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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lönsamhet och dess påverkan på kapitalstruktur i en finansiell industri : En kvantitativ studie som undersöker Sveriges fyra största banker under perioden 2000 - 2015

Axelsson, Sara, Öhman, Emelie January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Determinanty kapitálové struktury: Empirické poznatky z Višegrádských zemí / Determinants of Capital Structure: Empirical Evidence from Visegrad Countries

Svoboda, Petr January 2009 (has links)
Problematika výběru kapitálové struktury byla a stále je často diskutována akademickou obcí již přes půl století a stále ještě nebylo dosaženo jednoznačného souladu, která teorie kapitálu a jaké determinanty ovlivňují kapitálovou strukturu. Modligliani a Miller (1958) zformulovali moderní teorii kapitálové struktury. Tvrdí, že pokud jsou splněny přísné podmínky, kapitálová struktura je irelevantní pro hodnotu společnosti. Avšak pokud nějaké předpoklady nejsou naplněny, kapitálová struktura se stává významná. Nyní, dvě hlavní teorie kapitálové struktury převládají – teorie hierarchického pořádku a trade-off teorie. Teorie hierarchického pořádku je vysvětlena informační asymetrií mezi manažery a ostatními lidmi. Toto způsobuje rozdílné ocenění vydaných cenných papírů danými skupinami lidí. Proto společnosti preferují vydat cenné papíry nejméně citlivé na dostupné informace. Pokud potřebují volné finance, nejdříve použijí vnitřní zdroje, následně dluh a jako poslední možností je vydání nového vlastního kapitálu. Trade-off teorie řeší rovnováhu mezi daňovým štítem dluhu a náklady finanční tísně. Důsledkem tohoto substitučního vztahu je optimální kapitálová struktura, kterou by se společnosti měly snažit získat a dále udržet. Mnoho výzkumu týkající se výběru kapitálové struktury již bylo provedeno a jeho výsledky jsou stále neurčité. Protože mnoho článků stále nabízí bezvýsledné závěry a jejich výsledky se liší v rámci zemí a skrz časové období, cílem mé práce je prozkoumat kapitálovou strukturu a determinanty kapitálové struktury v rámci Višegrádských zemí v období od 2002 do 2007. Hlavním přínosem této práce je prozkoumat data, která ještě nebyla před tím prozkoumána. Důvod, proč tomu tak je, může být obtížnost v získávání a zpracování dat. Již mnoho článků bylo napsáno o kapitálové struktuře, ale mnohé měly nedostatky. První výhodou mé práce je, že zkontroluji veškeré předpoklady mé analýzy. Znázorňuji, že heteroskedasticita a autokorelace jsou občas přítomny a snažím se je odstranit. Tímto se vyhnu zkresleným výsledkům. Další výhodou mého výzkumu je, že používám relativně velké množství vysvětlujících proměnných. Mnozí autoři záměrně vynechávají proměnné jako likvidita, růstové příležitosti nebo volatilitu tržeb (obchodní risk). Navíc používám tři druhy dluhů jako vysvětlované proměnné – celkový, dlouhodobý a krátkodobý, které nejsou také běžně používané. Dále používám dynamický vztah v zadluženosti, jelikož současná zadluženost může záviset na minulosti z důvodu setrvání nebo pouze částečnému přizpůsobení. Schopnost tohoto docílit je unikátní pro panelová data, která používám v této práci. Výsledkem je, že zadluženost má paměť a závisí na zadluženosti z minulých let. Hlavní závěry mohou být rozděleny do dvou skupin. Do první skupiny patří výsledky regrese z České republiky a Polska a druhé z Maďarska a Slovenska. Výsledky z první skupiny ukazují pozitivní vztah mezi zadlužeností českých a maďarských společností a tempem růstu společností a nedaňovým štítem, který je použit jako náhrada za daňový štít. Zatímco ziskovost, likvidita, struktura aktiv, obchodní riziko a velikost firmy je negativně korelována s dluhem. Tyto závěry podporují teorii hierarchického pořádku. Na druhou stranu, výsledky z Maďarska a Slovenska podporují trade-off teorii. V této druhé skupině struktura aktiv, ziskovost, velikost firmy je kladně korelována se zadlužeností, zatímco zbylé proměnné ukazují zápornou korelaci.

Sustainability Performance and Capital Structure : An analysis of the relationship between ESG rating and debt ratio

Lindkvist, Lovisa, Saric, Olle January 2020 (has links)
This thesis investigates the relationship between sustainability performance and capital structure, measured using the ESG (environmental, social and governance) rating and the debt ratio. In the pursuit of analysing the relationship between the ESG rating and the debt ratio, this study investigates publicly listed companies within the EU/EEA due to its mutual legislative framework on sustainable finance. This research has the intention of shedding light upon if a company can use sustainability ratings to alter their optimal debt levels, operate at higher efficiency with access to cheaper capital, and help the manager maximize firm value. This could help them in decision making processes of financing their business through receiving a better understanding of how the ESG rating affects the capital structure. This knowledge would allow management to better understand how the investments necessary in acquiring the ESG rating affect firm value as well as how they affect the dynamics of financing the firm. This is a deductive and quantitative research based on secondary data, gathered using Thomson Reuters (Eikon) database. Furthermore, this research is a cross-sectional study analysing companies in year 2019. No clear relationship between the two concepts has been found, arriving at the conclusion that the optimal capital structure is not influenced by sustainability initiatives. However, sustainability initiatives should always be encouraged since these generate other beneficial effects. Finally, this research contributes to the current field of knowledge on the topic through analysing the results using the Trade-off Theory, Pecking Order Theory, Agency Theory, Legitimacy Theory and Stakeholder Theory. The results are somewhat aligned with the Trade-off Theory of capital structure and the Pecking Order Theory as well as other more traditional financial theories. One can conclude that sustainability performance is not of importance when it comes to the firm's ability to raise capital or the firm’s capital structure. This tells us that there is still a long way to go and that action needs to be taken before sustainability becomes an essential and well-integrated factor considered in investment decisions. The results may be undesirable, but they also give a fair picture of the financial sector’s priorities as of now and highlight the need for sustainable objectives to align with financial profitability.

Determinants of Mergers & Acquisitions Activity : A quantitative study on public Swedish firms

Johnson, Hjalmar, Scherstén, Carl January 2022 (has links)
This study investigates the effect of monetary policy, focusing on repo rate and the expansion of QE programs, on Mergers and Acquisitions activity in publicly listed companies on the Swedish Stock Exchange. The study also investigates whether there are significant relationships between companies’ acquisition activity, their solvency or liquidity ratios. Additionally, the observed firms are categorized into industries to enable examination of differences between industries. The thesis aims at expanding the knowledge of determinant factors in explaining M&A activity on the Swedish market. To adequately determine the influencing factors on activity, 27 years of data was collected on acquiring Swedish firms from the Eikon database. In addition, data for the calculations of solvency and liquidity ratios were gathered from the same database. Data for the monetary policy variables were gathered from the Swedish Central Bank. A deductive quantitative method was used to analyze the various relationships between the studied variables. The study concluded significant correlation between monetary policy and M&A activity, company solvency and M&A activity as well as corporate liquidity and M&A activity. The correlation was negative in all cases except for quantitative easing which opens up for an interesting discussion. Observed industries gave a mixed result in terms of significant relationships but the result also indicate that pro-cyclical industries tend to be more affected by monetary policy than non-cyclicals. All of the above-mentioned relationships are further discussed from the perspective of various theories that both agree and disagree with the findings of this study. The authors believe that these results will give stakeholders a more in-depth knowledge and understanding of M&A activity and M&As in general. This study contributes knowledge to enable more sustainable business administration and management of companies.

Ledningens karaktärsdrag - effekten på kapitalstruktur : En studie om förhållandena mellan tre individuella chefers karaktärsdrag och företags hävstång / Managerial Characteristics - The Effect on Capital Structure : A study on the relationships between three individual top managers’ characteristics and companies’ leverage

Lilliestrand, Johan, Svanberg, Mikaela January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund och problematisering: Här diskuteras bakgrunden till studien och en problematisering kring chefers karaktärsdrag och dess påverkan på kapitalstruktur samt vad som menas med dessa begrepp. Vidare tar detta kapitel upp det underliggande intresset att förklara sambandet mellan tre chefers karaktärsdrag (CEO, CFO och COO) och kapitalstruktur. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att förklara effekten av individuella chefers karaktärsdrag på svenska börsnoterade företags kapitalstruktur.  Metod: Företagens kapitalstruktur undersöks genom att använda en kvantitativ forskningsmetod med en deduktiv forskningsansats för att identifiera förhållanden mellan chefernas karaktärsdrag och hävstång. Paneldata används från 114 svenska börsnoterade företag över en femårsperiod (2014-2018). Studien fann totalt 179 chefer varav 87 CEO:s, 73 CFO:s och 19 COO:s. Den insamlade datan testas genom regressionsanalyser där paneldata regressioner med random effects-modellen och robusta standardfel utförs.  Slutsats: Resultaten från testerna visar på både signifikanta och icke-signifikanta förhållanden mellan de tre chefernas karaktärsdrag och företagens kapitalstruktur, mätt som hävstång. Det finns därmed bevis som tyder på att olika karaktärsdrag hos individuella chefer påverkar företags kapitalstruktur. / Background and problematization: This chapter presents a discussion of the background for the study and a problematization about top managers’ characteristics impact on capital structure as well as the meaning of the terms. Furthermore this chapter discusses the underlying interest to explain the relationship between three top managers characteristics (CEO, CFO and COO) and capital structure. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explain the effect of individual managers’ characteristics on Swedish publicly traded companies’ capital structure. Method: Panel data is used from 114 different Swedish publicly traded companies over a period of five years (2014-2018). The study found a total of 179 top managers in the 114 companies, including 87 CEO:s, 73 CFO:s and 19 COO:s. The companies’ capital structure is investigated using a quantitative research method with a deductive approach to explain the relationship between the top managers’ characteristics and leverage. The data is tested through regression analyses using panel data regressions with random effects model and robust standard errors. Conclusion: The results of the study shows both significant and insignificant relationships between the three top managers’ characteristics and the companies’ capital structure. There are hence some evidence suggesting that different characteristics of individual top managers do impact companies’ capital structure in terms of leverage.

Did the Covid-19 Pandemic Affect Financial Leverage?

Berg, Jesper, Huynh, Ann January 2023 (has links)
This thesis explores if Scandinavian publicly listed firms’ financial leverage was affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Whilst theory suggests that financial leverage is positively affected by uncertainty and reduced profitability, previous empirical research finds weak evidence of listed firms reducing financial leverage during crises. We follow the work by Demirgüç-Kunt, Martinez Peria and Tressel (2020) and D’Amato (2020) and run fixed effect panel data regression analyses. Our results are in line with the previous empirical studies regarding the financial crisis as we do not find significant change in means in financial leverage between the pre-pandemic period and the pandemic for listed firms. For our complete sample, we find that the pandemic had no significant impact on total debt to total assets but a significant impact on long-term debt to total assets. However, the results are varying amongst the countries. Therefore, further research is advised. We also find that, increases in growth opportunities, and profitability affect financial leverage negatively, whilst asset structure and firm size have positive effects on financial leverage. The results for liquidity are mixed. Overall, the findings are in line with previous research.

Kapitalstrukturen vid förändrade makroekonomiska förhållanden : Large CAP företag noterade på OMXS

Jokiniemi, Linnea, Fogel Eklund, Robin January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund/Problem Likviditeten är viktig för att företagen ska kunna betala för sina utgifter. Om företaget drabbas av likviditetsbrist kan det påverka kapitalstrukturen som är en viktig fråga inom företagsfinansiering. Resultat från tidigare studier har visat att kapitalstrukturen förändrats vid kriser då dessa har påverkan på den finansiella marknaden, medan andra studier har kommit fram till att kapitalstrukturen justeras försiktigare när det råder sämre makroekonomiska förhållanden i jämförelse med bättre tider. Tidigare studier har även visat på positiva och negativa samband mellan skuldsättningsgraden som Proxy för kapitalstrukturen och lönsamhet, realatillgångar, företagsstorlek och likviditet. Syfte Syftet med studien är att undersöka kapitalstrukturen hos företag noterade på OMXS Large Cap före och under covid-19. Metod Då studiens syfte var undersöka kapitalstrukturen hos företag noterade på OMXS Large Cap före och under covid-19 baseras studien på en kvantitativ metod. Studien har undersökt om påverkan är signifikant genom parvisa t-tester och har även studerat samband genom multipel regressionsanalys. Resultat och slutsats Resultatet i studien visar att kapitalstrukturen har förändrats signifikant under covid-19 i jämförelse med innan. Detta då skuldsättningsgraden som är Proxy för kapitalstrukturen minskat signifikant under covid-19 i jämförelse med innan. Utifrån detta finner studien stöd för trade off teorin som anser att företagen bör minska sin skuldsättning vid osäkra tider för att minska risken för konkurs. Gällande sambanden mellan skuldsättningsgraden och lönsamhet, reala tillgångar, företagsstorlek samt likviditet har studien funnit stöd för både trade off teorin och pecking order teorin.

Vad påverkar skuldsättningen vid högbelånade företagsförvärv : En kvantitativ studie av skuldnivåer vid svenska företagsförvärv

Fromell Norberg, Gabriel January 2024 (has links)
Syfte: Utvecklingen av skuldsatta företagsförvärv har genomgått betydande förändringar sedan fenomenet först introducerades på 1980-talet, både vad gäller den totala skuldnivån och val av skuldinstrument. Tidigare forskning erbjuder flera alternativa förklaringar till vad som påverkar skuldsättningen. Syftet med studien är därför att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar skuldsättningen vid högbelånade företagsförvärv i Sverige. Metod: Studien tillämpar en kvantitativ deduktiv ansats med utgångspunkt i den positivistiska forskningsfilosofin. Studiens insamlade data av sekundärdata inhämtat från Thomson Reuters datastream Refinitiv Eikon. 89 svenska bolag har blivit uppköpta med högbelåning av riskkapitalbolag bolag mellan 2000–2023. Studiens data har sedan analyserats med hjälp av statistikprogrammet SPSS, där univariat, bivariat och multivariata analyser genomförts.  Resultat och slutsats: Resultatet från uppsatsen visar att skuldsättningen i svenska högbelånade företagsförvärv kan förklaras med hjälp av den klassiska hackordningsteorin. Resultatet skiljer sig från forskning från USA och Europa som menar att marknadstajmingsteorin förklarar skuldsättningen bättre vid belånade företagsförvärv. Examensarbetets bidrag: Studien bidrar med kunskap till banker, riskkapitalbolag, företagsledare och investerare. För bankerna innebär arbetet en möjlighet att förbättra riskhanteringen och kreditbedömningen vid långivning. Riskkapitalbolagen kan genomföra bättre investeringsbeslut och skapa hållbara kapitalstrukturer.Förslag till fortsatt forskning: För framtida forskning hade det varit intressant att utvidga urvalet till att studera hela Norden. Det vore också spännande för framtida forskning inom skuldsättning och högbelånade företagsförvärv att göra detta med en kvalitativ ansats. / Aim: The development of leveraged buyouts has undergone significant changes since the phenomenon was first introduced in the 1980s, both in terms of the overall debt levels and the choices of debt instruments. Previous research provides several alternative explanations for what influences the indebtedness. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to examine which factors that influence the leverage in leveraged buyouts in Sweden.  Method: The study employs a quantitative deductive approach based on the positivist research philosophy. The collected data is derived from secondary sources, specifically Thomson Reuters Datastream Refinitiv Eikon. The sample consists of 89 Swedish companies that have been acquired through leverage buyouts by Swedish private equity firms between 2000 and 2023. The study's data has subsequently been analyzed using the statistical software SPSS, with univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analyses conducted. Results and conclusions: The findings of the thesis indicate that the leverage in Swedish leverage buyouts can be explained by employing the classical Pecking order theory. This result differs from research conducted in the United States and Europe, which suggests that market timing theory provides a better explanation for leverage in leverage buyouts. Contribution of the Thesis: The study contributes knowledge to banks, private equity firms, corporate leaders, and investors. For banks, the thesis presents an opportunity to enhance risk management and credit assessment in lending. Private equity firms can make better investment decisions and establish sustainable capital structures. Suggestions for future research: For future research, it would be interesting to expand the sample to encompass the entire Nordic region. It would also be exciting for future research in debt and leverage buyouts to adopt a qualitative approach

Optimal Capital Structure: The Impact of Equity and Debt Ratios in Maximising Profitability : A Panel Data Study of Swedish Savings Banks' Financial Strategies

Zapolskaia, Zlata January 2024 (has links)
This thesis investigates the impact of capital structure on the profitability of 58 Savings Banks in Sweden from 2014 to 2020, focusing on the balance between debt and equity. Utilizing panel data regression, the study examines how debt-to-asset ratios and equity ratios affect key profitability metrics such as net interest margin, return on equity, and return on assets. Key findings indicate a negative correlation between debt ratios and both return on assets and equity, suggesting that higher debt levels may impede profitability. Conversely, apositive relationship is observed between equity ratios and return on assets, while return on equity decreases as equity ratios increase. The study also explores the influence of bank size, finding a negative relationship with profitability, which highlights the efficiency of smaller, more regionally-focused banks. Additionally, macroeconomic factors such as GDP growth show a positive correlation with profitability, whereas higher unemployment rates tend to reduce profitability. The study and the results provide valuable insights into the financial strategies that can enhance the performance of Savings Banks, emphasizing the need for a balanced approach to capital structuring within the context of prevailing economic conditions.

How does ownership structure influence debt and liquidity for football clubs in Europe?

Abassy, Safi, Morskogen, William January 2024 (has links)
During the period of 2013-2022, there have been many interesting developments in the football industry in Europe. From accumulation of debt to disregarding the regulatory framework put in place by UEFA, football clubs have changed their capital structures to accommodate their financing needs. There has been previous research that has found a relationship between ownership structure and financial performance, but none that has explored how ownership structure affects debt and liquidity given current circumstances. The scope of this study was to ultimately determine how the capital structure and the liquidity is affected. This is a broad topic and the authors have covered several aspects within the field. However, there have been suggestions on further research regarding how one could go about valuating a football club as most of the football clubs in Europe have private ownership structures. In the end, the sample consists of 8,588 firm-year observations and adapts a longitudinal methodology. The tests carried out consist of OLS regressions as well as a multivariate regression. To be able to compare the different ownership structures, several regressions were made to put each ownership structure as the reference group. The authors of this thesis found that ownership affects debt and liquidity both individually and collectively. Therefore, answering the research question “What is the effect of ownership structure of football clubs in Europe on debt and liquidity?”. Football clubs in Europe have experienced low profitability, but rather high liquidity. The capital structures of said football clubs contain more debt than equity, where equity is negative in some cases. By comparing ownership structures, their effects on both debt and liquidity differentiate. This thesis contributes to already existing literature by contradicting Modigliani and Millers' assumption regarding bankruptcy costs. It also contributes practically to managers, investors, stakeholders, and regulators by providing context to different key financial metrics.

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