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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The harmonisation of rules on the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in the southern African customs union

Rossouw, Mandi January 2013 (has links)
<p>The Member States of the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) have set as their objectives, amongst others, the facilitation of cross-border movement of goods between the territories of the Member States and the promotion of the integration of Member States into the global economy through enhanced trade and investment. Different approaches to the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments by Member States and the risk of non-enforcement may lead to legal uncertainty and increased transaction cost for prospective traders, which ultimately act as non-tariff barriers to trade in the region. Trade is critical to Southern Africa, and the ideal is that barriers to trade, of which uncertainty concerning the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments among Member States is one, should be removed. Certainty, predictability, security of transactions, effective remedies and cost are important considerations in investment decision-making / and clear rules for allocating international jurisdiction and providing definite and expedited means of enforcing foreign judgments will facilitate intraregional as well as interregional trade. In addition to trade facilitation, a harmonised recognition and enforcement regime will consolidate economic and political integration in the SACU. An effective scheme for the mutual recognition and enforcement of civil judgments has been regarded as a feature of any economic integration initiative likely to achieve significant integration. While the harmonisation of the rules on the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments has been given priority in other regional economic communities, in particularly the European Union, any similar effort to harmonise the rules on recognition and enforcement of Member States have been conspicuously absent in the SACU &ndash / a situation which needs to receive immediate attention. The thesis considers the approaches followed by the European Union with the Brussels Regime, the federal system of the United States of America under the &lsquo / full faith and credit clause&rsquo / the inter-state recognition scheme under the Australia and New Zealand Trans-Tasman judicial system / as well as the convention-approach of the Latin American States. It finds that the most suitable approach for the SACU is the negotiation and adoption by all SACU Member States of a multilateral convention on the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments, comparable to the 1971 Convention of the Hague Conference on Private International Law / the EU Brussels I Regulation and the Latin-American Montevideo Convention, as complemented by the La Paz Convention. It is imperative that a proposed convention should not merely duplicate previous efforts, but should be drafted in the light of the legal, political and socio-economic characteristics of the SACU Member States. The current legislative provisions in force in SACU Member States are compared and analysed, and the comparison and analysis form the basis of a proposal for a future instrument on recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments for the region. A recommended draft text for a proposed Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments for the SACU is included. This draft text could form the basis for future negotiations by SACU Member States.</p>

Le tiers et le contrat : étude de conflit de lois / Third party and contract in the conflit of laws

Laval, Sarah 11 April 2014 (has links)
Alors que le droit interne des contrats est marqué par le recul de l'autonomie de la volonté, le droit international privé fait du principe d'autonomie le facteur de rattachement principal en matière contractuelle. Parallèlement à cette évolution inversée, une évolution commune intervient en droit interne et international privé des contrats : celle de son ouverture aux tiers, par la portée des droits qu'il crée et la multiplication des liens de droit entre les tiers et les parties. Cohérent avec le recul de l'autonomie de la volonté en droit interne, le rapprochement du tiers et du contrat se heurte à la solution du conflit de lois en matière contractuelle. Alors que le principe d'autonomie sert l'intérêt des parties, le respect des prévisions du tiers appelle une loi objectivement déterminée. La prise en considération de l'objet et de l'opposabilité des contrats permet la prise en considération nuancée des intérêts des tiers et leur conciliation avec ceux des parties. Dans le cas des contrats à opposabilité renforcée, contrats à grand rayon d'action, la prise en considération du tiers passe par la création d'une règle de conflit spéciale en matière contractuelle qui rend le facteur de rattachement objectif impératif. Les parties aux contrats à grand rayon d'action ne peuvent choisir la loi applicable à leur contrat. Dans le cas des contrats à opposabilité simple, contrats à petit rayon d'action, la protection du tiers, touché par l'extension des effets du contrat, ne passe pas par l'objectivation du facteur de rattachement, mais par la qualification des questions ou la mise en œuvre de mécanismes dérogatoires comme l'adaptation ou les lois de police. / While Substantial Contract Law is characterized by the decline of party autonomy, Private International Law makes it the main conflict rule in the field of Contract. Besides this reversed evolution, a similar trend is shaping Substantial Contract Law and Private International Law of Contract : the contract incorporates third parties, both through the rights it creates as well as through the increase in ties between parties and third parties. Coherent with the scaling down of party autonomy in Contract law, the connection between the third party and the contract goes against the conflict rule in the field of contracts. Although party autonomy serves parties interests, third parties expectations require an objectively determined law. To heed the object and the opposability of contracts allows for a well-balanced consideration of third parties interests in accordance with parties interests. Regarding contracts with reinforced opposability, ("long-range contracts"), the third party is taken into account by the creation of a special conflict rule in the field of contracts, that prevents parties from choosing their law. Party autonomy vanishes for these contracts. In case of simple opposability, ("short-range contracts"), the third party may be reached by the extension of contract effects. Its expectations cannot be protected by the elimination of party autonomy but either by the qualification of questions or by exceptional mechanisms such as overriding mandatory rules.

Cross-border Products Liability in the European Union / La responsabilidad transfronteriza por productos defectuosos en la Unión Europea

Palao Moreno, Guillermo 10 April 2018 (has links)
Liability for defective products meets a modern legal framework applicable to cases which have an international nature in the European Union. However, the new regulatory developments have not solved the existing coordination problems and offer an unjustified complexity, so there is a certain risk that the objectives pursued by the European legislator in this strategic sector for the EU internal market are not going to be fulfilled. The objective of this study is to analyze the solutions contained in Regulation (EC) 442001, relating to jurisdiction, the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters and Regulation (EC) 8642007, concerning the law applicable to non-contractual obligations («Rome II»), aswell as their interrelationship with other conventional instruments. / La responsabilidad por productos defectuosos cuenta en la Unión Europea con un moderno marco legal aplicable a los casos que cuenten con una naturaleza internacional. Sin embargo, los nuevos desarrollos normativos no han suprimido los problemas de coordinación existentes y ofrecen una injustificada complejidad, por lo que existe un cierto riesgo de que se malogren los objetivos perseguidos por el legislador europeo en este estratégico sector para el mercado interior de la Unión Europea. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar las respuestas contenidas en el Reglamento (CE) 44/2001, relativo a la competencia judicial, el reconocimiento y la ejecución de resoluciones judiciales en materia civil y mercantil y el Reglamento (CE) 864/2007, relativo a la ley aplicable a las obligaciones extracontractuales («Roma II») asícomo su interrelación con otros instrumentos convencionales.

Společnosti v mezinárodním právu soukromém / Companies in private international law

Lembas, Jan January 2018 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to analyze legal framework of companies in private international law with focus on cross-border mobility of companies in the EU. The work consists of an introduction, five chapters and a conclusion. In the first chapter, the basic terminology used in the work and terms of private international law, collision standards, legal entities (persons) and companies are presented and defined. The second chapter is devoted to the personal statute of company and analyzes main theories of determining a personal statute - the incorporation theory and the real seat theory, their advantages and disadvantages are discussed and their comparison is mentioned at the end of the chapter. Incorporation theory enables cross-border transfer of company seats and defines law applicable to company forever, real seat theory has a protective function. Whereas incorporation theory uses the foundation of a company to determine applicable law, real seat theory uses the real seat of a company, the actual place where the company centers its activity. The third chapter discusses the subject from the point of view of the EU law. The freedom of establishment as legal basis for the movement of companies within EU is analyzed as well as basic articles of primary law regarding right of establishment....

De la sécurité des rapports financiers dénationalisés : exercice épistémologique sur la normativité juridique et scientifique / exercice épistémologique sur la normativité juridique et scientifique

Avasilencei, Catalina 23 October 2017 (has links)
Le climat d'insécurité de la crise financière globale de 2008 a perturbé le droit et l'économie dans leurs dimensions positives et doctrinales. Sollicitées pour remédier à une apparente error communis, les deux disciplines devraient examiner l'épistémologie de leurs paradigmes orthodoxes. L'exercice mené à cette fin relève de l'analyse du rapport entre le droit et les sciences, que l'école Science and Technology Studies place sous le langage de la coproduction et l'épistémologie des sciences sous l'objectif de fluidité. L'hypothèse vise la démonstration des barrières épistémologiques à l'appréhension des rapports financiers «hors marché» par le droit positif comme processus, à la fin du XXe siècle. Ces obstacles proviennent des méta-normativités véhiculées par l'économie néoclassique et le positivisme normatif en droit matériel et conflictuel en tant qu' orthodoxies. La sécurité conceptuelle qu'elles assurent à ce titre est doublée d'un rituel qui les reproduit, qui prédétermine et occulte la dynamique sociale sous-jacente. La migration des acteurs financiers des marchés sécurisés par les droits étatiques vers un marché over the counter, largement standardisé par les contrats, devenu global, en témoigne. Cette dénationalisation, guidée par la rationalité de la sécurisation du risque, aurait pu être saisie et disciplinée en contentieux international. Un régime de l'autonomie de la volonté pro-cyclique, parasité par l'économie néoclassique, immunise pourtant les nouveaux rapports financiers à l'égard des exigences systémiques (macro). La prévisibilité de l'effectivité du contrat mobilise un aléa moral susceptible d'entraîner un droit positif automatisé, sans juge(ment). / The 2008 global financial crisis bas disrupted law and economy in their positive and doctrinal dimensions. Empowered to remedy an apparent error communis, both disciplines should consider the epistemology of their respective orthodox paradigms. The ensuing exercise relates to the analysis of law and science, which falls under the idiom of co-production, according to the Science and Technology Studies, and under the objective of fluidity, according to the epistemology of sciences. The argument here is that, at the end of the 20th century, epistemological barriers have arisen in the process of positive law, in relation to the apprehension of contractual financial relations concluded over the counter (OTC). These obstacles stem from the meta-normativities conveyed by neoclassical economy and normative positivism as orthodoxies in substantive law and in conflict of laws, respectively. The conceptual security that such orthodoxies provide co-occurs with a ritual that reproduces them, which predetermines and obscures the underlying social dynamics. This is reflected in the migration of financial actors from markets secured through state law to an OTC market largely standardized by contracts, which has become global. The process of denationalisation, guided by risk securitization as a rationale, could have been noted and disciplined through international litigation. However, the pro-cyclical regime of party autonomy, hacked by the neoclassical economy, prevents the new financial relations from being subjected to systemic (macro) requirements. The certainty of contractual effectiveness triggers a moral hazard which may result in an automated positive law without judge(ment).

O dever de minimizar as próprias perdas no contrato de trabalho : a aplicação do duty to mitigate the loss pela justiça do trabalho

Assur, João Pedro January 2018 (has links)
Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida com o objetivo de compreender o instituto denominado duty to mitigate the loss, desenvolvido no direito inglês e positivado no direito internacional privado pela Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre a Compra e Venda Internacional de Mercadorias (Convenção de Viena de 1980) e, posteriormente, incorporado ao ordenamento jurídico interno pelo Decreto Presidencial nº 8.327, de 16 de outubro de 2014, em razão da adesão do Estado brasileiro à referida convenção das Nações Unidas. Ao mesmo tempo, o presente estudo dirige-se à análise da compatibilidade desse instituto estrangeiro com o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, em especial com o direito do trabalho, o que se faz a partir da análise das decisões proferidas no âmbito da Justiça do Trabalho brasileira pelos Tribunais Regionais que compõem a jurisdição trabalhista de primeira instância e as decisões finais dadas pelo Tribunal Superior do Trabalho. / This research was developed in order to understand the institute called "duty to mitigate the loss", developed in English law and established in private international law by the United Nations Convention on the International Sale and Purchase of Goods (1980 Vienna Convention) And subsequently incorporated into the domestic legal system by Presidential Decree no. 8,327 of October 16, 2014, due to the adhesion of the Brazilian State to said United Nations convention. At the same time and mainly, the present study is directed to the analysis of the compatibility of this foreign institute with the Brazilian legal system and, in particular, its application in national labor law, which was done from its application in the field of labor justice by the regional courts that make up the labor jurisdiction of first instance, and the final word speak about by Superior Labor Court of Brazil.

Direito internacional privado, a proteção do ser humano e a falácia do ineditismo constitucionalista e tratadista / Private international law, human rights and the fallacy of constitutional and conventional originality

Raphael Carvalho de Vasconcelos 18 March 2014 (has links)
Consensos doutrinários acerca da novidade da proteção do ser humano por declarações de direito internas e internacionais e por constituições especificamente pela constituição Brasileira de 1988 - conformaram o ponto de partida desta pesquisa. Estabeleceu-se, inicialmente, um problema teórico que buscava sistematizar no direito internacional privado o impacto da suposta revolução teórica vivenciada pelo direito nos últimos séculos entendendo-se que a doutrina conflitual brasileira não havia desenvolvido parâmetros claros aos contornos da proteção do homem em sua esfera. Cumpridos os requisitos metodológicos relacionados à apresentação de hipótese a problema específico, o aprofundamento das pesquisas mostrou-se surpreendente: a hipótese mostrava-se inconsistente. Adotou-se, assim, o prisma de sua negação. Percebeu-se que, de fato, o ser humano se encontra hoje no centro do direito, mas que no direito internacional privado a novidade anunciada não se mostrava recente e que o deslumbramento com a dignidade humana falseava na técnica conflitual sua razão de ser originária. O trabalho foi realizado levando-se em conta o método dedutivo-indutivo de pesquisa a partir da utilização das doutrinas do direito internacional privado, do discurso da proteção do homem e das teorias constitucionais como instrumento de verificação da hipótese proposta ao problema inicialmente apresentado. A inovação do estudo realizado não se encontra, assim, necessariamente em seu conteúdo, mas na sistematização teórica da relação existente entre a doutrina da proteção do indivíduo, incorporada definitivamente ao direito constitucional brasileiro atual, e o direito internacional privado. Buscou-se demonstrar que o impacto da proteção do homem na disciplina deve ser entendido como um diálogo e que a técnica conflitual não seria meramente induzida pelos direitos humanos fundamentais, mas também indutora de seu reconhecimento e consagração. O trabalho foi dividido em três partes distintas, mas interdependentes. Na primeira delas, apresentaram-se as bases teóricas da pesquisa. Foram organizadas, nesse ponto, as premissas consideradas essenciais ao avanço da investigação. A segunda seção adota a classificação predominante na doutrina brasileira para o objeto do direito internacional privado para sistematizar a análise do tema em seu viés prático. Na terceira seção, demonstra-se de que forma os resultados parciais obtidos acabaram por negar paulatinamente a hipótese inicial fixada. Observou-se que, caso se admitisse que o discurso dos direitos humanos se estabeleceu como axioma informador do direito como um todo há poucas centenas de anos e que a ordem jurídica brasileira apenas protegeu o indivíduo a partir de 1988, o direito internacional privado deveria ser entendido como predecessor, como técnica que antecipou toda essa dinâmica. Mais que isso, concluiu-se que o sobredireito internacional tem sua origem e finalidade maior na proteção dos seres humanos e que não foi apenas induzido pelo discurso da defesa do homem. Conclui-se, por fim, que tratar a proteção do ser humano pelo direito internacional privado como dado contemporâneo ou moderno constituiria, de todo o investigado, grave equívoco que desconsideraria as origens, os fundamentos e as funções da técnica conflitual. / The academic consensus on the protection of human beingsby -domestic and international- declarations of rightsand stateconstitutions-specificallythe1988 Brazilian Constitution as a recent achievement of law settled the starting pointof this research. A problem which aimedto understand the impactof the aforementioned supposed theoretical revolution related to human rights in recentcenturiesininternational private law was initially established perceiving thatthe Brazilian doctrine had not developedclear parameters for theprotectionof men on the conflict of laws. Fulfilling the methodological requirementsrelatedto the formulation of a hypothesis to a specific problem, the development of the researchdisclosed a surprising result:the hypothesis seemed absolutely inconsistent. The perspective of denying was than adopted. Thehuman being is today, in fact, the center of law. In private international law, however, the announced innovation of that centrality showsthat thisfascination withhuman dignitydistortedthe original reasons which oriented the technique of conflicts. Based on those circumstances, the research was carried out using theinductive-deductive method applying private international law production, the discourse ofprotectionof human beings and constitutional theoriesas a tool to verify thehypothesis proposedto the problemoriginally established. The innovation of thisstudyis not, therefore,necessarily drawn from its content, but from thetheoretical systematizationof the relationship betweenthe doctrine ofprotectionof the individual, definitely embodied by thecurrentBrazilian constitutional andprivate international law. It was intended to demonstrate thatthe impact of the human being discourse in private international lawshouldbe understoodas adialogue andthat the technique is not merelyinducedbyhuman rights-fundamental, but alsoinducetheir recognition.The research wasdivided intothree distinctbut interdependent parts. In the first one, the theoretical underpinningsof private international law are presented. At this point, the theoretical premisesconsidered essentialto the advancementof the results imagined are studied. The second sectionadopts thepredominant classification used by theBrazilian doctrinefor the objectof private international law to build a systematicanalysisof the subjectin itspracticalbias. In the third section, it is shown how thepartial results obtainedgraduallyended updenyingthe initial hypothesisset. It was observedthat ifit were accepted thatthehuman rights discoursehas established itself as an obligatory axiomof law justa few hundredyears ago and that theBrazilian legal systemonlyprotected theindividual from1988 onwards, private international lawshould beunderstood as a precursor,as a system of law that anticipatedthis wholedynamic. It was concluded, in fact,that private international lawhas its originand purpose direct related to the protection of human beingsandthat the system was notonlyinducedby the human rights discourse. It is finally concluded thatthe protectionof human beingsbyprivate international lawas a contemporary or modern achievement denotes a seriousmisconception thatdisregardsthe origins, the foundationsand functions of the discipline.

Le droit international privé coréen des faillites – comparé aux droits français et européen / South Korea's Cross-border Insolvency Law – Compared to French and European Laws

Cho, Eung-Kyung 25 June 2018 (has links)
La faillite internationale est la faillite présentant des éléments d'extranéité. Avec l'expansion du commerce international et la succession d'instabilités économiques, l'importance du sujet a été considérablement accrue. 11eme puissance mondiale avec une économie reposant largement sur le commerce, la Corée (République de Corée), non moins concernée par cette tendance, a modernisé sa législation il y a une décennie. Le volume des échanges commerciaux entre la France et la Corée ayant doublé en 10 ans avec aujourd'hui près de 200 entreprises françaises présentes sur le territoire coréen, les règles nouvelles du droit coréen régissant les faillites transfrontalières ne sont plus indifférentes pour le juriste français. Le droit international privé coréen des faillites, sans paraître à première vue fondamentalement différent des droits français ou européen, comporte plusieurs particularités et fait par ailleurs l'impasse sur des notions phares de l'universalisme modifié auquel il prétend avoir adhéré. La substance, les motivations, et les possibles suites de cet état actuel du droit sont traitées dans la présente étude, avec un regard sur le droit des faillites, le droit de la procédure civile et le droit international privé coréens ainsi qu'une comparaison de ces derniers avec les droits français et européen. / Cross-border insolvency denotes the situations arising out of insolvency involving extraneous aspects. Along with the expansion of international trade and the succession of economic instabilities, the importance of its study has undoubtedly become greater. As one of the most concerned actors by this phenomenon, Korea (Republic of Korea) has modernized its legislation a decade ago. The volume of trade between France and Korea having doubled in 10 years, with nownear 200 French companies established in Korea, the new rules of Korean law governing crossborder insolvencies are no longer irrelevant to French jurists. Korean cross-border insolvency law, while not appearing prima facie to be fundamentally different from French or European laws, has several peculiarities and obfuscates the core principles of modified universalism to which it claims to adhere. The substance, the motivations and the possible results of this state of law will constitute the topic of this thesis, with an overview of Korea's bankruptcy law, civil procedural law and private international law, along with their comparison to French and European laws.

Direito internacional privado, a proteção do ser humano e a falácia do ineditismo constitucionalista e tratadista / Private international law, human rights and the fallacy of constitutional and conventional originality

Raphael Carvalho de Vasconcelos 18 March 2014 (has links)
Consensos doutrinários acerca da novidade da proteção do ser humano por declarações de direito internas e internacionais e por constituições especificamente pela constituição Brasileira de 1988 - conformaram o ponto de partida desta pesquisa. Estabeleceu-se, inicialmente, um problema teórico que buscava sistematizar no direito internacional privado o impacto da suposta revolução teórica vivenciada pelo direito nos últimos séculos entendendo-se que a doutrina conflitual brasileira não havia desenvolvido parâmetros claros aos contornos da proteção do homem em sua esfera. Cumpridos os requisitos metodológicos relacionados à apresentação de hipótese a problema específico, o aprofundamento das pesquisas mostrou-se surpreendente: a hipótese mostrava-se inconsistente. Adotou-se, assim, o prisma de sua negação. Percebeu-se que, de fato, o ser humano se encontra hoje no centro do direito, mas que no direito internacional privado a novidade anunciada não se mostrava recente e que o deslumbramento com a dignidade humana falseava na técnica conflitual sua razão de ser originária. O trabalho foi realizado levando-se em conta o método dedutivo-indutivo de pesquisa a partir da utilização das doutrinas do direito internacional privado, do discurso da proteção do homem e das teorias constitucionais como instrumento de verificação da hipótese proposta ao problema inicialmente apresentado. A inovação do estudo realizado não se encontra, assim, necessariamente em seu conteúdo, mas na sistematização teórica da relação existente entre a doutrina da proteção do indivíduo, incorporada definitivamente ao direito constitucional brasileiro atual, e o direito internacional privado. Buscou-se demonstrar que o impacto da proteção do homem na disciplina deve ser entendido como um diálogo e que a técnica conflitual não seria meramente induzida pelos direitos humanos fundamentais, mas também indutora de seu reconhecimento e consagração. O trabalho foi dividido em três partes distintas, mas interdependentes. Na primeira delas, apresentaram-se as bases teóricas da pesquisa. Foram organizadas, nesse ponto, as premissas consideradas essenciais ao avanço da investigação. A segunda seção adota a classificação predominante na doutrina brasileira para o objeto do direito internacional privado para sistematizar a análise do tema em seu viés prático. Na terceira seção, demonstra-se de que forma os resultados parciais obtidos acabaram por negar paulatinamente a hipótese inicial fixada. Observou-se que, caso se admitisse que o discurso dos direitos humanos se estabeleceu como axioma informador do direito como um todo há poucas centenas de anos e que a ordem jurídica brasileira apenas protegeu o indivíduo a partir de 1988, o direito internacional privado deveria ser entendido como predecessor, como técnica que antecipou toda essa dinâmica. Mais que isso, concluiu-se que o sobredireito internacional tem sua origem e finalidade maior na proteção dos seres humanos e que não foi apenas induzido pelo discurso da defesa do homem. Conclui-se, por fim, que tratar a proteção do ser humano pelo direito internacional privado como dado contemporâneo ou moderno constituiria, de todo o investigado, grave equívoco que desconsideraria as origens, os fundamentos e as funções da técnica conflitual. / The academic consensus on the protection of human beingsby -domestic and international- declarations of rightsand stateconstitutions-specificallythe1988 Brazilian Constitution as a recent achievement of law settled the starting pointof this research. A problem which aimedto understand the impactof the aforementioned supposed theoretical revolution related to human rights in recentcenturiesininternational private law was initially established perceiving thatthe Brazilian doctrine had not developedclear parameters for theprotectionof men on the conflict of laws. Fulfilling the methodological requirementsrelatedto the formulation of a hypothesis to a specific problem, the development of the researchdisclosed a surprising result:the hypothesis seemed absolutely inconsistent. The perspective of denying was than adopted. Thehuman being is today, in fact, the center of law. In private international law, however, the announced innovation of that centrality showsthat thisfascination withhuman dignitydistortedthe original reasons which oriented the technique of conflicts. Based on those circumstances, the research was carried out using theinductive-deductive method applying private international law production, the discourse ofprotectionof human beings and constitutional theoriesas a tool to verify thehypothesis proposedto the problemoriginally established. The innovation of thisstudyis not, therefore,necessarily drawn from its content, but from thetheoretical systematizationof the relationship betweenthe doctrine ofprotectionof the individual, definitely embodied by thecurrentBrazilian constitutional andprivate international law. It was intended to demonstrate thatthe impact of the human being discourse in private international lawshouldbe understoodas adialogue andthat the technique is not merelyinducedbyhuman rights-fundamental, but alsoinducetheir recognition.The research wasdivided intothree distinctbut interdependent parts. In the first one, the theoretical underpinningsof private international law are presented. At this point, the theoretical premisesconsidered essentialto the advancementof the results imagined are studied. The second sectionadopts thepredominant classification used by theBrazilian doctrinefor the objectof private international law to build a systematicanalysisof the subjectin itspracticalbias. In the third section, it is shown how thepartial results obtainedgraduallyended updenyingthe initial hypothesisset. It was observedthat ifit were accepted thatthehuman rights discoursehas established itself as an obligatory axiomof law justa few hundredyears ago and that theBrazilian legal systemonlyprotected theindividual from1988 onwards, private international lawshould beunderstood as a precursor,as a system of law that anticipatedthis wholedynamic. It was concluded, in fact,that private international lawhas its originand purpose direct related to the protection of human beingsandthat the system was notonlyinducedby the human rights discourse. It is finally concluded thatthe protectionof human beingsbyprivate international lawas a contemporary or modern achievement denotes a seriousmisconception thatdisregardsthe origins, the foundationsand functions of the discipline.

O dever de minimizar as próprias perdas no contrato de trabalho : a aplicação do duty to mitigate the loss pela justiça do trabalho

Assur, João Pedro January 2018 (has links)
Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida com o objetivo de compreender o instituto denominado duty to mitigate the loss, desenvolvido no direito inglês e positivado no direito internacional privado pela Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre a Compra e Venda Internacional de Mercadorias (Convenção de Viena de 1980) e, posteriormente, incorporado ao ordenamento jurídico interno pelo Decreto Presidencial nº 8.327, de 16 de outubro de 2014, em razão da adesão do Estado brasileiro à referida convenção das Nações Unidas. Ao mesmo tempo, o presente estudo dirige-se à análise da compatibilidade desse instituto estrangeiro com o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, em especial com o direito do trabalho, o que se faz a partir da análise das decisões proferidas no âmbito da Justiça do Trabalho brasileira pelos Tribunais Regionais que compõem a jurisdição trabalhista de primeira instância e as decisões finais dadas pelo Tribunal Superior do Trabalho. / This research was developed in order to understand the institute called "duty to mitigate the loss", developed in English law and established in private international law by the United Nations Convention on the International Sale and Purchase of Goods (1980 Vienna Convention) And subsequently incorporated into the domestic legal system by Presidential Decree no. 8,327 of October 16, 2014, due to the adhesion of the Brazilian State to said United Nations convention. At the same time and mainly, the present study is directed to the analysis of the compatibility of this foreign institute with the Brazilian legal system and, in particular, its application in national labor law, which was done from its application in the field of labor justice by the regional courts that make up the labor jurisdiction of first instance, and the final word speak about by Superior Labor Court of Brazil.

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