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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hälsofrämjande arbete i ideella organisationer : Hur ideella ridskolor arbetar med att skapa en hälsofrämjande arbetsplats

Ali, Fatima, Persson, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur ideella ridskolor arbetar i Sverige mot en hälsofrämjande arbetsplats då få studier inom hälsofrämjande arbete genomförs i ideella organisationer. Studien fokuserar på ideella ridskolor i Dalarna. Sjukfrånvaron i Sverige 2017 uppgick till 62 miljarder kronor, där psykisk ohälsa var grunden för nästan hälften av beloppet. Tidigare forskning har visats att arbetsmiljön påverkar anställdas psykiska hälsa. Därför är trivsel på arbetsplatsen av stor betydelse på grund av dess roll för att skapa en hälsofrämjande arbetsplats. En hälsofrämjande organisation har positiva effekter på både individen och organisationen och förebygger sjukfrånvaro. Den teoretiska referensramen för studien bygger på tidigare forskning inom ämnet hälsofrämjande arbetsplatser. Studiens empiri är baserad på fem semistrukturerade intervjuer som gjorts via Zoom samt telefon på grund av Covid-19-pandemin. Resultatet visar faktorer som är förutsättningar för ett hälsofrämjande arbete. En av faktorerna är utbildning, dels i hälsofrämjande arbete då resultatet har visats att några respondenter inte är bekanta med begreppet hälsofrämjande arbete och att arbetet tar olika stor plats i de ideella ridskolorna. Även utbildning i ledarskap är av betydelse. En annan faktor är resurser där tid, stöd och ekonomi ingår. Resultatet visar att tiden många gånger inte räcker till för att arbeta hälsofrämjande samt att stödet från styrelsen är bristande många gånger. Dock är även ekonomi ett hinder och därav kan det vara svårt att ta in extra resurser. Resultatet pekar även på delaktighet och samanhållning samt kommunikation som betydelsefulla faktorer i det hälsofrämjande arbetet. En bristande kommunikation har visats vara orsaken till konflikter, kommunikation har även visats vara lösningen på konflikter. För utveckling av det hälsofrämjande arbetet i ideella ridskolor pekar resultatet på ett behov av kunskap inom hälsofrämjande arbete samt även inom ledarskap. Även ett behov av tydliggörande i vad styrelsen har för ansvar i rollen som arbetsgivare visas i resultatet. / The purpose of this study is to investigate how non-profit organizations work in Sweden towards a health-promoting workplace as few studies in health-promoting work are carried out in non-profit organizations. The study focuses on non-profit riding schools in Dalarna. Sick leave in Sweden in 2017 amounted to SEK 62 billion, where mental illness was the basis for almost half of the amount. Previous research has shown that the work environment affects employees' mental health. Therefore, well-being in the workplace is of great importance due to its role in creating a health-promoting workplace. A health-promoting organization has positive effects on both the individual and the organization and prevents sick leave. The theoretical frame of reference for the study is based on previous research in the subject of health-promoting workplaces. The empirical study is based on five semi-structured interviews conducted via Zoom and telephone due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The results show factors that are prerequisites for health promotion work. One of the factors is education, partly in health-promoting work as the results have shown that some respondents are not familiar with the concept of health-promoting work and that work takes different places in the non-profit riding schools. Leadership training is also important. Another factor is resources where time, support and finances are included. The results show that the time is often not enough to work to promote health and that the support from the board is often lacking. However, finances are also an obstacle and therefore it can be difficult to bring in extra resources. The results also point to participation and cohesion as well as communication as important factors in the health promotion work. Lack of communication has been shown to be the cause of conflicts, communication has also been shown to be the solution to conflicts. For the development of health-promoting work in non-profit riding schools, the results point to a need for knowledge in health-promoting work and also in leadership. The need also clarifies the Board's responsibility for its role as an employer.

Developing Production Methods for Different Microbial Strains and Beneficial Testing on Crop Species

Alghanmi, Linah Y. 07 1900 (has links)
Microorganisms will play a significant role in the agricultural revolution in the coming decades and help meet the growing population's needs. Hence, understanding the impact of beneficial bacteria on crop development is key to the future of developing microbial products. The ability of PGPB to increase crop yields has been recently investigated in agriculture, as PGPB can support and protect plants under different stresses. Since PGPB interactions occur naturally, finding a method to apply beneficial bacteria while maintaining their efficiency and quality is a topic of interest. PGPB have been used as microbial inoculants, biofertilizers, and also as seed coatings. Preservation of microorganisms through desiccation has been used as the preferred method for long-term storage of microbial culture. The use of dry powders is favored over liquid cultures due to their ease of transportation and better quality control. For microbial preservation, freeze-drying has been defined as the most convenient and satisfactory preservation method for long-term storage. Freeze-drying is generally preferred over other drying techniques as it gives a high-quality dehydrated product. However, to reach a high-quality product, many parameters need to be monitored, such as bacterial cell concentration, growth medium, lyophilization buffer, rehydration, and duration of freeze-drying. In this research, SA190 was freeze-dried with 10% sucrose mixed with 5% trehalose as lyophilization buffer. Pseudomonas argentinensis SA190 was isolated from the root nodules of the desert plant Indigofera argentae in Saudi Arabia, specifically Jizan. The SA190 freeze-dried product was examined by several tests to assess the product viability and quality, such as accelerated test and water stability test. For future work, the effect of freeze-dried SA190 on plant growth and crop yield will be investigated. Moreover, optimization of the freeze-drying process, formulation, and packaging for commercial will be considered. In addition, bacterial strains isolated in DARWIN21 project with promising effects on plant growth, will be subjected to freeze-drying process.

Cancerpatienters erfarenheter av hälsofrämjande interventioner mot fatigue i samband med cytostatikabehandling : en litteraturöversikt / Cancer patients' experiences of health-promoting interventions against fatigue in conjunction with chemotherapy : a literature review

Mohammadi, Nazanin, Sjögren, Rikard January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund Fatigue, eller kronisk trötthet, är ett vanligt förekommande fenomen bland cancersjuka, och såväl prevalensen som svårighetsgraden av fenomenet tenderar att tillta i samband med cytostatikabehandling. Fatigue har beskrivits i litteraturen som en av de allvarligaste biverkningarna av cancersjukdomar och dess behandlingsmetoder, i den mening att fatigue orsakar svårt lidande och kraftigt reducerar livskvaliteten. Fatigue är också ett svårbehandlat fenomen med en komplex bakgrundsbild, och det saknas god evidens för farmakologiska behandlingsmetoder. Syfte Syftet var att beskriva cancerpatienters erfarenheter av hälsofrämjande interventioner som syftade till att lindra fatigue-relaterat lidande under och efter cytostatikabehandling. Metod Detta var en icke-systematisk litteraturöversikt som totalt granskade 15 vetenskapliga publikationer inom området. Publikationerna hämtades in från databaserna PubMed och CINAHL, efter noggrant planerade sökningar. De sökträffar som erhölls genomgick en relevans- och kvalitetsbedömning, varpå de 15 artiklarna som slutligen inkluderades i resultatet genomgick en integrerad dataanalys. Datan samlades in från cytostatikabehandlade cancerpatienter och all data gällande fatigue var självskattad och utgick på så sätt från patientperspektivet. Resultat Denna litteraturöversikt sammanställde evidens om de hälsofrämjande effekterna av ett antal olika interventioner för att lindra fatigue. Interventionerna kategoriserades in i två huvudkategorier och fyra underkategorier, och de påvisade effekterna för varje typ av intervention diskuterades och sammanställdes i samband med dataanalysen. Exempel på typer av interventioner som togs upp i denna litteraturöversikt är instruerande interventioner och bevakade interventioner. Slutsats Fysisk aktivitet i kombination med avslappningstekniker visade sig ha störst effekt mot cancerrelaterad fatigue. En patientutbildande intervention påvisade en icke-signifikant förbättring av fatigue, medan resterande interventioner påvisade åtminstone en signifikant förbättring av fatigue i något avseende. Detta tyder på att interventioner som kräver ett mer aktivt deltagande har en större effekt på fatigue, jämfört med rent instruerande interventioner. Sjuksköterskan spelar en stödjande och vägledande roll vid omvårdnaden av fatigue, och kunskap om hälsofrämjande interventioner är en grundläggande förutsättning för att lindra det lidande som uppstår ur denna trötthetsproblematik. Otillräcklig eller utebliven vård kan leda till vårdlidande och ökat sjukdomslidande hos patienten, vilket kan beskrivas som en kränkning av patientens värdighet. / Background Chronic fatigue is a commonly occurring phenomena among cancer patients, and cancer-related fatigue has a tendency to increase in both prevalence and severity during chemotherapy. Fatigue has been described in the scientific literature as one of the most serious side effect occurring as a result of cancer or the treatment of cancer, in the sense that it is a source of great suffering and a gravely reduced quality of life. In addition, fatigue is a poorly understood phenomena and is considered difficult to treat. There exists no good evidence for effective pharmacological treatment options. Aim The aim of this study was to describe cancer patients’ experiences of different health-promoting interventions during chemotherapy, which were intended to reduce fatigue-related suffering in both the short-term as well as the long-term. Method This was a non-systematic literature review which analyzed 15 different scientific articles in order to achieve the stated aim. The articles were retrieved after entering meticulously planned search terms into the CINAHL and PubMed databases. The search results that were found went through an assessment of relevance and quality, and 15 of the search results were included for analysis. The data in these studies were collected from patients undergoing chemotherapy for a diagnosis of cancer, and all data pertaining to fatigue was self-evaluated and was thusly based entirely on the perspective and experiences of the patients. Results This literature review compiled evidence about the health-promoting effects of a variety of different interventions in regard to the treatment of fatigue. The interventions were categorized into two main categories and four subcategories, and the evidence for every type of intervention were discussed and summarized in conjunction with the data analysis. For example, this literature review distinguished between informative and supervised interventions and discussed the evidence for those types of interventions separately.  Conclusions Physical activity in combination with relaxation techniques was shown to have the largest health-promoting effect against fatigue. One study, that exclusively studied the effects of patient education sessions, showed a non-significant reduction of fatigue, which stands in contrast to all the other interventions analyzed in this study, which showed a significant reduction of fatigue in at least one regard. This implies that more active interventions have a greater effect on fatigue, as opposed to purely informative interventions. The role of the nurse in the treatment of fatigue is one of guidance and support, and knowledge of these evidence-based and health-promoting interventions is an absolute necessity in order for the nurse to be able to provide good nursing care and relieve suffering in these patients. Inadequate care or lack of care can contribute to an increase of suffering in these patients, which should be seen as a violation of the patients’ dignity.

The development of an anti-substance abuse initiative for high schools in the Capricorn district, Polokwane

Shuro, Linda January 2021 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Substance abuse among adolescents is a Public Health concern globally with approximately 25 million adolescents (aged 13-15 years) who smoke tobacco, one in every ten girls and one in every five boys. In low- and middle-income countries, 14 % of girls and 18% of boys (13-15years old) are engaged in alcohol use. The Global Status Report on Alcohol and Health of 2018, reports that among the 15- to 19-year-olds, greater than a quarter were current alcohol drinkers. Cannabis (marijuana/dagga) is highly used globally with approximately 3.8% between 15 and 64 years, about 188 million people used it once or more times in 2017. The most commonly abused substances are alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis (marijuana/dagga). In South Africa, most adolescents are found in schools and the average age of drug experimentation is 12 years with early onset of use at about ten years of age.

Developing a Lifestyle Modification Toolkit to Prevent and Manage Hypertension Among African American Women

Ugorji, Julia Ugochi 01 January 2014 (has links)
Hypertension is a global public health issue affecting many people in the United States. African American women remain the highest in percentage by race and ethnicity for developing hypertension with poor risk awareness. Hypertension has costly implications for the health care system. Through lifestyle modifications in the form of a nutrition plan called Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension and increased physical activity, hypertension could be prevented. Among African Americans, the incidence of hypertension increases in their late thirties. The purpose of the project was to develop a toolkit of resources for African American women between the ages of 20 to 45 years as a reference guide to reduce the risk of developing hypertension through lifestyle modifications. The clinical question for the project examined the effectiveness of a lifestyle modification toolkit as an evidence-based strategy to prevent and manage hypertension among African America women. Pender's health promotion model guided the planning and development of the project. The readability of the toolkit was at a 5th grade level for easy comprehension. A 5-item survey was given to 2 content experts and 3 members from the target population to evaluate the toolkit. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics to obtain a content validity index score of 1.00. Findings suggested universal agreement on the content of the toolkit which was developed as a resource tool to provide culturally-based educational materials from scholarly literature. This toolkit will promote positive social change by improving the outcomes of African American women with hypertension.

Promoting Life Management Skills to Enhance Employment among Women Receiving Services from the Division of Workforce Services

Cheek, Cheryl 01 May 1999 (has links)
Erikson's theory of identity development and Marcia's model of identity statuses serve as a framework for this examination of the relationship between women's identity status and employment. The hypotheses of the study were that women with an achieved identity status would be more likely to obtain and retain employment and that interventions would increase their scores on identity-related subscales. Phase I of this study examined the relationship between identity development and employment among 203 women receiving public assistance. Subjects provided employment and public assistance histories and were categorized into three preferred cognitive styles according to responses to the Berzonsky Cognitive Style Inventory: Information Orientation (characterized by active searching and evaluation of relevant information prior to decision making/problem solving); Nonnative Orientation (characterized by a passive approach to decision making/problem solving which reties upon the opinions of significant others), and Diffuse Orientation (decision making/problem solving characterized by procrastination and avoidance). Information-and Nonnative-oriented respondents reported just over one year of public assistance ( 15 .05 and 14.21 months, respectively), while the Diffuse-oriented respondents had utilized public assistance in excess of three years (37.20 months). Diffuse-oriented respondents also reported changing jobs more frequently during the previous 12 months than Information- and Normative-oriented respondents, although no differences were found among the three groups in months employed. Phase 2 of this study used a quasi-experimental design to examine the effectiveness of interventions to affect employment and scores on the subscales of the Berzonsky Cognitive Style Inventory, as measured by the BCSI subscale scores. Results indicated that there were mixed differences in the pretest and 12-week followup scores of the intervention group on the subscales. However, there were more marked statistically significant differences in the number of hours worked per week and the percentage of the intervention group employed when comparing the pretest and the 12- week post intervention data. The results indicate that while the interventions were less effective in changing identity status than had been hypothesized, they were effective in assisting participants to obtain employment.

Problematisk skolfrånvaro : En kvalitativ studie om orsaksfaktorer till frånvaron samt hurskolan kan arbeta med att främja elevers närvaro.

Öberg-Nilsson, Timmy, Henriksson, Julia January 2022 (has links)
In Sweden schooling is compulsory between the ages of six and sixteen. This also includes a right toeducation. Despite that there are situations where students are absent. Absent in a way that forthemselves can be problematic. In order to contribute to an understanding of the phenomenon ofproblematic school absence and how the school can work with that student group, the aim of the studywas thus to investigate the underlying factors surrounding problematic school absence and how theschool can work to promote the presence of the students based on selected literature and its authors.The authors are different practitioners who work or research the subject of problematic schoolabsence.The method used was a qualitative content analysis based on 4 different types of literature onthe subject of problematic school absence.The results show that there is no single explanation for why students develop a problematic schoolabsence. This becomes clear as the study's selected biography only to some extent gives a problempicture similar to what the rest of the material shows. The reasons for the absence are many and theycan often be related to each other. The results also show the difficulty of having a general definition ofwhat problematic school absences mean. Usually several different concepts are used, home-sitting andproblematic school absence are two examples. The results also show that the school has a large andimportant role in working to ensure that the student enjoys school where the relationship betweenteacher and student can be seen as a presence-promoting factor. Finally, it is difficult to find examplesof a single working method to promote school attendance. One of the reasons may be that there are somany different reasons for the absence and no absence is the sameKeyword: Problematic school absence, Promoting school attendance, School refusal

Främjande faktorer för skolnärvaro / Promoting factors for school attendance

Ahlen, Matilda, Larsson, Lisa January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Kunskap, kompetenser och utbildning är ett folkhälsopolitiskt målområde som lyfter vikten av utbildning för barn och unga. Skolan utgör en viktig roll i arbetet med att uppnå en jämlik hälsa på nationell nivå, vilket gör skolan till en arena av betydelse vid hälsofrämjande arbete. Att arbeta närvarofrämjande skapar goda förutsättningar för en individ att uppnå en god hälsa över hela livsförloppet. Det hälsopromotiva arbetet bör fokusera på att stärka friskfaktorer och rikta uppmärksamheten till barn och ungdomars styrkor och resurser.  Metod: Systematisk litteraturöversikt där främjande faktorer för skolnärvaro sammanställdes utifrån sju artiklar publicerade mellan 2015–2023, begränsade till barn och ungdomar i åldern 6–18 år. Fem kategorier utvecklades utifrån analysen: socialt stöd, delaktighet, ökad medvetenhet, belöning och hälsoförbättringar med skolsköterska  Resultat: Socialt stöd främjar närvaro genom tillgängliga lärare, partnerskap mellan lärare och vårdnadshavare, samtal mellan lärare och elever, lärare och vårdnadshavare samt hembesök. Delaktighet främjar närvaro genom att både lärare och elever involveras i kring hälsorelaterade policyer. Medvetenhet innebär att samtal om frånvaro genom att identifiera inställningen till skolgång ökar medvetenheten och förändrar beteenden positivt. Belöning lyfter fram vikten av positiva incitament för att främja närvaro. Hälsoförbättringar med skolsköterska belyser skolsköterskans förmåga att anpassa programmet till skolans behov, vilket förbättrar närvaron.  Slutsats: Alla elever behöver bli sedda och hörda av en vuxen för av att trivas och känna sig trygga i skolan. Barn som går i skolan ges möjlighet att utveckla grundläggande förmågor vilket i ett långsiktigt perspektiv skapar förutsättningar för god hälsa. Genom denna litteraturöversikt har ytterligare ljus riktats mot vad som är viktigt för skolnärvaro. Fokus bör läggas för att främja närvaro hos elever oavsett låg närvaro, problematisk frånvaro eller förväntad närvaro. / Background: Knowledge, skills and education is a public health policy target area that highlights the importance of education for children and young people. The school plays an important role in the work to achieve equal health at the national level, which makes the school an important arena for health promotion work. Working to promote attendance creates good conditions for an individual to achieve good health over the entire course of life. The health promotion work should focus on strengthening health factors and direct attention to the strengths and resources of children and young people.  Method: Promoting factors for school attendance were compiled with a systematic literature review based on seven articles published between 2015–2023, limited to children and adolecents aged 6–18 years. Five categories were developed based on the analysis: social support, participation, increased awareness, reward, and health improvements with the school nurse.  Results: Social support promotes attendance through available teachers, partnerships between teachers and guardians, conversations between teachers and students, teachers and guardians, and home visits. Participation promotes attendance through the involvement of both teacher and student in health-related activities. Awareness means that conversations about absence by identifying the attitude to schooling raise awareness and change behavior positively. Reward highlights the importance of positive incentives to promote attendance. Adaptations as needed highlight the school nurse's ability to adapt the program to the needs of the school, which improves attendance.   Conclusion: All students need to be seen and heard by an adult in order to thrive and feel safe at school. Children who go to school are given the opportunity to develop basic abilities, which in a long-term perspective creates the conditions for good health. Through this literature review, further light has been directed towards what is important for school attendance. Focus should be placed on promoting attendance among students regardless of low attendance, problematic absence or expected attendance.

Som att gå på äggskal : Skolsköterskans arbete med övervikt och fetma / Like walking on eggshells : The school nurse's work with overweight or obesity

Fridell, Linda, Sjögren, Louise January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Förekomsten av övervikt och fetma hos barn och unga är hög och fortsätter att öka. Övervikt eller fetma kan ge negativa konsekvenser på både fysisk och psykisk hälsa. Tidig upptäckt är viktig för att förebygga sjukdom och främja hälsa. Skolsköterskan kan i sitt hälsofrämjande arbete stötta och motivera barn och unga till hälsosamma levnadsvanor. Syfte: Att belysa skolsköterskans arbete med elever i grundskolan som har övervikt eller fetma. Metod: Kvalitativ metod med induktiv ansats valdes. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med skolsköterskor och data analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i fyra kategorier: Möjlighet att påverka till förändring, Skolsköterskans stöd i arbetet, Hindrande påverkan och Samverkan som underlättar. Till sist framträdde ett övergripande tema: Ett komplext arbete att utföra. Konklusion: Skolsköterskor upplever arbetet med övervikt och fetma som komplext och utmanande på flera sätt. Möjligheten att arbeta hälsofrämjande påverkas av vilka förutsättningar skolsköterskan har på arbetsplatsen, skolsköterskans egen kompetens, samverkan med vårdnadshavare och av stigmatisering i samhället. Arbetet syftar till att främja elevers hälsa och vara ett stöd mot en hälsosam livsstil. Utmaningar i arbetet kan handla om att ges utrymme i tjänsteutövningen för att kunna fokusera på arbetet med övervikt och fetma. / Background: The presence of overweight and obesity in children and young people is high and continues to increase. Overweight or obesity can have negative consequences on both physical and mental health. Early finding is important to prevent disease and promote health. In her health promotion work, the school nurse can support and motivate children and young people to adopt healthy lifestyles.  Aim: The purpose of the study was to the shed light on the school nurse's work with students in elementary school who have overweight or obesity. Method: Qualitative method with inductive approach was chosen. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with school nurses and data were analyzed with qualitative content analysis. Results: The analysis resulted in four categories: Opportunity to influence change, The school nurse's support in the work, Obstructive influence, Collaboration that facilitates. In the end, an overarching theme emerged: A complex work to do.  Conclusion: School nurses experience the work with overweight and obesity as complex and challenging in several ways. The possibility to work with health promotion is affected by the conditions the school nurse has in the workplace, the school nurse's own competence, cooperation with caregiver and stigmatization in society. The work aims to promote students' health and be a support towards a healthy lifestyle. Challenges at work can be about being given space in the performance of the duties in order to be able to focus on overweight and obesity.

Effect of 6-benzylaminopurien; gibberellins A4+7; and N, N-dimethylamino succinamic acid on flowering and fruiting of 'Golden Delicious' apple trees.

McLaughlin, Joann Mary 01 January 1983 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

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