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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Los factores personales y su influencia en la preferencia de videojuegos en adultos peruanos / Personal factors and their influence on the preference of video games in Peruvian adults

Morán Ponce, Jorge Hugo 20 April 2021 (has links)
En el siguiente trabajo de investigación se buscará identificar como los factores personales influyen en la preferencia de adultos videojugadores peruanos con el fin de contribuir en el desarrollo de videojuegos peruanos que resulten atractivos para el videojugador adulto peruano. En la introducción se contextualiza la situación de la industria de videojuegos alrededor del mundo en el año 2020 en contexto de pandemia, para posteriormente ubicarse en el continente latinoamericano y finalmente llegar al territorio peruano. En el marco teórico se explicará el significado de los factores personales y las diversas variables que contiene y las cuales serán identificadas posteriormente. Con respecto a la metodología, el paradigma seleccionado para esta investigación es el de constructivismo, en base a un enfoque cualitativo, por lo tanto, para este trabajo se llevarán a cabo entrevistas personales a través de una guía de entrevista, estas serán realizadas hacia adultos videojugadores peruanos seleccionados a través de un muestreo por conveniencia. / The following research work will seek to identify how personal factors influence the preference of Peruvian adult gamers in order to contribute to the development of Peruvian video games that are attractive to the Peruvian adult gamer. In the introduction, the situation of the video game industry around the world in the year 2020 is contextualized in the context of a pandemic, to then be located in the Latin American continent and finally reach the Peruvian territory. In the theoretical framework, the meaning of personal factors and the various variables it contains will be explained, which will be identified later. Regarding the methodology, the paradigm selected for this research is that of constructivism, based on a qualitative approach, therefore, for this work personal interviews will be carried out through an interview guide, these will be carried out with adults Peruvian gamers selected through convenience sampling. / Trabajo de investigación

Costumbres Latinas

Barrios Larriva, Claudia Alexandra, Espinoza Arnao, Pablo Lucio, Mendoza Tocto, Julissa Milagros, Perez Manrique, Diana Yenyfer, Tueros Salazar, Lourdes Leticia 19 July 2021 (has links)
En la actualidad, se evidencia un incremento de residuos sólidos en Lima Metropolitana (INEI, 2019). Según el informe de INEI, los distritos que generan mayor cantidad de residuos son Santiago de Surco, Miraflores, San Miguel y La Molina. Por otro lado, la pandemia generada por el COVID-19 ha generado un cambio en los hábitos de compras del consumidor y esto se ve reflejado debido a que existe un incremento en las compras a través del e-commerce, con la finalidad de evitar los contagios los consumidores prefieren comprar todo tipo de artículos desde la comodidad de su hogar. Tomando en consideración ambas variables, nace la idea de crear un proyecto de florería ecoamigable con la modalidad de delivery. Para ello, se hará uso de productos eco-amigables los cuales permitirán reducir el consumo de plásticos y otros materiales dañinos para el medio ambiente comparado a los arreglos florales tradicionales ofrecidos en las florerías. De esta manera, se busca generar conciencia en los consumidores respecto a la importancia de cuidar el medio ambiente. Por lo tanto, se realizó una investigación cualitativa para determinar la frecuencia y aceptación de este proyecto en las zonas 6 y 7 de Lima Metropolitana. Además, se realizó un análisis financiero a través del cual se obtuvieron indicadores de rentabilidad favorables, los cuales avalan la viabilidad y rentabilidad de poner en marcha “Costumbres Latinas” un proyecto que ofrecerá la posibilidad de reducir la contaminación ambiental a través del uso de productos orgánicos y el reciclaje de residuos sólidos. / Currently, there is an increase in solid waste in Metropolitan Lima (INEI, 2019). According to the INEI report, the districts that generate the greatest amount of waste are Santiago de Surco, Miraflores, San Miguel and La Molina. On the other hand, the pandemic generated by COVID-19 has generated a change in consumer shopping habits and this is reflected due to the fact that there is an increase in purchases through e-commerce, in order to avoid contagions consumers, prefer to buy all kinds of items from the comfort of their home. Taking both variables into consideration, the idea of ​​creating an eco-friendly florist project with the delivery modality was born. For this, eco-friendly products will be used which will reduce the consumption of plastics and other materials that are harmful to the environment compared to the traditional flower arrangements offered in flower shops. In this way, it seeks to generate awareness in consumers regarding the importance of caring for the environment. Therefore, a qualitative investigation was carried out to determine the frequency and acceptance of this project in zones 6 and 7 of Metropolitan Lima. In addition, a financial analysis was carried out through which favorable profitability indicators were obtained, which endorse the viability and profitability of launching "Latin Customs" a project that will offer the possibility of reducing environmental pollution using products. organic and solid waste recycling. / Trabajo de investigación

Plataforma de salud psicológica y fisioterapeuta Health & Mind

Bullón Chacón, Vivian Fiorella, Collins Rojas, Maria Fe, García Lavado, Jesús Alberto, López Serpa, Jhosmell Enrique, Palacios Valdivia, Dassia Esthefany 26 November 2021 (has links)
Actualmente, uno de los problemas que generó la pandemia es un desgaste emocional, ya que frente a una pandemia como la que estamos viviendo es predecible sentir ansiedad, nerviosismo, angustia, estrés, tristeza y preocupación, entre otras reacciones. Asimismo, aumentaron los problemas de salud física, debido al trabajo remoto. Mediante el presente trabajo, se busca desarrollar un plan de negocio para solucionar el problema mencionado y estudiar la viabilidad de este. En primer lugar, se realizó un Business Model Canvas para plantear los aspectos clave del negocio y tener visible la infraestructura, los clientes, proveedores y estructura financiera, para después evaluar y validar cada uno de los cuadrantes. Para ello, se tuvo que llevar a cabo entrevistas con diferentes usuarios y expertos, rescatando sus opiniones para desarrollar una página web de acuerdo con sus necesidades. En segundo lugar, se desarrolló un prototipo de alta fidelidad de la página web, la cual se le presentó a los entrevistados para que puedan interactuar con ella y brindar sus recomendaciones para modificar la plataforma en caso se considerara necesario y mejorarla. En tercer lugar, se desarrollaron cuatro nuevos experimentos para validar el interés de compra de los usuarios, se diseñó una página web, brindando toda la información sobre la idea de negocio, de esta manera se pudo medir la intención de compra de cada usuario. Finalmente, se realizaron campañas de publicidad a través de Instagram, para llegar a un mayor segmento de mercado y generar mayor interacción en la página web. / Actually, one of the problems caused by the pandemic is emotional exhaustion, since in the face of a pandemic like the one we are living in, it is predictable to feel anxiety, nervousness, anguish, stress, sadness and worry, among other reactions. In addition to this, physical health problems increased, due to remote work. Through the present work, we seek to develop a business plan to solve the mentioned problem and study its viability. In the first place, a Business Model Canvas was made to present the key aspects of the business and have the infrastructure, customers, suppliers and financial structure visible, to later evaluate and validate each of the quadrants. For this, interviews had to be carried out with different people and experts, payig attention to their opinions to develop a web page according to their needs. Second, a high-fidelity prototype of the website was developed, which was presented to the interviewees so that they could interact with it and provide their recommendations to modify the platform if it was necessary and improve it. Third, four new experiments were developed to validate the purchase interest of users, a web page was designed, providing all the information about the business idea, in this way it was possible to measure the purchase intention of each user. Finally, advertising campaigns were carried out through Instagram, to reach a larger market segment and generate more interaction on the website. / Trabajo de investigación

Salón de Belleza a domicilio “Stetic Car”

Avilés Corzo, Joselyn Karina, Escobedo Hurtado, Evvie Mirella, Herrera Castellano, Natalie Roxana, Salazar Gómez, Lesly, Sánchez Maldonado, Pamela 19 July 2021 (has links)
Stetic Car es una idea de negocio que surge en el contexto en el que nos encontramos actualmente y de acuerdo con las entrevistas a profundidad de carácter exploratorio realizadas a 25 personas entre hombres y mujeres de 18 años a más y que pertenecen al Nivel Socioeconómico C y D de Lima Este, los cuales indicaron que desean cuidar su imagen personal y a la vez son conscientes del incremento del índice de mortalidad en el país, debido a la pandemia. En función a esta problemática, Stetic Car ofrece un servicio de belleza móvil a domicilio, el cual permitirá a las personas que se preocupan por su imagen y cuidado personal acceder a un servicio con atención personalizada y flexible, brindado por profesionales de la belleza con experiencia, dicho servicio se solicitará a través de nuestras redes sociales y página web, el profesional de la belleza asignado brindará el servicio con todas las medidas de seguridad implementadas por el gobierno. En el plan de marketing se define como objetivo lograr el 20% de participación del mercado de salón de belleza a domicilio en un plazo de 5 años posicionándose como empresa líder por su calidad de servicio y la experiencia de un salón de belleza en casa. Finalmente, realizado el cálculo de los estados financieros y del flujo de caja, con base en los presupuestos requeridos para tal fin resultaron ser positivos, lo que nos indica que este es un proyecto de negocio rentable e innovador. / Stetic Car is a business idea that was born in the context in which we find ourselves today. according to in-depth exploratory interviews carried out with 25 people between men and women aged 18 and over and who belong to Socioeconomic Level C and D of East Lima. They told us that they want to take care of their personal image and at the same time. They are aware of the increase in the death rate in the country, due to the pandemic. Based on this problem, Stetic Car offers a mobile beauty service at home, which will allow people who care about their image and personal care to access a service with personalized and flexible attention. This service will be provided by experienced beauty professionals and will be requested through our social networks and website, the assigned beauty professional will provide the service with all the security measures implemented by the government. The marketing plan defines the objective of achieving 20% market share of the home beauty salon within a period of 5 years, positioning itself as a leading company due to its quality of service and the experience of a home beauty salon. Finally, the calculation of the financial statements and the cash flow, based on the budgets required for this purpose, turned out to be positive. This tells us that this is a profitable and innovative business project. / Trabajo de investigación

Efectos del Brand Trust en el Brand Equity y el Brand Loyalty de las marcas durante la pandemia COVID-19 / Effects of Brand Trust on Brand Equity and Brand Loyalty of brands during the COVID-19 pandemic

Lucero Sabrozo, Julia Gloria Valeria, Vásquez Pedemonte, Fiorella Harumy 02 March 2021 (has links)
El COVID-19 provocó que múltiples empresas se vean inevitablemente afectadas con efectos a corto y largo plazo. En el Perú, los consumidores se están enfrentando a un entorno incierto y cambiante que los obliga continuamente a realizar ajustes en su día a día. Por ello, las empresas deben evaluar minuciosamente las acciones por tomar con sus marcas ya que, los consumidores han dejado de lado sus conductas habituales y están atentos a todo lo que ocurre en su entorno. Múltiples empresas se vieron en la obligación de trabajar más la confianza de marca para mantener la lealtad que estos brindaban al usuario final con la finalidad de que las ventas no disminuyeran y a su vez que más personas no pierdan credibilidad puesto que, muchas de ellas juegan un rol importante dentro de la crisis sanitarias que vivimos actualmente. / COVID-19 caused multiple companies to be inevitably affected with short and long-term effects. In Peru, consumers are facing an uncertain and changing environment that continually forces them to make adjustments in their day to day. For this reason, companies must carefully evaluate the actions to be taken with their brands since consumers have put aside their usual behaviors and are attentive to everything that happens in their environment. Multiple companies were forced to work more on brand trust to maintain the loyalty that they provided to the end user in order that sales did not decrease and in turn that more people did not lose credibility since many of them play an important role in the current health crisis. / Trabajo de investigación

Orientaciones docentes a los padres para el apoyo a sus hijos en el proceso de aprendizaje en la modalidad virtual en educación primaria

Mesia Gutierrez, Elida Beatriz 31 July 2023 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como tema las orientaciones brindadas por el docente de nivel de primaria para una mejor participación de los padres en el proceso de aprendizaje en modalidad virtual. Un tema pertinente teniendo en cuenta que los padres son un apoyo fundamental para el docente y para los estudiantes, más aún en una educación en la que el hogar se transformó en la casa de estudios de los estudiantes durante la Pandemia por la Covid-19 entre los años 2020 y 2021. La pregunta problema que surge es ¿Cómo los docentes orientan a los padres de familia para el acompañamiento de sus hijos en su proceso de aprendizaje en modalidad virtual? Por lo cual se plantea el objetivo general de analizar las orientaciones de los docentes para el apoyo de los padres a sus hijos en su proceso de aprendizaje en modalidad virtual. La investigación responde a un enfoque cualitativo de tipo descriptiva, además se utiliza la entrevista semi estructurada. De lo que se obtuvo las principales conclusiones, siendo que los docentes brindaron orientaciones de diversa índole, una de las más significativas fue lo referente al apoyo y orientaciones afectivas frente al Covid en la familia; así como, académicamente para desarrollar un involucramiento de los padres de forma adecuada a los objetivos de aprendizaje. De igual manera para lograr esto, las comunicaciones entre los agentes educativos se dieron principalmente mediante llamadas en un inicio y luego haciendo uso de redes sociales como WhatsApp, que fueron las principales herramientas de comunicación. Finalmente, se recomienda establecer compromisos para una mejor comunicación entre el docente y el padre; además de utilizar diversas herramientas de acuerdo a los objetivos de interés de la comunicación. / The topic of this research is the guidance provided by elementary school teachers for a better participation of parents in the learning process in virtual mode. This is a relevant topic considering that parents are a fundamental support for teachers and students, even more so in an education in which the home has become the students' classroom during the Covid-19 pandemic between 2020 and 2021. The problem question that arises is: How do teachers guide parents in accompanying their children in their learning process in virtual modality? Therefore, the general objective is to analyze the orientation of teachers for the support of parents to their children in their learning process in virtual modality. The whole research responds to a descriptive qualitative approach, and a semi-structured interview is also used. The main conclusions obtained were that the teachers provided guidance of various kinds, one of the most significant was the support and affective guidance regarding Covid in the family; as well as, academically to develop parental involvement in a manner appropriate to the learning objectives. Similarly, to achieve this, communications between educational agents were mainly through phone calls at the beginning and then using social networks such as Whatsapp, which were the main communication tools. Finally, it is recommended to establish commitments for better communication between the teacher and the parent; in addition to using various tools according to the objectives of interest of the communication.

Consumo de la comunicación publicitaria de la marca Domestika en YouTube durante la pandemia

Altamirano Sifuentes, Daniela Valia 12 December 2021 (has links)
El presente artículo, propone un análisis de los componentes que constituyen la decisión de compra en consumidores de 20 a 30 años a través de contenidos publicitarios pre-roll en la plataforma de YouTube, enlazados a la empresa Domestika, con el objetivo de establecer un conocimiento centrado en los consumidores del servicio digital mencionado. De la misma forma, se estudia la situación en el estado temporal de pandemia, determinando los efectos y cambios desarrollados a nivel educacional en el mundo frente a esta realidad, y la aparición del E-Learning como nueva forma necesaria de aprendizaje. Por otra parte, se destacan las distintas posibilidades que ofrece YouTube, como medio digital para los contenidos publicitarios de las marcas. En adición, se resalta dentro del eje de investigación, la exploración de la importancia esencial que representan las estrategias digitales comerciales, para el desarrollo favorable de las marcas. En relación con todo lo expuesto con anterioridad, se ha llegado a efectuar una metodología a través de la investigación de distintos artículos y fuentes relevantes, en los cuales se ha basado el presente trabajo. / This article proposes an analysis of the components that constitute the purchase decision in consumers aged 20 to 30 years through pre-roll advertising content on the YouTube platform, linked to the Domestika company, with the aim of establishing knowledge focused on the consumers of the digital service. In the same way, the situation in the temporary state of pandemic is studied, determining the effects and changes developed at the educational level in the world in the face of this reality, and the appearance of E-Learning as a new necessary form of learning. On the other hand, the different possibilities offered by YouTube stand out as a digital medium for brand advertising content. In addition, the exploration of the essential importance that commercial digital strategies represent for the favorable development of brands is highlighted within the research axis. In relation to all the above, a methodology has been carried out through the investigation of different articles and relevant sources, on which this work has been based. / Trabajo de investigación


SABRINA MOURA KIFFER 15 May 2023 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação de mestrado tem como objetos de estudo o currículo escolar e suas relações com as concepções de escola. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em Queimados, município localizado na Baixada Fluminense do Rio de Janeiro. O objetivo da pesquisa é compreender as concepções de escola a partir das (re)elaborações do currículo escolar realizadas pelos professores, durante o processo de priorização curricular desenvolvido pela Rede municipal de Queimados no contexto da pandemia de COVID-19, no ano de 2021. Foram aplicados questionários com 79 questões fechadas e 3 abertas, respondidos por 48 professores dos anos finais do ensino fundamental que trabalham nessa Rede. Além disso, realizou-se entrevistas semiestruturadas com 16 professores, respondentes dos questionários, para permitir aprofundamentos das análises. As análises realizadas a partir dos dados produzidos foram construídas baseadas na interlocução teórica com os estudos de Tomas Tadeu Silva, Sacristán, Moreira e Candau, acerca do currículo e os estudos de Dubet e Charlot a respeito da escola e de seus objetivos. Os estudos de Nóvoa sobre formação e profissão docente, antes e durante a pandemia, também fizeram parte do arcabouço teórico utilizado. Ao longo da investigação pode-se constatar que as concepções dos professores constituem três dilemas: entre conceber uma teoria tradicional de currículo e ser responsável pela formação de um currículo humanizador; entre defender uma priorização curricular, baseada nas necessidades dos alunos, e a necessidade de dar conta dos conteúdos escolares pré-estabelecidos; entre priorizar ou reduzir os conteúdos, mediante a nova e emergencial realidade imposta pela pandemia de COVID-19. Conclui-se que há uma multiplicidade de justificativas para as escolhas adotadas pelos professores em relação à concepção de currículo e aos objetivos da escola na priorização curricular. Tais escolhas são marcadas pela subjetividade dos professores, a tradição escolar e a influência dos documentos oficiais. Aponta-se que não há consenso entre os professores acerca dos objetivos da escola, o que reverbera na complexidade de se conceituar currículo. / [en] This Master s dissertation has as a goal the study of school curriculum and its relations with the conceptions of school. The research was developed in Queimados, which is a municipality located in Baixada Fluminense – Rio de Janeiro. Moreover, it has the intention of understanding the conceptions of school from the (re)elaboration of the school curriculum made by teachers during the process of the curriculum priorization developed by the Municipal System of Queimados in the context of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the year of 2021. Questionnaires with 79 closed queries and 3 open ones were applied, which were answered by 48 teachers of the Elementary School final years, who work at this Educational System Furthermore, semi-structured interviews with 16 teachers,who answered the querries, were taken in order to allow a deepening in the analyzes.The analyses made from the data produced were created based on the theoretical interlocution with the studies of Silva, Sacristán, Moreira and Candau -regarding the curriculum, the studies of Dubet vand Charlot concerning schooland their objectives. The studies of Nóvoa on the academic education and profession of teachers, before and during the Pandemic, also made part of the theoretical framework used. Along the investigation it is possible to confirm that the conceptions of the teachers compose three dilemmas: between establishing a traditional theory of the curriculum and and being responsible for the elaboration of a humanizing curriculum; between defending the curriculum priorization, basedon the needs of students, and the necessity of coping with the pre-stablished educational contents; between prioritize or reduce the contents, upon the new reality emergency imposed by the COVID-19 Pandemic. It can be concluded that there is a multiplicity of justifications to the choices adoped by teachers in relation to the conception of curriculum and the objectives of school in the curriculum prioritization. Such choices are highlighted by the teachers subjectivity, school tradition and the influence of official documents. It is pointed out that there is noconsensus among teachers concerning the purposes of school, what reverberates in the complexity of conceptualizing a curriculum.


[pt] A partir do crescimento da internet e da formação da cibercultura um novo espaço está sendo reconhecido como local propício para as relações interpessoais: o ciberespaço. Sendo assim, os jovens de hoje estão se desenvolvendo em um campo em que as redes sociais são a base para a sua socialização. Assim, este estudo realizou uma pesquisa qualitativa e utilizou como base teórica uma interlocução entre a GestaltTerapia e a Teoria Bioecológica do desenvolvimento humano de Urie Bronfenbrenner. Este trabalho buscou compreender o processo de socialização de jovens a partir de suas interações nas redes sociais através do discurso produzido pelos participantes, no período da pandemia da COVID-19. Foram entrevistados 24 adolescentes com idade entre 12 e 18 anos que residiam na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, na tentativa de investigar o sentido que dão às suas experiências dentro das redes sociais. A partir das falas, foi estruturado um corpus textual que foi analisado pelo software Iramuteq. A partir desta análise, os dados foram agrupados em 3 classes de palavras identificadas por: classe 1 – o uso das redes no período da pandemia, classe 2 – a experiência de uso das redes sociais e classe 3 – a finalidade das redes sociais. Seguir os pressupostos das abordagens escolhidas em uma pesquisa qualitativa tem o benefício de renunciar aos pré-conceitos existentes na literatura para poder compreender e valorizar as experiências, únicas, dos participantes e ampliar o estudo do fenômeno escolhido. Foi possível concluir que diferentes campos possibilitam diferentes formas de ser adolescente, e que o processo de socialização a partir das redes sociais é visto como algo natural e indispensável para essa faixa etária. Foi reconhecido que as redes sociais são parte significativa na experiência social destes adolescentes e com isso pôde-se defender que direta, ou indiretamente, atuam como mecanismos propulsores do desenvolvimento destes jovens. Foi defendido neste trabalho a importância de se estudar o fenômeno dentro de um contexto específico e em determinado recorte de tempo a fim de reforçar a singular experiência de ser adolescente na atualidade. Além de ter contribuído para a ampliação dos estudos na área da psicologia do desenvolvimento e para a compreensão da socialização dos jovens. / [en] With the growth of the internet and the formation of cyberculture, a new space is being is being recognized as a place for interpersonal relationships: the cyberspace. Thus, today s teenagers are developing in a field where social medias are the basis for their socialization. This study performed a qualitative research and used as theoretical basis an interlocution between Gestalt-Therapy and the Bioecological Theory of human development by Urie Bronfenbrenner. This work sought to understand the socialization process of teenagers from their interactions on social medias through the discourse produced by the participants in the period of the COVID-19 pandemic. Were interviewed 24 teenagers between the ages of 12 and 18 years, who lived in the city of Rio de Janeiro, in an attempt to investigate the meaning they give to their experiences within the social medias. From the speeches, a text corpus was structured and analyzed using the Iramuteq software. From this analysis, the data were grouped into 3 classes of worlds, identified by: class 1 – the use of social medias in the pandemic period; class 2 – the experience of using the social medias and class 3 – the purpose of social medias. Following the assumptions of the approaches chosen in a qualitative research has the benefit or renouncing the preconceptions existing in the literature to be able to understand and value the unique experiences of the participants and broaden the study of the chosen phenomenon. It was possible to conclude that different fields enable different ways of being adolescents, and that the socialization process from social medias is seen as something natural and indispensable for this age group. It was recognized that social medias are a significant part of the social experience of these adolescents, and with this it was possible to argue that directly or indirectly, they act as mechanisms that propel the development of teenagers. This work defended the importance of studying the phenomenon within a specific context and in a specific time frame to reinforce the unique experience of being an adolescent nowadays. Besides having contributed to the expansion of studies in developmental psychology and to understanding the socialization of teenagers.


AMANDA PORTO PADILHA 09 May 2022 (has links)
[pt] A presente dissertação teve como objetivo identificar e analisar as variáveis relacionadas e preditoras da coparentalidade de mães e pais brasileiros no contexto da pandemia do COVID-19. Foram realizados um estudo teórico e dois estudos empíricos para cumprir esse objetivo. O artigo teórico buscou discutir a relação das variáveis relacionadas à coparentalidade por meio do Modelo Bioecológico do Desenvolvimento Humano no contexto pandêmico. Já o primeiro artigo empírico demonstrou o processo de adaptação e as provas iniciais de validade da Coparenting Questionnaire (CQ) para o contexto brasileiro, no qual participaram 590 mães e pais brasileiros, em sua maioria mulheres (n = 532; 90,02 por cento). A adaptação do instrumento para a língua portuguesa aconteceu em cinco etapas. Após análises fatoriais confirmatórias, o instrumento apresentou índices de ajuste satisfatórios para o modelo multifatorial proposto. Foi identificado que o instrumento também pode ser utilizado como escore geral de coparentalidade de forma cautelosa por meio de uma análise bifactor. O segundo artigo empírico teve como objetivo identificar, a partir de análises de correlação, diferenças de grupo e regressão múltipla, as variáveis biopsicossociais relacionadas com a coparentalidade no contexto pandêmico. Participaram deste estudo 300 mães e pais brasileiros casados ou em união estável, em sua maioria mulheres (n = 277; 92,33 por cento). Diversas variáveis apresentaram correlações com a coparentalidade e satisfação com o relacionamento amoroso foi a variável com maior peso de predição. Algumas variáveis contextuais da pandemia apresentaram diferenças significativas de média quanto a coparentalidade, sendo que a mais forte delas foi o aumento de problemas comportamentais dos filhos. Os dados gerais deste estudo sugerem que a coparentalidade é um construto complexo e multideterminado e sustentam dados da literatura sobre seus múltiplos preditores biopsicossociais. A presente pesquisa fornece um novo instrumento para uso em pesquisas sobre a coparentalidade, além de auxiliar a compreensão de como este construto se comportou em famílias brasileiras durante o período de vulnerabilidade da pandemia. Por fim, também contribui com futuros direcionamentos de estudos empíricos sobre a coparentalidade em outros contextos e com outras populações, além de fornecer informações sobre para elaboração de intervenções focadas em atenuar os efeitos negativos pandêmicos nas famílias. / [en] The present dissertation s objective was to identify and analyze coparent related and predictable variables of brazilian mothers and fathers in the COVID19 pandemic context. One theoric study and two empirical studies were conducted to fulfill this objective. The theoric article aimed to discuss the relation between the coparent related variables through the lens of Bioecological Human Development Model in pandemic context. The first empirical article showed the adaptation process and the initial validity proofs of the Coparenting Questionnaire (CQ) for brazilian context, in which 590 mothers and fathers participated, majoritarily women (n = 532; 90,02 percent). Instrument s adaptation for Portuguese language was made in five steps. After confirmatory factor analysis, the instrument adjusted indices were satisfactory for the proposed multifactor model. It was also identified by a bifactor analysis that a total score of the instrument can be used with wariness. The second empirical article s objective was to identify, from correlation, mean differences and multiple regression analysis, the biopsychosocial variables that were related with coparenting in a pandemic context. 300 mothers and fathers, married or enrolled in stable unions, participated in this study, majoritarily women (n = 277; 92,33 percent). Several variables presented correlation with coparenting and conjugal relationship satisfaction was the variable with the highest predictive load. Some pandemic contextual variables showed significant differences in means regarding coparenting, in which the strongest was the increase in children s behavioral problems. The general data from this study suggest that coparenting is a complex and multidetermined construct, supporting literature studies on its multiple biopsychosocial predictors. The present research provides a new coparenting instrument for research use, in addition to help understanding how this construct presented itself on Brazilian families during the pandemic vulnerability period. Finally, it also contributes to future directions for empirical studies on coparenting in other contexts and with other populations, in addition to providing information on interventions focused on mitigating the negative effects of the pandemic on families.

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