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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation pharmacocinétique/pharmacodynamique in vitro et in vivo de l'association aztréonam-avibactam / In vitro and in vivo pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic evaluation of aztreonam-avibactam

Chauzy, Alexia 21 September 2018 (has links)
L'augmentation des résistances aux antibiotiques ces dernières années et le faible nombre de nouveaux antibiotiques récemment approuvés ont suscité un intérêt considérable pour les associations médicamenteuses. Parmi celles-ci, les associations β-lactamine-inhibiteur de β-lactamases, comme l’aztréonam-avibactam (ATM-AVI), visent à surmonter la résistance due à la production de β-lactamases, l'un des principaux mécanismes de résistance chez les bactéries à Gram négatif. Cependant, les interactions PD entre molécules associées peuvent être complexes. Afin de mieux comprendre la PK/PD de l’ATM-AVI, deux problématiques ont été abordées dans cette thèse :i. La PK de l’ATM-AVI au site infectieux. Une étude de microdialyse réalisée chez le rat avec ou sans péritonite a montré que la distribution de l’ATM-AVI dans le liquide péritonéal était rapide et que les concentrations au site infectieux pourraient être prédites à partir des concentrations sanguines.ii. L’interaction PD entre ATM et AVI. Des études de checkerboard analysées avec un modèle Emax ont permis de caractériser l’effet de l’AVI sur la CMI de l’ATM en termes d’efficacité et de puissance en présence de souches multi-résistantes. Pour compléter ces résultats, un modèle PK/PD a été développé à partir de données in vitro afin d’évaluer l’évolution de l’effet combiné de l’ATM-AVI au cours du temps et d’étudier la contribution individuelle de chacun des effets de l’AVI à l’activité combinée. Selon les résultats de cette modélisation, l’activité bactéricide de l’association serait principalement expliquée par l’effet potentialisateur de l’AVI et ce malgré sa capacité à prévenir la dégradation de l’ATM de manière efficace. / The rapid increase in antibiotic resistance during the last decades and the few numbers of recently approved new antibiotics lead to a significant interest to drug combinations. Among these combinations, the β-lactam-β-lactamase inhibitor combination, such as aztreonam-avibactam (ATM-AVI), is one strategy that aims to overcome the resistance due to β-lactamases production, one of the most relevant mechanisms of resistance in Gram-negative bacteria. However, drug interactions can be complex. To better understand the PK/PD of ATM-AVI, two issues have been addressed in this thesis: i. ATM-AVI PK at the infection site. A microdialysis study performed in rats with or without peritonitis showed that ATM and AVI distribution in intraperitoneal fluid was rapid and that concentrations at the target site could be predicted from blood concentrations.ii. PD interaction between ATM and AVI. Checkerboard experiments analyzed with an Emax model have been used to characterize AVI effect on ATM MIC in terms of efficacy and potency in the presence of various multi-drug resistant strains. A PK/PD model was developed based on in vitro data to describe the time-course of ATM-AVI combined effect and to investigate the individual contribution of each of the AVI effects to the combined activity. According to the modeling results, the combined bactericidal activity was mainly explained by AVI enhancing effect, even though AVI demonstrated high efficiency to prevent ATM hydrolysis.

Etude du rôle et de la régulation de la Poly(ADP-ribose) Glycohydrolase(PARG) dans la réponse cellulaire aux dommages à l'ADN / Role and regulation of the Poly(ADP-ribose)Glycohydrolase (PARG) in the cell response to DNA damages

Heberle, Eléa 11 December 2017 (has links)
La Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation est une modification post-traductionnelle de protéines, impliquée dans un grand nombre de processus biologiques, dont la réparation de l’ADN. Alors que la fonction et le mode d’action de la Poly(ADP-ribose) (PAR) Polymérase 1 (PARP1), activée en réponse aux dommages de l’ADN sont bien compris, on en sait beaucoup moins sur la fonction et la régulation de l’enzyme de dégradation du PAR, la Poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase (PARG). Dans le contexte de ce projet de thèse, nous décrivons de nouvelles lignées U2OS stables, déficientes pour toutes les isoformes de PARG, permettant la complémentation inductible avec chacun des isoformes de PARG. Ces modèles nous ont permis d’évaluer les contributions relatives des isoformes à la réparation de dommages à l’ADN. Nous avons identifié un nouveau partenaire cellulaire de PARG : la protéine-kinase dépendante des dommages à l’ADN (DNA-PK). Nous explorons l’interaction fonctionnelle de ces deux protéines dans le contexte de la réponse cellulaire à la camptothécine (CPT), un agent anticancéreux inhibant la topoisomérase I et provoquant l’activation simultanée de PARP1 et DNA-PK. / Poly (ADP-ribosyl) ation is a post-translational modification of proteins involved in a large number of biological processes, including DNA repair. While the function and mode of action of Poly (ADP-ribose) (PAR) Polymerase 1 (PARP1), activated in response to DNA damage, is well understood, much less is known about the function and regulation the PAR degrading enzyme, Poly (ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase (PARG). In the context of this thesis project, we describe new stable U2OS lines, deficient for all PARG isoforms, allowing the inducible complementation with each of the PARG isoforms. These models allowed us to evaluate the relative contributions of the isoforms to DNA damage repair. We have identified a new cellular partner of PARG: the DNA-dependent protein kinase-dependent kinase (DNA-PK). We explore the functional interaction between these two proteins in the context of the cellular response to camptothecin (CPT), an anticancer drug that inhibits topoisomerase I and induces the simultaneous activation of PARP1 and DNA-PK.

Amortecimento ativo para redução da resposta aeroelástica via fluidos eletro reológicos / Active damping to reduce the aeroelastic response via electro-rheological fluids

Renato Kazuki Nagamine 22 November 2006 (has links)
Fenômenos aeroelásticos podem levar à drástica redução na vida útil de uma aeronave ou ainda resultam em danos severos à estrutura. Para manter as respostas dinâmicas em níveis aceitáveis técnicas como as estruturas adaptativas têm sido aplicadas. Este conceito explora a integração entre os elementos ativos (atuadores e sensores) e o controlador à estrutura. Dentre os materiais próprios para uso em estruturas adaptativas estão os fluidos eletro-reológicos e magneto-reológicos que tem se mostrado como um dos mais promissores materiais ativos. Estes materiais apresentam rápidas mudanças nas suas propriedades reológicas devido à ação de um campo elétrico ou magnético. Para sua incorporação em uma estrutura é utilizada uma viga sanduíche que tem seu comportamento dinâmico modelado através do método GHM para incorporar a dependência da freqüência dos fluidos ER/MR em um modelo estrutural no domínio do tempo. Através do acoplamento deste modelo com o método da malha de vórtices, é possível estudar a resposta aeroelástica temporal. Também é analisada a eficiência dos fluidos ER/MR no atraso da ocorrência de flutter. Isto é feito com o auxílio do método PK que determina a velocidade crítica de flutter. / Aeroelastic phenomena can lead to a drastic reduction in the fatigue life of aircraft or result in severe structural damage. To keep the dynamical responses at acceptable levels techniques such as the so-called adaptive structures have been adopted. This approach integrates active elements and controllers (actuators and sensors) to the structure. Among the materials suitable for adaptive structures are the electro-rheological (ER) and magneto-rheological fluids which are some of the most promising active materials. This kind of materials presents change in their rheological properties due to action of an external field, such as electrical or magnetic. In order to integrate these kind of fluids in the structure a sandwich beam with ER/MR fluids core is studied. The dynamical behaviour is modelled through a GHM method to incorporate the frequency dependence of the ER/MR fluids in a structural time domain model. By coupling this model to a vortex lattice model, it is possible to study the aeroelastic response in time domain. The ER/MR fluids efficiency to delay the flutter occurrence is also studied by using a PK-method that determines a critical velocity of flutter.

Recycling of wood- and peat-ash – a successful way to establish full plant cover and dense birch stand on a cut-away peatland

Huotari, N. (Noora) 18 October 2011 (has links)
Abstract Mechanical harvesting of peat changes the original mire ecosystem completely, and without active measures these areas may remain non-vegetated even for decades. Afforestation is one of the most popular after-use options for cut-away peatlands in Finland since it has both economic and aesthetic values. Recycling of wood-ash as a fertilizer has been studied extensively in peatlands drained for forestry. Wood-ash is reported to promote tree growth in these areas without any significant negative impact to the environment and could, therefore, be a suitable option also on cut-away peatlands. However, the environmental effects of ash-fertilization on cut-away areas and on ground vegetation are not fully understood. The impact of wood- and peat-ash application on the early establishment of ground vegetation and downy birch (Betula pubescens) seedlings and on post-fertilization element concentrations in plants and peat substrate were studied in a cut-away peatland. Six treatments of wood-ash, peat-ash, biotite or Forest PK-fertilizer were replicated in three blocks in different mixtures and quantities corresponding to 50 kg ha-1 of phosphorus. All the fertilizers accelerated the revegetation of the bare peat surface significantly, whereas the establishment of plants in the unfertilized area was non-existent even several years after the peat harvesting had ceased. The most striking difference between the wood- and peat-ash-fertilizers and the commercial Forest PK-fertilizer was the extensive coverage of fire-loving moss species in all the areas where ash was spread. Wood- and peat-ash application also accelerated the germination and early establishment of downy birch seedlings more efficiently than the PK-fertilizer. Ground vegetation proved to be highly important in increasing the early biomass production and carbon sequestration on ash-fertilized cut-away peatland. In addition, the below-ground biomass was equal to the above-ground biomass, or even greater. Both wood- and peat-ash fertilization ensured an adequate level of nutrients for the early establishment of ground vegetation and birch seedlings in a cut-away peatland. The mosses and herbaceous plants proved to have a major role in retaining the nutrients and heavy metals that otherwise might have leached away from the ash-fertilized cut-away site during the early stages of the afforestation. Although both wood- and peat-ash proved to be suitable for the initial fertilization of afforested cut-away peatlands, a later application of nutrients may be needed to guarantee the growth in a energy-wood stand of downy birch over its entire rotation. / Tiivistelmä Turvetuotannon päätyttyä jäljelle jäävä suopohja on aluksi täysin paljas ja vailla maaperän siemenpankkia. Kasvipeitteen luontainen uudistuminen voi viedä jopa vuosikymmeniä. Ympäristönhoidollisesti onkin tärkeää, että suopohjat otetaan uuteen käyttöön mahdollisimman nopeasti tuotannon päätyttyä. Metsitys on tällä hetkellä suosituin suopohjien jälkikäyttömuoto Suomessa. Suopohjan turpeessa on tyypillisesti runsaasti typpeä, mutta niukasti muita kasvuun tarvittavia ravinteita. Puutuhka on osoittautunut pitkäaikaisissa metsäojitettujen turvemaiden tutkimuksissa kilpailukykyiseksi vaihtoehdoksi kaupallisille lannoitteille. Energiantuotannon sivutuotteena syntyvä puu- ja turvetuhka voisi soveltua hyvin myös suopohjien lannoitteeksi. Tuhkan käytöstä lannoitteena turvetuotannosta vapautuneilla suopohjilla ei kuitenkaan ole riittävästi tutkimustietoa. Tässä työssä tutkittiin puu- ja turvetuhkan vaikutuksia turvetuotannosta vapautuneen suopohjan kasvittumiseen ja puun taimien alkukehitykseen viiden ensimmäisen kasvukauden ajan. Lisäksi tutkittiin kasvillisuuden ravinne- ja raskasmetallipitoisuuksien muutoksia sekä turpeen ravinteisuutta lannoituksen jälkeen. Kaikki lannoitteet nopeuttivat merkittävästi kasvillisuuden muodostumista paljaalle suopohjalle, kun taas lannoittamaton alue pysyi kasvittomana. Tuhkalannoitetuille alueille syntyi nopeasti laajoja palopaikoilla viihtyvien pioneerisammalten kasvustoja, jotka peittivät ja samalla sitoivat paljaan ja irtonaisen turvemaan pinnan. Tuhkalannoitus edisti myös koivun taimien alkukehitystä tehokkaammin kuin kaupallinen Metsän PK-lannoite. Sammalista ja ruohovartisista kasveista muodostuva aluskasvillisuus ylitti puuntaimet selvästi biomassan määrässä ja toimi metsityksen alkuvaiheessa puuntaimia merkittävämpänä hiilensitojana. Lisäksi kasvien maanalainen biomassa oli maanpäällistä biomassaa suurempi. Sekä puu- että turvetuhka takasivat riittävän määrän ravinteita energiapuumetsikön alkukehitykselle. Aluskasvillisuus osoittautui tärkeäksi tuhkasta liukenevien ravinteiden ja raskasmetallien sitojaksi metsityksen alkuvaiheessa. Vaikka sammalten kadmiumpitoisuudet nousivat tuhkalannoituksen seurauksena, ne olivat kuitenkin alhaisia Suomessa aiemmin mitattuihin sammalten yleisiin pitoisuuksiin suhteutettuna. Tuhkalannoitus ei lisännyt haitallisten raskasmetallien pitoisuuksia koivun taimien ja ruohovartisten kasvien lehdissä ja varsissa. Tutkimuksen tulokset tukevat puu- ja turvetuhkan käyttöä energiapuumetsiköiden alkuvaiheen lannoitteena turvetuotannosta vapautuneilla suopohjilla.

Optimisation du développement clinique de nouveaux anticancéreux par modélisation de données pharmacocinétiques et pharmacodynamiques précliniques / Optimization of new anticancer drugs clinical developement by pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic modelling of preclinical data

Pierrillas, Philippe 18 April 2016 (has links)
L’amélioration du développement du médicament est un véritable défi et ceci encore plus dans le domaine de l’oncologie dans lequel le besoin d’avoir de nouvelles alternatives thérapeutiques est primordial. De plus, on note que le taux d’approbation des nouveaux anticancéreux après leur entrée en phase 1 fait partie des plus bas taux de toutes les aires thérapeutiques. De ce fait, ce processus doit être amélioré et l’utilisation de nouvelles approches faisant le lien entre développement préclinique et clinique par anticipation des propriétés pharmacocinétiques et d’efficacité pourrait être une perspective intéressante.L’objectif de ce travail est l’élaboration de stratégies basées sur la modélisation mathématique de données précliniques in vivo et in vitro afin d’anticiper le comportement chez l’homme d’un nouvel inhibiteur de bcl-2 développé par les Laboratoires Servier pour soutenir le développement clinique. Ce projet a été mené suivant différentes étapes :Premièrement, un modèle semi-mécanistique décrivant le mode d’action de la molécule a été établi chez la souris.Une stratégie d’extrapolation inter-espèces des caractéristiques PK utilisant la modélisation PBPK a été effectuée afin d’anticiper les profils temps-concentration chez l’homme.Des stratégies d’extrapolation de la partie PD basées sur différentes hypothèses ont été proposées pour prédire une efficacité chez l’homme et des doses à tester lors de l’étude clinique.Les prédictions obtenues ont ainsi été comparées aux résultats cliniques issus de la première étude réalisée chez l’homme confirmant le caractère utile de telles approches et la supériorité des stratégies bâties à l’aide de concepts semi-mécanistiques par rapport aux approches plus empiriques.Ce projet souligne donc le grand intérêt d’élaborer des approches translationnelles inter-espèces durant le développement du médicament et pourrait favoriser leur utilisation afin d’accélérer le développement de nouvelles entités, diminuant ainsi les risques d’échecs ainsi que les coûts financiers / Improvement of drug development is a very challenging question and even more in the field of oncology wherein the need for new medicines is crucial. In addition, the rate of approval for anticancer drugs after entry in phase I clinical trial was reported as one of the lowest of all therapeutic areas. Thereby, this process has to be improved, and the use of new approaches fulfilling the gap between preclinical and clinical settings by anticipating human pharmacokinetics and efficacy could be an interesting solution.The work is focused on the building of strategies based on mathematical modeling of in vivo and in vitro preclinical data to anticipate the behavior of a new bcl-2 inhibitor developed by Servier laboratories in human to support clinical development. This project was elaborated following different steps:Firstly, a semi-mechanistic relationship was established in mice to describe the mechanism of action of the compound.PK extrapolation strategy using PBPK modeling was performed to anticipate human concentration-time profiles.PD extrapolation strategies based on different assumptions were proposed to predict human efficacy and doses to be tested in clinical trial.Predictions obtained were consequently compared to clinical results from a First in Human study confirming the usefulness of such approaches and the superiority of mechanism-based strategies compared to more empirical approaches.Therefore, this project highlights the large interest of elaborating interspecies translational approaches during drug development and could promote their use to accelerate new entities development, decreasing the risks of failure and financial costs.

Physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling for dynamical liver function tests and CYP phenotyping

Grzegorzewski, Jan 01 September 2023 (has links)
Die Phänotypisierung von Cytochrom P450 (CYP) und Leberfunktionstests sind wichtige Methoden in der Klinik. Die Methoden nutzen die Pharmakokinetik (PK) von Testsubstanzen und ihren Metaboliten, um Einblicke in die Stoffwechselkapazität der Leber und in die Aktivität von Enzymen und Transportern zu gewinnen. Die Leberfunktionstests werden nicht nur von zahlreichen Proband:innenmerkmalen, sondern auch von den Besonderheiten der Untersuchung beeinflusst. Eine zentrale Herausforderung besteht darin, die verschiedenen Faktoren, die das Ergebnis der Messungen beeinflussen, voneinander zu trennen, um ihren jeweiligen Einfluss auf das Messergebniss zu untersuchen. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Herausforderung durch Metaanalysen und physiologisch basierte Pharmakokinetik Modellierung (PBPK) angegangen. Es wurde eine offene Pharmakokinetik-Datenbank (PK-DB) entwickelt und PK-Daten für ein breites Spektrum von Testsubstanzen kuratiert. Meines Wissens enthält PK-DB derzeit den größten offenen PK-Datensatz zu Testsubstanzen. Der Datensatz ermöglichte die Identifizierung und Quantifizierung von demografischen und rassischen Bias (Geschlecht, ethnische Zugehörigkeit, Alter, Gesundheitszustand), Meldefehlern und Unstimmigkeiten in der Literatur. Auf der Grundlage der Daten wurde eine Metaanalyse der PK von Koffein im Hinblick auf verschiedene Faktoren bzgl. Leberfunktion und CYP1A2-Aktivität durchgeführt. Insbesondere wurde das vorhandene Wissen über die Auswirkungen des Rauchens, der Einnahme oraler Verhütungsmittel, verschiedener Krankheiten und Begleitmedikationen auf die PK von Koffein durch Metaanalysen und Datenintegration konsolidiert. Ebenso wurde die Messgenauigkeit der Koffeinkonzentration in Bezug auf den Messprotokol analysiert. Darüber hinaus wurde der Einfluss des CYP2D6-Polymorphismus untersucht. Hierzu wurde ein PBPK-Modell für Dextromethorphan und seine Metaboliten Dextrorphan und Dextrorphan O-Glucuronid entwickelt und mit den PK-Daten kalibriert und validiert. / Cytochrome P450 (CYP) phenotyping and dynamic liver function testing are essential methods in clinical practice. These methods utilize the pharmacokinetics (PK) of test substances and their metabolites to gain insight into the liver's metabolic capacity and the activity of enzymes and transporters. Liver function tests are not only influenced by numerous characteristics of a studied subject but also by the specifics of individual study procedures. A key challenge is to disentangle the various factors which influence the outcome of the measurements from each other to study their influence on the dynamic liver function and CYP phenotype. In this work, the challenge was addressed through meta-analysis and physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling. As a foundation, an open pharmacokinetics database was developed and pharmacokinetics data were curated for a wide range of test substances. To my knowledge, PK-DB currently contains the largest open pharmacokinetic dataset on substances used for phenotyping and dynamical liver function testing. The dataset allowed for identifying and quantifying demographic and racial bias (sex, ethnicity, age, health), reporting errors, and inconsistencies in pharmacokinetic literature. Based on the data, a caffeine pharmacokinetics meta-analysis was conducted concerning various factors affecting liver function and CYP1A2 activity. In particular, meta-analysis and data integration solidified existing knowledge on the effects of smoking, oral contraceptives, multiple diseases, and co-medications on caffeine pharmacokinetics. Similarly, the measurement accuracy of caffeine concentration was investigated with respect to various aspects of the measurement protocol. In addition, the impact of CYP2D6 polymorphism was investigated. Therefore, a PBPK model of dextromethorphan (DXM) and its metabolites dextrorphan (DXO) and dextrorphan O-glucuronide (DXO-Glu) was developed, and calibrated, and validated with pharmacokinetics data.

Variabilité de réponse aux anti TNF-alpha dans les rhumatismes inflammatoires : apport des marqueurs biologiques et d'imagerie. / Variability of response to anti-TNF alpha in inflammatory rheumatisms : contribution of biological markers and imaging

Mulleman, Denis 16 January 2009 (has links)
Il existe une variabilité interindividuelle de la relation dose - effet chez les patients atteints de maladies inflammatoires rhumatismales traités par les inhibiteurs du Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF-a). Dans la première partie de cette thèse, la physiopathologie du TNF-a dans le processus inflammatoire est présentée. Ensuite, le travail se concentre sur la relation concentration-effet en utilisant la modélisation pharmacocinétique-pharmacodynamique (PK-PD) modèles. À la fin, après une discussion sur les biomarqueurs d'imagerie, la thèse traite de l'utilité d'une nouvelle technique permettant de détecter la réponse précoce au traitement, à savoir la tomographie par émission de positons (TEP). En résumé, ce travail décrit la relation PK-PD dans les maladies inflammatoires rhumatismales traitées par anticorps monoclonaux en utilisant les marqueurs cliniques et biologiques, et démontre également l'influence de fortes concentrations d'anticorps monoclonaux pour la maintenance au traitement. La TEP est une technique prometteuse pour identifier la réponse précoce aux antagoistes du TNF-a. / There is an interindividual variability of the dose - response relationship in patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases treated by Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF-a) inhibitors. In the first part of this thesis, the pathophysiology of TNF-a in inflammatory processes is presented. Then, the work focuses on the concentration-effect relationship using pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PK-PD) models. At the end, after discussion on imaging biomarkers, the thesis discusses the usefulness of a new technique to detect the early response to treatment, namely the positron emission tomography (PET). In summary, this work describes the PK-PD relationship in rheumatic inflammatory diseases treated by monoclonal antibodies using clinical and biological markers and demonstrates also the influence of high concentrations of monoclonal antibodies on maintenance to treatment. PET is a promising technique to identify early response to TNF-a antagonists.

Modelagem PK/PD na terapia antimicrobiana com carbapenêmico em pacientes sépticos críticos grandes queimados. \"Estudo da efetividade do meropenem administrado através de infusão intermitente versus estendida\" / PK/PD modelling in antimicrobial therapy with carbapenem in critically burn septic patients.\"Study of the effectiveness of meropenem administered by intermittent versus extended infusion\"

Kupa, Leonard de Vinci Kanda 25 June 2019 (has links)
O meropenem é um carbapenêmico de amplo espectro e alta potência, largamente prescrito para tratamento de infecções graves causadas por bactérias sensíveis gram-negativas em pacientes críticos internados em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a efetividade do antimicrobiano em pacientes grandes queimados, recebendo a dose recomendada 1 g q8h através da infusão intermitente de 0,5 hora que ocorreu até 2014 (grupo 1) comparada a infusão estendida de 3 horas que ocorreu após esse período (grupo 2). Investigaram-se 25 pacientes sépticos de ambos os sexos (6F/19M), 26 (21-34) anos, medianas (interquartil), 70 (60-75) kg, superfície corporal total queimada (SCTQ) 35 (16-42)%, SAPS 3: 55 (45-59) e Clcr 129 (95-152) ml/min que foram distribuídos em dois grupos. Registrou-se trauma térmico pelo fogo em 19/25 e trauma elétrico no restante dos pacientes (6/25), lesão inalatória (17/25), intubação orotraqueal e a necessidade de vasopressores em 18/25 pacientes. Duas amostras de sangue foram coletadas (3ª e 5ª horas) para dosagem sérica do meropenem por cromatografia líquida no período precoce do choque séptico. A farmacocinética foi investigada pela aplicação do modelo aberto de um compartimento e a abordagem PK/PD foi realizada com base no novo índice recomendado 100%f&#916;T>CIM. Evidenciou-se aumento do PCR 224 (179-286) versus 300 (264-339) mg/L, p=0,0411 e neutrofilia: 12 (8-17) versus 8 (2-15) células/mm3, p=0,1404, respectivamente nos grupos de infusão estendida versus infusão intermitente. Os níveis séricos obtidos mostraram diferença significativa entre grupos (p<0,0001) tanto para o pico 21 (21-22) mg/L versus 44 (42-45) mg/L, como para o vale 7,8 (7,3-9,5) mg/L versus 3,0 (2,6-3,7) mg/L. A farmacocinética mostrou-se alterada nos dois grupos frente aos dados de referência reportados em voluntários sadios. Significativa alteração ocorreu em diferentes proporções pela comparação entre os grupos relativamente à constante de eliminação 0,190 (0,157-0,211) versus 0,349 (0,334-0,382) h-1; meia-vida biológica 3,6 (3,3-4,4) versus 2,0 (1,8-2,1) h; depuração total corporal 8,6 (8,2-8,9) versus 5,3 (5,2-5,4) L/h; volume de distribuição 41,8 (39,9-44,5) versus 15,4 (14,1-16,2) L (p<0,0001). A infecção de ferida foi a mais prevalente nos dois grupos com 47% versus 38% dos isolados, sendo a Klebsiella pneumoniae, a principal enterobactéria. A abordagem PK/PD para patógenos CIM 1 a 4 mg/L mostrou cobertura até CIM 4 mg/L para a infusão estendida e até CIM 2 mg/L para infusão intermitente. Em conclusão, demonstrou-se a superioridade da infusão estendida decorrente de alterações na farmacocinética do meropenem em pacientes grandes queimados. O aumento do volume de distribuição contribuiu para o prolongamento da meia-vida e dos altos níveis de vale registrados, o justifica o impacto na cobertura antimicrobiana após infusão estendida e controle das infecções com cura desses pacientes. / Meropenem is a broad-spectrum agent widely prescribed for the treatment of septic shock caused by gram-negative susceptible strains in critically ill patients from the Intensive Care Units. Subject of the present study was to evaluate the drug effectiveness in critically ill septic burn patients in SIRS at the early period of septic shock receiving the recommended dose of Meropenem 1 g q8h by intermittent 0.5 hour infusion or the extended 3 hour infusion. Twenty-five septic patients were: (6F/19M), 26 (21-34) years, medians (quartiles), 70 (60-75) kg, total burn body surface (SCTQ) 35 (16-42) %, SAPS 3: 55 (45-59) and Clcr 129 (95-152) ml/min. Thermal trauma was registered in 19/25 and electrical trauma in the remaining patients (6/25), inhalation injury (17/25), orotracheal intubation and vasopressor requirement in 18/25 patients. Patients were distributed in two groups on the basis of the duration of drug infusion that occurred for the patients of group 1 (1g q8h 0.5 hr) until 2014, December in the hospital. In addition, the extended 3 hours infusion occurred after that period for patients enrolled afterwards (group 2). Pharmacokinetics was investigated after blood sampling at the third (3rd) hour and the fifth (5th) hour of starting the meropenem infusion. Serum drug measurement was done by liquid chromatography. A one compartment open model was applied and kinetic parameters were estimated. PK/PD approach based on the new recommended index of drug effectiveness 100% f&#916;T>MIC was performed, on the basis on PK parameters and the minimum inhibitory concentration, PD parameter. It was demonstrated a significant difference between groups (p <0.0001) related to the trough levels 7.8 (7.3-9.5) mg/L versus 3.0 (2.6-3.7) mg/L, respectively after extended infusion or intermittent infusion. Concerning the pharmacokinetics, it was shown profound changes on meropenem kinetic parameters in both groups of burn patients by comparison with the reference data reported in healthy volunteers. In addition, it is important to highlight that significant changes occurred also by comparison of PK data between groups of patients related to the parameters: elimination constant 0.190 (0.157-0.211) versus 0.349 (0.334-0.382) h-1; biological half-life 3.6 (3.3-4.4) versus 2.0 (1.8-2.1) hr; total body clearance 8.6 (8.2-8.9) versus 5.3 (5.2-5.4) L/hr; volume of distribution 41.8 (39.9-44.5) versus 15.4 (14.1-16.2) L. Concerning the inflammatory biomarker an increase of C-reactive protein was registered in both groups of septic patients in SIRS: 224 versus 300 mg/L, p = 0.0411, after the extended infusion versus intermittent infusion, respectively. Wound and bone were the most prevalent sites of infection in those patients of both groups. It was shown in the isolates the prevalence of Gram-negative strains 54/83 (65%) that were distributed in Enterobacteriaceae, K. pneumoniae 7/30 (23%), and Non-Enterobacteriaceae, P. aeruginosa 13/54 (24%) followed by Acinetobacter baumannii 11/54 (20%). Drug effectiveness against susceptible strains was demonstrated by PK/PD approach up to 4 mg/L over 2 mg/L, after the extended infusion or after intermittent infusion, respectively. In conclusion, the superiority of the extended infusion in septic burn patients at the earlier period of septic shock was demonstrated, once considerable increases on volume of distribution impacted the drug effectiveness of these patients. Cure was obtained by meropenem monotherapy in 22/25 patients; only three patients (3/25) received meropenem - colistine combined therapy due to Acinetobacter baumannii isolated.

"In the spicèd Indian air by night" : performing Shakespeare's Macbeth in Postmillennial Kerala

Buckley, Thea Anandam January 2017 (has links)
This thesis examines the twenty-first-century intercultural performance of Shakespeare in Kerala, India. The thesis highlights Shakespeare’s function in invigorating local performing arts traditions that navigate tensions between paradigms of former feudalism, post-Independence democracy and capitalist globalisation. Throughout, individual artistic perspectives in interview illustrate local productions of \(Macbeth\) for indigenous Keralan performing art forms, ranging from the two-thousand-year old kutiyattam to contemporary postmodern Malayalam-language drama. My introduction contextualises these hybrid productions in their global, national, and local historiography, exploring intersections of the sacred, supernatural, and secular; postmodernism and rasa theory; intercultural Shakespeares and Keralan performing arts; and Shakespearean works with Indian literary and theatrical traditions from the colonial to the postmillennial era. Chapter One highlights cultural translation, focusing on kutiyattam artist Margi Madhu’s 2011 \(Macbeth\); Chapter Two discusses cultural collaboration, studying kathakali artist Ettumanoor P. Kannan’s \(Macbeth\) \(Cholliyattam\), 2013; Chapter Three considers cultural fusion, profiling Abhinaya Theatre’s experimental local-language production of \(Macbeth\), 2011. In closing, the thesis underscores the importance of giving a voice to Keralan theatre artists on Shakespeare, recognising the hitherto critically unexamined potential for the meeting point of two great dramatic cultural traditions as a forum, underpinned by residual colonial and Communist legacies, for intercultural discourse.

Modelagem farmacocinética-farmacodinâmica de antifúngicos azólicos em animais infectados por Cryptococcus neoformans / Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling of azoles antifungals in Cryptococcus neoformans infected animals

Alves, Izabel Almeida January 2017 (has links)
O objetivo desta tese foi desenvolver um modelo farmacocinético-farmacodinâmico (PK-PD) aplicável a avaliação de esquemas posológicos de antifúngicos sistêmicos no tratamento de infecções cerebrais associadas ao Cryptococcus neorformans. Inicialmente um modelo de infecção cerebral em ratos Wistar machos imunocompetentes foi estabelecido. Os animais foram inoculados a partir da administração iv de 1.106 UFC/mL na veia lateral caudal, de uma cepa de Cryptococcus neoformans var neoformans (ATCC 28957). A presença da levedura em cérebro, pulmão, fígado, rins e coração foi avaliada após 7, 10 e 14 dias. Paralelamente foram investigados os parâmetros bioquímicos (contagem de leucócitos, TGO, TGP, uréia, creatinina, albumina e CK) e a permeabilidade vascular cerebral com azul de Evans. Após 10 dias de inoculação foi produzida uma infecção com características semelhantes a doença em humanos. C. neoformans esteve presente em todos os tecidos investigados pelas análises histológicas e microbiológicas e diferenças nos níveis de albumina, ureia, TGP e CK, alteração no número de leucócitos (monócitos e neutrófilos) e elevação da permeabilidade cerebral ao azul de Evans foram observadas nos animais infectados. Após estabelecida e caracterizada a infecção, foi avaliada a farmacocinética plasmática e tecidual cerebral através da técnica de microdiálise, do fluconazol (FLU) (20 mg/kg, i.v. bolus) e do voriconazol (VRC) (5 mg/kg, i.v. bolus) em ratos Wistar sadios (n = 13) e infectados (n = 13). De posse dos dados das concentrações plasmáticas e teciduais vs tempo dos grupos sadios e infectados construiu-se um modelo farmacocinético populacional (PopPK) para cada fármaco investigado. A penetração cerebral do VRC demonstrou-se elevada nos animais infectados (fTsadios = 0,85 vs fTinfectados = 1,86). O modelo PopPK de dois compartimentos e eliminação por Michaelis Menten descreveu o perfil de concentrações versus tempo de VRC em plasma e tecido, simultaneamente. A covariável infecção foi incluída em V2 e VM. Observou-se o grande potencial do VRC para tratar meningite associada a C. neoformans, pois os níveis alcançados em tecidos infectados foram superiores aos valores descritos para CIM de VRC contra C. neoformans (0,03 - 0,5 μg/mL). A farmacocinética do FLC foi descrita através de um modelo PopPK de dois compartimentos com eliminação linear incluindo dados de concentrações plasmáticas e livres cerebrais para ambos os grupos investigados. Nesse modelo a covariável infecção foi atribuída ao parâmetro k21 e covariável peso foi atribuída aos parâmetros V1 e V2. De posse desse modelo popPK, foram investigados os desfechos farmacodinâmicos considerando o nível de exposição cerebral nas doses de 125 e 250 mg/kg para ratos e 400-2000 mg para humanos observado em tecido sadio e infectado através da probabilidade de atingir o alvo terapêutico (PTA - fASC/CIM = 389) do FLC usando simulações de Monte Carlo. Essas simulações demonstraram um uso limitado de fluconazol em monoterapia para o tratamento de meningite por C. neoformans. Após a etapa farmacocinética procederam-se os estudos farmacodinâmicos através da metologia de curvas de morte em função do tempo do fluconazol e voriconazol frente a C. neoformans. Os dados da curva de morte foram modelados adequadamente com o modelo PK-PD de Emax modificado incluindo um termo de atraso de crescimento. A CIM foi determinada para ambos os fármacos por microdiluição e os valores foram de 0,03 μg/mL para voriconazol e 0,5 μg/mL para fluconazol, indicando que esta cepa ATCC 28957 é sensível a ambos os fármacos. Os valores de k, EC50 e kmax foram determinados para vários múltiplos das CIM de cada fármaco (0,03×, 0,06×, 0,25×, 0,5×, 1× 4×, 16×, 32× e 64×). O valor médio de k foi de 0,38 h-1, EC50 foi de 1,26 ± 0,18 μg/mL e 0,32 ± 0,06 μg/mL e kmax foi de 0,95 ± 0,21 h-1 e 0,64 ± 0,12 h-1 para FLC e VRC, respectivamente. Por fim, de posse dos parâmetros calculados através do modelo PK-PD foram realizadas simulações dos desfechos de tratamento para meningite criptocócica no cenário clínico para ambos os fármacos após administração das doses 200 e 400 mg de voriconazol e 800 e 2000 mg de fluconazol por dez semanas. Através das simulações conclui-se que para fluconazol há 25% de insucesso na dose de 800 mg e 10% na dose de 2000 mg com um tempo médio de 3 semanas para erradicação da levedura. Para o voriconazol, o EC50 teve pouco impacto sobre a erradicação do fungo e, em todos os cenários foi observada uma erradicação completa do fungo em curto espaço de tempo (1 - 2 semanas). Os resultados incentivam o uso de voriconazol nos pacientes com meningite criptocócica e uma reavaliação do uso de fluconazol. / The aim of this thesis was to develop a pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PK-PD) model for the evaluation of systemic antifungal dosing regimens for the treatment of brain infections associated with Cryptococcus neorformans. Firstly a model of brain infection in immunocompetent male Wistar rats was established. The animals were inoculated by intravenously administration of 1. 106 CFU/mL of Cryptococcus neoformans var neoformans (ATCC 28957) into the tail lateral vein. The presence of yeasts in the brain, lung, the liver, kidneys and the heart was evaluated after 7, 10 and 14 days. The biochemical parameters (leucocytes counting, GOT, GPT, urea, creatinine, albumin and CK) and cerebral vascular permeability with Evans blue were investigated. After 10 days post inoculation an infection with characteristics similar in humans was produced. C. neoformans was present in all tissues investigated by histological and microbiological analyzes and differences in albumin, urea, GPT and CK levels, alterations in the number of leukocytes (monocytes and neutrophils), and elevation of cerebral permeability to Evans blue were observed in infected animals. After establishing and characterizing the infection, the plasma and cerebral tissue pharmacokinetics were evaluated by microdialysis after administration of fluconazole (FLU) (20 mg/kg, iv bolus) and voriconazole (VRC) (5 mg/kg, iv bolus) in healthy (n = 13) and infected Wistar rats (n = 13). A population pharmacokinetic model (PopPK) was build for each drug, based on data from plasma and tissue concentrations vs. time of healthy and infected groups. The brain penetration of voriconazole was shown to be high in infected animals (fThealthy = 0.85 vs fTinfected = 1.86) than in healthy ones. The two-compartment model with Michaelis Menten elimination best described the concentration of VRC in plasma and tissue. The covariate infection was included in V2 and VM. The great potential of voriconazole to treat meningitis associated with C. neoformans was observed, as the levels reached in infected tissues were higher than the values described for MIC against C. neoformans (0.03 - 0.5 μg/mL). The pharmacokinetics of FLC was described using a two-compartment model with linear elimination including data from plasma and brain free concentrations for both groups investigated. In this model the covariate infection was attributed to parameter k21 and covariate weight was assigned to parameters V1 and V2. With this popPK model, the pharmacodynamic outcomes were investigated considering the level of brain exposure at doses of 125 and 250 mg/kg for rats and 400 - 2000 mg for humans observed in healthy and infected tissue through the probability of attaining the target (PTA - fAUC/MIC = 389) of fluconazole using Monte Carlo simulations. These simulations demonstrated limited use of fluconazole in monotherapy for the treatment of C. neoformans meningitis. After the pharmacokinetics modeling, the pharmacodynamic studies were carried out using the methodology of time-kill curves of fluconazole and voriconazole versus C. neoformans. The kill curves data were suitably modeled with the modified Emax PK-PD model including a growth delay term. MIC was determined for both drugs by microdilution and values were 0.03 μg.mL-1 for voriconazole and 0.5 μg.mL-1 for fluconazole, indicating that this ATCC 28957 strain is sensitive to both drugs. The values of k, EC50 and kmax were determined for several MIC multiples of each drug (0.03 ×, 0.06 ×, 0.25 ×, 0,5×, 1 × 4 ×, 16 ×, 32 × and 64 ×). The mean value of k was 0.38 h-1, EC50 was 1.26 ± 0.18 μg.mL-1 and 0.32 ± 0.06 μg.mL-1 and kmax was 0.95 ± 0.21 h -1 and 0.64 ± 0.12 h-1 for FLC and VRC, respectively. Finally, the parameters obtained using the PK-PD model were used to simulate treatment outcomes for cryptococcal meningitis in the clinical setting for both drugs after administration of 200 and 400 mg of voriconazole and 800 and 2000 mg of fluconazole for 10 weeks. By the simulations it is concluded that for fluconazole there is a 25% rate of failure at the dose of 800 mg and 10% at the dose of 2000 mg with an average time of 3 weeks for eradication of the yeast. For voriconazole, the EC50 had little impact on fungus eradication and, in all scenarios complete eradication of the fungus was observed in a short time (1 - 2 weeks). The results encourage the use of voriconazole in patients with cryptococcal meningitis and a reassessment of fluconazole use.

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