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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Respostas cardiorrespiratórias, neuromuscularese e cinéticas de exercícios de hidroginástica / Cardiorespiratory, neuromuscular and kinetic responses of water aerobic exercises

Alberton, Cristine Lima January 2011 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar as respostas cardiorrespiratórias, neuromusculares e cinéticas de mulheres realizando exercícios de hidroginástica em diferentes intensidades de esforço. No estudo I, 20 mulheres jovens (24,0 ± 2,5 anos; 163,3 ± 6,7 cm; 60,0 ± 6,7 kg) realizaram quatro sessões de testes progressivos, três correspondentes aos testes aquáticos (corrida estacionária (CE), chute frontal (CF), deslize frontal (DF)) e uma correspondente ao teste em esteira terrestre (EST), com o intuito de determinar e comparar as respostas de frequência cardíaca (FC), consumo de oxigênio ( 2 VO ) e ventilação (Ve ) no primeiro limiar ventilatório (LV1), no segundo limiar ventilatório (LV2) e no máximo esforço (MAX). No estudo II, 15 participantes da amostra realizaram duas sessões, uma no meio aquático (MA) e outra no meio terrestre (MT). O protocolo de testes consistiu na execução dos três exercícios de hidroginástica nas três intensidades pré-determinadas (LV1, LV2 e MAX) com o intuito de determinar o valor de pico da força de reação do solo vertical (Fzpico) e o impulso (IMP). No estudo III, 12 participantes da amostra realizaram uma sessão correspondente ao protocolo experimental, que consistia na execução dos três exercícios de hidroginástica nas três intensidades de esforço previamente avaliadas, com o intuito de determinar as respostas de 2 VO , atividade eletromiográfica (EMG) dos músculos reto femoral (RF), semitendinoso (ST), vasto lateral (VL), porção curta do bíceps femoral (BF), tibial anterior (TA) e gastrocnêmio lateral (GL) e a Fzpico. ANOVA para medidas repetidas de um, dois e três fatores foram utilizadas (α = 0,05). Ao comparar as respostas cardiorrespiratórias entre protocolos de testes progressivos, não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os exercícios aquáticos para nenhuma das intensidades. No entanto, o protocolo em EST apresentou valores significativamente maiores de FC em todas as intensidades, de 2 VO nas intensidades LV2 e MAX, e de Ve na intensidade LV2. Ao analisar a força de reação do solo, respostas significativamente maiores para Fzpico e IMP foram verificadas para MT comparado a MA. Diferenças significativas foram observadas entre todas as intensidades para Fzpico e IMP no MT, e IMP no MA. Todavia, diferenças significativas foram observadas somente entre LV1 e as demais intensidades para Fzpico no MA. Além disso, no MA, valores de Fzpico significativamente menores foram observados entre o exercício DF e os demais exercícios. Para o sinal EMG, valores significativamente maiores foram observados para CF e menores para CE na atividade de todos os músculos, exceto TA que apresentou maiores respostas para DF comparado aos demais. Além disso, diferenças significativas entre as intensidades foram observadas para todos os grupos musculares. A partir dos resultados, conclui-se que, em um programa de treinamento de hidroginástica, existe a necessidade de realizar-se testes máximos específicos nos exercícios aquáticos, uma vez que as respostas de FC, 2 VO e Ve apresentaram diferenças entre os exercícios de hidroginástica analisados e EST. Outro fator a ser levado em consideração é a escolha da intensidade e dos exercícios a serem prescritos. Se o objetivo for amenizar a ação da Fzpico, exercícios com as características do DF devem ser priorizados, sendo importante salientar que o mesmo apresenta uma intensa atividade neuromuscular para todos os músculos analisados, exceto GL. Além disso, intensidades correspondentes ao LV1 devem ser utilizadas a fim de minimizar a Fzpico, todavia, nessa intensidade a atividade neuromuscular foi significativamente menor para todos os exercícios e músculos analisados. Por outro lado, se o objetivo é trabalhar com altas intensidades, não existe diferença entre a Fzpico correspondente ao esforço máximo e LV2, logo a intensidade máxima pode ser utilizada com a mesma segurança que LV2, apresentando um menor IMP e uma maior ativação EMG para todos os grupos musculares analisados. No entanto, se o objetivo for minimizar a ativação muscular, sugere-se o uso do exercício CE, uma vez que ele pode ser utilizado nas aulas de hidroginástica com a mesma intensidade cardiorrespiratória que os demais exercícios avaliados, induzindo a uma menor fadiga periférica. / The aim of the present study was to analyze the cardiorespiratory, neuromuscular and kinetic responses of women performing water aerobic exercises at different effort intensities. In study I, 20 young women (24.0 ± 2.5 years; 163.3 ± 6.7 cm; 60.0 ± 6.7 kg) performed four progressive test sessions, three corresponding to aquatic tests (stationary running (SR), frontal kick (FK), cross country skiing (CCS)) and one to treadmill (TRE), with the purpose of determining and comparing the heart rate (HR), oxygen uptake ( 2 VO ) and ventilation (Ve ) responses at the first ventilatory threshold (VT1), second ventilatory threshold (VT2) and maximal effort (MAX). In study II, a sample of 15 participants performed two sessions, one in water immersion (WI) and the other on dry land (DL). The test protocol consisted of three water aerobic exercises performed at three pre-determined intensities (VT1, VT2 and MAX) with the purpose of determining the peak vertical ground reaction forces (Fzpeak) and impulse (IMP). In study III, a sample of 12 participants performed one session corresponding to the experimental protocol, which consisted of three water aerobic exercises performed at the three previously evaluated effort intensities, with the purpose of determining the VO2 , electromyographic activity (EMG) of rectus femoris (RF), semitendinosus (ST), vastus lateralis (VL), short head of biceps femoris (BF), tibialis anterior (TA) and gastrocnemius lateralis (GL), and the Fzpeak. One-way, two-way and three-way repeated measures ANOVA were used (α = 0.05). Regarding cardiorespiratory responses to the progressive test protocols, there were no significant differences between aquatic exercises at any intensity. However, the TRE protocol showed significantly higher HR at all intensities, VO2 at intensities corresponding to VT2 and MAX, and Ve at VT2. Analyzing the ground reaction forces, significantly higher values of Fzpeak and IMP were observed for DL compared to WI. It was observed significant difference between all intensities for Fzpeak and IMP on DL, and for IMP in WI. Nevertheless, a difference was observed between VT1 and higher intensities for Fzpeak in WI. In addition, in WI significantly lower Fzpeak values were observed for CCS compared to the other exercises. Regarding the EMG signal, significantly higher muscle activity was found for the FK, and lower for the SR, except in the TA muscle, which presented higher responses for the CCS compared to the other exercises. Moreover, there were significant differences between intensities for all muscle groups. According to the results, it might be concluded that, during water aerobics training is important to perform specific maximal tests in the aquatic exercises, since the HR, VO2 and Ve responses presented differences between water aerobic exercises and TRE. Another important issue that must be considered is the exercise and intensity to be prescribed. Exercises with similar characteristics to the CCS must be priorized if the aim is to attenuate the Fzpeak action, as it is important to highlight that this exercise presents intense neuromuscular activity in all the analyzed muscles, with the exception of GL. In order to minimize the Fzpeak, intensities corresponding to VT1 must be performed. However, the neuromuscular activity was significantly lower for all exercises and muscles analyzed at VT1. On the other hand, there is no difference in the Fzpeak between MAX and VT2; thus the maximal intensity is as safe to use as the VT2, with lower IMP and higher EMG activation in all the analyzed muscle groups. Notwithstanding, if the aim is to minimize the muscular activation, SR is recommended since it can be used during water aerobics with a similar cardiorespiratory intensity to the other evaluated exercises, while inducing lower peripherical fatigue.

Relação entre economia de corrida e variáveis biomecânicas em corredores fundistas / Relationship between running economy and biomechanical variables in distance runners

Tartaruga, Marcus Peikriswili January 2008 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar o comportamento de 15 variáveis cinemáticas (tempo de passada, tempo de suporte, tempo de balanço, comprimento de passada, comprimento de passada relativo, freqüência de passada, ângulos do joelho e tornozelo no foot strike e no take-off, máxima flexão do tronco e máxima flexão do joelho na fase de suporte, amplitude angular do cotovelo durante a passada, máxima pronação da parte posterior do pé e amplitude vertical do centro de massa) e 8 variáveis neuromusculares (ativação elétrica muscular do reto femoral, vasto lateral, semitendinoso e bíceps femoral - porção curta – nas fases de suporte e balanço) da corrida, correlacionando-as com a economia de corrida (ECO). Dezesseis homens (idade: 27+1 anos; consumo máximo de oxigênio (VO2máx): 56,4+4,8 ml.kg-1.min), corredores fundistas com experiência em provas de 10.000 metros, realizaram um teste submáximo de corrida em esteira rolante na velocidade de 16 km.h-1 correspondente a uma intensidade média de 10,7% abaixo do limiar anaeróbio (LA) e a uma velocidade média de 11,1% abaixo da velocidade no LA. Foi utilizado um ergoespirômetro portátil para registro do consumo submáximo de oxigênio (VO2submáx) e para o registro das variáveis cinemáticas e neuromusculares da corrida, um sistema de captura de vídeo composto de duas filmadoras digitais de 120 Hz e um eletromiógrafo portátil de quatro canais com freqüência de amostragem de 2000 Hz por canal. O valor de ECO correspondeu à média do VO2submáx nos últimos dois minutos de teste, num total de seis minutos. A magnitude das variáveis cinemáticas e neuromusculares foram determinadas a partir da média de três ciclos de passada contabilizadas a partir da terceira passada do quarto minuto de teste. Foi feita a análise descritiva e aplicados os testes de Normalidade, Correlação Produto Momento de Pearson e Regressão Linear Múltipla. Verificaram-se relações diretas (+) e inversas (-) das variáveis cinemáticas (freqüência de passada (-28,3%), comprimento de passada (+23,0%), ângulo do joelho no foot strike (-12,7%), amplitude vertical do centro de massa (-7,2%), amplitude angular do cotovelo durante a passada (+5,6%), tempo de balanço (+3,2%), ângulo do tornozelo no foot strike (-0,6%) e comprimento de passada relativo (+0,4%)) com a ECO, totalizando 81%, e relações das variáveis neuromusculares (ativação elétrica muscular do semitendinoso na fase de suporte (+11,3%), do reto femoral (-4,3%) e do semitendinoso (+3,4%) na fase de balanço) com a ECO, totalizando 19%. Portanto, mudanças na técnica de corrida e na ativação elétrica muscular podem resultar em mudanças na ECO em corredores de 10.000 metros, que estejam se exercitando a uma intensidade próxima de 10% abaixo do LA. / The aim of the present study was to analyze the behavior of 15 kinematic variables (stride time, contact time, balance time, stride length, relative stride length, stride frequency, angles of the knee and ankle in foot strike and take-off, maximal flexion of the trunk and maximal flexion of the knee in the swing, angle excursion of the elbow, maximal pronation of the subtalar joint and vertical oscillation of the mass center) and 8 neuromuscular variables (electromyographic signal amplitude (EMG) of the vastus lateralis, biceps femoris, rectus femoris and semitendinosus muscles in the stance and swing) of distance running, correlating them with the running economy (ECO). Sixteen men (age: 27+1 years; maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max): 56,4+4,8 ml.kg-1.min), distance runners with experience in competitions of 10.000 meters, had carried through a test of the ECO (16 km.h-1) correspondent to an intensity mean of 10,7% below of the anaerobic threshold (LA) and 11,1% below of the velocity mean in the LA. Portable ergoespirometer for register of the submaximal oxygen uptake (VO2submáx) and for the register of the kinematic and neuromuscular variables of the distance runners was used one system of capture of the video with two high-speed camera (120 Hz) and an electromyography portable of four canals with 2000 Hz for canal. The value of ECO correspond the average of the VO2submax in last the two minutes of test, in a total of six minutes. The magnitude of the kinematic and neuromuscular variable passing had been determined from the average of three cycles of stride. The tests of “Normality”, “Pearson correlation” and “Multiple Linear Regression” were performed. Direct relations (+) and inverse (-) of the kinematic variables (stride frequency (-28,3%), stride length (+23,0%), angle of the knee in foot strike (-12,7%), vertical oscillation of the mass center (-7,2%), wrist excursion (+5,6%), balance time (+3,3%), angle of the ankle in foot strike (-0,6%) and relative stride length (0,4%)) with the ECO, totalizing 81%, and relations of the neuromuscular variables (EMG of the semitendinosus in the stance (+11,3%), of the rectus femoris (-4,3%) and of the semitendinosus (+3,4%) in the swing) had been verified with ECO, totalizing 19%. Therefore, changes in the technique and the EMG can result in changes in the ECO in distance runners with experience in competitions of 10.000 meters, in intensities next to 10% below of the LA.

Comparação das respostas cardiorrespiratórias, neuromusculares e cinemáticas de um exercício de hidroginástica executado em diferentes cadências com e sem equipamento / Cardiorespiratory, neuromuscular and kinematic responses to a water exercise performed at different cadences with and without equipment

Pinto, Stephanie Santana January 2009 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar as respostas cardiorrespiratórias, neuromusculares e cinemáticas durante o exercício de corrida estacionária com a flexão e extensão de cotovelo em diferentes cadências com e sem equipamento. A amostra desse estudo foi composta por 15 mulheres jovens que realizaram o exercício nas situações sem equipamento (SEM), com equipamento flutuante em ambos os membros (FLU-MSs/MIs) e com equipamento resistivo em ambos os membros (RES-MSs/MIs), nas cadências de 80 bpm, 100 bpm e no máximo esforço. Para as cadências submáximas o exercício foi realizado durante 4 min em cada situação e no máximo esforço o mesmo foi realizado durante 15 s. Utilizou-se ANOVA de 2 e 3 fatores, com post-hoc de Bonferroni (p < 0,05) (SPSS vs 15.0). Os resultados da frequência cardíaca e do consumo de oxigênio mostraram haver diferenças significativas entre as situações FLUMSs/ MIs e RES-MSs/MIs em comparação a SEM, com valores significativamente maiores para as situações de exercício com equipamento. Além disso, houve diferença entre as cadências de 80 e 100 bpm, com valores maiores e significativos para a cadência de 100 bpm. Para as variáveis de amplitude de movimento houve diferenças entre as cadências, com valores maiores de amplitude de movimento do quadril e joelho, conforme o incremento da cadência. Todavia, para a amplitude de movimento do cotovelo com o incremento da cadência houve uma diminuição da amplitude de movimento. Em relação a velocidade angular média de movimento do cotovelo, quadril e joelho houve diferenças significativas entre as cadências, com valores maiores para o máximo esforço. A velocidade angular média do quadril foi menor nas situações FLUMSs/ MIs e RES-MSs/MIs em comparação a SEM. Para as variáveis neuromusculares, não houve diferenças entre as situações, com exceção do percentual da contração isométrica voluntária máxima (%CVM) do tríceps braquial, que foi maior na situação FLU-MSs/MIs. Entre as diferentes cadências submáximas não houve diferenças para todos os músculos analisados, todavia entre essas e o máximo esforço houve diferenças, com maiores %CVM para o máximo esforço. O %CVM do bíceps femoral foi o único que demonstrou diferenças entre todas as cadências testadas nesse estudo. Entre as fases de movimento não houve diferença, com exceção do %CVM do reto femoral, o qual foi maior na fase de extensão. Em suma, o exercício de corrida estacionária com a flexão e extensão de cotovelo apresentou maiores respostas cardiorrespiratórias com o uso de equipamento (flutuante e resistivo) e também com o aumento da cadência de execução. Todavia, as respostas neuromusculares não diferiram entre as cadências submáximas, mas essas foram significativamente maiores no máximo esforço. / The purpose of the present study was to compare the cardiorespiratory, neuromuscular and kinematic responses during the stationary running with the elbow flexion/extension in different cadences with and without equipment. The sample was consisted of fifteen young women that performed the exercise without equipment (NO-E), with floating equipment in upper and lower limbs (FLO-LLs/ULs) and with resistive equipment in upper and lower limbs (RES-LLs/ULs) at three cadences (80 bpm, 100 bpm and maximal effort). For submaximal cadences the exercise was performed during 4 min and during 15 s at maximal effort in each situation. The results were analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA (factors: cadence, situation, phase of movement) with the Bonferroni correction for post-hoc comparisons (p < 0,05) (SPSS vs 15.0). The heart rate and oxygen uptake showed significant differences between FLO-LLs/ULs and RES-LLs/ULs compared with NO-E and higher values of these variables was found in the situations with equipment. In addition, the results for cardirespiratory responses demonstrated significant difference between submaximal cadences (80 and 100 bpm) with higher values of heart rate and oxygen uptake at 100 bpm. For the range of motion significant differences between cadences was showed with higher values of this variable for hip and knee according to the increment of the cadence. However, the range of motion for elbow decreased with the increment of the cadence. The angular velocity for elbow, hip and knee presented significant differences between cadences with higher values at maximal effort. Besides, the angular velocity for hip was minor in the situations FLU-LLs/Uls and RES-LLs/ULs compared with NO-E. For neuromucular responses no significant differences were showed between situations, except the percentage of maximal voluntary contraction (%MVC) for triceps brachii that was major in FLO-LLs/ULs. Between the different submaximal cadences no significant differences was found for all muscles analyzed, however, between these submaximal cadences and maximal effort were found significant differences with higher values of the %MVC at maximal effort. The unique %MVC that demonstrated significant differences between all cadences analyzed in this study was for biceps femoris. Between the phases of movement (flexion and extension) no significant difference was showed for all muscles investigated, except for the %MVC for rectus femoris that was higher in extension phase. In conclusion, the stationary running with the elbow flexion/extension presented higher cardiorespiratory responses with equipment (floating and resistive) and also with the enhance at the cadence of execution. Nevertheless, neuromuscular responses showed no significant difference between submaximal cadences, but these responses were significantly higher at maximal effort.

Associação do polimorfismo da ECA e variáveis fisiológicas determinantes da aptidão aeróbia / Association of the ACE polymorphism and physiological variables correlated with aerobic fitness

Salomão Bueno de Camargo Silva 13 March 2015 (has links)
O consumo máximo de oxigênio (VO2máx), o limiar ventilatório (LV), ponto de compensação respiratória (PCR) e a economia de corrida (EC) são importantes variáveis fisiológicas associadas com a aptidão aeróbia em corrida. Acredita-se que o polimorfismo da enzima conversora de angiotensina (ECA) possa estar influenciando nos valores dessas variáveis. Contudo, essa relação causal não tem sido amplamente estudada durante a corrida. Dessa forma, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi investigar a associação entre os genótipos da ECA e o VO2máx, LV, PCR e EC mensuradas durante a corrida em esteira. Cento e cinquenta (n = 150) voluntários fisicamente ativos realizaram os seguintes testes: a) teste incremental máximo para determinação do VO2máx, LV e PCR; b) dois testes de velocidade constante (10 km/h e 12 km/h) em esteira para determinação da EC. Os genótipos apresentaram a frequência de: II = 21% ; ID = 52% e DD = 27%. Os resultados apresentaram uma tendência dos indivíduos com o genótipo II apresentarem maiores valores do VO2máx (p = 0.08), bem como a análise do efeito prático apresentou um possível efeito benéfico desse genótipo. No entanto, não foi constatada diferença entre os valores do LV, PCR, e EC entre os indivíduos. Esses resultados sugerem que o genótipo II da ECA pode estar influenciando nos valores da variável máxima relacionada com o consumo de oxigênio / The maximal oxygen uptake (VO2máx), ventilatory threshold (VT), respiratory compensation point (RCP), and running economy (RE) are important variables associated with running aerobic fitness. However, the influence of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) polymorphism on these variables determined in running has not been largely investigated. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the relationship between ACE genotypes and maximal oxygen uptake, respiratory compensation point, and running economy measured in running. One hundred and fifty (n = 150) physically active young men performed the following tests: a) a maximal incremental treadmill test to determine VO2máx and RCP, b) two constant-speed running test (10 km.h-1 and 12 km.h-1) to determine the RE. The genotype frequency were II = 21 %; ID = 52 %; DD = 27 %. There were a likely beneficial effect and a tendency for the participants with ACE II genotype to have higher VO2max values than DD or ID genotypes (p = 0.08) and the smallest worthwhile effects show a beneficial effect. There were not associations between the genotypes for RCP and RE. These findings suggest that II ACE genotype would influence in maximal variable correlated with oxygen consumption

Exercise Capacity Following Four Hours of Head-Down Rest in Endurance-Exercise-Trained and Untrained Subjects

Williamson, Jon W. 12 1900 (has links)
Peak oxygen uptake (VO2PEAK) in endurance exercise trained (ET =8) subjects (VO2PEAK = 61.7 1.6 ml 02.kg.min-1) was compared to the V02 PEAK of untrained (UT = 8) subjects (V02 PEAK = 38.4 1.7 ml 02 -kg.min1) after four hours of -6* head-down rest (HDR).Although both groups showed a reduction in blood volume (BV) following HDR, this decrement was greater for ET subjects (delta BV = -3.23 0.46 mi/kg; P <0.05). The ET subjects had a greater decrease in VO2=(delta 02E -5.58 1.05 ml 02-kg.min-1; P <0.05) than their UT peers (VO2PEAK = -2.44 0.79 ml02-kg.min-1). These data suggest that the greater reductions in VO2PE, observed for the ET group were associated with a greater BV loss resulting from 4 h of HDR prior to exercise.

Comparação das demandas metabólicas, cardiorrespiratórias e de percepção do esforço durante atividades de vida diária entre pacientes com bronquiectasia e indivíduos saudáveis / Comparison of metabolic and ventilatory demands and perception of effect during activities of darly living among patients with bronchietasis and heathy subjects

Nunes, Carina Silveira Mariano 15 December 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2016-05-24T19:40:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Carina Silveira Mariano Nunes.pdf: 797183 bytes, checksum: 9e449a0364075a44c5f95faf739146f3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-24T19:40:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carina Silveira Mariano Nunes.pdf: 797183 bytes, checksum: 9e449a0364075a44c5f95faf739146f3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-12-15 / Introduction: Physiological responses during activities of daily living (ADLs) have never been studied in adult patients with bronchiectasis (BCT). Aim: To compare the metabolic and ventilatory demands, gas exchange and perception of effort during five ADLs between adults with BCT and healthy subjects. Methods: Thirty-nine subjects [27 women; FEV1 61 ± 26, %pred, MRC 3 (2 – 3)] and twenty healthy subjects (14 women) performed the following five ADL: (1) putting on socks, shoes, and vest, (2) putting away different weights on a rack, (3) sweeping a floor, (4) carrying weight while walking (5Kg), and (5) climbing stairs during a minute. Activities 2, 3, and 4 were performed by five minutes. Pulmonary gas exchange was measured during all ADLs. Results: Patients used a higher proportion of metabolic and ventilatory demands, and had a higher perception of effort when compared with healthy subjects. The distance walked in ADL4 was similar between groups; however patients climbed lower number of steps than control group. Conclusions: Patients with BCT have high metabolic and ventilatory demands, with a higher perception of effort to perform simple daily activities when compared to healthy subjects. / Introdução: As respostas fisiológicas durante atividades de vida diária (AVD) nunca foram estudadas em pacientes adultos com bronquiectasia (BCQ). Objetivo: Comparar as respostas cardiopulmonares, metabólicas, de trocas gasosas e de percepção de esforço durante atividades de vida diária entre pacientes com bronquiectasia e indivíduos saudáveis. Método: 39 pacientes [27 mulheres; VEF1 61 ± 26 %prev; MRC 3 (2 – 3)] e 20 indivíduos saudáveis (14 mulheres) realizaram as seguintes AVD: (1) vestir um par de meias e um par de sapatos sentado em uma cadeira e vestir uma camisa em pé; (2) colocar pesos de 0,5 Kg, 1 Kg, 2 Kg, 3 Kg, 4 Kg e 5 Kg em uma prateleira ao nível da cabeça e depois retornar os mesmos ao nível da cintura; (3) varrer o chão; (4) caminhar carregando 5Kg divididos em duas sacolas; e (5) subir escadas durante um minuto. As atividades 2, 3 e 4 foram realizadas durante cinco minutos. As variáveis metabólicas e ventilatórias foram registradas durante todas as AVD. Resultados: Os pacientes com BCQ tiveram maior demanda metabólica e ventilatória e maior percepção de esforço durante todas AVD quando comparados ao grupo controle (p < 0,05). A distância percorrida na AVD4 não diferiu entre os grupos, mas os pacientes realizaram menor número de degraus na AVD5 em relação ao grupo controle. Análise intra-grupo (BCQ) demonstrou aumento progressivo (p < 0,05) no VO2, VE/VVM e percepção do esforço da AVD1 até a AVD5. Conclusão: Pacientes com BCQ utilizam elevada proporção da capacidade aeróbia e ventilatória máxima para realizarem atividades simples do dia a dia e com maior percepção de esforço (dispneia e fadiga) quando comparados a indivíduos saudáveis.

CRBP-TS - evaluation of a home-based training and health care program for colorectal, breast, and prostate cancer using telemonitoring and self-management: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Falz, Roberto, Thieme, René, Tegtbur, Uwe, Bischoff, Christian, Leps, Christian, Hillemanns, Peter, Kohlhaw, Kay, Klempnauer, Jürgen, Lordick, Florian, Stolzenburg, Jens-Uwe, Aktas, Bahriye, Weitz, Jürgen, Bork, Ulrich, Wimberger, Pauline, Thomas, Christian, Biemann, Ronald, Jansen-Winkeln, Boris, Schulze, Antina, Gockel, Ines, Busse, Martin 06 March 2022 (has links)
Background: Physical training is recommended in various national and international guidelines for patients with cancer. Observational studies have shown that physical activity leads to reduced recurrence and mortality rates by 20–40% in colorectal, breast, and prostate cancer. Despite existing evidence, a systematic care structure is still lacking. The primary aim of this study is to implement and evaluate an online training platform to strengthen physical performance and patient empowerment after cancer surgery. Methods: The evaluation will be conducted as a prospective multicenter randomized controlled trial with three subgroups (colorectal-, breast-, and prostate cancer). Each group will include 100 patients (total 300 patients including dropouts; clinical stages T1–3 and/or N+; M0 after surgery intervention) and the primary endpoint (13% increase in the maximal oxygen consumption during exercise) will be examined. The intervention group will receive a 6-month home-based online training (2–3 times per week strength-endurance training using video presentations), bidirectional activity feedback information, online communication, and online counseling. The control group (usual care) will be advised lifestyle improvement. In-hospital testing will be performed before, during, and after the intervention. In addition to cardiopulmonary capacity, tumor specific diagnostics (liquid biopsy, depression and fatigue assessment, metabolic and endothelial screening) will be applied. Discussion: Due to the increasing incidence of cancer, associated with considerable mortality, morbidity and impaired quality of life, there is an imperative requirement for improved cancer care, of which structured physical training may become an integral component.

Assessment of a partial nitritation/Anammox system for nitrogen removal

Gut, Luiza January 2006 (has links)
This thesis evaluates the performance of a deammonification system designed as a two-step tech-nology consisting of an initial partial nitritation followed by an Anammox process. Operation of a technical-scale pilot plant at the Himmerfjärden Wastewater Treatment Plant (Grödinge, Swe-den) has been assessed. Oxygen Uptake Rate (OUR) to evaluate the respiration activity of nitrifi-ers in the system and batch tests to assess reaction rates have also been applied in the study. It was found that the total inorganic nitrogen elimination strongly depended on the nitrite-to-ammonium ratio in the influent to the Anammox reactor, which was correlated with the per-formance of the partial nitritation phase. Therefore, a control strategy for oxidation of ammo-nium to nitrite has been proposed. Controlled oxygen supply to the partial nitritation reactor is obligatory to obtain a proper pH drop indicating oxidation of ammonia to nitrite at the adequate ratio. A very high nitrogen removal efficiency (an average of 84%) and stable operation of the system have been reached. Conductivity measurements were also used to monitor the system influent nitrogen load and the nitrogen removal in the Anammox reactor. The data gathered from the operation of the pilot plant enabled the use of multivariate data analysis to model the process behaviour and the assessment of the covariances between the process parameters. The options for full-scale implementation of the Anammox systems have been proposed as a result of the study. / QC 20101115

Oxygen Uptake Responses to Pseudo-Random Binary Sequence Cycling Protocols

Scheuermann, Britton C. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Development of Kinetic Parameterization Methods for Nitrifying Bacteria using Respirometry

Malin, Kyle George 19 January 2022 (has links)
Understanding how nitrifiers react when exposed to low DO conditions could provide a greater understanding of low DO operations in full-scale biological wastewater treatment. Previous methods to observe nitrifier oxygen kinetics do exist in literature, however they are inefficient and labor intensive. Other more efficient methods require the use of selective inhibitors, which alter the characteristics of the biomass. This study developed a time and labor efficient respirometric method to distinctly measure oxygen half-saturation coefficients for both ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) without the use of selective inhibitors. By eliminating the use of inhibitory substances, representative biomass characteristics were maintained throughout the tests. The developed method, called the declining DO method, consisted of using a high-speed dissolved oxygen (DO) probe to measure relative oxygen uptake rates (OUR) within a batch reactor when varying substrates (ammonia and nitrite) were present in excess within the system. A forward model was developed based on Monod kinetics to simultaneously fit Monod curves to the experimental OUR data. These curves were fit by solving for optimum oxygen kinetic parameters representing endogenous respiration, NOB, and AOB. An inverse model using Markov chain Monte Carlo analysis was applied to the results found in the forward model to provide statistical validation of the proposed respirometric method. A separate method, called the substrate utilization rate test, was conducted in parallel with the declining DO tests to compare and verify oxygen half-saturation coefficient results. Parallel tests were conducted using biomass samples from three different Hampton Roads Sanitation District (HRSD) full-scale facilities. Operating conditions between the three HRSD facilities were considered when performing parallel testing, including averages for DO, solids retention time (SRT), and floc size. Average floc size was found to have a significant effect on the observed oxygen half-saturation values. Observed trends for the KO values estimated using the two methods remained consistent throughout all tests, where KO,NOB was always lower than KO,AOB. The comparison of the two methods highlighted some faults associated with the substrate utilization rate test, which is commonly used in literature to observe nitrifier oxygen kinetics. The declining DO method appeared to be more resistant to potential experimental error and required less than half the time compared to the substrate utilization rate test. The development of the declining DO method without the use of selective inhibitors provided a more time and labor efficient technique for estimating apparent KO values for NOB and AOB without sacrificing biomass characteristics representative of the full-scale treatment process. Biomass samples collected from variable treatment process conditions yielded consistent parallel test results, providing further evidence that the proposed declining DO method can be a robust and reliable technique for distinctly measuring apparent oxygen half-saturation values for NOB and AOB. / Master of Science / Wastewater treatment operations utilizing biological nitrogen removal (BNR) require a continuous supply of oxygen for aerobic processes. Energy costs associated with aeration generally accounts for at least 50% of the total energy consumption at conventional activated sludge wastewater treatment facilities. Operating aerobic zones at low average dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations could be an effective way to significantly reduce aeration costs as well as material costs associated with BNR treatment processes. This study developed a method to measure oxygen kinetics for the two groups of autotrophic bacteria responsible for performing nitrogen removal. The method consisted of measuring relative oxygen uptake rates (OUR) within a batch reactor when varying substrates were available. This method is unique from previously developed techniques in that the use of selective inhibitors was not included, meaning the characteristics of the wastewater were largely unchanged and therefore better represent biomass conditions within the full-scale process. The results of the proposed method were verified using an alternate method for estimating oxygen kinetics. These two methods were conducted in parallel using biomass samples from several full-scale Hampton Roads Sanitation District wastewater treatment facilities utilizing a variety of process designs and operating conditions. Consistent results obtained between the two methods suggested the proposed method is an effective technique for distinctly measuring nitrifier oxygen kinetics.

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