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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Duas revoluções: o percurso estético-político na literatura de John Reed / Two revolutions: The aesthetical and political development in John Reeds literature

Fernando Bustamante 24 June 2014 (has links)
Estudo da evolução estética e política na obra de John Silas Reed (1897-1920) a partir de, fundamentalmente, duas de suas obras: seu primeiro livro, Insurgent Mexico (México Insurgente 1914) e seu último livro publicado em vida, Ten Days that Shook the World (Dez dias que abalaram o mundo 1919). A partir da crítica materialista-dialética a dissertação aborda o percurso de John Reed e procura demonstrar, numa leitura comparada entre as duas obras, como a transformação da visão política de seu autor se expressa na transformação estética de suas obras. Também se procura fazer uma leitura crítica da recepção de John Reed e a interpretação de sua obra nas décadas posteriores à sua morte / A study regarding the aesthetical and political development within the work of John Silar Reed (1897-1920) based upon, fundamentally, two of his books: his first one, Insurgent Mexico (1914), and the last one published in his lifetime, Ten Days that Shook the World (1919). From the dialetical-materialistic standpoint, the study approaches John Reeds life and tries to demonstrate, through a compared Reading between these two books, how the transformation in the authors political view is related to the aesthetical transformation in his writing and literary composition. John Reed works reception and criticism is also critically regarded

O levante de 1932: fatores econômicos e políticos / The 1932 uprising: economical and political factors

Francisco Quartim de Moraes 18 April 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho se propõe a uma revisão crítica das possíveis motivações do levante de julho de 1932. Uma breve analise da historiografia sobre o movimento mostra, especialmente no Estado de São Paulo, o predomínio da versão constitucionalista do levante. Tentaremos mostrar as inconsistências (inclusive cronológicas) desta e de outras explicações tradicionais e depois buscaremos formular algumas hipóteses sobre a gênese e o desenvolvimento do levante de 1932. / This paper aims to critically review the possible motivations of the São Paulo´s uprising in July 9, 1932. A brief review of the history of the movement shows the prevalence of the constitutionalist version of the uprising. We try to show the inconsistencies (including chronological) of this and other traditional explanations and then seek to formulate some hypotheses about this uprising´s genesis and development.

George Washington's Development as an Espionage Chief

Ritchey, David (David Benjamin 05 1900 (has links)
The American Revolution was a war of movement over great distances. Timely intelligence regarding the strength and location of the enemy was vital to the commanders on both sides. Washington gained his early experience in intelligence gathering in the wilderness during the French and Indian War. By the end of the American Revolution, Washington had become a skilled manager of intelligence. He sent agents behind enemy lines, recruited tory intelligence sources, questioned travelers for information, and initiated numerous espionage missions. Many heroic patriots gathered the intelligence that helped win the War for Independence. Their duties required many of them to pose as one of the enemy, and often incur the hatred of friends and neighbors. Some gave their lives in helping to establish the new American nation. It is possible that without Washington's intelligence service, American independence might not have been won.

Ethnographic Investigations of Commercial Aquaculture as a Rural Development Technique in Tamil Nadu, India

Kiessling, Brittany L 02 June 2016 (has links)
Since the 1960s, international aid organizations and governments have invested millions of dollars in promoting aquaculture as a way to stimulate local economies and improve food security. India is one such country, incorporating aquaculture research and extension programs as part of their development plans as early as 1971. India’s aquaculture promotion efforts gained momentum in 2004, following the Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004. The government sees aquaculture as a post-disaster development tool and a method to increase community resilience in rural areas of India. Aquaculture currently constitutes nearly half of global seafood production today. Due to this importance, and the attention such practices receive through funding and extension, many scholars have focused on the social impacts that aquaculture practices have on rural communities. In particular, scholars have investigated the effects of aquaculture on environmental conditions, food security, livelihoods, gender relations, and social conflict. However, more scholarship is needed concerning the historical legacies that have contributed to how aquaculture is promoted and practiced, particularly connections to the Green Revolution. Furthermore, there needs to be more research about commercial aquaculture as a post-disaster development strategy. My research – based on 9 months of ethnographic fieldwork and archival analysis in Tamil Nadu, India – contributes to this body of literature. I synthesized post-development theory with that of environmental risk and vulnerability, building upon the work of scholars such as James Ferguson, Tania Li, and Piers Blaikie. My analysis uncovers large disparities between the goals of aquaculture development programs and actual aquaculture outcomes. I attribute this to the technocratic governance structure of the aquaculture industry, which leads to a lack of engagement and participation between aquaculture managers, researchers, and practitioners. This lack of engagement ultimately makes the communities in which aquaculture is being practiced more vulnerable to anthropogenic and natural disturbances. Additionally, I found that aquaculture practices in the study site are causing significant changes to local agrarian structures, particularly through changes to labor. These changes have implications for social stratification and disempowerment of women. Overall, these findings contribute to the anthropological study of aquaculture as well as to theories of post-development.

Modernity and the Theologico-Political Problem in the Thought of Joseph de Maistre and Fyodor Dostoyevsky: A Comprehensive Comparison

Racu, Alexandru January 2013 (has links)
In this thesis I compare the views of Joseph de Maistre and Fyodor Dostoyevsky with regard to the relation between modernity and the theologico-political problem. I integrate this comparison within the general context of the reflection concerning modernity and the theologico-political problem, as well as within the context of two Christian theological traditions, Catholic and Orthodox, on the basis of which the two authors develop their religious and political thought. In particular, I analyze the views of the two authors with regard to the origins and the defining traits of modernity. Likewise, I present their opinions concerning the consequences which are inherent in the modern project. Viewing modernity first and foremost as an attempt to build a secular world that would define itself by its opposition to what both authors regard as authentic Christianity, Maistre and Dostoyevsky emphasize the fact that, having theological origins that mark the totality of its becoming, modernity should be understood on the basis of a theologico-political reflection. Associating the modern ambition to build a secular world with the fate of the biblical Tower of Babel, both authors adopt a prophetic posture, announcing the collapse of the modern project as well as the ultimate eschatological resolution of the modern crisis. Yet, the two authors are differentiated by their interpretations of the relation between modernity and the theologico-political problem, identifying differently the theological origins of the modern crisis. In this sense, while according to Maistre modernity originates in the Protestant Reformation, for Dostoyevsky, modernity’s origins must be located in the transformations of Western Christianity that have finally lead to the latter’s separation from Eastern Orthodoxy. These differences of interpretation lead to the articulation of two different responses to the modern crisis, which are rooted in two different Christian theological traditions. Consequently, if in reaction to the modern crisis Maistre affirms the Catholic principle of authority, whose highest expression is the concept of papal infallibility, Dostoyevsky opposes to this crisis the Orthodox principle of brotherhood in Christ. The critique of modernity culminates in the thought of the two authors with an approach of the complex and troubling problem of theodicy, which, Maistre and Dostoyevsky believe, stands at the origin of the modern opposition to Christianity and its traditional institutions.

The Countess of Counter-revolution: Madame du Barry and the 1791 Theft of Her Jewelry

Lewis, Erik Braeden 12 1900 (has links)
Jeanne Bécu, an illegitimate child from the Vaucouleurs area in France, ascended the ranks of the Ancien régime to become the Countess du Barry and take her place as Royal Mistress of Louis XV. During her tenure as Royal Mistress, Jeanne amassed a jewel collection that rivaled all private collections. During the course of the French Revolution, more specifically the Reign of Terror, Jeanne was forced to hatch a plot to secure the remainder of her wealth as she lost a significant portion of her revenue on the night of 4 August 1789. To protect her wealth, Jeanne enlisted Nathaniel Parker Forth, a British spy, to help her plan a fake jewel theft at Louveciennes so that she could remove her economic capital from France while also reducing her total wealth and capital with the intent of reducing her tax payments. As a result of the theft, her jewelry was transported to London, where she would travel four times during the French Revolution on the pretext of recovering her jewelry. This thesis examines her actions while abroad during the Revolution and her culpability in the plot. While traveling to and from London, Jeanne was able to move information, money, and people out of France. Jeanne was arrested and charged with aiding the counter-revolution, for which the Revolutionary Tribunal sentenced her to death. Madame du Barry represented the extravagance and waste of Versailles and of Bourbon absolutism, and this symbolic representation of waste was what eventually inhibited Jeanne’s success.

Library 4.0 era: Are academic libraries ready?

Tembe, Biziwe, Mkhathali, Nomthandazo Nicolene 27 March 2019 (has links)
Library conference presentation / Today, academic libraries are not only providing access to books and space to users, but they also offer a digital environment that enables patrons to use the library without visiting them physically. Like living organisms, libraries are influenced by external pressures to constantly evolve, including, changing information technology environment and greater dependence on web-based services. Some large academic libraries, for example, use automated robots in combination with RFID technology and data from the library’s bibliographic and holdings records to retrieve from storage and deliver books that have been requested by users. Whilst this application of technology is newer for libraries, it is not cutting-edge for the industry. However, it is an example of how libraries are already making use of the processes that are arising out of developments, which are increasingly part of the new industrial revolution. It seems reasonable to expect that in the future, as we will see increasing use of Industry 4.0 style technologies and processes applied to the execution of routine library work and services for patrons. The new requirement for universities is to be able to track the skills demands within the industry and move quickly to make sure that students leave their education ready to add real value to business internationally. Since academic libraries are part of a university set-up, they exist to serve the goals of its organization. Therefore, every library programme must and should support universities total programme

Nová pravice a její recepce Konzervativní revoluce Výmarské republiky na příkladu časopisu Sezession / New Right and its Reception of the Conservative Revolution in the Weimar Republic on the Example of the Magazin Sezession

Baláková, Anna January 2021 (has links)
The presented thesis deals with the New Right in Germany and its current reception of the Conservative Revolution of the Weimar Republic. The thesis primarily focuses on the German New Right, which it aims to define by its references to ideological and political stances of the right-wing conservative and extremist movement of the Weimar Republic - the Conservative Revolution. Based on a detailed textual analysis of selected articles from the New Right's journal Sezession, the thesis presents the elementary worldviews of the New Right as well as its rhetoric and strategies. Furthermore, it is demonstrated how the New Right perceives the central ideas of the Conservative Revolution (anti- enlightenment, anti-liberalism, anti-democracy, anti-parliamentarism, advocacy of an authoritarian state concept and promotion of a homogenous society) and how it implicitly or explicitly employs these ideas for its argumentation. The thesis proved that the worldviews of the Conservative Revolution nowadays still function as an ideological reservoir of the New Right, meaning also that the New Right is theoretically little innovative and takes over and passes on a large part of the ideas of the intellectuals of the Conservative Revolution, which are currently one hundred years old.

Die Gestaltung in Zeiten der Digitalen Revolution

Glatzel, Gerhard January 2016 (has links)
Aus der Einleitung: "Die Zweite Digitale oder auch Vierte Industrielle Revolution, Digitale Gesellschaft und Informationsgesellschaft sind Begriffe für den selben Vorgang, nämlich die Verlagerung von höheren Hirnfunktionen auf eine externe künstliche Intelligenz. Im Unterschied zur ersten Digitalen Revolution, die von der Erfindung des Mikroprozessors und dessen Programmierung geprägt war, führen aktuelle rechnergesteuerte Maschinen nicht nur vorgegebene Routinen aus und reagieren auf Signale externer Sensoren, sondern entscheiden autonom auf der Basis eines multisensorischen Inputs. Sie werden damit als sprachgesteuertes Smart Phones oder als kollaborative Roboter (Elkmann 2016) in einer Fertigung zum Partner des Menschen, dem sie sich anpassen. Smart Phone und Roboter erweitern qualitativ und quantitativ die Möglichkeiten eines Menschen und wirken auf den Menschen zurück. ..."

25 Jahre lebendige Demokratie: Freiheit. Einheit. Sachsen

Krause, Henry, Kuhrau, Martin, Volgmann, Uta 12 August 2020 (has links)
Ein Rückblick auf 25 Jahre Friedliche Revolution in Sachsen. Redaktionsschluss: 22.08.2016

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