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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Paauglių nerimo, pažangumo ir problemiško elgesio sąryšis / Teennagers anxiety, progressiveness and problematic behavior

Starkuvienė, Danguolė 04 July 2006 (has links)
The main task of this work was to make the research of the connection of teenagers’ anxiety, progressiveness and problematic behavior. During the research there was analyzed the connection of schoolchildren’ anxiety, progressiveness and problematic behavior. Children were from two Vilnius Russian- speaking schools, from sixth till tenth classes. Also there were compared the exertion of anxiety, progressiveness, behavior between girls and boys from different classes. In the work there were used anxiety scale, behavior scale, yearly marks average. The research data were processed by SPSS computer program. In the research there participated 216 children, who were from Vilnius elementary and Vilnius high schools, from sixth till tenth classes. Schoolchildren were examined by questionnaire at schools, during the classes. The results of this research show, that general school anxiety is very low. During the research it was found the connection of progressiveness with problematic behavior, it was proved, that for those classes, which are characteristic for particular behavior reactions, have lower progressiveness. Also it was proved, that the progressiveness of boys is lower than girls, and general school anxiety is higher than girls. The statically reliable connection between all tree-analyzed factors is not proved because of researches’ particularity.

11-12 klasių mokinių pažangumo, pasiekimų motyvacijos, mokyklinio streso įveikos stilių ypatumai ir sąsajos / Peculiarities and correlations of academic achievement, achievement motivation and school stress coping styles among 11th – 12th form pupils

Žukauskienė, Asta 25 September 2008 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti ir išnagrinėti skirtingo mokymosi pažangumo 11-12 klasių mokinių pasiekimų motyvacijos, vidinių resursų ir mokyklinio streso įveikos stilių ypatumus. Tiriamieji: 2006 – 2007 mokslo metais anoniminio anketavimo būdu buvo apklausta 416 jaunuolių t.y. 11-12 klasių mokinių (atitinkančių vidurinės mokyklos pakopą). Atsitiktinės atrankos metu buvo pasirinkta po dvi vidurines mokyklas iš trijų didžiausių Lietuvos miestų. 186 (45%) mokiniai buvo iš Vilniaus, 135 (32%) – iš Kauno ir 95 (23%) – iš Klaipėdos. Visi respondentai buvo 16-19 metų, 162 vaikinai (39%) ir 254 merginos (61%), vienuoliktoje klasėje mokėsi 213 (51%) , dvyliktoje klasėje – 203 (49%) mokiniai. 283 (68%) tyrime dalyvavę mokiniai gyveno pilnose šeimose ir 133 (32%) su vienu iš tėvų. Surinkti duomenys apie mokinių dienos rėžimo ypatybes – miegui ir pamokų ruošai skiriamo laiko trukmę, praleistų pamokų skaičių, papildomą darbą su korepetitoriais – 128 (32%) mokiniai naudojasi ir 284 (68%) nesinaudoja korepetitorių paslaugomis. Tyrimo metu buvo taikyti šie metodai: mokslinė pedagoginės ir psichologinės literatūros analizė, Mokyklinio streso įveikos klausimynas (N. S. Endler, J. D. Parker, 1990; P. Szczepaniak, J. Streliau, K. Wrzesniewski, 1996) ir Pasiekimų motyvacijos klausimynas (AMP), (J. Friedland, Ph.D., S. Marcus, Ph.D., H. Mandel, Ph.D.). IŠVADOS: 1.Pažangumas; pasiekimų motyvacija ir laikas, skiriamas pamokų ruošai, vaikinų mažesni negu merginų. Vaikinai ir merginos laiko... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the research: to determine and to examine peculiarities of achievement motivation, inner resources and school stress coping styles among 11th – 12th form pupils with different levels of academic achievement. The tasks of the research: 1. To explore peculiarities of school stress coping styles, achievement motivation and inner resources among pupils with different levels of academic achievement. 2. To compare , inner resources, planning and organization between boys and girls. 3. To compare academic achievement, school stress coping styles, achievement motivation, inner resources, planning and organization between 11th and 12th form pupils. 4. To compare academic achievement, school stress coping styles, achievement motivation, inner resources, planning and organization between pupils studying with crammer and studying by themselves. 5. To determine distinctions in academic achievement, school stress coping styles, achievement motivation, inner resources, planning and organization among pupils living in Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipėda. 6. To estimate correlations between academic achievement and school stress coping styles, achievement motivation, inner resources, planning and organization, studying with crammer. Research methods: Achievement Motivation Profile Scores (J.Friedland, S.Marcus, H.Mandel), Questionnaire of School Stress Coping (N.S.Endler, J.D.Parker, 1990; P.Szczepaniak, J.Streliau, K.Wrzesniewski, 1996) Respondents: 416 11th and 12th form pupils (1... [to full text]

Gimnazijos pažangumo ir lankomumo informacinė sistema / Information system of progress and attendance at Gymnasium

Jėckienė, Rasa 08 January 2007 (has links)
This work is an information system of progress and attendance at Kedainiai Sviesioji gymnasium. This information system will store data – grades and absences from school. It will also include information about schoolchildren and teachers. One of the aims of the informative society development nowadays is to reduce time expenditures. Thus the users of IS would be able to spend more time familiarizing with latest technologies and its perspectives as well as analysing the activity of rivals as in the times of market economy one of the main criteria of prosperous activity is to keep in step with modern technologies. The aim - to project and introduce the information system of progress and attendance. Problems solved: • The problem of progress and attendance record – therefore the grades and absences from school will be entered up. • The function of control – it will enable to control the grades and absences from school. • The function of information storage – it will enable to collect information about schoolchildren (information is constantly renewed and sorted according to particular criteria) and give the accounts that can be viewed or/and printed (the information in database can be also viewed or printed).

5 – 8 klasių mokinių psichologinės savijautos ir savivertės ypatumai ir sąsajos su pažangumu / Correlation of psychological well-being at school, self-esteem and academic achievements of 5 - 8 secondary school grades

Taletavičiūtė, Diana 07 June 2010 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti vienos Elektrėnų vidurinės mokyklos 11 - 15 metų (5 - 8 klasių) mokinių psichologinės savijautos ir savivertės ypatumus bei sąsajas su pažangumu. Šiuo darbu siekiama nustatyti penktų - aštuntų klasių mokinių psichologinės savijautos mokykloje ypatumus, taip pat penktų - aštuntų klasių mokinių savivertės ypatumus. Darbe bus bandoma išmatuoti pažangumo lygį bei mokymosi rezultatus. Taip pat ieškoma mokinių psichologinės savijautos mokykloje ir savivertės sąsajų su pažangumu arba mokymosi rezultatais. Duomenų rinkimui tyrime buvo naudojami dviejų tipų tyrimo metodai. Pirmajame - McClellan D., Katz L., „Vaikų socialinio vystymosi“ vertinimo skalės trečioji klausimų dalis „Socialiniai įgūdžiai ir savijauta mokykloje“ (tiriamųjų psichologinės savijautos mokykloje ypatumams nustatyti) ir Rosenberg savęs vertinimo skalė (tiriamųjų savivertės ypatumams nustatyti). Antrajame – duomenys apie mokinių pažangumą buvo renkami analizuojant dokumentus, t.y., 5 – 8 klasių mokinių žurnalus ir metinę pažangumo suvestinę - ataskaitą. Tyrimas buvo atliekamas 2007-2010 metais. 2007 m. balandžio mėn. tyrime dalyvavo visi vienos Elektrėnų vidurinės mokyklos penktųjų klasių mokiniai, iš viso 137 moksleiviai. 2010 metų kovo mėn. buvo atliekamas pakartotinis tyrimas visose tos pačios Elektrėnų vidurinės mokyklos aštuntose klasėse. Antrame tyrimo etape dalyvavo 113 aštuntųjų klasių moksleivių. Sulyginus gautas anketas, atrinkti 99 tiriamieji - 60 mergaičių ir 39 berniukai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Objective of research is to define the correlation of psychological well-being and self-esteem and academic achievements of the one Elektrėnų high school 11 - 15 years (5 - 8 grades). This work is aimed to identify the fifth - eighth grade students psychological well-being of school characteristics, as well as the fifth - eighth grade students self-esteem characteristics. The paper will attempt to measure the achievement levels and learning outcomes. It also sought students psychological well-being at school and correlation with self-esteem or achievement of learning outcomes. The research was made by applying two types of tests. The first - McClellan D., L. Katz, Social Development; on the scale of the third question group; well-being and social skills at school (test of psychological well-being of the characteristics of the school) and the Rosenberg Self-Assessment Scale (self-assessment test to determine the characteristics). The second - the data on student excellence were collected by analyzing documents, 5-8 grade students achievement records and annual summaries The study was carried out in 2007-2010. 2007 April. The study included all Elektrėnų one fifth of secondary school classes, a total of 137 students. 2010 March. Re-examination was performed in all of the same high school Elektrėnų eighth grades. In the second stage of the investigation involved 113 eighth graders. Overall, the questionnaires received, a selection of 99 subjects - 60 boys and 39 girls. The... [to full text]

Vyresniųjų klasių (IX-XII ) moksleivių pasiekimo motyvacijos ir sveikatos kontrolės lokuso ypatumai / Peculiarities of achievement motivation and locus of health control of senior schoolchildren (years IX – XII)

Vidugirienė, Jolanta 22 June 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this work was to study the peculiarities and interrelations of achievement motivation, locus of health control (multidimensional and visual analogue scales) and academic advancement of senior schoolchildren (years IX – XII). 228 senior schoolchildren participated in the study. The study involved two methodologies. The first one, meant for the research of learning motivation of schoolchildren, was used A. Mehrabian’s achievement motivation test-enquiry, modified by M. Sh. Magomed – Eminov. The second one – K. Wallston’s (1978) health locus of control (multidimensional and visual analogue scales). The research results data confirmed the hypothesis that achievement motivation of senior girls is different from that of senior boys. It was established that the ratios of motivation of boys were higher than those of girls of the same age. It is confirmed by the statistically relevant relation (t(226)=2,004, p = 0,04). The analysis of research data showed that: achievement motivation of senior schoolchildren decreases with the age; senior schoolchildren’s belief that condition of health depends on contingencies or external influences decreases with the age; senior boys evaluate their health better than girls of the same age; advancement of senior schoolchildren increases with the age. Second hypothesis of probability of relation among achievement motivation, health control ratios and academic advancement in senior grades was not confirmed.

Vyresniųjų (10-12) klasių mokinių neverbalinio kūrybinio mąstymo, bendros mokymosi ir pasiekimų motyvacijos bei pažangumo santykių ypatumai bei sąsajos / Peculiarities of Links Between Nonverbal Creative Thinking, General Leraning Motivation, Motivation of Achievements and Learning Success of Elder Pupils (10-12 classes)

Lavrinovič, Irena 13 June 2006 (has links)
The aim of this study was to consider a question of creativity in all its aspects and to explore peculiarities of creative thinking according to gender, classes, learning profiles of senior pupils and find out links between creative thinking and general learning motivation, creative thinking and motivation of achievements, creative thinking and learning success (academic results). So for this purpose there was chosen Torrance Test of Creative Thinking (1974), in case to explore their peculiarities of creative thinking. It was used figural A form (all three activities). Torrance test of creative thinking identified four components of divergent thinking: fluency (the ability to quickly find multiple solutions to a problem); flexibility (being able to simultaneously consider a variety of alternatives); and originality (referring to ideas that differ from those of other people) and elaboration (optional; the ability to elaborate ideas and solutions). We also used “Approach to Study Inventory” (test of general learning motivation; Entwistle N.J., Hanley M., Rounsell D., 1979; Entwistle N.J., Ramsden P., 1981) and Mechrabian Test-Questionnaire for motivation of achievements (modified by M.Š.-Magomed-Eminov, 1987). 198 senior pupils were investigated during this research. There were 102 girls and 96 boys of them. They were divided according to their learning profile into the two groups: humanitarian and real profiles. Trying to find out differences between gender, classes and... [to full text]

9-12 klasių berniukų metinio įvertinimo vidurkis ir kūno kultūros pamokos lankomumo sąsajos / Links between the average annual evalution and attendance of physical education lessons among 9- 12 garade boys

Škudzinskas, Tomas 06 September 2013 (has links)
Darbo aktualumas. E. Adaškevičienės (2004) teigimu, pastaruoju metu moksleivių tarpe atsiranda negatyvus požiūris į judėjimo aktyvumą, kūno kultūrą ir sportą. Atlikti tyrimai parodė, kad bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos moksleiviai, kurie sistemingai lankė kūno kultūros pamokas bei sporto treniruotes, ne taip greit pavargdavo per protinio lavinimo pratybas bei paskaitas, būdavo aktyvesni per pamokas bei pažangesni moksle (Vilkas, 1995). Todėl buvo aktualu ištirti vyresniųjų klasių (15–18 metų) moksleivių berniukų požiūrį į kūno kultūros pamokas, kūno kultūros pamokų lankomumą ir jo sąsajas su mokymosi pažangumu. Darbo objektas: 9-12 klasių berniukų metinio įvertinimo vidurkio ir kūno kultūros pamokos lankomumo sąsajos. Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti 9-12 klasių berniukų metinio įvertinimo vidurkio ir kūno kultūros pamokos lankomumo sąsajas. Uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti 9-12 klasių berniukų metinio įvertinimo vidurkį. 2. Ištirti 9-12 klasių berniukų ir kūno kultūros pamokos lankomumą. 3. Nustatyti 9-12 klasių berniukų metinio įvertinimo vidurkio ir kūno kultūros pamokos lankomumo sąsajas. Tyrimo rezultatai: 1. Išanalizavus Raseinių „Žemaičio“ gimnazijos 9-12 klasių mokinių berniukų metinio įvertinimo vidurkį nustatyta, kad 12 klasėje buvo 72,2 proc. gero ir 27,8 proc. patenkinamo pažangumo mokinių; 11 klasėje buvo 63,9 proc. gero ir 36,1 proc. patenkinamo pažangumo mokinių; 10 klasėje buvo 52,9 proc. gero ir 47,1 proc. patenkinamo pažangumo mokinių; 9 klasėje buvo 38,9 proc... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Relevance of work. E. Adaškevičienė (2004) argues that recently there is a negative attitude appearing among schoolchildren towards physica activity, physical education and sports. Studies have shown that pupils of general education school who systematically attended physical education classes and sport training, god tired during mental training exercisses and lectures not so soon, were more active during lessons as well as showed better academic achievements (Vilkas, 1995). It was therefore important to investingate the approach of senior (15-18 years) schoolboys to physical education classes, attendance of physical education classes and its relationship to learining achievements. Work obiject: Links between the average annual evaluation and attendance of physical education lessons among 9-12 grade boys. The aim of research was to identify the links between the average annual evaluation and attendance of physical education lessons among 9- 12 grade boys. Obijectives: 1. To analyse the average annual assessment of 9-12 grade boys. 2. To analyse attendance of physical education classes among 9-12 grade boys. 3. To identify the links betwen the average annual evaluation and attendance of phyical education lessons 9-12 grade boys. Main results: 1. The analysis of the average annual academic evaluation of 9-12 grade boys at „Žemaitis“ Gymnasium Raseiniai has shown that there were 72,2 per cent pupils with good and 27,8 per cent with satisfactory academic... [to full text]

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