Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ene to ene"" "subject:"ene to nne""
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Cookies på gott eller ont : En studie om hur tonåringar upplever att deras köpbeteende påverkas av digital one-to-one marknadsföringAgiden, Jelia, Colliander, Ellen January 2020 (has links)
I och med teknologins framfart har digital marknadsföring blivit ett av de vanligaste sätten för marknadsförare att nå sin publik. Med denna digitala utveckling ökar också möjligheterna för marknadsföringen. Något som för 25 år sedan bara var en dröm är idag en mycket aktuell verklighet -nämligen digital one-to-one marknadsföring. Denna marknadsföringsform går ut på att enorma mängder data samlas in om individer som sedan används för att skapa personaliserade annonser anpassade just för dessa individers behov. Teknologin gör detta möjligt och denna marknadsföringsform befinner sig ofta på sociala medier. En konsumentgrupp som spenderar mycket tid på sociala medier är tonåringar. Denna studie ämnar därför undersöka hur tonåringar upplever att deras köpbeteende påverkas av digital one-to-one marknadsföring. Kvalitativa intervjuer har utförts till empiriinsamlingen med respondenter i åldrarna 15-17 år. Alla respondenter känner sig påverkade av digital one-to-one marknadsföring. De känner oro för vad deras information används till och tycker att riskerna med att ge ifrån sig information överväger nyttan av att få anpassade annonser. Denna integritetsoro skulle möjligtvis kunna dämpas om information försågs med var företaget hittat den personliga informationen. Hos tonåringar kan denna marknadsföring skapa behov som de inte hade tidigare och bidra med fler alternativ för att tillfredsställa detta behov. One-to-one marknadsföring har alltså en direkt påverkan på tonåringars köpbeteende. / With the steady and rapid growth of technology, digital marketing has become one of the most common ways for advertisers to reach out to a broader audience. Instagram and Snapchat are the most commonly used social networking services among today’s adolescents that highly utilise the concept of personalised digital advertising through third parties. One-to-one marketing is a form of personalised marketing that aims to collect information about individual consumers in order to provide each individual with advertisements fitted to their interests. This study takes a closer look on how teenagers perceive the personal effect of one-to-one marketing. The empirical research was obtained from qualitative interviews carried out among teenagers aged 15 to 17 years old. Upon conclusion of the study, it was found that all respondents felt influenced by digital one-to-one marketing and are worried about the use of their information. Ultimately, respondents think the risks outweigh the benefits and want to know where the company gets their information from. In adolescents, one-to-one marketing can create needs that did not exist before and can be met through the provision of more options. Hence, one-to-one marketing has a direct impact on the purchasing behaviour of adolescents.
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Surfplattors påverkan på matematikundervisningen : Lärares erfarenheter av surfplattor i en-till-en undervisning / Tablets impact on mathematics teaching : Teachers’ experiences of teaching with tabletsLustig, Mattias January 2016 (has links)
Undersökningens syfte är att undersöka hur lärare med en-till-en surfplattor har påverkats i sin matematikundervisning i årskurserna 1-3. Ett ytterligare syfte är också att visa vilka hinder och möjligheter som de upplever med surfplattor. Den empiriska utgångspunkten har varit kvalitativa intervjuer med åtta verksamma lärare i matematikämnet som har tillgång till en-till-en undervisning. Ruthvens (2009; 2013) studie har använts som ramverk för denna studie. Resultatet visar att lärarna har påverkats i sin undervisning av surfplattorna avseende faktorer som färdighetsträning, motivation, individualisering, variation av undervisningen, kunskapsöversikt samt i uppläsningen av uppgifter. De upplevde vid införandet såväl som i det dagliga arbetet både hinder och möjligheter. Framförallt tog införandet tid medan flera av respondenterna uppger att det dagliga arbetet efter ett tag underlättades och mer tid kunde avsättas till att möta eleverna på deras kunskapsnivå. / The purpose of the research is to examine how 1:1 with tablets have affected teachers’ teaching in mathematics in grade 1-3. Another purpose with the research is to demonstrate what possibilities and obstacles may occur with tablets according to participants in the study. The empirical data collection method is qualitative interviews conducted with eight active teachers with access to one-to-one education. Ruthvens (2009; 2013) studies have been used as framework for the research. The results show that teachers have been affected in their teaching with tablets in such ways as increased motivation, skill training in mathematics, individualization, variety of teaching, overview of students’ knowledge and the ability to listen to tasks and overcoming difficulties such as reading and writing. With the introduction of 1:1 the teachers experienced both obstacles and possibilities in their teaching. Especially the obstacle concerning the time it took to implement. The teachers state that the daily work was facilitated after some time and they could spend more time teaching children at their level of knowledge.
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Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education has become an emphasized component of PreK-12 education in the United States. The US is struggling to produce enough science, mathematics, and technology experts to meet its national and global needs, and the mean scores of science and mathematics students are not meeting the expected levels desired by our leaders (Hossain & Robinson, 2011). In an effort to improve achievement scores in mathematics and science, school districts must consider many components that can contribute to the development of a classroom where students are engaged and growing academically. Computer technology (CT) for student use is a popular avenue for school districts to pursue in their goal to attain higher achievement.
The purpose of this study is to examine the use of iPads in a one-to-one setting, where every student has his own device 24/7, to determine the effects, if any, on academic achievement in the areas of mathematics and science. This comparison study used hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) to examine three middle schools in a private school district. Two of the schools have implemented a one-to-one iPad program with their sixth through eighth grades and the third school uses computers on limited occasions in the classroom and in a computer lab setting. The questions addressed were what effect, if any, do the implementation of a one-to-one iPad program and a teacher’s perception of his use of constructivist teaching strategies have on student academic achievement in the mathematics and science middle school classrooms.
The research showed that although the program helped promote the use of constructivist activities through the use of technology, the one-to-one iPad initiative had no effect on academic achievement in the middle school mathematics and science classrooms.
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Making the Shift: A Phenomenological Study of Teachers' Experiences in a Student-Centered, 21st Century Laptop ProgramRizzo, Susan Kay 01 January 2013 (has links)
As one-to-one laptop environments are becoming more commonplace in the educational system, teachers are often expected to provide a student-centered environment that incorporates 21st century skills in effort to better prepare students for the future. Teaching in this type of environment is a difficult pedagogical shift for classroom educators. The assumption is often made that teachers can make this pedagogical shift just because laptops are provided for all students.
The goal was to capture the essence of the lived experiences of fifth grade teachers who will be immersed in the phenomenon of teaching in a student-centered, twenty-first century, one-to-one laptop environment. The overarching research question was: What is the essence of the lived experiences of teachers who are implementing a student-centered, 21st century, one-to-one laptop pilot?
Guided by phenomenology using a transcendental approach, data were collected through multiple, in-depth teacher interviews. The research process included identification of the phenomenon; epoché; data collection through 18 interviews with nine fifth-grade teachers; and transcendental phenomenological analysis through reduction, imaginative variation, and syntheses. Reduction involved horizonalization of the data and the development of textural and structural descriptions of the teachers' experiences. In addition, thirty-four codes were identified and reduced to six overarching themes including: looking back, engaged and excited, building a solid foundation, roles have shifted, consider this, and learning the 21st century way.
The results will help in the development of effective academic and technology support structures that strengthen a student-centered, 21st century, one-to-one laptop program. The investigation exposed themes of difficulties, strategies, and best practices that teachers experience during the implementation.
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Using Ecological Lens to Explore a One-to-one Laptop Program Integration in Classrooms with English Language Learners in an Urban Middle SchoolTurgut, Guliz January 2012 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Lillie Richardson Albert / Currently, one of the most popular technology initiatives used in schools to prepare information- and technology-literate students is one-to-one laptop programs. However, limited research studies have investigated factors involved in laptop programs' integration process in schools from various participant perspectives by specifically focusing on ELL students and their needs. Through an ecological lens, this study investigated a one-to-one laptop program integrated into ESL classrooms in an urban middle school, which sustained the program for 6 years. The study included multiple perspectives of various school community members to capture an accurate account of factors necessary for the program's implementation and continuation. This study used a qualitative, single-case research design with exploratory purposes to investigate the multi-level nature of a one-to-one laptop program. Ecology was used as a lens to interpret data and show the relations between living (biotic) and nonliving (abiotic) factors in the program. In-depth data was collected through interviews, classroom observations, field notes, and archives. Collected data were analyzed through constructivist grounded theory using open, axial, and selective coding. The study demonstrated that multiple factors interact with each other and impact the laptop initiative in ESL classrooms. These factors and their interaction were visually represented as a conceptual model. Factors identified in findings were discussed under three main themes: financial, technical and leadership factors. Findings related to financial factors indicated that technical issues increased over the years due to the financial problems, which influenced the instructional use of laptops unfavorably and amplified doubts about the future of the program. Results related to leadership highlighted the importance of having multiple leaderships and allowing the participation of various school members in the decision making process. Results also showed that the federal mandates on achievement influenced the laptop program by changing the vision of the school from teaching with technology to improving instruction and achievement scores on standardized tests. Finally, findings emphasized the importance of including ESL leadership in the laptop program from the very beginning to adjust it to the needs of ESL students. Implications for teachers, administrators, educational researchers, policy makers, and future research are discussed. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2012. / Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education. / Discipline: Teacher Education, Special Education, Curriculum and Instruction.
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Leveraging Software-Defined Networking and Virtualization for a One-to-One Client-Server ModelTaylor, Curtis R 30 April 2014 (has links)
Modern computer networks allow server resources to be shared. While this multiplexing is the unsung hero of scalability and performance, the fact that clients are sharing resources and each client’s network traffic is transmitted in a larger pool of the total network traffic, poses distinct challenges for security. By adopting multiplexing so broadly, the networking and systems communities have implicitly favored performance over security. When servers multiplexing clients are compromised, the attack is able to spread by exploiting unsuspecting clients sharing the resource. Drive-by-downloads are an example of an attack where a Web server is compromised and begins distributing malware to connecting clients. As a result of using today’s many-to-one client-server network model, current approaches are inadequate at protecting the network and its resources. We propose a redesign of the modern network infrastructure. Our approach involves moving from the current many-to-one client-server model to a one-to-one client-server model. In redesigning the network, we provide a means of better accountability for traffic between clients and servers. With accountability, we enable the ability to quickly determine which client is responsible for an attack. This allows us to quickly repair the affected entities. To accomplish this accountability, we separate each client’s communication into separate flows. A flow is identified by various network features, such as IP addresses and ports. Further, instead of allowing multiple clients to be multiplexed at the same server, we use a technique that allows each client to communicate with a server that is logically separate from all other clients. Accordingly, a server compromise only effects a single client. We create a one-to-one client-server model using virtualization techniques and OpenFlow, a software-defined network (SDN) protocol. We complete our model in three phases. In the first, we deploy a physical SDN using physical machines and a commodity network switch that supports OpenFlow to gain an initial understanding of SDNs. The next phase involves implementation of Choreographer, a DNS access control mechanism, in a virtualized SDN environment for better scalability over our physical configuration. Finally, we leverage Choreographer to dynamically instantiate a server for each client and create network flows that allow a client to reach the requested server.
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One To One marketing : kommunikation för en utmärkt relation? / One to One marketing : communication for a brilliant relation?Basic, Emina, Hajradinovic, Azra January 2008 (has links)
Marknadsföringsbegrepp har växt allt mer med tiden, lika väl som det har förgrenat sig ochutvecklats inom olika riktningar. Under utbildningens gång har vi läst en hel del ommarknadsföring och dess olika termer samt begrepp, men inte förrän det fjärde året, blev viverkligen fascinerade av själva ämnet One to One marketing.Undersökningens syfte är att studera hur tjänsteföretag tillämpar One to One marketing och påvilket sätt de inför perspektivet inom sina arbetsrutiner. De aspekter som vi har funnit mestintressanta att undersöka är hur tjänsteföretagen uppfattar One to One marketing och vilkalikheter samt skillnader det finns mellan teorin och empirin. Tjänsteföretagen som vi harintervjuat till vår uppsats är Reklambyrån Mecka, Nordea Private Banking och ICA Banken.Läsarna får en inblick i och kommer nära inpå tjänsteföretagens interna verksamhet.Konsumenter är den största anledningen till den goda lönsamhet som varje företag vill uppnå.Konsumenter är den drivande kraften bakom köpmarknaden och det gäller att lyckas få tag pådem som ger mest avkastning. Att vara kundorienterad och lyckas uppnå denna så kalladeskräddarsydda orienteringen, gentemot kunden, är ett av huvudmålen med One to One. Innanjust detta kan åstadkommas, finns det en hel del faktorer att ta hänsyn till, förbättra och införainom företagens system. Det hela går ut på att skapa en unik samt lärande relation mellanföretag och kund, just för att öka precisionen i marknadsföringen. Företaget låter kunden läraden, hur denne vill bli bemöt och vilka varor/tjänster den föredrar att konsumera och på vilketsätt. Fokus inom One to One marketing ligger på att erhålla kundandelar, framförmarknadsandelar.Undersökningen visar att One to One marketing används i praktiken men att företagen intebenämner det på samma sätt som litteraturen/här. Enligt våra respondenter definierasperspektivet på samma sätt, så som den fastställs inom teorin. När kundens behov blirtillfredställda, förblir kunden lojal företaget, något som leder till en långsiktig relation mellanföretaget och kunden. IT spelar en kritisk roll inom perspektivet och underlättar självaarbetsprocessen som även medför att företag kan skräddarsy individuella erbjudanden för sinakunder. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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Factors impacting the integration of one-to-one computing initiative into learning and teaching in AzerbaijanMammadov, Samir January 2016 (has links)
During recent decades the educational community around the world has witnessed an increasing interest in programmes aiming at providing teachers as well as learners of all ages with direct access to personal computing devices and the vast amount of information such provision enables. These types of programmes are known as “one-to- one computing”, a term that indicates a very widespread distribution of computers in educational settings. Research into such patterns of provision has accordingly become a priority. Understandably, the realities of one-to-one programme implementation vary considerably across the nations, since cultural setting, educational system, customs of technology use and teachers’ experiences are all significant aspects that influence the process. However, there can be certain commonalities across all these aspects in countries whose educational systems have a largely shared history, as is the case in the former Soviet Union states. Azerbaijan’s experience in the field, as one of the countries with a post-soviet educational system going through curriculum reforms, was very attractive for a comprehensive study with the primary focus on identifying the factors influencing the infusion of one-to-one computing into learning and teaching. The research question developed for this study was: “What factors influence the integration of one-to-one computing into teaching and learning?” Qualitative research methods were used to gather data at three purposively selected schools, two in the capital city of Baku and one in a provincial town. The research data were collected by conducting classroom observations, interviews and focus group discussions with main stakeholders of the programme allowing for investigation of students’, teachers’ and parents’ experiences throughout the implementation process. Using a constructivist grounded theory approach the gathered data were analyzed in two major stages: the first one employed the ‘helicopter view’ approach to attain a preliminary picture, followed by the process of coding, memo-writing and analysis. The second stage of the analysis resulted in a thematic summary into teacher, student and classroom-dynamics-related categories. The findings revealed that the students were the most enthusiastic about the changes brought to the learning process with the introduction of the lightweight, small and inexpensive devices, commonly known as netbooks. The students improved their technological skills and knowledge and applied these skills in acquiring domain knowledge. By providing students with netbooks, the one-to-one programme introduced anytime, anywhere, and individualized learning opportunities. The study also revealed that the introduction of netbooks was leading to students developing collaborative learning skills. In addition, the study found that most of the teachers were developing new teaching methods to continue the programme implementation. They invested extra time and worked hard, notwithstanding the lack of guidelines both on the integration of technology with pedagogy and on meeting newly-set National Curriculum standards. Some teachers overcame the technological challenges that arose along the way eagerly, while others used them as an excuse to discontinue the programme implementation. The parents’ opinions varied considerably, some of them supported the innovation, while others considered the frequent usage of technology excessive, unnecessary and potentially damaging to their children’s health. The latter group of parents expected their children to be taught similarly to them, with a primary focus on the development of handwriting and speaking skills as well as the habits of reading printed books. The research has identified eight major factors influencing the integration of one-to-one computing into teaching and learning: embedding ICT in the curriculum, fostering of exploratory learning, student satisfaction, new learning practices, professional development, school leadership support, teacher beliefs and parental support. Most importantly, the findings have revealed the importance of addressing teacher professional development in terms of integrating technology with pedagogy and meeting curriculum standards through technology-infused teaching methods. These factors indicate the improvements needed for successful programme implementation. It is hoped that the results can be adopted by educational leaders to inform their decisions on one-to-one programmes, thereby contributing to successful integration.
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Managing One-to-One Initiatives: Implementation Analysis Through Expert ElicitationSelvidge, Jordan R 01 December 2016 (has links)
A qualitative phenomenological study was conducted to identify and analyze issues in the implementation of one-to-one computing initiatives and provide solutions for improvement. An understanding of the implementation process was developed through the analysis of data collected through 27 interviews with teacher experts in the field who have worked with the implementation of one-to-one programs. Teachers were purposely selected from the following groups: those who were completing their first year of teaching, those who had between two and ten years of teaching experience, and those who had eleven plus years of total teaching experience. This study distinctly addresses one-to-one initiatives from both placing importance on the utilization of negative knowledge and in simultaneously treating teacher perceptions as a valid reality. Issues associated with the implementation of one-to-one initiatives develop at a faster speed than traditional school structures are accustomed to respond to. Successful one-to-one management requires a responsive, interconnected, and efficient organizational structure. This research has significance for the improvement of one-to-one initiative implementation efforts. The findings contained in this research have the potential to benefit teachers, administrators, and other stakeholders associated with the implementation of one-to-one initiatives.
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The Nature of Questioning Moves Used by Exemplary Teachers During Reading InstructionLundy, Melinda M 21 May 2008 (has links)
This study examines and describes the nature of questioning moves used by two exemplary fourth-grade teachers during reading instruction. Questioning moves are defined in this study as the ways in which teachers use scaffolding questions to engage students in talk about text. Another point of interest in this study was to determine how teachers perceive the influence of instructional materials on the language they use to engage students in talk about text.
This study was situated within a constructivist paradigm of inquiry and drew from the case study tradition for its design. Naturalistic methods of data collection were employed including transcripts of teacher and student talk, field notes, videotapes, and interviews with the teachers. Data analysis was conducted in two stages. First data were analyzed separately within each case to locate emerging patterns to build each teacher's profile. Then data were juxtaposed for the purpose of comparison to illuminate similarities and differences in patterns that cut across cases.
In general, results show that while questioning moves used by exemplary fourth-grade teachers are different, they are simple and subtle. The questioning moves used provided scaffolding for the purpose of increasing the students' responsibility for constructing meaning from text and signaled teachers' high expectations in their students' ability to read and interact with text. Teachers' use of questioning moves was determined by the instructional focus and hinged on the nature, intensity, and support of their professional development opportunities and experiences. Additional findings, indirectly related to teachers' use of questioning moves, and the influences on their use, were themed around the nature of attention that teachers gave to their classroom environment and instructional design. Implications of the results of this study for reading teachers and educators are themed around issues of professional development and time.
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