-specific work context influences and providing evidence for older workers’ heterogeneity. The literature overview delineates older workers’ demographic relevance as well as their transition to retirement, work motivation, development opportunities, and education. Second, the analysis of cross-sectional data establishes the relevance of older workers’ MPCE for the policy of prolonging working life by showing the positive relationship with work ability and the desire to work past retirement age. Older workers’ MPCE is high across all respondent groups, implying that inequalities in participation are less a result of varying motivation among subgroups, but of other barriers. Following this, work context-related motivational differences between older and younger workers are identified and analysed. Results show weak but significant influences of some work context factors. The analysis of longitudinal data shows ageing workers’ increasing heterogeneity of life satisfaction and satisfaction with work, family life, and health, corroborating life-span theories. In sum, MPCE is high among older workers. It is influenced by work context, and positively related to work ability and the desire to work past retirement age. Common mean-level analyses of older workers yield only limited informative value.

Age management - Podpora osob starších 50-ti let na trhu práce v letech 2005-2015 / Age management - supporting persons aged 50 plus in the labor market in years 2005-2015

Táborská, Julie January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the age management 50 plus in the Czech Republic. The aim of the thesis is to analyze the market situation and companies approach to this topic. The practical part is consist of qualitative research that contains interviews with employees from three different companies. Moreover the thesis analyzing other available data from selected companies. This research submits demographic aging of the population and the issue of the age management 50 plus in the Czech Republic that is not handle enough. Meanwhile companies declare they support older employees mainly by additional healthcare services but this benefits are provided for everyone. The analysis did not find out any specific benefits for older employees. In some cases the issue of lack young employees is being solved by supporting and motivating students to work for concrete company. Because of unfavorable demographic evolution it is needed to solve this problem currently and more deeply in the Czech Republic.

Sous-emploi des seniors et discrimination : une contribution empirique / Underemployment of older workers and discrimination : an empirical contribution

Challe, Laetitia 12 December 2016 (has links)
Le vieillissement des populations dans les économies développées apparaît comme un enjeu majeur dans lequel l’emploi est au centre de toutes les préoccupations. Il influence, également, l’équilibre de leur système de protection sociale. Cette thèse s’intéresse à la faiblesse du taux d’emploi des séniors français, représentés par les plus de 50 ans, comparativement à celui des autres pays européens. L’inflexion des politiques publiques à l’égard des séniors, d’une logique d’exclusion à une logique d’inclusion du marché du travail, dans les années 2000, ne permet qu’une amélioration lente et limitée de leur taux d’emploi. Alors que les autres pays européens ont aussi été concernés par le changement de politiques, il est légitime de s’interroger sur les raisons de leur impact modéré en France.Cette thèse s’organise autour de deux parties complémentaires. La première partie fait état du constat de la faiblesse du taux d’emploi des séniors, en France comparativement à ses voisins européens (chapitre un). Cette faiblesse se traduit par une ségrégation professionnelle augmentant avec l’âge qui aboutit à une difficulté d’orientation des hommes âgés, dans certains secteurs et certaines professions au sein de ces secteurs. D’autres pistes de réflexion sur les raisons supposées de cette faiblesse des taux d’emploi des séniors sont également envisagées dans une revue de littérature (chapitre deux). Ces raisons proviennent de plusieurs champs : du champ structurel et des caractéristiques de l’offre et de la demande de travail, ce qui illustre la complexité de la problématique pour les pouvoirs publics. La deuxième partie s’attache à mesurer un facteur de sous-emploi des séniors persistant alors même qu’on neutralise toutes les raisons objectives pour lesquelles les préférences des recruteurs, à l’embauche, se portent moins sur les séniors : la discrimination à l’embauche liée à l’âge (et au sexe pour quelques cas particuliers). Deux types de méthodes et de données sont utilisés pour mesurer la partie résiduelle des écarts de probabilité d’être en emploi ou d’accès à l’emploi (dont la discrimination est un des composants) : les méthodes de décomposition sur des données d’enquête, donnant une mesure qualifiée d’objective (chapitre trois) avec une extension analysant le lien entre cette partie résiduelle et la conjoncture économique et la méthodologie des tests de correspondance, ou testing, sur des données expérimentales collectées sur une sélection de professions en tension (chapitre quatre). La première méthode démontre une partie résiduelle de l’écart de probabilité importante, laissant présager des risques élevés de discrimination liée à l’âge et au genre. La comparaison des taux d’accès à l’emploi de la deuxième méthode conduite sur près de 6 000 candidatures illustrent ces risques selon lesquels les séniors ont moins de chances d’accéder à un entretien d’embauche comparativement aux plus jeunes à caractéristiques semblables. Nous verrons les différentes hypothèses explicatives du sous-emploi des séniors, documentées par la littérature, comme la distance courte à la retraite, l’obsolescence des compétences en situation de chocs technologiques, les normes sociales de sexe (par la reconversion professionnelle) et d’âge (par les préférences exogènes des recruteurs).L’un des fils directeurs de la thèse est de distinguer la situation des hommes et des femmes séniors en matière d’emploi. On observe des différences manifestes sur l’ensemble de cette thèse avec une situation des hommes plus problématique que celle de leurs homologues féminines en termes d’écart de taux d’emploi, de ségrégation professionnelle et de discrimination à l’embauche. / The ageing of populations in developed economies appears as a major issue in which employment is at the centre of all concerns. It also influences the balance of their social protection system. This thesis is interested in the weakness employment rate of French older workers, considered as the population over 50 years old, compared to other European countries. The inflection of public policies for them, from logic of exclusion to logic of inclusion in the labour market, in the 2000s, allows only slow and limited improvements in the employment rate. While other European countries have also been affected by the policy change, it is legitimate to wonder about the reasons for their moderate impact on France.This thesis is organized into two complementary parts. The first part reports the finding of the low employment rate of older workers, in France compared to its European neighbours (chapter one) This weakness is reflected in occupational segregation increases with age, resulting in difficulties in terms of orientation of men, with age in some sectors and occupations within these sectors. Other subjects of reflection on why this supposed weakness of older workers employment rates are also considered in a literature review (chapter two). Those reasons come from many fields: both the structural field and the characteristics of labour supply and labour demand, which illustrates the complexity of the issue for the government. The second part attempts to measure a factor of persistent underemployment of older workers even as we neutralize all objective reasons why the hiring preferences of recruiters, move on less to seniors: the hiring age-related discrimination (and gender for some particular cases). Two types of methods and data are used to measure the residual part of the probability gaps of being in employment and access to employment (including discrimination is a component): decomposition methods on data of survey, giving a measure qualified objective (chapter three) with an extension analysing the link between this residual part and business cycle, and methodology of correspondence tests or testing on experimental data collected on a selection of occupations in tension (chapter four). The first method finds a significant residual part of the probability gap, suggesting high risk of related-age and gender discrimination. The comparison of access to employment rates of the second method made on around 6,000 applications illustrates these risks according to which the senior applicant have less chances to get a job interview, compared with younger having similar characteristics. We shall see the different explanatory assumptions of underemployment of older workers supported by the literature as the short distance from retirement, the obsolescence of skills in situation of technological shocks, the social norms of gender (by the vocational training) and of age (by exogenous preferences of employers).One of the recurring threads in the thesis is to distinguish the situation of older men of the senior women in employment. There are clear differences in this whole thesis with a situation more problematic men than their female counterparts in terms of employment rates gap, occupational segregation and employment discrimination.

Analýza trhu práce starší pracovní síly v České republice v letech 2005-2015 / Analysis of Older Workers Labour Market in the Czech Republic During the Years 2005-2015

Virtová, Olga January 2015 (has links)
Czech Republic, like other European developed countries, has to deal with impacts of population ageing. The number of older people in society grows therefore the drain on workers in productive age is rising. Population ageing causes problems within current setting of the Czech pension system, especially in long-term sustainability of public finance. Hence added involvement of elderly people into working process becomes necessary. The goal of this Masters thesis is to analyse the situation of older workers on Czech labour market between 2005 and 2015 and to find some possible solutions that would increase the employment rate of people before and in retirement age. There are four chapters in the theoretical part that are dealing with population ageing, labour market, specificities of employing older workers and tools used to increase the employment rate. The practical part is focused on demographic situation in the Czech Republic and especially on analysis of the situation of older workers on the Czech labour market in comparison to countries of the European Union. Analysis that was carried out confirms that the overall employment rate of older workers in the Czech Republic is on a good level however there are some areas that need to be improved. For example, option of using part time working contracts is underused as well as the motivation of elderly people to stay economically active. In the last chapter there are possible solutions suggested. These recommendations could strengthen motivation of older workers to stay on labour market and in the same time should motivate employers to employ these workers.

Starší pracovníci na trhu práce. / Older workers in the labour market

Pazderníková, Michaela January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is dealing with the older workers in the labour market. The aim of this thesis is to analyse and evaluate the situation of the older workers in the labour market in the Czech Republic, especially in the years 2000 and 2005-2015, or even in 2015, with the focus on the indicators of the labour market, on the position of the older workers in this market according to selected aspects, and on the instruments affecting and encouraging these workers in the labour market. The thesis consists of the theoretical and the practical part. The theoretical part defines the problem of the demographic aging population, because this process is one of the reasons, why it is necessary to pay attention to the older workers in the labour market. This theoretical part is also dealing with the employment, unemployment, employment policy and strategic documents in relation to the older workers. The practical part begins with the demographic development in the Czech Republic, the following chapters are dealing with the analysis of the labour market indicators, instruments to support the older workers in the labour market and the comparison of the Czech Republic and EU states.

1.0 Clinicians in a 3.0 World: An Examination of the Adoption of Technologyby Older Healthcare Workers for Professional Learning

D'Epiro, Jo Hanna F. January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Specifika osob 50+ při návratu na trh práce / Specifics of People 50+ Returning to Labour Market

Martincová, Anna January 2022 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with specifics of unemployed older adults who participate in projects of the Labor Office of the Czech Republic. The aim of the thesis was to analyze the specifics of unemployed older adults when returning to the labor market with help of projects of the Labor Office of the Czech Republic. These specifics were identified in connection with the physical, mental, and social changes that occur in older adulthood. Other specifics were analyzed based on the position which the target group 50+ holds on the labor market and off of the labor market about impacts of unemployment to unemployed older adults. For the comprehensive summary of the issue, the theoretical part was augmented through essential characteristics of projects mediated by the Labor Office of the Czech Republic. Theoretic findings served for purposes in a qualitative survey. The qualitative survey was focused on two projects of the Labor Office: Jdi dál! 50+ v MSK and 50 PLUS v JmK. Theoretical findings were used to create questions which were used in semi-structured interviews with survey respondents. The research sample consisted of nine respondents, which five of them were project participants and other four were qualified project staff. Data analysis identifies specifics of project participants and approaches...

L'effet du sexe et de l'âge sur les motivations à retrouver un emploi après 45 ans

Lacasse, Lucie 12 1900 (has links)
Au tournant des années 1990, des données démographiques probantes annonçait la pénurie de main-d’œuvre vécue présentement au Québec. L’actualité fait état du vieillissement de la population active, et de pratiques pour attirer et retenir la main-d’œuvre, notamment les travailleurs dit « âgés ». Entre 2006 et 2016, des statistiques québécoises révèlent une augmentation du taux de chômage chez les travailleurs âgés de plus de 55 ans, et suggère une forme d’âgisme latent. Alors que la pénurie de main-d’œuvre annoncée s’intensifiera d’ici 2030, peu d’études se sont intéressées aux motivations des travailleuses et travailleurs âgés. Dans cette perspective, notre étude vise une meilleure compréhension des motivations des femmes et des hommes à retrouver un emploi à la suite d’une perte d’emploi involontaire en mi et fin de carrière. En ce qui a trait aux motivations intrinsèques, inspirées du modèle kaléidoscopique de Mainiero et Sullivan (2005), nous examinons les dimensions du Défi, de l’Équilibre, et de l’Authenticité. Compte tenu du contexte de la perte d’emploi, les motivations extrinsèques relatives à la Sécurité d’emploi et la Sécurité financière ont été retenues. Dans le cadre d’une recherche qualitative, des entrevues semi-dirigées ont été effectuées auprès de dix-neuf participants comprenant dix femmes et neuf hommes dans deux catégories d’âge : 45-54 ans, et 55 ans et plus. L’analyse des résultats permet de conclure que les motivations à retrouver un emploi sont différentes pour les femmes et les hommes selon la catégorie d’âge. L’interprétation des résultats montre l’effet combiné du sexe et de l’âge, et révèle que les motivations chez les hommes entre 45-54 ans sont davantage extrinsèques, et chez les femmes de 55 ans et plus, intrinsèques. Les résultats sont applicables auprès des organisations, des professionnels en transition de carrière, et des instances gouvernementales. Nous proposons des pratiques RH concrètes et favorables au mieux-être au travail, et à l’inclusion des travailleuses et travailleurs plus âgés pour contrer les effets néfastes de la pénurie de main-d’œuvre. / At the turn of the 1990s, convincing demographic data announced the labor shortage currently experienced in Quebec. News reports on the aging of the working population, and practices to attract and retain labor, especially so-called "older" workers. Between 2006 and 2016, Quebec statistics reveal an increase in the unemployment rate among workers over the age of 55 and suggest a latent form of ageism. While the predicted labor shortage will intensify by 2030, few studies have looked at the motivations of older workers. From this perspective, our study aims at a better understanding of the motivations of women and men to find a job following an involuntary job loss in the middle and end of their career. Inspired by the Kaleidoscopic Model of Mainiero and Sullivan (2005), with regard to intrinsic motivations, we examine the dimensions of Challenge, Balance, and Authenticity. Given the context of the job loss, the extrinsic motivations of Job Security and Financial Security were retained. Within the framework of qualitative research, semi-structured interviews were conducted with nineteen participants including ten women and nine men in two age categories: 45-54 years, and 55 years and over. Analysis of the results leads to the conclusion that the motivations to find a job are different for women and men depending on the age category. The interpretation of the results shows the combined effect of gender and age and reveal that motivations in men aged 45-54 are more extrinsic, and in women aged 55 and over, intrinsic. The results are applicable to organizations, professionals in career transition, and government authorities. We offer concrete HR practices that promote well-being at work, and the inclusion of older workers to counter the negative effects of the labor shortage.

Ageing, Productivity, and Earnings : Econometric and Behavioural Evidence / Âge, productivité et salaire : une analyse économétrique et comportementale

Skrzypek- Wasmer, Malgorzata 15 September 2011 (has links)
Pour les entreprises concernées par le phénomène du vieillissement, le rapport entre la structure par âge de la main d’œuvre, les profils des salaires et de productivité est un élément clé abordé dans cette thèse. Le premier chapitre passe en revue divers concepts théoriques et décrit les résultats empiriques en ce qui concerne le profil des salaires et de productivité en fonction de l’âge. L’étude empirique présentée dans le chapitre deux évalue le profil de productivité marginale selon l'âge. Nous considérons la main d'œuvre à la fois par qualification (peu qualifiés, hautement qualifiés) et par âge (jeunes, âge moyen, âgés). Nous estimons, sur des données françaises d'entreprises, une fonction de production de type CES emboîtée qui autorise une substitution imparfaite entre les différentes catégories de travailleurs. Parmi les résultats principaux, nous avons trouvé que la productivité du travail par l’âge dépend étroitement de la catégorie de qualification et du secteur d’activité des travailleurs. Le chapitre trois analyse le comportement des juniors et des seniors, en particulier leurs attitudes face au risque, la confiance en soi et la propension à entrer en compétition. Pour cela, nous avons organisé une expérience avec des banquiers suisse. Nous trouvons que, bien que les deux générations ne présentent ni des différences considérables quant à leurs attitudes face au risque, ni face à l’ambiguïté, les seniors font preuve d’une propension plus élevée à entrer en compétition. Cette décision est clairement influencée par l’information sur l’âge des autres participants. De plus, les deux générations maximisent leurs profits dans les groupes équilibrés en termes d’âge. / The relationship between the age structure of workforce, earnings and productivity profiles is a key issue for the enterprises facing the phenomenon of ageing. The present thesis addresses these issues in the following order. The first chapter reviews different theoretical concepts and recent empirical findings concerning the profile of earnings and productivity by age. The empirical study presented in the chapter two aims at estimating the actual profile of labour productivity across different age groups. In this purpose, we differentiate the workforce simultaneously by skills (low-skilled, high-skilled) and by age (young, middle-aged, old). Using French firm-level data, we estimate a production function with a nested constant-elasticity-of-substitution (CES) specification in labour, which allows the imperfect substitution between different age and skill categories of workers. Among the main findings, labour productivity by age highly depends on skill category of workers and the sector of activity. The third chapter involves the behavioural analysis of the workforce composed of juniors and seniors. In particular, we study workers’ risk attitudes, self-confidence and propensity to enter the competition. In this purpose, we perform an artefactual field experiment with the employees of a Swiss bank. We find that, although there are no significant differences in attitudes towards risk and ambiguity between both generations, seniors have higher propensity to enter the competition. The information on age of others players clearly has an impact on this decision. Moreover, the profits of both generations are maximised, when a pool of competitors is balanced in terms of age.

Lived Experiences of Women Over 50 Who Have Experienced Involuntary Job Loss

Phillips, Roxine Denise 01 January 2015 (has links)
Both the short-term and long-term unemployment rates for older workers in the United States have increased significantly since the 2007 recession. Researchers who examine the impact of involuntary job loss have predominantly focused on the experiences of men. Limited prior research exists on the job loss experiences of women over 50 years of age compared to men. The goal of this study was to address this gap in knowledge by examining the lived experiences of women over 50 who had experienced involuntary job loss, the barriers faced to reemployment, and the ways women overcame the barriers to reemployment. A phenomenological design was employed to gather data from a convenience sample of 10 women in a northeastern metropolitan city. Guided by the frameworks of Bandura and Leana and Feldman, this transcendental approach aimed to capture the lived experiences of the women who incurred involuntary job loss. Data transcribed from audio-taped interviews were manually coded and aligned with the appropriate research question. The findings highlighted the emotions, finances, family and social life of women following job loss. The findings suggest women faced age discrimination, organizational practices, technological challenges, and stereotypical beliefs in their attempts toward reemployment. The results of the study can be used to inform organizational leaders of the need for greater emphasis on programs offering solutions to older female workers seeking reemployment. The study promotes potential positive social change by informing organizational leaders of the experiences of women over 50 who had experienced involuntary job loss.

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