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Pojistná ochrana majetku vybrané obce / Property Insurance Coverage Selected MunicipalitiesSikorová, Michaela January 2012 (has links)
The subject of the thesis is to analyze the current status of insurance coverage selected municipalities, analysis and comparison of offers insurance protection of property from commercial insurance community and the proposed changes in the scope of the cover of the municipality.
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Three Essays on Insurers’ Performance and Best’s RatingsHuang, Jing‐Hui 05 1900 (has links)
This dissertation consists of three essays: essay 1, Underwriting Use of Credit Information and Firm Performance ‐ An Empirical Study of Texas Property‐Liability Insurers, essay 2, Prediction of Ratings in Property‐Liability Industry when The Organizational Form Is Endogenous, and essay 3, A Discussion of Parsimonious Methods Predicting Insurance Companies Ratings. The purpose of the first essay is to investigate the influence of underwriting use of credit information on variation in insurers’ underwriting performance. Specifically, this study addresses the following two research questions: first, what firm‐level characteristics are associated with the insurers’ decision to use credit information in underwriting? second, is there a relationship between the use of credit information and variation in insurers’ underwriting performance? The empirical results indicate that larger insurance companies, companies having more business in personal auto insurance, and those with greater use of reinsurance are more likely to use credit information in underwriting. More importantly, the results indicate that use of credit information is associated with lower variation in underwriting performance, consistent with the hypothesis that use of credit information enables insurers to better predict their losses. The purpose of the second essay is to resolve the inconsistent relationship between the organizational forms (i.e., stock versus mutual insurers) and insurers’ financial strength ratings. Specifically, this study takes into account the potential endogenous nature of organizational forms to investigate the influence of organizational forms on insurers’ financial strength ratings. The empirical results from the models employed indicate that the stock dummy variable is indeed a significant predictor of insurers’ ratings and that the relationship between the stock dummy and insurers’ financial strength ratings is not affected after the endogenous nature of organizational forms is considered. However, such relationship flips to be negative when additional rating predictors are included into the models. The purpose of the third essay is to investigate whether a logistic model is consistent in its predictions within one data set and compare the predictability and classificatory performance between the regression with a set of financial variables and the regression with principal components derived from this set of financial variables. The empirical results indicate that the models’ predictability is consistent within one data set which includes two different groups of observations. Also, the findings suggest that the principal components regression as a parsimonious model achieves the similar accuracy of estimation and fit while providing clearer interpretation of the role of the significant predictors.
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Transaction cost economics : an analysis of commitment in asymmetrical insurer-broker dyads : an exploratory case study of ING Canada and its distribution counterpartiesGriffin, Paul January 2010 (has links)
Since the early 1980's there has been a heightened academic interest in the field of commitment, particularly as it relates to business relationships. Knowledge of commitment continues to advance and has begun splintering and applied into specific and narrow fields. The particular field of interest in this study surrounds commitment levels in business relationships within property and casualty insurance distribution networks. The intent of understanding and enhancing commitment levels is to allow stakeholders to explore new ways to improve profitability. This can be achieved by deepening the level of understanding and knowledge of relationship partners with a view to anticipating and fulfilling their needs better than the competition. However, commitment is intangible and involves many factors including human emotion. This increases the difficulty in comprehending the whole phenomenon of commitment. To assist in furthering the knowledge in this area, transaction cost theory is examined and applied to insurance company and broker relationships. In seeking a greater understanding of the underlying drivers of commitment, this thesis investigates the theoretical contribution of transaction cost economics theory in assessing commitment levels. The purpose is to utilize the elements of transaction costs as a means to extend the awareness of how commitment is constructed, and to search for ways to improve and strengthen these relationships. The primary research method consists of three major case studies within the Canadian property and casualty insurance distribution sector. The first case study explores the perspectives of insurance brokers in Ontario. The second study reveals the perceptions of relationship managers employed with ING Canada, the country's largest property and casualty insurance company. Lastly, the research incorporates a series of interviews with ING Canada senior executives to capture their perspectives and validate the research findings from the first two case studies. These investigations into the Canadian insurance industry have provided several outputs, chief among them is the development of a conceptual model referred to as the 'Commitment Wheel'. This model has the advantages of seating affective and calculative commitment at the centre of a moving environment of commitment enablers.
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產險公司管理經營如何因應費率自由化 / The Effect of Rate Regulation on Managemnet and Operation in the Property Insurance Company張邦茹, Chang, Pang Ru Unknown Date (has links)
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行銷通路對於汽車保險業務成長績效之研究─個案公司壽險、銀行通路實證分析許培潤 Unknown Date (has links)
我國汽車保險於產物保險業務結構中占約百分之五十,其業務消長與品質關係著保險公司經營績效。而業績消長與品質好壞又跟行銷通路息息相關。掌握通路即掌握業務雖對,但如何選擇好的通路及經營,就牽涉到保險公司自身之定位與優勢所在。金融控股公司法於2001年6月27日經立法院三讀通過,並於同年11月1日實施,自此金融相關產業正式邁入戰國時代,各大金融控股公司相繼成立。金控業者借由自身銀行、證券、壽險、產險等行業在資源整合、交叉行銷、One-Stop Shopping、與成本管控運用下,期待能正面積極發揮綜效(Synergy)以達成效益極大化之經營模式。非金控業者為求生存發展,也紛紛與其他異業合作,或尋求其他新興行銷營運模式,形成多元行銷契機。
本研究以個案公司經營壽險及銀行通路為對象分析,確發現產險公司若能有效發揮自身優勢,提供附加價值,積極爭取異業合作,尤其是壽險與銀行業之互利合作,藉由他們廣大之人力與據點通路,對汽車險業務之成長有很大之幫助。另外因為多元通路的經營,風險分散,也較不會因為不利事件或經濟環境不佳,而造成業務成長的瓶頸。 / Motor insurance business has played a dominant role in the Taiwanese non-life insurance industry. The written premium incomes from the motor insurance accounts for nearly 50% of the overall incomes of the domestic market. The underwriting quality of the motor insurance business is highly related to the profit result and is closely depending on the marketing channels. Therefore, the selection of appropriate marketing channels will have predominant influence in the performance of a non-life insurance company. In 2001, the financial holding regulation went into effect and all financial sectors, including banking industry, life insurance industry, non-life insurance industry, and security industry, had made efforts to integrate internal resources in order to lower operating costs, to develop cross-selling strategy, and to provide better customer service in order to achieve the synergy from financial holdings. At the same time, those financial sectors without joining financial holding group also look for new marketing strategy through strategic alliance and or innovative market channels.
The marketing channels of the motor insurance business in Taiwan are traditionally dominated by car dealers. However, since the new car sales in 2006 were seriously impacted by the irrecoverable loans or credits of the credit cards in 2005 and by the depression, decreasing almost 30% than that of previous year, of new-motor market in 2006. Nevertheless, the non-life insurance company might reduce the mentioned impacts if it can conduct multi-channels with good quality except for car dealers. Therefore, to cooperate with other industries, including life insurance and banking fields, to establish a strategic alliance will be very important for the development of the property insurance company in all aspects at present and the near future.
The model of the research is focusing on the case studies of the two channels, life insurance business and banking business, for the operation of the non-life insurance company. With the detailed analysis, we discovered that non-life insurance company can effectively increase growth of the written motor insurance premium by the approaches of developing self-advantages, providing additional values, and co-operating with the salesmen and the resources of the life insurance industry and banking industries. Furthermore, to run the multi-channels for the property insurance companies will be extremely contributive to disperse risks and will avoid the bottleneck of sales growth under the circumstances of the unfavorable events and of the recession.
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Vývoj pojištění majetku obyvatelstva na českém pojistném trhu / Development of property insurance for citizens in the Czech RepublicKopecká, Kamila January 2017 (has links)
The master thesis analyzes the property insurance for citizens in the Czech Republic with main focus on buildings insurance, household insurance, and accident insurance for non-rail vehicles. The goal of this thesis is to analyze the development of insurance market indicators of the products stated above and to predict their future behavior. To help with the understanding of the practical part, basic terminology and trends in the general insurance market are included in this work. The main indexes to be analyzed are: premium written, claims paid, loss ratio, number of contracts made, average written premium per contract, number of claims settled, average written premium per insured event, and the number of commercial insurance companies. The main data sources for time series analysis for the period between the years 1997 and 2015 are the annual reports of the Czech Insurance Association. The time series analysis showed that building insurance and household insurance are strongly affected by natural disasters - in the Czech Republic the main impact have floods. Since the main purpose of the accident insurance is to cover accidents, it is only partially impacted by natural disasters. The popularity of property insurance has an increasing tendency, which is shown by the insurance market indicators. Box-Jenkins methodology was used to forecast the future development of the insurance market. Similarly to other insurance products, the property insurance undergoes certain changes, to which the insurance companies must respond. These trends are mainly connected to the higher usage of modern technologies - for instance Internet of Things, introduction of Smart Homes or the ,,Pay How-You-Drive'' insurance.
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Transaction Cost Economics: An Analysis of Commitment in Asymmetrical Insurer-Broker Dyads. An Exploratory Case Study of ING Canada and its Distribution CounterpartiesGriffin, Paul January 2010 (has links)
Since the early 1980's there has been a heightened academic interest in the field of commitment, particularly as it relates to business relationships. Knowledge of commitment continues to advance and has begun splintering and applied into specific and narrow fields. The particular field of interest in this study surrounds commitment levels in business relationships within property and casualty insurance distribution networks.
The intent of understanding and enhancing commitment levels is to allow stakeholders to explore new ways to improve profitability. This can be achieved by deepening the level of understanding and knowledge of relationship partners with a view to anticipating and fulfilling their needs better than the competition. However, commitment is intangible and involves many factors including human emotion. This increases the difficulty in comprehending the whole phenomenon of commitment.
To assist in furthering the knowledge in this area, transaction cost theory is examined and applied to insurance company and broker relationships. In seeking a greater understanding of the underlying drivers of commitment, this thesis investigates the theoretical contribution of transaction cost economics theory in assessing commitment levels. The purpose is to utilize the elements of transaction costs as a means to extend the awareness of how commitment is constructed, and to search for ways to improve and strengthen these relationships.
The primary research method consists of three major case studies within the Canadian property and casualty insurance distribution sector. The first case study explores the perspectives of insurance brokers in Ontario. The second study reveals the perceptions of relationship managers employed with ING Canada, the country's largest property and casualty insurance company. Lastly, the research incorporates a series of interviews with ING Canada senior executives to capture their perspectives and validate the research findings from the first two case studies. These investigations into the Canadian insurance industry have provided several outputs, chief among them is the development of a conceptual model referred to as the 'Commitment Wheel'. This model has the advantages of seating affective and calculative commitment at the centre of a moving environment of commitment enablers.
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TOYOTA 車主購買車險的消費行為模式白錫潭 Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣汽車銷售業是個競爭激烈的行業,如何做好顧客管理,建立品牌忠誠度為汽車服務業相當重視的一道課題。本文以國內TOYOTA & LEXUS 專屬保險代理人-和安保險代理人(股)公司所承攬之車險保戶為研究對象,研究為2002年招攬承保之有效件數,計232,369筆資料。自車主購買汽車保險的消費模式分析,探討影響消費者投保險種需求的重要因素、不同區域被保險人的投保屬性、未來汽車保險消費者所需要獲得更大的滿足、以及保險人或保險代理人如何結合運用服務競爭策略,來輔助汽車經銷商提供車主最佳的服務品質與提昇顧客滿意度。
由實證資料分析中,得知目前影響車損險投保意願的最主要原因為保費太貴,投保不划算。然而因規章費率的限制,各產險公司無法對不同風險等級被保險人收取差別保險費,致使逆選擇情形愈趨嚴重。本研究針對分析結果,提出兩項建議。一為對產險公司未來之商品發展策略,包括(1)、採行車輛「主要使用人」為被保險人。(2)、車險資料庫的建立與統計分析研究。(3)、費率釐訂應視不同狀況予以差異化。次則為產險公司與車商保代如何結合以創造卓越的服務品質:包括(1)、視消費者的需求研發多樣化商品,提高產品附加價值。(2)、避免惡性競爭,進行差異化競爭。(3)、保代公司宜善盡保險輔助人的角色。(4)、建議網路行銷。 / To sale the automobile at Taiwan market is very competitive. The most important tasks for industry are how to build up customers relationship in order to improve brand loyalty. This paper, targeting the auto-insurance policy holders through Ho-An Insurance Agency - the exclusive agency of TOYOTA & LEXUS, evaluates 232,369 effective cases acquired in the year 2002. Through the analysis of automobile owner’s behavior in purchasing auto-insurance, we can assess the major factors that would affect consumers to buy various insurance; the attributes of insurance buyers of various districts; how to secure the satisfaction of the future auto-insurance policy holder and finally, how an insurance company or insurance agency could work with dealers to apply the competitive strategies of customer service for car owners with the best quality and to increase customer satisfaction.
From the result of data analysis, we realized that the major factor affecting the customer’s purchase behavior of the auto-insurance is the insurance premium. However, due to the mandatory regulation, property insurers cannot charge the insurance plan with differentiated rates, which would cause high anti-selection. This study, based on the result of analysis, raises two suggestions. The first one is to advise property insurers the strategies for future product development : (1) acceptance of insurance application based on the major driver; (2) collaboration of one database of auto-insurance and conduct statistical analysis, and (3) differentiation of the premium rates according to various situations.
Another suggestion is to propose that property insurers should work with insurance agencies to create superior service quality, including (1) development of one greater variety of products based on consumer needs to increase the added value; (2) avoidance of abcdrmal competition and implement differentiation competition; (3) the insurance agency should fulfill a supportive role, and (4) implement internet marketing of automobile insurance.
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Speciální druhy pojištění firem jako konkurenční výhoda mezi podniky v odvětví / Special types of insurance companies as a competitive advantage to businesses and industryKOČEROVÁ, Andrea January 2014 (has links)
This thesis has to select a type of insurance which will cause a competitive advantage to selected business. Selected type of insurance will cover losses caused by the damage suffered. Based on descriptions of selected companies - TSE spol. s r.o. and Mektec CZ s.r.o, has chosen business interruption insurance related to property insurance. For each company has created more tenders of insurance according to their requirements by companies Allianz, as and ČSOB, Inc. Both insured companies came out Allianz´s offer better due to lower cost. The TSE spol. s r.o. has accepted the recommended insurance offer unlike the Mektec CZ s.r.o. Thereby TSE spol. s.r.o has gained a competitive advantage.. Both insurated companies shares the same space, so there is a high probability that any disaster could hit both companies.
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The effect of observation errors on parameter estimates applied to seismic hazard and insurance risk modellingPretorius, Samantha 30 April 2014 (has links)
The research attempts to resolve which method of estimation is the most consistent for the parameters of the earthquake model, and how these different methods of estimation, as well as other changes, in the earthquake model parameters affect the damage estimates for a specific area. The research also investigates different methods of parameter estimation in the context of the log-linear relationship characterised by the Gutenberg-Richter relation. Traditional methods are compared to those methods that take uncertainty in the underlying data into account. Alternative methods based on Bayesian statistics are investigated briefly. The efficiency of the feasible methods is investigated by comparing the results for a large number of synthetic earthquake catalogues for which the parameters are known and errors have been incorporated into each observation. In the second part of the study, the effects of changes in key parameters of the earthquake model on damage estimates are investigated. This includes an investigation of the different methods of estimation and their effect on the damage estimates. It is found that parameter estimates are affected by observation errors. If errors are not included in the method of estimation, the estimate is subject to bias. The nature of the errors determines the level of bias. It is concluded that uncertainty in the data used in earthquake parameter estimates is largely a function of the quality of the data that is available. The inaccuracy of parameter estimates depends on the nature of the errors that are present in the data. In turn, the nature of the errors in an earthquake catalogue depends on the method of compilation of the catalogue and can vary from being negligible, for single source catalogues for an area with a sophisticated seismograph network, to fairly impactful, for historical earthquake catalogues that predate seismograph networks. Probabilistic seismic risk assessment is used as a catastrophe modelling tool to circumvent the problem of scarce loss data in areas of low seismicity and is applied in this study for the greater Cape Town region in South Africa. The results of the risk assessment demonstrate that seemingly small changes in underlying earthquake parameters as a result of the incorporation of errors can lead to significant changes in loss estimates for buildings in an area of low seismicity. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / Insurance and Actuarial Science / MSc / Unrestricted
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