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Varning - Klämrisk! : Lärares autonomi som ett multidimensionellt fenomenRyman, Johan, Söderström, Karin January 2016 (has links)
Den här studien ämnar undersöka hur lärare uppfattar sin autonomi inom olika områden av deras yrke och fungerar som en förstudie till ett forskningsprojekt. Begreppet autonomi är mångfacetterat, men kontroll över yrket och inflytande över beslutsprocesser utgör en stor del av det. Uppsatsen fokuserar på lärare i grundskolan och gymnasiet. Tre forskningsfrågor formulerades för att fånga in begreppet autonomi. Dessa är: Hur uppfattar lärare sin professionella autonomi?, Hur skiljer sig lärares uppfattningar angående olika dimensioner av autonomi (olika nivåer och olika områden i yrkeslivet)? samt Hur väl korrelerar olika delar av lärares uppfattade autonomi med varandra?. Studiens empiri samlades in genom kvantitativ metod i form av en webbenkät vilken 93 personer svarade på. Merparten av lärarna svarade på enkäten via facebookgrupper även om flera olika kanaler användes för att nå ut till möjliga respondenter. Det teoretiska ramverket består i Frostensons tre nivåer av autonomi, LaCoes sex komponenter gällande lärares yrkesautonomi och Ballous individuella autonomi vilka tillsammans skapar en multidimensionell konstruktion. Tidigare forskning behandlar hur de senaste decenniernas skolreformer i Sverige omformat lärarprofessionen men består också i utländsk forskning gällande lärare och deras autonomi. Uppsatsens resultat visar att lärare uppfattar sin autonomi som både stor och liten beroende på vilket område av autonomi som åsyftas. Respondenterna anser sig ha litet inflytande gällande ekonomiska beslut vilka även visar sig vara de beslut de uppfattar är viktigast i skolans verksamhet. Vidare uppfattar lärarna som svarade på enkäten sin autonomi som hög vad gäller sådant som rör deras klassrumsmiljö och undervisning. / This study serves as a pilot study for a research project and aims to investigate how teachers perceive their autonomy in different domains of their profession. Autonomy as a concept is multifaceted but control over the profession and influence in decision-making processes constitute a great part of it. The study focuses on primary, secondary and high school teachers. Three research questions were formed to capture the term autonomy. These are: How do teachers perceive their professional autonomy?, How do teachers perceptions differ in the various dimensions of autonomy (different levels and domains of the worklife)? and How well do various domains of teachers perceived autonomy correlate?. The data of the study was collected by quantitative method via a web-based questionnaire which was answered by 93 persons. The main part of the teachers answered the questionnaire through facebook groups despite having used several other different channels to reach out to possible respondents. The theoretical framework consists of Frostenson’s three different levels of autonomy, LaCoe’s six components of teacher autonomy and Ballou’s themes within individual autonomy which together create a multidimensional construction. Previous research discusses how school reforms of the recent decades in Sweden have reshaped the teaching profession but it also consists of foreign research of teachers and their autonomy. The results of the study indicates that teachers perceive their degree of autonomy as both high and low depending on what domain referred to. The respondents consider themselves having a small influence regarding economical decisions which also is considered the most important decisions in school’s activities. Furthermore the teachers who responded perceive their degree of autonomy as high regarding the classroom environment and teaching.
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Två svenska forsknings- och utvecklingscontrollers : En studie om arbetsuppgifter och professionKörösi Rejman, David, Gravåhs, Maria January 2008 (has links)
<p>I vår studie har vi undersökt om svenska controllers utför arbetsuppgifter som är att betrakta som controlleruppgifter. Vi har även undersökt om yrket påminner om en profession eller om den är på väg mot att bli en sådan.</p><p>Studien är baserad på personliga intervjuer med två controllers verksamma på forsknings- och utvecklingsavdelningen i sina respektive företag samt med forsknings- och utvecklingschefen i det ena företaget.</p><p>Resultaten av studien visar att de controllers som studerats utför arbetsuppgifter som är att betrakta som controlleruppgifter men att det dessutom för en av dem förekom arbetsuppgifter vilka ligger utanför det som vår studerade teori betecknar som controlleruppgifter. Det föreligger tecken på att yrket har vissa likheter med en profession men att den har en lång väg att vandra innan denna status kan uppnås.</p>
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Determinants of Individual and Organizational Health in Human Service ProfessionsHansson, Ann-Sophie January 2008 (has links)
<p>The psychosocial work environment in human service organizations is in many respects rewarding from the aspect of human interaction. However, it has also been described in several research reports as demanding and stressful both physically and mentally, resulting in a negative impact on employee health and a high degree of sickness absence. From a public health perspective it is important to focus on determinants of health in occupational groups that are characterized by caring and human relations. This thesis aims at identifying determinants of individual and organizational health in human service professions from a multifactorial perspective.</p><p>Based on both cross-sectional and longitudinal data, four studies of various aspects of psychosocial work exposures are carried out. Study I, an explorative and qualitative study, examines determinants of the psychosocial work environment in the Church of Sweden. Study II consists of a retrospective, randomized study assessing effects of goal clarity work on organizational well-being in the Church. Study III examines exposures resulting in stress-related sick leave among elderly care employees. Study IV is a longitudinal study that assesses effects of organizational change on health and sickness absence among elderly care employees. </p><p>The results show some positive experiences, despite overall demanding work conditions within both of the studied professions. In the Church (Paper I), experiences of freedom and influence at work and the Christian values tend be factors with modifying effect on health. Four patterns are identified for negative health impact; these include unclear organization, a sense of being different, stressful work and destructive communication style. Effects of goal clarity work (Paper II) indicate an overall positive impact on organizational well-being. In elderly care (Paper III), the results suggest, in general, a positive work climate and high effectiveness. Work related exhaustion was significantly higher among employees with stress related sickness absence. Factors of risk for being absent due to stress are approximately three times higher among employees dissatisfied with both their work and their social situations. Finally, measuring effects of organizational change (Paper IV), the results reveal evidence of unchanged self-rated health (SRH), work satisfaction and work exhaustion after reorganization. However, sickness absence increased across time and there is an indication of impaired levels of the anabolic hormone DHEA-S among those individuals affected by the reorganization. </p><p>The results point to a challenge for further research on the interplay between perceived stressors, resources available, biological stress markers and health in order to find adequate measures for improvements in psychosocial work environment in human service professions.</p>
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Analyzing Knowledge Management Job MarketSarajlic-Basic, Elvedina January 2010 (has links)
<p>Nowadays companies have changed the way they do the business and have realized that they must explicitly manage their intellectual resources and capabilities in order to remain competitive. The consequence is a rise in demand for knowledge management professionals. Since knowledge management is an emerging discipline, presently there is no widely accepted competency framework for knowledge management professions available.</p><p>A quantitative content analysis was performed using 89 job advertisements from United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Ireland in order to identify competencies of knowledge management profession. The results of the study show that most of the job advertisements asked for skills in Knowledge Management Technologies which are important for knowledge management professionals to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of knowledge management processes. The study shows also that knowledge management is more than creation, capturing, sharing and using of knowledge. Moreover it proves that knowledge management does not have a set of clear job titles and that it does not provide clearly bounded set of activities and tasks. Generally much misunderstanding exists about who and what knowledge management professionals are and what kind of skills they have to possess.</p>
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Vikten av bekräftelse och erkännande : En studie om hur skolkuratorer i grundskolan uppfattar och skapar sin yrkesroll utifrån ett professionsperspektivPenttinen, Niklas January 2016 (has links)
Såväl internationell som svensk forskning har visat att skolkuratorer i grundskolan upplever svårigheter med att förstå sitt uppdrag samt att definiera sin yrkesroll. Syftet med denna uppsats var att få fördjupade kunskaper om hur skolkuratorer i grundskolan uppfattar och skapar sin yrkesroll utifrån ett professionsperspektiv. Fokus i studien ligger utöver de professionellas upplevelser av autonomi, på hur skolkuratorer upplever det hälsofrämjande på skolorna, hur förväntningar och samverkan med andra professioner bidrar till förståelsen av yrkesrollen samt vilken kunskap de använder sig av i sitt arbete. Studien utgår ifrån ett kvalitativt forskningsperspektiv där fokus legat på att förstå de professionellas upplevelser. För att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar genomfördes sammanlagt sex semi-strukturerade intervjuer med skolkuratorer verksamma inom grundskola. Intervjuerna har analyserats med hjälp av innehållsanalys och meningskoncentrering. Resultatet från analysen tolkades sedan med hjälp av såväl professionsteoretiska begrepp som rollteoretiska. Studiens resultat visar att skolkuratorernas förståelse och definition av sin yrkesroll påverkas av samverkan med andra professioner, egna och omgivningens förväntningar, vilka arbetsuppgifter de har samt vilken kunskap de använder sig av. Resultatet visar även på att skolkuratorerna upplever sig själva som det sociala arbetets ensamma företrädare på skolans arena.
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Revisionspaketets inverkan på revisorns förtroende : ur allmänhetens perspektivJohansson, Josefin January 2017 (has links)
Det globala finansiella systemet har under de senaste åren genomgått flera kriser. Dessa kriser har haft en stark inverkan på stater, företag och medborgare. Bristfällig revision har förklarats vara en av de bidragande orsaker till dessa kriser. För att komma tillrätta med de negativa effekter som en bristfällig revision kan åstadkomma i samhället har det utarbetats nya regler för revisorer och revision. Syftet med de nya reglerna är att stärka förtroendet hos allmänheten för fenomenet revision och revisorns profession. På grund av förtroendeskador vill lagstiftaren återge revisionen den kvalitetsstämpel som den tidigare haft samt stärka oberoendet på olika sätt. Det av EU framtagna revisionspaketet, innehållande nya regler för revision, implementerades år 2016 i det svenska normsystemet. Syftet med denna uppsats är att utifrån allmänhetens perspektiv förstå hur revisionspaketets implementering i svensk lagstiftning kommer att påverka det förtroende som allmänheten har för revisorn och revisionen av företag i allmänhetens intresse. Utgångspunkten kommer tas i tre av de förändringar som de nya reglerna innebär för revisionsprocessen. Det första är revisorns oberoende granskning, det andra är revisionsberättelsens innehåll och det tredje är rådgivningsförbudet. Genom en rättsdogmatisk metod kommer reglerna att diskuteras utifrån samhällsvetenskapliga teorier som förtroendeteorin. I resultatet av diskussionen visar sig bland annat att det behöver förmedlas mer information om professionens betydelse och förutsättningar för att överbrygga det förväntansgap som uppstått mellan allmänheten och revisorerna själva. / The global financial system has in recent years undergone several crises. These crises have had a strong impact on the commonwealth. The audit has been declared one of the contributing causes of these crises. In order to overcome the negative effects in society caused by a deficient audit, new rules have been developed for auditors and audit. The purpose of the new rules is to strengthen the public trust in the phenomenon of auditing and auditor profession. Because of these injuries the legislature would reproduce the seal of approval for quality that audit previously had and strengthen the independence in different ways. The EU developed “The audit package”, containing new rules for auditing, which was implemented in 2016 in the Swedish normsystem. The aim of this paper is based on the public's perspective to understand how implementation of the “audit package” into Swedish legislation will affect the trust that the public has for the auditor and the audit of companies in the public interest. The starting point will be taken in three of the changes in the new rules for the audit process. The first is the auditor's independent review, the second is the audit report content and the third is the counseling ban. Through a legal dogmatic approach, the rules will be discussed on the basis of social science theories such as trust theory. The result of the discussion shows among other things that there is a need of more information to be shared about the profession's importance and potential for bridging the divergence of expectations between the public and the audits themselves.
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The Danger of Field Welding : Esab ExoRosenlind, Rebecka January 2016 (has links)
Welding is today seen as one of the most dangerous professions on earth, mostly because of the toxic fumes. These fumes can lead to a variety of diseases and in worst case death. Now imagine this problem when you are working at different places every day and you can not always bring the equipment needed to protect your health since they are either too big or does not have enough capacity. This is a problem which welders that work at temporary workplaces have to face every day. With this project I have looked into this problem and come up with a product that makes the temporary workplaces safer and at the same time keeps an efficient workflow.
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Professionalitet- att våga förändra, förbättra och bli tydligare : Studie- och yrkesvägledaryrkets proffesionaliseringsprocess ur ett kritiskt diskursanalytiskt perspektivLehninger, Jeannette January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Academic Advising Professional Characteristics and Standards: Do Academic Advisors Follow Recognized Professional Standards in Their Work?Shelton, Kiesha R. 05 1900 (has links)
There were two main purposes of this quantitative study. The first purpose was to identify characteristics associated with the selected sample of academic advisors that comprise study. Secondly, the study sought to determine how well work related activities of a selected population of academic advisors correlate with professional characteristics constructs and professional standards constructs of academic advising as a profession. The study used Habley’s (1986) characteristics of a profession to derive the studies professional characteristic construct, education activities, research activities, and professional development activities as it relates to a selected group of academic advisors work related activities. The studies professional standards construct was derived from five Council for the Advancement of Standards (CAS) professional standards for academic as it relates to a selected group of academic advisors work related activities. The study of 78 out of 210 identified full-time academic advisors at two-and four-year public colleges and universities in the North Texas Region utilized a multidimensional researcher-developed Web survey instrument designed to measure professional standards and characteristic within the field of academic advising. Study results reinforced current criticism of research and education activities within the field of academic advising showing that the lack of scholarly research and education activities among academic advisors decreases significantly their efforts towards professionalization. Also, professional standards construct results suggest that the utilization of CAS standards for academic advising as an evaluation tool may enhance an academic advisor’s knowledge of professional standards within the field.
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Kvalitet och kompetensarbete på fritidshemmet : En kvalitativ studie om rektorers beskrivning av kvalitet och kompetens i fritidshemLindell, Per January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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