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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Synthesis of Conjugated Polymers and Adhesive Properties of Thin Films in OPV Devices / Synthèse de Copolymères Conjugués et Mesure de l’Adhésion des Films Minces dans les Cellules Solaires Organiques

Gregori, Alberto 12 November 2015 (has links)
La production d’énergie avec des cellules photovoltaïques organiques (OPV) est une des applications les plus prometteuses des semi-conducteurs organiques, en raison de leur compatibilité avec les substrats flexibles permettant des produits légers, peu chers et décoratifs. Pendant longtemps, poly(3-hexylthiophène) (P3HT) a été le polymère de choix dans l’OPV combiné au [6,6]-phényl-C61-butanoate de méthyle (PC61BM) comme accepteur. Toutefois, des recherches récentes ont porté sur des polymères avec meilleures absorption et processabilité, qui peuvent assurer des rendements et des durées de vie plus élevés. Des rendements de conversion en puissance (PCE) au-dessus de 11% ont récemment été démontrés. Cette thèse rapporte sur la synthèse et la caractérisation de deux séries de polymères dits à faible bande interdite, LBGs "push-pull" (ou donneur-accepteur), constitués de l'unité donneuse 4,4-bis(2-ethylhexyl)-5,5'-dithieno[3,2-b:2',3'-d]silole (DTS) combinée au 3,6-dithiophén-2-yl-2,5-dihydro-pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-1,4-dione (DPP) ou au 5,7-di(thiényl)thiéno[3,4-b]pyrazines (DTP), comme unité acceptrice. Toutes les molécules et les polymères ont été caractérisés chimiquement et leur propriétés optoelectroniques, morphologiques et photovoltaïques ont été determinées. La série DTS-DPP a été choisie parce qu'elle est représentative d'un grand nombre de polymères LBG et a fourni un modèle facilement accessible pour évaluer l'importance de la chaîne latérale utilisée sur leur propriétés optoélectroniques et thermiques. Les premières études sur les dispositifs à base de DTS-DPP:PC61BM ont été menées, pour déterminer les propriétés photovoltaïques. Le meilleur dispositif permet d’obtenir un PCE de 1,7% avec JSC de 5,9 mA cm-2, VOC de 0,54 V et FF de 0,58. La série DTS-DTP a été choisie pour la stabilité chimique élevée des deux unités et pour la facilité de substitution des groupes latéraux. La polymérisation a partiellement abouti, en donnant seulement des oligomères. La caractérisation chimique a pu être effectuée, mais leur application dans l’OPV n'a pas été explorée. En termes de stabilité, les mécanismes de défaillance électrique des dispositifs OPV ont été étudiés, montrant une méconnaissance de leur stabilité mécanique. Les contraintes caractéristiques de chaque couche mince présentes dans les cellules solaires organiques constituent la force motrice à l’origine de la délamination des interfaces faibles ou même leur decohésion, causant une perte de l'intégrité et des performances du dispositif. Une technique pour sonder les couches ou les interfaces fragiles dans les cellules solaires polymère:fullerene est présentée. Elle a été développée par l'établissement d'un nouveau set-up pour le test pull-off, développé en utilisant un dispositif à géométrie inverse, de structure verre/ITO/ZnO/P3HT:PC61BM/PEDOT:PSS/Ag. Les dispositifs délaminés ont montré que le point le plus faible est localisé à l'interface AL/HTL, en bon accord avec la littérature. La technique a été étendue en variant les deux couches sensibles, en utilisant differents polymères LBG pour l’AL (PSBTBT et PDTSTzTz) en combinaison avec deux formulations de PEDOT:PSS, CleviosTM HTL Solar à base d'eau et un nouveau HTL Solar 2 à base de solvant organique. Une différence entre la contrainte à la rupture des dispositifs avec différentes combinaisons de AL et HTL est visible, suggérant différents chemins de fracture, tel que confirmé par la caractérisation de surface et qui pourrait être corrélée avec la différence de comportement de la couche active avec les deux formulations de PEDOT:PSS. Une autre voie adoptée, a été d’introduire une couche d’interface de copolymère à blocs amphiphile afin d'améliorer la compatibilité des deux couches. Cette stratégie n'a pas abouti et la nouvelle architecture présente une adhésion réduite. La poursuite de l’amélioration des procédés de fabrication de ces dispositifs pourrait faire de cette nouvelle architecture, une alternative viable. / Organic photovoltaic (OPV) devices are one of the most promising applications of organic semiconductors due to their compatibility with flexible plastic substrates resulting in light weight, inexpensive and decorative products. For a long time poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) has been the polymer of choice in OPV devices in combination with [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methylester (PC61BM) as acceptor. However, recent research has focused on polymers with improved absorbance and processability that can ensure higher efficiencies and longer lifetimes (Low BandGap polymers (LBGs)). This has been fully demonstrated with a power conversion efficiency (PCE) above 11%. This thesis reports synthesis and characterization of two series of so-called “push-pull” (or donor-acceptor) LBGs based on the donor unit 4,4′-bis(2-ethylhexyl)-5,5’-dithieno[3,2-b:2′,3′-d]silole (DTS) and either 3,6-dithiophen-2-yl-2, 5-dihydropyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-1,4-dione (DPP) or 5,7-di(thienyl)thieno[3,4-b]pyrazines (DTP), as acceptor unit. All π-conjugated molecules and polymers were characterized by chemical investigation and their optoelectronic, morphological, and photovoltaic properties are reported. The DTS-DPP series was chosen because representative of a large number of LBG polymers and provided an easily accessible and useful template to discover the importance of the type of side-chain used on the polymer optoelectronic and thermal properties. First studies on DTS-DPP:PC61BM devices have been conducted, in order to investigate any effect on their photovoltaic properties. The best device obtained had a PCE of 1.7% with JSC of 5.9 mA•cm-2, VOC of 0.54 V and FF of 0.58. The DTS-DTP series was chosen for the high stability of the two units and for the ease of substitution of the side-groups. The synthesis was partially successful and only oligomers were obtained. Nonetheless, chemical characterization was performed but their application in OPV was not explored. In terms of device stability, the electrical failure mechanisms in OPV devices have been investigated, while little is known about their mechanical stability. The characteristic thin film stresses of each layer present in organic solar cells, in combination with other possible fabrication, handling and operational stresses, provide the mechanical driving force for delamination of weak interfaces or even their de-cohesion, leading to a loss of device integrity and performance. A technique to probe weak layers or interfaces in inverted polymer:fullerene solar cells is presented. It was developed by establishing a new set-up for the pull-off test. The technique was developed using inverted device, with the structure glass/ITO/ZnO/P3HT:PC61BM/PEDOT:PSS/Ag. The delaminated devices showed that the weakest point was localized at the active layer/hole transporting layer interface, in good agreement with the literature. The technique was extended varying both sensitive layers, using different p-type low bandgap (co)polymers for the active layer (PSBTBT and PDTSTzTz) in combination with two different PEDOT:PSS formulations, the water based CleviosTM HTL Solar and a new organic solvent based HTL Solar 2. The half-devices produced upon destructive testing have been characterized by contact angle measurement, AFM and XPS to locate the fracture point. A difference in the stress at break for devices made with different combinations of active and hole transporting layers is visible, suggesting different fracture paths, as confirmed by surface characterization and could be correlated to the different behavior of the active layer with the two PEDOT:PSS formulations. Another solution adopted, it had been the introduction of amphiphilic block-copolymer interlayer to enhance the compatibility of the two layers. This strategy was not successful and the new architecture showed reduced adhesion strength. Further development of device processing could make this new architecture a viable alternative.

Développement de techniques de microscopie Kelvin hautement résolues et photomodulées pour l'étude de systèmes photovoltaïques / Development of highly resolved and photo-modulated Kelvin probe microscopy techniques for the study of photovoltaic systems

Fernandez Garrillo, Pablo Arturo 25 September 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse propose, décrit et utilise un ensemble de techniques basées sur la microscopie à force atomique sous ultravide pour la cartographie simultanée, à l'échelle nanométrique, de la topographie de surface et des dynamiques temporelles des photo-porteurs. Ainsi, en contrôlant la dépendance du photo-potentiel de surface moyen mesuré par microscopie à force de sonde Kelvin en fonction de la fréquence de répétition d'une source lumineuse externe d'excitation, le dispositif expérimental permet d’accéder aux dynamiques temporelles du photo-potentiel de surface qui, à leur tour, permettent d'étudier les dynamiques des photo-porteurs sur une large gamme d'échantillons. Afin de permettre le processus de nano-imagerie bidimensionnelle, ces mesures sont acquises de manière répétée en enregistrant des courbes spectroscopiques en chaque point d’une grille prédéfinie. En utilisant une procédure d'ajustement mathématique automatique, les dynamiques temporelles des photo-porteurs sont extraites à partir des données expérimentales.Cet ensemble de nouvelles méthodes est utilisé pour l’étude de plusieurs types d'échantillons issus de différentes technologies photovoltaïques telles que des couches minces en silicium poly-cristallin à petits grains, des cellules de troisième génération à nano cristaux de silicium, des cellules photovoltaïques organiques et des cellules à base de matériaux de structure pérovskite. Dans chaque cas, on décrit les processus de recombinaison des photo-porteurs ainsi que leur lien avec la morphologie et la structuration du matériau. Enfin, les aspects techniques de ces nouvelles méthodes d’analyse sont présentés, ainsi que leurs limites, notamment celles concernant l'interprétation des résultats. / This thesis is directed towards the proposition and demonstration of a set of novel advanced atomic force microscopy based techniques under ultra-high vacuum conditions, enabling to map simultaneously the surface topography and the photo-carrier dynamics at the nanometre scale. In fact, by monitoring the dependence of the average surface photo-voltage measured with Kelvin probe force microscopy, as a function of the repetition frequency of a modulated excitation source, we will access the built-up and decay dynamics of the surface photo-voltage response which in turn will allows us to study the photo-carrier dynamics over a wide range of samples. In order to enable the 2-dimensional nano-imaging process, Kelvin probe force microscopy under modulated illumination measurements are acquired repeatedly over each point of a predefined grid area over the sample acquiring a set of spectroscopy curves. Then, using an automatic mathematical fit procedure, spectroscopy curves are translated into pixels of the photo-carrier dynamic time-constant images.Moreover, these set of novel techniques will be used to investigate the surface photo-voltage dynamics in several kinds of photovoltaic samples from different technological branches such as small grain polycrystalline silicon thin films, silicon nanocrystal-based third generation cells, bulk heterojunction donor-acceptor organic photovoltaics and organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite single crystal cells, discussing in each case the photo-carrier recombination process and its relation with the material’s structuration/morphology. Finally, technical aspects of these novel techniques will be discussed as well as their limitations and remaining open question regarding results interpretation.

Developing a Combinatorial Synthesis Database Tool

Quaglia Casal, Luciano January 2018 (has links)
Thin-film solar cell research is central to the electricity production of the near future. Photovoltaic technologies based on silicon have a significant portion of the global market and installed capacity. Thin-film solar cells are port of the emerging photovoltaic technologies that are challenging silicon for a part of the electricity production based on solar power. These thin-film technologies, such as copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) and cadmium telluride (CdTe), are lower cost and require less energy to produce, but also require rare materials. An alternative to these technologies are thin-film solar cells based on more abundant materials. To develop these new materials at Uppsala University, combinatorial synthesis is used. This method produces a significant amount of data across different measurement methods. The data needs to be analysed and combined to gather information about the characteristics of the materials being developed. To facilitate the analysis and combination of data, a database tool was created in MATLAB. The result is a program that allows its User to combine energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), Raman spectroscopy and Photoluminescence spectroscopy measurements done on solar cell absorber layers. Absorber layers are the section of solar cells where sun lighet is absorbed, and electron-hole pairs are created. The program provides multiple figures and graphs combining the different data collected, enabling the User to draw conclusions about the characteristics of the sample and its suitability as an absorber layer. The combinatorial synthesis database tool created could be user for combinatorial synthesis analysis of other material samples that are not necessarily absorber layers for thin-film solar cells. This report describes both the development of the tool and the code itself.

Series Resistance Increase in Field Degraded PV Modules in Different Climatic Conditions

January 2018 (has links)
abstract: Global photovoltaic (PV) module installation in 2018 is estimated to exceed 100 GW, and crystalline Si (c-Si) solar cell-based modules have a share more than 90% of the global PV market. To reduce the social cost of PV electricity, further developments in reliability of solar panels are expected. These will lead to realize longer module lifetime and reduced levelized cost of energy. As many as 86 failure modes are observed in PV modules [1] and series resistance increase is one of the major durability issues of all. Series resistance constitutes emitter sheet resistance, metal-semiconductor contact resistance, and resistance across the metal-solder ribbon. Solder bond degradation at the cell interconnect is one of the primary causes for increase in series resistance, which is also considered to be an invisible defect [1]. Combination of intermetallic compounds (IMC) formation during soldering and their growth due to solid state diffusion over its lifetime result in formation of weak interfaces between the solar cell and the interconnect. Thermal cycling under regular operating conditions induce thermo-mechanical fatigue over these weak interfaces resulting in contact reduction or loss. Contact reduction or loss leads to increase in series resistance which further manifests into power and fill factor loss. The degree of intermixing of metallic interfaces and contact loss depends on climatic conditions as temperature and humidity (moisture ingression into the PV module laminate) play a vital role in reaction kinetics of these layers. Modules from Arizona and Florida served as a good sample set to analyze the effects of hot and humid climatic conditions respectively. The results obtained in the current thesis quantifies the thickness of IMC formation from SEM-EDS profiles, where similar modules obtained from different climatic conditions were compared. The results indicate the thickness of the IMC and detachment degree to be growing with age and operating temperatures of the module. This can be seen in CuxSny IMC which is thicker in the case of Arizona module. The results obtained from FL ii aged modules also show that humidity accelerates the formation of IMC as they showed thicker AgxSny layer and weak interconnect-contact interfaces as compared to Arizona modules. It is also shown that climatic conditions have different effects on rate at which CuxSny and AgxSny intermetallic compounds are formed. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Materials Science and Engineering 2018

Συνδυασμένη χρήση ηλιακής και αιολικής ενέργειας για την κάλυψη ενεργειακών αναγκών των κτιρίων

Μακρής, Θεόδωρος 22 September 2009 (has links)
Οι ανανεώσιμες πηγές ενέργειας (ΑΠΕ), όπως η ηλιακή και αιολική ενέργεια μπορούν να προσφέρουν εναλλακτικούς τρόπους παραγωγής ενέργειας. Κάθε μορφή ΑΠΕ έχει τις δικές της ιδιομορφίες και μπορούν να εφαρμοστούν είτε σε μεγάλες εγκαταστάσεις παραγωγής ηλεκτρικής και θερμικής ενέργειας είτε σε μικρότερες μονάδες όπως στα κτίρια. Ενδιαφέρον παρουσιάζει η συνδυασμένη αξιοποίηση των παραπάνω ενεργειακών πηγών, ιδίως για την κάλυψη των ηλεκτρικών και θερμικών αναγκών των κτιρίων. Αντικείμενο της διπλωματικής αυτής εργασίας είναι η μελέτη ενός συστήματος αποτελούμενο από μικρή ανεμογεννήτρια, φωτοβολταϊκά πλαίσια και θερμικό ηλιακό συλλέκτη. Αρχικά γίνεται αναφορά στα επιμέρους συστήματα ΑΠΕ από τα οποία αποτελείται η εγκατάσταση. Στη συνέχεια, αναλύονται τα μετεωρολογικά δεδομένα της περιοχής και ακολουθεί η ενεργειακή μελέτη της συμπεριφοράς του υβριδικού συστήματος. Το κύριο θέμα που εξετάζεται είναι η παροχή ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας για θέρμανση του νερού σε περιπτώσεις που υπάρχει πλεόνασμα ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας. Επίσης αναλύεται η προοπτική συνδυασμού υβριδικών/φωτοβολταϊκών συλλεκτών με Α/Γ. Τέλος παρατίθενται τα συμπεράσματα και οι εκτιμήσεις σχετικά με τη συμπεριφορά του υβριδικού συστήματος στις μεταβολές της ταχύτητας του ανέμου και της ηλιακής ακτινοβολίας σε ημερήσια και ετήσια βάση. / The renewable energy sources (RES) like solar and wind energy can offer an alternative solution to produce power. Each form of RES, has its own specifications and they can applied in big installations of production electric and thermal energy or in smaller units as the buildings. This thesis investigates the performance of a system consist of a small wind turbine, solar photovoltaic modules and solar thermal collector. In the beginning, the design and components of installation is presented. Then, the measured data are used to analyzed the meteorological condition of test site and evaluate the performance of the hybrid system. The main concept, regarding the energy use of electrical to heat water in case that there is surplus of it, is presented. Finally conclusions and considerations about the behavior of hybrid system from the daily and yearly variation of wind speed and solar radiation are included.

Hosting capacity for photovoltaics in Swedish distribution grids

Walla, Tobias January 2012 (has links)
For planning issues, it is useful to know the upper limit for photovoltaics (PV) in the electrical grid with current design and operation (defined as hosting capacity) and how this limit can be increased. Future costs for grid reinforcement can be avoided if measures are taken to implement smart grid technology in the distribution grid. The aim of this project is to identify challenges in Swedish electricity distribution grids with a high penetration of local generation of electricity from PV. The aim is also to help Swedish Distribution System Operators (DSOs) to better understand hosting capacity issues, and to see which room for PV integration there is before there is need for actions to maintain power quality. Three distribution grids are modelled and simulated in Matlab: Rural area, Residential area and City (Stockholm Royal Seaport). Since the project is a cooperation between Uppsala University and Fortum, three different representative grids from Fortum’s grid software ”Power Grid” have been used as input to a flexible simulation program developed at Uppsala University. The simulation includes Newton-Raphson power-flow computing but has also been improved with a model of the temperature dependency of the resistance. The results show that there is room for a lot of PV systems in the Swedish grids. When using voltage rise above 1.1 p.u. voltage as limitation, the hosting capacity 60% PV electricity generation as a fraction of the yearly load were determined for the rural grid and the suburban grid. For the city grid, which is very robust, the hosting capacity 325% was determined. When using overload as limitation, the hosting capacities 70%, 20% and 25%, were determined for the same grids.

Calculs ab initio de structures électroniques pour un meilleur design de polymères photovoltaïques

Bérubé, Nicolas 04 1900 (has links)
La présente thèse porte sur l'utilité de la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité dans le design de polymères pour applications photovoltaïques. L'étude porte d'abord sur le rôle des calculs théoriques pour la caractérisation des polymères dans le cadre de collaborations entre la théorie et l'expérience. La stabilité et les niveaux énergétiques de certaines molécules organiques sont étudiés avant et après la sulfuration de leurs groupements carbonyles, un procédé destiné à diminuer le band gap. Les propriétés de dynamique électronique, de séparation des porteurs de charges et de spectres de vibrations Raman sont également explorées dans un polymère à base de polycarbazole. Par la suite, l'utilité des calculs théoriques dans le design de polymères avant leurs synthèses est considérée. La théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité est étudiée dans le cadre du modèle de Scharber afin de prédire l'efficacité des cellules solaires organiques. Une nouvelle méthode de design de polymères à faible band gaps, basée sur la forme structurale aromatique ou quinoide est également présentée, dont l'efficacité surpasse l'approche actuelle de donneur-accepteur. Ces études sont mises à profit dans l'exploration de l'espace moléculaire et plusieurs candidats de polymères aux propriétés électroniques intéressantes sont présentés. / This thesis focuses on the role of density functional theory in the design of polymers for photovoltaic applications. Theoretical calculations are first studied in the characterization of polymers in the context of collaborations between theory and experiment. The stability and the energy levels of some organic molecules are studied before and after a sulfurization of their carbonyl groups, a process destined to lower the band gaps. The dynamics of the electronic processes and the Raman vibration spectra are also explored in a polycarbazole-based polymer. From then, the usefulness of theoretical calculations in the design of polymers before their syntheses is explored. Density functional theory calculations are studied under the Scharber model in order to predict the efficiency of organic solar cells. Then, a new approach for the design of low band gap polymer based on the aromatic or quinoid structures is established, whose efficiency surpasses the actual donor-acceptor approach. These studies are used in the exploration of the chemical space and several candidate for polymers with interesting electronic properties are presented.

Study of Organic Semiconductors for Device Applications

Stella, Marco 12 March 2010 (has links)
Organic semiconductors are being investigated as an alternative to more traditional materials such as silicon, for the fabrication of different types of electronic devices. The advantages of such materials are flexibility, lightness and quick and low cost device production methods. In this thesis we analyze some small molecule organic semiconductors for their use in devices such as thin film transistors and photovoltaic cells. These materials, deposited in thin films on glass by thermal vacuum evaporation, are copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) and pentacene, p-type materials, fullerene (C60), PTCDA and PTCDI-C13, that are n-type. We analyze their optical properties by optical transmittance measurement and photothermal deflection spectroscopy (PDS). By such means we obtain the absorption coefficient of the materials in sub-gap region (near infrared - NIR), directly related with the density of electronic states. Furthermore, we examine thin film microstructure by X-ray diffraction (XRD) in order to observe if it is amorphous or polycrystalline. The data obtained by optical methods are used to calculate optical gap (Eg) and Urbach energy (Eu). The former of these parameters gives important information about the absorption properties of the material in the visible and NIR ranges of the spectrum, while the latter about the structural disorder in the film. Since a clear model for organic semiconductors is still not defined, in both cases we employ models that are usually considered in the case of inorganic semiconductors. The XRD analysis indicates that, in the deposition conditions used in this work, only C60 grows with amorphous structure while all the other materials are polycrystalline. Such result is used to determine which law can be used to estimate the optical gap: the general law for direct allowed electronic transitions in semiconductors for polycrystalline materials or the Tauc law for amorphous ones. The Urbach law, usually employed to have an idea about the amount of disorder in amorphous films, is used for all our materials as an indicator of thin film quality. Furthermore, we examine the stability of the materials over time under exposure to direct radiation and atmosphere and to compare the results with the ones obtained for samples simply exposed to atmosphere. PTCDA and CuPc have demonstrated to be stable against oxidizing agents that are present in atmosphere while the other materials suffer modifications in their optical properties. Such variations, principally located in the sub-gap region of the absorption region, indicate that an increase in the absorption level is obtained, probably due to the presence of defects that could work as charge carrier traps. Annealing treatments are performed on the degraded materials to observe that the degradation process is not reversible. Organic photovoltaic cells always include a heterojunction between two semiconductors, so the same study is performed on mixtures of two materials, a p-type and an n-type one, testing all the possible combinations between the investigated materials. The films are obtained by co-evaporating the two materials in 1:1 proportion. A mixture containing a degrading material also degrades. Heat treatments performed on the samples yield a partial crystallization of some materials but not of others and fail to recover the original optical properties when degradation occurs. Finally, two types of devices are fabricated: thin film transistors (TFTs) using PTCDI-C13 and diodes with CuPc. In the first case we obtain very interesting results, determining that the devices work as typical n-type channel transistors. An analysis of the device characterizations allows us to determine the density of electronic states in the channel obtaining a result that is very similar to the one obtained by optical means on the same material. In the second case we observe the typical diode behaviour but the response with light of such devices, characterized by having a structure similar to the one of Schottky type solar cells, is very low. / Los semiconductores orgánicos están siendo investigados como alternativos a materiales más tradicionales, como el silicio, para la fabricación de varios tipos de dispositivos electrónicos. Las ventajas que presentan tales materiales son flexibilidad, ligereza, rapidez y bajo coste de los métodos de producción de los dispositivos orgánicos. En esta tesis se analizan algunos semiconductores orgánicos de molécula pequeña para su aplicación en dispositivos como los transistores en capa delgada y las células fotovoltaicas. Tales materiales, depositados en capa delgada por evaporación térmica en vacío, son ftalocianina de cobre (CuPc) y pentaceno, de tipo p, fullereno (C60), PTCDA y PTCDI-C13, de tipo n. Se analizan las propiedades ópticas de ellos por medio de la medida de Trasmitancia Óptica y de la Espectroscopia de Deflección Fototérmica (PDS). Además se analiza la microestructura de las capas delgadas por difracción de rayos X (XRD) con el objetivo de observar si las capas tienen estructura amorfa o policristalina. Los datos son utilizados para calcular el gap óptico (Eg) y la energía de Urbach (Eu). Se analiza la estabilidad de los materiales con el pasar del tiempo y la exposición a irradiación directa, por un lado, y a la atmosfera, por otro lado. El fullereno es el único material que se deposita con estructura amorfa. Además se ha observado que CuPc y PTCDA son estables frente a la degradación por exposición a agentes oxidantes. Las células fotovoltaicas orgánicas incluyen siempre una heterounión entre dos semiconductores, así que se repite el mismo estudio sobre mezclas de dos materiales, uno de tipo p y otro de tipo n, probando todas las combinaciones posibles con los materiales analizados. Se observa que en una mezcla que incluya un material que presenta inestabilidad también hay degradación. Los tratamientos térmicos efectuados sobre las muestras han permiten obtener una parcial cristalización de algunos materiales pero no de otros y no llevan a recuperar las propiedades ópticas originarias, perdidas con la degradación. Finalmente, se fabrican dos tipos de dispositivos: TFTs de PTCDI-C13 y diodos de CuPc. En el primer caso se obtienen resultados interesantes, detectando que los dispositivos funcionan como típicos transistores en capa delgada de tipo n. En el segundo caso se observa el típico comportamiento de los diodos. Sin embargo, la respuesta con luz de tales dispositivos, de estructura análoga a fotocélulas de tipo Schottky, es muy escasa.

Increasing the profitability of a PV-battery system : A techno-economic study of PV-battery systems as resources for primary frequency regulation

Samuel, Forsberg January 2018 (has links)
In order to handle the mismatch between photovoltaic (PV) electricity production and household electricity use, battery storage systems can be utilized. However, the profitability of PV-battery systems in Sweden is poor, and economic incentives for households to invest in such systems are therefore missing. Hence, it is important to improve the profitability to increase the number of PV-battery installations. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the techno-economic potential of a PV-battery system offering ancillary services, more specifically the primary frequency regulation FCR-N. Five cases of residential PV-battery installations are investigated: the first with a PV system only, the second with a PV-battery system to store surplus PV electricity, and the three other cases with PV-battery systems with the ability to regulate the grid through FCR-N to varying degrees. The results show that providing FCR-N with a PV-battery system offers a substantial techno-economic potential for the system owner. By using available battery capacity for FCR-N, the payback time for a PV-battery system can be shortened significantly. With a battery price of EUR 570 per kWh (VAT excluded) and a discount rate of 2%, the payback time for the entire system can decrease from 32 to 9 years if the battery is used for FCR-N regulation. Furthermore, the payback time for a battery storage can be shortened with FCR-N. Calculated with respect to the economic added value of a battery and with a discount rate of 5%, the payback time can decrease from over 100 years to 4 years.

Films minces nanostructurés de domaines sub-10 nm à partir de copolymères biosourcés pour des applications dans le photovoltaïque organique / Sub-10 nm nano-structured carbohydrate-based block copolymer thin films for organic photovoltaic applications

Otsuka, Yoko 04 January 2017 (has links)
La structuration nanométrique par l'auto-assemblage des copolymères à blocs est l'une des stratégies « bottom-up » prometteuses pour contrôler la morphologie de la couche active de cellules photovoltaïques organiques. Dans cette thèse, une nouvelle classe de copolymère constitué d’un bloc semi-conducteur π-conjugué poly(3-hexylthiophène) (P3HT) regioregulier et d’un bloc oligosaccharidique a été synthétisée et a montré une auto-organisation en nanostructures périodiques de domaine inférieure à 10 nm. Deux systèmes de copolymères à blocs ont été synthétisés, le P3HT-bloc-maltoheptaose peracétylé (P3HT-b-AcMal7) et le P3HT-bloc-maltoheptaose (P3HT-b-Mal7), via une réaction de chimie "clic" entre les segments oligosaccharidiques et P3HT fonctionnalisés en extrémité. Une étude exhaustive sur leur comportement d'auto-assemblage par des analyses AFM, TEM et de diffusion des rayons X a révélé que le copolymère à bloc P3HT-b-AcMal7 montre une propension à s'auto-assembler par recuit thermique en structures lamellaires avec une résolution inférieure à 10 nm, c’est-à-dire la morphologie et la taille idéale pour la couche active d’une cellule photovoltaïque organique. De plus, ce système présente l’une des plus petites tailles de domaines réalisées par l'auto-assemblage de copolymères à blocs à base de P3HT. Un réseau lamellaire composé uniquement du P3HT a été obtenu par gravure chimique sélective du bloc sacrificiel AcMal7 à partir d'un film nano-organisé de P3HT-b-AcMal7 et ceci sans affecter la structure lamellaire initiale. Les domaines vides du AcMal7 gravé pourront être remplis par un composé accepteur d'électrons tel que le [6,6]-phényl-C61-butanoate de méthyle (PCBM) pour l’application photovoltaïque comme perspective de cette thèse. Les résultats et les connaissances acquises dans cette étude devraient permettre d'augmenter les performances des prochaines générations de cellules photovoltaïques organiques. / Nanoscale patterning through self-assembly of block copolymers is one of the promising bottom-up strategies for controlling active layer morphology in organic photovoltaics. In this thesis, a new class of carbohydrate-based semiconducting block copolymers consisting of π-conjugated regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) and oligosaccharides were synthesized and self-organized into sub-10 nm scale periodic nanostructures. Two different diblock copolymers, i.e. P3HT-block-peracetylated maltoheptaose (P3HT-b-AcMal7) and P3HT-block-maltoheptaose (P3HT-b-Mal7) were synthesized via "click" reaction between end-functionalized oligosaccharide and P3HT moieties. A comprehensive investigation of their self-assembly behavior by AFM, TEM, and X-ray scattering analyses revealed that the P3HT-b-AcMal7 diblock copolymer has the ability to self-assemble into sub-10 nm scale lamellar structure, which is the ideal morphology of the active layer in organic photovoltaics and one of the smallest domain sizes achieved by self-assembly of P3HT-based block copolymers, via thermal annealing. Nano-patterned film made of P3HT was attained by selective chemical etching of AcMal7 block from microphase-separated P3HT-b-AcMal7 template without affecting the original lamellar structure. The resultant void where the etched-out AcMal7 block existed will be filled with electron acceptor compounds such as [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) for photovoltaic application as a perspective of this thesis. The results and knowledge obtained in this study are expected to provide further advances and innovation in organic photovoltaics.

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