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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design, fabrication and characterization of plasmonic components based on silicon nanowire platform

Lou, Fei January 2014 (has links)
Optical interconnects based on CMOS compatible photonic integrated circuits are regarded as a promising technique to tackle the issues traditional electronics faces, such as limited bandwidth, latency, vast energy consumption and so on. In recent years, plasmonic integrated components have gained great attentions due to the properties of nano-scale confinement, which may potentially bridge the size mismatch between photonic and electronic circuits. Based on silicon nanowire platform, this thesis work studies the design, fabrication and characterization of several integrated plasmonic components, aiming to combine the benefits of Si and plasmonics. The basic theories of surface plasmon polaritons are introduced in the beginning, where we explain the physics behind the diffraction-free confinement. Numerical methods frequently used in the thesis including finite-difference time-domain method and finite-element method are then reviewed. We summarize the device fabrication techniques such as film depositions, e-beam lithography and inductively coupled plasma etching as well as characterization methods, such as direct measurement method, butt coupling, grating coupling etc. Fabrication results of an optically tunable silicon-on-insulator microdisk and III-V cavities in applications as light sources for future nanophotonics interconnects are briefly discussed. Afterwards we present in details the experimental demonstrations and novel design of plasmonic components. Hybrid plasmonic waveguides and directional couplers with various splitting ratios are firstly experimentally demonstrated. The coupling length of two 170 nm wide waveguides with a separation of 140 nm is only 1.55 µm. Secondly, an ultracompact polarization beam splitter with a footprint of 2×5.1 μm2 is proposed. The device features an extinction ratio of 12 dB and an insertion loss below 1.5 dB in the entire C-band. Thirdly, we show that plasmonics offer decreased bending losses and enhanced Purcell factor for submicron bends. Novel hybrid plasmonic disk, ring and donut resonators with radii of ~ 0.5 μm and 1 μm are experimentally demonstrated for the first time. The Q-factor of disks with 0.5 μm radii are                         , corresponding to Purcell factors of . Thermal tuning is also presented. Fourthly, we propose a design of electro-optic polymer modulator based on plasmonic microring. The figure of merit characterizing modulation efficiency is 6 times better comparing with corresponding silicon slot polymer modulator. The device exhibits an insertion loss below 1 dB and a power consumption of 5 fJ/bit at 100 GHz. At last, we propose a tightly-confined waveguide and show that the radius of disk resonators based on the proposed waveguide can be shrunk below 60 nm, which may be used to pursue a strong light-matter interaction. The presented here novel components confirm that hybrid plasmonic structures can play an important role in future inter- and intra-core computer communication systems. / <p>QC 20140404</p>

Intégration de nanostructures plasmoniques au sein de dispositifs photovoltaïques organiques : étude numérique et expérimentale.

Vedraine, Sylvain 26 October 2012 (has links)
Les cellules solaires en couches minces permettent de produire de l'énergie à bas-coût et sans émission de gaz à effet de serre. Dans le but de réaliser des dispositifs toujours plus performants, nous étudions l'impact de l'intégration de nanostructures métalliques (NSs) au sein de cellules solaires organiques (CSO). Ces NSs peuvent alors générer des effets diffusifs et des résonances issues de plasmons de surface. A l'aide d'un modèle numérique FDTD, nous démontrons que l'ingénierie plasmonique peut servir à augmenter l'absorption dans le matériau photoactif tout en limitant l'énergie perdue sous forme de chaleur dans les NSs. L'influence de paramètres opto-géométriques de structures associant matériaux organiques et effets plasmoniques est étudiée (diamètre, position des particules dans la couche et période du réseau de particules sphériques). Expérimentalement, des NSs d'argent ont été réalisées par évaporation sous vide puis intégrées dans des couches organiques. Nous avons mesuré une exaltation de l'absorption optique dans la gamme spectrale utile à la photo-conversion. Trois architectures différentes de CSO plasmonique ont été fabriquées et caractérisées par MEB, TEM et ToF-SIMS, puis modélisées, permettant d'identifier des verrous technologiques et de proposer des pistes d'amélioration. Nous avons aussi intégré des NSs au sein d'un empilement transparent et conducteur de type oxyde/métal/oxyde, dans le but de remplacer l'électrode classique en oxyde d'indium et d'étain d'une CSO. Le rôle de chaque couche de l'empilement sur le comportement optique de l'électrode est discuté. Les épaisseurs des couches d'une électrode de type ZnO/Ag/ZnO ont été optimisées. / Thin-film solar cells are able to produce low-cost energy without greenhouse gas emissions. In order to increase devices performance, we investigate the impact of metallic nanostructures (NSs) integrated in organic solar cells (OSC). These NSs can generate scattering effects and surface plasmon resonances. Using FDTD modeling, we demonstrate that plasmon engineering can be used to increase light absorption in a photoactive material while minimizing the energy lost as heat in the NSs. The influence of opto-geometrical parameters of plasmonic structures in organic material is investigated (diameter, position of particles in the layer and period of spherical particles array). Experimentally, silver NSs are deposited by evaporation and incorporated into an organic layer. We measured an optical absorption enhancement in the spectral range useful for photo-conversion. Three different architectures of plasmonic OSC are fabricated and characterized by SEM, TEM and ToF-SIMS, then modeled, allowing us to identify some technological obstacles and to propose possible improvements. We also integrated NSs inside a transparent and conductive multilayer stack composed of oxide/metal/oxide, in the aim of replacing the traditional indium tin oxide electrode of a OSC. The role of each layer of the stack on the electrode optical behavior is discussed. Layers thicknesses of a ZnO/Ag/ZnO electrode were optimized.

Investigating the Electron Transport and Light Scattering Enhancement in Radial Core-Shell Metal-Metal Oxide Novel 3D Nanoarchitectures for Dye Sensitized Solar Cells

Sahu, Gayatri 18 May 2012 (has links)
Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) have attained considerable attention during the last decade because of the potential of becoming a low cost alternative to silicon based solar cells. Electron transport is one of the prominent processes in the cell and it is further a complex process because the transport medium is a mesoporous film. The gaps in the pores are completely filled by an electrolyte with high ionic strength, resulting in electron-ion interactions. Therefore, the electron transport in these so called state-of-the-art systems has a practical limit because of the low electron diffusion coefficient (Dn) in this mesoporous film photoanode. This work focuses on the influence of the advanced core-shell nanoarchitecture geometry on electron transport and also on the influence of electron-ion interactions. In order to achieve the proposed goals, DSSCs based on ordered, highly aligned, 3D radial core-shell Au-TiO2 hybrid nanowire arrays were fabricated, using three different approaches. J-V, IPCE, and EIS characteristics were studied. The efficiency, light scattering and charge transport properties of the core-shell nanowire based devices were compared to TiO2 nanotube as well as TiO2 mesoporous film based DSSCs. The Au nanowires inside the crystalline TiO2 anatase nanoshell provided a direct conduction path from the TiO2 shell to the TCO substrate and improved transport of electrons between the TiO2 and the TCO. The optical effects were studied by IPCE measurement which demonstrated that Au-TiO2 nanowires showed an improved light harvesting efficiency, including at longer wavelengths where the sensitizer has weak absorption. The metal nanostructures could enhance the absorption in DSSCs by either scattering light enabling a longer optical path-length, localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) or by near-field coupling between the surface plasmon polariton (SPP) and the dye excited state. Rapid, radial electron collection is of practical significance because it should allow alternate redox shuttles that show relatively fast electron-interception dynamics to be utilized without significant sacrifice of photocurrent. A combination of improved electron transport and enhanced light harvesting capability make Au-TiO2 core-shell nanowire arrays a promising photoanode nanoarchitecture for improving photovoltaic efficiency while minimizing costs by allowing thinner devices that use less material in their construction.

Sensitivity Analysis and Topology Optimization in Plasmonics

Zhou Zeng (6983504) 16 August 2019 (has links)
<div>The rapid development of topology optimization in photonics has greatly expanded the number of photonic structures with extraordinary performance. The optimization is usually solved by using a gradient-based optimization algorithm, where gradients are evaluated by the adjoint sensitivity analysis. While the adjoint sensitivity analysis has been demonstrated to provide reliable gradients for designs of dielectrics, there has not been too much success in plasmonics. The difficulty of obtaining accurate field solutions near sharp edges and corners in plasmonic structures, and the strong field enhancement jointly increase the numerical error of gradients, leading to failure of convergence for any gradient-based algorithm. </div><div> </div><div>We present a new method of calculating accurate sensitivity with the FDTD method by direct differentiation of the time-marching system in frequency domain. This new method supports general frequency-domain objective functions, does not relay on implementation details of the FDTD method, works with general isotropic materials and can be easily incorporated into both level-set-based and density-based topology optimizations. The method is demonstrated to have superior accuracy compared to the traditional continuous sensitivity. Next, we present a framework to carry out density-based topology optimization using our new sensitivity formula. We use the non-linear material interpolation to counter the rough landscape of plasmonics, adopt the filteringand-projection regularization to ensure manufacturability and perform the optimization with a continuation scheme to improve convergence. </div><div> </div><div>We give two examples involving reconstruction of near fields of plasmonic structures to illustrate the robustness of the sensitivity formula and the optimization framework. In the end, we apply our method to generate a rectangular temperature profile in the recording medium of the HAMR system. </div>

Nanostructures plasmoniques de type coeur-coquille métal-diélectrique pour cellules photovoltaïques organiques / Core-shell metal-dielectric plasmonic nanostructures for organic photovoltaic cells

N'Konou, Kokou Kekeli David 18 April 2018 (has links)
L'une des approches pour améliorer les performances des cellules solaires organiques, sans augmenter l'épaisseur de la couche photoactive, consiste à incorporer des nanoparticules (NPs) métalliques dans cette couche ou à proximité pour bénéficier de la diffusion de la lumière incidente ou de résonances de plasmons de surface localisés. Cependant, ces NPs métalliques peuvent engendrer des recombinaisons des porteurs de charges électriques, créer des court-circuits ou favoriser l'extinction des excitons au contact du métal. Une solution est alors de protéger ces NPs métalliques par un revêtement diélectrique (coquille ou couche fine). L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier l'influence de nanostructures de type cœur–coquille (métal-diélectrique) sur les performances optiques et photoélectriques de cellules solaires organiques, à l'aide de modélisations numériques et de réalisations expérimentales. Dans un premier temps, une étude numérique prédictive, basée sur une modélisation par méthode FDTD, nous a permis d'analyser l'influence de paramètres architecturaux et opto-géométriques sur les propriétés optiques de cellules solaires plasmoniques. Par la suite, nous avons synthétisé et caractérisé des nanosphères (NSs) avec un cœur métallique en argent ou en or recouverts d'une fine coquille de silice. L'incorporation de NSs Ag@SiO2 synthétisées (voie humide) ou de NPs Ag/SiO2 déposées par évaporation (voie sèche) dans des cellules solaires à architecture inverse ont permis d'augmenter le photocourant de 12% ou de 18% respectivement par rapport à la cellule de référence (sans NSs). / One of the approaches to improve the organic solar cells performance without increasing the thickness of the photoactive layer is to incorporate metallic nanoparticles (NPs) in this layer or in its proximity to have benefited from light scattering or localized surface plasmon resonance effects. However, these NPs can generate charge carriers recombination, short circuits or exciton quenching due to the contact with the metal. A solution is then to coat these MNPs with a dielectric (thin shell or layer) to protect them. The objective of this thesis is to study the influence of metal­dielectric core­shell nanostructures on the optical and photoelectric performances of organic solar cells, by using numerical modeling and experiments. First, a predictive numerical analysis by FDTD modeling allowed us to optimize the influence of architectural and optogeometric parameters on optical properties of plasmonic organic solar cells. Silver or gold core nanospheres (NSs) coated with a thin silica shell were synthesized and characterized. Finally, the integration of chemically synthesized Ag@SiO 2 NSs (wet process) or Ag/SiO 2 NPs deposited by evaporation (dry process) in inverted organic solar cells has increased the photocurrent by 12% or 18%, respectively, compared to the reference cell(without NSs).

Nanostructured ultrathin GaAs solar cells / Cellules solaires ultrafines nanostructurées en GaAs

Vandamme, Nicolas 30 June 2015 (has links)
L’amincissement des cellules solaires semi-conductrices est motivé par la réduction des coûts de production et l’augmentation des rendements de conversion. Mais en deçà de quelques centaines de nanomètres, il requiert de nouvelles stratégies de piégeage optique. Nous proposons d’utiliser des concepts de la nanophotonique et de la plasmonique pour absorber la lumière sur une large bande spectrale dans des couches ultrafines de GaAs. Nous concevons et fabriquons pour ce faire des structures multi-résonantes formées de réseaux de nanostructures métalliques. Dans un premier temps, nous montrons qu’il est possible de confiner la lumière dans une couche de 25 nm de GaAs à l’aide d’une nanogrille bidimensionnelle pouvant servir de contact électrique en face avant. Nous analysons numériquement les modes résonants qui conduisent à une absorption moyenne de 80% de la lumière incidente entre 450 nm et 850 nm. Ces résultats sont validés par la fabrication et la caractérisation de super-absorbeurs ultrafins multi-résonants. Dans un second temps, nous appliquons une approche similaire dans le but d’obtenir des cellules photovoltaïques dix fois plus fines que les cellules GaAs records, avec des absorbeurs de 120 nm et 220 nm seulement. Un miroir arrière nanostructuré en argent, associé à des contacts ohmiques localisés, permet d’améliorer l’absorption tout en garantissant une collecte optimale des porteurs photo-générés. Nos calculs montrent que les densités de courant de court-circuit (Jsc) dans ces structures optimisées peuvent atteindre 22.4 mA/cm2 et 26.0 mA/cm2 pour les absorbeurs d’épaisseurs respectives t=120 nm et t=220 nm. Ces performances sont obtenues grâce à l’excitation d’une grande variété de modes résonants (Fabry-Pérot, modes guidés,…). En parallèle, nous avons développé un procédé de fabrication complet de ces cellules utilisant la nano-impression et le transfert des couches actives. Les mesures montrent des Jsc records de 17.5 mA/cm2 (t=120 nm) et 22.8 mA/cm2 (t=220 nm). Ces résultats ouvrent la voie à l’obtention de rendements supérieurs à 20% avec des cellules solaires simple jonction d’épaisseur inférieure à 200 nm. / The thickness reduction of solar cells is motivated by the reduction of production costs and the enhancement of conversion efficiencies. However, for thicknesses below a few hundreds of nanometers, new light trapping strategies are required. We propose to introduce nanophotonics and plasmonics concepts to absorb light on a wide spectral range in ultrathin GaAs layers. We conceive and fabricate multi-resonant structures made of arrays of metal nanostructures. First, we design a super-absorber made of a 25 nm-thick GaAs slab transferred on a back metallic mirror with a top metal nanogrid that can serve as an alternative front electrode. We analyze numerically the resonance mechanisms that result in an average light absorption of 80% over the 450nm-850nm spectral range. The results are validated by the fabrication and characterization of these multi-resonant super-absorbers made of ultrathin GaAs. Second, we use a similar strategy for GaAs solar cells with thicknesses 10 times thinner than record single-junction photovoltaic devices. A silver nanostructured back mirror is used to enhance the absorption efficiency by the excitation of various resonant modes (Fabry-Perot, guided modes,…). It is combined with localized ohmic contacts in order to enhance the absorption efficiency and to optimize the collection of photogenerated carriers. According to numerical calculations, the short-circuit current densities (Jsc) can reach 22.4 mA/cm2 and 26.0 mA/cm2 for absorber thicknesses of t=120 nm and t=220 nm, respectively. We have developed a fabrication process based on nano-imprint lithography and on the transfer of the active layers. Measurements exhibit record short-circuit currents up to 17.5 mA/cm2 (t=120 nm) and 22.8 mA/cm2 (t=220 nm). These results pave the way toward conversion efficiencies above 20% with single junction solar cells made of absorbers thinner than 200 nm.

Investigation of fundamental elements for active nanooptics

Kewes, Günter 17 February 2016 (has links)
Integrierte optoelektronische Anwendungen sind allgegenwärtig in moderner Technologie. Sie sind einerseits Schlüsselkomponenten in bekannten kommerziellen Produkten wie mobilen Geräten oder Flachbildschirmen, aber sie ermöglichen auch schnelle Netzwerke in Datenzentren. Um drängende Probleme im Zusammenhang mit dieser Technologie zu lösen, z.B. der hohe Energieverbrauch und die Verwendung und Rückgewinnung von seltenen Materialien, sucht die Forschung nach Alternativen. Insbesondere effiziente, nicht-lineare Prozesse werden benötigt, um Signale zu schalten. Einige vielversprechende Konzepte wurden in der Nanooptik vorgeschlagen. Diese basieren insbesondere auf plasmonischen Prozessen, die im Frequenzbereich von sichtbarem Licht stattfinden. Drei dieser Konzepte werden in dieser Arbeit diskutiert und untersucht. Teil 1 der Arbeit handelt von der konkreten Umsetzung eines Konzepts, das eine starke Interaktion zwischen einzelnen Quantenemittern und dem geführten Lichtfeld an metallischen Wellenleitern ausnutzt. Hierdurch können prinzipiell extrem schwache Lichtsignale zum Schalten verwendet werden. In Teil 2 wird die Miniaturisierung von Lasern untersucht. Kleine Lasersysteme finden schon heute Anwendungen in verschiedensten Bereichen der Optoelektronik. Diese Arbeit behandelt die kleinstmögliche Realisierung von Lasern, sogenannte Nanolaser, und untersucht deren Anwendbarkeit. Teil 3 widmet sich dem relativ neuen Materialsystem Graphen. In dieser Arbeit wird untersucht, in wie weit sich Graphen zur Manipulation von sichtbarem Licht verwenden lässt, beziehungsweise, in wie weit Graphen plasmonische Eigenschaften aufweist. Die Analyse der Konzepte liefert neue Erkenntnisse zu kontrovers diskutierten Themen bezüglich der Vorzüge und Nachteile der Miniaturisierung mit Hilfe der Plasmonik. Die Erkenntnisse geben des Weiteren klare Richtlinien zur Optimierung der Konzepte hin zu effizienteren und praktikableren Designs. / Integrated optoelectronic applications are omnipresent in modern technology. They are key constituents of familiar commercial products such as mobile devices and flat screens but also enable fast networks in data centers. In order to solve pressing problems induced by the technology, such as high power consumption and the use and recycling of rare materials, research tries to explore alternatives. In particular, there is a need for efficient, non-linear processes that could be employed for switching of signals. Some promising concepts have been proposed using nanooptics, especially based on plasmonic processes that take place at frequencies of visible light. Three of these concepts are discussed and investigated in this work. Part 1 of this work is about a concrete realization of a concept which makes use of a strong interaction between individual quantum emitters and guided light-fields of metallic waveguides. With this approach, in principle extremely weak light-signals can be sufficient for switching. In part 2 the miniaturization of lasers is investigated. Small laser-systems are already used today for a broad range of applications in optoelectronics. This works examines the smallest possible realization of lasers, so-called nanolasers, and investigates their applicability. Part 3 focuses on the relatively young material graphene. In this work it is investigated in which way graphene could be used for the manipulation of visible light, and accordingly, whether graphene features plasmonic properties. The analysis of these concepts provides new insights to controversial discussed topics with respect to the advantages and disadvantages of miniaturization with the help of plasmonics. Further, the findings give clear advice for the optimization of the concepts towards more efficient and practicable designs.

Synthesis and application of hybrid materials based on plasmonic nanoparticles

Ott, Andreas 24 May 2016 (has links)
Hybride Nanostrukturen verbinden die Vorzüge von individuellen Materialien, die neue Eigenschaften hervorrufen können. In dieser Arbeit wurden verschiedene Metal Nanostrukturen synthetisiert und deren optische Eigenschaften analysiert. Die Herstellung eines Spasers oder Lichteinfang in Solarzellen wurde untersucht. Der Einfluß von Größe, Form und Brechungsindex auf die Metal-Plasmonen wurde erforscht. Die gewonnen Erkenntnisse genutzt um Metal Nanopartikel mit gezielten Eigenschaften herzustellen. Hybride Gold Nanostrukturen (funktionalisiert mit Farbstoffen oder Quantenpunkten) wurden hergestellt und Energie-Transfereffekte untersucht. Diese hybriden Nanostrukturen wurden optisch gepumpt um Spasing zu erreichen. Allerdings wurde festgestellt, dass eine unrealistisch hohe Verstärkung benötigen wird, um die charakteristischen Verluste im Metal zu überwinden. Silber und Gold Nanopartikel wurden synthetisiert um diese in Dünnschichtsolarzellen einzusetzen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass Silber chemisch instabil ist und, wenn oxidiert, hohe Absorption auftritt. Durch hohe Temperaturen konnte die Oxidschicht auf den Silberpartikeln reduziert werden und damit auch die Verluste. Stabilere Gold Partikel wurden in Perovskit-Solarzellen eingebaut, wodurch die Effizienz einer solch modifizierten Solarzelle um ~40% gesteigert werden konnte. Dies wurde durch eine erhöhte Anzahl an generierten Ladungsträgern mittels metallischen Lichtfallen erreicht. Zusätzlich wurden anisotrope Janus Trägerpartikel synthetisiert und mit Metal Nano-partikeln funktionalisiert. Gold Nanopartikel wurden abgeschieden und zu einer Gold Hülle gewachsen. Dies erfolgte entweder gleichförmig über das gesamte Hantel-Trägerpartikel oder einseitig unter Ausnutzung der chemischen Anisotropie. Desweiteren wurden Platin Nano-partikel einseitig abgeschieden und in Wasserstoffperoxid Lösung gegeben. Die Partikel wurden daraufhin mittels dynamischer Lichtstreuung auf Selbstvortrieb untersucht. / Hybrid nanostructures combine the assets of the individual materials with a vast amount of new properties. In this work various metal nanoparticles have been synthesized and investigated on their optical properties. The synthesized metal nanoparticles have been implemented for potential applications, e.g. fabrication of a spaser or in solar cells. At first, the size, shape and refractive index effects of gold and silver nanoparticles have been investigated. The insight gained helps to optimize the synthesis of metal nanoparticles with specific optical properties needed for further applications. Optimized hybrid gold nanostructures have been synthesized and functionalized with dye molecules or quantum dots to investigate energy transfer effects. These hybrid structures have been optically pumped to achieve spasing. However, comparison with a theory showed that such metal nanostructures need unrealistic high gain to overcome the inherent losses and achieve spasing. Silver and gold nanoparticles have been synthesized for applications in thin film solar cells. It has been shown that silver lacks chemical stability and thus, if oxidized, the nanoparticles exhibit weak scattering and strong Ohmic losses. The oxide layer of silver nano-spheres could be via annealing. By contrast, gold nanoparticles, known for their higher stability, have been implemented in a perovskite solar cell. Such a modified solar cell showed an increase in efficiency by ~40% through increased generation of carriers. Anisotropic Janus carrier systems have been synthesized and functionalized with metal nanoparticles. Gold nanoparticles have been deposited either uniformly or on one lobe only of the dumbbell-shaped carrier system by using its chemical anisotropy. These gold nano¬particles have been grown to a gold shell. Platinum nanoparticles have been deposited on a single lobe and its self-propelling ability in a chemical fuel was investigated by means of dynamic light scattering.

Extraction de la lumière par des nanoparticules métalliques enterrées dans des films minces / Light extraction in dielectric thin-films using embedded metallic nanoparticles

Jouanin, Anthony 24 July 2014 (has links)
L’essor des procédés de micro et nano-fabrications rend aujourd’hui accessible la synthèse contrôlée de nanoparticules métalliques (typiquement de 3 à 200nm) offrant de larges résonances d’absorption et de diffusion dont les fréquences peuvent être contrôlées finement en variant judicieusement leur géométrie et leur composition. Dans ce travail de thèse relevant de l’électrodynamique classique établit par Maxwell, nous étudions numériquement l’intérêt de ces particules pour la problématique du (dé)couplage de la lumière piégée dans un film mince diélectrique - une géométrie de référence permettant de rendre compte du phénomène de piégeage qui limite considérablement l’efficacité de dispositifs électroluminescents et de certaines cellules solaires. Pour ce faire, nous proposons quelques règles de conception de nanoparticules capables d’extraire efficacement la lumière piégée. Pour un émetteur seul, environ 20% de la lumière émise est rayonnée hors du guide (rad~0.2). L’ajout d’une monocouche (~50nm d’épaisseur) composée d’un ensemble de particules « optimisées » et aléatoirement positionnées autour de l’émetteur permet d’accroître cette efficacité jusqu’à 70% en moyenne statistique sur le désordre. D’intéressants effets de cohérences liés à la nature du désordre au sein de ladite couche sont également mis en évidence. / Metallic nanoparticles (MNps) exhibit strong plasmonic resonances in their absorption and scattering spectra. Recent advances in micro- and nano-fabrication processes allow scientists to control the particle shape; and thus to tune these resonances on the visible and near-IR spectrum - opening unprecedented applications ranging from imaging techniques to solar cells improvement. In the present work, we numerically investigate the capacity of MNps to (de)couple the light that is confined in guided modes of dielectric thin films—a relevant system to analyze, understand and reduce the light trapping phenomenon that strongly lowers the efficiency of some electroluminescent devices. To this end, we propose, by the control of its polarization state, to optimize the quantity of light that a nanoparticle extracts during a scattering event. For a sole source embedded in the guide, barely 20% of the light is extracted (rad~0.2). The addition of an ultra-thin layer composed of hundreds of randomly deposited engineered-nanoparticles shows promising results with rad ~0.7 (in realistic configurations). Interesting coherence effects arising from the randomness of the disorder are also evidenced.

Microfabrication of Plasmonic Biosensors in CYTOP Integrating a Thin SiO2 Diffusion and Etch-barrier Layer

Hanif, Raza 18 April 2011 (has links)
A novel process for the fabrication of Long Range Surface Plasmon Polariton (LRSPP) waveguide based biosensors is presented herein. The structure of the biosensor is comprised of Au stripe waveguide devices embedded in thick CYTOP claddings with a SiO2 solvent diffusion barrier and etch-stop layer. The SiO2 layer is introduced to improve the end quality of Au waveguide structures, which previously deformed during the deposit of the upper cladding process and to limit the over-etching of CYTOP to create micro-fluidic channels. The E-beam evaporation method is adapted to deposit a thin SiO2 on the bottom cladding of CYTOP. A new micro-fluidic design pattern is introduced. Micro-fluidic channels were created on selective Au waveguides through O2 plasma etching. The presented data and figures are refractive index measurements of different materials, thickness measurements, microscope images, and AFM images. Optical power cutback measurements were performed on fully CYTOP-cladded symmetric LRSPP waveguides. The end-fire coupling method was used to excite LRSPP modes with cleaved polarization maintaining (PM) fibre. The measured mode power attenuation (MPA) was 6.7 dB/mm after using index-matched liquid at input and output fibre-waveguide interfaces. The results were compared with the theoretical calculations and simulations. Poor coupling efficiency and scattering due to the SiO2 are suspected for off-target measurements.

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