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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Examination of the Role of Parental Influences on Girl’s Development of Embodiment

Pelletier, Marianne 24 July 2012 (has links)
Adolescence is marked with significant changes in how girls feel and act within their bodies, and is considered a special risk period for body image disruptions. Cross sectional quantitative research within this area suggests that parents represent an important contextual and developmental contributor to body image. The present study aimed to address gaps in previous research by investigating parental influences, including both protective and risk factors, on girls’ embodied experiences through utilizing a prospective qualitative design with a diverse sample of twelve girls, ages 9-18, interviewed annually over four years. Results revealed the presence of both protective and risk factors related to embodiment experiences within the parental relationships, including aspects of relational qualities, self-care, evaluative gaze and social location. Results are discussed in relation to Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory and to previous research. The implications for future research are also discussed.

Rättssystemets bedömningar av omsorgsbrist : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om genus, kön och föräldrarollens betydelse / The legal system’s assessments of parental lack of care: A quantitative content analysis on gender, sex and the meaning of the parental role

Carlbaum, Fanny, Fjellström, Juli January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka i vilken omfattning föräldrar beskrivs i domar utifrånrekvisiten omsorgsbrist i lagen (1990:52) med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga (LVU)samt om det går att urskilja skillnader i beskrivningarna beroende på föräldrars kön. Materialetför studien bestod av 30 domar med bifallsbeslut tagna under tidsperioden juni – december2020 från Förvaltningsrätten i Stockholm. Domarna studerades med hjälp av en kvantitativinnehållsanalys till vilken en enkät utformades i syfte att räkna antalet fraser som beskrevrespektive förälder och deras omsorgsbrist. Studiens ramverk utgjordes av ett intersektionelltperspektiv där genus hade en central roll. Resultatet visade en statistiskt signifikant skillnad ibeskrivningar mellan könen. Fler fraser användes i domsluten för att beskriva mammor änpappor, både gällande bristande omsorgsförmåga och negativa attribut. Det kan konstateras attföräldrarna skildras ojämlikt i domarna. Detta kan betyda att mammor ställs som ytterstansvariga i domsluten när omsorgen brister. / The aim of this study was to investigate to which extent parents are described in judgments based on the requisite lack of care in the law of mandatory care of minors, and whether it is possible to distinguish differences in these descriptions depending on the parents’ gender. The material of the study consisted of 30 judgments with approval decisions from the Administrative Court in Stockholm. The judgments were analyzed using a quantitative content analysis to which a survey was designed to count the number of phrases which described each parent, respectively. The framework of the study consisted of an intersectional perspective. The result showed a statistically significant difference in descriptions between the parents’ gender. More phrases were used in the judgments to describe mothers than fathers, both regarding lack of caring ability and negative attributes. It can be stated that parents are described in an inequal manner in the judgments.

Förälder 4ever

Bråhammar, Petra, Larsdotter Frid, Hanna January 2011 (has links)
Föräldrar till barn med intellektuella funktionsnedsättningar har genom historien haft en mer eller mindre betydande roll i sina barns liv. Unga med intellektuella funktionsnedsättningar har blivit tvångssteriliserade, omyndigförklarade och inlåsta på institutioner ofta utan att föräldern har kunnat säga något om saken. Samhället har haft stor makt och inflytande över dessa ”annorlunda” familjer. I dag ser både förälderns roll och ungdomens situation och samhällets makt annorlunda ut. Fördomarna om intellektuella funktionsnedsättningar är seglivade och påverkar än idag den situation föräldrarna har att uppfostra sina barn i. Denna studie har som syfte att undersöka hur föräldrar till ungdomar med intellektuella funktionsnedsättningar tänker kring sina ungdomars vuxenblivande och sexualitet. Vår studie baseras på kvalitativa datainsamlingsmetoder i form av fokusgrupper och enskilda intervjuer med föräldrar till ungdomar med intellektuella funktionsnedsättningar. Uppsatsens teoretiska ramverk baseras på fem sociologiska och psykologiska teorier och perspektiv: symbolisk interaktionism, sexuellt script, KASAM, mognadsprocessen och Eriksons utvecklingsteori. Studiens resultat visar att föräldrar till ungdomar med intellektuella funktionsnedsättningar är till viss del fokuserade på att dra sig undan och låta samhället ta över ansvaret. Samtidigt är de oroliga över de brister som de ser finns i samhällets insatser för unga vuxna med intellektuella funktionsnedsättningar. / Parents of children with intellectual disabilities have historically had a more or less significant role in their children's lives. Young people with intellectual disabilities have been victims of forced sterilization, made legally incompetent and locked up in institutions, often without their parents having been able to say something about it. The community has had great power and influence over these "different" families. Today the parent's role, situation of the youth and power of society is different. Prejudices about intellectual disabilities are long-standing and influence even today the situation of parents to raise their children in. This study aims to investigate how parents of adolescents with intellectual disabilities think about their youths process of becoming an adult and sexuality. Our study is based on qualitative data collection methods in the form of focus groups and individual interviews with parents of adolescents with intellectual disabilities. The thesis theoretical framework is based on five sociological and psychological theories and perspectives: symbolic interactionism, sexual scripts, SOC (Sense Of Coherence), maturation and Erikson's developmental theory. Our results demonstrate that parents of adolescents with intellectual disabilities are partly focused on pulling back and letting the community take over. Yet they are concerned about the shortcomings they see in society's efforts for young adults with intellectual disabilities.

Inte som andra pappor : En scoping study – hur fäder till barn med autism upplever föräldrarollen / Not Like all the Other Fathers : A Scoping Study – How Fathers to Children with Autism Experience the Parental Role

Baginski, Jessika January 2023 (has links)
Autism är en neuropsykiatrisk funktionsnedsättning som identifieras under barnets första livsår och kan bidra till en osäkerhet hos föräldrar och dess omgivningar. Föräldrar till barn med autism känner osäkerhet kring hur deras barn egentligen tänker och varför de beter sig på ett visst sätt. Otillräckligheten som föräldrar, till barn med autism, upplever förstärks av de olika förväntningarna från samhället på föräldraskapet. Syftet med studien är att beskriva forskningsläget avseende pappors upplevelser av föräldrarollen. De två centrala frågeställningarna som genomsyrar hela uppsatsen är, ”Hur upplevs föräldrarollen av pappor till barn med autism?” och ”I vilken utsträckning är pappor involverade i barnets livsföring?”. Anknytningsteorin och teorin om maskulinitet är ledande genom studien. Bristen på forskning om familjer som har barn med autism är stor, ännu större är den som omfattar pappor till barn med autism. Tidigare forskning har främst haft fokus på mammor och deras upplevelser av föräldraskapet och på så sätt exkluderat pappor från forskningen. Pappor är oftast inte den föräldern som har den primära omvårdnaden för barn med autism eftersom det är mamman som oftast har omvårdnaden. Anknytning och involvering mellan barn och föräldrar är av stor vikt, främst inom de kommunikativa färdigheterna hos barnet. Pappor och mammor har olika relationer och anknytningar till deras gemensamma barn. Papporna är ofta frånvarande under barnets första levnadsår och är mindre lyhörda och engagerade, barnet anknyter fortfarande lika mycket till båda föräldrarna även fast en förälder är frånvarande. Däremot kan denna anknytning även ses som trygg och otrygg, vilket möjligtvis beror på föräldrarnas personlighet och närmanden. / Autism is a neuropsychiatric impairment that is identified during the child's first year of life and can contribute to insecurity in parents and those around them. Parents of children with autism feel uncertain about how their child really thinks and why they behave in a certain way. The inadequacy that parents of children with autism experience is reinforced by the different expectations from society on parenting. The purpose of the study is to describe the state of research regarding fathers' experiences of the parental role. The two central questions that pervade the entire essay are “How fathers of children with autism perceive the parental role?” and “To what extent fathers are involved in the child's life?”. The attachment theory and the theory of masculinity are leading throughout the study. The lack of research on families that have children with autism is great, even greater is that which includes fathers of children with autism. Previous research has mainly focused on mothers and their experiences of parenthood and thus excluded fathers from the research. Fathers are usually not the parent who has the primary care for children with autism because it is the mother who usually has the care. Connection and involvement between children and parents is of great importance, mainly in the communicative skills of the child. Fathers and mothers have different relationships and attachments to their joint children. The fathers are often absent during the child's first year of life and are less responsive and engaged, the child still attaches equally to both parents even if one parent is absent. However, this attachment can also be seen as safe and insecure, which possibly depends on the parents' personality and approach.

Job characteristics, work-nonwork interference and the role of recovery strategies among employees in a tertiary institution / Jani Oosthuizen

January 2011 (has links)
The tertiary education environment has become known for its stressful working conditions. Factors such as high work demands (i.e. work overload, excessive time demands and work pressure) and insufficient resources (i.e. limited developmental possibilities, poor performance feedback, lack of support, etc.) all contribute to these stressful circumstances. As a result, these circumstances can cause employees to experience negative interferences between their work and nonwork roles. In addition, employees do not have adequate time to invest in their nonwork domains, hence nonwork roles are neglected (such as being a parent, being a spouse, spending time on domestic activities and spending time on religious/spiritual activities). To decrease these negative interferences, it is important for employees to recover from strains that were activated at work. The objectives of this study were to determine 1) which demands and resources significantly predicted work-nonwork interference among employees working in a tertiary education institution; and 2) which recovery strategies were significant in dealing with high levels of work-nonwork interference caused by high demands and a lack of resources. A random sample of 366 married parents was taken from a tertiary education institution in the North-West Province. A list was obtained of all the married parents of the institution. All of these employees were given the choice to participate in the research. A measuring battery measuring job demands (i.e. work pressure, emotional demands and cognitive demands), job resources (i.e. autonomy, social support and developmental possibilities), work-nonwork interference (i.e. work-parent, work-spouse, work-domestic and work-religion/spirituality) and recovery strategies (psychological detachment, relaxation, mastery and control) respectively was utilised in this study. Descriptive and inferential statistics, Cronbach alpha coefficients, Pearson product-moment correlations and stepwise multiple regression, using the enter method, were used to analyse the data. The results indicate that work pressure and emotional demands significantly predict interference between all four nonwork roles. Additionally, autonomy and developmental possibilities significantly predicted work-parent and work-religion/spirituality interference respectively. Furthermore, all of the recovery strategies decreased specific worknonwork interference. Psychological detachment decreased the interference between the workspouse relationship and the work-religion/spirituality relationship. Relaxation predicted the decrease of interference between the following relationships: work-parent, work-spouse, and work-domestic. Mastery and control only significantly predicted the decrease of interference between the work-parent relationship and between the work-domestic activities respectively. Various recommendations were made for tertiary education institutions as well as for future research. Tertiary education institutions should manage high job demands by examining employees’ workload and job descriptions. Managers could possibly diminish work pressure and emotional demands by means of courses/workshops pertaining to self-management, time and organisational skills, emotional intelligence and/or coping with emotions. Tertiary education institutions should also focus on supporting employees who experience work-nonwork interferences and manage it effectively. In addition, the awareness of recovery and various recovery strategies should be promoted. Recommendations for future research include expanding the research to other occupational groups, longitudinal research designs, obtaining various opinions and perspectives of individuals also involved in the work-nonwork dyad and the study of the positive interaction between the work and nonwork roles. / Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011

Efeitos da fragilização dos papéis parentais em determinados comportamentos de crianças no ambiente escolar, na contemporaneidade / Effects of the Weakening of parental role in some behaviors of children in the school environment, in contemporaneity

Zanetti, Sandra Aparecida Serra 07 November 2008 (has links)
O fenômeno da fragilização dos papéis parentais, presente na família contemporânea, está relacionado a dificuldades que os pais possuem em educar seus filhos, na atualidade, devido à insegurança e dúvidas quanto ao posicionamento que devem assumir perante os mesmos. Frente o exposto acima, esta dissertação teve como objetivo compreender a correlação entre pais que apresentavam características da fragilização dos papéis parentais com o aparecimento de comportamentos freqüentes de agressividade, teimosia e/ou agitação em crianças de dois a cinco anos de idade, num ambiente escolar. Partimos da hipótese de que crianças que estivessem manifestando estes comportamentos na escola, diante do professor, pudessem estar revelando, como num sintoma, um posicionamento enfraquecido de autoridade de seus pais. Utilizamos uma metodologia de pesquisa de campo, de delineamento de estudo de caso-controle, através da comparação entre grupos com uma abordagem qualitativa. Visamos o contato com este fenômeno pela escola. Foram realizadas observações de crianças e entrevistas semi-estruturadas com os professores e pais, contando com roteiros de entrevista previamente desenvolvidos. Finalmente, uma observação de interação lúdica dos pais com seus filhos. O material coletado foi analisado, em cada família, através de quatro categorias de análise, tendo-se como referencial teórico a psicanálise, em especial, Freud e Winnicott; bem como, a construção teórica sócio-cultural, histórica e psicológica a respeito do fenômeno em questão. Verificamos que a presença da fragilização dos papéis parentais está relacionada aos pais cujos filhos manifestavam comportamentos freqüentes de agressividade, teimosia e/ou agitação na escola. Este fenômeno sofre influências de fatores e valores contemporâneos, contudo tais influências somente são capazes de gerar conflitos quando articuladas a dificuldades nas dinâmicas do casal conjugal e parental, favorecendo, desta forma, falta de coerência e consistência no relacionamento dos pais entre si e, conseqüentemente, destes com os filhos. / The phenomenon of the Weakening of parental role, in contemporary family, nowadays, is related to difficulties that parents have in educating their children, which is due to insecurity and doubts about the position that they should assume before their children. Facing that, this dissertation aimed to understand the correlation between parents who showed characteristics of the weakening of parental role and the frequent emergence of aggressive behaviors, stubbornness and/or agitation in children from two to five years old, in a school environment. We hypothesized that the children who were expressing these behaviors at school before the teacher could be revealing, as a symptom, a weakened position of their parents authority. We used a methodology of field work, the design study of \'case-control\', through the comparison among groups with a qualitative approach. We intended the contact with this phenomenon through school. Children were observed as well as parents and teachers were interviewed with routed interviews previously developed. Finally, it was observed the playful interaction of parents and their children. The material collected was analyzed in each family, in four categories of analysis, with a theoretical reference of the psychoanalysis, particularly, Freud and Winnicott, as well as the socio-cultural, historical and psychological theoretical construct about the phenomenon. We note that the presence of the \'weakening of parental roles\' is related to parents whose children demonstrated frequent aggressive behavior, stubbornness and/or agitation in school. This phenomenon is subjected to influences of contemporary aspects and values, although those influences are only able to generate conflicts when articulated with the difficulties in the dynamics of marital and parental couple, favoring for this, the lack of coherence and consistency of parents in their own relationship and consequently, with their children.

Praticas educativas parentais e comportamentos de proteção e risco à sáude em adolescentes / Parental educational practices and protective behaviors an health risk in adolescents

Salvo, Caroline Guisantes de 22 March 2010 (has links)
As práticas educativas parentais são consideradas determinantes primários no desenvolvimento de comportamentos socialmente competentes, problemas de comportamento e comportamentos relacionados à saúde na infância. Na adolescência, a influência parental sobre esses comportamentos tem literatura divergente, visto que diversos autores acreditam que a influência parental continua central, enquanto outros defendem a idéia de que a principal determinação vem do grupo de pares. Diante desse contexto, o objetivo geral dessa pesquisa foi o de relacionar as práticas educativas maternas e paternas aos comportamentos de proteção e risco à saúde na adolescência, bem como as variáveis de competência social (CS), problemas de comportamento (PC) e dificuldades com os pares, avaliando o grau de predição das práticas parentais sobre os comportamentos do adolescente. Para atingir tais objetivos, participaram deste estudo 485 adolescentes, divididos em três faixas etárias (11 a 13 anos, 14 e 15 anos, 16 e 17 anos). Todos responderam ao Inventário de Estilos Parentais materno e paterno, Inventário de auto-relato para jovens (YSR) e questionário de estilo de vida (HBSC). Os dados foram analisados através estatística descritiva, análises de correlação, de inferência estatística e análises multivariadas. Os principais resultados foram: 1) práticas educativas maternas e paternas não variaram em função do sexo dos adolescentes, porém foram diferentes entre as três faixas etárias (considerando p ≤ 0,05); 2) não houve diferença quanto à CS entre meninos e meninas, porém estas alcançaram maiores PC; 3) CS se relacionou às práticas positivas maternas (PPM) entre os mais jovens, e às PPM e às práticas positivas paternas (PPP) entre os mais velhos; 4) a partir da categorização dos índices de estilo parental em famílias com estilo parental de risco, intermediária e de proteção, observou-se que aquelas consideradas de proteção tiveram filhos com escores mais positivos de CS e menores escores nas escalas de PC, sendo que as famílias intermediárias tiveram seus filhos mais próximos das famílias de proteção na CS e mais próximo das famílias de risco nas escalas de PC nas três faixas etárias; 5) em relação aos comportamentos de proteção, os adolescentes mais jovens relataram maior freqüência desses, enquanto que os mais velhos alcançaram maiores escores nos comportamentos de risco; 6) as correlações entre estilo parental e comportamentos de proteção e risco foram significativos nas três faixas etárias, porém decaíram com o aumento da idade; 7) a partir da categorização de estilo parental, observouse que entre os adolescentes mais jovens, os de famílias de proteção tiveram filhos com escores significativamente melhores nos comportamentos de saúde e de risco; o que se manteve nas outras faixas etária, porém, em geral, não de forma significativa.; 8) os modelos de análise multivariada (modelo de regressões múltiplas e modelagem de equações estruturais) indicaram que as práticas parentais são preditoras de CS e PC nas três faixas etárias. Diante desses resultados, a pesquisa indica que a influência parental na adolescência ocorre de forma distinta em função da idade, sendo direta na fase inicial e esvanece gradualmente com o aumento da idade, porém ainda mostrando-se significativa, em especial no que concerne às práticas parentais negativas e aos comportamentos de risco. / The parental educational practices are considered primary determining in the development of socially competent behaviors, behavioral problems and behavior related to childhood health. At adolescence, the parental influence over those behaviors has divergent literature, given that several authors believe that the parental influence continues central, while others defend the idea that the main determination comes from the pair groups. In that context, the overall objective of this research was to relate the maternal and paternal educational practices to the behaviors of protection and risk to the health at adolescence, as well as the social competence (SC) variables, behavioral problems (BP) and difficulties with the pairs, evaluating the degree of prediction of the parental practices over the adolescent\'s behaviors. In order to achieve such objectives, 485 teenagers participated in this study, divided into three age groups (11 to 13; 14 and 15; 16 and 17 year-olds). They all answered the Maternal and Paternal Parental Style Inventory; the Young Self Relate (YSR) and the questionnaire of lifestyle (QLS). The data have been analyzed through descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, of statistics inferring and multi varied analysis. The main results were: 1) maternal and paternal practices did not vary according to the adolescents\' gender, on the other hand, were different according to the age groups (considering p ≤ 0,05); 2) there was no difference in SC between boys and girls, however these reached higher PC; 3) SC related to the Maternal Positive Practices (MPP) among the youngest, and to the Paternal Positive Practices (PPP) among the oldest; 4) with the categorization of the families\' parental style as risky, intermediate and protective, it has been observed that those considered protective had children with the highest SC scores and lower BP scores, being that the intermediate families had their children closer to the protective families\' SC scores and closer to the risky families in the BP scores for all three age groups; 5) concerning the protective behaviors, the youngest teenagers stated more frequency of those, while the oldest reached higher risky behavior scores; 6) the correlations between parental style and risk and protection behaviors were significant at all three age groups, however, decreased at higher ages; 7) from the categorization of parental style, it has been observed that among the younger teenagers, the ones from the protective families had kids with significantly higher scores at health and risk behaviors; which was maintained at the other age groups, although in general, not significantly; 8) the models with multi varied analysis ( multiple regression model and structural equations modeling) indicated that the parental practices are predictor of SC and BP at the three age groups. With those results, the research indicates that the parental influence in adolescents occurs in different ways according to the age, being more direct in the initial phase and vanishing gradually as age increases, although still significant, especially concerning the negative parental practices and the risk behaviors.


Combs, Elizabeth Lucas 01 January 2019 (has links)
Establishing healthy eating behaviors is vital in the early years to help combat the development of obesity and other chronic diseases. Mothers play an invaluable role in shaping their children's eating habits through controlling what and when children eat as well as the overall food environment, which is why a better understanding of what influences mothers’ decisions about these behaviors is important. The purpose of the dissertation was to gain a better understanding of what impacts maternal feeding decisions regarding toddler nutrition behaviors. This was a two-phased mixed methods study. The aim of the initial study was to explore, using a Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) framework, the influences on mothers’ toddler feeding decisions. These included attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. These constructs were derived from discussions about what sources of nutrition information mothers use and trust. The aim of the subsequent study was to use the TPB to assess factors affecting a mother’s behavioral intention to provide their toddler with a healthy diet and to see if the addition of the parental role construction variable strengthened the TPB’s ability to significantly predict the mother’s behavioral intention. The first study used a qualitative approach to gather data from three focus groups that consisted of mothers of toddlers (N = 15). Qualitative thematic analysis was used to define prominent themes. Four major themes emerged from the data analysis: (1) attitudes (subthemes: positive towards maternal role of feeding and negative towards the maternal role of feeding); (2) subjective norms positively accepted (subthemes: social media, pediatricians, and registered dietitians); (3) subjective norms negatively accepted (subthemes: pediatricians and registered dietitians); (4) perceived behavioral control (subthemes: acceptance, scarcity of time and outside influences). An online survey was created using data gathered from the focus groups and a previously validated survey that fit the theoretical basis of the study. The survey utilized the TPB to assess the connections between the constructs and the mothers’ behavioral intentions surrounding toddler feeding. The final sample consisted of 148 mothers. The mean age was 32.83 (SD = 6.16) years. The majority of participants were married (87.2%), had earned a college degree or higher (79.7%), held part-time or fulltime employment, (60.8%), and were White (90.3%). The TPB model predicted 53% of the variance in mother’s behavioral intention surrounding the behavior of providing meals that include a wide variety of the five food groups in appropriate amounts. The addition of the parental role construction variable added 6% more predictive power to the model. The most salient predictors included attitude, perceived behavioral control, and parental role construction. Mothers positively and negatively receive information from a variety of sources, they have many strong emotions associated with feeding that are deeply rooted in their roles as mothers, and their feeding decisions were strongly influenced by the TPB constructs. Health promotion efforts should aim to increase the mother’s sense of behavioral control and parental responsibility rather than focusing on the benefits of healthy eating. Programs should provide tangible ways to help mothers overcome perceived barriers and, in turn, increase mothers’ beliefs in their ability to provide toddlers with a balanced diet.

Att ha sitt barn i terapi : Föräldrars upplevelser av delaktighet i parallell barn- och föräldrabehandling / Parents in child psychotherapy : Parents experience of the participation in a conjoint child psychotherapy

Roos, Daniel January 2006 (has links)
<p>Parallell barn- och föräldrabehandling är idag det vanligast praktiserade sättet att bedriva behandlingsarbete med barn och familjer. Det har sin grund i ett psykoanalytiskt förhållningssätt där man traditionellt betonar arbetet med barnet, med en möjlig risk att föräldraarbetet och föräldrarnas roll i barnets terapi kommer i skymundan. Följande studie lyfter fram föräldrarnas egna berättelser kring att medverka och vara en del av en parallell behandling tillsammans med sitt barn. Syftet var att belysa föräldrars upplevelse av delaktighet i sina barns terapier när familjen deltagit i en parallell barn- och föräldrabehandling. Det är en kvalitativ intervjustudie med en tolkande ansats ur ett psykodynamiskt och systemiskt perspektiv. Resultatet visade att föräldrarna överlag upplevde det som att de fått tillräcklig inblick och att de känt sig delaktiga i behandlingen, dock framkom en aspekt av ambivalens i att de både velat och inte velat ha mer inblick och insikt i barnets behandling. Det visade sig vidare att föräldrarnas behov av inblick och insikt i barnets terapi var relaterat till upplevelsen av tillit till behandlingen. Författarens slutsatser är att tillit, inblick och insikt är tre viktiga interagerande aspekter av föräldrarnas upplevelse av delaktighet i barnets behandling.</p>

Att ha sitt barn i terapi : Föräldrars upplevelser av delaktighet i parallell barn- och föräldrabehandling / Parents in child psychotherapy : Parents experience of the participation in a conjoint child psychotherapy

Roos, Daniel January 2006 (has links)
Parallell barn- och föräldrabehandling är idag det vanligast praktiserade sättet att bedriva behandlingsarbete med barn och familjer. Det har sin grund i ett psykoanalytiskt förhållningssätt där man traditionellt betonar arbetet med barnet, med en möjlig risk att föräldraarbetet och föräldrarnas roll i barnets terapi kommer i skymundan. Följande studie lyfter fram föräldrarnas egna berättelser kring att medverka och vara en del av en parallell behandling tillsammans med sitt barn. Syftet var att belysa föräldrars upplevelse av delaktighet i sina barns terapier när familjen deltagit i en parallell barn- och föräldrabehandling. Det är en kvalitativ intervjustudie med en tolkande ansats ur ett psykodynamiskt och systemiskt perspektiv. Resultatet visade att föräldrarna överlag upplevde det som att de fått tillräcklig inblick och att de känt sig delaktiga i behandlingen, dock framkom en aspekt av ambivalens i att de både velat och inte velat ha mer inblick och insikt i barnets behandling. Det visade sig vidare att föräldrarnas behov av inblick och insikt i barnets terapi var relaterat till upplevelsen av tillit till behandlingen. Författarens slutsatser är att tillit, inblick och insikt är tre viktiga interagerande aspekter av föräldrarnas upplevelse av delaktighet i barnets behandling.

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