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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Parkeringsköpets giltighet vid ändrad markanvändning. : Det kommunala myndighetsbeslutets verkan på det civilrättsliga avtalet.

Heggem, Annika January 2017 (has links)
The Planning and Building Act regulates how municipalities plan the use of land and water. When deciding on the detailed development plan, the respective municipality is responsible for the parking standard in the space that will be allocated for parking and which is made in connection with land construction. The decision is followed up in the building permit process. One of the requirements for building permits being granted is that the parking solution is approved. A public parking lot lease is a solution that is approved by law regarding parking in another area beyond one's own property. The municipality can be a party in the agreement for leasing public parking lots in the role of land access provider and may be responsible for preparing the parking lot. In order to be valid, the lease shall guarantee a measure of permanence over time. The rights that accompany the parking lot agreement need to be monitored by authority decisions that cause a change in land use. The municipalities' responsibility to meet the policy's stated objective to increase housing may result in already built-up areas becoming denser. Surfaces such as parking lots may be used for this purpose. Increased density in municipalities requires new detailed development planning. Thirty of the country's municipalities with the highest number of completed buildings, specifically multi-family housing, were examined for the time period 2005-2016. The basis for the analysis was experiencing increased density where the land area has been affected in relation to objects for public parking leases. Current legislation is interpreted to find support for the validity of leasing public parking lots in cases of changes in land use. This study's research question relates to how the municipality should handle their role in decisions on changed land use, as a party to the civil parking lease agreement and as a public authority. The results highlight the validity of agreements to lease public parking lots despite civil authorities' decisions that change the use of land within the area in question. It is suggested that the municipality, as a civil party to the agreement, must monitor legal right by entering into the agreement. As an authority, the municipality has the responsibility to monitor and follow up the underlying decisions of the regulating authority and building permission decisions, the assessment of which may depend on the approval of the suggested solution for parking. Thus, the new decision regarding land use should not be in conflict with the underlying decisions which also continue to be valid. It is recommended that municipal administrations and companies cooperate closely in the early stages of the detailed development planning process. This is necessary to ensure that the legal right resulting from agreements to lease public parking lots is taken into consideration. The working documents in the form of geographical information may include demarcated areas which include leased public parking lots. / Plan- och bygglagen styr hur kommunerna planerar användningen av mark och vatten. Vid beslut om detaljplan ligger respektive kommuns normtal för parkering till grund för det utrymme som ska avsättas för parkering i samband med byggande av marken. Beslutet följs upp i bygglovsprocessen. Godkänd lösning för parkering är ett myndighetskrav för erhållet bygglov. Parkeringsköp är en lösning som godkänns av lagen som parkeringslösning utanför den egna fastigheten. Kommunen kan vara part i parkeringsköpsavtalet med rollen som markupplåtare och ansvarig för att iordningsställa parkeringen. Upplåtelsen ska för sin giltighet garantera viss stabilitet i tid. Rättigheten som följer med parkeringsavtalet behöver bevakas vid myndighetsbeslut som ändrar markanvändningen. Kommunernas ansvar för att möta politikiska mål om ökat bostadsbyggande kan få till följd att redan bebyggda områden förtätas. Ytor som exempelvis parkering kan tas i anspråk för syftet. Förtätning ställer krav på ny detaljplan. Trettio av landets kommuner med högst antal färdigställda bostäder i flerfamiljshus inom tidsintervallet 2005 – 2016 analyseras utifrån erfarenhet av förtätning, där markområde påverkas som är objekt för parkeringsköp. Tolkning av gällande lagstiftning görs för att hitta stöd för parkeringsköpets giltighet vid ändrad markanvändning. Studiens frågeställning gäller hur kommunen bör hantera sin roll vid beslut om ändrad markanvändning dels som part i det civilrättsliga parkeringsköpsavtalet, dels som myndighet. Resultatet framhåller parkeringsköpsavtalets giltighet trots myndighetsbeslut som ändrar markanvändningen inom aktuellt område. Kommunen som civilrättslig part i avtalet ska bevaka rättigheten förslagsvis genom inskrivning av avtalet. Som myndighet har kommunen ansvar för att bevaka och följa upp bakomliggande myndighetsbeslut, bygglovsbeslutet, vars bedömning kan vila på godkänd lösning för parkering. Det nya beslutet om annan markanvändning ska således inte stå i strid med bakomliggande beslut som fortsatt har giltighet. Tätt samarbete mellan kommunens förvaltningar och bolag i tidiga skeden av detaljplaneprocessen bör vara ett mönster som följs. Detta för att rättigheten som följer på parkeringsköpsavtalet ska uppmärksammas. Arbetsunderlaget i form av geografisk information kan innehålla markering av områden som omfattas av parkeringsköp.


Lans, Stina, Jakobsson, Albin January 2019 (has links)
Syfte: I Sverige råder det en stor bostadsbrist. En lösning för att skapa nya bostäder i tätbebyggda områden är vertikal förtätning. Detta kan ske via våningspåbyggnad av bostäder på parkeringshus. Denna typ av påbyggnad ställer dock krav på den befintliga byggnaden. Rapportens syfte är att fungera som ett underlag vid projektering av konstruktion, brand och installationer vid framtida projekt av liknande slag. Målet är vidare att analysera och sammanställa olika byggnadstekniska lösningar som används vid våningspåbyggnad av bostäder på parkeringshus. Detta skall besvaras genom följande frågeställningar: Vilka konstruktionstyper tillämpas vid våningspåbyggnad på ett parkeringshus och vilka krav ställer påbyggnaden på den befintliga stommen? Vilka brandkrav ställs på denna typ av våningspåbyggnad och hur uppfylls dessa? Hur förses påbyggnaden med installationer?   Metod: Rapporten bygger på en kvalitativ fallstudie där intervjuer och dokumentanalyser legat till grund för empirin. För att styrka studien med teori har en litteraturstudie genomförts.   Resultat: Resultatet visar att en lätt stomme har använts till samtliga våningspåbyggnader, däremot har valet av stommaterial skiljt sig åt. Kapaciteten på den befintliga byggnadens grund har varit avgörande för om en våningspåbyggnad varit möjlig. Placering av våningspåbyggnaden har berott på om boyta eller antalet parkeringsplatser prioriterats högst. Brandkraven på denna typ av byggnad kan likställas med kraven som ställs på en nybyggnad av bostäder. Detta har inneburit att förändringar på de befintliga parkeringshusen varit nödvändiga för att uppfylla kraven. Nya installationsschakt har placerats både in- och utvändigt av den befintliga byggnaden.   Konsekvenser: De slutsatser och rekommendationer, utifrån rapportens innehåll, består främst av vikten i att göra en noggrann inventering av den befintliga byggnaden. Det handlar om byggnadens kapacitet och vilka eventuella förstärkningsarbeten som krävs innan en våningspåbyggnad.   Begränsningar: Studien avgränsar sig från byggnadstekniska beräkningar och ekonomiska kalkyler. Arbetet har begränsats utifrån en viss mängd ord och tidsram, utan dessa hade möjligheten funnits att göra en mer djupgående analys av studiens referensobjekt. Detta genom att intervjua ytterligare aktörer inom fler konsultområden för de valda referensobjekten. / Purpose: In Sweden, there is a shortage of housing and a solution for creating new housing in urban areas is vertical densification. Vertical densification can be done by adding floors of housing on top of existing parking garages. This type of extension sets demands on the existing building. The purpose of this thesis is to serve as a basis for the planning of construction, fire requirements and installations for future similar projects. The goal is furthermore to analyze and compile various building-technical solutions that are used when floors of housing are built on top of existing parking garages. The goal is answered by the following questions: Which types of construction are used for additional floors of housing on top of parking garages and what requirements does the extension have on the existing building? What fire requirements are imposed on this type of extension and how are they fulfilled? How are the additional floors of housing provided with installations?   Method: The report is based on a qualitative case study in which interviews and document analysis formed the basis of empirical data. To confirm the study with theory, a literature study has been conducted. Findings: The result shows that a light framework has been used for additional floors of housing, however, the choice of framework material has been different. The capacity of the existing building's foundation has been vital for whether an extension with housing has been possible. Placement of the extension has been due to whether the living space or the number of parking spaces is given as the highest priority. The fire requirements for this type of building can be equated with the requirements imposed on a new building of housing. This has meant that changes to the existing parking garages have been necessary to meet the requirements. New shafts for installations have been placed on both inside and outside of the existing building. Implications: The conclusions and recommendations, based on the content of the thesis, consist primarily of the importance of making an accurate inventory. It’s about the existing building's capacity and what possible reinforcement work it requires before an extension with housing. Limitations: The study delimits itself from construction engineering calculations and economic calculations. The work has been limited based on a variety of words and timeframe, without these it would be possible to make a more in-depth analysis of the study's reference objects. This would be done through interviewing more actors from additional consulting areas for the selected reference objects.

Planejamento de trajetória para estacionamento de veículos autônomos / Path planning for autonomous vehicles parking

Prado, Marcos Gomes 01 March 2013 (has links)
A navegação autônoma é um dos problemas fundamentais na área de robótica móvel. Esse problema vem sendo pesquisado nessa área por décadas e ainda apresenta um grande potencial para pesquisas científicas. A maior parte dos algoritmos e soluções desenvolvidas nessa área foi concebida para que robôs operem em ambientes estruturados. No entanto, outra questão de grande interesse para pesquisadores da área é a navegação em ambientes externos. Em ambientes não estruturado os veículos autônomos (robôs de grande porte) devem ser capazes de desviar de obstáculos, que eventualmente apareçam no caminho. Esta dissertação aborda o desenvolvimento de um sistema inteligente capaz de gerar e executar um planejamento de caminho para o estacionamento de veículos autônomos em ambientes semi-estruturados. O sistema é capaz de reconhecer vagas de estacionamento por meio de sensores instalados no veículo, gerar uma trajetória válida que o conduza até a vaga e enviar os comandos de esterçamento e aceleração que guiam o veículo pelo caminho gerado / Autonomous navigation is one of the fundamental problems in mobile robotics. This problem has been addressed for decades and still has great potential for scientific research. Most solutions and algorithms developed in this field is designed for robots that operate in structured environments. However, another issue of great interest to researchers in this area is autonomous navigation in outdoor environments. In partially structured environments autonomous vehicles (large robots) must be able to avoid obstacles that may arise along the way. This dissertation addresses the development of an intelligent system able to generate and run a path planning for parking of autonomous vehicles in semi-structured environments. The system is able to recognize parking lots using sensors installed in the vehicle, generate a valid path that leads up to the parking lot and send the steering commands and acceleration that to guide the vehicle to its goal point

Estudo das estratégias operatórias desenvolvidas pelos agentes de fiscalização da Zona Azul na relação com os usuários do serviço-subsídios para o aprimoramento de um cotidiano de trabalho / Study of the operational strategies of inspectors of paid public parking spaces, locally called Blue Zone, in their relationship with users subsidies to improve daily life at work

Gonçalves, Rita Maria de Abreu 03 September 2009 (has links)
Introdução: Esta dissertação objetivou estudar o trabalho dos agentes de fiscalização do estacionamento rotativo da Companhia de Engenharia de Tráfego da cidade de São Paulo, conhecido como Zona Azul; investigar a relação entre os agentes, os usuários e a população; e identificar e analisar as estratégias operatórias utilizadas pelos trabalhadores para lidar com as adversidades, constrangimentos, conflitos e agressões advindas dessa relação. Métodos: O método utilizado foi o estudo de caso. A pesquisa é do tipo empírica e qualitativa. Foram realizadas dez entrevistas individuais semiestruturadas com agentes de regiões da Zona Azul, com características diferentes, uma comercial e outra mista. A técnica de análise de conteúdo foi utilizada para analisar as entrevistas, elencar as categorias e subcategorias de análise e arrolar as estratégias operatórias utilizadas pelos agentes em cada uma delas. Resultados: Os agentes utilizam, diária e cotidianamente, uma diversidade de estratégias operatórias na relação com usuários e população, primeiramente, para fazer o trabalho acontecer e, posteriormente, para que as regras da Zona Azul sejam cumpridas, seja para autuar, para evitar conflitos e/ou para se protegerem em situações de agressões. Conflitos e agressões entre agentes e usuários são freqüentes; e a principal causa, destes, é a resistência em pagar pelo uso do estacionamento, e a de agressão, é a emissão da autuação, o que obriga os agentes a desenvolverem estratégias, cuja finalidade é a execução do trabalho; se autoprotegerem dos conflitos e das agressões; e o enriquecimento e reconhecimento do trabalho. Conclusão: A fiscalização e regulação do estacionamento público; a emissão de autuações, ante a resistência em se pagar pelo uso do espaço urbano; a restrição ao uso do espaço público; ser anteparo entre a instituição que representam e os usuários tornam o trabalho dos agentes conflituoso, e os agentes têm de utilizar estratégias para lidar com tais adversidades. As estratégias não são compartilhadas entre os agentes, já que a empresa não reconhece a importância da relação entre agentes, usuários e a população, como parte do trabalho da Zona Azul. Não há investimento da Companhia em favorecer espaços de troca, promover reciclagens e treinamentos para esse fim. Os conflitos entre agentes e usuários se potencializam pelo fato de os agentes trabalharem na rua, sozinhos, longe da matriz, sem segurança e suporte desta, e representarem uma empresa com características de instituição pública os leva a não serem reconhecidos nem respeitados como autoridades de trânsito. À empresa caberia repensar as questões relacionadas à organização do trabalho da Zona Azul, especificamente, o aspecto relacional inerente à atuação destes trabalhadores; ao Estado e à sociedade civil, elaborar e implementar políticas públicas específicas para o setor, visando à melhoria das condições de trabalho e à diminuição da violência contra trabalhadores que têm a rua como seu ambiente de trabalho. / Introduction: The objective of this dissertation is to study the work of inspectors of the rotating parking spaces of the Company of Traffic Engineering of the city of São Paulo, known as Blue Zone; to investigate the operations of the workers to handle difficult situations, embarrassments, conflicts, verbal abuse and assaults resulting from this relationship. Methods: The method used was case study. The research is of the empiric and qualitative type. Ten semi-structured individual interviews were conducted with agents of the Blue Zone regions with different characteristics, one commercial and the other, mixed. Content analysis technique was used to analyze the interviews, to list the categories and subcategories of the analysis and to list the operational strategies used by the agents in each one of them. Results: The agents daily and usually use various operational strategies in their relationship with users and the population. Firstly, to do their work and, secondly, to have the Blue Zone rules met by issuing a traffic ticket, and to avoid conflicts and/or to protect themselves in situations of verbal abuse and assault. Conflicts, verbal abuse and assaults between agents and users are frequent. The main cause of conflicts is users resistance to pay for using parking spaces, and of verbal abuse and assaults is the issuance of a parking ticket, which leads agents to develop strategies whose objectives are to do their work, to protect themselves from conflicts, verbal abuse and assaults, to improve their work and to have it acknowledged. Conclusion: Inspecting and regulating public parking spaces; issuing parking tickets facing users resistance to pay for using urban spaces; restrictions to the use of public space and being a shield between the institution they represent and users make agents work full of conflicts and they have to use strategies to handle those situations. Strategies are not shared among agents once the company does not acknowledge the importance of the relationship among agents, users and the population as part of the work at the Blue Zone. The company does not make any investments to favor exchange spaces, to promote recycling and training for this purpose. Conflicts between agents and users can be potentially violent because agents work on the streets, alone, far from the parent company and from its safety and without its support, and because they represent a company with characteristics of a public institution, which entails the fact that they are not acknowledged or respected as traffic authority. The company should rethink the matters related to the organization of the work at the Blue Zone, specifically the relational respect inherent to the performance of those workers; the Government and the civil society should prepare and implement area-specific public policies targeting on improving working conditions and reducing violence against workers who have the streets as their working environment.

Impacto de medidas para estímulo ao uso da bicicleta em viagens ao trabalho : estudo de caso envolvendo funcionários da Companhia Riograndese de Saneamento

Peña Rodrigues, Fernando Schultz January 2017 (has links)
Diversos problemas de transporte, observados nas grandes metrópoles, têm sido mitigados com o aumento da capacidade da infraestrutura viária, voltada à circulação de veículos motorizados individuais. Com isso observa-se, atualmente, aumento dos congestionamentos, das poluições sonora e ambiental, mudanças climáticas e redução nos índices de atividade física da população. Uma alternativa encontrada por muitas cidades é a transformação de seu sistema viário em um local atrativo para utilização dos Modos Ativos de Transporte – realização de viagens a pé ou de bicicleta. Nesse sentido, a cidade de Porto Alegre desde 2010 vem aumentando a quantidade de ciclovias e ciclofaixas disponíveis. No entanto, a literatura indica que existem diversos outros fatores que influenciam na decisão por usar a bicicleta como modo de transporte, principalmente para os deslocamentos até o trabalho. Dessa forma, essa dissertação teve como objetivo avaliar o impacto que a implantação de vestiário, bicicletário, empréstimo de bicicletas, treinamento para trafegar de bicicleta e ciclovias disponíveis nas principais vias de Porto Alegre, causariam na probabilidade dos funcionários da Companhia Riograndense de Saneamento (CORSAN) utilizarem a bicicleta para realizar pelo menos dois deslocamentos por semana entre a sua casa e o trabalho. Para isso foi realizada uma Pesquisa de Preferência Declarada, incluindo essas variáveis e características socioeconômicas dos funcionários. A análise das medidas foi realizada utilizando o Modelo Logit Ordenado. Foi observado que o impacto da implantação das melhorias propostas possui magnitude maior que as características socioeconômicas das pessoas. Pessoas que atualmente utilizam o automóvel particular para seus deslocamentos diários são menos propensos à inclusão da bicicleta nos seus deslocamentos, assim como as que possuem filhos. A disponibilidade de vestiário com chuveiro e armário mostrou-se a variável mais importante para o estímulo do uso da bicicleta. A presença de um bicicletário interno e seguro, disponibilidade de bicicletas para empréstimo no local de trabalho e a presença de ciclovias no trajeto também apresentaram impactos significativos. O impacto da disponibilidade de treinamento para o uso de bicicleta foi significativamente menor que os observados nas outras variáveis. Considerando a viabilidade econômica e os benefícios observados, recomenda-se a implantação de vestiário e bicicletário, como medida de estímulo ao uso da bicicleta para os deslocamentos até o trabalho. / Most metropolitan areas mitigate transportation problems by increasing road infrastructure for motorized vehicles. This practice results in an increase in traffic congestion, noise and environmental pollution and reduction in the population’s physical activity levels. Many cities have tackled these externalities by transforming their road system into an attractive environment for Active Transport Modes - walking or cycling. As an example, the city of Porto Alegre has invested in the expansion of its cycling network since 2010. According to the literature, cycling infrastructure is one of the main factors that influence the use of bicycle for transportation, especially to work. The purpose of this thesis was to evaluate the impact of implementing different measures to improve the use of bicycle for commutes using as case study Companhia Riograndense de Saneamento (CORSAN). The evaluated measures included availability of changing rooms, cycle parking, bike sharing systems, training on bicycle use, and cycle paths. An Ordered Logit Model was estimated based onStated Preference data. The impact of the proposed measures has greater magnitude than employee’s socioeconomic characteristics. Individuals who currently use the private car for commute are less likely to use bicycles for those trips, as well as those with children. The availability of a changing room with shower and locker proved to be the most important variable to increase bicycle use among CORSAN employees. Cycle parking inside the building in a safe place, a bike sharing system and the presence of cycle paths along the way also had significant impacts. The impact of training availability for bicycle use was significantly lower, compared to other variables. This research also suggests that implementation of changing room and appropriate parking facilities for bicycles are affordable and important measures to promote the use of bicycle for commutes to work.

Smarta parkeringsplatser : MultiTech mDot-baserade parkeringsplatser utan extern strömförsörjning

Svensson, Oskar January 2017 (has links)
Internet of Things är ett begrepp som innebär att alla tänkbara enheter kan kommunicera med varandra. Utvecklingen är snabb och antalet uppkopplade enheter ökar enormt. Detta medför bland annat att samhället blir effektivare vilket innebär både ekonomiska och miljömässiga fördelar. Genom att göra parkeringsplatser smarta kan de lediga platserna snabbare lokaliseras vilket minskar både miljöpåverkan och bränslekostnad. Eftersom strömförsörjning kan vara ett problem vid en del parkeringsplatser undersöks huruvida det är möjligt att åstadkomma smarta parkeringsplatser baserat på en enhet utan extern strömförsörjning. Undersökningen görs genom att konstruera en prototyp och på den utvärdera ström- och effektförbrukning samt batteritid. Dessutom analyseras om en annan design på prototypen skulle prestera bättre genom att uppskatta strömförbrukningen för en sådan design och därefter beräkna effektförbrukning och batteritid. Prototypens konstruktion bestod av en ultraljudsgivare inklusive styrenhet, en mikrokontroller kallad mDot, ett 9 V-batteri och en strömbrytare. Med mDot:en kunde data sändas till en server via LoRaWAN. De utförda mätningarna och beräkningarna visade att prototypen drar mycket ström. En enhet med tillräcklig prestanda är dock möjlig att konstruera genom att utföra beräkningar i mDot:en istället för i ultraljudsgivarens styrenhet. Detta skulle minska strömförbrukningen vilket förlänger batteritiden. Uppskattningar visade även att batteritiden för en sådan enhet ökar exponentiellt mot tiden i viloläge. Slutsatsen är att batteritiden varierar beroende på hur enheten är designad samt hur länge enheten är i viloläge. Det är dock möjligt att konstruera en enhet utan extern strömförsörjning som har tillräckligt bra prestanda för att åstadkomma smarta parkeringsplatser. / Internet of Things is a term for describing that every imaginable device can communicate with each other. The development in the field is fast and the amount of connected devices increases at an enormous rate. This means that the society becomes more efficient and some part of this is economic as well as environmental benefits. By making parking lots smart, the vacant lots can be located more quickly thus reducing environmental impact and fuel cost. At some parking lots there is no power supply. This report investigates whether or not it is possible to achieve smart parking lots based on a device without external power supply. The investigation is done by constructing a prototype and evaluate its current and power consumption as well as its battery life. Furthermore, an investigation is done to find out if another design can perform better than the prototype. This is done by making assumptions of how another design might look and from that estimate its current consumption and then calculating power consumption and battery life. The prototype constructed existed of an ultrasonic sensor including control unit, a microcontroller called mDot, a 9 V battery and a power switch. The mDot was able to send data to a server via LoRaWAN. The performed measurements and calculations showed that the prototype used to much current. However, a device with sufficient performance is possible to construct by doing the computation in the mDot instead of in the ultrasonic sensors control unit. This would increase the battery life of the device. Estimations showed that the battery life of such a device increases exponentially to the sleep time. The conclusion is that the battery life will vary depending on the design and the sleep time of the device. It is however possible to design a device without external power supply that has sufficiently good performance to enable smart parking lots.

The Influence of Shared Mobility and Transportation Policies on Vehicle Ownership: Analysis of Multifamily Residents in Portland, Oregon

Bertini Ruas, Edgar 19 March 2019 (has links)
Since the beginning of the 21st Century, the world has seen the rapid development of the so-called "sharing economy" or collaborative consumption (Botsman, 2010). One of the first areas affected by the shared economy is vehicle ownership. With the emergence of several new providers of mobility services, such as Uber and car2go, there has been the promise of changes to the traditional way of owning and using a vehicle (Wong, Hensher, & Mulley, 2017). One potential consequence of shared mobility services is the reduction in vehicle ownership. At the same time, cities are trying to anticipate these changes by reducing the amount of space dedicated to parking, including parking requirements for residential developments. This thesis aims to assess the extent to which new shared mobility services (specifically, carsharing, bikesharing, and ridehailing) and travel demand management strategies (especially parking requirements and transit pass availability) relate to vehicle ownership among residents of multifamily dwellings. To do this, we use a web-based survey targeted to residents of multifamily apartments from Portland, Oregon. With these data, we built a multinomial logistic of the number of the vehicles owned as a function of socio-demographics, built environment, parking supply, transit passes, and three forms of shared mobility services. Results suggest that there is a strong association between shared mobility use and car ownership. However, it is not as significant as the effects of income, household size, distance to work, transit pass ownership, or even parking availability. Carshare use was negatively associated with the number of household vehicles, suggesting that it may be a useful tool in reducing car ownership. For respondents with higher education and income levels, increased carshare use was associated with fewer cars. Ridehail use, however, was not as clearly associated with reducing vehicle ownership and the effect was much smaller than that of carsharing. Parking availability in the building also has a significant and positive association with vehicle ownership. In sites with no parking available, there is an increased chance of the household owning less than two or more vehicles. However, this effect seems to disappear with the increased use of shared mobility. For all income levels, monthly use of ridehail and carshare between two and three times may decrease the odds of owning two or more vehicles. The use of both options, relaxing parking requirements and shared mobility availability, seems the best strategy to reduce vehicle ownership. In the short term, it is an alternative to those residents that decide to get rid of one or all cars but still are not ready to give up using cars. For the long term, a new relationship with vehicle ownership can be built now for the younger generation.

Roles of factors in simulation of parking guidance and information systems

Peng, Wendi, Surveying & Spatial Information Systems, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
The Parking Guidance and Information (PGI) system is an important application of Intelligent Transport System (ITS), which has been shown to be an effect service for traffic information and parking management. The roadside Variable Message Sign (VMS) board has been the usual media for the publication of parking information in early PGI systems, and its performance over the years has been studied via simulations and questionnaire surveys. However, survey results show significant discrepancies across various traffic networks in different areas. More recently, parking information services have become available on other media such as mobile and in-vehicle devices. In contrast to VMS-based systems, PGI systems based on new media, especially the in-vehicle class of devices, have not been studied separately. This thesis aims to conduct research into the performance of PGI systems based on invehicle devices, by simulating and comparing a VMS-based PGI system with a Vehicle On-Board Device (VOBD)-based PGI system. A specially designed simulator utilising a routing algorithm known as the Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol in computer networks, has been created in MATLAB. The simulation minimises the influence of specific structures of traffic networks that may be found in some networks, but not others. This is done by simulating a grid-based road network where the capacities of parking stations and their geographic distribution are randomly allocated within specific zones, and the parking demand in each run of simulations is variable load. The results of simulations, including the information reliability, reduction of travel time, demand on on-street parking and the utilisation rates of parking stations, are analysed for multiple scenarios where the compliance rate, the information update policy and the strategy of human behaviour are varied. The analyses reveal a significant advantage of VOBD-based PGI systems over VMS-based PGI systems in terms of the quality of information and the reduction of travel time. At the same time, the analyses highlight the limitations of a PGI system when the demand and supply of parking stations is not appropriately balanced.

Design patterns for healthcare and secure overnight centres of truck drivers (trucking centre).

Sonnenberg, Gustav. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (MTech. degree in Architectural Technology (Management)) / Revision of the Road Transportation Act 74 of 1977, with the de-regulation of the long-haul trucking industry, caused a fast growing, highly competitive industry, where the road transport industry revolves around cost of delivery and delivery times. Unreasonable customer expectations place a burden on truck drivers who are mostly uneducated and mostly ignorant of the hazardous conditions under which they work. The study therefore investigates the causes and development of hazard patterns (with frequencies of accidents), the circumstances and conditions of long-haul trucking that make the establishment of trucking centres necessary, as well as the requirements of truck drives, employers and owner-drivers to see if the proposed trucking centres will be rejected or accepted by them. The proposed centres would provide safe rest periods, healthy food, continuous health and traffic education and would allow for social interaction between visitors at these centres. These conditions would contribute to the reduction of number of road accidents and stem the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.

Roles of factors in simulation of parking guidance and information systems

Peng, Wendi, Surveying & Spatial Information Systems, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
The Parking Guidance and Information (PGI) system is an important application of Intelligent Transport System (ITS), which has been shown to be an effect service for traffic information and parking management. The roadside Variable Message Sign (VMS) board has been the usual media for the publication of parking information in early PGI systems, and its performance over the years has been studied via simulations and questionnaire surveys. However, survey results show significant discrepancies across various traffic networks in different areas. More recently, parking information services have become available on other media such as mobile and in-vehicle devices. In contrast to VMS-based systems, PGI systems based on new media, especially the in-vehicle class of devices, have not been studied separately. This thesis aims to conduct research into the performance of PGI systems based on invehicle devices, by simulating and comparing a VMS-based PGI system with a Vehicle On-Board Device (VOBD)-based PGI system. A specially designed simulator utilising a routing algorithm known as the Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol in computer networks, has been created in MATLAB. The simulation minimises the influence of specific structures of traffic networks that may be found in some networks, but not others. This is done by simulating a grid-based road network where the capacities of parking stations and their geographic distribution are randomly allocated within specific zones, and the parking demand in each run of simulations is variable load. The results of simulations, including the information reliability, reduction of travel time, demand on on-street parking and the utilisation rates of parking stations, are analysed for multiple scenarios where the compliance rate, the information update policy and the strategy of human behaviour are varied. The analyses reveal a significant advantage of VOBD-based PGI systems over VMS-based PGI systems in terms of the quality of information and the reduction of travel time. At the same time, the analyses highlight the limitations of a PGI system when the demand and supply of parking stations is not appropriately balanced.

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