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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Polymer-Based Wafer-Level Packaging of Micromachined HARPSS Devices

Monadgemi, Pezhman 18 May 2006 (has links)
This thesis reports on a new low-cost wafer-level packaging technology for microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). The MEMS process is based on a revised version of High Aspect Ratio Polysilicon and Single Crystal Silicon (HARPSS) technology. The packaging technique is based on thermal decomposition of a sacrificial polymer through a polymer overcoat followed by metal coating to create resizable MEMS packages. The sacrificial polymer is created on top of the active component including beams, seismic mass, and electrodes by photodefining, dispensing, etching, or molding. The low loss polymer overcoat is patterned by photodefinition to provide access to the bond pads. The sacrificial polymer decomposes at temperatures around 200-280aC and the volatile products permeate through the overcoat polymer leaving an embedded air-cavity. For MEMS devices that do not need hermetic packaging, the encapsulated device can then be handled and packaged like an integrated circuit. For devices that are sensitive to humidity or need vacuum environment, hermiticity is obtained by deposition and patterning thin-film metals such as aluminum, chromium, copper, or gold. To demonstrate the potential of this technology, different types of capacitive MEMS devices have been designed, fabricated, packaged, and characterized. These includes beam resonators, RF tunable capacitors, accelerometers, and gyroscopes. The MEMS design includes mechanical, thermal, and electromagnetic analysis. The device performance, before and after packaging is compared and the correlation to the model is presented. The following is a summary of the main contributions of this work to the extensive research focused on MEMS and their packaging: 1)A new low-cost wafer-level packaging method for bulk or surface micromachined devices including resonators, RF passives and mechanical sensors is reported. This technique utilizes thermal decomposition of a sacrificial polymer through an overcoat polymer to create buried channels on top of the resonant/movable parts of the micromachined device. It provides small interconnections together with resizable package dimensions. We report MEMS package thicknesses in the range of 10 mm to 1 mm, and package size from 0.0001 mm to 1 mm. 2)A revised version of the HARPSS technology is presented to implement high aspect ratio silicon capacitors, resonators and inertial sensors in the smallest area.

Methodologies for modeling simultaneous switching noise in multi-layered packages and boards

Chun, Sungjun 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Physics-based process modeling, reliability prediction, and design guidelines for flip-chip devices

Michaelides, Stylianos 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Multiscale EM and circuit simulation using the Laguerre-FDTD scheme for package-aware integrated-circuit design

Srinivasan, Gopikrishna January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2008. / Committee Chair: Prof. Madhavan Swaminathan; Committee Member: Prof. Andrew Peterson; Committee Member: Prof. Sungkyu Lim

Förpackningsdesign i genusperspektiv : En granskning av duschcremesförpackningar / Packaging design in gender perspective : An examination of shower gel packaging

Sjödin, Melinda January 2015 (has links)
Färg och form kan bidra till att skapa uppmärksamhet, förmedla budskap och skapa känslor som i sin tur kan öka sannolikheten av att kunden genomför köpet. Förpackningens färg och form bör synkronisera för att budskapen inte ska motsäga varandra, och det är mycket viktigt att designen lämpar sig till målgruppen. Färg kan ses som ett språk som kommunicerar med konsumenten, och att förstå detta språk kan vara ett starkt redskap inom marknadsföring och design. Det är vanligt att förpackningsdesign riktas mot något eller bägge könen och att ge produkten en karaktär av maskulint eller feminint kan vara ett effektivt tillvägagångssätt att särskilja produkten från resterande sortiment. I samband med färg och form är det nödvändigt att förstå konsumentens behov samt användning av produkten, och det är viktigt att skapa en god design riktad mot rätt målgrupp. Det är viktigt att förstå vad konsumenten attraheras till och vad som lockar till att genomföra ett köp. Syftet med denna studie var att ta reda på varför förpackningsdesign för duschcreme specificerade för kvinnor respektive män skiljer sig, och vad som anses vara kvinnligt och manligt när det kommer till färg och form, i samband med duschcremesförpackningar. För att ta reda på detta genomfördes en visuell innehållsanalys samt en enkätundersökning. Resultatet som genererades av dessa metoder sammanfattades i tabeller och diagram, som tydligt visar de färger som anses vara maskulina samt feminina. Mörka färger, som svart och blått, anses vara maskulina medan ljusa färger och rosa toner anses vara feminina. Mjuka grafiska element och former kopplas till femininitet medan motsatsen kopplas till maskulinitet. Slutsatsen av detta är att anledningen till att förpackningarna skiljer sig är för att lättare kommunicera med målgruppen, och i detta fall via färg och form. / Color and shape may contribute to creating attention, conveying messages and create feelings, which in turn can increase the likelihood that the customer makes the purchase. Packaging color and shape should synchronize so that the messages don’t contradict each other, and it is very important that the design is suitable to the targeted audience. Color can be seen as a language that communicates with the consumer, and understanding this language can be a powerful tool in marketing and design. It is common that packaging design is directed towards one or both sexes and to give the product a character of masculine or feminine can be an effective approach to distinguish the product from the remaining range. In conjunction with the color and shape, it is essential to understand the needs and use of the product for the consumer, and it is important to create a good design targeted towards the right audience. It is important to understand what consumers are attracted to and what attracts to make a purchase. The purpose of this study was to find out why packaging design for shower gel specified for women and men differ, and what is considered feminine and masculine when it comes to color and shape, in conjunction with shower gel packaging. To find out about this, a visual content analysis and a survey were performed. The results generated by these methodologies were summarized in tables and charts, which clearly shows the colors that are considered masculine and feminine. Dark colors, such as black and blue, are considered masculine while bright colors and pink tones are considered feminine. Soft graphic elements and shapes are linked to femininity while the opposite is linked to masculinity. The conclusion is that the reason that the package designs are different is to make it easier to communicate with the targeted audience, and in this case through color and shape.

Designens betydelse vid val av boxvin : En studie om konsumenters preferenser av designfaktorer på bag-in-box-vin. / The significance of design in the choice of box wine : A study on consumer preferences of design factors on bag-in-box wine.

Dahlqvist, Sofia, Hedén, Marie January 2015 (has links)
På den svenska marknaden står bag-in-box-vin för över 50 procent av allt vin som säljs och Sverige är det land där bag-in-boxen fått starkast fäste i världen (Fremin, 2012). Det gör att bag-in-box-förpackningen är en stor och betydelsefull produkt för vintillverkare och att ha kunskap om säljande design är viktigt för grafiska formgivare samt övriga involverade företag. Den föreliggande studiens syfte var att undersöka vilka designfaktorer på bagin- box-förpackningar som påverkar konsumenternas val av vin i Sverige. Studien innefattade en visuell kartläggning som ämnade ge en överblick av utbudet på ett Systembolag. Detta genomfördes för att skapa en grund till den webbaserade enkätundersökningen som genomfördes under våren 2015. Resultaten visade att majoriteten av respondenterna valde vin baserat på förpackningens utseende och ansåg att de påverkades främst av färg, typsnitt, illustrationer och varumärken. Resultaten visade också att ju högre vinkunskap konsumenterna hade desto mindre påverkade designen deras val. Kvinnor och män hade generellt olika åsikter angående hur stor påverkan de olika designfaktorerna hade vid valet av bag-in-box-vin. Denna studie är endast ett avstamp till ett ämne som innefattar många påverkande faktorer. Det betyder att mer forskning krävs inom ämnet innan helt sanningsenliga resultat kan fastställas. / In the Swedish market the bag-in-box wine stands for over 50 percent of all wine that sells and Sweden is the country where the bag-in-box have the strongest hold in the world (Fremin, 2012). This makes bag-in-box packaging a major and significant product for winemakers. Therefore having knowledge about selling design is important for graphic designers and other involved companies. This study included a visual content analysis of the bag-in-box wine in a liquor store in Sweden in order to get an overview of the supply. With the results, a web-based survey was created and implemented in the spring of 2015. The results showed that the majority of the respondents chose the wine based on the appearance of the package and felt that they were mainly effected by the colour, font, illustrations and brand. Consumers with higher knowledge about wine were less effected by the design in their choice of wine. Women and men had generally different opinions about how much impact the different design factors had in the choice of bag-in-box wine. This study is only a starting point for a subject that includes many influencing factors. Further research is therefore needed before completely truthful results can be established.

Texturas visuais em embalagens para cosméticos femininos : estudo de caso de um produto no mercado

Leyser, Mariana January 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo analisar a contribuição do design de superfície no design de embalagem, através do estudo da aplicação de texturas visuais em embalagens de cosméticos femininos como fator de diferenciação em relação a produtos de uma mesma categoria. A dissertação delimitou-se no estudo da aplicação de texturas visuais utilizadas em embalagens de cosméticos femininos, sob o enfoque simbólico e estético. Realiza o estudo de caso de uma empresa de cosméticos localizada em Porto Alegre, que possui a maior linha de marca própria do Brasil, em número de itens, no ramo farmacêutico. O tema da dissertação busca compreender a relação entre design de embalagem e o design de superfície como fator de diferenciação e sucesso comercial de um produto cosmético feminino. Esse estudo foi realizado através de pesquisa qualitativa que se aprofunda e embasa sobre o assunto explorado. Utilizaram-se como técnicas de coleta de dados a pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, entrevistas em profundidade e grupos focais. Através desta dissertação, ampliou-se a área do conhecimento que circunscreve o design de embalagem e o design de superfície demonstrando que as suas relações e contribuições são relevantes e que refletem no olhar do público. / This dissertation aims to analyze the contribution of surface design in packaging design by studying the application of visual texture in female cosmetics packaging and differentiation factor for products in the same category.The thesis was delimited to study the application of visual textures used in female cosmetic packaging, under the symbolic and esthetic approach. Proposes the case study of a cosmetics company based in Porto Alegre, which has the largest range of own brand in Brazil in number of items in the pharmaceutical industry. The theme of the dissertation seeks to understand the relationship between packaging design and surface design as a factor of differentiation and commercial success of a cosmetic product for women. This study was conducted through qualitative research that underlies and deepens on the subject explored. Were used as data collection techniques to bibliographic and documentary research, interviews and focus groups.Through this dissertation, has widened the area of knowledge that limits the design of packaging and surface design demonstrating that their relationships and contributions are relevant and which are reflected in the public eye.

Packaging Design for E-commerce : Development of a secondary packaging with focus on easy handling and creating a positive unboxing experience

Thorsén, Amanda January 2018 (has links)
The e-commerce is an area that has grown considerably in recent years and continues to grow at a rapid pace. It is thereby becoming more and more important for com-panies to distinguish themselves amongst others, not least when it comes to getting customers to return for a second purchase. A good way to do this is to create a posi-tive experience for consumers. As the interaction with the customers has shifted from physical meetings to a computer screen through the spread of online retail, it is im-portant to nourish the few encounters that remain. An important point of interaction is the receiving of purchased goods. The packaging in which the goods are shipped, is thus an important source of communication to the customer, and a perfect means of displaying the company values. This thesis project aims at examining how an optimal packaging for this area can be created, and this was done in collaboration with Arcwise, a SCA business unit, who works with a special type of corrugated cardboard that allows for the production of rounded shaped packages. During the contextual work of this project, where a basic analysis of the market was made, a number of needs could be established. To be able to create a positive user experience and thus a competitive edge in the market, these needs must be fulfilled by packages made for shipping online-bought items. Following these needs, the project’s design phase was carried out with the aim of creating a packaging solution by using the corrugated board developed by Arcwise. This work was done by using creative methods such as brainstorming, workshop and prototyping. To evaluate the ideas, a weighting against criteria was done, and tests were made when the packaging concepts were shipped from Sundsvall to Luleå, to test their durability. Six concepts were narrowed down to a final package, which clearly exhibits the prop-erties of the material. It was designed with the aim for easy folding and packing, and to create a positive unboxing experience for the end customer.

Texturas visuais em embalagens para cosméticos femininos : estudo de caso de um produto no mercado

Leyser, Mariana January 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo analisar a contribuição do design de superfície no design de embalagem, através do estudo da aplicação de texturas visuais em embalagens de cosméticos femininos como fator de diferenciação em relação a produtos de uma mesma categoria. A dissertação delimitou-se no estudo da aplicação de texturas visuais utilizadas em embalagens de cosméticos femininos, sob o enfoque simbólico e estético. Realiza o estudo de caso de uma empresa de cosméticos localizada em Porto Alegre, que possui a maior linha de marca própria do Brasil, em número de itens, no ramo farmacêutico. O tema da dissertação busca compreender a relação entre design de embalagem e o design de superfície como fator de diferenciação e sucesso comercial de um produto cosmético feminino. Esse estudo foi realizado através de pesquisa qualitativa que se aprofunda e embasa sobre o assunto explorado. Utilizaram-se como técnicas de coleta de dados a pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, entrevistas em profundidade e grupos focais. Através desta dissertação, ampliou-se a área do conhecimento que circunscreve o design de embalagem e o design de superfície demonstrando que as suas relações e contribuições são relevantes e que refletem no olhar do público. / This dissertation aims to analyze the contribution of surface design in packaging design by studying the application of visual texture in female cosmetics packaging and differentiation factor for products in the same category.The thesis was delimited to study the application of visual textures used in female cosmetic packaging, under the symbolic and esthetic approach. Proposes the case study of a cosmetics company based in Porto Alegre, which has the largest range of own brand in Brazil in number of items in the pharmaceutical industry. The theme of the dissertation seeks to understand the relationship between packaging design and surface design as a factor of differentiation and commercial success of a cosmetic product for women. This study was conducted through qualitative research that underlies and deepens on the subject explored. Were used as data collection techniques to bibliographic and documentary research, interviews and focus groups.Through this dissertation, has widened the area of knowledge that limits the design of packaging and surface design demonstrating that their relationships and contributions are relevant and which are reflected in the public eye.

Texturas visuais em embalagens para cosméticos femininos : estudo de caso de um produto no mercado

Leyser, Mariana January 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo analisar a contribuição do design de superfície no design de embalagem, através do estudo da aplicação de texturas visuais em embalagens de cosméticos femininos como fator de diferenciação em relação a produtos de uma mesma categoria. A dissertação delimitou-se no estudo da aplicação de texturas visuais utilizadas em embalagens de cosméticos femininos, sob o enfoque simbólico e estético. Realiza o estudo de caso de uma empresa de cosméticos localizada em Porto Alegre, que possui a maior linha de marca própria do Brasil, em número de itens, no ramo farmacêutico. O tema da dissertação busca compreender a relação entre design de embalagem e o design de superfície como fator de diferenciação e sucesso comercial de um produto cosmético feminino. Esse estudo foi realizado através de pesquisa qualitativa que se aprofunda e embasa sobre o assunto explorado. Utilizaram-se como técnicas de coleta de dados a pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, entrevistas em profundidade e grupos focais. Através desta dissertação, ampliou-se a área do conhecimento que circunscreve o design de embalagem e o design de superfície demonstrando que as suas relações e contribuições são relevantes e que refletem no olhar do público. / This dissertation aims to analyze the contribution of surface design in packaging design by studying the application of visual texture in female cosmetics packaging and differentiation factor for products in the same category.The thesis was delimited to study the application of visual textures used in female cosmetic packaging, under the symbolic and esthetic approach. Proposes the case study of a cosmetics company based in Porto Alegre, which has the largest range of own brand in Brazil in number of items in the pharmaceutical industry. The theme of the dissertation seeks to understand the relationship between packaging design and surface design as a factor of differentiation and commercial success of a cosmetic product for women. This study was conducted through qualitative research that underlies and deepens on the subject explored. Were used as data collection techniques to bibliographic and documentary research, interviews and focus groups.Through this dissertation, has widened the area of knowledge that limits the design of packaging and surface design demonstrating that their relationships and contributions are relevant and which are reflected in the public eye.

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