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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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A naturalizaÃÃo da psicologia na saÃde:uma arqueogenealogia das prÃticas psicolÃgicas na saÃde pÃblica brasileira

Adolfo Jesiel Siebra Dias 00 September 2018 (has links)
nÃo hà / Essa dissertaÃÃo aborda arqueogenealogicamente, a partir da perspectiva histÃrico-filosÃfica dos saberes e das prÃticas, tal como apontada por Michel Foucault, a relaÃÃo entre as prÃticas psicolÃgicas e as prÃticas em saÃde no contexto brasileiro. Se, em nossa atualidade, existe certa discursividade no interior do campo psicolÃgico com esse estatuto ambÃguo, sendo concebida, ao mesmo tempo, enquanto uma prÃtica psicolÃgica e de saÃde, consideramos que, menos que decorrente de um refinamento teÃrico, tal processo à tributÃrio de mecanismos de poder em pleno exercÃcio que repetem, incitam, aproximam enunciados, tornando-os, se nÃo inseparÃveis, ao menos um resultado inevitÃvel ou fatalmente incontornÃvel do suposto progresso cientÃfico. Dessa forma, o escopo desse estudo consiste em examinar que condiÃÃes (discursivas e nÃo discursivas) tornaram possÃvel a irrupÃÃo desse novo arranjo nas prÃticas psicolÃgicas, permitindo que elas operassem tambÃm enquanto prÃticas em saÃde. Para tanto, foram selecionadas algumas cartilhas produzidas pelo Centro de ReferÃncias TÃcnicas em Psicologia e PolÃticas PÃblica (CREPOP), visto que nestes monumentos sÃo elencadas algumas prÃticas psicolÃgicas que tambÃm passaram a ser concebidas enquanto prÃticas de saÃde. Em seguida, a partir desses documentos, operamos uma descriÃÃo das regularidades que constituem essas prÃticas discursivas, verificando ao final que elas gravitam, grosso modo, em torno de dois eixos centrais: a dimensÃo jurÃdica-legal e a dimensÃo conceitual. Diante desse quadro, realizamos, posteriormente, uma incursÃo na histÃria da psicologia no cenÃrio brasileiro, a fim de analisar como esses elementos passaram a fazer parte do campo psi e, principalmente, adentrar a ordem do verdadeiro. Com base no que foi exposto, observamos que tornar-se uma prÃtica de saÃde, nÃo demarcou, sob muitos aspectos, uma ruptura abissal para as prÃticas psi. Pelo contrÃrio, o que se estabeleceu foi muito mais, uma atualizaÃÃo em seu modus operandi, pois mesmo com a mudanÃa de cenÃrio, sua atuaÃÃo ainda continuou sendo pautada por certa subserviÃncia a determinados preceitos exteriores ao campo, ao passo que sua funÃÃo tambÃm permaneceu sendo, fundamentalmente, a de operacionalizÃ-los. Logo, consideramos que talvez, o passado funesto da psicologia brasileira, nÃo seja assim tÃo passado como nos contam, que ele pode estar presente agora sob outras formas e modalidades. Por fim, nÃo pretendemos com esse trabalho anunciar que a tarefa de (re)pensar a psicologia teria fracassado, nem tampouco endossar que tal missÃo jà teria sido finalizada. Intentamos, simplesmente, demonstrar, para aqueles que se dispÃem a tal empreendimento, de que ela ainda està em curso e que cabe a nÃs, habitantes do presente, problematizÃ-la. / This dissertation discusses archaeogenealogically, from the historical-philosophical perspective of knowledge and practices as pointed out by Michel Foucault, the relation between psychological practices and health practices in the Brazilian context. If, in our present days, there is a certain discursiveness within the psychological field with such ambiguous status, being conceived, at the same time, as a psychological and health practice, we consider that, less than a theoretical refinement, this process is taxed by mechanisms of power in full exercise that repeat, incite, approximate statements, making them, if not inseparable, at least an inevitable or unavoidable result of supposed scientific progress. Thus, the scope of this study consists of examining what conditions (discursive and non-discursive) made possible the irruption of this new arrangement in the psychological practices, allowing them to also operate as health practices. In order to do so, some booklets produced by the Center of Technical References in Psychology and Public Policy (CREPOP) were selected, since in these "monuments" are listed some psychological practices which also came to be conceived as health practices. Then, from these documents, we operate a description of the regularities that constitute these discursive practices, verifying in the end that they gravitate, roughly, around two central axes: the legal dimension and the conceptual dimension. In the face of this picture, we subsequently made an incursion into the history of psychology in the Brazilian scenario, in order to analyze how these elements became part of the psi field, and especially, to enter the order of truth. Based on the above, we note that becoming a health practice has not, in many ways, demarcated an abysmal rupture to psi practices. On the contrary, what was established was much more, an update in its modus operandi, because even with the change of scenery, its performance still continued being ruled by certain subservience to certain precepts outside the field, while its function also remained , fundamentally, to operationalize them. Therefore, we consider that perhaps the disastrous past of psychology in Brazil is not so past as we are told, that it may now be present in other forms and modalities. Finally, we do not intend with this work to announce that the task of (re) thinking psychology would have failed, nor to endorse that such a mission would have already been completed. We simply try to demonstrate to those who are willing to make such an undertaking that it is still in progress and that it is up to us, inhabitants of the present, to problematize it.
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Representações sociais e práticas profissionais na sociedade da informação : estudo com usuários de bibliotecas universitárias

Nitschke, Ângela Morel January 2008 (has links)
As práticas profissionais dos bibliotecários têm sido influenciadas e modificadas com a introdução das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação nas Unidades de Informação e nos meios de disseminação da informação, tornando-a facilmente acessível. Estas modificações ocorrem mais evidentemente nas bibliotecas universitárias, pois o fluxo de geração de conhecimento é mais intenso. Considerando que o usuário é a razão da existência de uma Unidade de Informação, este trabalho tem por objetivo verificar a representação social que os usuários possuem sobre as práticas dos bibliotecários universitários e dos serviços das bibliotecas universitárias no contexto da Sociedade da Informação. A pesquisa foi realizada durante o segundo semestre de 2007, em 5 bibliotecas universitárias de Porto Alegre e região metropolitana-RS, por meio de aplicação de questionários. Conclui-se que as práticas dos bibliotecários e o conceito de biblioteca estão calcados na imagem tradicional que os usuários possuem dos mesmos. / The librarian´s professional practices have been influenced and modified by the introduction of Information and Comunication Technologies into Information Units as well as among the spreading means of information, thus making information more easily accessible. These modifications are obviously more evident at the universitary libraries, where the generation of knowledge is more intense. Regarding the user as the reason of being of an Information Unit, the aim of this study is to verify the social representation that the users own over the university librarians´ practices as well as the work of the universitary libraries into the context of the Information Society. A survey was carried out over the second semester of 2007, through the application of a questionnaire in 5 universitary libraries from Porto Alegre and metropolitan area-RS. It was concluded that both, the librarians´practices and the concept of library are based on the traditional image that the users have about them.
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Psiu! Fermento! : pastoral da juventude e imprensa estudantil nos anos 1980 a 1990

Vieira, Patrícia Machado January 2014 (has links)
A dissertação examina impressos estudantis de juventude das décadas de 80 e 90 do século XX, produzidos no Rio Grande do Sul, especialmente aqueles periódicos que circularam entre jovens estudantes, confeccionados pelos próprios jovens. Adota os pressupostos teóricos da História Cultural e da história da cultura escrita, sob inspiração dos estudos de Roger Chartier e Arlette Farge. São analisados dois conjuntos de impressos estudantis de juventude: o primeiro conjunto consiste em 31 edições do periódico intitulado Psiu, produzido pela Pastoral da Juventude Estudantil, em sua organização a nível estadual, Rio Grande do Sul; o segundo compreende 19 edições, 2 cartas e 3 edições especiais do periódico intitulado Fermento, produzido pela Coordenação da Pastoral da Juventude da Arquidioceses de Porto Alegre. Como documentação complementar, foram produzidos documentos orais a partir da realização de três entrevistas, uma com jovem que participou da confecção de um dos periódicos, uma com um assessor adulto da Pastoral da Juventude que atuou no período de circulação do Psiu e do Fermento e uma com um jovem liberado, à época atuante nesse âmbito. As entrevistas, de caráter compreensivo, focalizaram três eixos: as motivações, os envolvidos e os processos de produção desses impressos. A partir deste corpus empírico, a análise procurou apreender os usos desses objetos, em seus contextos de produção e circulação. Para isso, são descritos: a materialidade desses impressos, ou seja, os suportes nos quais os textos são dados a ler; os dispositivos textuais e tipográficos, ou protocolos de leitura propostos no Psiu e no Fermento; as muitas imagens que integram esses periódicos, e que se relacionam aos textos e à identidade visual dos impressos, caracterizando-as também como protocolos de leitura. Constatou-se que os suportes apresentam variações quanto ao número de páginas, qualidade de impressão, formatação dos textos, tamanho. Entretanto, a forma de apresentação ou a estrutura gráfica e editorial é constante, sobretudo por seu caráter artesanal. Pode-se inferir que tal forma caracteriza o gênero discursivo dos impressos estudantis, em especial da Pastoral da Juventude entre os anos 80 e 90 do século XX, além de uma inspiração em outros jornais de circulação e impressos aos quais os jovens tinham acesso. O estudo descreve e analisa, ainda, as práticas de produção que estiveram implicadas no Psiu e no Fermento, valendo-se das referências presentes nos próprios impressos e nas informações obtidas nas entrevistas. Essas referências evidenciam o caráter artesanal de produção e o envolvimento dos jovens em todas as fases, desde a escrita dos textos até a distribuição dos impressos. Por fim, importa destacar o papel formativo desempenhado por essas práticas de produção de impressos ligados às Pastorais de Juventude da Igreja Católica. Os jovens liam muito, escreviam textos, ocupavam-se da feitura (composição, diagramação), impressão e distribuição desses impressos, processo que lhes possibilitou a aquisição de novos conhecimentos, aprendizados e competências. O próprio contexto de ação em que estavam inseridos pode ser concebido como um processo educativo intenso e extenso, designado pela Pastoral da Juventude como formação de jovens. / The dissertation examines printed student youth of the 80s and 90s of the twentieth century, produced in Rio Grande do Sul, especially those periodicals that circulated among young students, made by young people themselves. Adopts the theoretical assumptions of Cultural History and the history of written culture, under the inspiration of the studies of Roger Chartier and Arlette Farge. Printed two sets of student youth are analyzed: the first set consists of 31 issues of the journal titled Psiu, produced by Pastoral da Juventude Estudantil in your organization at the state level, Rio Grande do Sul; the second comprises 19 issues, two letters and three special issues of the journal entitled Fermento, produced by the Coordination of Pastoral da Juventude of the Archdiocese of Porto Alegre. As additional documentation, oral documents were produced from conducting three interviews, one with a young man who participated in the making of one of the journals, one with an adult advisor to the Pastoral da Juventude who served during the period of circulation of Psiu and yeast and a with a young man released, the operative time in this context. The interviews, comprehensive character, focused on three areas: motivations, and processes involved in production of these printed. From this empirical corpus, the analysis attempts to capture the uses of these objects in their contexts of production and circulation. To this are described: these materiality printed, or media in which data are read texts; textual and typographical devices, or protocols proposed in reading Psiu and Fermento; the many images that integrate these journals, and that relate to the texts and the visual identity of printed, also characterizing them as reading protocols. It was found that variations in the brackets show the number of pages, print quality, formatting text, size. However, the presentation or the graphic and editorial structure is constant, especially for its artisanal character. Can be inferred that such features discursive genre of printed student, especially the youth ministry between 80 and 90 years of the twentieth century, as well as an inspiration for other newspapers in circulation printed and to which young people had access. The study describes and also analyzes the production practices that have been implicated in Psiu and Fermento, availing himself of the references in printed themselves and the information obtained in the interviews. These references show the artisanal character of production and the involvement of young people in all stages, from written texts to the distribution of printed. Finally, it is worth highlighting the formative role played by these practices linked to the production of printed Pastoral da Juventude of the Catholic Church. Young people had read a lot, wrote texts, busied themselves in making (composition, typesetting), printing and distribution of printed, a process that enabled them to acquire new knowledge, learning and skills. The context of action in which they were inserted itself can be conceived as an intense and extensive educational process, appointed by the Pastoral da Juventude and youth training.
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Palavras de cidadania(s) = discursos, percursos e significações / Words of citizenship : discourses, courses and siginifications

Santos, Thelma Belo Anacleto dos 16 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Ana Luiza Bustamante Smolka / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-16T14:35:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Santos_ThelmaBeloAnacletodos_M.pdf: 1250913 bytes, checksum: 7f230d88c472914ed0cfc6987d557a74 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: O presente estudo busca pensar a questão da(s) cidadania(s) e os sentidos a ela(s) conferidos por estudantes concluintes do ensino fundamental de uma escola pública da periferia de Campinas. A pesquisa, que se desenvolveu semanalmente durante o 2º semestre de 2008 junto a três turmas de 8ª série, norteou-se teórica e metodologicamente pela perspectiva histórico-cultural (Vigotski; Bakhtin), num diálogo com autores da Análise do discurso, da Antropologia e da Sociologia. Procurando superar posturas mais recorrentes sobre o tema da cidadania, que abordam o homem, suas práticas sociais e discursivas a partir das dicotomias clássicas nas ciências humanas: social x individual; estrutura x processo, esta pesquisa preocupa-se com a capacidade especificamente humana de significar e conferir sentidos à realidade. Num processo de apropriação, conformação e transformação, os sujeitos atuam sobre sua realidade, modificando-a e modificando-se, sem prescindirem das suas condições concretas de vida. A cidadania, nesse movimento, é pensada como conceito e como prática social/discursiva múltiplos e polissêmicos, cujos significados vão sendo elaborados, questionados e transformados a partir das vivências cotidianas compartilhadas no espaço escolar. / Abstract: This study aims to think about the question of citizenship and the meanings given to it by 8th grade students of a public school in the outskirts of Campinas. The research, developed during the 2nd semester of 2008 with three classes from the 8th grade, is theoretically and methodologically guided by the historical-cultural perspective (Vigotski; Bakhtin), in a constant dialogue with some authors from the Discourse Analysis, Anthropology and Sociology. Trying to overcome recurring positions about the theme of citizenship, which approach man and his social/discursive practices from the classical dichotomies in Human Sciences: social x individual; structure x process, this research worries about the specifically human capacity to signify and confer meanings to reality. In a process of appropriation, conformation and transformation, the subjects act over reality,modifying it and modifying themselves, without renouncing their concrete life conditions. In that movement, the citizenship, both as concept and social/discursive practice, is seen as a multiple and polysemic question which significations are being elaborated, questioned and transformed by the everyday experiences shared at school. / Mestrado / Psicologia Educacional / Mestre em Educação
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Residências artísticas: a política como experiência performativa / Artists-in-residence: politics as a performative experience

Anna Carolina Ferreira Lima 15 September 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem início em uma inquietação partilhada por muitos estudiosos: certo interesse na relação entre práticas artísticas e pedagógicas. A partir de um horizonte agonístico, vislumbra-se aqui a indiscernibilidade entre as referidas práticas. Para tanto, aciona-se a obra de Michel Foucault em duas frentes, quais sejam: a partir de alguns ditos e escritos ativados por práticas artísticas; e de uma abordagem específica do político, considerado aqui como efeito na economia de forças. Na primeira de seis seções, afirma-se como problema de pesquisa a investigação das tensões entre o artístico e o pedagógico a partir de seus modos. Na segunda parte, apresentam-se as fontes empíricas, constituídas por registros em pesquisa de campo junto a cinco ambientes de residência artística localizados na capital paulista. Nos dois primeiros capítulos teórico-analíticos, confrontamos alguns dados do arquivo com os princípios de interpretação e mediação. Ambos os princípios são carreados por certa tradição da crítica de arte, uma especificamente fundamentada num princípio hermenêutico. No primeiro deles, os dados de arquivo compreendem a relação entre procedimento e tema nas práticas artísticas, fazendo ver certo caráter artificial no procedimento de interpretação. No segundo, relaciona-se a experiência de imersão no trabalho artístico, no interior das residências, às considerações efetuadas por alguns artistas em relação às práticas artístico-pedagógicas por eles conduzidas, confrontando essa relação com o princípio mediador. O capítulo subsequente atenta ao tônus político da relação entre práticas artísticas e pedagógicas, na medida em que ela eventualmente ensejaria uma alteração na economia de forças. O último capítulo perscruta categorias do pensamento pedagógico em curso no interior da produção das ditas obras de arte. Ao longo do percurso analítico, toma vulto uma outra agonística, esta entre dois modos de pensamento e, por conseguinte, de análise, os quais num primeiro momento apresentavam-se, de maneira estratégica, com fronteiras demarcadas: um representacional e um performativo. Em seu deslinde, a dissertação analisa os dois campos de tensão armados. / This work begins in a concern shared by many scholars: some interest in the relationship between artistic and pedagogical practices. From an agonistic horizon, it glimpses the indiscernibility between those practices. Therefore, it triggers the work of Michel Foucault on two fronts, namely: from some sayings and writings activated by artistic practices; and a specific approach of the political, considered here as an effect on the economy of forces. In the first of six sections, it is stated as research problem the investigation of the tensions between the artistic and the pedagogical by their respective ways. The second part presents the empirical sources, consisting on records in field research in five artists-in-residence environments, all located in São Paulo. In the first two theoretical and analytical chapters, we confront some file data with the principles of interpretation and mediation. Both principles are carried by certain tradition of art criticism, one specifically based on a hermeneutical principle. In the first one, the file data comprise the relationship between procedure and theme in artistic practices, making seen some artificial character about the interpretation procedure. In the second one, it relates the experience of immersion into the artistic practices, within the residences, to considerations made by some artists in relation to the artistic-pedagogical practices conducted by them, comparing this relationship with the principle of mediation. The subsequent chapter attempts to the political tone of the relationship between artistic and pedagogical practices, to the extent that it eventually would cause a change in the economy of forces. The last chapter scrutinizes pedagogical categories of thinking ongoing within the production of so-called works of art. Throughout the analytical course, it takes shape another agonistic relationship, henceforth between two modes of thinking and, therefore, of analysis, which were firstly brought forward strategically, with marked boundaries: a representational one and a performative one. In its disentangling, the thesis analyzes the two fields of tension once armed.
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Heberlê, Mariluza Oliveira 26 April 2013 (has links)
The Integrative and Complementary Health Practices propose an effective model of health integral care that privileges the basic health and adopts the promotion of health as its structural axis. The use of integrative practices has increased over the past few years. The study is justified in the lack of knowledge shown by the health teams about the theme and in the importance that it can bring about to the Basic Health Care. The present study intends to answer the question: What‟s the conception about the Integrative and Complementary Health Practices to the professionals that work in Basic Health Units? As bibliographic references were used mainly Pierre Bourdieu, François Laplantine, Madel T. Luz, Nelson Filice de Barros and Charles Tesser, among others. The methodology was a qualitative approach, using semi-structured interviews and participant observation. To analyze the results, it was used the content analysis of Laurence Bardin. The proposal is inserted in the Gender, Body and Health Line of Research, of the UFSM Postgraduate Social Science Program, in the theme Health. / As Práticas Integrativas e Complementares em Saúde propõem um modelo efetivo de atenção integral à saúde, que passe a privilegiar a atenção básica e adote a promoção da saúde como seu eixo estruturante. O uso das práticas integrativas tem aumentado nos últimos anos. O estudo se justifica em função do desconhecimento apresentado pelas equipes de saúde sobre o tema e da importância que poderá acarretar para a Atenção Básica de Saúde. O presente estudo pretende responder à questão: Qual é a concepção das Práticas Integrativas e Complementares em Saúde para os profissionais que atuam em Unidades Básicas de Saúde? Como aporte teórico referencial, foram utilizados principalmente Pierre Bourdieu, François Laplantine, Madel Luz, Nelson Filice de Barros e Charles Tesser, entre outros. A metodologia foi uma abordagem qualitativa, utilizando entrevistas semiestruturadas e observação participante. Para análise dos resultados, foi utilizada a análise de conteúdo de Laurence Bardin. A proposta se insere na linha de pesquisa Gênero, Corpo e Saúde, do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociais da UFSM, no tema Saúde.
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The influence of educators' life experiences on classroom discipline practices

Mohapi, Soane Joyce 19 May 2008 (has links)
The primary purpose of this study was to investigate how the life experiences of educators impact upon classroom discipline. The study considered the present situation regarding classroom discipline practice. As circuit manager directly involved with schools I was concerned to see that there were dysfunctional schools in my area because of the failure to manage classroom discipline effectively. <p.>The findings of the study indicate that classroom discipline practices can be improved if we understand the life experiences of educators. A qualitative narrative approach was applied and narrative interviews, observation and lived stories of educators were used to gather data from nine participants. All these educators were drawn from one circuit in the Nkangala Department of Education, a region in Mpumalanga Province, and are teaching in secondary schools. Purposive sampling was used to select the nine participants; all were prepared to share their lived experiences and ultimately, data analysis provided cogent answers to the research hypothesis. The research focused on issues such as recent South African studies conducted on discipline and corporal punishment, theories of discipline, how lived experiences impact on current behaviour. From what I have observed and heard, it has become clear, as is set out in this thesis, that the classroom discipline practices implemented by educators are indeed influenced by their own classroom experiences when they themselves were learners. / Thesis (PhD (Education Management, Law and Policy))--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Education Management and Policy Studies / unrestricted
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Les pratiques d'écoute musicale des adolescents en régime numérique / Teenagers’ music listening practices in a digital context

Christophe, Thibault 26 November 2015 (has links)
Cette recherche interroge les pratiques d'écoute musicale des adolescents en régime numérique. Depuis la « démocratisation » des voies d'accès illégales (Napster, KazAa, eMule, et aujourd'hui le convertisseur YouTube) et l'avènement du numérique (abonnements téléphoniques et ADSL, taux d'équipements), les modes de production et de consommation de la musique se trouvent bouleversées. Nous appuyant sur une ethnographie (combinant entretiens compréhensifs et observation participante) menée auprès d'adolescents, notre objectif est de comprendre comment la musique peut faire sens dans leur quotidien. Nous avons cherché à comprendre de quelles manières la musique, à l'ère du numérique, participe des phénomènes de construction identitaire – à la fois individuelle, mais aussi sociale et générationnelle –, ainsi que de la structuration des univers culturels des adolescents. Questionnant les usages et les ergonomies des équipements, cette étude brosse un portrait des différentes situations d'écoute en fonction des éléments pragmatiques et contextuels. La méthodologie qualitative que nous avons choisie a permis de faire émerger les médiations au sein de la cellule familiale entre frères et sœurs et entre parents et enfants, révélant la fonction phatique de la musique, dont le numérique se fait le support. / This research examines the music listening practices of teenagers in a digital era. Production and receptions modes as well as the music itself have deeply changed since the “democratisation” of the illegal ways to access music (Napster, KazAa, eMule, and even now the YouTube converter) and the advent of the digital technologies (phone subscriptions and ADSL, household penetration rates of computers). Based on an ethnography of adolescents (combining comprehensive interviews with participant observation), we aim to understand how music makes sense in their everyday lives. We have thus tried to understand in what ways music, in the digital era, contributes to the phenomena of identity construction - individual, but also social and generational - as well as to the configuration of teenagers’ cultural worlds. Questioning the ergonomics and uses of devices, this study depicts different listening situations in accordance with pragmatic and contextual elements. The qualitative methodology that we have chosen enabled us to highlight the mediations in the family unit between brothers and sisters and between parents and children, which revealed the phatic expression of the music supported by digital technology.
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Les pratiques pédagogiques en première année universitaire : description et analyse de leurs implications sur la scolarité des étudiants / Teaching practices in first-year university : description and analysis of their implications on student studies

Duguet, Amélie 05 December 2014 (has links)
En France, les travaux portant sur la pédagogie universitaire et se focalisant plus particulièrement sur les pratiques pédagogiques des enseignants sont peu nombreux. Aussi ce travail se propose-t-il d’approfondir ce concept sous deux aspects. Le premier axe s’articule autour de la description des pratiques mises en œuvre par les enseignants lors des cours magistraux en première année universitaire. A l’appui de l’observation in situ des pratiques de 49 enseignants issus de cinq filières, il est montré que celles-ci reposent en grande majorité sur les méthodes « traditionnelles ». Néanmoins, les résultats permettent également de mettre en lumière une variété des pratiques. Le second axe a trait à la mise au jour des implications de ces pratiques sur la scolarité des étudiants. Pour cela, ont été interrogés par questionnaires 734 étudiants de première année issus de ces mêmes filières. Il est d’abord montré que les « pratiques déclarées » par les étudiants, autrement dit l’opinion qu’ils portent à l’égard des pratiques des enseignants, influent particulièrement sur leur motivation, tandis que l’effet sur les manières d’étudier est toutes choses égales par ailleurs non significatif. Elles exercent de surcroît un impact modéré sur la réussite. La motivation apparaît néanmoins comme une variable médiatrice de l’effet des pratiques « déclarées » sur les manières d’étudier et la réussite. Parallèlement à ces analyses, est examiné l’effet des pratiques « observées » sur la scolarité des étudiants. Celles-ci jouent un rôle direct significatif dans l’explication des manières d’étudier et de la réussite des étudiants, tandis qu’aucun effet significatif sur la motivation n’est mis au jour. / In France, there is little research on university teaching and focusing specifically on teaching practices. This present research aims to explore this concept in two different ways. The first part focuses on the description of the practices implemented by teachers during first-year university lectures. Using in situ observation of lecture practices of 49 teachers from five programmes, we first show that teachers’ practices mostly rely on traditional methods as defined by Bru (2006). However, we show a variety of practices among teachers. The second part of this research updates our knowledge of the implications of these practices on student studies. 734 freshmen from these sectors were interviewed by questionnaire. We see first that the " declared practices " by the students, or in other words the opinion that they have of teaching practices, particularly affect their motivation, while the effect on ways of studying is nonexistent all things being equal. In comparison to other variables, such as those related to educational background of the individual, they have in addition a relatively moderate impact on the average score of the exam first and second semester and the likelihood of passing the year. However, the motivation appears to be a mediator of the effect of "declared" on study practices and success. In addition, we look at the effect of "observed" practices, ie effectively implemented by teachers on student studies. These play a significant direct role in explaining study practices and student success, but they have no effect on motivation.
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A comparison between the approaches to unfair discrimination in employment in South Africa and Nigeria

Odeyemi, Hannah Olubunmi January 2012 (has links)
Issues concerning employment are some of the most serious issues of our time. But it is in the last two decades or so that these started receiving consideration. For instance, South Africa has experienced changes in the landscape of employment relations in organisations in the last decades. And no area of South Africa law is more critical than the prohibition of unfair discrimination, especially in the workpalce. The enactment of the Constitution brought about the need to eradicate unfair discrimination in the workpalce. Section 9 of the Constitution states that no person may unfairly discriminate directly or indirectly against anyone and that national legislation must be enacted to prevent or prohibit unfair discrimination. To enforce this, certain legislations like the Labour Law Act, Employment Act, Promotion of Equality and Prohibition of Unfair Discrimination Act (Equality Act), were enacted to give effect to the equality provision of the Constitution. In a similar vein, in Nigeria, workplace discrimination which is at the top of human rights violation perpetrated by employers of labour is of paramount concern to legislators and the government. Sex , age, ethinicty, religion, trade union membership and political opinion are some of the grounds upon which workers may not be discriminated against in Nigeria. Section 17 of the Constitution states that the State social order is founded on the ideals of freedom, equality and justice. It goes on to provide that every citizen shall have equality of rights, obligations and opportunities before the law. More specifically, the section stipilates that the State shall ensure that all citizens, without discrimination of any group whatsoever, have the opportunity of livehood as well as adequate opportunity to secure suitable employment and that there is equal pay for equal work without discrimination on account of sex, or any ground. Hence, there are The Nigerian Labour Act, the Federal Character Commission, etc that are saddled with the responsibility of addressing unfair discrimination and giving force to the provision of the Constitution. Despite the anti-discrimination laws and provisions made available in both countries, it is still alarming to see that unfair discrimination in the workplace is still on the increase. This, as will be discussed later, is probably due to factors such as lack of communication, long-stading patterns of educational inequalities that have resulted in inequalities in manpower, differences in drive, motivation, cultural disposition and geographical opportunities, racial difference and ethnicity, domination of one group by the other, etc. This research will briefly focus on the comparison between the approaches to unfair discrimination in employment between South Africa and Nigeria. It will discuss the development of unfair discrimination, grounds on which it is perpetrated, defences relating to unfair discrimination, and anti-discrimination laws put in place by the two jurisdictions to curb discrimination, as well as suggest on how to forestall unfair discrimination.
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