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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Svenska folkets egendom - Utförselregleringens historiska grund och förändring i förhållande till dagens kulturpolitiska mål / Property of the Swedish People - The basis and change of the export control in relation to current cultural policy objectives

Carlsten, Susanna January 2014 (has links)
Denna uppsats rör sig inom fältet kritiska kulturarvsstudier och fokuserar på svensk utförselreglering av kulturhistoriska föremål genom tiderna. Utgångspunkten ligger i 2014 års omformulering av kulturmiljölagens portalparagraf, vilken numera inkluderar mångfaldsmål. Kulturmiljölagens utförselreglering (reglerad i 5:e kapitlet), som inte uppdaterades samtidigt, är tänkt att läsas mot bakgrund av de inledande bestämmelserna. Eftersom den sedan tidigare uppfattats vila på ålderdomliga nationalistiska värdegrunder, uppstod frågan ifall det fanns en diskrepans i förhållande till de nya målen. För att hitta svar söker sig uppsatsen tillbaka till utförselregleringens formativa moment samt förändring från 1920-talet och framåt och sätter detta i relation till nuvarande kulturpolitiska mål och kulturvård i dagens samhälle. Motiv till utförselreglering men också vilka föremålstyper som skyddats genom tiderna har studerats, analyserats och jämförts kvalitativt. Källmaterialet utgörs framförallt av lagtexter, statliga offentliga utredningar och propositioner. Undersökningen visar att lagen från att ha skyddat ett fåtal föremåltyper succesivt har utökats och detaljerats både vad gäller föremålstyp, ålder, värde och ursprung. Med den högre graden särskiljning och utpekande följer problematik kring vad som räknas in och inte. Vissa traditionellt högt värderade föremålstyper och perioder har skyddats hela tiden medan andra mindre värderade konsekvent har uteslutits, trots långt gånga diskussioner om en mer inkluderande lagstiftning redan i tidiga förarbeten. Den breddade synen kring vad som är bevarandevärt, vilken kan skönjas i museers nutida insamlingspolicys, återspeglas inte i lagtexten. Istället har tydliga ekonomiska, kulturella, etniska och åldersmässiga hierarkier skapats. Flytt från en ursprunglig historisk miljö till en annan plats i Sverige kan orsaka skador på kulturarvet som är större än de skador som kan uppstå om ett föremål som redan flyttats från sin ursprungliga miljö istället flyttas utomlands, något som ignoreras i lagtexten. Lagen utgår ifrån att vissa föremål är svenska folkets egendom och att nationen Sverige är en trygg, ursprunglig och naturlig miljö för dem trots att motsatsen ofta har bevisats. En paradox skönjas i det faktum att vanskötsel och förvanskning av värdefulla och utförselskyddade kulturföremål inte är olagligt, så länge föremålet stannar innanför landsgränsen. De kulturpolitiska målen har alltsedan 1970-talets slut påverkat de uttalade motiven till utförsellagstiftningen. Eftersom ålderdomliga värdegrunder och normer, däribland en hel del nationalistiska sådana, där svensk kultur ses som tydlig avgränsad, högtstående och suverän, fortfarande lyser igenom i utförsellagstiftningen, tydliggörs tendensen till en retorisk men inte grundläggande förändring inom kulturarvssektorn. Hypotesen om att kapitel 5 fortfarande står på en grund av nationalistiska värderingar, nationell protektionism och nationellt identitetsskapande kan därmed sägas stämma. / This paper is located in the field of critical heritage studies and focusses on Swedish cultural heritage law and the export control of moveable heritage objects. The starting point for the research lies in the 2014 redrafting of the opening section of the cultural heritage law, which for the first time includes objectives relating to pluralism and diversity. Export control (which is regulated in the 5th chapter of the cultural heritage law), was not updated at the same time, but it is nevertheless intended to be read in the light of the preliminary provisions. Since chapter 5 previously was perceived to rest on outdated nationalistic values, the question arise as to whether there is a discrepancy in relation to the new objectives that were formulated in 2014. In order to address the question the study looks back at the formative moments and change of the export control regulations from the 1920s onwards and relates this to current cultural policy objectives and goals of conservation. The motives for export control and the type of objects protected through the ages are analysed and compared qualitatively. The source material primarily consists of legal documents, state government investigations and government bills. The study shows that the law gradually changed from protecting a few object types to become more expansive and detailed in terms of the type of artifact and it´s age, value, and origin. This increased degree of segregation and designation leads to concerns relating to what is included and what is not. Some traditionally highly valued object types and periods have continued to be protected whilst others are consistently less valued and excluded, despite ongoing discussions about the need for a more inclusive legislation since the early preparatory work. The broadened idea about what is worth preserving, which can be seen in the contemporary collection policies of museums, is not reflected in the legislation. Instead evident economic, cultural, ethnic and age hierarchies have been created. The law ignores the fact that moving an artifact from its original historical setting to another location in Sweden can cause greater harm than moving an object that has already been moved from its original location overseas. Instead the law assumes that certain objects are the property of the Swedish people and that the nation of Sweden is a safe, original and “natural” environment for them, despite the fact that the opposite often proves to be the case. A paradox is evident in the fact that the mismanagement and distortion of valuable artifacts that are protected against export is not illegal, as long as the object stays inside the borders of Sweden. Cultural policy objectives have, since the late 1970s, influenced the stated rationale for cultural heritage law and export legislation. Since outdated values and standards, including numerous nationalistic ones, where Swedish culture is seen as being distinct, high-cult and sovereign, still shines through in the export legislation, it is clear that there is a tendency to a rhetorical but not a fundamental change in parts of the cultural heritage sector, including the legislative context. The hypothesis that chapter 5 is still underpinned and characterised by nationalistic values, national protectionism and the creation of national identity can thus be said to be proven.

中國西北穆斯林宗教派別多元化研究──以臨夏為論述中心 / A study of the multi-denomination of Muslims in the Northwestern China----Focusing on the Muslims in Linxia

趙秋蒂, Chao, Chiu Ti Unknown Date (has links)
中國西北甘寧青一帶是穆斯林在中國內地較為集中之處,該地區穆斯林因宗教生活之殊異而裂解為數個派別,這些並存的派別分別是:7世紀伊斯蘭進入中國以來歷經千餘年在地化而形成的「格底木」、17世紀末蘇非教團由西亞阿拉伯世界帶入中國的各個「門宦」、19世紀末受到伊斯蘭中土宗教復興運動影響而產生的「伊赫瓦尼」、20世紀30年代從伊赫瓦尼分支而出的「賽萊非耶」、以及20世紀初中國穆斯林創建的「西道堂」。穆斯林社會的脈動與宗教派別的運作與互動牽連甚深,筆者在歷經三年的參與觀察與分析研究之後,將西北穆斯林地區分陳並列的各個派別定名為中國伊斯蘭教的「宗派」。這些宗派各擁信眾,彼此關係微妙,形塑出中國西北穆斯林的宗教多元樣貌。 臨夏回族自治州古稱「河州」,因其穆斯林人口眾多且集中、宗教氣息濃厚,又是引領中國伊斯蘭思潮的重鎮,而享有「中國的小麥加」之美名。本論文以臨夏為主要核心進行穆斯林宗派多元現象研究,論述範圍涵蓋宗派多元化形成之歷史縱深以及伊斯蘭傳播途徑與在地化歷程,當代的現象觀察與分析則以臨夏為主要田野場域,透過民族學研究方法將歷史與當代現象交織的中國穆斯林宗派多元議題完整呈現,並提出該議題的研究定位與建構當代西北穆斯林社會的觀察視野及宗派多元之研究模式。 / The Northwestern China, including Kansu, Ningxia and Qinhai, is the region with rather heavy concentration of Chinese Muslims inhabitation. In this region, because of the varying religious practices, Muslims are segmented into several concurrent denominations, namely, the Qadim, which was developed through the localization over more than one thousand years since the Islam was first preached in China in the 7th Century, the Menhuan, which was brought about by the Sufi Orders in the late 17th Century from west Arabic world, the Ikhwani, which was developed through the influence of the Islamic heart land revivalism during the late 19th Century, the Salafiyya, which was branched out from the Ikhwani in the 30th of the 20th Century, and the Sidaotang, which was built up by Chinese Muslim in the beginning of the 20th Century. The momentum of the Muslim Society is deeply intertwined with the operations and interactions of these denominations. After having spent three years in intensive observations and analyses, the author has come to term these various segments of the Muslim Society as “Denominations”. Each of these denominations has its own followers, and the relationships between denominations are delicate. All of these have contributed to the formation of a religious pluralism in the Northwestern Chinese Muslims. The Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture was formerly called “River State” (Ho Chou). It is renowned for the populous Muslims, rich of religious aura, and being a place of strategic importance in pioneering the Islamic thoughts in China. As a result, Linxia is reputed as the “Miniature of Mecca in China”. This study took Linxia as a focal point to explore the issues of multi-denomination of Muslims. Field studies were conducted in Linxia to observe and analyze current phenomena of Muslim Society. The purposes of this study were to trace back the long history of the development of multi-denominations, to investigate the dissemination route and localization process of the Islam in China, and to apply the research methodology of ethnology to present comprehensively the multi-denomination issues arising from interweaving history with current phenomena. This study proposed a research position for these issues and construct an observation eyeshot of the modern Muslim Society in the Northwestern China and a research model for the multi-denomination of Muslims.

Exploring a combined quantitative and qualitative research approach in developing a culturally competent dietary behavior assessment instrument

Jones, Willie Brad 22 June 2009 (has links)
Cultural competence is widely recognized as an essential strategy for reducing health disparities. As the United States' population becomes increasingly ethno-culturally diverse, these disparities are becoming even more pronounced. One particular challenge in this regard concerns overweight/obesity prevalence among American adults, as a disproportionately high number of racial and ethnic minority adults are classified as overweight or obese. Dietary behavior assessments are often utilized by health and human services professionals to obtain the data necessary to promote goals such as the reduction and elimination of overweight/obesity across all ethno-cultural groups. The primary objective of this research study was to develop, test, and evaluate a culturally-competent dietary behavior assessment instrument by effectively synthesizing qualitative methods from Cognitive Anthropology with appropriate survey research and quantitative statistical methods. Specifically, a quantitative methods triangle of hierarchical cluster analysis, binary logistic regression, and Poisson regression in conjunction with the free listing qualitative research technique from Cognitive Anthropology was explored as a possible combined methodological approach for researchers and public health professionals wishing to develop a comprehensive understanding of dietary behaviors at the local community level. Binary logistic regression and Poisson regression enabled the relationship between selected food categories and certain demographic/cultural indicators to be modeled, while hierarchical cluster analyses enabled modeling of the distinct patterns of food category groupings that comprise individuals' regular diet. Additionally, initial qualitative analyses of the raw data promoted an understanding of the influence that the local fast food and dine-in restaurant environment has on the dietary behaviors of the target population. The results of this study suggest that a quantitative methods triangle of hierarchical cluster analysis, binary logistic regression analysis, and Poisson regression analysis founded upon qualitative research principles has potential for use as a combined methodological approach for researchers and public health professionals wishing to develop a comprehensive understanding of dietary behaviors at the local community level. By employing these techniques, researchers can analyze individual dietary behaviors and eating patterns from a multifaceted perspective. In turn, public health professionals can develop community-based, cross-culturally relevant programs and interventions that are equally effective across all ethno-cultural groups in their target population.

At the borders of belonging : representing cultural citizenship in Australia, 1973-1984

Anderson, Zoe Melantha Helen January 2009 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] This thesis offers a re-contextualisation of multiculturalism and immigration in Australia in the 1970s and 80s in relation to crucial and progressive shifts in gender and sexuality. It provides new ways of examining issues of belonging and cultural citizenship in this field of inquiry, within an Australian context. The thesis explores the role sexuality played in creating a framework through which anxieties about immigration and multiculturalism manifested. It considers how debates about gender and sexuality provided fuel to concerns about ethnic diversity and breaches of the 'cultural' borders of Australia. I have chosen three significant historical moments in which anxieties around events relating to immigration/multiculturalism were most heightened: these are the beginning of the 'official' policy of multiculturalism in Australia in 1973; the arrival of large numbers of Vietnamese refugees as a consequence of the Vietnam War in 1979; and 1984, a year in which the furore over the alleged 'Asianisation' of Australia reached a peak. In these years, multiple and recurring representations served to recreate norms as applicable to the white heterosexual family, not only as a commentary and prescriptive device for migrants, but as a means of reinforcing 'Australianness' itself. A focus on the body as a border/site of belonging and in turn, crucially, its relationship to the heterosexual nuclear family as a marker of 'cultural citizenship', lies at the heart of this exploration. Normative ideas of gender and sexuality, I demonstrate, were integral in informing the ambivalence about multiculturalism and ethnic diversity in Australia. Indeed, for each of these years I examine how the discourses of gender and sexuality, evident for example in parliamentary debates such as that relating to the Sex Discrimination Act 1984, were intricately tied to ongoing concerns regarding growing non-white ethnicity in Australia, and indeed, enabled it. ... In pursuing this contribution, the work draws critically upon recent innovative interdisciplinary scholarship in the field of sexuality and immigration, and draws upon a broad range of sources to inform a comprehensive and complex examination of these issues. Sources employed include the major newspapers and periodicals of the time, Parliamentary debates from the Commonwealth House of Representatives, Parliamentary Committee findings and publications, speeches and polemics, and relevant legislation. This inquiry is an interrogation of a key methodological question: can sexuality, in its workings through ethnicity and 'race', be used as a primary tool of analysis in discussing how whiteness and 'Australianness' reconfigured itself through normative heteropatriarchy in an era that claimed to champion and celebrate difference? How and why did ambiguities concerning 'Australianness' prevail, concurrent with progressive and generally politically benign periods of Australian multiculturalism? The thesis argues that sexuality – through the construction of the 'good white hetero-patriarchal family' – both informed, and enabled, the endurance of anxieties around non-white ethnicity in Australia.

Cross-cultural encounter and the novel nation, identity, and genre In nineteenth-century British literature /

Woo, Chimi. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Ohio State University, 2008.

Contribution of the Governing Council/Global Ministerial Environment Forum of the United Nations Environment Programme to the World Summit on Sustainable Development : note /

22 March 2002 (has links)
Transmits decision SS.VII/2 of UNEP Governing Council/Global Ministerial Environment. / UN Job no.: N0230044 E. Material type: Resolutions/decisions (UN). Issued under agenda item 1, agenda document A/CONF.199/PC/1.

Gilles Deleuze and the apolitical production of being

Paugh, Tim 15 May 2008 (has links)
Gilles Deleuze’s ontology is often understood to ground a kind of radical pluralism, the political defense of which is thought to be articulated most strongly in the Capitalism and Schizophrenia books. It is clear, however, that this “politics” is defined in a wholly negative way, and that the revolutionary dimension of these books is animated by a strictly ethical logic. In my view, if there is a politics in Deleuze it must be understood in relation to the central problem of his ontology: namely, the problem of understanding how Being is produced. To grasp politics as a singularity, as a mode of ontological production, has a number of radical consequences – consequences, however, that Deleuze himself did not embrace. Ultimately, Deleuze’s conception of ontological production appears marked by an apolitics, in that any effective mobilization of Being’s transformative potential requires that we stand posed to sacrifice anything of the integrity and organizational capacity of political existence that limits the expression of Being itself.

Cultural factors and implementation of ergonomics in developing countries : (an industrial psychological study of selected cultural factors with specific reference to the transfer of technology within the eastern Mpumalanga Province, one of nine provinces of South Africa)

Strydom, J. (Joyce) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: When considering the attitude of a workforce towards their work and ways of increasing their motivation, attention must be given to their culture. Attitudes within In this study the influence of culture on the implementation of ergonomics was studied with specific reference to the transfer of technology in developing countries. Cultural diversity factors such as language/communication, religious beliefs, anthropometrics, educational background time, ethnicity values, attitude and values was measured using a specially designed questionnaire. It was completed by eighteen managers representing seven large industries in the Mpumalanga province. The cultural factor with the highest significance was 'time'. Others with high significance were educational background, attitude, language/communication and values. Ethnicity values, anthropometrics and religious beliefs were cultural factors which was not considered to be significant, however the population was very small and it is considered that they do contribute towards the implementation of ergonomICS. Training, imported technology and management are external factors, which make a useful and practical contribution to the subject of Ergonomics and the implementation thereof in organizations. If understood, cultural factors provide a much richer environment and different viewpoints, which can increase productivity by the effective use of technology. an organization are due to the attitudes that exist in the culture from which the members of the organization have come. Management practices, therefore, must cope with the attitudes and prejudices of the cultures within the organization. These cultures have been influenced by many factors like religious doctrine and history, not primarily concerned with the efficiency and productivity of the organization. Ergonomics aim at the optimization of the interaction between human and machine and the operating environment. This can provide the information necessary to promote an acceptable and efficient interaction between human-machine and environment in any form of a human-at-work system. In the process of technology transfer from Industrial Developed Countries to Industrial Developing Countries, emphasis is laid on economic progress. Although improvement of the economic situation and the standard of living is important to achieve, neglecting ergonomic considerations is both economically expensive and socially disturbing, thus creating negative effects in the country acquiring the technology. Ergonomics serve as a link between human factor considerations and the transfer of technology. A comprehensive systems model of Ergonomics was used, which indicates the interaction between facets emphasizing information as a core dynamic process, which can be useful to ensure optimality of choices of technology. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wanneer 'n werkerskorps ondersoek word met betrekking tot hul houdings teenoor werk en wyses om hul motivering te verhoog, moet aandag geskenk word aan hul kultuur. Houdings binne 'n organisasie ontstaan uit houdings wat reeds bestaan in die kultuur waaruit lede van die organisasie oorspronklik kom. Bestuurspraktyke moet die houdinge en bevooroordelings van kulture binne die organisasie hanteer. Hierdie kulture is beYnvloed deur vele faktore soos geloofsdoktrines en geskiedenis wat nie primer gerig is op die effektiwiteit en produktiwiteit van die organisasie nie. Ergonomika het ten doel die optimisering van die interaksie tussen mens en masjien en die omgewing van funksionering, wat die nodige inligting kan voorsien wat nodig is om aanvaarbare en effektiewe interaksie te bewerkstellig tussen mens, masjien en die omgewing ten opsige van enige mens-by-sy-werk sisteem. In die proses van tegnologiese oordrag vanaf Industriele Ontwikkelde Lande na Industriele Ontwikkelende Lande, word klem gele op ekonomiese vooruitgang. Alhoewel verbetering van die ekonomiese situasie en 'n verhoging van die standaard van lewe belangrik is om te bereik, sal die verwaardlosing van ergonomiese oorwegings beide ekonomies duur en sosiaal verontrustend wees en gevolglik negatiewe effekte veroorsaak binne die land wat die tegnologie moet verkry. Ergonomika dien as 'n skakel tussen die menslike faktor oorwegings en die oordrag van tegnologie. 'n Omvattende sisteem model van Ergonomika dui op die interaksie tussen belangrike fasette van inligting as 'n dinamiese kern proses wat bruikbaar kan wees by die optimisering van keuses van tegnologie. In hierdie studie word die invloed van kulturele faktore op die implementering van ergonomika bestudeer met spesifieke verwysing na die oordrag van tegnologie. Kulturele diversiteitsfaktore soos taal/kommunikasie, gelowe, antropometrie, opvoedkundige agtergrond, tyd, etniese waardes, houding en waardes is gemeet deur 'n spesiaal ontwerpte vraelys. Dit is voltooi deur agtien bestuurders wat sewe groot industriee in die Mpumalanga provinsie verteenwoordig. Die kulturele faktor wat as die mees beduidend gemeet het is 'tyd'. Ander beduidende faktore is opvoedkundige agtergrond, houdings, taal/kommunikasie en waardes. Nie beduidende faktore naamlik, etnisiteit, antropometrie en gelowe is weI beskou as bydraend in die implementering van ergonomika aangesien die populasie wat gemeet is as relatief klein beskou kan word en moontlik in 'n groter populasie as beduidend kon meet. Opleiding, ingevoerde tegnologie en bestuur is eksterne faktore wat 'n waardevolle en praktiese bydrae maak tot die vakgebied en die implementering van Ergonomika. Kulturele diversiteit voorsien 'n ryk omgewing met verskillende uitgangspunte en indien dit verstaan word kan dit lei tot verhoogde produktiwiteit deur verbeterde gebruik van tegnologie.

Ordre public et droits fondamentaux. Contribution à l’étude de la fondamentalisation du droit privé interne. / Public policy and fundamental rights. A contribution to the study of the fundamentalisation of internal private law.

Drouiller, Camille 15 October 2018 (has links)
Le mouvement de fondamentalisation du droit qui est à l’œuvre depuis plusieurs décennies n’a épargné aucun domaine. Les droits fondamentaux se sont imposés dans toutes les branches du droit, et leur reconnaissance en tant que valeurs sociales essentielles justifie qu’ils bénéficient de la protection de l’ordre public. Les droits fondamentaux ont ainsi intégré l’ordre public. C’est à cet aspect particulier de la fondamentalisation que se consacre cette étude.Ce phénomène a tout à la fois renouvelé et bouleversé la notion. Enrichi des droits fondamentaux, l’ordre public a dû être reconsidéré. Conçu traditionnellement comme un mécanisme limitant les volontés individuelles, abritant des valeurs holistes de nature législative, et appréhendé dans un ordre juridique étatique, l’ordre public devait être repensé après l’intrusion des droits fondamentaux. Par ailleurs, il apparaît que cet enrichissement substantiel de l’ordre public a conduit à l’émergence de nouveaux conflits normatifs mettant en jeu des dispositions d’ordre public. En effet, les droits fondamentaux sont mis en œuvre à la fois dans l’ordre juridique interne stricto sensu, mais également dans des ordres juridiques supralégislatifs parmi lesquels l’Union européenne et le Conseil de l’Europe disposent d’une place privilégiée. Contenant des valeurs hétérogènes, se manifestant à toutes les strates de la hiérarchie des normes, des conflits de normes impliquant plusieurs dispositions d’ordre public ont vu le jour. Ces conflits d’un nouveau genre n’ont pas été sans incidence sur la caractéristique principale de l’ordre public : sa normativité. Ainsi, l’étude s’attache tout à la fois à justifier le phénomène d’intégration des droits fondamentaux à l’ordre public, et à en mesurer les conséquences sur la notion d’ordre public. Par ailleurs, l’examen des conflits normatifs impliquant des dispositions d’ordre public doit s’envisager dans une perspective plus globale de pluralisme juridique. / The fundamentalisation of law, which has been occurring for several decades now, has had an impact on all fields. Fundamental rights have become predominant in every branch of the law, and their recognition as essential social values justifies their protection under the public policy. Fundamental rights have thus been incorporated into public policy. This study focuses on this particular aspect of fundamentalisation.This phenomenon has not only renewed the notion, but also profoundly changed it. Being broadened by fundamental rights, the concept of public policy had to be reconsidered. Originally conceived as a mechanism that restricts individual will, implemented with holistic legislative values and apprehended in a state legal order, the public policy had to be revamped after the intrusion of fundamental rights. Besides, it appears that this substantial enrichment of public policy has led to the emergence of new normative conflicts engaging public policy provisions. Not only are fundamental rights implemented into the internal legal order - in the strict sense of the term – but also into supranational legal orders, such as the European Union and the Council of Europe, which have a privileged position. Norm conflicts involving various public policy provisions and including assorted values have seen the light of day throughout all levels of the hierarchy of norms. This new type of conflicts have had an impact on the main feature of public policy, namely its normativity.The study therefore endeavours to justify the integration of fundamental rights into the public policy, and to determine the consequences of such mechanism on the notion of public policy. Besides, the review of normative conflicts involving public policy provisions has to be approached from a wider perspective of legal pluralism.

The social construction of student leadership in a South African University

Pule, Neo Tshireletso 06 1900 (has links)
Student leadership in South African (SA) universities has undergone radical change since the transformation of Higher Education in post-apartheid South Africa and this has consequently resulted in shifts in priorities for student leaders. In addition, this leadership can be viewed as occurring in multiple forms in SA universities and in the literature about student leadership in SA. Furthermore; student leadership comprises different and more diverse demographics now in the post-apartheid era. Thus the concept of student leadership may be constituted differently for different student leaders in SA universities today. This research has been undertaken to explore the latter in a particular SA university with the specific aim of studying the social construction of student leadership in a SA university. A social constructionist lens was adopted as the underpinning worldview to adopt a pluralistic qualitative approach in this psychosocial research. Data were gathered using a social dream drawing technique, accessing information on three levels: conscious, subconscious and unconscious. The findings express the fusion of discourse analysis and a psychodynamic interpretation employed in the data analysis. The major findings suggest a two-way interaction between identity in student leadership and relational dynamics in student leadership: these set up a conversation about the anxiety of working with diversity dynamics. Therefore the social construction of student leadership in a SA university has been found to be a space for a conversation about the said anxiety. Metaphors employing Mandela and Moses as leadership symbols have been related to psychodynamic themes such as narcissistic injury and stillbirth and grief in terms of the conversation about the given anxiety amongst such leaders in a SA university. The research makes a methodological contribution by recommending pluralism as a favourable research approach in the study of student leadership. In addition, recommendations for practice such as the implementation of student leadership schools and the incorporation of the relevant psychology professionals to intervene from an adjustment perspective are proposed to inform consulting psychologists and other relevant practitioners in terms of fit for purpose interventions that are linked to student leadership in SA universities. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / Ph. D.(Consulting Psychology)

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