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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exposure to a Natural Disaster (Hurricane Ike) and Children's Diet and Activity Levels

Lai, Betty 19 May 2011 (has links)
Objective: Utilizing a conceptual model of the impact of disasters on children╒s functioning, the current study examined unhealthy diet and sedentary activity levels of children exposed to Hurricane Ike. Exposure stressors (perceived and actual life threat) and recovery stressors (hurricane-related stressors and major life events), were hypothesized to be associated with unhealthy diet and sedentary activity. Exposure stressors, recovery stressors, and child demographic characteristics were also expected to be associated with posttraumatic stress (PTS) symptoms. It also was predicted that physical activity would attenuate the relationship between recovery stressors and children╒s PTS symptoms. Finally, the feasibility of collecting health behavior information from children was examined. Method: Utilizing a cross-sectional design, 204 children (51% girls; M age = 9.23, SD = .79; grades 3 and 4) from Galveston, Texas were evaluated 8 months after Hurricane Ike (Time 1). At Time 1, children completed self-report measures of traumatic experiences, major life events, PTS symptoms, height and weight, and health behaviors. 53 children were reevaluated two weeks later (Time 2) to examine the stability and validity of health-related measures. Children completed a second measure of their height, weight, and health behavior measures, and actual measurements of height and weight were also taken. Results: Consistent with expectations, exposure and recovery stressors were associated with sedentary activity and PTS symptoms. Exposure stressors were indirectly related to sedentary activity and PTS symptoms through recovery stressors. However, contrary to expectations, stressors were not associated with unhealthy diet. African American ethnicity, Hispanic ethnicity, and female gender were related to PTS symptoms through recovery stressors. Physical activity did not attenuate the relationship between recovery stressors and children╒s PTS symptoms. In terms of health behaviors, children╒s self-reported weight was both stable and valid from Time 1 to Time 2. Self-reported height was stable but invalid. Measures of children╒s unhealthy diet and sedentary activity showed moderate stability. The measure of physical activity exhibited low stability and low validity. Conclusions: Sedentary activity may be a particularly important health behavior to examine after disasters. Implications for schools, families, and future research are discussed. Alternative measures of physical activity should be considered.

Dissociation, Coping Styles, and Prior Trauma as Predictors of Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms Following a Traumatic Physical Injury

Malluche, Danielle Desiree 24 July 2009 (has links)
Objectives: The relationship between dissociation and PTSS was studied by examining the moderating role of prior trauma. The relationship between prior trauma and PTSS was studied by examining the mediating role of dissociation. The relationship between various coping styles, dissociation and prior trauma was also addressed. Study Design: The current study was a retrospective correlational between-subjects design. Subjects: The study included 90 subjects who were admitted into a level one trauma center following a traumatic physical injury. Results: Dissociation was most strongly and significantly related to PTSS (r = .583). Childhood sexual abuse, childhood physical abuse, and total prior trauma were also significantly related to PTSS (r = .249, r =.298, r = .295, respectively). The results of the study indicated that prior trauma did not moderate the relationship between dissociation and PTSS. The addition of the interaction term (prior trauma X dissociation) explained 3.5% additional variance in PTSS (F(3,82) = 1.10, p = .354). However, the relationship between prior trauma and PTSS was found to be partially mediated by dissociation. The effect of prior trauma on PTSS was reduced when dissociation was added into the regression equations for each of the prior trauma predictor variables including: childhood sexual abuse (b = 9.122 reduced to b = 2.050), childhood physical abuse (b = 1.011 reduced to b = .547), and total prior trauma (b = .114 reduced to b = .055). Dissociation was also found to be significantly related to maladaptive coping including: emotional venting (r = .373), denial (r = .213), and behavioral disengagement (r = .330). Prior trauma was not found to be related to maladaptive coping styles. Conclusions: The study findings suggest that the relationship between prior trauma and PTSS is partially due to the engagement in dissociation. However, those who have not experienced a prior trauma are also at risk for experiencing dissociation and subsequent PTSS. Additionally, dissociation was found to be related to maladaptive coping, while prior trauma was not significantly related to any coping styles. Therefore, the findings suggest that dissociation is related to more disruptive psychological sequelae, as compared to pre-trauma factors such as the experience of prior trauma.

Trauma and bereavement : symptomatology, aetiology and interventions : a case of young survivors of the 1994 genocide in Rwanda

Sezibera, Vincent 17 September 2008 (has links)
Exposure to traumatic events has deleterious effect resulting in considerable psychological (cognitive and affective/emotional), physical and social impairments. In contrast to natural disasters, victims of man-made disasters have been reported to be vulnerable to severe psychological and psychiatric disorders affecting a large number of abilities and lasting for many years. Among the most common psychiatric diagnosis associated with violence exposure is the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Like adults, children and adolescents are not exempt from this situation. In 1994, Rwanda experienced an unprecedented genocide in which about 800.000 Tutsi, for their majority, were atrociously murdered (UN). This genocide generated multiple and massive stressors that may lead to severe and long-lasting PTSD among its survivors, including children and adolescents. Report on traumas exposure and psychological reactions to genocide among young survivors in Rwanda (Dyregrov et al., 2000) unanimously indicate a precarious situation. At the social level, children and adolescents heading household (CHH) are presumably the most vulnerable given their social deprivation. Moreover, the increased number of significant losses (parents, siblings, relatives, family and community cohesion) and the traumatic nature of the death predict traumatic grief among the young orphans of the genocide in Rwanda. The embedment of traumas and bereavement in this population is postulated to increase the likelihood of severe and persistent posttraumatic distress. With regard to the genocide in Rwanda, especially the extent of its damages; it is hypothesized that psychological consequences from such disaster are crucial. Considering social categories of young survivors, CHH are hypothesized to be vulnerable to several psychological sequels given their social and economic living conditions. The trauma exposure history, traumatic bereavement of key caretakers and attachment figures (parents and other relatives), lack of adult guardianship, insecure family structures and precarious social support are risk factors predicting poor outcomes. About the structure, this thesis consists of seven chapters, the general introduction and conclusion excluded. The two first chapters are theoretical and overview the literature related to PTSD (Chapter 1) and the association of trauma and bereavement (Chapter 2) resulting in a conjunction of PTSD and grief. They clarify issues related to symptoms and semiotic concepts, diagnostic and assessment protocols, and demonstrate how PTSD and grief can be embedded on certain aspects but not on others. At the empirical level, findings from PTSD prevalence (chapter 3) and the association of PTSD and grief (chapter 4) among young people survivors of the 1994 genocide in Rwanda are presented. Furthermore, continuous exposure to post-genocide trauma reminders, deleterious socio-economic life conditions, coping strategies and PTSD comorbidity are presented as major risk factors to persistent and complex post-traumatic distress (Chapter 5). Finally, given our findings, a rumination focused cognitive and behavioural therapeutic (RFCBT) protocol is tested in a pilot sample (Chapters 6) and in a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) (chapter 7).

Hjälpande faktorer vid återhämtning från Posttraumatiskt stressyndrom

Boberg, Malin, Mansner, Alicia January 2008 (has links)
Att vara med om ett trauma kan få långtgående konsekvenser så som att utveckla Posttraumatiskt stressyndrom (PTSD). Denna studies syfte är att undersöka vilka faktorer som bidrar till återhämtning från PTSD. Totalt deltog åtta individer. Semistrukturerade intervjuer utfördes och dataanalys genomfördes enligt induktiv tematisk metod. Huvudresultaten pekade på att psykoterapeutisk behandling och en stark allians var viktigt vid återhämtningen. En aspekt handlade om att terapeuten gjorde någonting extra som inte förväntades i rollen som terapeut. Andra aspekter som hade betydelse var socialt stöd, arbete och att deltagarna upplevde sig själva som starka och egensinniga personer. Huvudresultaten ligger i linje med tidigare forskning om återhämtning från psykiska sjukdomar som framhåller vikten av att professionella visar mer av sin person i mötet med den hjälpsökande.

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in the Latino Culture: A Proposed Culturally-Responsive Intervention Program for Latinas

Welsh, Rochelle N 01 January 2013 (has links)
The goal of this dissertation is to investigate the factors that increase risk for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in Latinos. Although the overall rates of psychiatric disorders in the Latino community are similar to Caucasian Americans, the risk for PTSD among Latinos is higher. This thesis discusses the general components of trauma and stress, as well as the prevalence of PTSD in various Latino subgroups. This thesis also covers a number of cultural-specific values, stressors, and help-seeking attitudes that increase the risk of PTSD among Latinos. Moreover, a culturally-responsive intervention program treating PTSD among Latinas who are victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) is proposed.

"Man måste älska de gamla annars funkar det inte" : Undersköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda äldre som har upplevt trauma

Båkman, Kajsa January 2012 (has links)
Denna studie har genomförts på Judiska Hemmet i Stockholm där ca 75 % av de boende är överlevande från Förintelsen under andra världskriget. Syftet med studien var att undersöka undersköterskors upplevelser och erfarenheter av att vårda äldre personer som har upplevt trauma. Frågeställningarna handlade om vilket kunnande informanterna anser vara viktigt i arbetet med dessa personer och deras uppfattning om hur denna kunskap bäst lärs in. Vidare tillfrågades informanterna om vad de anser vara viktigt att tänka på i bemötandet av personer som har upplevt trauma. Informanterna ombads även beskriva sina upplevelser av svårigheter i arbetet och hur de hanterar dessa svårigheter. Den sista frågeställningen handlade om vilket stöd informanterna anser vara viktigt i arbetet med personer som har upplevt trauma. Resultatet visade att den kunskap som informanterna ansåg vara viktig var att känna till bakgrunden till den traumatiska händelsen. För informanternas del handlade det om att veta vad som hände under Förintelsen. De ansåg även att man måste ha förståelse för hur traumat kan ha påverkat den som blivit utsatt. Bästa sättet att lära sig detta tyckte undersköterskorna var att vid introduktionen få föreläsningar om Förintelsen och trauma. Även studieresor till koncentrationsläger hade tillfört mycket kunskap och fördjupad förståelse. Vid frågor om bemötande och förhållningssätt svarade informanterna att det grundläggande är att bygga upp ett förtroende, helst via kontaktmannaskapet. Det handlade även om att ha ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt där man ser till varje individs behov. När det gällde svårigheter i arbetet framkom det att de äldre som har upplevt trauma verkar vara mycket känsliga för stress. Informanterna var även eniga om att man inte ska ställa frågor om de traumatiska upplevelserna. Man ska istället lyssna aktivt när den äldre själv ta initiativ till att berätta. Som exempel på svårigheter nämndes allt som är kopplat till personlig hygien, framför allt duschningar. Den höga graden av ångest hos de boende och klagande togs även upp och inte sällan var det kopplat till matsituationen. Störd nattsömn och mardrömmar var också ett återkommande tema. Hanterandet av svårigheterna handlade i huvudsak om att lyssna, bekräfta och inte gå in i diskussion med den boende. Det framkom tydligt att informanterna ansåg att man som undersköterska i arbetet med äldre personer som har upplevt trauma behöver stöd för att orka med sitt arbete. Ofta innebär det att man pratade med sina arbetskamrater men man såg även handledning vara en bra form av stöd.

'Means of Survival' as Moderator of the Relationship between Cumulative Torture Experiences and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder among Refugees

Odenat, Lydia 20 December 2012 (has links)
Refugee torture survivors often present with a myriad of psychological challenges, such as posttraumatic stress and depression, stemming from their exposure to torture and other pre- and post-settlement experiences (Gong-Guy and colleagues, 1991). The present study examined the moderating effect of four coping processes (i.e., family support, religious beliefs, political beliefs, and will to survive) on the relationship between cumulative torture and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among a sample of 204 (N=204) adult refugee torture survivors. Subjects completed a demographic questionnaire, the Torture Severity Scale (TSS; Kira, Lewandowski, Templin, Ramaswamy, Ozkan, Hammad, & Mohanesh, 2006), the Clinician Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS-2; Weathers, Keane, & Davidson, 2001), and the Means of Survival Scale (MOS; Kira, 2012). Twenty-three percent (N = 74) of the sample endorsed clinically significant levels of PTSD. Torture and PTSD were positively associated, indicating that greater exposure to cumulative torture is associated with greater trauma symptoms (r[2] = .18, pppppp2 = .039; F (2,323) = 7.55, p=.001. None of the interaction terms examined accounted for significant variation in PTSD symptoms. Study findings will help counseling psychologists devise the most appropriate treatment plans and strategies to treat posttraumatic stress reactions among refugee torture survivors, as well as inform future interventions developed for this vulnerable population.

Flygrädsla : Lärdomen och erfarenheten av ha varit med om en flygolycka, hur upplever individerna sin flygrädsla och dess konsekvenser över ett längre tidsperspektiv

Widlund, Maria January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka om en flygolycka påverkar passagerarnas flygrädsla på längre sikt och eventuella konsekvenser som det kan innebära. Hur och på vilka sätt påverkar i så fall ett trauma som en flygolycka passagerarnas rädsla att flyga utifrån ett längre tidsperspektiv. 27 män och kvinnor, som alla var med i flygolyckan i Gottröra den 27 december 1991, har varit målgrupp för studien. Metoden som användes var en enkätundersökning distribuerad till 44 personer, med 27 medverkade till en svarsprocent på 61 %.  Resultatet av undersökningen visar att samtliga respondenter hävdar att de inte var flygrädda innan flygolyckan, medan över 70 % är flygrädda efter händelsen och 81 % av dem anser att flygolyckan var den bidragande orsaken till deras flygrädsla. Undersökningens slutsats är att upplevelsen av en flygolycka har inverkan på passagernas flygrädsla och att den även kvarstår två decennier efter olyckan inträffade. Större delen av gruppen har än idag svårigheter med startle reactions och påverkas av lukt och ljudstimuli samt bildminnen från olyckstillfället. Majoriteten av respondenterna anser att händelsen har påverkat deras liv och att de bär med sig flygolyckan som en livserfarenhet.

Barn och katastrofer : en systematisk litteraturstudie

Mässing, Carolina January 2006 (has links)
Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att belysa ämnet barn och katastrofer, som hur barn reagerar efter traumatiska händelser, hur de utvecklar Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), hur PTSD behandlas samt hur vårdpersonal kan hjälpa barn på bästa sätt. Studien var en systematisk litteraturstudie. Litteraturen söktes via Elin@dalarna, Pub Med och DOAJ. Sökord som användes för att få fram relevanta artiklar var: ”adaption”, ”care”, ”catastrophe”, ”children”, ”child”, ”disasters”, ”help”, ”natural disaster”, ”PTSD”, ”react”, ”trauma”. Dessa ord användes ett och ett samt i kombination med varandra. De vetenskapliga artiklarna som användes kvalitetsbedömdes med en kombinerad granskningsmall av Forsberg och Wengström (2003) samt Willman och Stoltz (2002) granskningsmallar för kvalitativa och kvantitativa studier. Denna granskning resulterade i ett urval av 16 vetenskapliga artiklar som var publicerade mellan1990 och 2006 och var skrivna på svenska eller engelska. Sökorden fanns med i artikelns titel eller abstract, samt att dess innehåll skulle besvara frågeställningarna som fanns. De studier som granskades i denna uppsats visade att barn reagerar väldigt olika beroende på deras sociala liv och levnadsstandard, samt hur svårt drabbade de blivit av naturkatastrofen. Barns första reaktioner efter en naturkatastrof var ofta ilska och aggressioner över det inträffade, barnen anklagade ofta sig själva för det inträffade. Barn som levde under sociala missförhållande, utan föräldrar, hem och vänner löpte högre risk att få symtom på PTSD, och det var vanligare att flickor fick symtom än pojkar. De vanligaste behandlingsmetoderna för symtom av PTSD var kognitiv beteendeterapi och läkemedel. Den viktigaste hjälpen för barn som upplevt en naturkatastrof var att hjälpa dem tillbaka till det vardagliga livet.

The Influence of SARS Epidemic of Health-Care Workers---The effective dimensions are Work values, Organizational commitment and Posttraumatic stress disorder.

Chen, Hsuehe 29 July 2004 (has links)
In the year of 2003, the SARS epidemic was spreading in our country, lasting for almost 4 months. Until July 5,2003, there were 346 confirmed victims. Among them,37 died directly of SARS, which is shown in their death certificates. Numbers of medical workers infected were 68,19.7%. During the SARS epidemic.6 hospitals were reported transmissions inside their wards and were closed. In the duration, Taiwan was once the most significant spread region of the disease in the world. General public, patients and their family members, and health-care workers were all unprecedented threatened. During the epidemic, health-care workers faced unfamiliar, insecure, critical menace strong contagious and of high mortality circumstances. What did this affect first line health-care workers? This research was done in three dimensions , work value, Organizational Commitment and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, sampling every grade of health-care workers in teaching hospitals and above national wide between Dec. 20, 2003 and Jan. 20, 2004. The design of questionnaire was based on level of hospitals, divided into medical centers, regional hospitals and local teaching hospitals. 282 of the questionnaires were returned and valid, including 42 doctors, 130 nurses, and 110 hospital staffs, representing a response rate of 31.33%. One way ANOVA and Independent T test were conducted in the research to analyze characteristics of workers and differences between hospital organizations. Correlation analysis and regression analysis were used to find their relationships. The research has shown that while facing SARS epidemic, health-care workers : 1.with the change of work values, nurses scored highest ,then others, and doctors lowest; with positional type social status, activity preference and job involvement, high and middle level administrator got better grade than professional and basic level worker; with attitude toward earning, basic level worker acquired highest scores and high level administrator lowest; with activity preference¤Îpride in work, regional hospital obtained the highest score while the medical center got the lowest. 2.with the transition of Organizational Commitment, in terms of position, high level administrator is highest, while basic level worker is lowest; in respect of referee, regional hospital graded highest while medical center lowest; in view of marital status, people who are unmarried are better than those who are married. 3.with the,PTSD, considering referee of hospital, medical centers are highest; in terms of ownership,private hospital is highest and religional hospital is lowest. 4.workers who considered that the hospitals took proper protections have better Organizational Commitment and their PTSD are lower.

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