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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kroppsuppskattning och instagrams roll i ortorexi / The Role of Body Appreciation and Instagram on Orthorexia

Nilses, Emilia, Fjellet Törnström, Linn January 2018 (has links)
Kan kroppsuppskattning och instagramanvändning predicera Ortorexi? Ortorexi är ett växande fenomen som innebär maniskt hälsosamt ätande som kan påverka ens livsstil negativt. Även instagramanvändning blir allt mer populärt och används i allt högre grad av dagens unga vuxna i Sverige. Aktiv användning av social media har associerats med en sämre kroppsbild. Den här studiens syfte var att ta reda på om grad av kroppsuppskattning och instagramanvändning predicerar ortorexi. En enkätundersökning genomfördes på 228 studenter vid Örebro universitet. Resultatet visade att människor som har ett högre missnöje med sin kropp har större benägenhet att vara fixerade av att äta hälsosamt. Vi såg även att människor som använder instagram i högre utsträckning har en större fixering av att äta hälsosamt. Studiens fynd tillsammans med förslag till vidare forskning inom ortorexi diskuteras. / Could body appreciation and Instagram use predict Orthorexia? Orthorexia is a growing phenomena that means a manic degree of eating healthy that could affect one’s lifestyle negatively. Instagram usage is becoming increasingly more popular and are used more and more frequently among the younger adults in Sweden. An active use of social media has been associated with a lower appreciation to one’s body. This study aims to find out if the degree of body appreciation and Instagram usage predicts Orthorexia. A survey was conducted on 228 students at Örebro University. The results showed that people that have a higher degree of dissatisfaction to one’s body are more likely to be fixated of eating healthy. We also noticed that people that used Instagram more frequently have a higher fixation of eating healthy. The findings of the study together with suggestions for further research within orthorexia is discussed.

Personliga tränares upplevelser om möjligheterna att upptäcka och påverka ohälsosamma träningsbeteenden hos sina klienter

Moreno, Jackie, Lövberg, Magdalena January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Träningsvanor som går till överdrift riskerar att leda till allvarliga negativa hälsokonsekvenser och utbredningen av dessa ohälsosamma träningsbeteenden ökar. Personliga tränare (PT) har en potentiell möjlighet att upptäcka samt påverka utövare vars träningsbeteenden föranleder en destruktiv inverkan på hälsan. Syfte: Syftet med föreliggande studie är att beskriva hur PT på gym i Sverige upplever att de kan upptäcka ohälsosamma träningsbeteenden och påverka personer som befinner sig i riskgrupp. Metod: En kvalitativ studie baserad på fem semistrukturerade intervjuer med PT på svenska gym. Datamaterialet transkriberades och analyserades med en induktiv konventionell innehållsanalys där meningsbärande enheter identifierades och kondenserades för att belysa och presentera det essentiella innehållet. Resultat: Ohälsosamma träningsbeteenden beskrivs som överdrivna, kontrollerande, extrema och tvångsmässiga. Samtal med klienterna är en vanlig metod som PT använder för att identifiera och förebygga ohälsosamma träningsvanor. Klienternas individuella och unika förutsättningar försvårar dock PTs möjligheter att fatta rätt beslut. PTs moral, synen på sin ansvarsroll samt klienternas benägenhet att kommunicera uppriktigt är samverkande faktorer som påverkar PTs möjlighet att upptäcka och åtgärda riskbeteenden. Deltagarna anser sig inte alltid ha det primära ansvaret för klienternas hälsoutfall men uttrycker önskemål om tydligare riktlinjer som konkretiserar ett hälsofrämjande arbete med personer i riskgrupp. Slutsats: PT som yrkesgrupp har i varierad utsträckning möjlighet att upptäcka ohälsosamma träningsbeteenden på gym. Vilka strategier som tillämpas varierar med anledning av bristfälliga riktlinjer på svenska gymkedjor. Studiens fynd visar ett behov av evidensbaserade handlingsprogram som konkretiserar ansvarsfördelningen och skapar tydliga riktlinjer för att reducera ohälsosamma träningsbeteenden och främja folkhälsan. / <p>Betyg i Ladok 240111.</p>

Är Instagram en pådrivande faktor till utvecklande av Ortorexi? : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys om hur flödet av bilder på Instagram påverkar unga kvinnors kroppsuppfattning, fysiska aktivitet och matvanor i relation till fenomenet ortorexi.

Andersson, Izabelle January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore if young women aged 18-20 years experienced that Instagram affected their body image, their physical activity and their eating habits in relation to the phenomenon orthorexia. The method for the study was a qualitative content analysis based on semi-structured interviews with four young women with the age of 18-20 years old. The results showed that Instagram affected young women's body image, their physical activity and their eating habits. Primarily body image and physical activity were most affected, eating habits were less affected. The results showed that there were both a positive and a negative impact, but by far a negative impact. Respondents experienced feelings like anxiety and guilt when, for example, a training session did not go as planned or after they had eaten an unhealthy meal. Their mindset and emotions that came forward in the results were partly linked to the phenomenon of orthorexia. The young women were adversely affected by the pictures and videos on Instagram and also by other social media. They exposed themselves to develop mental and physical ill health. Society should consider prioritizing the young women to prevent them from falling into the mindset that is similar to the phenomenon of orthorexia. / Syftet med studien var att utforska vad unga kvinnor i åldern 18-20 år hade för upplevelser och erfarenheter om hur Instagram påverkade deras kroppsuppfattning, deras fysiska aktivitet och deras matvanor i relation till fenomenet ortorexi. Metoden för studien var en kvalitativ innehållsanalys baserat på semi-strukturerade intervjuer med fyra unga kvinnor i åldern 18-20 år. Resultatet visade att flödet på Instagram påverkade unga kvinnors kroppsuppfattning, deras fysiska aktivitet och deras matvanor. Främst var det kroppsuppfattning och fysisk aktivitet som påverkades, matvanor påverkades mindre. Resultatet visade att det både var en positiv och en negativ påverkan, däremot var det främst en negativ påverkan. Respondenterna upplevde känslor som ångest och skuld när ett planerat träningspass uteblev eller efter konsumtion av en onyttig måltid exempelvis. Deras tankesätt och känslor kunde delvis kopplas till fenomenet ortorexi. De unga kvinnorna påverkades negativt av flödet av bilder på Instagram samt andra sociala medier. De utsatte sig själva för risken att utveckla psykisk och fysisk ohälsa. Samhället bör överväga att prioritera unga kvinnor för att undvika att de hamnar i det tankesätt som liknar fenomenet ortorexi.

Informovanost žáků vybraných středních škol o problematice orthorexie / Awareness of students selected secondary schools on the issue orthorexia

Janečková, Karolína January 2013 (has links)
TITLE: Awareness of students selected secondary schools on the issue orthorexia AUTHOR: Bc. Karolína Janečková DEPARTMENT: Pedagogy department SUPERVISOR: PaedDr. Eva Marádová, CSc. ABSTRACT: The topic of my dissertation is orthorexia nervosa, one of the modern eating disorders, and the impact of a Czech school on its development. The aim of this dissertation is to identify what knowledge about orthorexia issues the secondary medical school students have, what is their opinion on eating disorders, and to suggest a sample lesson focusing on this problem. To prove this fact, a quantitative research through a questionnaire has been used. This research was implemented in selected secondary medical schools and grammar schools. The results clearly indicate that students do not have sufficient knowledge about orthorexia and that the difference in the knowledge of medical students at secondary schools and grammar schools is negligible, although the composition of their diet is more concerned with secondary medical school students. In view of the fact of these and other findings, a draft of a sample lesson focusing on the issue of eating disorders and orthorexia has been developed. KEY WORDS: Orthorexia nervosa, eating disorders, Health education, excessive interests in healthy diet, diets, nourishment.

Dietas da moda e transtornos alimentares: a construção de sentidos na busca do corpo perfeito e da vida saudável. / Fad diets and eating disorders: the construction of meanings in the pursuit of the "perfect body" and the "healthy life".

Mariana Fernandes Costa 18 September 2014 (has links)
Com a maior valorização da alimentação saudável e o crescente interesse das pessoas em relação à dieta e à imagem corporal, observamos o desencadeamento de distúrbios do comportamento alimentar, como a ortorexia, e o espaço da mídia como divulgação de um padrão de corpo perfeito e da magia das dietas da moda. É uma pesquisa qualitativa que atende a proposta do curso de doutorado com resultados publicáveis em capítulos de livros ou artigos em periódico científico. Os artigos são encadeados por uma trajetória temática de construção de concepções de alimentação saudável que permeia o universo das dietas e dos transtornos alimentares na sociedade contemporânea. A metodologia segue referencial teórico-conceitual para fundamentação de análise de elementos variados selecionados do campo no decorrer da pesquisa, com técnicas de análise semiótica, revisão de literatura e análise interpretativa com analogia entre sistemas culturais distintos. Na primeira publicação, Dietas da moda: um processo incessante e ininterrupto..., foram analisadas e discutidas as dietas da moda em revistas impressas e sua relação com o consumo na sociedade. Em um segundo momento, foi necessário compreender o encanto que as dietas da moda suscitam no mundo de hoje. Este artigo, Dietas da moda: o feiticeiro, a magia e sua eficácia simbólica, corresponde a discussão da magia das dietas da moda na contemporaneidade, traçando uma analogia com textos de Claude Lévi-Strauss. O terceiro artigo, Ortorexia: o (des)encontro entre a saúde e a doença, questiona uma concepção de alimentação saudável que leva a ortorexia. Apresenta uma abordagem biopsicossocial por meio da revisão de literatura e reflexão conceitual do que é saúde, segundo Georges Canguilhem, explorando os conceitos de medicalização, biopoder e biopolítica de Michel Foucault. Na dieta da moda, seja alternativa, milagrosa ou mágica, é a moda e seus princípios de efemeridade, sedução e diferenciação que vão dirigir o olhar, principalmente das mulheres, para consumir a dieta evidenciada pela mídia, respaldada pelo discurso científico, fazendo parte de um processo incessante e ininterrupto pela busca do corpo perfeito e da vida saudável. Os elementos das dietas da moda, no senso comum, formam uma rede de encantamento comparada a rituais de magia descritos por Lévi-Strauss, como os papéis do feiticeiro e do enfeitiçado, que se organizam em torno da acusação para exibir a eficácia de um feitiço em algumas aldeias, e dos profissionais de saúde que nestas revistas são legitimados pelo saber, e dos consumidores das revistas enfeitiçados que reforçam resultados surpreendentes ou a própria idéia de alimentação saudável como algo mágico, no mundo atual. Na seqüência, a ortorexia é a exacerbação das benesses de uma alimentação saudável, a pessoa assume práticas alimentares para desintoxicação corporal a partir da pureza dos alimentos, recorre a uma disciplina e controle rigorosos da alimentação diária, criando normas dietéticas que levam ao isolamento e ao adoecimento, no sentido de saúde como uma potência para construção e adaptação de normas para um bem viver. A disseminação do biopoder e da biopolítica favorece a restrição de um regime de vida, voltado para o controle e a segurança. O indivíduo é responsabilizado por suas escolhas e adoecimento, pois poderia afastar os riscos à saúde com a medicalização, ou uma dieta saudável que o purificasse dos males. / With the largest recovery of healthy eating and the growing interest of people in relation to diet and body image, we observe the onset of eating disorders, as orthorexia, and the media as a space of disclosure of a perfect body standard and the magic of fad diets. It is a qualitative research that meets the proposed doctoral program with publishable results in book chapters or journal articles. The articles are linked by a thematic trajectory of constructing of healthy eating conceptions that permeates the whole of the diets and eating disorders in contemporary society. The methodology follows theoretical and conceptual framework for the analysis of various elements selected from the field during the research, with semiotic analysis techniques, literature review and interpretative analysis, with analogy between distincts cultural systems. In the first publication, Fad diets: an endless and uninterrupted process ..., were analyzed and discussed fad diets in print magazines and their relationship with the consumer society. In a second step, it was necessary to understand the charm that fad diets raise in current world. This article, Fad Diets: the sorcerer, magic and its symbolic efficacy corresponds a discussion of the magic fad diets in nowadays, drawing an analogy with two texts by Claude Lévi-Strauss. The third article, Orthorexia: the (mis)match between health and illness, questions the concept of healthy eating which leads to orthorexia. These article presents a biopsychosocial approach through literature review and conceptual reflection of what health is, according to Georges Canguilhem, exploring the concepts of medicalization, biopower and biopolitics of Michel Foucault. The fad diets are an alternative, miracle or magic. The fashion and its principles of ephemerality, seduction and differentiation that will drive the opinion, especially the women, to consume the diet evidenced by the media, backed by scientific discourse, part of an endless and uninterrupted process for search the "perfect body" and the "healthy living". The elements of fad diets, for the common sense, form a network of enchantment compared to magic rituals described by Lévi-Strauss, as the roles of the sorcerer and bewitched, which are organized around the prosecution to show the effectiveness of a spell in some villages, and the health professionals in these magazines who are legitimated by knowledge, and the bewitched consumers of magazines who show surprising results that reinforce the idea of healthy eating as something magical, in the current world. Subsequently, the orthorexia is the exacerbation of the benefits of a healthy diet. The people assume eating practices to detox the body from the purity of food, using a rigorous discipline and control of daily food, and creating dietary standards that lead to isolation and illness, the meaning of health as a power for the construction and adaptation of standards for the good living. The spread of the biopower and biopolitics favors the restriction of a scheme of life, based on the control and safety. The individual is responsible for their choices and illness because it could ward off the health risks with the medicalization, or with a healthy diet to cleanse the evils.

Dietas da moda e transtornos alimentares: a construção de sentidos na busca do corpo perfeito e da vida saudável. / Fad diets and eating disorders: the construction of meanings in the pursuit of the "perfect body" and the "healthy life".

Mariana Fernandes Costa 18 September 2014 (has links)
Com a maior valorização da alimentação saudável e o crescente interesse das pessoas em relação à dieta e à imagem corporal, observamos o desencadeamento de distúrbios do comportamento alimentar, como a ortorexia, e o espaço da mídia como divulgação de um padrão de corpo perfeito e da magia das dietas da moda. É uma pesquisa qualitativa que atende a proposta do curso de doutorado com resultados publicáveis em capítulos de livros ou artigos em periódico científico. Os artigos são encadeados por uma trajetória temática de construção de concepções de alimentação saudável que permeia o universo das dietas e dos transtornos alimentares na sociedade contemporânea. A metodologia segue referencial teórico-conceitual para fundamentação de análise de elementos variados selecionados do campo no decorrer da pesquisa, com técnicas de análise semiótica, revisão de literatura e análise interpretativa com analogia entre sistemas culturais distintos. Na primeira publicação, Dietas da moda: um processo incessante e ininterrupto..., foram analisadas e discutidas as dietas da moda em revistas impressas e sua relação com o consumo na sociedade. Em um segundo momento, foi necessário compreender o encanto que as dietas da moda suscitam no mundo de hoje. Este artigo, Dietas da moda: o feiticeiro, a magia e sua eficácia simbólica, corresponde a discussão da magia das dietas da moda na contemporaneidade, traçando uma analogia com textos de Claude Lévi-Strauss. O terceiro artigo, Ortorexia: o (des)encontro entre a saúde e a doença, questiona uma concepção de alimentação saudável que leva a ortorexia. Apresenta uma abordagem biopsicossocial por meio da revisão de literatura e reflexão conceitual do que é saúde, segundo Georges Canguilhem, explorando os conceitos de medicalização, biopoder e biopolítica de Michel Foucault. Na dieta da moda, seja alternativa, milagrosa ou mágica, é a moda e seus princípios de efemeridade, sedução e diferenciação que vão dirigir o olhar, principalmente das mulheres, para consumir a dieta evidenciada pela mídia, respaldada pelo discurso científico, fazendo parte de um processo incessante e ininterrupto pela busca do corpo perfeito e da vida saudável. Os elementos das dietas da moda, no senso comum, formam uma rede de encantamento comparada a rituais de magia descritos por Lévi-Strauss, como os papéis do feiticeiro e do enfeitiçado, que se organizam em torno da acusação para exibir a eficácia de um feitiço em algumas aldeias, e dos profissionais de saúde que nestas revistas são legitimados pelo saber, e dos consumidores das revistas enfeitiçados que reforçam resultados surpreendentes ou a própria idéia de alimentação saudável como algo mágico, no mundo atual. Na seqüência, a ortorexia é a exacerbação das benesses de uma alimentação saudável, a pessoa assume práticas alimentares para desintoxicação corporal a partir da pureza dos alimentos, recorre a uma disciplina e controle rigorosos da alimentação diária, criando normas dietéticas que levam ao isolamento e ao adoecimento, no sentido de saúde como uma potência para construção e adaptação de normas para um bem viver. A disseminação do biopoder e da biopolítica favorece a restrição de um regime de vida, voltado para o controle e a segurança. O indivíduo é responsabilizado por suas escolhas e adoecimento, pois poderia afastar os riscos à saúde com a medicalização, ou uma dieta saudável que o purificasse dos males. / With the largest recovery of healthy eating and the growing interest of people in relation to diet and body image, we observe the onset of eating disorders, as orthorexia, and the media as a space of disclosure of a perfect body standard and the magic of fad diets. It is a qualitative research that meets the proposed doctoral program with publishable results in book chapters or journal articles. The articles are linked by a thematic trajectory of constructing of healthy eating conceptions that permeates the whole of the diets and eating disorders in contemporary society. The methodology follows theoretical and conceptual framework for the analysis of various elements selected from the field during the research, with semiotic analysis techniques, literature review and interpretative analysis, with analogy between distincts cultural systems. In the first publication, Fad diets: an endless and uninterrupted process ..., were analyzed and discussed fad diets in print magazines and their relationship with the consumer society. In a second step, it was necessary to understand the charm that fad diets raise in current world. This article, Fad Diets: the sorcerer, magic and its symbolic efficacy corresponds a discussion of the magic fad diets in nowadays, drawing an analogy with two texts by Claude Lévi-Strauss. The third article, Orthorexia: the (mis)match between health and illness, questions the concept of healthy eating which leads to orthorexia. These article presents a biopsychosocial approach through literature review and conceptual reflection of what health is, according to Georges Canguilhem, exploring the concepts of medicalization, biopower and biopolitics of Michel Foucault. The fad diets are an alternative, miracle or magic. The fashion and its principles of ephemerality, seduction and differentiation that will drive the opinion, especially the women, to consume the diet evidenced by the media, backed by scientific discourse, part of an endless and uninterrupted process for search the "perfect body" and the "healthy living". The elements of fad diets, for the common sense, form a network of enchantment compared to magic rituals described by Lévi-Strauss, as the roles of the sorcerer and bewitched, which are organized around the prosecution to show the effectiveness of a spell in some villages, and the health professionals in these magazines who are legitimated by knowledge, and the bewitched consumers of magazines who show surprising results that reinforce the idea of healthy eating as something magical, in the current world. Subsequently, the orthorexia is the exacerbation of the benefits of a healthy diet. The people assume eating practices to detox the body from the purity of food, using a rigorous discipline and control of daily food, and creating dietary standards that lead to isolation and illness, the meaning of health as a power for the construction and adaptation of standards for the good living. The spread of the biopower and biopolitics favors the restriction of a scheme of life, based on the control and safety. The individual is responsible for their choices and illness because it could ward off the health risks with the medicalization, or with a healthy diet to cleanse the evils.

Estudio bibliométrico de artículos científicos de Psicología sobre ortorexia recogidos de la base de datos Scielo en el periodo de publicación 2014-2020 / Bibliometric study of scientific articles in psychology on orthorexia collected from the Scielo database in the publication period 2014-2020

Herrera Besich, Brunella 11 December 2020 (has links)
El objetivo del estudio fue realizar un análisis bibliométrico de las publicaciones científicas de la base de datos Scielo, para establecer información actual sobre los artículos científicos de Psicología sobre ortorexia. En primer lugar, se realizó una búsqueda de la variable ortorexia en la base de datos Scielo general, encontrándose un total de 12 artículos, de los cuales quedaron 10 artículos relacionados a temas de Psicología. Después, se realizó un análisis de datos para conocer las metodologías que utilizo cada investigación. Se pudo observar que todos los artículos presentaban abstract, palabras claves, introducción, discusión, resultados y referencias. Por último, se vio la importancia de realizar un estudio bibliométrico y lo relevante que es tocar el fenómeno de la ortorexia. / The objective of the study was to carry out a bibliometric analysis of the scientific publications of the Scielo database, to establish current information on the scientific articles of Psychology on orthorexia. First, a search was made for the orthorexia variable in the general Scielo database, finding a total of 12 articles, of which 10 articles related to Psychology topics remained. Afterwards, a data analysis was carried out to know the methodologies used by each investigation. It was observed that all the articles presented abstract, keywords, introduction, discussion, results and references. Finally, the importance of conducting a bibliometric study was seen and how relevant it is to touch on the phenomenon of orthorexia. / Trabajo de investigación

Souvislost ortorexie nervosa a projevů OCD u sportovců / The Relationship between ortorexia nervosa and OCD symptoms in athletes

Fiurášková, Ivona January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on orthorexia nervosa in connection with OCD. Theoretical part contains introduction, diagnostic criteria and methods of measuring. Increasing attention is given to risk groups and factors, which can affect the development of both disorders. Moreover, treatment options and comparison with other mental disorders are presented. The last part of theoretical part is focused on athletes in fitness centers, which are research subjects in the practical part of the thesis. The main goal of practical part is to find out connection between orthorexia nervosa and OCD in selected group of respondents (N=203). Main research survey has quantitative design. The ORTO-15 and Obsessive - Compulsive Inventory (OCI) surveys are used. Statistical analysis shows statistically significant correlation between orthorexia symptoms and obsessive - compulsive disorder symptoms. There is not any significant correlation between orthorexia and training frequency. However, there is statistically significant correlation between orthorexia symptoms and training frequency. The results also show that the occurrence of orthorexia is not sex-linked. Interviews with some responders have been added to research survey (N = 6). The gathered data were processed open coding and presented card unloading...

Souvislost ortorexie nervosa a projevů OCD u sportovců / The Relationship between ortorexia nervosa and OCD symptoms in athletes

Fiurášková, Ivona January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on orthorexia nervosa in connection with OCD. Theoretical part contains introduction, diagnostic criteria and methods of measuring. Increasing attention is given to risk groups and factors, which can affect the development of both disorders. Moreover, treatment options and comparison with other mental disorders are presented. The last part of theoretical part is focused on athletes in fitness centers, which are research subjects in the practical part of the thesis. The main goal of practical part is to find out connection between orthorexia nervosa and OCD in selected group of respondents (N=203). Main research survey has quantitative design. The ORTO-15 and Obsessive - Compulsive Inventory (OCI) surveys are used. Statistical analysis shows statistically significant correlation between orthorexia symptoms and obsessive - compulsive disorder symptoms. There is not any significant correlation between orthorexia and training frequency. However, there is statistically significant correlation between orthorexia symptoms and training frequency. The results also show that the occurrence of orthorexia is not sex-linked. Interviews with some responders have been added to research survey (N = 6). The gathered data were processed open coding and presented card unloading...

Propiedades Psicométricas de la Escala de Ortorexia Teruel (TOS) en estudiantes de nutrición / Psychometric properties of the Teruel Orthorexia Scale (TOS) in students of nutrition

Quintana Flores, Mariana 03 December 2021 (has links)
El objetivo de este estudio es examinar las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Ortorexia de Teruel (TOS) en estudiantes universitarios de la carrera de nutrición en Lima (Perú). Los participantes fueron 220 estudiantes universitarios de 18 a 30 años (77.27% mujeres, M = 22.57 años; D.E. = 2.78), quienes completaron los cuestionarios en línea. Se utilizó la escala TOS de 17 ítems con formato de respuesta Likert de 4 puntos. La estructura interna de la escala fue evaluada a través del Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio. Se encontró soporte a la estructura bidimensional de la escala, pero se requirió eliminar los ítems 7, 9, 13, 15. La consistencia interna fue aceptable, siendo los coeficientes alfa de Cronbach de .72 para Ortorexia Saludable, y de .73 para Ortorexia Nerviosa. En cuanto a la validez convergente se utilizó la Escala de Afecto Positivo y Negativo (PANAS) y la Intuitive Eating Scale (IES-2). Se encontraron correlaciones positivas y significativas entre la Ortorexia Saludable y el Afecto Positivo, y la Congruencia entre cuerpo y comida elegida. Por su parte, la Ortorexia Nerviosa correlacionó de manera positiva y significativa con el índice de masa corporal, la Congruencia entre cuerpo y comida elegida, el Afecto Negativo, y de manera negativa con el Permiso incondicional para comer y el Comer por razones físicas y no emocionales. Se concluye que la escala TOS cuenta con adecuadas propiedades psicométricas en la muestra de estudio. / The aim of the current study is to examine the psychometric properties of the Teruel Orthorexia Scale (TOS) in a sample of university students from an academic program of nutrition in Lima (Perú). Participants were 220 university students aged 18 to 30 years old (77.27% women, M = 22.57 years; D.E. = 2.78), who completed an online survey. We used the 17-item TOS scale that uses a Likert scale of four points. The internal structure of the scale was examined through a Confirmatory Factor Analysis. We found support for the bidimensional structure of the scale, but removing the items 7, 9, 13, 15. Internal reliability was acceptable, being the Cronbach's alpha values of .72 for Healthy Orthorexia and .73 for Orthorexia Nervosa. Regarding the convergent validity, we used the Positive and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS), and the Intuitive Eating Scale (IES-2). We found positive and significant correlations between Healthy Orthorexia and Positive Affect, and Body-Food Choice Congruence. On the other hand, Orthorexia Nervosa correlated positively and significantly with body mass index, Body-Food Choice Congruence, Negative Affect, and negatively with Unconditional Permission to Eat, and Eating for Physical Rather Than Emotional Reasons. It is concluded that the TOS has appropriate psychometric properties in the current sample. / Tesis

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