Spelling suggestions: "subject:"peasantry."" "subject:"pheasantry.""
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“ESTAMOS ESQUECIDOS”A case study for capabilities in the perspective of small-scale vegetable producers in Southeastern Brazilde Paula, Bruno January 2022 (has links)
Global food supply chains have drastically changed over the last decades. Whereas some international firms embedded in the international markets are on the cutting edge of food production processes and technology, small-scale producers do not always experience the same opportunity in accessing such global value chains. According to FAO, those small-scale producers worldwide are in charge of providing about one-third of the world’s food demand, yet they find an immense challenge in just keeping their production marketable. This way, one of the most likely consequences of poorly designed policies to support those producers is rural poverty. However, not only physical dimensions such as food security and nutrition, education, living standards, rural livelihoods and resources, and risks as presented by FAO impose pressure on small-scale producers, but also the inability to experience a better quality of life also seems to play a key role in how producers plan and manages their crops. This research explores the role and preferences of small-scale farmers in São Paulo, Brazil, through the lens of the Amartya Sen’s capabilities approach. To operationalize this research, a case study was conducted based on semi-structured interviews in addition to a desk study. The findings suggests that although those farmers have no clear idea regarding the academic concept of capabilities, they do acknowledge a lack of freedom to make decisions according to their preferences. In addition, they seems to be squeezed in the middle of the government policies directed for the agribusiness and the most vulnerable rural households who lives under the poverty line, when it comes specifically to the Brazilian case.
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Reservation income and the decision to borrow : an empirical analysis of interlinked informal credit contracts in the Peruvian AmazonKjüllerstrüm, Mónica Isabel Bento De Braga January 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Sur les rives du Nil : les transformations dans l'agriculture soudanaise durant la colonisation égyptienne de 1821 à 1881Beauchamp, Gabriel 09 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire explore les impacts qu’a eu le colonialisme égyptien sur la société agraire
soudanaise suivant la conquête, en 1821, du sultanat funj jusqu’à l’éclosion de la révolution
mahdiste en 1881. Celui-ci va à l’encontre de l’historiographie occidentale conventionnelle qui
affirme que l’agriculture au Soudan a connu un long et lent déclin durant toute la période
égyptienne. En effet, c’est complètement l’inverse : après l’échec, en 1844, de l’implantation d’un
régime de plantations par les autorités coloniales, les élites locales soudanaises composées
d’anciens aristocrates funjs, de marchands et de seigneurs nomades, vont reprendre ce système
agraire et l’adapter à leurs besoins. On assiste donc à la renaissance de l’agriculture soudanaise
sous un système hybride, à la fois égyptien et soudanais. Cette résurgence agricole aura de vastes
impacts dans toute la région du Gezira et du Soudan oriental et sur toutes les strates de la
population. On assiste à un essor sans précédent de l’esclavage agricole, à l’érosion de la
paysannerie libre et du nomadisme, à l’apparition d’un réseau urbain complexe et à un déclin
marqué de l’environnement. Pendant ce temps, le gouvernement colonial égyptien, dont le pouvoir
est restreint aux limites de ses villes-garnisons, limitera ses interactions avec le monde rural à
tenter d’extraire le maximum de richesses de façon inefficace et violente. / This thesis explores the impacts of Egyptian colonialism on the Sudanese agrarian society
following the 1821 conquest of the Funj Sultanate until the beginning of the Mahdist Revolution
in 1881. This research goes against the Western conventional historiographical consensus
affirming that the agricultural sector in Sudan suffered a long and painful decline during the whole
Egyptian colonial occupation. In fact, it is the complete opposite: after the 1844 Egyptian failure
to impose their plantation system, the local Sudanese elites composed of former Funj aristocrats,
traders and nomadic lords, are going to reappropriate this agrarian structure for their own ends.
We are, in fact, witnessing the resurgence of Sudanese agriculture under a new hybrid system.
This agrarian revival is going to have major consequences on the regions of Gezira and oriental
Sudan and also on all the strata of the population. It will lead to an exponential rise in the use of
agricultural slavery, the collapse of the free peasant and nomad, the building of a new network of
cities and the decline of the environment. During that period, the Egyptian colonial government,
confined to its garrison-cities, will limit its interaction with the rural world by inefficiently trying
to extract the maximum of riches with the use of violence.
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Dem Schwerte Muss Der Pflug Folgen: Űber-Peasants and National Socialist Settlements in the Occupied Eastern Territories during World War TwoDe Santiago Ramos, Simone C. 05 1900 (has links)
German industrialization in the nineteenth century had brought forward a variety of conflicting ideas when it came to the agrarian community. One of them was the agrarian romantic movement led by Adam Műller, who feared the loss of the traditional German peasant. Műller influenced Reichdeutsche Richard Walther Darré, who argued that large cities were the downfall of the German people and that only a healthy peasant stock would be able to ‘save' Germany. Under Darré's definition, “Geopolitik” was the defense of the land, the defense with Pflug und Schwert (plow and sword) by Wehrbauern, an ‘Űberbauer-fusion' of soldier and peasant. In order to accomplish these goals, new settlements had to be established while moving from west to east. The specific focus of this study is on the original Hegewald resettlement ideas of Richard Walther Darré and how his philosophy was taken over by Himmler and fit into his personal needs and creed after 1941. It will shed some light on the interaction of Darré and Himmler and the notorious internal fights and power struggles between the various governmental agencies involved. The Ministry for Food and Agriculture under the leadership of Darré was systematically pushed into the background and all previous, often publicly announced re-settlement policies were altered; Darré was pushed aside once the eastern living space was actually occupied.
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Crime, Community and the Negotiated Truth : Court Narratives of Capital Crime in the District Courts of Jämtland-Härjedalen 1649—1700Berggren, Simon January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to study the court narratives of serious crimes in the district courts of Jämtland-Härjedalen in the latter half of 17th century. This is done by studying the negotiated aspects of criminal court proceedings; how did stories of crime, guilt and character come together in the records to form narratives that became accepted truths by the local community and the authorities? Investigations of serious crime have been sampled from the collected records of five district courts in the period 1649–1700. These records have been analysed by identifying the different actors and voices of the narratives, the social stratification of the participants, their speech acts and how they were depicted by the court and by other participants. The analysis of the social stratification of accusers, defendants and witnesses shows evidence of a deeply hierarchical and patriarchal society: men and women of lower social status were not only grossly overrepresented as defendants in criminal investigations, they were also mostly excluded from participating as a witness. The inverse could be said about local elites and landed peasantry. Women were more often accused of crime, and while they were allowed to testify as witnesses, they were less so than men. The negotiation of the truth took place in three parallel and intersecting spheres of discourse, differing in what kind of questions were asked and what problems were being discussed between different categories of participants. The nature of crime was negotiated when accusers, defendants and witnesses debated the presented narratives; the accepted narrative of the crime was found by the assessment of the honesty of the individual participants, by considering their reputation and standing in the local community. While the word of the law was unrelenting and impossible to legally negotiate at the district court level, a kind of negotiation was done by the local community and sometimes also the district court taking the side of the defendant, pleading and petitioning the Royal High Court to find mercy for the convicted criminal.
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Le néak sraè, riziculteur khmer : mobilité paysanne, localité et communauté au Cambodge postcolonialMénard, Yann 02 1900 (has links)
Dans le Cambodge angkorien, les souverains khmers administraient une paysannerie mouvante par le biais de temples-palais. Lorsque les Français prennent le contrôle, en 1845, ils se retrouvent devant une « masse paysanne inorganisée, inorganique même » (Delvert, 1961 : 201) et restent « confondus devant la mobilité des Cambodgiens » (Forest, 1980 : 30). À l’époque postcoloniale, les ethnologues feront essentiellement le même constat, pendant que John F. Embree (1950) proposera de catégoriser les sociétés indianisées du Sud-Est asiatique comme étant « loosely structured » : postulant une faible intégration individuelle des structures sociales donnant lieu à une prévalence de comportements individualistes ad hoc et à des communautés sans réelle organisation. La proposition fera école.
Ces observations paraissent justes, mais l’analyse infructueuse. La structure dont parle Embree s’appuie sur une culture hautement syncrétique qui se reflétait aléatoirement dans les comportements. Mais l’organisation sociale khmère se trouve ailleurs : dans les solutions organisationnelles qui gouvernent les choix des individus lorsqu’ils doivent se regrouper afin d’effectuer des tâches récurrentes. À ce titre, les paysans khmers évoluaient dans une organisation sociale rigoureusement minimaliste et flexible. La maisonnée était l’élément essentiel, tandis que la communauté territoriale locale était contingente et fluctuante. Dans l’environnement naturel généreux du Cambodge, un petit groupe d’individus mobiles réunis sous un même toit pouvait aisément accomplir toutes les tâches nécessaires à sa survie. Alors on ne s’attachait jamais indéfiniment à une localité : seulement à des communautés sans cesse en évolution, centrées autour de pagodes agissant comme des ports d’ancrage. / In Angkorian Cambodia, Khmer rulers administered a moving peasantry through temple-palaces. When the French took over, in 1845, they found what administrators called an unorganized mass of peasants, “even inorganic” (Delvert, 1961: 201) and were confounded by Cambodian peasants’ mobility (Forest, 1980: 30). During the postcolonial era, ethnologists essentially came to the same conclusions, while John F. Embree (1950) proposed to categorize South-East Asian indianized societies as “loosely structured”. He postulated that the prevalence of ad hoc individualistic behavior and the lack of organization found in communities were due to a weak integration of social structures at the individual level. Many ethnologists followed in Embree’s path.
These observations appear just but the analysis seems unfruitful. Embree’s structure is modeled on a highly syncretic Khmer culture which was randomly reflected in individual behavior indeed. But Khmer social organization lies elsewhere: In the organizational strategies which govern individual choices when groups must come together to accomplish recurring tasks. In this respect, Cambodian peasants evolved in a social organization that was rigorously minimalistic and flexible. The household was the essential element here, while the local territorial community was incidental. In Cambodia’s generous natural environment, a small mobile group of individuals united under one roof could easily accomplish all the tasks essential to their survival. Thus the Khmer never attached themselves indefinitely to a locality: Only to ever evolving communities, centered on pagodas which acted as anchor harbors.
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"A contra-reforma agrária do banco mundial e os camponeses no Ceará - Brasil" / The agrarian counter-reformation of World Bank and the peasants in the Ceara, BrazilOliveira, Alexandra Maria de 09 November 2005 (has links)
Esta tese analisa a política de crédito fundiário no Ceará, posta em prática pelos governos estadual e federal em parceria com o Banco Mundial a partir de 1996. A forma pela qual o Estado foi levado a dar início e desenvolver a reforma agrária de mercado" no Ceará, recoloca problemas importantes: a questão da reforma agrária e o acesso à terra pelos sem terra, o problema da estrutura fundiária no Ceará, no Nordeste, e em outras regiões. Simultaneamente, repõe o problema da adaptação" de moradores de condição, parceiros, rendeiros e migrantes temporários ao mercado capitalista. A reflexão sobre a contra-reforma agrária do Banco Mundial e os camponeses passa pela discussão acerca do desenvolvimento territorial contraditório, desigual e combinado, desenvolvido no interior da Geografia agrária. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida a partir de um estudo transversal realizado em oito assentamentos criados a partir dos projetos São José e Cédula da Terra, partes constitutivas da denominada reforma agrária de mercado" no Ceará. A implementação da reforma agrária de mercado" no Ceará, tem significado a reativação do mercado de terras contribuindo para a ampliação das relações, especificamente capitalistas no campo como a apropriação da renda capitalizada da terra por proprietários de terras rentistas. Os assentamentos como frações do território conquistadas se constituíram com base na propriedade familiar que é uma forma de propriedade diferente da propriedade privada capitalista. A apropriação familiar e o desenvolvimento de formas de trabalho como o individual (familiar), a prática de ajuda mútua, o uso comum da terra e o trabalho coletivo revelam a ocorrência de formas alternativas para a propriedade privada imposta pelo Estado. Existe, portanto, um sério conflito entre o regime de propriedade privada implementado sob a lógica de mercado do Estado e a concepção de propriedade familiar reproduzida pelos camponeses e legitimada com o apoio dos movimentos sociais e das entidades camponesas em luta pela reforma agrária no país. / This thesis analyzes the agrarian credit policy in Ceará, put into practice by the State and Federal Governments in partnership with the World Bank since 1996. The reason which led the State government begin and develop the market agrarian reform" in Ceará, puts back important problems: the agrarian reform problem and the land access to the landless peasantry, the agrarian structural problem in Ceará, in the northeast and in other areas. Simultaneously, replaces the adaptation" problem of the condition dwellers, partners, tenant farmers and temporary migrants to the capitalist market. The reflection on the agrarian counter-reformation of Wold Bank and the peasants passes by the discussion concerning the contradictory, unequal and combined territorial development, developed inside the agrarian Geography. The research was developed from a transversal study accomplished in eight settlements created from the São José and Cédula da Terra projects, constituent parts of the denominated market agrarian reform" in Ceará. The implementation of the market agrarian reform" in Ceará, has meant the land market reactivation contributing to the enlargement of the relationships, specifically capitalists in the countryside as the appropriation of the capitalized income of the land by landowners of the rentable land. The settlements as fractions of the conquered territory have been constituted based on the family property that is a property form different from the capitalist private property. The family appropriation and the development in labor ways as the individual (family), the practice of mutual help, the land common use and the collective labor reveals the occurrence of alternative ways for the private property imposed by the State Government. There is, therefore, a serious conflict between the private property regime implemented under the State market logic and the conception of family property reproduced by the peasants and legitimated by the social movements and from the peasant entities support that fight for the agrarian reform in the country.
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O processo de restauração ecológica de APPs na microbacia do Campestre, Saltinho - SP: uma proposta de diálogo entre conhecimentos / The process of ecological restoring of PPA's in the micro-basin of Campestre, Saltinho: a proposition of dialogue among knowledgePadovezi, Aurelio 03 March 2006 (has links)
Como uma das ações voltadas à restauração de Áreas de Preservação Permanente (APPs) degradadas do ribeirão Campestre em Saltinho-SP, o presente trabalho construiu, de forma participativa, e avaliou em campo indicadores de avaliação e monitoramento do Potencial de Auto-Recuperação (PAR) de 4 APPs em diferentes estágios de degradação. Inicialmente, por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, exploramos e relacionamos alguns elementos constitutivos da Campesinidade e do Conhecimento Ecológico Local (CEL) dos agricultores interessados em restaurar suas próprias APPs. Os indicativos dessa relação sugerem que a construção de espaços que potencializem a contribuição do CEL em projetos de recuperação de APPs podem ser planejados de acordo com a campesinidade de cada grupo social envolvido. A contribuição do CEL foi levantada a partir da Representação Social dos agricultores participantes sobre sucessão secundária e foi orientada, por meio de um roteiro de entrevista, à construção de indicadores de avaliação e monitoramento do PAR de cada uma das áreas estudadas. Observamos por esta metodologia que o entendimento dos processos ecológicos e os indicadores propostos pelos agricultores guardam correspondência com conhecimento acumulado pela academia. Avaliamos em campo os 7 indicadores sugeridos pelos agricultores que mais se relacionavam à literatura correspondente. Destes indicadores destacaram-se: a) distância e estado de conservação dos fragmentos próximos; b) avifauna; c) umidade relativa do solo e; d) regeneração natural, por representarem melhor o PAR de cada área estudada. Por fim, avaliamos 4 diferentes intervenções, idealizadas pelos agricultores participantes em suas próprias APPs, com propósito de acelerar o processo de restauração ecológica e observamos que, as intervenções dos agricultores de maior campesinidade e, portanto, de maior CEL, apresentaram melhores resultados. / As one the actions aimed to the recovery of degraded Permanent Preservation Areas (PPA's) in Ribeirão Campestre, Saltinho, this dissertation built a mean, participatively, and assessed, in the field, evaluating indicators and the monitoring of the Potential of Self-Recovery (PSR) of 4 PPA's in different stages of degradation. Initially, by means of semi-structured interviews, some constitutive elements of Peasantry and of Local Ecological Knowledge (LEK) of agriculture workers interested in restore their own PPA's were explored. The indicators of such relation suggest that the construction of spaces to potentialize the contribution of LEK in projects aiming the recovering of PPA's may be planned according to the Peasantry of each social group involved. LEK contribution was raised from the Social Representation of participating agriculture workers over secondary succession and was guided, through a script of interview, to the construction of evaluating indicators and monitoring of PSR of each area analyzed/studied. Through this methodology, it was observed that the understanding of ecological processes and the indicators proposed by the agriculture workers have correspondence with the Knowledge added by Academy. It was evaluated, in field, 7 indicators proposed by the agriculture workers that were most related to the correspondent literature. Among these indicators, the following ones are highlighted: a) distance and state of conservation of close fragments; b) avifauna; c) relative humidity of the soil and; d) natural regeneration, for it best represents the PSR of each area analyzed/studied. Finally, 4 different interventions were evaluated, idealized by the participating agriculture workers on their own ppa's, aiming to speed-up the process of ecological restoration and it was observed that the interventions of the agriculture workers with highest level of Peasantry, thus highest LEK, presented better results.
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Cultivar e resistir : duas experiências de organização camponesa em comparação : a cooperativa brasileira Copava e a associação italiana / Cultivate and resist : two peasant organization experiences compared: the Brazilian cooperative Copava and the Italian association Campi ApertiSchembri, Elena, 1983- 07 December 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Andréia Galvão / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-12-07T17:47:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: As teses sobre o desaparecimento do campesinato se revelaram incorrectas embora seja necessário afirmar que a ofensiva neo-liberal, os tratados de livre comércio e as imposições de algumas empresas multinacionais com a cumplicidade dos governos, hoje, certamente, afetam com maior profundidade a produção agrícola e as comunidades rurais de todas as partes do mundo, impondo um único modelo ao qual é muitas vezes difícil escapar. As respostas dos camponeses a estes tipos de problemas é a organização que pode acontecer de maneira similar e diferente ao mesmo tempo. A análise de duas experiências de resistências camponesas em países distintos, a cooperativa brasileira Copava e a associação italiana Campi Aperti, pode ajudar na compreensão dos tipos de problemas específicos de cada realidade política, econômica e social, enquanto oferece uma visão sobre as consequiências da mundialização em curso. O 1995, ano de fundação da Organização Mundial do Comércio (OMC), marca uma data fundamental, com a liberalização do comércio dos produtos agrícolas. A análise do desenvolvimento do agronegócio no Brasil, particularmente ápos a crise europeia de 2008 que viu muitos investidores transferir seus capitais na América Latina, e a terceira crise agrícola que afeta a Europa, junto com o contexto histórico e político, ajudarão na compreensão das dinâmicas empreendidas pela Copava e por Campi Aperti que lidam com as mudanças do contexto no qual agem. Agroecológia, agricultura biológica, reforma agrária popular proposta pelo Mst e economia solidária, serão os temas conclusivos que ajudarão entender qual é o projeto levado para frente por essas duas organizações para responder ao lema "Um outro mundo é possível?" / Abstract: The thesis about the disappearance of the peasantry proved incorrect although we must say that the neo-liberal offensive, the free trade agreements and the charges of some multinational companies with the complicity of governments, today certainly affect more depth agricultural production and rural communities in all parts of the world, imposing a single model that is often difficult to escape. The responses of farmers to these types of problems is the organization that can happen in a similar way and different at the same time. The analysis of two experiences of peasant resistance in different countries, the Brazilian cooperative Copava and the Italian association Campi Aperti, can help in understanding the types of problems specific to each political, economic and social, while providing an insight into the globalization of consequiências ongoing. The 1995 founding year of the World Trade Organization (WTO), marks a key date, with the liberalization of trade in agricultural products. The development of agribusiness in Brazil, particularly after the European crisis of 2008 that saw many investors transfer their capital in Latin America, and the third agricultural crisis affecting Europe, along with the historical and political context, will help in understanding the dynamics undertaken by Copava and Campi Aperti dealing with the context of changes in which they act. Agroecology, organic farming, popular agrarian reform proposed by Mst and solidarity economy, will be the conclusive issues that will help understand what the project brought forward by these two organizations to respond to the slogan "Another world is possible?" / Mestrado / Ciencia Politica / Mestra em Ciência Política
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Le colono funkeiro et la gaúcha baladeira : pratiques culturelles des jeunes de l'agriculture familiale et recomposition des territoires ruraux au Sud du Brésil / The colono funkeiro and the gaúcha baladeira : cultural practices of family farming’s young people and the recomposition of rural territories in southern BrasilChauveau, Hélène 11 December 2017 (has links)
Notre thèse aborde la conjonction entre trois thématiques que les recherches et les acteurs de terrain excluent souvent mutuellement : les jeunes, le milieu rural, les pratiques culturelles et de loisir. Notre problématique est de comprendre comment les pratiques culturelles des jeunes ruraux d'une part, et la recomposition des territoires ruraux au Sud du Brésil d'autre part, s'influencent réciproquement. Les premières sont entendues comme la partie culturelle des pratiques développées par les jeunes durant leur temps libre et la seconde recouvre l'ensemble des éléments permettant d'évoquer une ressignification et une requalification profonde des territoires ruraux. Trois hypothèses sont testées : 1/ les pratiques culturelles sont mobilisées dans les expériences des jeunes ruraux comme une réponse à une crise multifactorielle des milieux ruraux ; 2/ chaque configuration spatiale et profil territorial influe sur les représentations, les moyens et les formes d'action des jeunes ; 3/ les territoires ruraux sud-brésiliens connaissent un processus de recomposition, dans lequel les rôles socio-économiques, culturels, politiques et symboliques des territoires ruraux sont modifiés par les usages de la jeunesse, en particulier par leurs pratiques culturelles.Leur migration vers les villes étant une préoccupation constante des acteurs locaux et des observateurs, les jeunes de 18 à 28 ans, qui sont restés ou allés vivre en milieu rural, sont l'objet principal de ce travail. La façon dont ces jeunes mettent en place et mobilisent leurs pratiques culturelles avec les contraintes imposées par les territoires ruraux sud-brésiliens choisis (manque d'infrastructures culturelles, difficultés pour la mobilité, pressions sociales, conflits de génération, problématique du genre), permet de comprendre comment elles influencent et sont influencées par les recompositions en cours sur ces mêmes territoires. Le Sud du Brésil possède une agriculture familiale forte, ainsi l'image et les fonctions attribuées aux espaces ruraux y ont rapidement évolué au cours des dernières décennies. Dans le même temps, si les pays développés misent sur la culture pour redéfinir leurs capitales et anciens bassins industriels, le rôle de la culture dans les espaces ruraux et agricoles, a fortiori ceux des pays émergents, est négligé. Pourtant, ces derniers se trouvent actuellement devant des choix de société incluant une recomposition des territoires ruraux, que les jeunes rencontrés envisagent comme des espaces de possible.Ce travail de géographie utilise principalement des méthodes de géographie sociale rurale (entretiens, cartographie des données) liées à celles de la sociologie qualitative (récits de vie, observation participante). D'un point de vue du terrain, la démarche comparative permet d'aborder la question de l'influence de certaines caractéristiques du territoire sur notre problématique, avec trois terrains différents, bien que tous situés dans la région Sud du Brésil (Rio Grande do Sul et Santa Catarina). La diversité ainsi que l'unité de problématique qui traverse ces trois territoires permet d'élaborer une typologie reliant les échelles d'appartenances des jeunes et la façon dont ils mobilisent les pratiques culturelles pour les alimenter. Ils ont tous dans leurs parcours de vie été confrontés au départ en ville, mais sont là et s'investissent dans la vie sociale de leurs communautés car elle est la raison de leur choix. Les pratiques culturelles qu'ils développent (théâtre, musique, danse, bals activités traditionnelles, telles que rodéos ou olympiades rurales), leur permettent de s'identifier à une ruralité toujours recomposée, recréée parfois, réinventée souvent. Les actions des mouvements sociaux, des politiques publiques, du secteur privé ou des associations dans ce domaine ont pour objectif de mobiliser les jeunes à des fins diverses. Les jeunes, quant à eux,souhaitent simplement mettre en place des alternatives pour s'approprier leurs lieux ... / This essay intends to point out the conjunction between three thematic areas that the research studies and the actors on the ground would both exclude : young people, rural area, hobbies and cultural practices. Our issue is to understand how both cultural practices of rural youth and the recomposition of rural territories in southern Brasil affect each other. The first are to be understood as the cultural component of young people practices in their spare time and the second covers all the elements leading to a resignification and a deep requalification of rural territories. Three assumptions are tested : 1/ cultural practices are used in the rural youth’s experiences as an answer to a multifactorial crisis of rural areas ; 2/ each spatial configuration and territorial profile influence the representations, the means and courses of action of the young people ; 3/ rural areas of southern Brasil are facing a process of recomposition in which socio-economic, cultural, political and symbolic parts of rural areas are changed by the customs of the young people, in particular by their cultural practices. Their migration to the cities being a constant concern of local players and observers, this work will focus on the young people from 18 to 28 years old who rather stayed or who went to live somewhere else in a rural area. The way in which these young people are setting up their cultural practices with the constraints imposed by rural areas of southern Brasil of their choice – lack of cultural infrastructure, difficulties in mobility, social pressure, generation conflicts, gender issues - provide a means for understanding how these constraints influence and are influenced by the recompositions in progress in these territories. Southern Brasil has a strong family farming and the image and fonctions attributed to rural areas have been evolving rapidly the last few decades. At the same time, if the developed countries are setting their sights on culture to redefine their capital cities and old industrial areas, the role of culture in rural and farming areas – especially those of emerging countries- is neglected. Yet, the latter are faced with societal choices which include a recomposition of rural areas targeted by the young people interviewed. This geographic work mainly uses social-rural geography methods - semi-structured interviews ; mapping data – linked to sociology methods – life stories, participant observation. From the field point of view, the comparative process brings us the essential question of the influence of some characteristics of the area on our issue. The focus was on three different fields – although all located in the southern region of Brasil being Rio Grande Do Sul and Santa Catarina. The diversity but also the common issue that are facing these three territories enable to create a typology bringing together the affiliation scales of young people and how they use cultural practices to nurture them. At different moments in their lives, they were all confronted with the option of moving to a city but they stayed here and play a part in the social life of their communities so important in their choice to stay. The cultural practices they develop -acting, playing music, dancing, balls, traditional activities such as rodeos or rural Olympiad – lead them to identify themselves to a rurality constantly recomposed, sometimes recreated, often reinvented. The actions of social mouvements, public policies, private sector, or associations in this field have the common goal of engaging the youth for multiple purposes. And as for young people, they simply wish to introduce alternatives to take over their living areas.
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