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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sjuksköterskans uppfattningar av att ha närstående närvarande vid hjärt-lungräddning : En litteraturöversikt / Nurses'perceptions of havingrelatives present during cardiopulmonary resuscitation : A literature review

Forslin, Cecilia, Karlsson, Ida January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Tidigare har närstående inte tillåtits att närvara vid hjärt-lungräddning (HLR) men diskussionen har ökat i omfattning. European Resuscitation Council och American Heart Association förespråkar närståendes närvaro men trots detta tillåter många länder inte detta. Sveriges sjukhus inrapporterade 2586 hjärtstopp år 2014. Närstående upplever lidande när en nära blir sjuk, vilket kopplas till familjefokuserad omvårdnad där de närstående och patienten ska ses som en helhet. Här läggs det vikt vid socialt stöd som har betydelse för en individs hälsa, en sjuksköterska kan vara lämplig som stödjande person. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturöversikt var att beskriva sjuksköterskans uppfattningar av att ha närstående närvarande vid HLR. Metod: En litteraturöversikt har gjorts innehållande 12 vetenskapliga artiklar med både kvantitativ och kvalitativ ansats. Resultat: Sjuksköterskor känner oro för hur närstående påverkas av att bevittna HLR, att de ska ingripa i återupplivningsarbetet. Sjuksköterskor uppfattar stöd till närstående som väsentligt för att möjliggöra närvaro vid HLR. Närstående uppfattas påverka den sociala och fysiska miljön. Riktlinjer för sjuksköterskor behövs. Konklusioner: Sjuksköterskor uppfattar att det saknas förutsättningar för närstående att närvara vid HLR. Med en stödperson för de närstående och tydliga riktlinjer kan detta främjas. Däremot finns det hinder så som arbetsmiljö som försvårar möjligheten för närståendes närvaro. / Background: Earlier, relatives’ weren ́t allowed to be present at cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) but nowdays the topic is highly relevant. European Resuscitation Council and American Heart Association recommends this practice. However, many countries don ́t allow this. In 2014, 2586 cardiac arrests were reported in Swedish hospitals. Relatives are suffering when loved ones becomes ill, which is linked to family-centered care where relatives and patient should be seen as a whole. This places emphasis on social support which ́s important to peoples health. A nurse may be suitable as a support person. Purpose: The purpose of this literature review was to describe nurses' perceptions of having relatives present during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Method: A literature review was made containing 12 scientific articles with both quantitative and qualitative approach. Results: Nurses are concerned about how relatives are affected by witnessing CPR, that they may interfere in the resuscitation efforts. Nurses perceive that support for the relatives are essential. Relatives are perceived to have impact on the social and physical environment. Guidelines for nurses are needed. Conclusions: Nurses perceive that with staff who can support the family and with the availability of guidelines and a well-functioning work environment it ́s possible to have relatives present during CPR.

A Mixed Methods Approach To Investigating Cognitive Load And Cognitive Presence In An Online And Face-To-Face College Algebra Course

Mills, Jodi J. 01 January 2016 (has links)
Most research on Cognitive Load Theory (Sweller, 1988) has uncovered many instructional design considerations for learning complex tasks. Additionally, the Community of Inquiry (Garrison, Anderson, & Archer, 2000) framework describes many of the learning experiences in online education. A gap existed in the literature for investigating cognitive load over the duration of a college algebra course and for investigating the relationship between cognitive load and cognitive presence. This research study has addressed this gap by investigating cognitive load and cognitive presence in an online and face-to-face college algebra course. The results of this study revealed that face-to-face students earned statistically significant higher final course grades and homework grades than the online students. The face-to-face math course was slightly more efficient because it produced learners who exerted similar cognitive load as learners in the online course but the learners in the face-to-face earned higher performance score. Online discussion prompts that ask student to apply their solution or defend their solution engaged students in cognitive presence differently. When students were prompted to apply their solution to a real world scenario, most students reached resolution in their initial posts, but they were often not cognitively present in their follow-up posts. When students were prompted to provide a defense of their solution, most of the posts demonstrated cognitive presence, but not as many individual students reached resolution. Additionally, students progressed through the stages of cognitive presence when an instructor asked them a specific question about their math problem or real life scenario in a timely manner. When instructors post questions to their students that directly ask for an application of their hypothesis or an explanation how they arrived at their hypothesis, students can reach the highest stage of cognitive presence. When instructors post messages that reach the highest stage of cognitive presence, students do not post messages that reach the highest stage of cognitive presence. Lastly, this study did not find a strong linear relationship between cognitive presence and cognitive load.

Ögonblickets interpretation : En självstudie om sökandet efter känslan av varande i nuet på scen / The Present Moment in Music : A study on the serach for the feeling of beeing in the moment on stage

Sofia, Dellstig January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna självstudie är att erhålla kunskap om hur ögonblickets interpretation, dvs. känslan av varande i nuet uppnås inför och under sceniska framträdanden. Studiens frågeställningar är: Vilka tillvägagångssätt används för att uppnå det mentala tillstånd som gör att en känsla varande i nuet infinner sig? Vilka insikter behövs för att en sådan känsla ska infinna sig? Studien utgår från ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv och metod är observation med hjälp av videoinspelning och loggbok. Resultatet presenteras utifrån tre teman: Strävan efter innehållslig förståelse, Insikter av betydelse och Ökad medvetenhet. I diskussionskapitlet vägs resultatet mot den litteratur och tidigare forskning som presenteras i bakgrundskapitlet. / The purpose of this study is to obtain knowledge about how the present moment in music, i.e., the feeling of being in the present moment is achieved before and during musical performances. The study is based on a hermeneutic perspective and the method of choice is video recording and logbook. The results are presented according to three themes: The quest for contextual understanding, insights of importance and increased awareness. In the discussion the result is measured to the literature and previous research presented in the background chapter.

Assessing Behavioral Intention to Use Low Social Presence ICTs for Interpersonal Task Completion Among College Students: With Special Consideration Toward Short Message Service (SMS) Text-Messaging

Linney, Jeffrey Scott 01 January 2013 (has links)
This study sought to investigate whether the popularity of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) would impact the behavioral intention (BI) to use of these technologies to aid in interpersonal task completion. Out of the ICTs available today, the most popular is textmessaging, especially among a sizable percentage of the college population. Approximately 600 students at a small, private junior college in eastern North Carolina were invited to participate in this study with a target of 248 responses needed to comprise an adequate sample. A total of 259 usable surveys (n = 259) were received and analyzed. Qualitative data collection instruments consisted of an openended questionnaire and other openended responses that were solicited throughout the data collection phase. Quantitative data collection instruments consisted of a 22item Likertscale survey and a forcedchoice ordinal scale instrument that measured computer user selfefficacy (CUSE) and experience using technology (EUT). Situated in the context of academic helpseeking (AHS), vignettes were developed, validated and administered to offer AHS scenarios where a problem was presented and the participants were then asked to reveal which type of ICT he or she would utilize to seek academic help (AH) in that particular situation.

Spatiality of Multiculturalism

Sarraf, Mohammad January 2015 (has links)
Multiculturalism, as a set of ideas and policies, is one of the normativeapproaches to the current situation of cultural diversity in multicultural cities.But how can the ideas of multiculturalism be translated into the reality of urbanform? The overall aim of this dissertation is to provide a theoretical andconceptual frame of reference for distilling and identifying the ideas ofmulticulturalism which can be translated into spatial form, and in this way, tohighlight the role urban form may play in addressing the situation of living‘together-in-difference’. In this study, the relation between the materiality ofurban form and the political framework of multiculturalism is at the core of thediscussion.In its exploration into multiculturalism, the thesis identifies theoretical lacunae inexplaining the spatial dimensions of multiculturalism. To be able to discussmulticulturalism in urban form terms, the dissertation chooses the position of a‘civility of indifference’, developed by Amin (2012), as one of many possiblestances within this discourse as an operative conception for such an exercise.Adopting the logical argumentation as the research strategy, the thesis delvesdeep into the conceptual domain mapped by space syntax theory as a primarysystem in this endeavour, and accordingly, describes how the spatial form of thecity, by way of human movement, has the potential to create a variety of socialgroupings. Thereupon the thesis develops a secondary conceptual system withexplanatory applicability to the relation between multiculturalism and spatialform. Supported by these systems of argumentation, the study describes how thespatial morphology of the city may have influence on the situation of livingtogether. It is suggested that overlapping spaces represent the spaces whereurban structure potentially can provide the spatial viability for the emergence ofa ‘civility of indifference’ and its two organizing principles of co-presence andmultiplicity.Hence, the dissertation intends to contribute to theoretical efforts into theexperience of living ‘together-in-difference’ from architectural and urban designperspectives, and argues that multiculturalism distinctly possesses spatialdimensions, which should be conceptualized and addressed through thetheoretical lens of spatial form. Hence, the thesis defends that notwithstandingbeing a complex of social processes, the spatial dimensions of multiculturalismshould not be belittled in efforts to address the situation of living together in themulticultural cities of the West. / <p>QC 20150522</p>

I inneslutande VR : En kvalitativ undersökning om användares närvarokänsla första gången de befinner sig i en virtuell miljö.

Gustafsson, Jenny, Phensadsaeng, Arachaya January 2006 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna uppsats är att göra en undersökning om vilka faktorer som påverkar användares närvarokänsla första gången de använder sig av en inneslutande virtuell miljö. De inneslutande VR tekniker vi har valt att fokusera på är Computer Automatic Virtual Environment (Cave) och Head Mounted Display (HMD).</p><p>Forskaren Carrie Heeter beskriver tre typer av närvaro och forskarna Wallace Sadowski och Kay Stanney räknar upp faktorer som de påstår påverkar användarens närvarokänsla.</p><p>Vår frågeställning är vilka likheter eller skillnader det finns mellan våra testpersoners svar och Sadowski och Stanneys faktorer. Vi intervjuade och genomförde ett test med tre testpersoner i en Computer Automatic Virtual Environment baserat på två program. Vi valde även att intervjua två experter om vilka faktorer de ansåg påverkade deras närvarokänsla första gången de använde sig av en HMD.</p><p>Första programmet som testpersonerna fick pröva på var Cuevadefuego som bestod av tredimensionella bilder till skillnad från det andra programmet, Crayoland, som bestod av tvådimensionella bilder. Intervjufrågorna till testpersonerna och experterna baserades på frågor som handlade om experternas och testpersonernas reaktioner och intryck relaterat till deras närvarokänsla och vad de trodde det var som påverkade deras närvarokänsla.</p><p>Resultatet av intervjuerna och testet är att det finns likheter mellan de faktorer som testpersonerna anser påverkar deras närvarokänsla och med Sadowski och Stanneys faktorer men inga direkta skillnader.</p>

Sjuksköterskans upplevelse av närståendes närvaro vid hjärt-lungräddning på akutmottagningar

Appé, Caroline January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hos sjuksköterskor på akutmottagning råder delade meningar om närståendes närvaro vid hjärt-lungräddning. Detta kan bero på om sjuksköterskan har positiva eller negativa upplevelser av situationen. Sedan flera år finns internationella riktlinjer skrivna som förespråkar närståendes närvaro, dessa används generellt inte i någon större utsträckning. Syfte: Att belysa sjuksköterskans upplevelse av närståendes närvaro vid hjärt-lungräddning på akutmottagning. Metod: En litteraturstudie har genomförts med 12 kvalitativa och kvantitativa vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultat: Under senare år har majoriteten av sjuksköterskorna gått från negativ inställning till positiv för närståendes närvaro vid HLR. Att närstående varit närvarande i de fall där HLR inte varit lyckad trodde sjuksköterskorna kunde underlätta det kommande sorgarbetet. Sjuksköterskorna trodde att närstående lättare kunde acceptera det plötsliga dödsfallet om de fick beröra, ta farväl och vara ett stöd den sista stunden i livet för sin familjemedlem. Slutsats: För att sjuksköterskan ska kunna behålla sin positiva upplevelse till närståendes närvaro vid HLR på akutmottagning krävs utvecklings–och förbättringsarbete. I detta arbete krävs både teoretisk och praktisk utbildning inom området. Samt etablering av de internationella riktlinjerna till lokala riktlinjer. / Background: Among nurses in emergency department is a difference of opinion regarding the issue of relatives being present during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. This can depend on the nurse have positive or negative experience of the situation. Since several years international guidelines are written to recommend relatives being present but in general they are not used. The aim: Of this study was to explain nurse’s experiences of relative’s presence during cardiopulmonary resuscitation in emergency department. Method: A literature review in which 12 qualitative and quantitative scientific papers have been reviewed. Results: During the last years most parts of the nurses changed their opinion from negative to positive regarding to relatives being present at CPR. If relatives been present when CPR wasn´t successful the nurses believed could help the coming grieving process. Nurses believed that relatives easier could accept the sudden death if they were able to touch, to say goodbye and share the last moments in life with their family member. Conclusion: To maintain the nurse positive experience of relative presence during CPR in emergency department needs development- and improvement work. This work needs both theoretical and practical education. And also there are needs to establish the international guidelines to local guidelines.

Differential presence : Deleuze and performance

Cull, Laura Katherine January 2009 (has links)
This thesis argues that presence in the performing arts can be reconceived, via the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze, as an encounter with difference or ‘differential presence’ which is variously defined as immanence, destratification, affect/becoming, and duration. These definitions are developed through a series of four analyses of exemplary performance practices: 1) The Living Theatre; 2) Antonin Artaud; 3) Allan Kaprow and 4) Goat Island. Chapter One recuperates the Living Theatre from a dominant narrative of ‘failure’, aided by the Deleuzian concepts of ontological participation, immanence, production/creation and ‘the people to come’. Reframing the company as pioneers of methods such as audience participation and collective creation, the chapter argues that their theatrical ambition is irreducible to some simple pursuit of undifferentiated presence (as authenticity or communion). Chapter Two provides an exposition of three key concepts emerging in the encounter between Artaud and Deleuze: the body without organs, the theatre without organs, and the destratified voice. The chapter proposes that To have done with the judgment of god constitutes an instance of a theatre without organs that uses the destratified voice in a pursuit of differential presence – as a nonrepresentative encounter with difference that forces new thoughts upon us. Chapter Three defines differential presence in relation to Deleuze’s concepts of affect and becoming-imperceptible and Kaprow’s concepts of ‘experienced insight’, nonart, ‘becoming “the whole”’, and attention. The chapter argues that Kaprow and Deleuze share a concern to theorize the practice of participating in actuality beyond the subject/object distinction, in a manner that promotes an ethico-political sense of taking part in “the whole”. Finally, Chapter Four focuses on the temporal aspect of differential presence, arguing that through slowness, waiting, repetition and imitation, Goat Island’s performance work acknowledges and responds to ‘the need to open ourselves affectively to the actuality of others’ (Mullarkey 2003: 488).

Att vara både här och där : En kvalitativ studie av hur unga vuxna upplever en växlande närvaro mellan en digital och analog värld

Petursdottir, Greta, Nutti, Sandra January 2017 (has links)
Smartphones and social media are a central part of everyday life for many young adults in the modern digital society. The development of digital devices has created opportunities for young adults to be present in a digital world through social media while at the same with people they meet face-to-face. Smartphones make the digital world portable, which give us access to a virtual network no matter where we are or what we are doing. This study aims to answer the question: How do young adults perceive a constant accessibility to a virtual world through social media in face-to-face meetings? The empirical data is based on interviews in focus groups along with hidden observations. Results from the study indicate that technology has become an essential part of young adults as they are never separated from their smartphones and regularly need to check new activities; whether they are alone or in the company of others. Social media is perceived as disruptive in face-to-face meetings, although still used frequently. It appears as though young adults are struggling to find a balance between a digital and analogue presence in a world where they can be both here and there simultaneously.

En källa till nya möjligheter eller en källa till oro : Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att närstående närvarar vid hjärt- och lungräddning på sjukhus - En litteraturstudie / A source of new opportunities or a source of concern : Nurses´ experiences of relatives being present during cardiopulmonary resuscitation in hospital – A literature review

Glimmerveen, Maj, Jansson, Markus January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Etiska riktlinjer vid hjärtstopp rekommenderar att närstående ska få möjlighet att närvara vid hjärt- och lungräddning om de önskar och inte utgör ett hinder. Befintlig forskning visar att många närstående vill närvara och att närvaron gynnar både patient och närvarande närstående. Trots detta är sjuksköterskors upplevelser och åsikter kring ämnet fortfarande delade. Genom att sammanställa sjuksköterskors upplevelser i en övergripande litteraturöversikt kan sjuksköterskor utveckla sin professionella omsorg och därmed bidra till att stärka människors hälsoprocesser. Syfte: Att belysa sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att närstående närvarar vid hjärt- och lungräddning på sjukhus. Metod: En litteraturöversikt, baserad på 14 vetenskapliga artiklar med både kvalitativ och kvantitativ ansats. Resultatet har sammanställts genom en beskrivande syntes. Resultat: Resultatet presenteras i två huvudteman med tre underteman vardera. En källa till nya möjligheter belyser sjuksköterskors upplevelser av mellanmänsklig relation där nya perspektiv och erfarenheter för att göra skillnad råder. En källa till oro belyser sjuksköterskors upplevelser av oönskade minnen, försvårande omständigheter och en rädsla för påföljder. Konklusion: Sjuksköterskor upplever i linje med växande erfarenhet att oron dämpas och istället blev närståendes närvaro en källa till möjligheter. / Background: Ethical guidelines for cardiac arrest recommend that relatives should be given opportunity to be present during cardiopulmonary resuscitation, if they wish and aren’t a hindrance. Existing research shows that most relatives would attend and that their presence benefits both patient and relative. Despite this, nurse’s attitudes and opinions about present relatives during resuscitation remain fragmented. This places emphasis to merge this fragmented picture into an overall literature review containing nurse’s experiences of this practice. Based on this picture nurses could develop their professional care and help to strengthen people's health processes. Aim: To highlight nurse’s experiences of relatives being present during CPR in hospital. Method: A literature review, based on 14 scientific articles with both qualitative and quantitative approach. The result was compiled through a descriptive synthesis. Results: Is presented in two main themes with three subthemes each. A source of new opportunities illuminates nurse’s experiences of interpersonal relationship in which new perspectives and experiences of making a difference prevail. A source of concern illuminates nurse’s experiences of unwanted memories, aggravating factors and fear of sanctions. Conclusion: Nurses experience that when their experience grew, their concern dampened and it became a source of opportunities having relatives present.

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