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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Preparação, caracterização e avaliação da atividade catalítica de óxidos de lantanóides incorporados em sílica mesoporosa ordenada na degradação de compostos orgânicos poluentes via ozonização catalítica heterogênea / Preparation, characterization and evaluation of the catalytic activity of lanthanide oxides incorporated on ordered mesoporous silica for the degradation of organic pollutants via heterogeneous catalytic ozonation

Luciana Serra Soeira 28 November 2012 (has links)
Neste trabalho realizou-se a síntese e caracterização de materiais contendo óxidos de lantanóides incorporados em sílica mesoporosa ordenada, os quais foram utilizados como catalisadores no processo de ozonização de compostos orgânicos poluentes. Empregando-se o método de impregnação úmida, realizou-se a incorporação de óxido de cério e óxido de lantânio no suporte mesoporoso, do tipo SBA-15. Utilizaram-se diferentes precursores dos óxidos metálicos, a fim de verificar a influência que a fonte do cátion metálico exerça tanto nas características estruturais, texturais e morfológicas dos materiais quanto na atividade catalítica. A caracterização destes materiais mostrou que em todas as amostras não houve colapso da estrutura ordenada de mesoporos da SBA-15. Porém nos materiais incorporados observou-se a diminuição da área superficial específica e o volume de poro, devido à presença do CeO2 ou do La2O3 tanto na superfície do suporte quanto no interior dos mesoporos. Também foi possível identificar as fases cristalinas destes óxidos após a etapa de incorporação. Os catalisadores foram empregados na degradação de um azocorante, Preto Remazol B. Para todos os materiais verificou-se que a ozonização catalítica heterogênea proporcionou o aumento da mineralização em relação ao processo de ozonólise. Para os catalisadores que continham CeO2, os melhores resultados de mineralização do azocorante foram obtidos para os catalisadores cujos precursores eram complexos metálicos. Para estes materiais obteve-se um incremento de 65% em comparação com a ozonólise, sem que houvesse um grande aumento no consumo de ozônio. Para os materiais que continham La2O3, o catalisador cujo precursor do óxido foi um dos sais inorgânicos utilizados (nitrato de lantânio hidratado) apresentou o melhor teor de mineralização, sendo 72% superior em relação à ozonólise, ao final de 60 minutos. Os catalisadores contendo óxido de cério incorporado à SBA-15 também foram empregados no processo de ozonização catalítica de mais duas espécies orgânicas de grande relevância ambiental: fenol e ácido salicílico. Para o primeiro, houve um incremento mínimo na remoção da matéria orgânica de 70%, para todos os catalisadores testados, em relação à ozonólise, após 60 minutos. Entretanto, apenas dois deles (SBA-Ce(Gly) e SBA-Ce(Cl)) apresentaram um consumo de ozônio semelhante à ozonólise, o que indica que estes eram os mais eficientes. Na degradação do ácido salicílico a sinergia entre o suporte mesoporoso ordenado de elevada área superficial com o óxido de cério mais uma vez mostrou-se eficiente na mineralização da espécie orgânica, sendo obtidos teores de mineralização superiores a 90% para a ozonização catalítica contra 60% para a ozonólise, ao final de 60 minutos de tratamento / The aim of this work was the synthesis and characterization of materials with lanthanide oxides incorporated in ordered mesoporous silica, which were used as catalysts on the ozonation of organic pollutants. The incorporation of cerium and lanthanum oxides on the mesoporous support, SBA-15 type, was made by wet impregnation method. Different metal oxides precursors were used in order to investigate the influence in structural, textural and morphological characteristics of the materials and in catalytic activity. No collapse in the ordered mesopores structure of SBA-15 was observed after lanthanide oxides incorporation. However the hybrid compounds presented lower specific surface area and pore volume. It was observed the presence of CeO2 and La2O3 in the external support surface and in the interior of the mesopores. It was also possible to identify crystalline phases of these oxides after the incorporation step. The catalysts were employed on the degradation of an azo dye, Remazol Black B. For all samples it was found that the heterogeneous catalytic ozonization provided an increase in the mineralization levels of this organic species compared with the results of the ozonolysis. For the CeO2-based materials, the best results were achieved for the catalysts whose precursors were the metal complexes. For these materials the mineralization of the Remazol Black B was, at least, 65% superior to ozonolysis alone, without a great increase in the consumption of ozone. For the La2O3-based materials, the best result was obtained for the catalyst which oxide precursor was one of the inorganic salt (lanthanum nitrate hydrate). The mineralization was 72% higher than the ozonolysis alone after 60 minutes of treatment. The catalysts containing cerium oxide incorporated into the SBA-15 were also employed in the catalytic ozonization of two other organic species of great environmental importance: phenol and salicylic acid. For the first, there was a minimal increase in the removal of the organic matter when compared with ozonolysis alone. However, only two of them (SBA-Ce(Gly) e SBA-Ce(Cl)) showed a consumption of ozone similar to ozonolysis, indicating that these were the most efficient. In salicylic acid degradation, the mineralization achieved was greater than 90% for the catalytic ozonation versus 60% for the ozonolysis alone, after 60 minutes of treatment

Remoção de desreguladores endócrinos por fotocatálise heterogênea e ozonização / Removal of endocrine disrupting compounds by photocatalysis and ozonation

Francisco Glaucio Cavalcante de Souza 19 June 2009 (has links)
Desreguladores endócrinos são compostos que podem alterar o sistema endócrino dos indivíduos, bem como sua fertilidade e por em risco a saúde dos mesmos. Muitas questões relacionadas a esses compostos ainda não foram elucidadas, apesar de serem muito estudados recentemente. Diversas pesquisas têm sido feitas investigando-se o emprego de processos oxidativos avançados na degradação dos desreguladores endócrinos em águas naturais e residuárias. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a remoção do hormônio 17\'beta\'-estradiol em soluções aquosas por oxidação química. A pesquisa foi dividida em duas etapas, sendo que a primeira etapa consistiu na investigação do uso de brometo de prata/dióxido de titânio (\'AG\'BR\'/\'TI\'O IND.2\') como catalisador no processo de fotocatálise com luz visível. Para isso, foram avaliadas a influência da concentração de \'AG\'BR\'/\'TI\'O IND.2\' (0,020; 0,025; 0,050; 0,070 e 0,100 g/L) e a intensidade de luz visível incidente (6,6 x \'10 POT.5\' e 1,3 x \'10 POT.6\' Ix) na eficiência de degradação do 17\'beta\'-estradiol. Na segunda etapa avaliou-se o emprego de ozônio na degradação de 17\'beta\'-estradiol em soluções aquosas, variando-se as dosagens de ozônio (1,7; 3,3, 5,0 e 7,5 mg \'0 IND.3\'/L) aplicadas e o pH (3; 5; 7; 9 e 11) das amostras. Na primeira etapa, os resultados demonstram que E2 foi bastante sensível aos processos oxidativos empregados. A fotocatálise foi eficiente para oxidar 17\'beta\'-estradiol, demandando tempo de exposição pequeno, em torno de 4 minutos para obtenção de remoção da ordem de 98%, quando aplicada concentração de \'AG\'BR\'/\'TI\'O IND.2\' de 0,100 g/L e a intensidade de luz visível incidente de 1,3 x \'10 POT.6\' Ix. Na segunda etapa, observou-se que o aumento do pH promoveu maior rapidez na degradação do E2 e o aumento da massa de ozônio aplicada promoveu maior eficiência de degradação do 17\'beta\'-estradiol. / Endocrine disrupting chemicals are compounds that can alter the endocrine system of individuals and their fertility and threaten their health. Many issues related to these compounds have not been elucidated, although much studied recently. Many researchers have investigated the use of advanced oxidative processes in the degradation of endocrine disrupting compounds in water and wastewater. This work is a study of the removal of 17\'beta\'-estradiol in aqueous solutions by chemical oxidation. This work was divided into two stages. In the first one, the use of bromide of silver/titanium dioxide (\'AG\'BR\'/\'TI\'O IND.2\') was investigated as catalyst in the photocatalysis activity under visible light irradiation. It was evaluated the influence of the concentration of \'AG\'BR\'/\'TI\'O IND.2\' (0.020; 0.025; 0.050; 0.070 and 0.100 g/L) and the incident light intensity (6.6 x \'10 POT.5\' and 1.3 x \'10 POT.6\' Ix) in the efficiency of degradation of 17\'beta\'-estradiol. In the second step, it was evaluated the use of ozone in the degradation of 17\'beta\'-estradiol in aqueous solutions, ranging up the masses of applied ozone (1.7; 3.3; 5.0 and 7.5 mg \'0 IND.3\'/L) and the pH (3, 5, 7, 9 and 11) of the samples. In the first stage, the results show that E2 was very sensitive to oxidative processes applyed. The photocatalysis was efficient to oxidize the 17\'beta\'-estradiol, requiring short exposure time, around 4 minutes, to obtain the removal of 98% (0.100 g/L of \'AG\'BR\'/\'TI\'O IND.2\' and incident visible light intensity of 1.3 x \'10 POT.6\'. In the second step, it was observed that the raise in pH promoted faster degradation of E2 and the increase of the mass of applied ozone promoted high efficiency of degradation of 17\'beta\'-estradiol.

Avaliação e tratamento da água de lavagem dos filtros e dos resíduos sedimentados gerados pela tecnologia de ciclo completo contendo oocistos de Cryptosporidium spp. e cistos de Giardia spp. / Evaluation and treatment of water treatment plants backwashing water and sedimented residue with Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts and Giardia spp. cysts

Allan Pretti Ogura 27 February 2018 (has links)
Os oocistos de Cryptosporidium spp. e os cistos de Giardia spp. podem gerar doenças de veiculação hídrica associadas a problemas de saúde pública. Os (oo)cistos são de difícil remoção e inativação durante o tratamento de água, principalmente devido ao tamanho reduzido e à resistência ao processo de cloração. Além disso, os métodos de detecção de protozoários na água apresentam elevado custo e estão sujeitos à grande variabilidade e à baixa reprodutibilidade, especialmente em águas de elevada turbidez. Com água de estudo com turbidez de aproximadamente 110 uT, ensaios de tratabilidade com cloreto de polialumínio foram feitos em jarteste para a obtenção da água de lavagem dos filtros (ALF) e do resíduo sedimentado. O método escolhido para detecção de (oo)cistos foi a centrifugação direta com adição de solução de dispersão ICN 7X seguido de IMS com duas dissociações ácidas (CD + ICN 7X). O tratamento dos resíduos objetivou a inativação dos (oo)cistos, por meio de danos à estrutura celular dos parasitos, identificada pela incorporação do corante iodeto de propídio no microrganismo. Para o método CD + ICN 7X, menor interferência na viabilidade dos (oo)cistos foi observada em relação à floculação em carbonato de cálcio e melhor recuperação do que a centrifugação direta. O controle de qualidade analítica desse método, feito com suspensão do kit EasySeed®, apresentou recuperação de 2,8±0,8% de oocistos e 7,8±2,9% de cistos para a ALF e de 3,3±2,0% e 24,8±8,0%, para oocistos e cistos no resíduo sedimentado. Apenas a recuperação de cistos de Giardia spp. no resíduo sedimentado atendeu aos padrões recomendados pelo Método 1623.1 da USEPA. A presença de microesferas magnéticas aderidas aos (oo)cistos foi observada nos poços de leitura após a IMS, indicando limitações desse método de purificação. Para o tratamento alcalino do resíduo sedimentado, a dosagem de 27mg/100mL foi testada para os tempos de 3 e 5 dias e, respectivamente, foram obtidos 1,85 e 3,0 log de inativação de oocistos e 2,05 e 2,14 log de inativação para cistos. Para o processo de ozonização da ALF, avaliado apenas para oocistos, as inativações de 2,83 log e 3,44 log foram obtidas para as dosagens de 7,5 mg O3 L-1 por 10 min e 10 mg O3 L-1 por 5 min, respectivamente. / Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts and Giardia spp. cysts are infectious forms and can cause public health problems due to associated waterborne diseases. (Oo)cysts are difficult to remove and inactivate during water treatment, mainly because of reduced size and resistance to chlorination. In addition, protozoan detection methods in water are expensive and subject to high variability and low reproducibility, especially in high turbidity water. In jartest treatability tests, 110 uT study water was treated with polyaluminium chloride to obtain backwashing water (BW) and sedimented residue. The method chosen for detection of (oo)cysts was direct centrifugation with addition of 7X ICN dispersion solution followed by IMS with two acid dissociations. Treatment of residuals objectified inactivation of (oo)cysts by damages on parasites cellular structure, identified by inclusion of propidium iodide as an indicator. The method of detection chosen showed less interference in the viability of (oo)cysts in comparison to flocculation in calcium carbonate and better recovery than direct centrifugation. The analytical quality control of this method, performed with EasySeed® suspension, obtained recovery of 2.8±0.8% oocysts and 7.8±2.9% cysts for BW and of 3.3±2.0% and 24.8±8.0%, for oocysts and cysts in sedimented residue. Only Giardia spp. recovery in sedimented residue complied with the standards recommended by USEPA Method 1623.1. Magnetic microspheres were found attached to (oo)cysts in microscope slides after IMS, indicating limitations of this purification method. For the alkaline treatment of sedimented residue, dosage of 27mg / 100mL was tested for 3 and 5 days and respectively 1.85 and 3.0 log inactivation were obtained for oocysts while 2.05 and 2.14 log of. For ozonation of BW, evaluated only for oocysts, 2.83 log and 3.44 log inactivation were obtained for dosages of 7.5 mg O3 L-1 for 10 min and 10 mg O3 L-1 for 5 min, respectively.

Development of Combination Processes Consisting of Ozonation, Coagulation and Ceramic Membrane Filtration for Water Reclamation based on Evaluation of Risk and Energy / リスクおよびエネルギー評価に基づくオゾン、凝集、セラミック膜ろ過による複合水再生処理プロセスの開発に関する研究

Wang, Hong Yang 25 March 2013 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第17538号 / 工博第3697号 / 新制||工||1563(附属図書館) / 30304 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科都市環境工学専攻 / (主査)教授 田中 宏明, 教授 清水 芳久, 教授 伊藤 禎彦 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当

Poruchové stavy úpraven vody / Water Treatment Plants and their Failure Modes

Baranová, Zuzana January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to conduct a survey in selected water treatment plants to identify possible faults with which treatment providers may encounter. Within the thesis has been visited these treatments: ÚV Troubky, ÚV Hosov, ÚV Příkazy, ÚV Černovír. Further was performed evaluation of the collected information, specification and frequency disturbances occurring on those premises.

Removal of pharmaceutical residues from wastewater / Avlägsnande av läkemedelsrester från avloppsvatten

Goralski, Alma January 2019 (has links)
Today, pharmaceutical residues are widely found in nature as a cause of the extensive use of human and veterinary medicine. The pharmaceutical residues have shown to have a damaging impact on flora and fauna. Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs), today, are not designed for pharmaceutical removal, which calls for new methods and the implementation of these to avoid increased concentrations of pharmaceutical residues in nature. This thesis addresses three main areas. Firstly, a pre-study regarding the prevalence of pharmaceutical residues at different parts of a WWTP and in the nearby river, secondly, an evaluation of removal of pharmaceutical residues using ozone and, thirdly, the construction of a pilot plant scale Activated Carbon (AC) unit and an evaluation of its capacity for pharmaceutical and ozone removal. This work was done in order to verify the quality of a future full-scale unit including the advanced techniques ozone and AC that will be implemented at a WWTP for pharmaceutical removal. The pre-study shows that the total concentration of the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) was largest at the inlet (93.8 mg/L) and decreased throughout the process steps to be the lowest at the outlet (5.6 mg/L). Paracetamol was found in the highest concentration (86.5 mg/L) at the inlet but could not be detected in the outlet. In the recipient none of the APIs could be found. However, caffeine was detected in the recipient. The pilot plant studies were performed in a batch process, one at high ozone generation and one at low ozone generation. The pilot test at high ozone generation showed that all of the measured APIs were below their Limit of Quantification (LOQ) after 2 minutes. The pilot test at low ozone generation showed a total API-removal of 44% after 7 minutes, 78% after 13 minutes, 97% after 20 minutes and more than 99% after 60 minutes. All of the APIs were below their LOQ after 180 min. The AC-filter construction mirrored the conditions within a full-scale unit as closely as possible and was scaled by the superficial velocity. The AC-filter showed an ozone removal of approximately 99% and removed all pharmaceutical residues apart from Ranitidine which was decreased by 76%. / Idag återfinns läkemedelsrester i stor utsträckning i naturen, vilket är ett resultat av den omfattande användningen av human- och veterinärmediciner. Läkemedelsresterna har visat sig ha en skadlig effekt på flora och fauna. Dagens avloppsreningsverk är inte byggda för att rena vattnet från läkemedelsrester, vilket kräver att nya metoder utvecklas och implementeras för att förebygga spridning av läkemedel. Denna avhandling redogör för tre huvudområden, inledningsvis en förstudie om förekomsten av läkemedelsrester i olika delar av ett vattenreningsverk samt i en närliggande å. Därefter en studie av ozons förmåga att eliminera läkemedelsrester och slutligen konstruktion av ett aktivt kolfilter och en utvärdering av dess förmåga att ta bort läkemedel. Detta gjordes med syftet att verifiera kvalitén hos en fullskalig anläggning som kommer att installeras på ett vattenreningsverket där ozon och aktivt kol kommer användas för borttagning av läkemedelsrester. Förstudien visar att totalkoncentrationen av de aktiva läkemedelssubstanserna (API:er) var som störst vid inloppet av reningsverket (93.8 μg/L) och koncentrationen minskade genom de olika processtegen och var som lägst i utloppet (5.6 μg/L). Paracetamol återfanns i den högsta koncentrationen i inloppet (86.5 μg/L), men kunde inte detekteras i utloppet. Ingen av API:erna återfanns i recipienten, men däremot detekterades koffein. Pilotanläggningsstudierna genomfördes i en batch och genomfördes med högozongenerering och med låg ozongenerering. Studien med hög ozongenerering visade att alla läkemedelsrester var under analysmetodens detektionsgräns efter 2 minuter. Pilotstudien med låg ozonegenerering visade att den totala läkemedelsborttagningen var 44 % efter 7 minuter, 78 % efter 13 minuter, 97 % efter 20 minuter och mer än 99 % efter 60 minuter. Alla läkemedelsrester var under analysmetodens detektionsgräns efter 180 min. Kolfiltret konstruerades för att efterlikna det fullskaliga filtret så mycket som möjligt och skalades således efter den hypotetiska tomma bäddhastigheten. Kolfiltret tog bort cirka 99 % av ozonet och alla läkemedelsrester utom Ranitidin som reducerades med 76 %.

Reduction of Acrylamide in Reject Water from Sludge Dewatering / Reduktion av akrylamid i rejektvatten från slamavvattning

Aspegren, Martina January 2023 (has links)
Norrvatten produces and delivers drinking water to approximately 700 000 people in the northern part of the Stockholm region in Sweden. In their water treatment plant Görvälnverket, water from Lake Mälaren is purified. During the purification, sludge is produced. To be able to use the sludge as landfilling material, it must be dewatered. Polyacrylamide is used as a flocculant for this purpose. However, in the reject water leaving the sludge and discharged into Lake Mälaren, acrylamide monomers are often left as a rest product from the manufacturing of polyacrylamide. The problem is that acrylamide is toxic to living organisms.  The aim of this master thesis was to evaluate proposed water treatment techniques to reduce acrylamide in the reject water leaving Görvälnverket and reach Norrvatten´s goal of an acrylamide concentration below 0.10 µg/l. The water treatment techniques evaluated were ozonation, moving bed biofilm reactor and trickling filter. Along with that, oxidative stress and genotoxicity from the ozone were analysed. Also, the ability of Lake Mälaren to degrade acrylamide was evaluated. The ozone tests were performed in a pilot plant in a laboratory at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute (IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet), the moving bed biofilm reactor- and the trickling filter test were performed in pilot plants at Görvälnverket and the degradation tests in water from Lake Mälaren were performed at Görvälnverket as well.  The results showed that ozonation of the reject water could reduce acrylamide in the reject water and fulfil Norrvatten´s goal of below 0.10 µg/l acrylamide. When an ozone dose of 0.70 mg/l was applied to the reject water with an acrylamide concentration of 2.5 µg/l, more than 98 % of the acrylamide was reduced. Furthermore, no oxidative stress or genotoxicity seemed to be generated from the ozonation. The moving bed biofilm reactor and the trickling filter did reduce the acrylamide by 80.77 % and 94.7 % respectively and the results suggested that they could be used to reach Norrvatten´s goal. Finally, the results indicated that water from Lake Mälaren could degrade acrylamide at a temperature of 15 °C in 4 days and in 8 °C in 13 days and reach the goal. / Norrvatten producerar och levererar dricksvatten till cirka 700 000 människor i norra delen av Region Stockholm i Sverige. I deras vattenverk Görvälnverket renas vatten från Mälaren. När sjövattnet renas produceras slam. För att slammet ska kunna användas som landfyllnadsmaterial måste det avvattnas. Polyakrylamid används som flockningsmedel i det syftet. I rejektvattnet som lämnar slammet och släpps ut i Mälaren finns ofta akrylamid monomerer kvar som en restprodukt från framställning av polyakrylamid. Problemet med detta är att akrylamid är toxiskt för levande organismer.  Syftet med detta masterexamensarbete var att evaluera föreslagna vattenreningstekniker för att reducera akrylamid i rejektvattnet som lämnar Görvälnverket och inte överstiga en akrylamidkoncentration på 0,10 µg/l som är Norrvattens mål. Vattenreningsteknikerna som evaluerades var ozonering, biofilmreaktor med rörlig bädd och biobädd. Utöver det var oxidativ stress samt genotoxicitet från ozoneringen analyserad. Dessutom var nedbrytningsförmågan av akrylamid i Mälaren testad. Ozonerings försöken utfördes i en pilotanläggning i ett laboratorium hos IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet, testerna med biofilmreaktor med rörlig bädd och biofilter utfördes i pilotanläggningar på Görvälnverket och nedbrytningstesterna i Mälarvatten utfördes också på Görvälnverket.  Resultaten visade på att ozonering av rejektvattnet kan reducera akrylamid och uppfylla Norrvattens mål om en akrylamidkoncentration på mindre än 0,10  µg/l. När en ozondos på 0,70 mg/l applicerades i rejektvattnet med en akrylamidkoncentration på 2,5 µg/l reducerades mer än 98 % av akrylamiden. Vidare tycktes inte ozoneringen bidra till oxidativ stress eller genotoxicitet. Biofilmreaktorn med rörlig bädd och biofiltret reducerade akrylamid med 80,77 % respektive 94,7 %.  Resultaten visade att dessa tekniker skulle kunna användas för att nå Norrvattens mål. Utöver detta visade studien att vatten från Mälaren kan bryta ner akrylamid i 15 °C på 4 dagar och i 8 °C på 13 dagar och nå målet.

Advanced oxidation processes for the removal of residual non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pharmaceuticals from aqueous systems

Feng, Ling, Feng, Ling 02 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The thesis mainly focused on the implementation of advanced oxidation processes for the elimination of three non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs-ketoprofen, naproxen and piroxicam in waters. The three compounds are among the most used medicines, whose presence in waters poses a potential ecotoxicological risk. Due to the low pharmaceuticals removal efficiency of traditional wastwater treatement plants, worldwide concerns and calls are raised for efficient and eco-friendly technologies. Advanced oxidation processes, such as ozonation-biofiltration, electro-Fenton and anodic oxidation processes, which attracted a growing interest over the last two decades, could achieve almost complete destruction of the pollutants studied. Firstly, removal of selected pharmaceuticals from tap water was investigated by electrochemical advanced oxidation processes "electro-Fenton" and "anodic oxidation" with Pt or boron-doped diamond anode and carbon felt cathode at lab-scale. Removal rates and minieralization current efficencies under different operatioanl conditions were analysed. Meanwhile, intermediates produced during the mineralization were also identified, which helps to propose plausible oxidation pathway of each compound in presence of *OH. Finally, the evolution of the global toxicity of treated solutions was monitored using Microtox method, based on the fluorescence inhibition of Vibrio fischeri bacteria. In the second part, the three nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory molecules added in organics-free or surface water were treated under varying ozone treatment regimes with the quite well established technology ozone/biofiltration. A bench-scale biological film was employed to determine the biodegradability of chemical intermediates formed in ozonized surface water. Identification of intermediates formed during the processes and bacterial toxicity monitoring were conducted to assess the pharmaceuticals degradation pathway and potential biological effects, respectively

Degradação do antibiótico ciprofloxacina em solução aquosa por meio de processo oxidativo avançado baseado em ozônio. / Degradation of the antibiotic ciprofloxacin in aqueous solution by the advanced oxidation process based on ozone.

Baptistucci, Cíntia Bardauil 02 March 2012 (has links)
Os tratamentos convencionais de efluentes em geral não são eficientes para a degradação de compostos persistentes como os fármacos. Neste trabalho, estuda-se o tratamento de soluções aquosas contendo o antibiótico ciprofloxacina (CIP) por meio de processo oxidativo avançado baseado em ozônio. Para tanto, foram realizados experimentos em semi-batelada com recirculação de líquido em um reator (coluna de bolhas) com escoamento gás-líquido em contracorrente. Amostras de líquido foram retiradas e analisadas para medida das concentrações de CIP e de carbono orgânico total (COT); a concentração de ozônio no gás foi medida por espectrofotometria UV-vis. Estudaram-se os efeitos das seguintes variáveis quanto à degradação de CIP, por meio de um planejamento Doehlert: concentração de ozônio à entrada do reator (8-25 mgO3 L-1), pH (3,5-10,5) e concentração inicial de CIP (5-26 mg L-1). Avaliaram-se as seguintes variáveis dependentes por meio da análise de superfícies de resposta: variação de concentração de CIP em 2 minutos; taxa inicial de degradação de CIP e variação de concentração de COT em 30 minutos. Os resultados indicaram total degradação de ciprofloxacina em menos de 15 minutos, tanto por via direta, com ataque por ozônio molecular em meio ácido, como por via indireta, com ataque por radicais hidroxila em meio básico. Os compostos resultantes da degradação da CIP mostraram-se recalcitrantes, obtendo-se maiores remoções de COT após 30 minutos apenas em meio básico ou neutro (máximo de 72,8% para pH=7, [O3]=24,9 mgO3 L-1 e [CIP]0=15,8 mg L-1). Apesar da persistência dos compostos orgânicos remanescentes, os ensaios respirométricos sugeriram que os produtos de degradação são menos tóxicos que o composto de partida, com menor inibição da atividade microbiana. No conjunto, os resultados do trabalho indicam que o processo de ozonização pode ser aplicado para pré-tratamento de efluentes aquosos contendo ciprofloxacina em baixas concentrações, podendo ser associado a processos de tratamento biológico em ETEs antes do descarte. / Conventional wastewater treatment processes are not generally efficient for the degradation of persistent substances like pharmaceutical compounds. In this work, the treatment of aqueous solutions containing the antibiotic ciprofloxacin (CIP) by means of the ozone-based advanced oxidation process is studied. With this aim, experiments were carried out in semi-batch mode with liquid circulation in a bubble column reactor with gas-liquid counter flow. Liquid samples were analyzed for CIP and total organic carbon (TOC) concentrations; ozone concentration in the gas was measured by UVvisible spectrophotometry. The effects of the following variables on CIP degradation were studied according to a Doehlert experimental design: inlet ozone concentration (8 to 25 mgO3 L-1), pH (3.5 to 10.5), initial CIP concentration (5 to 26 mg L-1). The following dependent variables were investigated by response surface analysis: variation in CIP concentration after 2 minutes; CIP initial degradation rate and variation in TOC concentration after 30 minutes. The results showed total degradation of ciprofloxacin in less than 15 minutes either by direct reaction with molecular ozone in acidic medium, or by indirect attack of hydroxyl radicals in alkaline medium. Compounds resulting from CIP degradation showed to be recalcitrant, yielding larger TOC removals after 30 minutes only in alkaline or neutral medium (maximum of 72.8% for pH=7, [O3]=24.9 mgO3 L-1, and [CIP]0=15.8 mg L-1). Despite the persistence of remaining organic compounds, respirometric assays suggested that degradation products are less toxic than the parent compound, exhibiting lower inhibition of microbial activity. Overall, the results indicate that the ozonation process can be used in the pre-treatment of aqueous effluents containing ciprofloxacin in low concentrations, and could be associated with biological treatment processes in wastewater treatment plants prior to final disposal.

Desenvolvimento de método de quantificação de estatinas em efluente hospitalar e estudo de degradação oxidativa avançada / Method development of statins quantification in hospital effluent and study of advanced oxidative degradation

Altissimo, Joseline 18 December 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In this study, an analytical method was developed for the quantification of statins Atorvastatin and Simvastatin, in hospital effluent (University Hospital of Santa Maria, using Solid phase extraction and Dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction, followed in liquid chromatography coupled to diode array detector. The principal variables of Dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction were investigated with aid of experimental central composite design. The recovery rates of Solid phase extraction varied from 95% for Atorvastatin and 83.2% for Simvastatin, in aqueous solution, and 92.0% for Atorvastatin and 81.5% for Simvastatin, in hospital effluent. As for the Dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction the recovery rates ranged from 85.5% for Atorvastatin and 89.4% for Simvastatin, in aqueous solution, and 83.0% for Atorvastatin and 83.1% for Simvastatin, in hospital effluent. The sampling was carried out in two sample points called Emergency Effluent and General Effluent . The concentration rates detected in the effluent were 30.1 μg L-1 in Emergency Effluent and 29.0 μg L-1 in General Effluent for Atorvastatin and 37.1 μg L-1 in Emergency Effluent and 36.1 μg L-1 in GE for Simvastatin. Ozonation and electrocoagulation were applied for the degradation/removal of statins. The principal variables of electrocoagulation were investigated with aid of experimental central composite design. The degradation rate obtained in ozonation was 100% for Atorvastatin, in 25 minutes reaction for aqueous solution and hospital effluent; and 100% for Simvastatin, in 4 minutes reaction for aqueous solution and 10 minutes reaction in hospital effluent. As for the electrocoagulation the removal rate was 75.6% in aqueous solution and 70.9% in hospital effluent for Atorvastatin; and 100% in aqueous solution and hospital effluent for Simvastatin in 60 minutes reaction. A preliminary risk evaluation revealed that the statins showed a low environmental risk, PEC/PNEC < 1. / Neste trabalho foi desenvolvida metodologia analítica para a quantificação de estatinas Atorvastatina e Sinvastatina, em efluente hospitalar (Hospital Universitário de Santa Maria), utilizando Extração em fase sólida e Microextração dispersiva líquido-líquido seguida de cromatografia líquida com detector de arranjo de diodos. As principais variáveis da Microextração dispersiva líquido-líquido foram investigadas utilizando a Metodologia de Superfície de Resposta através de um delineamento composto central rotacional. As taxas de recuperação da Extração em fase sólida foram de 95,8% para Atorvastatina e 83,5% para Sinvastatina, em solução aquosa e 92,0% para Atorvastatina e 81,5% para Sinvastatina em efluente hospitalar. Já para a Microextração dispersiva líquido-líquido as taxas de recuperação foram de 85,5% para Atorvastatina e 89,4% para Sinvastatina, em solução aquosa e 83,0% para Atorvastatina e 83,1% para Sinvastatina, em efluente hospitalar. A amostragem foi feita em dois pontos de coleta, denominados Efluente PA e Efluente Geral . A concentração média detectada no efluente foi de 30,1 μg L-1 no Efluente PA e 29,0 μg L-1 no Efluente Geral para Atorvastatina e 37,1 μg L-1 no Efluente PA e 36,1 μg L-1 no Efluente Geral para Sinvastatina. Ozonização e eletrocoagulação foram aplicados na degradação/remoção das estatinas. As principais variáveis da eletrocoagulação foram investigadas utilizando a Metodologia de Superfície de Resposta através de um delineamento composto central. As taxas de degradação obtidas na ozonização foram de 100% para Atorvastatina, em 25 min de reação, para solução aquosa e efluente hospitalar; e 100% para Sinvastatina em 4 min em solução aquosa, e 10 min em efluente hospitalar. Já para a eletrocoagulação as taxas de remoção foram de 75,9% em solução aquosa e 70,9% em efluente hospitalar para Atorvastatina; e 100% para solução aquosa e afluente hospitalar para Sinvastatina, em 60 min de reação. A análise preliminar de risco ambiental revelou que as estatinas apresentam baixo risco ambiental, com PEC/PNEC < 1.

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