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Sjuksköterskors uppfattningar om operationssjuksköterskans profession : En kvalitativ intervjustudie / Nurses' perceptions of the operating theatre nurse's profession : A qualitative interview studyAronsson, Anna, Molinder, Emma January 2023 (has links)
Introduktion: Det råder brist på operationssjuksköterskor nationellt vilket har lett till stängda operationssalar och långa vårdköer. Med detta examensarbete vill författarna skildra sjuksköterskors perspektiv och ge en djupare kunskap i deras syn på operationssjuksköterskans profession, och vad som skulle kunna öka deras intresse för att söka till specialistsjuksköterskeutbildningen mot operationssjukvård. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva sjuksköterskors uppfattning om operationssjuksköterskans profession. Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie med semistrukturerade frågor med grundutbildade sjuksköterskor i åtta gruppintervjuer med sammanlagt 17 deltagare. Data analyserade enligt kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: I resultatet framkom två huvudkategorier, med totalt fyra underkategorier. Den första huvudkategorin blev tvetydig kunskap som råder om operationssjuksköterskans profession med tillhörande underkategorier specifikt ansvar utifrån specialistkompetens samt otydlig kunskap och fysiskt krävande arbete. Den andra huvudkategorin blev öka intresse för specialistsjuksköterskeutbildning inriktning mot operationssjukvård, med underkategorierna bra anställningsvillkor och ha nära till utbildningsort samt synliggöra operationssjuksköterskans profession. Konklusion: Studiens resultat visade att operationssjuksköterskans profession inte är helt känd för alla sjuksköterskor. Det fanns olika uppfattningar som mer eller mindre stämmer in på vad operationssjuksköterskans kompetens innebär. I resultatet framkom även förslag på faktorer som skulle kunna öka sjuksköterskors intresse för operationssjukvård. / Introduction: There is a shortage of surgical nurses nationally, which has led to closed operating theaters and long medical care queues. With this degree project, the researchers want to portray nurses' perspectives and provide a deeper knowledge of their view of the operating theatre nurse's profession and what could increase their interest in applying for specialist nursing training against surgical care. Purpose: The purpose of the study was to describe nurses' perception of the operating theatre nurse's profession. Method: A qualitative interview study with semi-structured questions with basic nurses in eight group interviews and a total of 17 participants. Data analyzed according to qualitative content analysis. Results: The results revealed two main categories, with a total of four subcategories. The first main category was ambiguous knowledge that prevails about the surgical nurse's profession with associated subcategories of specific responsibilities based on specialist competence as well as unclear knowledge and physically demanding work. The second main category was to increase interest in specialist nursing training focusing on surgical care, with the subcategories of good employment conditions and being close to the place of training and making the surgical nurse's profession visible. Conclusion: The results of the study showed that the profession of operating theatre nurse is not completely known to all nurses. There were different perceptions that are more or less correct in what the surgical nurse's competence entails. The results also revealed suggestions for factors that could increase nurses' interest in surgical care.
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Mäklararvodet : Betydelsen av etablering i branschen / Brokerage fee : The importance of establishment in the industryJönsson, Michelle, Hellberg, Moa January 2022 (has links)
Fastighetsmäklare målas ofta upp som ett yrke där man med lite ansträngning kan tjäna miljonbelopp. För att ha möjlighet att bli registrerad mäklare måste man dels ha läst 120 högskolepoäng gjort 10 veckors handledd praktik, dels möta krav som Fastighetsmäklarinspektionen (FMI) ställer och kontrollerar. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur stor fastighetsmäklares inkomst är samt vad det ärsom påverkar lönen. Vidare görs även en undersökning kring hur mäklarna själva ser på sinlön och hur den står sig i relation till andra yrken. Studien består av en kvalitativ undersökning där sex fastighetsmäklare ingående har redovisat sin lön och arbetade timmar under det första kvartalet år 2022. Vidare har fyra av dessa mäklare intervjuats för att få en mer djupgående förståelse kring hur inkomsten är utformad samt mäklarnas individuella tankar om deras enskilda lön. Studien visar på att skickliga mäklare kan tjäna väldigt mycket pengar, men för att lyckas med detta är etablering och kompetens i branschen ett måste. Ständig uppkoppling samt arbete på obekväma arbetstider visade sig också vara faktorer som påverkade inkomsten positivt. De mäklare som ställt upp i studien är alla etablerade mäklare som arbetat sig in i branschen vilket resulterat i relativt höga löner för samtliga. Slutligen visade studiens resultat att inkomsten hos de intervjuade fastighetsmäklarna anses normal i relation till de arbete som läggs ner. Ställs inkomsten i relation till utbildningslängden på 3 år samt i jämförelse mot andra välavlönade yrke har de däremot en hög inkomst. / Real estate agent is often portrayed as a profession where you can earn millions with little effort.In order to have the opportunity to become a registered broker, you must have read 120 education credits, done 10 weeks of supervised practice and meet the requirements set and controlled by the Real Estate Agency Inspection (FMI). The purpose of this study is to investigate how big real estate agents income is and what affects the salary. Furthermore, a survey is also carried out about how the brokers themselves view theirsalary and how it compares to other professions. The study consists of a qualitative survey in which six real estate agents have reported in detail their salary and hours worked during the first quarter of 2022. Furthermore, four of these agents have been interviewed to gain a more in-depth understanding of how the income is structured as well as the agent's individual thoughts about their individual salary. The study shows that skilled brokers can earn a lot of money, but to succeed in this, establishment and competence in the industry is a must. Constant availability and working inconvenient hours also proved to be factors that positively affected the income. The brokers who participated in the study are all established brokers who worked their way into the industry, which resulted in relatively high salaries for all of them. Finally, the results of the study showed that the income of the interviewed real estate agents is considered normal in relation to the work they put in. If the income is put in relation to the length of education of 3 years and in comparison to other well-paid professions, they do have a high income.
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Controllerrollen och dess utveckling : En kvalitativ studie / The role of the controller and its development : A qualitative studyDikander, Linnea, Karlsson, Hanna January 2024 (has links)
Denna kvalitativa studie syftar till att undersöka hur yrkesrollen controller har utvecklats men även hur den utvecklas i framtiden. Detta har studerats med hjälp av professionsteorin där utgångspunkten är att undersöka hur professionaliseringen av controllerns yrkesroll ser ut. Studien utgår från ett strategiskt urval eftersom att studien grundar sig i en specifik yrkesroll. Urvalet innefattar tolv respondenter från sju olika företag där alla respondenter har eller arbetar som controller. För att undersöka syftet har studien utgått från en analysmodell med sex specifika professionskriterier. Studien utgår utifrån en induktiv ansats. Studien visar att yrkesrollen befinner sig i en förändringsfas och håller på att utvecklas bort från sin ursprungliga definition och innebörd. Yrkesrollen utvecklas främst i takt med teknologin och hållbarheten men även i regulatoriska krav. Studien indikerar att controllern i nuläget inte kan identifieras som en profession men i takt med utvecklingen går yrkesrollen mer mot en profession. I nuläget kan den ses mer som en semiprofession eller pre profession. Tidigare forskning har lagt stort fokus på att identifiera vilken utveckling yrkesrollen står inför, där teknologin har varit en utstickande faktor. I denna studie ansågs det vara av betydelse att studera vilka utvecklingsfaktorer som en controller möter i praktiken, samt hur och på vilket sätt teknologin har implementeras i deras roll. Vidare finns det inte någon tydlig forskning kring controller som profession i förhållande till utvecklingsfaktorer vilket denna studie även ska bidra med. Studiens förslag till framtida forskning är en bredare urvalsgrupp samt en mer djupgående studie där observationer även förekommer. / This qualitative study aims to investigate how the role of the controller has but also how it develops in the future. The starting point of the study is to investigate how the professionalization of the controller role looks like. This will be studied with the help of the profession theory. The study is based on the strategic sample because it is based on a specific role, in this case the controller. The sample includes twelve respondents from seven different companies where all the respondents have or work as a controller. To investigate the purpose, the study has been based on an analysis model with six specific profession criteria. The study is based on an inductive approach. The study shows that the controller is in a phase of a change and is evolving away from its original definition and meaning. The controller is evolving mainly in line with technology and sustainability but also in regulatory requirements. The study indicates that the controller cannot be identified as a profession at present but as it develops the role is moving more toward a profession. At present it can be seen more as a semiprofession or preprofession. Previous research has great emphasis on identifying the developments facing the role, where technology has been an outlying factor. In this study, it was considered important to study which development factors that a controller encounters in practice, as well as how and in what way technology has been implemented in their role. Furthermore, there is no clear research on the controller as a profession in relation to development factors, which this study will also contribute to. The studies proposal for future research is a broader sample group and more in-depth study that also includes observations. Furthermore, this study is conducted in swedish.
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Motivace k učitelské profesi / Motivation in Teaching ProfessionZávůrková, Eva January 2018 (has links)
1 Abstract This diploma thesis deals with motivation in teaching profession. It is devided into two parts. The teoratical part summarizes issues and motivation of teaching profession. The aim of the empirical part is research analysis focused on the view of the respondents' issues, their experiences and opinions. The results show that due to the respondents there are a lot of unsatisfactory factors, which are not long-term resolvable while these respondents speak about positive factors just sporadically. It is understood for them that some teachers were left the teaching profession.
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Gymnasieekonomers uppfattning om den traditionella revisorsstereotypen / Secondary school economists' perception of the traditional auditor stereotypeOlsson, Ida, Persson, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
Gymnasieekonomers uppfattning om revisorn spelar stor roll för ekonomiutbildningar på högskolenivå och revisionsbyråerna. Gymnasieekonomer kan vara framtida elever och medarbetare på högskolor respektive revisionsbyråer. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur gymnasieekonomer uppfattar revisorn samt sig själva utifrån egenskaper som förknippas med den traditionella revisorsstereotypen. Studien undersöker även, dock i mindre omfattning, om det finns ett samband mellan intentionen att bli revisor och om man har någon i sin närhet som arbetar som revisor. Genom en kvantitativ ansats undersöks studiens tre hypoteser som är grundade på professionsteorin och identitetsteorin samt den traditionella revisorsstereotypen. Egenskaper hos den traditionella revisorsstereotypen som har identifierats av tidigare forskning har bland annat använts som underlag i en enkätundersökning som genomförts på två gymnasieskolor. Studiens huvudsakliga resultat är att gymnasieekonomerna uppfattar att revisorn har hög status, vilket indikerar att revisorsyrket klassas som en profession. Studiens resultat kunde inte påvisa att gymnasieekonomer anser sig dela egenskaper med den traditionella revisorsstereotypen. Slutligen kunde studien heller inte påvisa att gymnasieekonomer som har någon i sin närhet som arbetar som revisor har intention att bli revisorer. / Secondary school economists´ perception of the auditor plays a major role in financial education at university level and in the audit firms. Secondary school economists´ can be future students and employees at colleges and audit firms. The purpose of the study is to examine how secondary school economists´ perceive the auditor as well as themselves based on characteristics associated with the traditional auditor stereotype. The study also examines, though to a lesser extent, whether there is a connection between the intention to become an auditor and if you have someone in your vicinity working as an auditor. Through a quantitative approach, the study´s three hypotheses based on profession theory, identity theory and the traditional auditor stereotype are examined. Characteristics of the traditional auditor stereotype identified by previous research have been used, among other things, as a basis for a questionnaire survey conducted at two secondary schools in Sweden. The main result of the study is that the secondary school economists´ perceive that the auditor has a high status, which indicates that the audit occupation is classified as a profession. The study´s result cannot demonstrate that secondary school economists´ consider themselves share characteristics with the traditional auditor stereotype. Finally, the study cannot demonstrate that secondary school economists who have someone in their vicinity who works as an auditor have the intention to become an auditor.
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Reflekteras det nya insatsförsvaret i utbildningen till officer? : En komparativ studie av det militärhistoriska ämnets kursplaner och inriktning i krigsvetenskap på Försvarshögskolan och West Point / Is the operational defense reflected in the education to become an officer?Wästefors, Markus January 2010 (has links)
<p>This paper examines whether the American officer’s education at West Point and the Swedish officer’s education at the Military Academy Karlberg have adapted their history of the military art education in accordance to the new requirements of the Armed Forces and its focus on the operational defense. Sweden is evolving towards an operational defense and so is the United States. This in turn requires that training and education keep up with the changes. The National Defense College in Sweden do not focus the teaching of advanced history, which happened beforet he invention of the engine, in the officer’s training program, while the American education is rather advanced, with special focus on events taken place in the 19th century up to the Cold War. The Swedish history of the military art education is more of a philosophical and introductory character resulting in less military historical knowledge. The American education is more focused on dates, battles and events, making the West Point education both more profound and extensive in these dimensions in comparison with the Swedish education. However, it is very doubtful that 19th century military history is useful for a commanding officer during an operation, for example in Afghanistan. Having knowledge about the history of the military art’s development is important to be able to understand the evolution of the Armed Forces, but having knowledge of the number of battalions and name of the commander at the Battle of Austerlitz is of less importance. This paper compares the Swedish and the American history of the military art education in order to analyze the degree of adaption to the new operational defense.</p>
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Reflekteras det nya insatsförsvaret i utbildningen till officer? : En komparativ studie av det militärhistoriska ämnets kursplaner och inriktning i krigsvetenskap på Försvarshögskolan och West Point / Is the operational defense reflected in the education to become an officer?Wästefors, Markus January 2010 (has links)
This paper examines whether the American officer’s education at West Point and the Swedish officer’s education at the Military Academy Karlberg have adapted their history of the military art education in accordance to the new requirements of the Armed Forces and its focus on the operational defense. Sweden is evolving towards an operational defense and so is the United States. This in turn requires that training and education keep up with the changes. The National Defense College in Sweden do not focus the teaching of advanced history, which happened beforet he invention of the engine, in the officer’s training program, while the American education is rather advanced, with special focus on events taken place in the 19th century up to the Cold War. The Swedish history of the military art education is more of a philosophical and introductory character resulting in less military historical knowledge. The American education is more focused on dates, battles and events, making the West Point education both more profound and extensive in these dimensions in comparison with the Swedish education. However, it is very doubtful that 19th century military history is useful for a commanding officer during an operation, for example in Afghanistan. Having knowledge about the history of the military art’s development is important to be able to understand the evolution of the Armed Forces, but having knowledge of the number of battalions and name of the commander at the Battle of Austerlitz is of less importance. This paper compares the Swedish and the American history of the military art education in order to analyze the degree of adaption to the new operational defense.
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Renhet och status : En studie om relationen mellan sjuksköterskeprofessionens arbete och interna statusfördelning / Purity and status : A study about the relationship between the nurse professions' work and internal status distributionSvensson, Linus January 2020 (has links)
Health care-organizations in Sweden are trying to replace the nursing profession in matters that the nurses are trained to do - which is care-related work – while it is only occasionally due to a lack of nurses. While this is happening, the care-related aspect of the profession is said to be the most appealing quality for people who wish to become nurses; “to make adifference for people in need”. This “pure” quality in a profession is hypothesized by Andrew Abbott (1981) to translate into high internal status within a profession. With this thesis, I aim to explore the relationship between professional status and “pure” work in the nurse-profession: How the “pure” work can be identified and how we can understand it in relation to the “impure” work, why nurses value some nurse specialists higher than others regarding status and how the dichotomy of “pure” and “impure” work affects this distribution of status within the profession. My chosen theory is based on Andrew Abbotts input to the debate of what constitutes professional status. He argues that if a profession does more professionally relevant work, it gets higher internal status (Abbott 1981). This theory is “only” based on historically strong, “classical” professions, to which I would like to contribute to by applying the theory to the nurse-profession. In order to do this, I have conducted seven semi-structured interviews and a form to evaluate how nurses’ rate eleven nurse-specialists according to status and how the themes of status are connected to the education and the work of the non-specialized nurse – the theoretically “pure” work. The non-specialized nurse is trained to have a full picture regarding patients, which includes both medical actions and basic caring needs. This is the nurses’ pure work. The nurses are not trained for the number of administrative tasks that the clinical reality demands, but it is a part of the full picture of the patient. Although it may appear as if it were impure work, calling this impure work is incorrect because of its’ pure qualities as a part of the full picture. The strongest consensus about attributed status is regarding the specialists with the highest and the lowest status. These attributions to status are based on the specific knowledge and the life-depending work of the specialists, which converge into each other as the same specialists has the same attributed status in both status-themes. This is opposite of what Abbott argues gives professional status because it is the low status-specialists that can be replaced by non- specialized nurses: Which practices, per definition, the pure work of the profession. In these areas of the low status specialist, the basic work of a non-specialized nurse suffices, which would also mean that the professionally purest work is done in these areas of work. This contradicts Abbotts argument that the purest work achieves the highest internal status.
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Governing the Chinese medical profession : a socio-legal analysisOuyang, Wei January 2011 (has links)
As the first systematic and in-depth study in any language on the subject, this thesis makes original contributions by unravelling the relationship between Chinese healthcare state governance, health law and medical practitioners, and casting a spotlight on the ethically problematic medical practices raised by cases of SARS and others. More specifically, this thesis examines the role of state governance and regulation in China’s healthcare system and their impact on professional practices and ethics. The thesis addresses the issues from a social-legal perspective. It provides evidence from an integration of historical, empirical and theoretical approaches to explore the role of Chinese medics in their relations with healthcare state governance and law. It explores the character of power relations and the consequences of imbalance of power in these relations. Diagrammatic models are used throughout this work to illustrate the findings from the above approaches and to represent the changing nature of the author’s thinking about the dynamics at work in the relationships under scrutiny. The basic principle advocated in this thesis is that the effective formation and delivery of healthcare is facilitated by ethically-based systems of policy, rules and regulation. More particularly, it is argued that the roles of medical professionalism and patient control are central to good governance of healthcare in China. Set within this context, the thesis has three main goals. First, it aims to contribute to the development of theories about the relationship between the medical profession and the Communist state of China, examining the relatively powerless position of medical professionals in China as demonstrated by both historical and original empirical evidence generated by the research undertaken for this thesis. Secondly, the thesis examines the nature and extent of de-professionalisation among Chinese medical professionals. More particularly, it considers the consequences of challenges to Chinese medics’ professional autonomy which have occurred as a result of the Chinese healthcare power structure. Ultimately, it is argued that a re-structured model which places Chinese medical practitioners in a more professional and responsible role is urgently required.
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"Vi är viktiga!" : En studie om fyra förskollärares tolkning av sin yrkesroll, det särskilda ansvaret och lärarlegitimationenFogelberg, Isabelle January 2016 (has links)
Denna studie syftade till att undersöka hur förskollärare tolkar sin yrkesroll och sitt uppdrag utifrån den reviderade läroplanen, samt hur förskollärarna möjliggörs resurser att utföra det uppdrag de har. Intressant för studien var även att undersöka hur det särskilda ansvaret och lärarlegitimationen påverkat yrkesrollen och professionen. För att undersöka hur förskollärare ser på sin yrkesroll valdes metoden samtalsintervju. Denna metod gav mig som intervjuare möjlighet att komma med följdfrågor, vilket resulterade i en bredare förståelse av förskollärarnas yrkesroll. Studien är baserad på resultatet från de kvalitativa intervjuer vilka genomfördes med fyra förskollärare inom samma kommun. Studiens resultat visar på att förskollärarens yrkesroll är svårdefinierbar på grund av dess omfattning och svårighet att profilera sig. Förskollärarna i studien anser att rollen som förskollärare innebär att de har ett övergripande ansvar över den pedagogiska verksamheten, vilket de inte upplever sig få tillräckligt med tid och resurser till. De vill mycket, men hinner inte alltid det de önskar. Deras yrkesroll påverkas av hur resterande arbetslag ser ut. Både förskollärarnas egen vidareutveckling samt verksamhetens kvalitet ökar om de har kompetenta, utbildade och erfarna kollegor. Lärarlegitimationen anser de inte ha påverkat förskolläraryrket nämnvärt, men förskollärarna hoppas på att den i längden höjer yrkets status. I resultatet framgår det att förskolläraryrket i många aspekter kan likställas med att vara en profession. Däremot kan det enligt olika professionsteorier utläsas att yrket behöver ha en högre status för att benämnas som en profession.
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