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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Direktupphandling i offentlig sektor : En fallstudie hos Sveriges regioner för att effektivisera inköpsprocessen

Toth, Robin, Knapp, Joacim January 2019 (has links)
The year of 2016, healthcare accounted for almost 10.9% of Sweden’s total GDP, which corresponds to almost 478 billion SEK. A significant part of an organization's expenditure is linked to procurement, but in the context of procurement in public sector there is not enough research done, and the studies that have been done indicates that there are opportunities for improvement. This study has focused on direct procurement, and the purpose is, therefore, to increase understanding of direct procurement in Swedish healthcare and to formulate recommendations that streamline the process of direct procurement.   This work was a multicase study, interviews were conducted with four employees in three different regions who worked with procurement linked to healthcare, in addition to these interviews, requests for other material relevant to direct procurement were sent out to several other regions. The findings were analyzed and discussed with the help of a literature review.   It was discovered early in the work during the interviews that resources were not prioritized for direct procurement. Direct procurement is always carried out if it is allowed, and it is permitted if the value of the procurement does not exceed SEK 586 907 if there are no special reasons. These amounts are governed by the Public Procurement Act (LOU), and in addition to this limits there are many other parts in LOU that the public sector must relate to - and the laws and regulations set are the main reasons why the purchasing process in the public sector is more complicated than in the private sector.   A successful purchasing function is characterized by, among other things, team-based structure and good cooperation between the different parts of the organization. One part of the study's contribution is that digitization should be seen as a performance area and success factor in public procurement. The public sector has a socio-economic responsibility, but because of LOU, it is not easy to stimulate local economic growth, as an example. In this study, several recommendations have been proposed, for instance, to become more cost-effective, and to how the problem of socio-economic responsibility may be circumvented without risking committing violations of the public procurement laws. One recommendation is digitalization of the process to increase efficiency in several performance areas. Another recommendation is to work closer to the suppliers and the customers to, as an example, encourage innovation and sustainability.

Progress on the Economic Empowerment of Female Entrepreneurs in Kenya's 30% Preferential Public Procurement Policy

Mohammed, Rukaya 01 January 2019 (has links)
In Kenya, a 2013 presidential directive reserved 30% of government procurement opportunities for enterprises owned by women, youth, and persons with disabilities to promote economic empowerment; however, as of 2016, female entrepreneurs continued to be outpaced by their male counterparts. The lack of policy evaluation from the female entrepreneur perspective limits the ability to assess progress and identify obstacles. Through purposeful sampling and semistructured interviews, this qualitative phenomenological study obtained the perceptions of the implementation and impact of Access to Government Procurement Opportunities (AGPO) on economic empowerment from the perspective of 20 female entrepreneurs in Kenya previously awarded procurement contracts. Responses were coded and analyzed thematically using Moustakas's modified van Kaam method in the context of the policy feedback theory and empowerment. Five themes emerged from the female entrepreneurs' experiences: (a) enhanced economic empowerment; (b)improved potential to earn new government contracts motivated enrollment in the AGPO; (c) access to business development services enhanced competitiveness to obtain government tenders; (d) negative financial impact due to government-delayed payments for goods and services; and (e) success impeded by procurement officers' incompetence, corruption and harassment. Social change may be promoted through the economic empowerment of women being maximized with stronger implementation and regulation of this affirmative policy primarily through a streamlined application process, prompt payments for services rendered, flexible funding, and regulated competent and ethical procurement practices.

我國共同供應契約採購制度之研究-以中央信託局辦理之共同供應契約為對象 / A Study on the Procurement System "Inter-entity Supply Contract" of the Republic of China--Limited to the Contracts Conducted by Central Trust of China

閻建民 Unknown Date (has links)
自從民國八十八年政府採購法實施之後,依照該法第九十三條規定:「各機關得就具有共通需求特性之財物或勞務,與廠商簽訂共同供應契約。」我國政府部門於焉開始推行共同供應契約此一採購制度。依據經濟學的相關理論與採購實務的經驗,該採購制度具有集中各政府機關共通需求的特性,可以擴大採購的規模,俾以量制價,降低政府的採購成本;此外,該採購制度也具有減少政府重複辦理相同標的之採購作業的功能,可以節省人力,降低行政成本。   本研究係利用文獻探討、專家訪談與問卷調查諸研究方法,針對我國共同供應契約採購制度實施以後的情況(例如共同供應契約產品的供應價格是否低廉等)做一調查與研究,藉以驗證此一採購制度確實具有降低採購成本與行政成本的功能,可以減少政府財政支出;此外,本研究亦針對此一採購制度自實施以後所產生的問題進行探討並提出建議,冀做為主管機關修改政策與執行機關實際作業之參考。 / Since the Government Procurement Law (abbreviated as “GPL” hereinafter) entered into effect in 1999, the Republic of China endeavors herself to implement a procurement system named “Inter-entity Supply Contract” (referred to as “the system” hereinafter) in accordance with the Article 93 of GPL. Based on relevant theories of the Economics and experience of procurement practice, the system should provide an advantage in reducing the government procurement cost by collecting the amount of common needs of different entities and in reducing the government administration cost by avoiding procuring same objectives repeatedly.   By means of reviewing literature, interviewing experts and questionnaire, this thesis aims at evaluating the actual performance of the system, such as whether the prices of the supplies are advantageous, and verifying that the system indeed has a effect in reducing government procurement and administration costs. Furthermore, this thesis also explores the problems emerged due to the implementation of the system and offers some practical solutions in eliminating these problems. The suggested solutions are in a hope to be referred to by the GPL Responsible Entity during amending policies and by the conducting entities during operation.

Arbetsrättsliga krav vid offentlig upphandling

Tingström, Lina January 2013 (has links)
Offentlig upphandling är inte endast ett sätt att tillförskaffa sig varor, utan kan också användas som ett samhällspolitiskt instrument för att verka för sociala mål som ställts upp. Hur de varor och tjänster som upphandlas produceras inverkar på de arbetsrättsliga och sociala förhållandena i leverantörskedjan, och genom att ställa sociala krav vid en offentlig upphandling kan den upphandlande myndigheten förstärka förtroendet hos invånarna. Trots en omfattande EU-rättslig reglering på området är det idag dock osäkert vilka möjligheter den upphandlande myndigheten ges att ställa arbetsrättsliga krav på leverantören av upphandlingsföremålet. Syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda i vilken omfattning en upphandlande myndighet kan ställa arbetsrättsliga krav vid en offentlig upphandling, samt utreda om förslaget till nytt klassiskt upphandlingsdirektiv kommer innebära några förändringar för den upphandlande myndigheten vad gäller möjligheten att ställa arbetsrättsliga krav.  Av uppsatsen framkommer att det inte finns någon klar gräns vilka arbetsrättsliga krav den upphandlande myndigheten får ställa på leverantören vid en offentlig upphandling. Den största möjligheten att ställa ett arbetsrättsligt krav torde föreligga om kravet ställs såsom ett tilldelningskriterium, då EU-domstolen har klargjort att sociala krav får ställas för att tillgodose behov hos personer samt att ett tilldelningskriterium inte behöver vara kopplat till upphandlingsföremålet, utan det kan vara kopplat till hur en vara eller tjänst produceras. Förändringarna i förslaget till nytt klassiskt upphandlingsdirektiv innebär inte att möjligheterna att ställa arbetsrättsliga krav vid en offentlig upphandling ökar, dock ges den upphandlande myndigheten genom förslaget mer stöd i valet av vilka arbetsrättsliga krav som är tillåtna att ställa. / Public procurement is not only a method to acquire goods, but can also be used as a sociopolitical device to gain social visions. The method that supplied goods and services are produced by affect the labor and social conditions in the supply chain. By acquiring social conditions in a public procurement the procuring authority may strengthen the reliance of the citizens. Despite a comprehensive EU legislation in the area, it is uncertain which labor requirements the procuring authority may impose the supplier. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate to what extent a procuring authority may impose labor requirements in a public procurement, and to investigate if the proposal to a new procurement directive will result in an opportunity to impose labor requirements on the supplier. This thesis has concluded that it is not clear what labor requirements the procuring authority may demand the supplier of a public procurement. The biggest opportunity to demand a labor requirement to a supplier is by using award criteria. The Court of Justice of the European Union have clarified that social requirements may be used to meet needs of individuals and that award criteria do not need to be connected to the object of the procurement, but can be connected to the production of the goods or services of the contract. The thesis has also shown that the changes in the proposal to a new procurement directive do not increase the possibilities to require labor requirements in a public procurement. However, it does give the procuring authority further support in the choice of which labor requirements it may require.

ES žaliųjų pirkimų politikos įgyvendinimas Lietuvoje / Implementation of EU green procurement policy in Lithuania

Rudžionytė, Veronika 26 June 2008 (has links)
Žalieji pirkimai – tai tokie pirkimai, kurie integruoja aplinkosauginius reikalavimus į viešojo pirkimo sąlygas, siekdami sumažinti neigiamą poveikį aplinkai. Žalieji pirkimai yra nauja sfera viešojo administravimo studijose. Nors koncepcija teoriškai yra pagrįsta ir analizuota, tačiau praktiniai jos įgyvendinimo aspektai literatūroje nėra plačiai analizuoti, kadangi Lietuvoje žaliųjų pirkimų tiesioginis reglamentavimas pradėtas 2007 m. antroje pusėje. Darbo tikslas yra išanalizuoti žaliųjų pirkimų politikos įgyvendinimą teisinio reglamentavimo, instituciniu, finansiniu aspektu, išskiriant įgyvendinimą įtvirtinančius instrumentus. Darbas sudarytas iš penkių dalių, kurios pagal analizės objektą suskirstytos į smulkesnius skyrelius. Pirmajame skyriuje aptariamas viešosios politikos ciklas, kurio vienas iš etapų yra įgyvendinimas, aprašomi galimi įgyvendinimo mechanizmai ir instrumentai, kuriais remiasi žaliųjų pirkimų politikos įgyvendinimas. Antrajame skyriuje analizuojama ES reguliacinė politika, kurią pasitelkiama įgyvendinant žaliuosius pirkimus, bei Komisijos vaidmuo įgyvendinimo etape; teisinė bazė – ES direktyvos, jų perkėlimas į LR įstatymus, svarbiausios ES ir Lietuvos strategijos, programos, skirtos žaliųjų pirkimų įgyvendinimui. Trečiajame skyriuje nagrinėjamos Lietuvos institucijos, dalyvaujančios įgyvendinimo procese ir nevyriausybinių organizacijų veikla. Kadangi žaliųjų pirkimų įgyvendinimas yra lėšų reikalaujanti sritis, apžvelgiami įgyvendinimo finansiniai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Green procurement is a way of public procurement, which integrates environmental considerations in public procurement process, seeking to reduce negative influence on environment. The relevancy of this paper is determined by novelty of green procurement policy in public administration studies. Even the concept is theoretically grounded but practical aspects of implementation are not strongly analysed, because reglamentation in Lithuania was started in second part of 2007. The subject of this paper focuses on analysis of green procurement policy reglamentation, institutional, financial aspects, and exclusion instruments of implementation. The paper is composed of the five main parts which are divided into smaller sections depending on the analyzing subject. The system of public policy cycle, which includes implementation stage and instruments of implementation, which are used in green procurement policy are analysed in the first part. EU regulation policy and Commission role in implementation of green procurements are analysed in the second part. This part of paper reveals policy reglamentation in EU directives and transfer of it to Lithuanian legislation. The most important are EU and Lithuanians strategies, programs, which implement green procurements. Lithuanian institutions and NGO are analysed in the third part of paper. This part focuses on financial instruments, because green procuremement is financal resources required policy... [to full text]

Viešųjų pirkimų vykdymas elektroninėmis priemonėmis / Performance of public procurement by electronic means

Jakimavičius, Dangiras 26 June 2013 (has links)
Sumažintos viešųjų pirkimų išlaidos, konkurencijos tarp tiekėjų padidėjimas, pagreitinti viešųjų pirkimų procesai, skatinimas naudoti įvairesnius pirkimų būdus, perkančiųjų organizacijų žmogiškųjų išteklių optimizavimas, pagerintos viešųjų pirkimų apskaitos ir kontrolės galimybės ir padidintas viešųjų pirkimų skaidrumas – tai pagrindiniai siekiniai, kuriuos užsibrėžė teisėkūros institucijos, inicijavusios viešųjų pirkimų perkėlimą į elektroninę erdvę. Tačiau ar iš tiesų teisėkūros organų siekiamybės atitinka realius rezultatus? Itin retai suteikiama galimybė tiesiogiai su viešaisiais pirkimais dirbantiems specialistams - praktikams pareikšti išankstines pastabas ar pasiūlymus, tokiu būdu užkertant kelią nenumatytų praktinių probleminių situacijų atsiradimui. Atsižvelgiant į tai ir buvo suformuluotas šio darbo tikslas - išanalizuoti viešųjų pirkimų vykdymo elektroninėmis priemonėmis teisinį ir praktinį reglamentavimą bei nustatyti, ar problemas, su kuriomis susiduria viešųjų pirkimų specialistai – praktikai, organizuodami viešuosius pirkimus elektroninėmis priemonėmis, galima išspręsti tik tikslinant (tobulinant) teisinį ir praktinį reglamentavimą. Darbe išanalizuotas esamas viešųjų pirkimų vykdymo elektroninėmis priemonėmis teisinis ir praktinis reglamentavimas, išskirti keturi elektroninių viešųjų pirkimų vykdymo etapai bei tyrimo metu, panaudojus interviu metodą ir apklausus viešųjų pirkimų srityje dirbančius praktikus, identifikuoti teisinio bei praktinio reglamentavimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Reduced public procurement costs, increased competition among suppliers, quicker processes of the procurement, promotion of the use of diverse methods of public procurement, optimization of human resources, improved public procurement accounting and control options and increased transparency in public procurement – these are the main objectives set out by the legislative institutions, initiating public procurement transference into the electronic space. But are these strivings of the legislative institutions meets the actual results? Very rarely opportunities to make preliminary comments or suggestions are given to specialists – practitioners working directly with public procurement, thus preventing unintended practical problem situations from occurring. Taking this into consideration was formulated the goal of this paper work – to analyze legal an practical regulation of the performance of public procurement by electronic means and to determine whether the problems faced by public procurement professionals – practitioners, organizing public procurement procedures by electronic means, can be solved only by revising (improving) the legal and practical regulation. Paper work analyze the existing legal and practical regulation of public procurement performance by electronic means, identifies four phases of public procurement performed by electronic means, and by interviewing public procurement practitioners using interview method identifies problematic factors of the legal and... [to full text]

Three essays on the economics of information technology innovation

Qu, Zhe 24 June 2008 (has links)
There are three essays on the economics of information technology innovation in my dissertation: 1. Procurement contracting strategies in a hierarchical supply network; 2. R and D offshoring and technology learning in emerging economies firm level evidence from the information technology industry; 3. Software design strategies in markets with open source competitors. The first essay addresses the impact of an information technology enabled hierarchical supply structure on a firm s procurement strategies. The second essay investigates information technology hardware innovation. I examine R and D offshoring of information technology hardware firms and its impact on R and D effort of firms in host countries. The third essay focuses on software innovation. I investigate open source software and its impact on the design of proprietary software in terms of number of features bundled in the software.

Petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) et marchés publics / Small and medium enterprises (SME) and public procurement

Verger, Morgane 02 December 2014 (has links)
Le plan de relance économique de la fin 2008 en France pose à nouveau la question de savoir quel est l’objet des marchés publics. D’instruments au service de l’Administration, ils sont devenus des outils des politiques publiques, des leviers économiques. Et c’est cette dernière fonction, agrégée à la volonté de soutenir la croissance et le potentiel économique des petites et moyennes entreprises (PME), modèle entrepreneurial de référence car le plus représenté, qui relance le débat récurrent entre facilitation et favoritisme envers les PME dans leur accès aux marchés publics. Pourtant, le favoritisme, tel que mis en œuvre par le Small Business Act américain de 1953, est sanctionné par l’application des principes européens de la commande publique : liberté d’accès aux marchés publics, égalité de traitement des candidatures et transparence des procédures. Les réformes successives du Code des marchés publics n’ont eu de cesse d’intégrer des dispositifs en faveur des PME : certains ont été annulés, comme la mise en place de politiques de quotas dans certaines procédures ou l’augmentation des seuils de publicité obligatoire ; d’autres ont été maintenus, c’est le cas de l’allotissement ou de la création du marché public simplifié. La facilitation devient donc synonyme d’allégement des procédures, de simplification de la réglementation, et profite à tous les opérateurs économiques, sans distinction de taille. Pourquoi alors axer le débat sur le bénéfice retiré par l’ensemble des PME, parallèlement à la mise en place d’un régime discriminant en faveur des seules PME innovantes. La rupture n’existe donc peut-être plus seulement entre les PME et les grandes entreprises, mais entre les PME elles-mêmes dans leur accès aux marchés publics. / The economic stimulus package in late 2008 in France raises again the question of what the purpose of public procurement is. As instruments for the Administration, they have become the tools of public policy, economic levers. And their last function, in association with the support of the growth and economic potential of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), business model of reference, because the most represented, restarts the ongoing debate between facilitating and favoritism to the SME for their access to public procurement. Yet, the favoritism, as implemented by the american Small Business Act of 1953, culminating in the implementation of the European principles of public procurement: open access to public procurement, equal treatment of candidates and transparent procedures. Successive reforms of the Procurement Code have not ceased to integrate devices for SMEs: some have been canceled, as the introduction of quota policies in certain procedures or increased levels of mandatory disclosure ; others were held, in the case of the allotment or creation of simplified regulation. Facilitation becomes synonymous of relief procedures, regulatory simplification, and benefits all traders, regardless of size. Why, then, focus the debate on the profit made by all SMEs, alongside the introduction of a discriminant scheme only for innovative SMEs. The break may be not only between SMEs and large companies, but between the SMEs themselves in their access to public markets.

The False «Reform» of the Regulations on Public Procurement: Intuitions, Uncertainty and Vagueness / La Falsa «Reforma» de la Normativa de Contrataciones del Estado: Intuiciones, Incertidumbre y Vaguedades

Effio Ordoñez, Augusto 10 April 2018 (has links)
In the present article, the author shows his critical position about the reform of the regulatory framework on public procurement matter.Parting from some relevant aspects of the law, he explains the reason why he considers that this reform seems to lack of motivation and an adequate consideration of the actual status of public procurement in our country, calling into question the fact that we are facing a real reform. / A través del presente artículo, el autor esboza una opinión crítica respecto a la reforma del marco normativo en materia de contrataciones del Estado.Tomando en cuenta algunos aspectos relevantes de la norma, nos explica por qué considera que esta reforma parece carecer de una motivación y una adecuada apreciación del estado de la cuestión de la actual situación de la contratación pública en nuestro país, cuestionado así que se trate de una verdadera reforma.

The Arbitration in Public Procurement: (Dis)trust and Aporia. Brief Comments to the oncoming regulation of the new Public Procurement Law / El Arbitraje en Contratación Pública: (Des)confianza y Aporía. Breves Comentarios al Proyecto de Reglamento de la Nueva Ley de Contrataciones del Estado

Kundmüller Caminiti, Franz 10 April 2018 (has links)
This article doesn’t pretend to be an exhaustive analysis about the proposals contended in the oncoming regulation of the new Public Procurement Peruvian Law.It begins with a reflection about the importance on trust, and it continues by analyzing inherent issues to the principles that characterize arbitration, and that, in a near future, should be used to ‘arbitralize’ arbitration on public procurement matter. / Este artículo no pretende un análisis exhaustivo sobre las propuestas contenidas en el futuro Reglamento de la Nueva Ley de Contrataciones del Estado.Comienza con una reflexión sobre la importancia de la confianza y prosigue con el análisisde diversos aspectos inherentes a los principios que caracterizan al arbitraje y que; en unfuturo cercano, deberían servir para «arbitrabilizar» el arbitraje en materia de contratación pública.

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