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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modélisation pharmacocinétique et pharmacodynamique de l'adrénaline et de la noradrénaline chez l'enfant / Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic modelling of epinephrine and norepinephrine in children

Oualha, Mehdi 25 November 2013 (has links)
Les effets des catécholamines en réanimation sont peu prédictibles. La variabilité interindividuelle des observations est d’origine multifactorielle dont des facteurs pharmacocinétiques et pharmacodynamiques, dépendant de caractéristiques constitutionnelles et acquises de chaque individu. Les posologies de l’adrénaline et de la noradrénaline chez l’enfant sont extrapolées des données adultes. Pourtant l’âge est une source de grande variabilité liée au développement. Un modèle pharmaco- statistique de l’adrénaline et de la noradrénaline a été établi chez l’enfant en insuffisance circulatoire aigüe. Il a permis d’identifier des facteurs de variabilité entre les individus ainsi que de proposer des schémas de prescription des deux molécules en fonction de l’effet souhaité et des caractéristiques de l’enfant. La pharmacocinétique de l’adrénaline chez 39 enfants en prévention du syndrome de bas débit cardiaque postopératoire suivait un modèle monocompartimental. La clairance augmentait avec le poids selon le principe de l’allométrie. Les augmentations résultantes de la fréquence cardiaque et de la pression artérielle moyenne suivaient un modèle d’effet direct Emax. Elles étaient influencées par l’âge et la gravité des patients. Les augmentations de glycémie et lactatémie suivaient un modèle d’effet indirect. Pour la noradrénaline, chez 38 enfants atteints d’hypotension artérielle systémique, la pharmacocinétique était mono-compartimentale. La clairance était influencée par le poids (allométrie). L’augmentation induite de la pression artérielle moyenne suivait un modèle direct Emax. Elle était fonction de l’âge et de la gravité des patients. Les posologies de l’adrénaline et de la noradrénaline chez l’enfant devraient tenir compte du poids, de l’âge et de la gravité du patient : plus jeune est l’enfant et plus grave est son état, plus la posologie doit être élevée pour satisfaire les objectifs hémodynamiques. / The effects of catecholamines are difficult to predict. The between-subject variability observed in clinical setting is multifactorial including constitutional and acquired characteristics of each individual. Epinephrine and norepinephrine dosages are usually extrapolated from adult data. Yet, age is a source of high variability due to development- related phenomena. A population model of epinephrine or norepinephrine was developed in haemodynamically critically ill children. This allowed to identify between-subject variability factors as well as to propose individualized dosage regimens of these two catecholamines according to the desired effect and child characteristics. Epinephrine pharmacokinetics in 39 children at high risk of postoperative low cardiac output syndrome followed a one-compartment model. Clearance increased with bodyweight according to the allometric rule. The resulting increases in heart rate and mean arterial pressure followed a direct Emax model. These were related to age and illness severity. A turn-over model described the increases in blood glucose and lactate. Norepinephrine pharmacokinetics in 38 hypotensive critically ill children followed a one compartment model. Clearance increased with bodyweight (allometry). The resulting increase in mean arterial pressure followed a direct Emax model. This was a function of age and illness severity. The dosage of epinephrine and norepinephrine in children should take into account the bodyweight, age and illness severity of the patient: the younger the child and the more serious the condition, the higher the dosage in order to meet the haemodynamic goals.

Impact d’une antibiothérapie sur le microbiote intestinal / Impact of an antibiotic treatment on the intestinal microbiota

Burdet, Charles 12 June 2018 (has links)
Le développement des méthodes de séquençage de nouvelle génération a permis d’approfondir les connaissances sur le rôle des communautés bactériennes commensales pour la santé de leur hôte, et l’impact négatif de la perturbation de leur équilibre. Les antibiotiques sont les principaux perturbateurs de cet équilibre, mais leur impact n’a pas été quantifié précisément.Nous avons quantifié la relation entre les concentrations fécales d’antibiotiques et la perturbation de la diversité bactérienne au sein du microbiote intestinal, et modélisé le lien entre la perte de diversité bactérienne et la probabilité de décès dans un modèle animal de colite à Clostridium difficile induite par les antibiotiques. Nous avons montré que l’indice de diversité de Shannon et la distance UniFac non pondérée étaient les indices de diversité qui étaient le plus prédictif du décès dans ce modèle d’infection.Chez des volontaires sains, nous avons développé un modèle mathématique semimécanistique de l’évolution de la diversité au sein du microbiote, mesurée par deux indices de diversité, après perturbation antibiotique, et quantifié la relation entre l’exposition individuelle plasmatique et fécale à un antibiotique, et son effet sur la perturbation de la diversité bactérienne au cours du temps. Nous avons également analysé le rôle de la voie d’élimination des antibiotiques pour la limitation de l’impact d’un antibiotique sur le microbiote. Ces travaux nous ont permis de montrer que le microbiote intestinal présente une grande sensibilité aux antibiotiques, et que la voie d’élimination ne semble de ce fait pas jouer un rôle prépondérant dans la perspective de limiter l’impact des antibiotiques sur le microbiote intestinal. / The development of next generation sequencing broadened our knowledge on the role of commensal bacterial communities on their host’s health, and the negative impact of their disruption. Antibiotics are the main disrupting factor, but their impact has not been precisely quantified.We quantified the relationship between antibiotic fecal concentrations and the loss of bacterial diversity in the intestinal microbiota, and modelled the link between the loss of diversity and mortality in a hamster model of antibiotic-induced Clostridium difficile infection. We showed that the Shannon diversity index and the unweighted UniFrac distance are the 2 indices that best predict mortality in this model. In healthy volunteers, we developed a semi-mechanistic model of the evolution over time of bacterial diversity – measured by two indices – after an antibiotic perturbation, and quantified the relationship between antibiotic concentrations in plasma and feces and the loss of bacterial diversity in the intestinal microbiota. We also analyzed the role of the antibiotic elimination pathway in the reduction of their impact on the microbiota. In this work, we showed that the intestinal microbiota is highly susceptible to antibiotics, and that the elimination route doesn’t have a major role, in the perspective of limiting antibiotics’ impact on the intestinal microbiota.

Hodnocení racionality a rizik farmakoterapie u geriatrických pacientů v léčebnách pro dlouhodobě nemocné / Evaluation of rationality and risks of pharmacotherapy in older patients in long-term care facilities

Lukačišinová, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Objectives Main objectives of this doctoral thesis were to review available information on pharmacological properties of benzodiazepines and their age-related changes; to evaluate the prevalence of benzodiazepine use in older patients residing in long term care facilities; to investigate the association between use of benzodiazepines and occurrence of falls in acutely hospitalized older patients; and to describe utilization of benzodiazepines in the Czech Republic. Methods A narrative review of literature focused on pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, adverse effects and association of benzodiazepines with falls in older population was conducted. The evaluation of benzodiazepine use in long term care facilities was analysed in a retrospective cross-sectional study using data from the EC 7th Framework Program SHELTER project (Service and Health in the Elderly in Long Term Care). A prospective cohort study data of acutely hospitalized patients in Australia were used to evaluate association between benzodiazepines and falls. To describe utilization of benzodiazepines in the Czech Republic, data from the State Institute for Drug Control and from databases of General Health Insurance Fund were used. This dissertation thesis is a summary of published articles from above stated works and analyses. Results...

Translation of pharmacometric models from NONMEM to nlmixr2 and RxODE2

Borg, Johan January 2023 (has links)
The gold standard for pharmacometrics modeling, along with its modeling format, is currently NONMEM. In order to use other software, there is often a manual step of converting a model from one format to another, which is both time-consuming and causes manual errors. This project aimed to solve this problem by creating a conversion- and validation tool from NONMEM to two formats: nlmixr2 and RxODE2. These are both, unlike NONMEM, freely available and integrated into R. This was done by integrating the two tools (conversion and validation) into the program Pharmpy, which can extract model information from NONMEM's model format. For conversion, the model was read into Pharmpy and then, part by part, converted to the respective model format. The associated validation compared the predictions of the respective programs to see if they differed significantly from each other. The project showed that this type of conversion is possible, but the programs showed a greater difference than expected. Part of this can be explained by a rounding of parameter values in Pharmpy, but further analysis also indicated fundamental differences in the determination of the predictions between the programs. Larger differences in predictions are for instance oftentimes equidistant from the actual observation, meaning the predictions are presumably calculated differently. While not disproving the converted model, smaller discrepancies between the programs would indicate a more confident validation. In summary, the developed tools are considered useful for models where Pharmpy supports parsing of the model. If not for complete conversion, then at least for partial conversion with manual correction, which is also an improvement over an entirely manual workflow.

Contributions to Glucagon and Pramlintide Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics Modeling for Multi-Hormone Artificial Pancreas Systems

Furió Novejarque, Clara 26 February 2024 (has links)
[ES] La regulación de los niveles de glucosa en el cuerpo humano es el resultado de la secreción coordinada de hormonas. La Diabetes Tipo 1 (DT1) es una enfermedad crónica que provoca la destrucción de las células responsables de la producción de insulina, uno de los principales agentes en la regulación de glucosa. Por tanto, las personas con DT1 dependen de la administración exógena de insulina. No obstante, la gestión de la terapia no es sencilla y está sujeta a una gran variabilidad. Los sistemas de Páncreas Artificial se diseñaron con el objetivo de simplificar la gestión de la enfermedad, administrando insulina de manera automática a través de una bomba de insulina, en base a la lógica de un algoritmo de control que emplea información de un monitor continuo de glucosa. Sin embargo, la acción de la insulina es unidireccional (disminuye el valor de la glucosa), y a veces resulta insuficiente para mantener unos niveles seguros de glucosa en sangre. Por eso, en ocasiones se administran otras hormonas, con efectos opuestos (como el glucagón), o complementarios (como la pramlintida) a la insulina. Para que los sistemas automáticos se beneficien de estas acciones de control, es necesario estudiar y conocer sus dinámicas para poder simular su comportamiento, diseñar controladores que los tengan en cuenta y realizar experimentos in silico previos a utilizar los sistemas en pacientes. El uso del glucagón ya cuenta con una larga trayectoria y ha sido utilizado en varios sistemas automáticos. Sin embargo, existe mucha heterogeneidad en las formulaciones de modelos del efecto del glucagón, sobre todo en relación con su interacción con la insulina, y es necesario profundizar en el desarrollo de modelos que reflejen mejor la fisiología subyacente. Por otra parte, los modelos de pramlintida apenas se han estudiado. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es contribuir a mejorar simuladores para validar sistemas de páncreas artificial. En concreto, se realiza un análisis detallado del estado del arte para conocer las propuestas de modelos fisiológicos en la literatura, para luego centrarse en la descripción del efecto de glucagón en la producción endógena de glucosa y la farmacocinética y farmacodinámica de la pramlintida. El trabajo incluye la propuesta de nuevos modelos para glucagón y pramlintida basados en la fisiología, validados con datos clínicos individuales en el caso del glucagón y con datos poblacionales de la literatura en el caso de la pramlintida, mejorando en ambos casos los resultados previamente existentes. / [CA] La regulació dels nivells de glucosa en el cos humà és el resultat de la secreció coordinada d'hormones. La Diabetis Tipus 1 (DT1) és una malaltia crònica que provoca la destrucció de les cèl·lules responsables de la producció d'insulina, un dels principals agents en la regulació de glucosa. Per tant, les persones amb DT1 depenen de l'administració exògena d'insulina. No obstant això, la gestió de la teràpia no és senzilla i està subjecta a una gran variabilitat. Els sistemes de Pàncrees Artificial es van dissenyar amb l'objectiu de simplificar la gestió de la malaltia, administrant insulina de manera automàtica a través d'una bomba d'insulina, en funció de la lògica d'un algorisme de control que empra informació d'un monitor continu de glucosa. No obstant això, l'acció de la insulina és unidireccional (disminueix el valor de la glucosa), i de vegades resulta insuficient per a mantindre uns nivells segurs de glucosa en sang. Per això, ocasionalment s'administren altres hormones, amb efectes oposats (com el glucagó), o complementaris (com la pramlintida) a la insulina. Perquè els sistemes automàtics es beneficien d'aquestes accions de control, és necessari estudiar i conéixer les seues dinàmiques per a poder simular el seu comportament, dissenyar controladors que els tinguen en compte i realitzar experiments in silico previs a utilitzar els sistemes en pacients. L'ús del glucagó ja compta amb una llarga trajectòria i ha sigut utilitzat en diversos sistemes automàtics. No obstant això, existeix molta heterogeneïtat en les formulacions de models de l'efecte del glucagó, sobretot en relació amb la seua interacció amb la insulina, i és necessari aprofundir en el desenvolupament de models que reflectisquen millor la fisiologia subjacent. D'altra banda, els models de pramlintida a penes s'han estudiat. L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi és contribuir a millorar simuladors per a validar sistemes de pàncrees artificial. En concret, es fa una anàlisi detallada de l'estat de l'art per a conéixer les propostes de models fisiològics en la literatura, per a després centrar-se en la descripció de l'efecte de glucagó en la producció endògena de glucosa i la farmacocinètica i farmacodinàmica de la pramlintida. El treball inclou la proposta de nous models per a glucagó i pramlintida basats en la fisiologia, validats amb dades clíniques individuals en el cas del glucagó i amb dades poblacionals de la literatura en el cas de la pramlintida, millorant en tots dos casos els resultats prèviament existents. / [EN] Glucose regulation in the human body results from the coordinated secretion of hormones. Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) is a chronic disease that destroys insulin-producing cells, one of the main agents in the glucose regulation process. Consequently, people with T1D depend on exogenous insulin administration. However, therapy management is not an easy task, and it faces great variability. Artificial Pancreas systems were designed to ease the disease management, administering insulin automatically through an insulin pump based on the logic of a control algorithm that reads information from a continuous glucose monitor. Nevertheless, insulin action is uni-directional (lowering glucose values), and sometimes, it is insufficient to maintain safe plasma glucose levels. That is why, occasionally, other hormones are also administered, with opposite (like glucagon) or complementary effects (like pramlintide) to insulin. For automatic systems to benefit from these control actions, it is necessary to study and know their dynamics to simulate their behavior, design aware controllers, and carry out in silico experiments before using the system with patients. Glucagon use in T1D has a long trajectory; and has been used in automatic systems. However, there exists a wide heterogeneity in the definitions of glucagon effect, especially related to its interaction with insulin, and it is necessary to develop models that are more physiologically accurate. On the other hand, pramlintide models have barely been studied. This thesis' main objective is to improve T1D simulators to validate artificial pancreas systems. Specifically, a detailed analysis of the state of the art is carried out to know the physiological model proposals in the literature. Then, the focus moves to describing the glucagon effect on endogenous glucose production and the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of pramlintide. This work includes the proposal of new physiology-based models for glucagon and pramlintide. The glucagon model was validated with individual clinical data, and the pramlintide model was validated with populational data. Both proposals improved previously existing results. / This work was supported by grant FPU17/03404, grant EST19/00740, and project PID2019-107722RB-C21, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. / Furió Novejarque, C. (2024). Contributions to Glucagon and Pramlintide Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics Modeling for Multi-Hormone Artificial Pancreas Systems [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/202872

Pharmacological characterisation of selected pyrrolobenzodiazepines as anti-cancer agents. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic characterisation of the pyrrolobenzodiazepine dimer SJG-136 and the monomers D709119, MMY-SJG and SJG-303

Wilkinson, Gary P. January 2004 (has links)
This study aimed to investigate the pharmacology of selected pyrrolobenzodiazepine (PBD) compounds shown to have cytotoxic activity with predicted DNA sequence selectivity. Research focused upon the PBD dimer, SJG-136, selected for clinical trials, and the novel PBD monomer compounds D709119, MMY-SJG and SJG-303. SJG-136, a novel sequence-selective DNA minor groove cross-linking agent, was shown to have potent tumour cell type selective cytotoxicity in in vitro assays. Pharmacokinetic studies in mice via both the i.p. and i.v. route (dosed at the maximum tolerated dose (MTD)) showed that SJG-136 reaches concentrations in plasma well in excess of the in vitro IC50 values for 1 h exposure, and was detected in tumour and brain samples also above the in vitro IC50 values. Furthermore, SJG-136 showed linear pharmacokinetics over a 3-fold drug dose range. Metabolism studies showed SJG-136 is readily metabolised in vitro by hepatic microsomes, predominantly to a monodemethylated metabolite; this metabolite could be detected in vivo. Analytical method development work was also conducted for the imminent Phase I clinical trial of SJG-136 resulting in a sensitive and selective bio-analytical detection protocol. Comet analysis showed that SJG-136 dosed at the MTD and ⅓MTD causes significant interstrand DNA cross-linking in lymphocytes in vivo. In vitro studies demonstrated that SJG-136 localises within the cell nucleus, and acts to disrupt cell division via a G2/M block in the cell cycle at realistic concentrations and exposure times that are achievable in vivo. In vivo pharmacokinetic studies of D709119 showed the compound is easily detectable in mouse plasma following i.p. dosing at the MTD, but could not be detected in either tumour or brain samples. In vitro cytotoxicity studies revealed D709119 to have potent activity across a selection of tumour cell lines. SJG-136, D709119, MMY-SJG, SJG-303 and DC-81 demonstrated a non-enzyme-catalysed reactivity with the biologically relevant thiol, reduced glutathione (GSH). Studies demonstrated that reactivity of the PBD compounds toward GSH was dependent on GSH concentrations. At levels of GSH found in plasma, the PBD compounds showed considerably lower reactivity with GSH than at intracellular GSH levels. SJG-136 and D709119 also showed favourable pharmacokinetic profiles in mice, and warrant further study for anti-tumour activity in vivo and progression to use in patients.

Evaluation of oxytocin pharmacokinetic : pharmacodynamic profile and establishment of its cardiomyogenic potential in swine

Ybarra Navarro, Norma Thelma 08 1900 (has links)
La thérapie cellulaire est une avenue pleine de promesses pour la régénération myocardique, par le remplacement du tissu nécrosé, ou en prévenant l'apoptose du myocarde survivant, ou encore par l'amélioration de la néovascularisation. Les cellules souches de la moelle osseuse (CSMO) expriment des marqueurs cardiaques in vitro quand elles sont exposées à des inducteurs. Pour cette raison, elles ont été utilisées dans la thérapie cellulaire de l'infarctus au myocarde dans des études pre-cliniques et cliniques. Récemment, il a été soulevé de possibles effets bénéfiques de l'ocytocine (OT) lors d’infarctus. Ainsi, l’OT est un inducteur de différenciation cardiaque des cellules souches embryonnaires, et cette différenciation est véhiculée par la voie de signalisation du monoxyde d’azote (NO)-guanylyl cyclase soluble. Toutefois, des données pharmacocinétiques de l’OT lui attribue un profil non linéaire et celui-ci pourrait expliquer les effets pharmacodynamiques controversés, rapportés dans la lttérature. Les objectifs de ce programme doctoral étaient les suivants : 1) Caractériser le profil pharmacocinétique de différents schémas posologiques d'OT chez le porc, en développant une modélisation pharmacocinétique / pharmacodynamique plus adaptée à intégrer les effets biologiques (rénaux, cardiovasculaires) observés. 2) Isoler, différencier et trouver le temps optimal d’induction de la différenciation pour les CSMO porcines (CSMOp), sur la base de l'expression des facteurs de transcription et des protéines structurales cardiaques retrouvées aux différents passages. 3) Induire et quantifier la différenciation cardiaque par l’OT sur les CSMOp. 4) Vérifier le rôle du NO dans cette différenciation cardiaque sur les CSMOp. Nous avons constaté que le profil pharmacocinétique de l’OT est mieux expliqué par le modèle connu comme target-mediated drug disposition (TMDD), parce que la durée du séjour de l’OT dans l’organisme dépend de sa capacité de liaison à son récepteur, ainsi que de son élimination (métabolisme). D'ailleurs, nous avons constaté que la différenciation cardiomyogénique des CSMOp médiée par l’OT devrait être induite pendant les premiers passages, parce que le nombre de passages modifie le profile phénotypique des CSMOp, ainsi que leur potentiel de différenciation. Nous avons observé que l’OT est un inducteur de la différenciation cardiomyogénique des CSMOp, parce que les cellules induites par l’OT expriment des marqueurs cardiaques, et l'expression de protéines cardiaques spécifiques a été plus abondante dans les cellules traitées à l’OT en comparaison aux cellules traitées avec la 5-azacytidine, qui a été largement utilisée comme inducteur de différenciation cardiaque des cellules souches adultes. Aussi, l’OT a causé la prolifération des CMSOp. Finalement, nous avons observé que l'inhibition de la voie de signalisation du NO affecte de manière significative l'expression des protéines cardiaques spécifiques. En conclusion, ces études précisent un potentiel certain de l’OT dans le cadre de la thérapie cellulaire cardiomyogénique à base de cellules souches adultes, mais soulignent que son utilisation requerra de la prudence et un approfondissement des connaissances. / Cell therapy has been suggested as a promising treatment for myocardial regeneration through cardiomyocyte replacement or by preventing apoptosis of surviving myocardium and/or improving neovascularisation. Bone marrow stem cells (BMSCs) express cardiac markers in vitro upon stimulation with different inducers. The BMSCs have been used as cell therapy after myocardial infarction (MI) in pre-clinical and clinical studies. Recent reports have uncovered the potential beneficial effects of oxytocin (OT) after MI. Particularly, OT is an inducer of cardiomyogenic differentiation of embryonic stem cells and this differentiation is mediated by the nitric oxide (NO)-soluble guanylyl cyclase pathway. However, some studies have shown that OT exhibits nonlinear pharmacokinetics and that this could explain the previously described controversial hemodynamic alterations. Therefore the objectives of the present work were to: 1) Characterize the pharmacokinetic profile of different dosing regimens of OT in swine, by using a more suitable pharmacokinetic / pharmacodynamic modelization that could explain the time-course of cardiovascular and renal effects observed following OT administration. 2) To isolate, differentiate and find the optimum time of porcine BMSC (pBMSC) differentiation based on the expression of cardiac related transcription factors and structural proteins expressed at different passages. 3) To induce and quantify the OT-mediated cardiomyogenic differentiation of pBMSCs. 4) To document the role of the NO pathway in the OT-mediated cardiomyogenic differentiation of pBMSCs. We found that OT pharmacokinetics are better explained by target-mediated drug disposition (TMDD) kinetics, because the time-course of plasma OT concentration depends on the binding capacity to its receptor, as well as OT elimination (metabolism). Also, we found that OT-mediated cardiomyogenic differentiation of pBMSCs should be induced during the first passages, because passaging affects the phenotypic profile of pBMSCs, as well as the differentiation potential of pBMSCs. We observed that OT induces cardiomyogenic differentiation of pBMSCs, because OT-induced cells expressed cardiac markers, and the expression of cardiac specific proteins was more abundant in OT-treated cells vs. 5-azacytidine-treated cells, which has been used widely as a cardiomyogenic differentiation inducer of adult stem cells. Moreover, OT improved proliferation of pBMSCs. Finally, we observed that the inhibition of the NO pathway significantly affects the expression of cardiac specific proteins. To conclude, these studies demonstrate some interesting potential in cardiomyogenic differentiation of adult stem cells for OT, but its precise role in cell therapy will need prudence and further investigations.

Pharmacométrie de la ropivacaïne suivant l’anesthésie locorégionale chez les patients orthopédiques : caractérisation de l’intensité et de la durée du bloc sensitif

Gaudreault, Francois 04 1900 (has links)
Introduction & Objectifs : Pour assurer l’analgésie postopératoire, l’anesthésiste dispose, en plus des différentes classes de médicaments administrés par voie orale ou intraveineuse, de diverses techniques pour bloquer l’influx nerveux douloureux en administrant les anesthésiques locaux (AL) de manière centrale ou périphérique. La ropivacaïne (ROP), un AL à longue durée d’action, est un médicament de première intention partout dans le monde, en raison de sa grande efficacité et de son faible risque de toxicité. Contrairement à certains pays, la ROP n'est toujours pas indiquée au Canada pour la rachianesthésie (bloc central) en raison d'un manque de données probantes. Jusqu'à présent, les efforts de recherche ont essentiellement porté sur la sécurité ainsi que sur la durée d’action du médicament lorsqu’administré par voie spinale. De plus, les doses optimales de ROP pour l’anesthésie régionale périphérique ne sont pas encore précisément connues. La posologie devrait être adaptée au site d’administration ainsi qu’à l’intensité et la durée du stimulus produit par la chirurgie. Ultimement, cela permettrait aux cliniciens d’identifier le régime optimal en fonction des facteurs démographiques qui pourraient affecter la pharmacocinétique (PK) et la pharmacodynamie (PD) de l’AL (objectif global de ces travaux). Validation de la Méthode Analytique Manuscrit 1 : Une méthode analytique spécifique et sensible permettant de déterminer les concentrations plasmatiques de ROP a d’abord été optimisée et validée. Validation du Biomarqueur Manuscrit 2 : Nous avons ensuite mis au point et évalué la fiabilité d’une méthode quantitative basée sur la mesure du seuil de perception sensorielle (CPT) chez le volontaire sain. Ce test nécessite l’application d’un courant électrique transcutané qui augmente graduellement et qui, selon la fréquence choisie, est capable de stimuler spécifiquement les fibres nerveuses impliquées dans le cheminement de l’influx nerveux douloureux. Les résultats obtenus chez les volontaires sains indiquent que la mesure CPT est fiable, reproductible et permet de suivre l’évolution temporelle du bloc sensitif. Études cliniques Manuscrit 3 : Nous avons ensuite caractérisé, pendant plus de 72 h, l’absorption systémique de la ROP lorsqu’administrée pour un bloc du nerf fémoral chez 19 patients subissant une chirurgie du genou. Le modèle PK populationnel utilisé pour analyser nos résultats comporte une absorption biphasique durant laquelle une fraction de la dose administrée pénètre rapidement (temps d’absorption moyen : 27 min, IC % 19 – 38 min) dans le flux sanguin systémique pendant que l’autre partie, en provenance du site de dépôt, est redistribuée beaucoup plus lentement (demi-vie (T1/2) : 2.6 h, IC % 1.6 – 4.3 h) vers la circulation systémique. Une relation statistiquement significative entre l’âge de nos patients et la redistribution de l’AL suggère que la perméabilité tissulaire est augmentée avec l’âge. Manuscrit 4 : Une analyse PK-PD du comportement sensitif du bloc fémoral (CPT) a été effectuée. Le modèle développé a estimé à 20.2 ± 10.1 mg la quantité de ROP nécessaire au site d’action pour produire 90 % de l’effet maximal (AE90). À 2 X la AE90, le modèle prédit un début d’action de 23.4 ± 12.5 min et une durée de 22.9 ± 5.3 h. Il s’agit de la première étude ayant caractérisé le comportement sensitif d’un bloc nerveux périphérique. Manuscrit 5 : La troisième et dernière étude clinique a été conduite chez les patients qui devaient subir une chirurgie du genou sous rachianesthésie. Tout comme pour le bloc du nerf fémoral, le modèle PK le plus approprié pour nos données suggère que l’absorption systémique de la ROP à partir du liquide céphalo-rachidien est biphasique; c.à.d. une phase initiale (T1/2 : 49 min, IC %: 24 – 77 min) suivie (délai: 18 ± 2 min) d'une phase légèrement plus lente (T1/2 : 66 min, IC %: 36 – 97 min). L’effet maximal a été observé beaucoup plus rapidement, soit aux environs de 12.6 ± 4.9 min, avant de revenir aux valeurs de base 210 ± 55 min suivant l’administration de l’agent. Ces données ont permis d’estimer une AE50 de 7.3 ± 2.3 mg pour l'administration spinale. Conclusion : En somme, ces modèles peuvent être utilisés pour prédire l’évolution temporelle du bloc sensitif de l’anesthésie rachidienne et périphérique (fémorale), et par conséquent, optimiser l’utilisation clinique de la ROP en fonction des besoins des cliniciens, notamment en ce qui a trait à l’âge du patient. / Background & Objectives: To provide postoperative analgesia, the anesthesiologist has at his disposal a panel of different medications and also regional techniques of neural blockade. Loco-regional analgesia (central or peripheral) blocks conduction of painful influx to the central nervous system by the use of local anesthetics (LA). Among these drugs, ropivacaine (ROP), has an enormous potential given is long-acting efficacy and low incidence of toxicity. Currently, ROP is not licensed for use in spinal anesthesia (central block) in all countries due to a lack of data from controlled clinical trials. So far, research efforts on this topic have mainly focused on safety and dose-finding issues. In addition, the most appropriate dose for a peripheral nerve block has never been estimated empirically. Dosing recommendation for LAs should be site-specific and adapted to the intensity of the stimuli produced by a surgery and to the duration of analgesia required. Ultimately, these should guide clinicians in identifying the most appropriate block for the individual patients by taking into account demographic factors that may affect the pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD) of LA overall objective of the current research) Analytical Method Validation Manuscript 1: First, a specific and sensitive assay has been developed and validated for the determination of ROP in human plasma. Biomarker Validation Manuscript 2: Second, the reliability of a neurostimulator measuring current perception threshold (CPT) was assessed in healthy volunteers. The device uses a constant transcutaneous electrical sine wave stimulus at different frequencies specific to pain-conducting fibers. Our results suggest that CPT are reliable and can be applied to characterize, in a quantitative manner, the sensory onset of a peripheral nerve block in a clinical setting. Clinical Studies Manuscript 3: The systemic absorption of ROP after a femoral nerve block in orthopedic patients was then characterized using extended rich PK-sampling, i.e. up to 4 days post-dosing. Our model used for data analysis confirms that, in a similar manner to neuraxial sites of LAs injection, the systemic absorption of ROP from the femoral space is biphasic, i.e. a rapid initial phase (mean absorption time of 25 min, % CI: 19 – 38 min) followed by a much slower phase (half-life (T1/2) of 3.9 h, % CI: 2.9 – 6.0 h). A significant age-related increase in the permeability of the LA was also observed in our elderly patients (n = 19, age = 62.6 ± 7.1 yr). Manuscript 4: A population PK-PD analysis of the sensory anesthesia (CPT) of ROP using our PK model was also performed. The effect-site amount producing 90% of the maximum possible effect (AE90) was estimated as 20.2 ± 10.1 mg. At 2 x AE90, the sigmoid Emax model predicted an onset time of 23.4 ± 12.5 min and a duration of 22.9 ± 5.3 h. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first PK-PD model developed for a peripheral nerve block. Manuscript 5: In the third and last study, a similar approach was used to characterise the PK-PD relationship of intrathecally administered ROP in patients undergoing minor lower limb surgery. The biphasic release of the agent from the intrathecal space was modeled using a rapid initial absorption phase (T1/2 of 49 min, % CI: 24 – 77 min) followed (lag-time of ~ 18 ± 2 min) by a slightly slower input rate (T1/2 of 66 min, % CI: 36 – 97 min). ROP maximal response was observed within 12.6 ± 4.9 min of dosing, with a subsequent return to baseline 210 ± 55 min after the administration of the LA. The effect-site amount producing 50 % of the Emax (AE50) was estimated at 7.3 ± 2.3 mg. Conclusion: Altogether, the proposed models can be used to predict the time-course of sensory blockade after a femoral nerve block and spinal anesthesia using ROP and to optimize dosing regimen according to clinical needs with regard to important cofactors such as age.

Abordagem PK-PD do propofol na revascularização do miocárdio para estudo da influência da circulação extracorpórea na ligação às proteínas plasmáticas e no efeito hipnótico / PK-PD Model to investigate the free propofol plasma levels versus the hypnotic drug effect in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting concerning the influence of CPB-hypothermia on drug plasma binding.

Silva Filho, Carlos Roberto da 16 May 2017 (has links)
Durante a cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio com circulação extracorpórea e hipotermia (CEC-H) ocorre alteração na efetividade do propofol e na sua farmacocinética realizada a partir das concentrações plasmáticas do propofol total no decurso do tempo. A ligação do propofol à proteína plasmática parece estar alterada em consequência de diversos fatores incluindo a hemodiluição e a heparinização que ocorre no início da circulação extracorpórea, uma vez que se reportou anteriormente que a concentração plasmática do propofol livre aumentou durante a realização da circulação extracorpórea normotérmica. Por outro lado, a infusão alvo controlada é recomendada para manter a concentração plasmática do propofol equivalente ao alvo de 2 &#181g/mL durante a intervenção cirúrgica com CEC-H. Se alterações significativas na hipnose do propofol ocorrem nesses pacientes, então o efeito aumentado desse agente hipnótico poderia estar relacionado à redução na extensão da ligação do fármaco as proteínas plasmáticas; entretanto, o assunto ainda permanece em discussão e necessita de investigações adicionais. Assim, o objetivo do estudo foi investigar as concentrações plasmáticas de propofol livre em pacientes durante a revascularização do miocárdio com e sem o procedimento de CEC-H através da abordagem PK-PD. Dezenove pacientes foram alocados e estratificados para realização de cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio com circulação extracorpórea (CEC-H, n=10) ou sem circulação extracorpórea (NCEC, n=9). Os pacientes foram anestesiados com sufentanil e propofol alvo de 2 &#181g/mL. Realizou-se coleta seriada de sangue para estudo farmacocinético e o efeito foi monitorado através do índice bispectral (BIS) para medida da profundidade da hipnose no período desde a indução da anestesia até 12 horas após o término da infusão de propofol, em intervalos de tempo pré-determinados no protocolo de estudo. As concentrações plasmáticas foram determinadas através de método bioanalítico pela técnica de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência. A farmacocinética foi investigada a partir da aplicação do modelo aberto de dois compartimentos, PK Solutions v. 2. A análise PK-PD foi realizada no Graph Pad Prisma v.5.0 após a escolha do modelo do efeito máximo (EMAX sigmóide, slope variável). Os dados foram analisados utilizando o Prisma v. 5.0, p<0,05, significância estatística. As concentrações plasmáticas de propofol total foram comparáveis nos dois grupos (CEC-H e NCEC); entretanto o grupo CEC-H evidenciou aumento na concentração do propofol livre de 2 a 5 vezes em função da redução na ligação do fármaco às proteínas plasmáticas. A farmacocinética do propofol livre mostrou diferença significativa entre os grupos no processo de distribuição pelo prolongamento da meia vida e aumento do volume aparente, e no processo de eliminação em função do aumento na depuração plasmática e redução na meia vida biológica no grupo CEC-H. A escolha do modelo EMAX sigmóide, slope variável foi adequada uma vez que se evidenciou alta correlação entre os valores do índice bispectral e as concentrações plasmáticas do propofol livre (r2>0.90, P<0.001) para os pacientes investigados. / During coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) profound changes occur on propofol effect and on kinetic disposition related to total drug plasma measurements in these patients. It was reported that drug plasma binding could be altered as a consequence of hemodilution and heparinization before starts CPB since free propofol plasma levels was increased by twice under normothermic procedure. In addition, the target controlled infusion (TCI) is recommended to maintain propofol plasma concentration (2 &#181g/mL) during CABG CPB-H intervention. However, whether significant changes that occur in propofol hypnosis in these patients could be related to the reduction on the extension of drug plasma binding remain unclear and under discussion until now. Then, the objective of this study was to investigate propofol free plasma levels in patients undergoing CABG with and without CPB by a pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics (PK-PD) approach. Nineteen patients were scheduled for on-pump coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG-CPB, n=10) or off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting (OPCABG, n=9) were anesthetized with sufentanil and propofol TCI (2 &#181g/mL). Blood samples were collected for drug plasma measurements and BIS were applied to access the depth of hypnosis from the induction of anesthesia up to 12 hours after the end of propofol infusion, at predetermined intervals. Plasma drug concentrations were measured using high-performance liquid chromatography, followed by a propofol pharmacokinetic analysis based on two compartment open model, PK Solutions v.2; PK-PD analysis was performed by applying EMAX model, sigmoid shape-variable slope and data were analyzed using Prisma v. 5.0, considering p<0.05 as significant difference between groups. The total propofol plasma concentrations were comparable in both groups during CABG; however it was shown in CPB-group significant increases in propofol free plasma concentration by twice to fivefold occur as a consequence of drug plasma protein binding reduced in these patients. Pharmacokinetics of free propofol in CPB-H group compared to OPCAB group based on two compartment open model was significantly different by the prolongation of distribution half-life, increases on plasma clearance, and biological half-life shortened. In addition, the kinetic disposition of propofol changes in a different manner considering free drug levels in the CPB-H group against OPCAB group as follows: prolongation of distribution half-life and increases on volume of distribution, remaining unchanged biological half-life in spite of plasma clearance increased. BIS values showed a strong correlation with free drug levels (r2>0.90, P<0.001) in CPB-H group and also in OPCAB group by the chosen EMAX model sigmoid shape-variable slope analyzed by GraphPad Prisma v.5.0.

Avaliação farmacocinética  e farmacodinânica de meropenem e vancomicina em pacientes submetidos à diálise estendida de baixa eficiência (SLED) / Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of vancomycin and meropenem in critically ill patients submitted to sustained low-efficiency dialysis

Oliveira, Maura Salaroli de 19 September 2017 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A combinação de sepse e insuficiência renal com necessidade de diálise é bastante comum nas Unidades de Terapia Intensiva e esta situação tem elevada mortalidade. Um desafio neste cenário é prescrever a dose correta dos antimicrobianos para o tratamento destas infecções. Em pacientes críticos e hemodinamicamente instáveis que necessitam de terapia renal substitutiva, um dos métodos mais utilizados é a diálise contínua, entretanto, recentemente, tem-se utilizado a diálise de baixa eficiência - conhecida como SLED, da abreviação do inglês \"sustained low-efficiency dialysis\". Esta modalidade de terapia renal substitutiva combina características da hemodiálise contínua com a intermitente, utilizando o equipamento da diálise intermitente, com menores fluxos sanguíneos e de dialisato, e com vantagem de menor custo. Apesar do fluxo mais baixo, por ser utilizado tempo mais prolongado, a SLED frequentemente resulta em maior clearance e especula-se que a remoção dos fármacos seria maior. Há escassez de estudos que avaliaram a farmacocinética e farmacodinâmica de antimicrobianos em pacientes submetidos à SLED.OBJETIVOS: Avaliar adequação farmacodinâmica de meropenem e vancomicina em pacientes submetidos a diálise estendida de baixa eficiência. Avaliar a depuração paramêtros farmacocinéticos durante a sessão de SLED. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo prospectivo descritivo observacional com coleta de material biológico julho de 2012 a julho de 2014 HC-FMUSP. Foram incluídos pacientes submetidos à SLED em uso de vancomicina e/ou meropenem. Foram coletadas amostras de sangue seriadas (tempos: imediatamente antes do início da sessão de diálise, 0,5h, 1h, 2h, 4h após o início do tratamento e ao final da sessão). A quantificação dos antimicrobianos foi realizada através dos métodos analíticos de quantificação em Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência (CLAE). Os parâmetros farmacocinéticos foram calculados apenas durante a sessão de diálise utilizando-se o software WinNonlin. A área sob a curva foi determinada para a vancomicina. Para o meropenem, calculou-se o tempo acima da MIC. Resultados: Foram incluídos 24 pacientes tratados com vancomicina e 21 com meropenem eforam obtidas 170 amostras de plasma. As concentrações médias de vancomicina sérica e meropenem: antes da sessão de SLED foram 24,5 e 28,0 ?g / ml, respectivamente; e após SLED 14 e 6 ?g / ml, respectivamente. A depuração média foi de 41% para a vancomicina e 78% para o meropenem. Para vancomicina, 22 (96%), 19 (83%) e 16 (70%) pacientes teriam atingido o alvo (AUC0-24 > 400) considerando-se MIC 0,5; <= 1mg/l e <= 2 mg/l respectivamente. Para meropenem, 19 (95%), 18 (90%) e 11 (55%) pacientes teriam atingido a meta (70% de tempo acima da CIM) se infectados com isolados com MIC <= 1, <= 4 e <= 8 mg/l, respectivamente. Conclusões: Em pacientes críticos, meropenem evancomicina foram removidas durante o SLED. Entretando, a maioria dos pacientes alcançaria alvo PK-PD, excepto para CIMs mais altas. Sugerimos doses de manutenção de 1g a cada 12 ou 8 horaspara meropenem. Para a vancomicina, deve-se utilizar abordagem mais individualizada com monitorização sérica, uma vez que ensaios comerciais são disponíveis / Background: Antibiotic dosing is a challenge in critically ill patients undergoing renal replacement therapy. Our aim was to evaluate pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of meropenem and vancomycin in patients undergoing SLED.Methods: ICU patients undergoing SLED, receiving meropenem and/or vancomycin, were prospectively evaluated. Blood samples were collected at the start of SLED and 0.5; 1; 2; 4 and 6 hours later. Antimicrobial levels were determined by HPLC. Noncompartimental pharmacokinetic analysis was performed. Area under the curve was determined for vancomycin. For meropenem, time above MIC was calculated. Results: 24 patients receiving vancomycin and 21 receiving meropenem were included; 170 plasma samples were obtained. Median serum vancomycin and meropenem concentrations: before SLED were 24.5 and 28.0 ?g/ml, respectively; and after SLED 14 and 6 ?g/ml, respectively. Mean removal was 41% for vancomycin and 78% for meropenem. For vancomycin, 22 (96%), 19(83%) and 16(70%) patients would have achieved the target (AUC0-24>400) considering MIC 0.5; <= 1mg/l and <= 2 mg/l, respectively. For meropenem, 19 (95%), 18 (90%) and 11(55%) patients would have achieved the target (70% of time above MIC) if infected with isolates with MIC <= 1, <= 4 and <= 8mg/l, respectively. Conclusions: In critically ill patients, meropenem and vancomycin were removed during SLED. Despite this, overall high PK/PD target attainment was obtained, except for higher MICs. We suggest maintenance doses of 1g tid or bid for meropenem. For vancomycin, more individualized approach using therapeutic drug monitoring should be used, as commercial assays are available

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