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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Obraz duševních onemocnění v tištěných médiích ve třech středoevropských zemích / The picture of mental illness in the print media in three central European countries

Nawková, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
Media are considered to be the public's primary source of information regarding mental illness. Evidence suggests that media representations of people with psychiatric disorders are frequently negative and contribute to their stigmatization. On the other hand, media can play an important role in reducing this stigmatisation by providing adequate information about this topic and engaging in antistigma campaigns. Up to now there was no standardised measurement of the stigma of mental illness in print media using clearly operationalized definitions. The objectives of this project were twofold; to develop a standardised and objective instrument to measure stigma of mental illness in print media; and to conduct an analysis of the current coverage on mental health/illness issues in Czech, Croatian, and Slovak print media. The development of the Picture of Mental Illness in Newspapers (PICMIN) instrument was based on the principles of content analysis, a research technique for making replicable and valid inferences from text to the kontext in their use. The instrument consists of eleven descriptive and five analytical categories. The most interesting findings based on the analysis of media representations of mental illness were; a similarly high level of stigmatizing articles across countries, clearly...

Impressão digital: tecnologias e impressão de dados variáveis / Digital printing: technology and variable data printing

Thiago Cesar Teixeira Justo 10 December 2015 (has links)
Atualmente, as artes gráficas vivem um momento de grande desenvolvimento tecnológico, principalmente em relação às novas tecnologias de impressão sem fôrma, popularmente conhecidas como impressão digital. O objetivo central desta pesquisa é compreender as mudanças dos métodos produtivos provocadas pela adoção da tecnologia de impressão digital pela indústria gráfica. Este trabalho propõe o levantamento dos principais sistemas de impressão sem fôrma adotados pelas gráficas, identificando as tendências tecnológicas de impressão sem fôrma desenvolvidas especialmente para a indústria gráfica. Visa, ainda, investigar quais recursos de impressão de dados variáveis foram viabilizados por esta tecnologia, analisando o impacto destes novos sistemas de impressão gráfica sobre a impressão de dados variáveis ou impressão personalizada. A pesquisa também apresenta um conjunto de trabalhos gráficos relevantes ou inovadores que utilizam a impressão de dados variáveis com o objetivo de apontar as possibilidades produtivas de impressão de dados variáveis viabilizadas por esta tecnologia. A análise dos resultados da pesquisa visa documentar o novo cenário da impressão digital dentro da indústria gráfica, as tecnologias de impressão sem fôrma mais empregadas por este setor, e as diferentes alternativas produtivas de impressão de dados variáveis. / Nowadays, the graphic arts are in a great moment of technological development, especially in new printing technologies without a printing plate, which is popularly known as digital print. The main objective of this research is to understand the changes in production methods by the adoption of digital printing technology for the printing industry. This paper proposes the research of the leading computer to press systems adopted by graphics and the identification of print technology trends without a printing plate, specially developed for the printing industry, as well as investigate which variable data printing capabilities were enabled by this technology, analyzing the impact of these new graphic printing systems on variable data printing and custom printing. The survey also presents a set of relevant and innovative graphic works that use variable data printing in order to point out the productive possibilities of variable data printing, enabled by this technology. The analysis of the survey results aims to document the new situation of digital printing in the printing industry, the printing technologies without a printing plate more used in this area and the different productive alternatives of variable data printing.

La controverse autour des expulsions de sans-papiers dans la presse française (2006-2010) : analyse des discours et des enjeux sociopolitiques / The controversy over the deportation of « sans-papiers » in French newspapers (2006-2010) : an analysis of sociopolitical issues and discourses

Jacquez, Lise 08 December 2014 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur la controverse construite autour des expulsions d’étrangers en situation irrégulière en France entre 2006 et 2010 et sur sa médiatisation dans cinq titres de la presse quotidienne nationale française : l’Humanité, Libération, Le Figaro, Le Monde et Le Parisien (édition nationale). L’objectif principal est de saisir les enjeux sociopolitiques structurant les discours des différents acteurs qui font exister cette controverse dans l’espace public : le gouvernement, les militants des droits des étrangers et, enfin, les médias. Il s’agit notamment de voir s’il existe une mise en débat de la gestion sécuritaire des flux migratoires dans les discours médiatiques. Notre propos s'organise en trois parties. La première partie est une mise en perspective historique de la place des étrangers dans l’État-nation français depuis la Révolution française jusqu'à la fin du 20ème siècle. Elle nous permet de comprendre les difficultés politiques spécifiques qui surgissent lorsqu’il s’agit de penser la question des droits et de la place des migrants dans un monde organisé en États-nations. La deuxième partie décrit et analyse les positionnements politiques et les discours des principaux acteurs du débat sur l'immigration irrégulière et les sans-papiers, soit l’État d'un côté et le champ militant de l'autre. Enfin, dans une troisième et dernière partie, nous analysons le rôle joué par les journaux français dans la construction de la controverse autour des expulsions. Le corpus comporte 2602 articles, que nous analysons d'abord de manière quantitative à l'aide du logiciel Modalisa, puis de manière plus qualitative (analyse narrative, iconique et argumentative). Nos conclusions insistent sur les cadrages privilégiés dans les discours de presse ainsi que sur leurs difficultés à élaborer une ligne éditoriale cohérente et ambitieuse sur la question des migrations et une autonomie vis-à-vis des discours politiques. Elles montrent d’abord que l’accroissement de la répression vis-à-vis des sans-papiers est loin de faire consensus et est, au contraire, très controversée dans la presse française. Mais, malgré ce discours dénonciateur, les journaux peinent à prendre politiquement position sur la situation des sans-papiers et à mobiliser des arguments contre la logique sécuritaire. Les registre mobilisés par les journaux pour sortir de l’approche sécuritaire de l’immigration se limitent donc généralement à l’invocation de principes humanitaires et de valeurs morales, et au recours à l’argument de l’intégration (sociale, scolaire, professionnelle) des sans-papiers dans la société française. / This research concerns the controversy over the deportation of foreign nationals in irregular or illegal situation in France between 2006 and 2010, as well as the mediatisation of this controversy in five national French newspapers: l'Humanité, Libération, Le Figaro, Le Monde and Le Parisien (national edition). The main goal is to understand the socio-political issues structuring the discourses offered by the various social actors that take part in this controversy in the public sphere : the government, activists and advocates for migrants' rights, and the media. This research focuses in particular on ascertaining whether the security-centred management of migratory flows is debated in media discourses.The argument is divided into three parts. The first part gives historical perspective to the position of foreign nationals in the French nation state from the French Revolution to the end of the twentieth century. It illuminates the political difficulties that appear when conceiving of the rights and the position of migrants in a world made of nation states. The second part describes and analyses the political positioning as well as the discourses of the main social actors taking part in the debates on irregular and illegal migration; looking at the state on the one hand, and activist movements on the other. Finally, the third part proposes an analysis of the role played by French newspapers in the construction of the controversy over deportations. The corpus consists of 2602 press articles, which are firstly quantitatively analysed with the help of software Modalisa, and then approached qualitatively (narrative, iconic and argumentative analyses).This research conclusions focus on the interpretative frames most used in newspapers' discourses. It discusses the way these discourses encounter difficulties not only in elaborating a coherent and ambitious editorial line regarding migration, but also in retaining a certain autonomy in relation to political discourses. The conclusions show firstly that there is a clear lack of consensus concerning the increasing repression of illegal migrants, amounting to a real controversy in French newspapers. However, despite this denunciation, newspapers find it difficult both to take a political stand on the situation of illegal migrants, and to mobilise arguments against security-based discourses. Indeed, in order to eschew these approaches focusing on security, newspapers are often limited to invoking humanitarian principles and moral values, and to focusing on the integration (whether it be social, educative, professional) of illegal migrants in French society.

Fotografie v tisku před volbami (PS PČR 2006) / Photography in printed media ahead elections (Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Parliament, 2006)

Koubek, Filip January 2009 (has links)
This thesis called "Printed Media Photographs ahead the Elections (Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Parliament, 2006)" brings an analysis of politicians'picture in the five quality-press newspapers ahead of the elections to the lower chamber of the Czech Parliament. This analysis uses the quantitative content analysis, follows up emergence of issues and draws comparisons among the newspapers and political parties. This thesis sums up the main aspects of the photographs in the printed media ahead of the Elections. There are up to 90 graphs that simply show the outcomes even of the multilevel analysis. Analysed daily newspapers were the following: Hospodářské noviny, Mladá fronta Dnes, Lidové noviny, Právo and Haló noviny. The analysis was done by means of the SPSS statistical software.

An analysis of persuasive elements in the English of advertisements in newspapers in Ghana

Torto, Richard Torgbor 01 1900 (has links)
Text in English / Advertising is a genre of mass media communication which unearths the exceptional qualities of products and services in a persuasive fashion. It is also a form of marketing communication through which business organizations inform the general public about new or improved commercial endeavors. Advertising in modern time comprises varied component parts (visual imagery, graphic and color designs, print and auditory techniques.); however, language plays an indispensable role in the transmission of the message. Language has an immense influence on human beings and the way they behave. The language of advertising influences the reasoning, thinking, feeling and the general attitude of the audience. Copywriters, like poets, choose their words carefully in order to achieve a particular rhetorical effect. They use language in such a way that they attract attention, arouse interest or desire and create need. Language forms an integral part of advertisements. The current study focused on persuasive elements in the English employed in advertisements in newspapers in Ghana. The study investigated the extent to which Aristotle’s three artistic proofs (logos, pathos and ethos), figures of speech and grammatical elements in the English of advertisements in the Ghanaian newspapers were employed by copywriters for persuasive effect. The current study was underpinned by three theories, namely, Aristotle’s Rhetorical Theory, Conventional Figurative Language Theory and the Standard Theory of Generative Grammar. These theories lent support to the three thematic trends of the study. The qualitative research design was employed given the interpretive nature of the analysis of the corpus. The current study did not involve human subjects as data sources because the corpus was from written documents. The purposive sampling method was employed owing to the subjective nature of the process of data collection. The qualitative content analysis approach was adopted as the analytical framework for the study. This made it possible for the coding of categories of the textual data based on the themes, patterns and trends that emerged. The findings of the research revealed that copywriters in the Ghanaian newspapers employed Aristotle’s three artistic proofs, figures of speech and grammatical elements in the English of advertisements for persuasive effect. / Linguistics and Modern Languages

Littérature et presse : une étude de compréhension des textes (en contexte libanais) / Literature and press : a study of comprehension of texts (in Lebanese context)

Laïdouni, Nora 19 September 2019 (has links)
La réhabilitation de la littérature en classe de langue lui a conféré un appareillage didactique qui prend désormais en compte sa dimension communicationnelle. Le discours littéraire est ainsi envisagé dans une approche pragmatique et est aussi intégré dans la perspective actionnelle dont l’objectif est la formation d’un acteur social à travers la pédagogie du projet comme c’est le cas pour la presse écrite. La littérature, en tant que document authentique, rejoint également l’article de presse dans l’apprentissage d’une langue-culture et dans la pratique d’un dialogue interculturel. Ces objectifs s’appuient, entre autres, sur la compréhension écrite de ces deux supports par les apprenants. Il serait ainsi judicieux de s’intéresser aux méthodes qui aident à l’accès aux sens. Confronter le texte littéraire et l’article de presse quand ils relatent un même sujet peut-il faciliter cet accès ? Pouvons-nous également affirmer que le texte littéraire a un rôle formateur et que l’apport de l’article de presse est indispensable ? Ces questions se trouvent au centre de notre recherche. Une étude de terrain menée au Liban auprès de lycéens de la classe de seconde est proposée comme méthodologie de travail. / The rehabilitation of the literature in the language classroom has given it a didactic apparatus which takes into account the communicative dimension. Thus, the literary discourse is considered a pragmatic approach which is also integrated in the action-oriented whose main purpose is the formation of a social actor through the pedagogy project as in the case with print media. As an authentic document, the literature joined the press article as well, in studying a language - culture and to practice in an intercultural dialog. Those aims are based, among others, on the writing understanding of both aids by learners. It would be wise to pay attention to the ways which help the accessing to the senses. Putting them together, the literary text and the press article, when they have the same subject, could it facilitate such an access? Are we able to say as well, that the literary text has a formative role and the contribution of the press article is essential? These questions symbolize our research center. A study on the field in Lebanon for the students in the second class is proposed as a methodology work.

Digitalizace a její vliv na tištěná média. Případová studie na vybraných českých tiskovinách. / Digitization and its impact on the print media. Case study of selected Czech periodicals.

Bílková, Barbora January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the influence of digitization and electronic media on print media. It shows the progress of development of the digital, its constant growth and transformation of getting public information, especially by particular theories of Marshall McLuhan, Jay David Bolter, Richard Grusin, Alessandro Ludovico and another authors dealing with the issues of media and digitization. The thesis shows a brief media development and the largest part is devoted to the digitization and remediation of the media. The central part is assessing the impact of digitization and the advent of electronic media on print media. It is shown how the print media deal with digitization. In the practical part of my work, it should find out how the print titles of the Czech market are, how are they affected by increasing digitization of media and how they try to deal with this aspect of trying to cope. All of these issues are shown in three cases, the daily newspapers Mladá Fronta DNES, Lidové noviny and Hospodářské noviny, which are the ones of the most important media in Czech republic, which have their printed version, with which they began. With digitization, however, they were forced to start also with their electronic versions. Key words: digitalization, electronic media, mass media, print media, electronic...

Obraz duševních onemocnění v tištěných médiích ve třech středoevropských zemích / The picture of mental illness in the print media in three central European countries

Nawková, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
Media are considered to be the public's primary source of information regarding mental illness. Evidence suggests that media representations of people with psychiatric disorders are frequently negative and contribute to their stigmatization. On the other hand, media can play an important role in reducing this stigmatisation by providing adequate information about this topic and engaging in antistigma campaigns. Up to now there was no standardised measurement of the stigma of mental illness in print media using clearly operationalized definitions. The objectives of this project were twofold; to develop a standardised and objective instrument to measure stigma of mental illness in print media; and to conduct an analysis of the current coverage on mental health/illness issues in Czech, Croatian, and Slovak print media. The development of the Picture of Mental Illness in Newspapers (PICMIN) instrument was based on the principles of content analysis, a research technique for making replicable and valid inferences from text to the kontext in their use. The instrument consists of eleven descriptive and five analytical categories. The most interesting findings based on the analysis of media representations of mental illness were; a similarly high level of stigmatizing articles across countries, clearly...

Principy zatraktivňování současné české beletrie ve vybraných denících a jejich online verzích / Principles of making contemporary Czech fiction more attractive in selected dailies and their online versions

Fenclová, Anna January 2021 (has links)
FENCLOVÁ, Anna. Principy zatraktivňování současné české beletrie ve vybraných denících a jejich online verzích. Praha, 2021. 84 s. Diplomová práce (Mgr.). Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, Institut komunikačních studií a žurnalistiky FSV UK. Katedra Mediálních studií. Vedoucí diplomové práce prof. MgA. Martin Štoll, Ph.D. Abstract This diploma thesis deals with the reports on the contemporary Czech fiction in selected Czech print and online media. In particular, it seeks to find the main principles of making articles about the new Czech fiction more attractive in selected serious daily newspapers (Právo, Mladá fronta DNES, Lidové noviny, Hospodářské noviny, Metro) and their online versions (novinky.cz, iDNES.cz, lidovky.cz, iHNed.cz, metro.cz and aktuálně.cz). The first, theoretical part is explaining and mapping the state of Czech literature, media and their interconnectedness and the basic concepts relating directly to the topic are explained here. The second part focuses on the quantitative content analysis, which answers questions about the number of articles related to contemporary Czech fiction in the selected media during the two months in 2020 (February 2020 and November 2020). Subsequently, a qualitative content analysis of articles published by the selected media is described. The...

Mediální obraz Miloše Zemana / Media portrayal of Milos Zeman

Kovářová, Pavla January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the development of the media image of Miloš Zeman in the two terms in which he held the most significant political functions, namely the prime minister and the president. The aim is to find out whether the media image of Miloš Zeman at a time when he served as prime minister differs from the current media image that he now has as president. The theoretical part is defined by the role of the media in society and politics. Furthermore, the approaches of objectivity in media are described and finally the basic theories that are applied in the construction of the media image are presented. The methodological part of the research covers the method of quantitative content analysis and how this research was conducted. The necessary data was obtained through the Anopress database, selecting relevant articles of the two national newspapers (Mladá fronta Dnes, Právo) and the two most-watched national television networks (Nova, Česká televize). The conclusion of this thesis is analytical and presents the results.

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