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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att vänta och föda barn under Coronapandemin : en intervjustudie

Henryson Snöberg, Magdalena, Pellergry, Linda January 2021 (has links)
Background: In 2020 the world was hit by the Coronavirus pandemic and the WHO issued information on how to diminish global virus spreading. In Sweden new rules and regulations concerned among other social sectors maternity and childbirth care. Aim: The aim of the study is to describe experiences by parents of expecting and giving birth to a child during the Coronavirus pandemic. Method: The study is an interview study. The collection of data consists of ten semi structured interviews with parents who were selected through convenience and snowball selections. A qualitative content analysis with inductive approach were used on analyzing the material. Result: The following four main categories were base for the results; Anxiety during pregnancy and childbirth. Partners feeling of exclusion. Handling of current life situation and Parents feeling of powerlessness. The parents felt concern and experienced powerlessness during the periods of pregnancy and childbirth. The anxiety was enhanced by the fact that there was lack of information on the influence on the fetus and the pregnant woman by the virus disease and by altered official regulationsconcerning to maternity care and childbirth care. Conclusion: A pandemic creates anxiety and feelings of powerlessness which brings the conclusion that the parents need more support and information. Both parents should as much as possible be included in all phases of pregnancy, childbirth, and maternity care even during a pandemic, to minimize psychic disorder. This also increases the possibilities for parental affiliation and equality in parenthood. National guidelines for maternity care and childbirth care need to be created, preparing for upcoming pandemics. Scientific evidence should be at hand before children and parents are separated in health and medicine care. Future research should start from a family orientated perspective in health and medicine care, where the participation of all family members is seen as equally important. / Bakgrund: År 2020 drabbades världen av Coronapandemin och WHO gick ut med information för att minska smittspridningen globalt. I Sverige kom nya riktlinjer och regler vilket påverkade mödrahälsovård och förlossningsvård. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva föräldrars erfarenheter av att vänta och föda barn under Coronapandemin. Metod: Studien är intervjustudie. Datainsamlingen utgjordes av tio semistrukturerade intervjuer med föräldrar vilka valdes ut genom bekvämlighetsurval samt snöbollsurval. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktivt förhållningssätt användes vid analys av materialet. Resultat: Följande fyra huvudkategorier blev grunden till resultatet: Oro under graviditet och barnafödande, Partners utanförskap, Hantering av rådande livssituation och Föräldrars maktlöshet. Föräldrarna upplevde oro och maktlöshet under graviditet och förlossning, oron förstärktes av det faktum att det var brist på information kring virusets påverkan på fostret, den gravida kvinnan och kring ändrade riktlinjer inom både mödrahälsovård och förlossningsvård. Slutsats: En pandemi skapar oro och maktlöshet vilket medför att föräldrarna behöver mer stöd och information. Båda föräldrarna bör i möjligaste mån inkluderas i hela vårdkedjan kring graviditet, förlossning och tiden på BB även under pandemier för att minimera psykisk ohälsa. Det ökar även möjligheter för en god anknytningsprocess och ett jämställt föräldraskap. Nationella riktlinjer för mödrahälsovård och förlossningsvård behöver skapas så att alla är förberedda inför kommande pandemier. Vetenskaplig evidens bör finnas innan barn och föräldrar separeras inom hälso-sjukvården. Framtidens forskning bör utgå från ett familjecentrerat perspektiv inom hälso- och sjukvård, där hela familjens delaktighet är lika betydelsefull.

Asphyxiation, Non-Fatal Strangulation, and Firearms within IPV: Prevalence and Screening

Carpenter, Rachel, Stinson, Jill 18 March 2021 (has links)
One incidence of intimate partner non-fatal strangulation (NFS) significantly increases the risk of homicide by asphyxiation (i.e., deprivation of oxygen resulting in death). The implications of NFS are well examined but the prevalence and dyadic influences of asphyxiation are less understood. This study examined various relationship types to determine if those defined by longevity and intimacy (e.g., dating and spousal) demonstrated the highest risk for NFS/asphyxiation, and evaluated the prevalence of other types of force at the time of the assault (e.g., firearms, personal weapons). Data for this project were obtained from the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation’s online incident-based reporting system. There were 34,448 reported cases of intimate partner violence (IPV) in 2019 included in the analysis. Independent variables included the survivor-offender relationship, (dating, marital, acquaintance) the force involved at the time of the assault, including the use of a firearm, NFS, asphyxiation, dangerous weapons (knife/cutting instrument, blunt object), or personal weapons, (hands, fist, feet, arms, teeth) and the location of the assault. The dependent variable was classified by the offense type (aggravated assault, simple assault, homicide, and forcible rape). Data were first cleaned using KuTools for Excel, 23.00 and then analyzed in SPSS Version 25. Regarding homicide, the most lethal type of force involved was not asphyxiation (6.5%; n = 3), but instead the use of a firearm (56.5%; n = 26), followed by dangerous weapons, (23.9%; n =11). The majority of NFS cases were classified as aggravated assaults (95.3%; n = 528) and mainly occurred at the survivor/victim’s residence (85.1%; n = 441). Regarding dyadic influences, the majority of incidents of NFS/asphyxiation occurred in dating (boyfriend/girlfriends; 63.9%; n = 354) and spousal (19.5%; n = 108;) relationships with homicides mainly occurring against spouses (50.0%; n = 21). A multinomial logistic regression model examining relationship type on the effect of force involved was significant, χ2(12, N =34,448) = 261.533, p < .001, Nagelkerke’s R2= .011. Only those in boyfriend/girlfriend (OR = .019; CI = .017-.021) and ex-boyfriend/girlfriend (OR = .024; CI = .019-.031) relationships significantly increased the likelihood of experiencing NFS or asphyxiation compared to the use of personal weapons. Those in acquaintance (OR = 3.447; CI = 2.618-4.539) and ex-boyfriend/girlfriend (OR = 2.266; CI = 1.927-2.664) relationships demonstrated the highest likelihood of a firearm being used at the time of assault. Findings indicated that dating and spousal relationships demonstrated the highest risk and prevalence of NFS and asphyxiation, but most cases of homicide involved a firearm. Proper screening by clinicians and medical personnel should assess for the current relationship type, past instances of NFS, and the presence of a firearm within the home. Further options for screening will be presented.

Kvinnors upplevelser av våld i nära relationer ur ett globalt perspektiv - En litteraturstudie / Women's experiences of violence in close relationships from a global perspective - A literature review

Al-Mofty, Noor, Mashreghi, Sepideh January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Mäns våld mot kvinnor ses som ett allvarligt och omfattande problem runt om i världen. Såväl psykiskt som fysiskt våld kan påverka kvinnans livssituation. Förutom skador kan våldet förorsaka självmordstankar, ångest och depression. Sjuksköterskor har en betydande roll vid mötet med våldsutsatta kvinnor. Därför ansåg uppsatsförfattarna att sjuksköterskan bör vara kunnig inom sitt profession när ämnet våld påtalas för att på bästa sätt kunna ge rätt stöd. Metod: En litteraturstudie baserad på nio artiklar med kvalitativ ansats. Syfte: Kvinnors upplevelser av våld i nära relationer ur ett globalt perspektiv. Resultat: Ur datamaterialet identifierades fem områden; Känslor av skam och skuld i en hotad tillvaro, Stannar kvar på grund av ekonomisk beroendeställning, Psykisk ohälsa på grund av våld under relationen, Bli sedd och hörd av vårdpersonal och Rädslan för ett nytt förhållande. Konklusion: Flera kvinnor upplevde rädslan av att stanna kvar i en våldsam relation. Det psykiska och fysiska våldet medförde negativa konsekvenser, men även ett stort lidande för kvinnorna. Omsorg, stöd och rätt vård ansågs vara viktigt inom vården för att sjuksköterskan ska kunna hjälpa våldsutsatta kvinnor / Background: Men's violence against women is seen as a serious and widespread problem around the world. Both psychological and physical violence can affect a woman's life situation. In addition to injuries, violence can cause suicidal thoughts, anxiety and depression. Nurses play a significant role in meeting women exposed to violence. Therefore, the degree authors believes that the nurse should be an expert in her profession when the subject of violence is pointed out in order to be able to provide the right support in the best possible way. Method: A literature study based on nine articles with a qualitative approach. Aim: Women's experiences of violence in close relationships from a global perspective. Findings: From the datamaterial five area were identified; Feelings of shame and guilt in an endangered life, Remain due to financial dependence, Physical and mental illness due to violence during the relationship, Being seen and heard by healthcare professionals and The fear of a new relationship. Conclusion: Several women experienced the fear of staying in a violent relationship. The mental and physical violence had negative consequences, but also a great deal of suffering for the women. Care, support and the right care were considered important in the care for the nurse to be able to help women exposed to violence

Partners upplevelser av att ge stöd vid amning : En litteraturöversikt / Partners' experiences of giving breastfeeding support : a literature review

Claeson Sörli, Karin, Naranjo García, Davinia January 2020 (has links)
Amning innebär hälsofördelar för både mamma och barn både på kort och på lång sikt. World Health Organization rekommenderar helamning under barnets första halva levnadsår och delamning till barnet är minst två år gammalt. Barnmorskan har ett amningsfrämjande uppdrag och är ansvarig att ge adekvat information samt amningsstöd till föräldrar. Amningen är ett komplext fenomen som måste tränas, och det är vanligt med amningsproblem, framförallt i början av amningsperioden. Stress och oro kring amningen kan leda till att amningen försvåras och det är vanligt att kvinnan slutar amma tidigare än hon önskar. Stödet och uppmuntran från personer i kvinnans omgivning är avgörande för en lyckad amningsperiod, och av dessa är partnern det viktigaste stödet. Forskning har visat att en stöttande, amningspositiv och amningskunnig partner både påverkar initiering av amning samt amningslängd positivt. För att amningen ska kunna fungera behövs därför stöd- och utbildningsinsatser även för partnern. Det är på grund av detta viktigt att barnmorskan i sitt amningsfrämjande arbete har kunskap om partnerns perspektiv samt de faktorer som kan påverka partnerns förmåga att ge stöd.   Syftet med studien var att undersöka partners upplevelser av och förmåga till att ge stöd vid amningen, samt att beskriva hur partners ger detta amningsstöd.   Litteraturöversikt användes som metod för att svara på studiens syfte. Sexton studier valdes ut utifrån sökningar i PubMed och CINAHL Complete samt manuell sökning. Främst kvalitativ forskning valdes. Artiklarna kvalitetsgranskades och sammanställdes sedan genom integrerad analys.   Tre huvudteman kunde urskiljas i litteraturstudiens resultat: ”Faktorer som kan påverkar partners förmåga och möjlghet att ge stöd”, ”upplevelse av att vara stödperson” samt ”stödet partnern ger till den ammande kvinnan”. Partners var positiva till amning och önskade vara mer involverade i amningen. Faktorer som inställning till amning, kunskap, tradition, kultur, ekonomi och stöd från vården kunde påverka förmågan att ge stöd till kvinnan. Partners kunde uppleva rollen som stödperson som ett sätt att visa ansvarstagande för hem och familj. Att ge amningsstöd uppfattades också en form av ofrånkomligt utanförskap, som kunde upplevas som problematiskt. Det kunde vara svårt att ge stöd när kvinnan hade problem med amningen och känslor av maktlöshet var vanligt. Partners upplevde brist på relevant information om amning och amningsstöd från vården och uttryckte behov av mer konkreta och handfasta råd. Typer av stöd som gavs var av känslomässig och praktisk karaktär. Känslomässigt stöd innebar främst uppmuntring och att få kvinnan att känna sig mindre ensam, medan praktiskt stöd ofta bestod i att ta ansvar för hem och hushåll, samt att ge kvinnan service vid amningstillfällena.   Som slutsats dras att partnern har behov av att tydligare bli inkluderad av barnmorskan i det amningsfrämjande arbetet, för att bättre hantera de känslor av maktlöshet som kan uppstå av att vara den icke-ammande föräldern. Partnerns kunskap om amning samt kunskap om den ammande kvinnas individuella behov ger ökad förmåga att kunna ge stöd till kvinnan. / Breastfeeding entails short-term and long-term health benefits for both mother and child. The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding for six months and partial breastfeeding is recommended at least until the child is two years old. Midwives have a mission of promoting breastfeeding as well as providing families with adequate breastfeeding information and support. Breastfeeding is a complex phenomenon that requires practice. Breastfeeding problems are common, especially in the early breastfeeding period. Stress and anxiety can make breastfeeding more difficult and it is common that women experience earlier than wanted cessation of breastfeeding. Kin support and encouragement is important for breastfeeding to become successful. The partner is the most important support person in the context of breastfeeding. Studies have shown that a supportive and educated partner that has a positive attitude towards breastfeeding, influence both breastfeeding initiation and duration in a positive direction. To make breastfeeding successful, the partner therefore has to receive support and breastfeeding education. Thus, it is important for midwives, in breastfeeding promotion, to gain knowledge of the partner’s perspective and the factors that can affect the ability to give breastfeeding support.   The aim of the study was to explore partners’ experiences and ability to provide breastfeeding support, and to describe how partners provide this breastfeeding support.   The methods used to answer the aim of the study was to conduct a literature review. Sixteen studies were chosen from literature searches in PubMed and CINAHL Complete, as well as manual literature search. The majority of studies chosen had a qualitative approach. They underwent quality screening and were synthesized using integrative analysis.   The result of the study showed three main themes: “Factors that may influence partners’ ability and to give breastfeeding support”, “Experience of being a support person” and “The support given to the breastfeeding woman”. Partners showed positive attitudes towards breastfeeding and wished to be more involved in the breastfeeding situation. Knowledge, tradition, culture, economy and support from caregivers were factors that could affect their ability of giving breastfeeding support. The support role could be experienced as a way of showing increased responsibility towards the home and the family. The role of the support person was also perceived as a form of inevitable alienation, that could be experienced as problematic. Giving breastfeeding support was difficult as the woman experienced breastfeeding problems, causing the partners to feel powerless. Partners expressed lack of relevant breastfeeding information and breastfeeding support from caregivers, as well as a desire to receive more hands-on, practical advice. Breastfeeding support given by partners was both emotional and practical. Emotional support consisted mostly of encouragement and making the woman feel less lonely, while practical support often meant taking on household chores and serve the woman while she breastfed.   Conclusions drawn from this study are that the partner has the need of being included in the breastfeeding promotion and support given by midwives, in order to obtain the ability to cope with feelings of powerlessness raised by being the non-breastfeeding parent. Furthermore, the partner’s breastfeeding knowledge and knowledge of the individual needs of the breastfeeding woman result in increased ability of giving breastfeeding support.

Social Networks of Intimate Partner Violence Perpetrators

Viola, Wendy Elaine 08 August 2014 (has links)
Empirical research in the areas of substance abuse (Beattie & Longabaugh, 1997; Beattie & Longabaugh, 1999; Falkin & Strauss, 2002; Gordon & Zrull, 1991; Humphreys & Noke, 1997; Mohr et al., 2001; Zywiak, Longabaugh & Wirtz, 2002) and general antisocial behavior (Browning, 2002; Capaldi, Dishion, Stoolmiller & Yoerger, 2001; Dishion, Patterson & Griesler, 1994) and a theoretical model of sexual assault perpetration (DeKeseredy & Schwartz, 1993; DeKeseredy, 1990a; DeKeseredy, 1988; Schwartz & DeKeseredy, 1997) highlight the role of peer groups' attitudes and behaviors in shaping those of their members. Intimate partner violence (IPV) among men's parents (Arriaga & Foshee, 2004; Doumas, Margolin & John, 1994; Silverman & Wiliamson, 1997) and peer groups (Abbey, McAuslan, Zawacki, Brown & Messman-Moore, 2010; Clinton, & Buck, 2001; Capaldi et al., 2001; Raghavan, Rajah, Gentile, Collado, & Kavanagh, 2009; Reed, Silverman, Raj, Rothman, Decker, Gottlieb, Molnar, & Miller, 2008; Silverman & Williamson, 1997) is also related to their own perpetration of IPV, specifically. However, existing research is yet to examine the extent to which men participating in batterer intervention programs (BIPs), a common form of treatment for perpetrators of IPV, receive messages about the perpetration of IPV from within their social networks, or whether or how BIP participants contribute to dialogues about abuse within their social networks. The purposes of the current study were to (1) describe the members of BIP participants' social networks and the ways in which they communicate about IPV with BIP participants, and (2) to describe how BIP participants address IPV with the members of their social networks, and the social network members with whom they do so. Focus groups with BIP facilitators and participants were conducted to develop inventories of abuse-relevant behaviors. One hundred and two BIP participants were surveyed to describe the members of their social networks, how the members of their social networks address the perpetration of IPV, and how BIP participants communicate about IPV to the members of their social networks. A series of multilevel models were tested to examine the characteristics of BIP participants' social networks and patterns of communication about abuse therein. An additional focus group provided interpretations of the quantitative findings. Findings reveal that the current sample of BIP participants has social networks that are smaller than those of the general population, and which consist of their current and former partners, friends and roommates, bosses and coworkers, family of origin, children, in-laws, and others. Participants' network members engage in behaviors that convey both pro-abuse and anti-abuse attitudes to BIP participants, participants engage in indirect anti-abuse behaviors with their social network members, and participants are less satisfied with network members who engage in more pro-abuse behaviors. Primary implications of the current study include (1) the understanding of BIP participants as bystanders who actively intervene in abuse-relevant social norms in their social networks; (2) a detailed picture of how and from whom BIP participants receive support for the perpetration of IPV; and (3) the creation of two new behavioral inventories that may be used to explore patterns and effects of abuse relevant communication in greater depth.

Ingen partner ska lämnas utanför : En fokusgruppstudie med barnmorskor / No partner should be left out : A focus group study with midwives

Månsson, Tina, Zander, Erika January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: När Corona pandemin bröt ut år 2020 kom restriktioner med syfte att minska smittspridningen. Restriktionerna utgjorde ett hinder för partners till gravida att kunna närvara vid besöken på mödrahälsovården.   Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva barnmorskors erfarenhet av att hantera situationen vid en fysisk frånvarande partner under besöken på mödrahälsovården under Corona pandemin.  Metod: Studien är en fokusgruppstudie. Datainsamlingen bestod av tre fokusgruppsintervjuer med barnmorskor inom mödrahälsovården vilka valdes ut genom ett bekvämlighetsurval. Vid analys av materialet användes en kvalitativ empiriskansats med ett induktivt förhållningssätt.   Resultat: I resultatet framkom tre huvudkategorier: Det normala nya, Familjefokusering och Nya arbetssätt. Barnmorskorna upplevde en normalisering av partnerns frånvaro. Barnmorskorna påtalade att de försökt lägga fokus på att paret är ett team som ska gå igenom graviditeten tillsammans och därför uppmuntrat paret att läsa på och diskutera tillsammans om graviditet, förlossning och föräldraskap. Barnmorskorna var öppna för att utveckla digitala alternativ, men uppgav också att det krävdes nytt material, verktyg, rutiner och utbildning för att implementera detta.   Slutsats: Det är viktigt att dra lärdom av situationen under Corona pandemin och tänka nytt. Utveckling av alternativa möten på mödrahälsovården bör bli högprioriterat både under och efter pandemin. En utveckling av digitala kommunikationsalternativ möjliggör för partners även i andra sammanhang, till exempel arbete på annan ort, att kunna delta i vården runt graviditeten. / Background: When the Corona pandemic broke out in 2020, restrictions were introduced with the aim of reducing the spread of infection. The restrictions constituted an obstacle for partners of pregnant women to be able to attend the visits to the maternal health care.  Purpose: The purpose of the study was to describe midwives' experience of dealing with the situation of a physically absent partner during visits to maternal health care during the Corona pandemic.  Method: The study was a focus group study. The data collection consisted of three focus group interviews with midwives in maternal health care, which were selected through a convenience sample. When analyzing the material, a qualitative empirical approach with an inductive approach was used.  Result: The results revealed three main categories: The normal new, Family focus and New ways of working. The midwives experienced a normalization of the partner's absence. The midwives pointed out that they tried to focus on the couple being a team that will go through the pregnancy together and therefore encouraged the couple to read and discuss together about pregnancy, childbirth and parenthood. The midwives were open to developing digital alternatives, but also stated that new material, tools, routines and training were required to implement this.  Conclusion: It is important to learn from the situation during the Corona pandemic and think new. Development of alternative meetings in maternal health care should be a high priority both during and after the pandemic. The development of digital communication alternatives enables partners in other contexts, such as work in other places, to be able to participate in care around pregnancy.

“Min man har cancer” - kvinnors upplevelser utifrån bloggar / “My husband has cancer” - womens’ experiences based on blogs

Fors Wallander, Mathilda, Johansson, Ulrica January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: När den manliga partnern drabbas av cancer upplever kvinnorna en liknande sjukdomskänsla utan att själva ha sjukdomen. Cancersjukdomen medför en livsförändring och det finns inte plats för kvinnors egentid och känslor när allt kretsar kring cancerprocessen. Det är av samma vikt att kvinnan får stöd som mannen då de båda lider av sjukdomssituationen. Stöd i form av samtal är uppskattat och är något som sjuksköterskan kan vara delaktig i. Syfte: Att beskriva kvinnors upplevelser av att leva med en manlig partner som har cancer. Metod: En kvalitativ ansats där datainsamlingen bestod av bloggar. En innehållsanalys genomfördes enligt Graneheim och Lundmans modell. Resultat: Kvinnorna upplevde en variation av känslor där de flesta var negativa på grund av den stora livsförändring som skapades i samband med mannens cancerdiagnos. Kvinnans roll förändrades och hon prioriterade inte sin egen hälsa, vilket ledde till att att hon började må dåligt psykiskt och fysiskt. Kvinnorna behövde copingstrategier och stöd för att orka ta sig igenom livssituationen. Konklusion: Examensarbetet ökar kunskapen och förståelsen kring kvinnors upplevelser av att leva med manlig partner som har cancer. Sjukdomen och det ökade ansvarstagandet påverkar kvinnors hälsa negativt. Kvinnorna behöver bli sedda och förstådda av sjuksköterskan för att kunna få det stöd de behöver för att kunna hantera livssituationen / Background: When the male partner suffers from cancer, similar experiences of feelingsick occur in women. The cancer disease causes a change in lifestyle and there is no place for women's alone time and emotions when everything revolves around the cancer process. It is of equal importance that women receive support as men as they both suffer from the disease situation. Support in the form of conversations is appreciated and is something that the nurse can be involved in. Aim: To describe women's experiences of living with male partner who has cancer. Method: A qualitative method where data collection consists of blogs. A content analysis was performed according to Graneheim and Lundman's model. Findings: The women experienced a variety of emotions where most were negative due to the large change in lifestyle that was created in connection with her partner's cancerdiagnosis. The woman's role changes and she did not prioritize her own health, leading to deterioration of her own health. The women needed coping strategies and support to be able to get through the life situation. Conclusion: This master thesis increases the knowledge and understanding of women's experiences of living with male partner who has cancer. The disease and the increased responsibility have a negative effect on women's health. The women need to be seen and understood by the nurse in order to be able to get the support they need to be able to handle the life situation.

Change in Intimate Partner Violence: The Domestic Couple's Perspective on Perpetrator Change

Fenlason, Troy January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Pregnancy-associated Intimate Partner Violence:an Examination Of Multiple Dimensions Of Intimate Partner Abuse Victimization Usi

Taylor, Shauna 01 January 2009 (has links)
Using three separate and unique sources of data, this study was designed to address: a) the associations between pregnancy-related violence and femicide with sociodemographic characteristics of victims and offenders and with family dynamics, b) how pregnancy affects the risk for threats of violence, power and control tactics, physical violence, stalking, sexual violence, and femicide, and c) how pregnancy contributes to increased severity of abuse. The overall results reveal a significant statistical correlation between pregnancy and the increased risk of intimate partner abuse on many dimensions, including physical abuse, stalking and harassment, sexual abuse, threats of serious harm and death, lethality risk, and power and control. The correlation between pregnancy and femicide is less clear and in need of further examination. While the nature of pregnancy as a risk factor across multiple dimensions of abuse is certainly pervasive, the findings indicate that power and coercive control warrants close attention as a potentially prominent and dangerous dynamic. Women of younger age, those single or divorced, residing with an IP, and having children in the home were shown to have a significantly increased risk of non-lethal and lethal IPV in all three samples. The findings contribute evidence to existing literature concerning potentially catastrophic outcomes for pregnancies occurring in an abusive context, including extremely high rates of miscarriage in abusive relationships. Implications for practice and for research are discussed.

Fracture variations in survivable versus fatal craniofacial blunt force trauma associated with intimate partner violence

Saenz, Nicole 03 November 2023 (has links)
Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a global human rights issue that affects approximately 25% of women and 10% of men and is the leading cause of homicides of women worldwide. Multiple studies have been conducted by medical and dental practitioners to screen for indicators of IPV so that victims can be directed toward resources for help. However, despite its prevalence, injury patterns indicative of intimate partner homicide (IPH) have not previously been studied. Given that blunt force injuries are the primary type of trauma associated with IPV and the second leading trauma associated with IPH (after gunshot trauma), craniofacial fracture patterns from blunt force trauma associated with IPH served as the focus of this study. Using computed tomography (CT) scans obtained from the New Mexico Office of the Medical Investigator of identified victims of IPH, the fracture location and quantity of fractures were compared a compilation of results from previously published studies on IPV. In addition, data on fracture type were collected on the IPH sample, as this can provide information about the fracture-causing blow. This study aimed to determine whether there are differences in fracture patterns associated with IPH versus incidence of IPV that were survived. It was found that some trends present in IPV cases were maintained in IPH cases--such as a concentration of fractures to the mid-face-- fractures in IPH cases were more distributed over the skull and presented with an more frequently on the upper face and cranial vault, as well as fractures to the right side of the body.

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