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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Residencias universitarias: Historia, arquitectura y ciudad

Gil Campuzano, Miguel Ángel 01 September 2015 (has links)
[EN] The present thesis studies the typological evolution of the university residence hall, considering its function as an active element of urban configuration, furthermore relating it with the Architecture itself, through the observation of technical progresses, formal, structural and functional changes in the programme and also about the expressive resources. Time frame covers a period from the Middle Ages until the second half of the twentieth century, but with special emphasis on the last stage. A four-section structuring is organized, side by side likely to be divided in a location-based way, in each appearing the university residence as a loyal reflection of the contemporary architecture to date. Its index collects: Architectural Precedents (Block I) ; The University Residence Hall in History (Block II); The University Residence in Spain (Block III); Halls of the "Ciudad Universitaria de Madrid" and Modern Architecture, (Block IV). Research is carried out in each block, setting the typologies under study. These so called types are what determine a model to be maintained over time, what is more being value-transmitter for the development of these models. The process sees through a general insight, located in the origins of these models, to a more limited range where it is particularized, and materializes the end of the developmental process. And so, pioneering models in their category are beheld, pondering their trend through multiple innovations that are evolved over the study period, establishing early twentieth century as the most remarkable. To obtain the evolutionary upshots of these foregoing historical case studies of University Residence Hall, the analysis is carried out in three different scales. In the first one, -from urban-wide scope-, it is reflected on how to implement the site of residence halls as residential elements within the university complex masterplanning. The mosaic of selected works reveals a transfer of urban-architectural styles that beset the international scene of this period co-occuring with the last time stage of the current investigated subject. As well, it deepens, in a second level -this time building-layout-based- , the plausible influence of several European and American streams that had been transmitted directly by the most prominent architects during their tours to Spain and especially the "Residencia de Estudiantes" in Madrid by the first decades of 20th Century. A third level, -aimed on the social focus-, addresses how the residential spaces in "UniversidadesLaborales" case-studies, and the new concept of Residence Hall named "Colegio Mayor" develops into a double duality. On the one hand, the individual achieves both individually and collectively upbringing and on the other hand, the "Colegio Mayor" unfolds in both its educational and residential areas. As a conclusion, the selected examples show an evolutionary process that, from the (historical) germinal synergy between university and city, passes through an intermediate stage of campus master planning and developing, to reach a final phase marked by social affairs, in where the constituent University Residence Hall building has turned into an architectural piece integrated in such Campus/University Town, and linked to the programmatic principles of the Architectural Modern Movement. / [ES] En la tesis se estudia la evolución tipológica de la residencia universitaria, planteando su función como elemento activo de la configuración urbana, además de relacionarla con la arquitectura en sí misma, a través de la observación de los avances técnicos, cambios formales, estructurales y funcionales, cambios en el programa y también respecto a los recursos expresivos. El marco cronológico abarca un periodo desde la edad media hasta la segunda mitad del siglo XX, aunque con un énfasis especial en la última etapa. Se organiza una estructuración en cuatro bloques diferentes, a su vez susceptibles de dividirse según geografías, apareciendo, en cada uno de ellos, la residencia universitaria como fiel reflejo arquitectónico del tiempo en el que se desarrolla. El índice recoge: Precedentes Arquitectónicos, (Bloque I); La Residencia Universitaria en la Historia, (Bloque II); La Residencia Universitaria en España, (Bloque III); Colegios Mayores de la Ciudad Universitaria de Madrid y la Arquitectura Moderna, (Bloque IV). La investigación se realiza, en cada uno de los bloques, estableciendo las tipologías que van a ser objeto de estudio. Éstas son las que determinan un modelo que sea perdurable en el tiempo y también transmisor de valores para el desarrollo de los siguientes modelos. El proceso va desde una óptica general amplia y situada en los orígenes de dichos modelos, hasta un rango más acotado donde se particulariza y concreta el final del proceso evolutivo. Por tanto, se observan unos modelos pioneros en su tipo, estudiando posteriormente su evolución a través de distintas innovaciones que se van desarrollando a lo largo de los periodos estudiados, estableciéndose como punto más destacable los inicios del siglo XX. Para obtener las conclusiones evolutivas de los citados modelos históricos de residencia universitaria, el análisis se lleva a cabo a partir de tres escalas diferentes. En la primera, de alcance urbano, se reflexiona sobre el modo de implantación de los colegios mayores como elemento residencial único dentro del conjunto universitario. En la muestra de obras seleccionadas se pone de manifiesto un trasvase de las tipologías urbano-arquitectónicas que caracterizan el escenario internacional del periodo que coincide con la última etapa de la materia investigada. Asimismo se reflexiona, en una segunda escala, ésta edilicia, la posible influencia de distintas corrientes europeas y americanas que habían sido transmitidas de forma directa por los arquitectos más destacados durante sus visitas a España y, especialmente a la Residencia de Estudiantes de Madrid en las primeras décadas del siglo XX. Una tercera escala enfocada hacia la dimensión social, contempla como los espacios residenciales de las Universidades Laborales y el nuevo concepto de Colegio Mayor evolucionan hacia una doble dualidad. De un lado, la persona se desarrolla tanto individual como colectivamente y del otro lado, el Colegio Mayor se desdobla en sus aspectos tanto formativos como residenciales. En síntesis, los ejemplos seleccionados nos muestran un proceso evolutivo que, desde la sinergia inicial (histórica) entre universidad y ciudad, se pasa por una fase intermedia de creación de recinto universitario, para llegar a una última etapa marcada por lo social, donde se observa que el edificio constituyente de la residencia universitaria se ha convertido en una pieza arquitectónica integrada en la ciudad universitaria y vinculada a los principios programáticos del Movimiento Moderno. / [CA] En la tesi s'estudia l'evolució tipològica de la residència universitària, plantejant la seua funció com a element actiu de la configuració urbana, a més de relacionar-la amb l'arquitectura en si mateixa, a través de l'observació dels avanços tècnics, canvis formals, estructurals i funcionals, canvis en el programa i també respecte als recursos expressius. El marc cronològic comprén un període des de l'edat mitjana fins a la segona mitat del segle XX, encara que amb un èmfasi especial en l'última etapa. S'organitza una estructuració en quatre blocs diferents, al seu torn susceptibles de dividir-se segons geografies, apareixent, en cada un d'ells, la residència universitària com a fidel reflectisc arquitectònic del temps en què es desenrotlla. L'índex arreplega: Precedents Arquitectònics, (Bloc I) ; La Residència Universitària en la Història, (Bloc II) ; La Residència Universitària a Espanya, (Bloc III) ; Col¿legis Majors de la Ciutat Universitària de Madrid i l'Arquitectura Moderna, (Bloc IV). La investigació es realitza, en cada un dels blocs, establint les tipologies que seran objecte d'estudi. Estes són les que determinen un model que siga perdurable en el temps i també transmissor de valors per al desenrotllament dels següents models. El procés va des d'una òptica general àmplia i situada en els orígens dels dits models, fins a un rang més tancat on es particularitza i concreta el final del procés evolutiu. Per tant, s'observen uns models pioners en el seu tipus, estudiant posteriorment la seua evolució a través de distintes innovacions que es van desenrotllant al llarg dels períodes estudiats, establint-se com a punt més destacable els inicis del segle XX. Per a obtindre les conclusions evolutives dels esmentats models històrics de residència universitària, l'anàlisi es du a terme a partir de tres escales diferents. En la primera, d'abast urbà, es reflexiona sobre el mode d'implantació dels col¿legis majors com a element residencial únic dins del conjunt universitari. En la mostra d'obres seleccionades es posa de manifest un transvasament de les tipologies urbà- arquitectòniques que caracteritzen l'escenari internacional del període que coincidix amb l'última etapa de la matèria investigada. Així mateix es reflexiona, en una segona escala, esta edilícia, la possible influència de distints corrents europees i americanes que havien sigut transmeses de forma directa pels arquitectes més destacats durant les seues visites a Espanya i, especialment a la Residència d'Estudiants de Madrid en les primeres dècades del segle XX. Una tercera escala enfocada cap a la dimensió social, contempla com els espais residencials de les Universitats Laborals i el nou concepte de Col¿legi Major evolucionen cap a una doble dualitat. D'un costat, la persona es desenrotlla tant individualment com col¿lectivament i de l'altre costat, el Col¿legi Major es desplega en els seus aspectes tant formatius com residencials. En síntesi, els exemples seleccionats ens mostren un procés evolutiu que, des de la sinergia inicial (històrica) entre universitat i ciutat, es passa per una fase intermèdia de creació de recinte universitari, per a arribar a una última etapa marcada pel social, on s'observa que l'edifici constituent de la residència universitària s'ha convertit en una peça arquitectònica integrada en la ciutat universitària i vinculada als principis programàtics del Moviment Modern / Gil Campuzano, MÁ. (2015). Residencias universitarias: Historia, arquitectura y ciudad [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/54132

The Platonism of Walter Pater

Lee, Adam S. January 2012 (has links)
After graduating from the Literae Humaniores course, which after the mid-nineteenth century came to revolve around Plato’s Republic, Walter Pater’s (1839-1894) professional duties spanning thirty years at Oxford were those of a philosophy teacher and lecturer of Plato. This thesis examines Pater’s deep engagement with Platonism in his work, from his earliest known piece, “Diaphaneitè” (1864), to his final book, Plato and Platonism (1893), treating both his criticism and fiction, including his studies on myth. Plato is an ideal philosopher, critic, and artist to Pater, exemplifying a literary craftsman who blends genres with the highest authority. Platonism is a point of contact with several of Pater’s contemporaries, such as Arnold and Wilde, from which we can take new measure of their critical relationships regarding aestheticism and Decadence. Pater’s idea of aesthetic education takes Platonism for its model, which heightens one’s awareness of reality in the recognition of form and matter. Platonism also provides a framework for critical encounters with figures across history, such as Wordsworth, Michelangelo and Pico della Mirandola in The Renaissance (1873), Marcus Aurelius and Apuleius in Marius the Epicurean (1885), and Montaigne and Giordano Bruno in Gaston de Latour (1896). In the manner Platonism holds that soul or mind is the essence of a person, Pater’s criticism, evident even in his fiction, seeks the mind of the author, so that his writing enacts Platonic love. Through close reading, we highlight his many references to Plato, identify Platonic subjects and themes, and explore etymological nuances in the very selection of his words, which often reveals a Platonic tendency of refinement towards immateriality, from seen to unseen beauty. As a teacher and an author Pater helped shape Oxonian Platonism, and through his writing we examine how Platonism informs his philosophy of aesthetics, history, myth, epistemology, ethics, language, and style.

Microbial DNA Sequencing in Environmental Studies

Hu, Yue January 2017 (has links)
The field of microbial ecology has just entered a new era of rapid technological development and generation of big data. The high-throughput sequencing techniques presently available provide an opportunity to extensively inventorize the blueprints of life. Now, millions of microbes of natural microbial communities can be studied simultaneously without prior cultivation. New species and new functions (genes) can be discovered just by mining sequencing data. However, there is still a tremendous number of microorganisms not yet examined, nor are the ecosystem functions these carry out. The modern genomic technologies can contribute to solve environmental problems and help us understand ecosystems, but to most efficiently do so, methods need to be continuously optimised.   During my Ph. D. studies, I developed a method to survey eukaryotic microbial diversity with a higher accuracy, and applied various sequencing-based approaches in an attempt to answer questions of importance in environmental research and ecology. In PAPER-I, we developed a set of 18S rRNA gene PCR primers with high taxonomic coverage, meeting the requirements of currently popular sequencing technologies and matching the richness of 18S rRNA reference sequences accumulated so far. In PAPER-II, we conducted the first sequencing-based spatial survey on the combined eukaryotic and bacterial planktonic community in the Baltic Sea to uncover the relationship of microbial diversity and environmental conditions. Here, the 18S primers designed in PAPER-I and a pair of broad-coverage 16S primers were employed to target the rRNA genes of protists and bacterioplankton for amplicon sequencing. In PAPER-III, we integrated metagenomic, metabarcoding, and metatranscriptomic data in an effort to scrutinise the protein synthesis potential (i.e., activity) of microbes in the sediment at a depth of 460 m in the Baltic Sea and, thus, disclosing microbial diversity and their possible ecological functions within such an extreme environment. Lastly, in PAPER-IV, we compared the performance of E. coli culturing, high-throughput sequencing, and portable real-time sequencing in tracking wastewater contamination in an urban stormwater system. From the aspects of cost, mobility and accuracy, we evaluated the usage of sequencing-based approaches in civil engineering, and for the first time, validated the real-time sequencing device in use within water quality monitoring.   In summary, these studies demonstrate how DNA sequencing of microbial communities can be applied in environmental monitoring and ecological research. / <p>Yue Hu was supported by a scholarship from the China Scholarship Council (CSC #201206950024)</p><p>Yue Hu has been publishing papers under the name "Yue O. O. Hu".</p><p>QC 20170403</p>

Kneeling function following total knee arthroplasty

Benfayed, Rida A. January 2018 (has links)
The ability to kneel is an important function of the knee joint, as it is required for many daily activities, including religious practices, professional occupations and recreational pursuits. The inability to kneel following total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is frequently a source of disappointment. This work investigates patients' understanding of the term 'kneeling' and what proportion of patients can kneel before and after TKA, as well as identifying the factors that can affect the ability to kneel following TKA. The underlying hypothesis tested was: 'There are no differences between kneeling ability before and after TKA'. Kneeling ability after TKA may be affected by many factors, including patient-specific factors, the extent of wear on RPC (Retro patellar Cartilage), postoperative AKP (Anterior Knee Pain) and post-operative ROM (Range of Motion). Thus a consecutive series of TKA patients were assessed to test the afore-mentioned hypothesis. In particular, the thesis has examined: • Interpretation of kneeling and perceptions of kneeling ability after TKA. • The extent of wear on Retro Patellar Cartilage (RPC) and its correlation to kneeling ability. • Sensory changes in the knee after TKA. • Preoperative and Postoperative Anterior Knee Pain (AKP) assessment. • The reality of kneeling ability before and after TKA. • Postoperative ROM of the knee and its correlation to kneeling function. The advice offered by healthcare professionals may contribute to a low postoperative rate of kneeling. The patellofemoral joint plays an essential role in knee function and a person's kneeling ability, may be greatly affected by the performance of this joint. Firstly, this study analysed the responses of two samples of participants drawn from diverse cultural backgrounds (Christian and Muslim), it examined their primary interpretation of what kneeling constitutes, along with a subjective assessment of the importance of kneeling in their everyday lives. Secondly, it explored patients' perceptions of their kneeling ability after TKA, with a comparative analysis of their responses to the kneeling questionnaire specifically constructed by the author and also the question in relation to kneeling in the Oxford Knee Score (OKS). The third component investigated retro-patellar cartilage (RPC) morphology using intraoperative examination and standardised photography. Fourthly, a cohort of patients listed for TKAs was followed prospectively, in order to assess their kneeling ability prior to and following treatment, along with identifying the factors that could affect this function, i.e. knee pain, range of motion, sensory changes and sensitivity to pain on the anterior aspect of the knee as assessed with dolorimetry. Differences were detected in the subjective interpretation of the kneeling function, as well as its importance, for the two diverse cultures involved in this study. Pain, as opposed to poor range of movement, was identified as the main reason which led to kneeling difficulties. The majority of respondents reported that it was either extremely difficult or impossible to kneel on the operated knee. The high flexed position (required for prayer in certain cultures) was the most difficult position to achieve for most of the patients. Prior to surgery, 30 patients were seen during this period, 15 (50%) out of 30 consecutive patients were unable to kneel in any position whatsoever. Of those who could kneel to some degree, the most common posture that they could achieve was the upright kneeling position. Considerable variations were found to occur in patients' understanding of the term 'kneeling'. Consequently, this has significant implications for the design and interpretation of questions in relation to kneeling for diverse cultures, which are characterised by distinct lifestyles. The current patient-based selfV administered questionnaires, such as the OKS, although useful as a simple measure of overall knee function, were found to have limitations as an effective assessment tool in the measurement of kneeling function either before or after TKA and indicate that there is a need for a culturally appropriate questionnaire to assess kneeling function. Retro-patellar cartilage lesions were very prevalent in patients undergoing TKA. However, no significant correlation existed between the total amount of retro-patellar cartilage wear and the ability to kneel. Patients were more likely to be able to kneel if the cartilage of the superior facets of the patella were disease free (P=0.02). At the six months post-surgery stage, of the 14 consecutive patients, who could kneel pre-operatively 6 were able to kneel post-operatively. Of the 13 consecutive patients who were unable to kneel pre-operatively, all were unable to kneel post-operatively. Knee pain was the main reason attributed to this difficulty. However, no link was found to occur between sensory changes and kneeling function in the patients who participated in the study, after TKA performed via an anterior midline incision.

Entre savoir profane et Révélation : la pratique exégétique à l’université d’Oxford 1229-1267

Bellerose-Blais, Gabriel 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

The contribution of temperament to children's happiness

Klassen, Andrea Nicole 11 1900 (has links)
The relation between temperament and happiness in children aged 8-12 was examined. Participants included 311 students in Grades 4-6 and their parents, recruited from public and private schools in the Central Okanagan. Parents rated their children’s temperament using the Emotionality, Activity, and Sociability (EAS) Temperament Survey (Buss & Plomin, 1984) and rated their children’s happiness using a single-item measure. Children rated their own temperament using the EAS Temperament Survey and the Piers- Harris Self Concept Scale for Children, Second Edition (Piers-Harris 2) (Piers & Herzberg, 2002). Children also rated their own happiness using a single-item measure, the Oxford Happiness Scale, Short Form (Hills & Arygle, 2002), and the Subjective Happiness Scale (Lyubomirsky & Lepper, 1999). Confirmatory factor analyses established that parent and child ratings on the EAS Temperament Survey conformed to the four-factor structure proposed by Buss and Plomin (1984). Multiple regression analyses revealed that temperament accounted for between 9-29% of the variance in children’s happiness depending on the rater (i.e., parents vs. children) and the measure of happiness. Individual temperament variables that predicted a unique amount of the variance of children’s happiness over and above the combined effect of all temperament variables varied with the rater of children’s temperament (i.e., parents vs. children) and with the measure of happiness. Children who were more social, less shy, less emotional, and more free from anxiety rated themselves, and were rated by others, as happier. Children who scored higher on the activity temperament rated themselves, and were rated by others, as happier. The results of the current study parallel results of research investigating the relation between happiness and personality in adults. It establishes a strong relation between temperament and happiness, and iii supports the use of self-reports with children. Implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.

The contribution of temperament to children's happiness

Klassen, Andrea Nicole 11 1900 (has links)
The relation between temperament and happiness in children aged 8-12 was examined. Participants included 311 students in Grades 4-6 and their parents, recruited from public and private schools in the Central Okanagan. Parents rated their children’s temperament using the Emotionality, Activity, and Sociability (EAS) Temperament Survey (Buss & Plomin, 1984) and rated their children’s happiness using a single-item measure. Children rated their own temperament using the EAS Temperament Survey and the Piers- Harris Self Concept Scale for Children, Second Edition (Piers-Harris 2) (Piers & Herzberg, 2002). Children also rated their own happiness using a single-item measure, the Oxford Happiness Scale, Short Form (Hills & Arygle, 2002), and the Subjective Happiness Scale (Lyubomirsky & Lepper, 1999). Confirmatory factor analyses established that parent and child ratings on the EAS Temperament Survey conformed to the four-factor structure proposed by Buss and Plomin (1984). Multiple regression analyses revealed that temperament accounted for between 9-29% of the variance in children’s happiness depending on the rater (i.e., parents vs. children) and the measure of happiness. Individual temperament variables that predicted a unique amount of the variance of children’s happiness over and above the combined effect of all temperament variables varied with the rater of children’s temperament (i.e., parents vs. children) and with the measure of happiness. Children who were more social, less shy, less emotional, and more free from anxiety rated themselves, and were rated by others, as happier. Children who scored higher on the activity temperament rated themselves, and were rated by others, as happier. The results of the current study parallel results of research investigating the relation between happiness and personality in adults. It establishes a strong relation between temperament and happiness, and iii supports the use of self-reports with children. Implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.

School reports : university fiction in the masculine tradition of New Zealand literature.

Cattermole, Grant January 2011 (has links)
This thesis will investigate the fictional discourse that has developed around academia and how this discourse has manifested itself in the New Zealand literary tradition, primarily in the works of M.K. Joseph, Dan Davin and James K. Baxter. These three writers have been selected because of their status within Kai Jensen's conception of “a literary tradition of excitement about masculinity”; in other words, the masculine tradition in New Zealand literature which provides fictional representations of factual events and tensions. This literary approach is also utilised in the tradition of British university fiction, in which the behaviour of students and faculty are often deliberately exaggerated in order to provide a representation of campus life that captures the essence of the reality without being wholly factual. The fact that these three writers attempt, consciously or unconsciously, to combine the two traditions is a matter of great literary interest: Joseph's A Pound of Saffron (1962) appropriates tropes of the British university novel while extending them to include concerns specific to New Zealand; Davin's Cliffs of Fall (1945), Not Here, Not Now (1970) and Brides of Price (1972) attempt to blend traditions of university fiction with the masculine realist tradition in New Zealand literature, though, as we will see, with limited success; Baxter's station as the maternal grandson of a noted professor allows him to criticise the elitist New Zealand university system in Horse (1985) from a unique position, for he was more sympathetic towards what he considered the working class “peasant wisdom” of his father, Archie, than the “professorial knowledge” of Archie's father-in-law. These three authors have been chosen also because of the way they explore attitudes towards universities amongst mainstream New Zealand society in their writing, for while most novels in the British tradition demonstrate little tension between those within the university walls and those without, in New Zealand fiction the tension is palpable. The motivations for this tension will also be explored in due course, but before we can grapple with how the tradition of British university fiction has impacted New Zealand literature, we must first examine the tradition itself.

James Mabbe, eminente hispanista oxoniense del siglo XVII. Personalidad literaria. Estudio de varios manuscritos inéditos y del The Spanish Bawd

Guardia Massó, Pedro 21 June 1971 (has links)
La influencia literaria de España en la Inglaterra del período Estuardo fue objeto de diversas evaluaciones parciales a principios del siglo XX. A.S.W. Rosenbach, M. Hume y J. Fitzmaurice Kelly son nombres cuya fama no precisa encarecimiento. Pero el estudio completo y global de esta influencia, de 1605 a 1642 está por hacer. Dentro de este vasto panorama de relaciones literarias han surgido pocos estudios particulares sobre autores determinados. Ninguno que estudiase la totalidad de una figura literaria y su influjo hispano. Entre otras, sobresale una que, injustamente, la crítica literaria de los últimos siglos y, sorprendentemente, estudios más recientes, han marginado su importancia: el hispanista oxoniense James Mabbe. Cualquier análisis serio de Mabbe debe tener por punto de partida a J. Fitzmaurice Kelly (FK), pues fue el primero en desempolvar de las estanterías del olvido a este erudito. Pero quedaba mucho camino por andar. También otros, después de él, se han aventurado por senderos poco trillados. Así, S. Allen, P.E. Russell y A.W. Secord añadían algún detalle particular –a menudo se limitaban a repetir las afirmaciones de FK– al estudio de la vida de James Mabbe. En 1962 movido por el afán de esclarecer dudas, presentaba en la Universidad de Barcelona mi tesis de licenciatura. Era un intento de valorar la primera traducción inglesa de La Celestina, el primer intento serio sobre una obra particular de Mabbe. Con la presente tesis aquel estudio ha sido puesto al día aunque conserve el esquema de entonces. En 1965, G. Martínez Lacalle ponía en duda la autoría de John Marston para el Ms. “Alnwick. 510” y anunciaba que pertenecía a James Mabbe. Era una aportación importante al estudio de nuestro hombre. A finales de 1970 en unos archivos provinciales de Inglaterra, después de múltiples pesquisas, descubrí un ms. desconocido, el “Strangewayes” Creo que esta contribución mía, juntamente con la de G. M. Lacalle, constituye la aportación más valiosa de los últimos cincuenta años al estudio de James Mabbe. La consulta de diversas fuentes informativas, generales y particulares, denunciaba la existencia de imprecisiones y de errores en el estudio de la personalidad de nuestro hombre. Se conjeturaba sin demostrar, se daba como cierto lo probable. Evitar esta tentación ha sido uno de mis mayores cuidados. Toda la primera parte de esta tesis lleva el objetivo de aclarar e ilustrar el perfil histórico y la producción de este hispanista. Mabbe es un traductor polivalente. La variedad de los clásicos que vierte al inglés es considerable. Desde un tratado de medicina a una obra política, de unos sermones sobre las principales fiestas litúrgicas a La Celestina. Una trilogía destaca con luz propia: La Celestina, El Guzmán y Las Novelas Ejemplares. Mabbe es el primer autor inglés conocido que realiza la traducción de estas obras clásicas. Sostener esta afirmación para EL Guzmán y las Novelas Ejemplares no resulta particularmente difícil. Con LC. no sucedía igual. De ahí que la segunda parte de esta tesis vaya encabezada por un estudio introductorio: la historia de LC. en Inglaterra hasta 1631 fecha de la publicación del The Spanish Bawd, El estudio valorativo concluye con una investigación en torno a la edición base castellana de esta traducción. En el Apéndice Documental transcribo varios documentos inéditos de James Mabbe; una carta autógrafa, que se conserva en el P.R.0. de Londres; una poesía ensalzando las virtudes del tabaco, del fondo manuscrito de la biblioteca Bodley; una poesía en latín; una página de un libro de cuentas particulares del siglo XVII, el testamento del abuelo paterno de J. Mabbe; una observación del ms. “Harley 5077”, del B.M, de Londres; y, finalmente, el ms. “Strangewayes, Medicina Hispanica.” Todos, constituyen el acervo documental de este Apéndice. De lo expuesto se desprende el valor de esta tesis, A la luz de las nuevas aportaciones documentales la personalidad de J. Mabbe adquiere perfiles más nítidos y la revalorización de su obra traductora le sitúa de nuevo en el rango que nunca mereció perder. Barcelona, Marzo de 1971. NOTA: Cuarenta años después he digitalizado esta tesis respetando absolutamente su contenido y sin efectuar más cambios que la maquetación; el principal, pasar las notas del final de cada capítulo a pie de página. En este período los estudios contrastivos y de traducción han avanzado muchísimo, al igual que el estudio de la filiación textual de La Celestina. En este campo cabe resaltar la labor investigadora de la profesora Patrizia Botta, de la U. de La Sapienza, Roma. Aplicarlos a esta tesis hubiera supuesto escribir otra enteramente nueva. Esta tesis refleja el estadio de los estudios contrastivos de los 60 y 70. Creo, modestamente, que ha sido una de las pioneras en este terreno. Barcelona, Diciembre de 2011.

Our friend "the enemy" elite education in Britain and Germany before World War I /

Weber, Thomas, January 2008 (has links)
Based on the author's Thesis (doctoral)--University of Oxford. / Includes bibliographical references and index.

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