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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La participation du consommateur dans les services financiers : Dynamiques et évolutions / Customer participation in financial services : Dynamics and evolution

Ozcan, Meral 06 October 2017 (has links)
Ce travail comprend une analyse détaillée des pratiques managériales des communautés virtuelles dans le secteur banquier. Nous nous sommes intéressés aux dynamiques managériales de la co-production parce que la plupart des études liées à la coproduction concernent les produits et les consommateurs. De plus, la littérature actuelle sur la coproduction manque des investigations empiriques dans les services financiers. Nous avons commencé par proposer des définitions pour pouvoir comprendre et analyser les concepts que nous mobilisons. La participation des clients a été définie comme la mesure dans laquelle le client est impliqué dans la production et le dévouement du service (Dabholkar, 1990). La coproduction est également définie comme engageant les clients en tant que participants actifs dans le travail de l'organisation (Lengnick Hall et al, 2000). Nous avons identifié quatre courants importants qui expliquent chronologiquement la participation du consommateur au développement de nouveaux produits/services: Marketing des services, l’approche managériale, la participation basée sur l’innovation, l’approche qui critique la participation du consommateur. La question de recherche centrale est "Comment et pourquoi les banques engagent-elles leurs clients dans un processus de co-production?" Nous avons identifié quatre dimensions au début de la recherche pour pouvoir comprendre les dynamiques managériales. Les dimensions étaient l’objectif, le processus, les résultats et les problèmes de la participation du consommateur. Nous avons décidé d’étudier cinq différentes institutions financières Européennes. Nous avons réalisé une conception de recherche des études de cas multiples afin de répondre à cette question dans un contexte financier. Nous avons identifié différents types de communautés chacune ayant des fonctions et des objectifs différents : communautés de recherche, communautés d'innovation, communauté de coopération ouverte avec des activités. Ces trois types de communauté ont des processus différents. La deuxième découverte est liée à l'évolution de ces communautés avec le temps. Certaines communautés (ING et Cetelem) ont évolué; Nous voyons une transformation de ces communautés selon les besoins et les priorités des institutions financières. Quant aux caractéristiques de ces institutions, processus et problèmes, l'analyse de ces banques montre que trois dynamiques importantes alimentent la construction et la gestion d'une communauté dans un contexte financier: client-centricité, soutien managérial et besoin d'innovation. D’après nos observations, le problème principal porte sur la gestion de la communauté. Il est difficile de gérer une communauté ouverte où n'importe qui peut venir et publier des idées et des critiques négatives. Les problèmes techniques, bureaucratiques et budgétaires existent aussi. La recherche, l'innovation et la coproduction de nouveaux produits et services sont les motifs les plus courants. Cependant, les motivations des communautés ouvertes étaient plus liées aux affaires. Le principal motif d'ouverture des communautés était la réduction des coûts, outre la réduction des coûts, l'augmentation de la fidélité des consommateurs, le contact plus étroit avec les clients, leur engagement et l'attribution de nouvelles tâches à la communauté. Comme indiqué plusieurs fois par Von Hippel (2006) et Kozinets (1999), les communautés en ligne sont des mécanismes efficaces pour l’étude du marché. En plus, les communautés sont également importantes pour accroitre la notoriété de la marque (Seraj 2012), la visibilité et la meilleure communication interne et la coopération (Ramasvamy et Gouillart 2010), le partage du savoir-faire et l'élimination des barrières entre les différents départements. / This work investigates managerial dynamics of customer participation and its evolution in financial context. We are interested in managerial dynamics because most of the studies related in co-production is about consumers and the current literature on co-production lacks empirical investigations in financial services. Despite its increasing popularity in the last decade co-production is not a new phenomenon. Customer participation has existed since a very long period of time especially in services marketing and is still evolving in different industries. The following definitions have been adopted for this research. Customer participation has been defined as "the degree to which the customer is involved in producing and delivering the service" (Dabholkar 1990, p. 484). Lengnick–Hall et al (2000) define co-production as “engaging customers as active participants in the organization’s work”. A comprehensive analysis of marketing literature about co-production and consumer participation issues leads us to four different approaches: a services marketing approach focusing on largely customer participation, a managerial approach that puts the customer at the center of co-creation process, an innovative approach where the customer actively takes part in innovation, a critical approach focusing on working consumer concept. The central question for the research is “How and why do banks engage their customers in co-production? Four constructs have been selected in order to answer this question: motives, processes problems and outcomes. Five European banks have been selected for the study. A detailed multiple case study analysis revealed three different community types: market research communities, Innovation communities, Cooperation communities. Another contribution is about the evolution of these communities in time. Some communities (ING and Cetelem) evolved according to needs and priorities of financial institutions. The analysis of these banks shows that three important dynamics feed building and managing a community in financial context: customer centricity, managerial support and the need for innovation. In addition, these three different community types have different processes. Problems of community management in financial industry are also investigated in detail in order to better answer “how” question. Besides financial, technical and organizational problems, the most important problem seems to be the management of open and harsh criticisms. The second important problem is the efficient community management in financial industry. In addition, internal dynamics, complexity and intangibility of financial services and resistance to change may also complicate effective community management. According to our findings, motives of financial institutions are not much different from motives of other companies. Research, innovation and co-production of new products and services are most common motives. However motives of open communities were different, they were more business related. Main motive for open communities was cost-cutting, besides cost-cutting, increasing consumers’ loyalty, having a closer contact with clients, engaging them and assigning the community new tasks are also important motives. According to our findings, there are also common and different outcomes for these three different communities. As stated several times by Von Hippel (2006) and Kozinets (1999) online communities are efficient mechanisms for marketing research. Our findings also supported their results. Besides, communities are also important in increasing brand awareness (Seraj 2012), visibility and better internal communication and cooperation (Ramasvamy and Gouillart 2010), know-how sharing and breaking down the barriers between different departments.

Jak sociologicky zkoumat pitný režim? / How to research drinking regime sociologically?

Bartůšková, Monika January 2018 (has links)
The main topic of this diploma thesis is comparison of two different methods of research. The first method is diary and the second method is online community. The subject of research in which these methods are compared with each other is the drinking regime of university students, more precisely the situation in which different drinks are consumed by university students. A total of twenty university students were involved in the research that is of a qualitative nature, with ten students in one research method. For one week, the students recorded not only all the drinks they drank per week, but also the circumstances of consuming these beverages, such as time of consumption, place, reasons for consumption etc. The diploma thesis outlines the differences between these research methods in terms of research results, frequency and quantity of information obtained, preparation and implementation of the methods, analysis of acquired data, as well as the perception of these methods by the respondents themselves. The resulting data analysis presents the benefits and limits of each of the selected methods in the situational research of the drinking regime and also suggests possible implications for further research.

”Man får in något slags rättsväsende som skyddar kvinnor” -En kvalitativ studie om systerskap(ande) online med våldet som gemensam erfarenhet

Lindsmyr, Elin January 2020 (has links)
This study aims to understand how women’s interactions in online based forums concerningexperiences of violence contributes to practices of sisterhood. Women’s interactions havebeen analysed using conceptual understandings of awareness-raising and sisterhood. Thestudy’s primary contributions are the theoretical concepts: Linear and Circular practices ofsisterhood. The concepts are coined and introduced with the aim to make divergences withincontemporary understandings and practices of sisterhood visible. Circular practices ofsisterhood refer to the traditional practice based on a ‘give-and-take’ relation, with emotionalcloseness. Linear practices of sisterhood aim to delineate how sisterhood can be practices ‘to’someone, rather than ‘between’ two women. Linear practices of sisterhood can be explainedas: A practices sisterhood towards B, with the aim for B to be able to practice sisterhoodtowards C, and so on. I suggest that this change within traditionally central concepts is a resultof a professionalised work and movement towards men’s violence on women.My study is based on eight semi structured interviews. Five informants represented ‘shelterorganisations’, (referred to as formal forums) and three informants who represented accountson Instagram (referred to as informal forums). The interviews were centred around howwomen’s interactions concerning experiences of violence is understood and practiced withinthese forums. This study draws the conclusion that both formal and informal forumsunderstand women’s interactions concerning experiences of violence similarly. This as all ofthe informants understand violence as a female experience where interactions women-towomen has a certain value. All of the informants also describe these interactions as stipulatingpractices of sisterhood. What on the other hand differs between formal and informal forumsare the changes within the practices of awareness-raising and practices of sisterhood in theformal forums. With the support of Jeffner (1994) and Helmersson (2017) I argue thesechanges is a result sprung from the societies will to professionalise the work with men’sviolence on women. / I föreliggande studie har kvinnors interaktioner i onlinebaserade rum studerats i syftet attförstå hur erfarenhetsdelande och medvetandehöjning med våldet som gemensam erfarenhetbidrar till systerskap(ande). Kvinnors interaktioner har analyserats utifrån de(kvinno)historiskt centrala koncepten medvetandehöjning och systerskap. Studiens primärabidrag är de teoretiska koncepten Linjära och Cirkulära systerskap(anden). Konceptenintroduceras i syftet att bredda förståelsen av systerskap(anden) och synliggör en differens ipraktiker av samtida systerskap(anden). Cirkulära systerskap åsyftar den traditionellapraktiken där ett givande och tagande med emotionell närhet står i centrum. Linjärasysterskap(anden) ämnar synliggöra en förändrad praktik av systerskap. I linjärasysterskap(anden) systerskap(ar) kvinnor i ’etapper’, dvs, A systerskap(ar) med B för att Bska kunna systerskap(a) med C. Utifrån min studie föreslår jag att denna förändring är ettresultat av en professionalisering av kvinnors organisering mot mäns våld mot kvinnor.Min studie baseras på åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer. Fem informanter representerade’jourorganisationer’ (omnämnda som formella rum) och tre informanter representeradeInstagramkonton (omnämnda som informella rum). Intervjuerna centrerades kring hurkvinnors erfarenhetsdelande om våld förstås och görs i ’deras’ rum. Slutsatser som jag istudien drar är att informanter från både formella och informella rum förstår kvinnligterfarenhetsdelande på liknande vis. Detta då dem förstår våld som en kvinnlig erfarenhet därinteraktioner kvinna till kvinna har ett värde, och beskriver detta som (olika former av)systerskap(ande). Däremot skiljer sig praktiker, eller ’görandet’, av kvinnligterfarenhetsdelande. Dessa förändrade praktiker i de formella rummen argumenterar jag, medstöd av Jeffner (1994) och Helmersson (2017), är ett resultat av ett professionaliserat arbetemot mäns våld mot kvinnor

Passive radicalisation without mobilisation : A narrative analysis of collective identities and emotions as driving forces of online radicalisation

Lewenhaupt, Ida January 2020 (has links)
Scholars often consider ideology a crucial factor for radicalisation, but some groups appear radical even though they have been described as lacking clear ideologies. This thesis will explore why members of the incel community appear radical despite the community’s lack of a rigid ideology. I explore this through a narrative analysis focusing on collective identities and emotions as narrated and potential driving forces of radicalisation. My study has identified two narratives, the incel as inferior and the incel as superior. The analysis shows that radicalisation is more prominent in the second narrative. In the first narrative, the victimhood and hopelessness serve as a foundation for the expressions of violence found in the second one based on perceived injustices. My findings suggest that the narration of collective identities and emotional dimensions is crucial for the radicalisation of members of the incel community since collective identities create a sense of belonging to the community and guide actions based on “emotional batteries”.

Lernen und Lernmotivation durch Online-Communities: Eine empirische Untersuchung der Studyblr-Community

Nguyen, Hoang Long 01 November 2017 (has links)
No description available.

The Internet as a Space of Different Nostalgic Visions of the USSR by the Russian-speaking Internauts

Amosava, Tatsiana 01 February 2022 (has links)
Nostalgia for the Soviet past has been relevant for more than three decades since the demise of the USSR in 1991. The first scholars who studied this phenomenon believed that it related to backward Soviet mentality typical of the old generations. However, with the passage of time it has become clear that young people also not only express interest in the Soviet legacy, but many of them clearly state that they have nostalgia for the USSR. Here, we encounter an intriguing question: can we contend that nostalgia may be provoked by the live experience only, or it can be a longing for the unexperienced past? Nowadays, there are many online nostalgic Russian-speaking communities that provide rich material for studying post-Soviet nostalgia. But Russian language should not be confused with “Russianness”. Moreover, as we go deeper into this topic, we understand that those people who are nostalgic for the USSR, experience longing for different aspects of the Soviet life, depending on their ethnic belonging. This study addresses the difference between Russians who long for the grandeur of the Soviet Union which was the most powerful and effective embodiment of the Russian empire, and the representatives of other nationalities who have another perspective on their Soviet past. This thesis deals a lot with the issue of values, because, as it is shown in the research, longing for socialism is not a matter of age, but rather a matter of values. The most essential point which is recalled by many nostalgic persons is aspiration for the future. Now Russia and other post-Soviet countries do not have a clear plan for the future, while the USSR provided its population with a goal for future development. On the other hand, many nostalgic subjects admit, that a unique spirituality that was embedded in Soviet life is lost. It is another paradox, because the Soviet state was atheist, and now in Russia and other former Soviet republics, religion plays a significant role, however, the decrease of morals in comparison to Soviet times is apparent. Therefore, this thesis discusses compatibility of Communist (socialist) values and religion. Many nostalgic subjects feel that the USSR was a bastion of science and technological advancement in comparison to the backward obscurantist Russia of today. They mourn the downfall of the USSR as a failed project of modernity. This is another important topic that is addressed in the thesis. This study is based on online ethnographies of a few nostalgic communities on three Russian-speaking internet platforms: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and Facebook. Initially, the focus of the study was on a group level of analysis, but the most valuable portion of this project turned out to be interviews conducted with individual participants of the studied communities. The research participants were from the following countries: Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russian and Ukraine. The task of this research was to understand the nature of their nostalgia and to reveal their visions of the to-be-restored USSR. Depending on their worldviews (socialist/ non-socialist, nationalist/internationalist) the research participants provided very different and instructive pictures of this new potential unity which the researcher approached from the perspective of Benedict Anderson’s theory on imagined communities.

Avatar Customization Across Worlds and Time

Burridge, Sean 30 December 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Trauern in virtueller Gemeinschaft. Geteiltes Gefühl in Online Gemeinschaften

Döveling, Katrin, Wasgien, Katrin January 2013 (has links)
Der diesjährige Call for Papers hebt es hervor: „Internet-basierte Technologien wie z.B. Social Media Werkzeuge, aber auch (soziale) Intranet-Systeme und Wissensplattformen bestimmen mehr denn je Lernen, Forschen und Arbeiten in Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Bildung und insbesondere das private (Zusammen)Leben.“ Dies betrifft jedoch nicht nur das berufliche Miteinander. Soziale Plattformen führen zu Vergemeinschaftung (Weber, 1922), stabilisieren Freundschaften (Fischer, 2012) und erweitern unsere Möglichkeiten der Kommunikation (ebd.). Zunehmend wird dabei nicht nur Wissen ausgetauscht, sondern – wie obiges Beispiel zeigt - vor allem auch Emotionen. Das Teilen von emotionalen Inhalten rückt nicht nur bei Menschen in den Vordergrund, die an Krankheiten leiden und versuchen, die daraus entstandene Situation auf diese Art zu bewältigen, sondern – wie obiger Auszug darlegt – auch bei Personen, die einen geliebten Nahestehenden verloren haben. Das Teilen von Emotionen geschieht unter anderem auf virtuellen Friedhöfen, den sogenannten Memorials, aber auch auf Online-Plattformen, auf denen Betroffene sich aktiv mit Gleichgesinnten austauschen können, den sogenannten Trauer-Foren. (...)

Asexuality in Avengers Fanfiction: A Mixed-Methods Folklore Study

Stork, Sarah Jasmine January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Virtual Hood: Exploring The Hip-hop Culture Experience In A British Online Community.

Cherjovsky, Natalia 01 January 2010 (has links)
In this fast-paced, globalized world, certain online sites represent a hybrid personal-public sphere'where like-minded people commune regardless of physical distance, time difference, or lack of synchronicity. Sites that feature chat rooms and forums can offer a deep-rooted sense of community and facilitate the forging of relationships and cultivation of ideologies. This dissertation investigates whether this trend is relevant to web sites concerning hip-hop. This genre is arguably one of the most pervasive and influential global cultural forms, yet it is markedly different from most other forms of globalized culture because it emerged within and is still embedded in a distinct subculture. The notion that the Internet could become a bastion for hip-hop fans is quite paradoxical: hip hop is a cultural form so deeply rooted in the sense of place and so invested in its relationship to spatiality that it could potentially pose a particular challenge to the notion of virtual communities. This research examines the virtual hip-hop experience in the UK in order to assess whether this music and the culture that surrounds it have been adopted in their original American form or whether they have been adapted to make them more relevant to their new locale. In particular, the study probes how the ideology, values, behaviors and attitudes that bestride American hip-hop are represented, consumed, and reproduced on the mediated world of web sites.

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