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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Financing choices in the first funding round : The case of swedish tech entrepreneurs

Persson, Cecilia, Karp, Stephanie January 2019 (has links)
Entrepremeurship and what impact entrepreneurs have on the development of a country's society is a well-discussed subject today. During the recent years, entrepreneurs have been characterized as a country's futrue growth since ther are of utmost importance in terms of both innovation, employment and competition. However, one of the main constraints for entrepreneurs today is to gain access to external capital in the initial phase of their business.Therefore, our thesis will highlight the various financing options the entrepreneurs have in the start-up phase and why they choose a particular funding method for their start-up in the first financing round. The focus will be on entrepreneurs within the technological industry and the Swedish market. Moreover, our thesis is based on a qualitative study which includes interviews with six different start-ups in order to analyse how they have financed the start-up of their business and which funding method they prefer and why. A conclusion has been drawn from our study that internal financing is preferred over external which is in line with one of our financing principles that we have used for this study. Our thesis is expected to contribute with a deeper understanding of the entrepreneur's perspective in matters of financing with focus on the tech industry, which we consider as an extra important industry for global development. / Entreprenörskap och vilken inverkan entreprenörer har på utvecklingen av ett lands samhälle är ett väl diskuterat ämne idag. Under de senaste åren har entreprenörer karakteriserats som ett lands framtida tillväxt eftersom de är av yttersta vikt för både innovation, sysselsättning och konkurrens. En av de största begränsningarna för entreprenörer idag är dock att få tillgång till externt kapital i den inledande fasen av dess verksamhet. Vår avhandling kommer därför att lyfta fram de olika finansieringsalternativ som entreprenörerna har i deras uppstartsfas och varför de väljer en särskild finansieringsmetod för deras verksamhet. Fokus kommer vara på den första finansieringsrundan samt på entreprenörer inom den tekniska industrin och inom den svenska marknaden. Vår uppsats kommer även att vara baserad på en kvalitativ studie som innehåller intervjuer med sex olika nystartade företag för att kunna analysera hur de har finansierat sin verksamhet i uppstartsfasen samt vilken finansieringsmetod de föredrag och varför. Från vår studie har vi dragit slutsatsen att intern finansiering är något som respondenterna föredrar överextern finansiering. Detta ligger i linje med en av åra finansieringsprinciper som vi har använt för denna studie. Vår avhandling förväntas bidra med en djupare förståelse av entreprenörens perspektiv rörande finansieringsfrågor med fokus på teknikindustrin, vilket vi anser vara en extra viktig industri för den globala utvecklingen.

Finansiella vägval : Bestämmande faktorer för kapitalstruktur hos Stockholmsbörsens fastighetsbolag

Henriksson, Filip, Berggren Eklund, Isac January 2022 (has links)
Forskningsområdet kring kapitalstruktur är i stort inte enhetlig kring förklarandepåverkningsfaktorer. Fastighetssektorn är av stor vikt för Sveriges finansiella system, dock är området kring fastighetsbolags kapitalstruktur mindre utforskat, särskilt i Sverige. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur de företagsspecifika karaktäristiska variablerna lönsamhet, tillväxt, storlek och materiella tillgångar påverkar fastighetsbolagens kapitalstruktur mellanräkenskapsåren 2016 och 2020. För att analysera faktorernas påverkan på företagens skuldsättning används multipel regressionsanalys med data från 25 fastighetsbolag noterade på stockholmsbörsen. Regressionsanalysen finner ett signifikant positivt samband mellanlönsamhet och soliditet, vilket är i linje med tidigare forskning och stödjer pecking order theory. Analysen visar vidare ett svagt negativt signifikant samband mellan materiella tillgångar och soliditet, som är i linje med viss tidigare forskning och stödjer trade-off theory.

Kapitalstruktur och CSR : En studie av sambandet mellan skuldsättningsgraden och ESG-betyg i europeiska mjukvaruföretag

Berhe, Hermon, Lundell, Felicia January 2024 (has links)
Denna uppsatts undersöker relationen mellan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) och kapitalstruktur i programvaruföretag i Europa. Företag inom programvaruindustrin, på grund av att den är kunskapsintensiv, tenderar att ha en stor mängd immatriella tillgångar i sin tillgångsstruktur. Detta leder till en lägre grad av skuldsättning i branschen, till följd av tillgångarnas osäkra värde och oförmåga att använda dem som säkerhet av långivare. Därför anser detta examensarbete det vara av intresse att undersöka om bättre CSR-prestanda i programvaruföretag har en effekt på skuldsättningsgraden. Studien bidrar till det nuvarande kunskapsfältet inom kapitalstruktur och hållbarhetsforskning genom att tillämpa de klassiska teorierna om kapitalstruktur Trade-off theory, Pecking-order theory och Signling theory för att analysera resultatet i denna studie.  Tidigare studier om CSR:s inverkan på kapitalstruktur har haft varierande resultat. Medan vissa forskare har funnit ett negativt samband mellan CSR-prestanda och kapitalstruktur, har andra funnit det motsatta förhållandet. CSR mäts i denna studie genom användingen av Envioronmental Social och Governance-betyg (ESG-betyg) hämtade från Sustainalytics plattform. För att undersöka sambandet mellan skuldsättningsgraden och ESG-betyg genomfördes en multipel regressionsanalys. Resultatet i denna studie finner inte något signifikant samband mellan variablerna ESG-betyg och skuldsättningsgrad. / This thesis investigates the relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and capital structure in software firms in Europe. Firms in the software industry, due to being knowledge intensive, tend to have a large amound of intangible assets in their asset strucutre. This leads to a higher degree of indebtedness in the industry, owing to the uncertain value of the assets and the inability to use them as collateral by lenders. Therefor, this thesis deems it of interest to investigate whether better CSR-performance in software firms affects the debt ratio. This study contributes to the current field of knowledge of capital structrue and sustainability research by applying the classical theories of capital structure, the Trade-off theory, Pecking-order theory and Signaling theory and using them to analyze the result in this study.  Previous studies on CSR´s impact on capital structure have had varied results. While some scholars have found a negative relationship between CSR-performance and capital structure, others have found the opposite relationship. CSR is measured in this study through the use of Environmental, Social and Governance-ratings (ESG-ratings) derived from Sustainalytivs platform. To investgate the relationship between the debt ratio and ESG-ratins a multiple regression analysis was conducted. The result in this study do not find any significant relationship between the variables ESG-rating and debt ratio.

En empirisk kvantitativ studie om förändringen av kapitalstruktur före ochunder Covid-19 : Med bevis från svenska SMF

Flores, Danilo, Mourad, Adrian January 2024 (has links)
Den här studien undersöker hur den senaste finansiella krisen (Covid-19) har motiveratsvenska små och medelstora företags kapitalstruktur, genom att jämföra kapitalstrukturen förekris (2015-2018) och under kris (2019-2022). För att genomföra detta undersöktes fyrabranscher i 328 små och medelstora företag i Sverige och hur deras hävstång har förändratsunder studieperioden. Resultaten av denna studie visar att de undersökta svenska små ochmedelstora företagen sänkte sin hävstång under krisperioden, ökade kortfristiga skuldkvotenoch sänkte långfristiga skuldkvoten. / This study examines how the recent financial crisis (Covid-19) has motivated the capitalstructure of Swedish small and medium-sized enterprises, by comparing the capital structurebefore the crisis (2015-2018) and during the crisis (2019-2022). To carry this out, fourindustries in 328 small and medium-sized enterprises in Sweden were investigated and howtheir leverage has changed during the study period. The results of this study show that thesampled Swedish small and medium-sized enterprises lowered their leverage during the crisisperiod, increased the short-term debt ratio and lowered the long-term debt ratio.

The pricing of corporate bonds and determinants of financial structure

Thorsell, Håkan January 2008 (has links)
This thesis contain three chapters. Default Risk in Corporate Bond Pricing. This chapter provides a model for how the corporate bond default risk influences the systematic risk and an empirical analysis of the systematic and idiosyncratic parts of U.S. corporate bond returns during 2001-2005. The average corporate bond beta is low and positive (0.06). Investment grade bonds have negative betas (between - 0.01 and -0.13) and non-investment grade bonds have positive betas (between 0.11 and 1.48), but both groups have similar within groups systematic risks. When controls for interest rate and liquidity risks are introduced there are still remaining default probabilities, implying that the default risk is in part systematic and in part idiosyncratic.   Returns to Defaulted Corporate Bonds.   In the second chapter short term excess returns in a sample of 279 defaulted US corporate bonds are tested for using multiple regression analysis. There are robust excess returns after controlling for market and liquidity risk. The expected recovery rate during 2001-2006 is estimated to be, on average, four percentage points lower the first month after default than the present value of the recovery rate after nine months. Capital Structure Choices.   The trade-off and pecking order theories are tested using both established tests from the literature and new tests. The main contributions of this chapter are the new tests of financing of operating net assets (for the pecking order theory), the mean reversion tests (for the trade-off theory) and the test of mean reversion and trends. These tests allow for extended conclusions on the validity of the pecking order versus the tradeoff theory. / <p>Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan, 2008 Sammanfattning jämte 3 uppsatser</p>

Optimal kapitalstruktur : En undersökning tillämpad på skandinaviska och tyska företag

Wallberg, Martin, La, David January 2011 (has links)
This paper describes and develops a trade off model of optimal capital structure by Bradley et al. (1984). The model is then tested to examine how changes in corporate tax rates affect the optimal capital structure of firms. Based on theoretical implications of the model, four hypotheses are derived stating that firms’ optimal debt-to-value ratio is (1) negatively related to financial distress costs, (2) negatively related to non-debt tax shields, (3) negatively related to firm volatility and (4) positively related to the corporate tax rate. Based on the results of two regression models applied on 753 Scandinavian and German firms, we find empirical support for hypothesis 1 and 3 while we find no empirical support for hypothesis 2 and 4. These results can be explained by problematic empirical proxies and in the light of the pecking-order theory.

KAPITALSTRUKTUR I SVENSKA SMÅ OCH MEDELSTORA FÖRETAG : Variablers påverkan under finansiell lågkonjunktur / CAPITAL STRUCTURE IN SWEDISH SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES : Variables impact of the financial crisis

Hellman, Eric January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

亞太地區債券市場擇時行為之實證研究 / An empirical study of market timing in Asia-Pacific bond market.

陳蓉瑱 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文探討亞太地區債券市場中是否存在著擇時行為,以此區域中三個經濟區為代表—澳洲、新加坡及香港,透過分析此區域2000~2009期間的絕對利率、相對利率與絕對債券發行量、相對債券發行量間之關係,以及進一步控制影響企業債券發行之因素,包括市場的成長機會、再融資及企業特性等,最後,實證結果指出亞太地區之債券市場並無擇時行為之存在,且其融資行為較傾向支持靜態抵換理論,亦即亞太企業進行舉債融資時較可能同時考慮舉債所帶來的正面及負面效果,因此有一最適資本結構存在的可能。 / The purpose of this thesis is to test whether there is market timing behavior existing in Asia-pacific bond market. Using the data during 2000~2009 in three representative places, including Australia, Hong Kong and Singapore, we compare both the absolute and relative interest rate to both the absolute and relative amount of debt issue. In addition, we further control the factors that affect the debt issue of firms, including the market growth opportunities, refinancing and the characteristics of firms. Finally, we find there is no market timing behavior in Asia-pacific bond market. Besides, firms’ financing behavior in Asia-pacific are better explained by the trade-off theory, which means it is possible that there is a optimal capital structure for each firm.

資本市場融資順位與企業財務特性之關係 : 台灣資訊電子業之探討

柯琳蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,一方面由於台灣資本市場的發展日益蓬勃,另一方面則因台灣企業日趨大型化、國際化,相對於過去大都趨於現金增資、盈餘及資本公積轉增資等權益型態融資,現階段則更傾向多種融資管道及融資工具的交互運用,可轉換公司債市場發行者日益增加。 因此,本研究欲探討當公司選擇於國內融資,選擇現金增資與發行可轉換公司債之企業,兩者的財務特性是否具有差異;探討當公司選擇發行可轉換公司債,則發行國內可轉換公司債與發行海外可轉換公司債之企業,兩者的財務特性是否具有差異;探討台灣資訊電子業其從事籌資活動時之融資偏好概況。 本研究分別以Multinomial Logit模型以及Nested Logit模型分析民國89至93年間上市上櫃發行國內可轉換公司債、海外可轉換公司債或現金增資之資訊電子業公司,探究發行公司是否具備某種財務特性,而影響其融資選擇。研究結果發現: 1. 以Multinomial Logit模型分析時,選擇發行現金增資及國內可轉換公司債的融資選擇上,資產總額取對數值(表公司規模)、銷貨成長率(表成長性)愈小者,資產報酬率(表獲利能力)、負債比率(表財務風險)、營業利潤率標準差(表營運風險)、自由現金流量比率(表代理問題)愈高者,愈傾向發行國內可轉換公司債。選擇發行海外可轉換公司債及國內可轉換公司債的融資選擇上,資產總額取對數值(表公司規模)、銷貨成長率(表成長性)、營業利潤率標準差(表營運風險)、自由現金流量比率(表代理問題)愈小者,負債比率(表財務風險)、資產報酬率(表獲利能力)愈高者,愈傾向發行國內可轉換公司債。 2. 以Nested Logit模型分析時,選擇發行現金增資及國內可轉換公司債的融資選擇上,資產總額取對數值(表公司規模)及負債比率(表財務風險)愈高者,銷貨成長率(表成長性)、資產報酬率(表獲利能力)、營業利潤率標準差(表營運風險)、自由現金流量比率(表代理問題)愈低者,愈傾向發行國內可轉換公司債。選擇發行海外可轉換公司債及國內可轉換公司債的融資選擇上,資產總額取對數值(表公司規模)、銷貨成長率(表成長性)、營業利潤率標準差(表營運風險)、資產報酬率(表獲利能力)愈小者,負債比率(表財務風險)、自由現金流量比率(表代理問題)愈高者,愈傾向發行國內可轉換公司債。 3. 經由Hausman Test檢定其融資選擇之間的IIA條件之後,發現此三項融資選擇之間無任何相關性,因此可知其適用之模型為Multinomial Logit Model。 4. 對於台灣的資訊電子產業而言,就其財務特性中之公司規模、成長性、獲利能力、財務風險、營運風險以及自由現金流量比率看來,發行海外可轉換公司債均應至少屬其融資時的前二位選擇。 5. 影響企業傾向選擇發行海外可轉債的機率程度由大致小排列為:公司規模、獲利能力、財務風險、營運風險、成長性、自由現金流量比率。 / In recent years, more and more companies tend to finance with other instruments except for seasoned equity offerings. Therefore, my paper attempts to explore if there exists differences in the financial characteristics of the companies who finance with seasoned equity offerings or convertible bonds, and if there exists differences in the financial characteristics of the companies who finance with European convertible bonds or domestic convertible bonds. Besides, I try to find the general situation of the financing behavior in the information and electronic industry in Taiwan. The main empirical results show: 1. The financing behavior of information and electronic industry in Taiwan is suitable for the use of Multinomial Logit model. It means that three financing instruments, seasoned equity offering, European convertible bond, and domestic convertible bond, are independent with each other. 2. As for the information and electronic industry in Taiwan, issuing European convertible bonds is probably the first two choices when discussing the financial characteristics of the firm size, growth, profitability, financial risk, operational risk and the ratio free cash flow. 3. The most influential factor that causes companies to issue European convertible bonds instead of domestic convertible bonds is firm size. And the least influential factor that causes companies to issue European convertible bonds instead of domestic convertible bonds is the ratio of free cash flow.

Påverkande faktorer för skuldsättningsgraden inom Large Cap företag : En jämförande studie av kapitalstrukturen innan och efter sänkt bolagsskatt

Karlsson, Caroline, Hofmann, Viktor January 2018 (has links)
Since the beginning, it was Modigliani and Miller ́s theorem which initiated the capital structure aspect to finance. Capital structure explains in its essence the relationship between equity and leverage within a company. It also illustrates how the company has financed their business historically. Year 2013 Sweden imposed a reduction on its corporation tax from 26,3 percent to 22 percent. This study's purpose is to capture the impacts on listed firms on Stockholmsbörsen Large cap list and try to distinguish similarities and differences from the two time periods with well-established capital structure variables. Before and after the reduction in the corporate taxation. The conclusion is that firms are less likely to use leverage to finance their growth after the reduction in the corporation tax and are more prone to finance their growth with retained earnings preferably. However statistically no significant explanation can be done by the well-known capital structure variables.

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