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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pamokų turinio įtaka mokinių nuomonei apie fizinę saviugdą / The influence of content of physical education lesson to the pupil’s opinion about physical self – education

Mačiuitis, Evaldas 15 July 2011 (has links)
Šiuolaikinė žmogaus ugdymo paradigma aktualizuoja į mokinį orientuotą bendrąjį ir fizinį ugdymą. Pabrėžiamas ugdymo prasmingumas mokytojui ir mokiniui, jo atitiktis besimokančiojo ir bendruomenės poreikiams. Į asmenybės plėtotę orientuotas fizinis ugdymas neįmanomas be saviugdos. Fizinės saviugdos rezultatus lemia daug veiksnių. Mes apsibrėžėme tirti tam tikrą jų dalį. Tyrimo tikslas buvo išsiaiškinti, ar skirtingas kūno kultūros pamokų turinys gali lemti mokinių nuomonę apie fizinę saviugdą kaip reiškinį ir įvairius jos aspektus. Tyrime dalyvavo 88 Plungės Senamiesčio vidurinės mokyklos septintų klasių mokiniai. Eksperimentas vyko nuo 2010 m. rugsėjo iki 2011 m. sausio. Klasės buvo suskirstytos į E1 eksperimentinę grupę (19 mergaičių ir 24 berniukų) ir E2 kontrolinę grupę (21 mergaitės ir 24 berniukų). E1 grupės mokytojas į pamokų planų uždavinius ir turinį, atsižvelgdamas į dėstomas sporto šakas, įtraukė praktines savarankiškas ir fizinę saviugdą skatinančias užduotis. E2 grupės mokytojas į pamokų turinį tokių praktinių užduočių neįtraukė, tačiau du kartus per mėnesį pamokų metu dėstė teorinę medžiagą apie fizinio aktyvumo naudą. Naudoti šie tyrimo metodai: literatūros šaltinių teorinė analizė, pedagoginis eksperimentas, anketinė apklausa, statistinė anketinės apklausos duomenų analizė. Tyrimo hipotezė. Kūno kultūros mokytojas, įtraukęs į pamokos uždavinius ir jų turinį praktinių užduočių, skatinančių fizinę saviugdą arba dėstydamas teorinę medžiagą apie fizinį aktyvumą ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The modern paradigm of people education is pointed to pupil’s common and physical education. The meaning of education to teacher and pupil, its conformity to student’s and community’s needs, is accented. Physical education, pointed to person’s development, is not possible without self – education. The result of physical self – education depends on lots of different aspects. We decided to analyse some of them. The purpose of the research we made was to analyse if different content of physical education lessons can have some influence to the pupil’s opinion about physical self – education and about various its aspects. We examined 88 seventh – formers of Plungės Senamiesčio secondary school. The experiment was organized from September of 2010, till January of 2011. We distributed the classes into E1 experimental (19 girls and 24 boys) and E2 control (21 girl and 24 boys) groups. The teacher of E1 group involved some practical exercises, which stimulated physical self – education, and the teacher of E2 group twice a month lectured some lessons about the need of physical activity. The following research methods were applied: theoretical analysis of literary sources, educational experiment, questionnaire, statistic analysis of the result of research. Hypothesis of the research. If the teacher of physical education lessons involves to the content of physical education lessons some practical exercises, stimulating pupil’s physical self – education, or if he lectures some lessons... [to full text]

Mokinių fizinė saviugda / Students physical self- education

Juodeikaitė, Gintarė 06 September 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas: Moksleivių fizinė saviugda. Tyrimo tikslas: Ištirti mokinių fizinę saviugdą. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Ištirti mokinių fizinės saviugdos suvokimą. 2. Ištirti fizinės saviugdos suvokimą, lyties aspektu. 3. Ištirti fizinės saviugdos suvokimą, amžiaus aspektu. Tyrimo metodai: • Literatūros šaltinių analizė. • Anketinė apklausa. • Matematinė statistika Dauguma tyrime dalyvavusiųjų mokinių nesupranta kas yra fizinė saviugda. Nemaža dalis mano, kad fizinė saviugda nėra būtina. Nors beveik pusė mokinių savo gyvenime taiko vienokias ar kitokias jos formas, tačiau nepasiekia arba nesuvokia jos rezultatų. Berniukai labiau nei mergaitės visiškai nežino kas yra saviugda, nemano, kad ji yra būtina. Galvoja, kad tai yra mokymasis būti savimi. Berniukai labiau linkę sportuoti savo malonumui, žymiai rečiau nei mergaitės kuria fizinės saviugdos programas. Tačiau dažniau pasiekia fizinės saviugdos rezultatų. Dauguma mergaičių mano, kad fizinė saviugda yra labai svarbi žmogaus gyvenimo dalis. Labiau linkusios lankyti kūno kultūros pamokas bei sporto būrelius. Tačiau rečiau bando sukurti asmeninę fizinės saviugdos programą, bei nesuvokia rezultatų. Nes nežino kaip ir mano, kad niekas jom nepadeda ir nepalaiko. Su amžiumi mokiniai labiau suvokia fizinės saviugdos sąvoką, jos rezultatus pastebi savo asmeninį tobulėjimą. Jauniausi iš jų (10-13) metų amžiaus, labiausiai linkę lankyti kūno kultūros pamokas, būrelius bei treniruotes. Tačiau mažiausiai siekia bei suvokia savo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the research: To investigate the students' physical self-education. Subject of the research: students' physical self-education. Goals of the research: To investigate the students' physical self- education . To investigate the physical self-education of gender-specific. To investigate the physical self-education of age discrimination. Methodology of the research: analysis of the literature, The quiz. The percentage of distribution. Most of the students who were surveyed do not understand what is the physical self. Many feel that the physical self Neara necessary. Although almost half of the students in your life use of one or another of its forms, but does not reach or do not realize its results. Boys more than girls completely unaware of what is self-education, does not believe that it is necessary. Think that it is learning to be yourself. Boys are more likely to play sports for fun, much less than girls whose physical self programs. But more often reaches physical self results. Most girls think that the physical self is a highly important part of human life. More likely to attend physical education classes and sports clubs. However, less is trying to create a personalized program of physical self and realize results. They do not know how, and believes that no one runs short, and does not support it. With age the students more aware of physical self-concepts, the results notes their personal development. The youngest of them (10-13) years of age are most... [to full text]

Physical activity, weight change, and self-perception changes among obese individuals

Teakle, Helen January 2006 (has links)
The primary purpose of this research was to investigate relationships between physical activity participation, weight change, and selfreports of social physique anxiety, physical self-concept and health-related quality of life. A secondary purpose was to investigate personality as a mediator of self-perceptions and quality of life beliefs following obesity surgery. Two studies with differing methodologies were conducted. The first study was a cross-sectional survey of patients who had participated in a multi-component clinical weight-loss program involving a combination of physical activity, diet modification, and drug therapy. The second study was a longitudinal investigation of laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding patients. Amount of weight lost was not found to be related to changes in social physique anxiety, physical self-concept or health-related quality of life. However, physical activity levels were found to be an important predictor of improvements in physical self-concept and health-related quality of life amongst clinical weight loss patients, but not surgical patients. Improvements over time with respect to social physique anxiety, physical self-concept and health-related quality of life were observed amongst all participants who underwent LABG. Personality factors, whilst not predicting changes over time in social physique anxiety, physical self-concept or health-related quality of life, discriminated between two types of obese adults presenting for obesity surgery. Future research could be undertaken to determine if long-term outcomes differ for these two types of patients.

The structure and development of physical self-perceptions in young people

Chow, Edward W. January 2002 (has links)
Self-esteem development is one of the main concerns in school physical education (PE). PE aims to help school children gain a holistic development by engaging them in a wide range of physical activities. However, to date, mechanisms underpinning this process are not clear. In this research, three correlational and one experimental studies have been conducted with the aim to further understanding of this issue. The research began by examining the hierarchical and multi-dimensional structure of physical self-perceptions in British secondary school children. This was extended to studying how physical self-perceptions at lower levels of generality influence physical self-worth and global self-esteem Ii n Hong Kong Chii nese secondary school children. It was found that task orientation indirectly affects physical self-worth and global self-esteem via physical self-perception sub-domains, including sport competence, physical condition, body attractiveness, and physical strength. An attempt has been made to decompose perceived ability in school physical education into self-referenced and other-referenced perceived ability It was found that the two differentiated measures mediated the effects of the two goal orientations in different ways. In order to further explore how physical selfperceptions at the level of self-efficacy affects perceived sport competence and physical self-worth, an experiment was conducted using trampolining skills development programme as an intervention. Participants were found to have significant increases in self-efficacy, perceived sport competence, and physical selfworth after the completion of eight 1.5-hour sessions. Findings lend support to the importance of school PE in self-perception enhancement.

The self-concept and interpersonal relationships of student teachers

Mampa, Lemohang Lerato 11 1900 (has links)
The aim of the research was to determine the relationship between the self-concept of student teachers and their interpersonal relationships. A literature survey focused on these two variables. This was followed by an empirical investigation involving 300 students. Findings include: A significant, positive correlation was found between selfconcept and interpersonal relationships for males and females and for all three year groups involved. Significant, positive correlations were also found between: cognitive self-concept and relationships with lecturers; self-concepts of male students and relationships with parents; self-concepts of female students and relationships with lecturers. For all three year groups the relationships with lecturers contributed most to their self-concepts. For males, the emotional self-concept; and for females, the cognitive self-concept contributed significantly towards their interpersonal relationships. For first and second-year students, the social self-concept contributed most towards their interpersonal relationships; while for third-year students, the cognitive self-concept contributed significantly towards interpersonal relationships. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Vliv pravidelné pohybové aktivity na sebepojetí u žen / The Influence of regular physical activity on self concept of women

Polášková, Michaela January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to study physical self-evaluation and generalized self-efficacy within the self-concept of women. This is put in context with their regular physical exercise. a number of other variables are being examined to add the complexity to the topic of self-concept and sports. Among them there are Body Mass Index (BMI), subjective self- confidence, level of professional involvement in particular sport activity and whether the woman has children. The theoretical part of this work looks at the self-concept paradigm focusing on the physical self-concept of women and self-efficacy in sports. Furthermore it examines how the physical exercise is related to the mind. In the empirical part of the thesis physical self-evaluation of women was researched in context with the type of exercise they had been doing. This was examined in quantitative analysis of a group of 100 women who did sports. The research includes also relationship among physical self- evaluation, generalized self-efficacy and other variables. The research method used was the Physical Self-Perception Profile (PSPP) and Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES). The results of the research are: There is no statistically relevant difference in physical self- evaluation of women based on the type of exercise they do regularly....

Exercise, self-perceptions and mood during pregnancy

Petersson, Khaliah January 2008 (has links)
The general purpose of this research was to investigate physical activity levels as a correlate of selected aspects of psychological health among pregnant women. Specifically, the aims of the study were (1) to provide a cross-sectional description of changes in physical self-concept, mood, and perceived stress during pregnancy; (2) to evaluate physical activity patterns of pregnant women over time during pregnancy; and (3) to determine if there is a difference between physical activity and physical self-concept, mood, perceived stress and/or burnout symptoms during pregnancy. Participants were pregnant women from various antenatal clinics at King Edward Memorial Hospital. The women completed a questionnaire package containing questions on physical activity levels and measures of physical self-concept, social physique anxiety, perceived stress, mood and burnout symptoms. A series of ANOVAs was used to provide a descriptive profile of how these psychological variables change during the course of pregnancy. Significant time-related differences were found for the perceived health subscale of the PSDQ and the tension subscale for the BRUMS. Findings also suggested a significant association between physical activity, and physical self-perceptions, most importantly self-esteem. Higher levels of physical activity were also found to be closely related to positive mood states, lower levels of perceived stress and fewer burnout symptoms. No significant association was found between physical activity and social physique anxiety.

Motivación, autoconcepto físico, disciplina y orientación disposicional en estudiantes de educación física

Hellín Rodríguez, Mª Gloria 26 October 2007 (has links)
El objetivo del estudio ha sido analizar la relación existente entre las estrategias de disciplina mostradas por el profesor para mantener la disciplina en el aula educación física, la orientación disposicional de metas, la motivación autodeterminada y la percepción del autoconcepto físico. La muestra estaba compuesta por 736 sujetos de edades entre los 14 y 17 años, pertenecientes a centros de educación secundaria de la Región de Murcia. Las escalas utilizadas fueron: Estrategias para mantener la disciplina en el aula, Cuestionario de percepción de éxito, Escala de motivación deportiva y Cuestionario de autoconcepto físico. Las principales conclusiones han sido que los estudiantes con una mayor motivación autodeterminada están más orientados a la tarea y tienen una percepción más positiva de su autoconcepto físico (determinado por motivos externos), agrupándose en perfiles autodeterminados. Los que practican actividades físico deportivas extraescolares muestran una mayor motivación autodeterminada, mayor orientación a la tarea y mayor competencia deportiva y condición física. Los chicos presentan una mayor percepción de su competencia deportiva y de su condición física, y están más orientados al ego que las chicas. Las chicas perciben mayor responsabilidad en las estrategias que utiliza su profesor en clase para mantener la disciplina que los chicos. / The purpose of this study was to analyse the relationship between the discipline strategies shown by the teacher to keep discipline in the physical education classroom, dispositional goal orientation, self-determined motivation and the perception of physical self-concept. The sample consisted of 736 subjects aged between 14 and 17, studying at secondary schools in the Region of Murcia. The scales used were: strategies to sustain discipline in the classroom, perception of success questionnaire, sport motivation scale and physical self-concept questionnaire. The main conclusions were that students with a higher self-determined motivation were more task-oriented and had a more positive perception of their physical self-concept (determined by external reasons), and were grouped in self-determined profiles. Those who do sport and physical activities outside school show more self-determined motivation, more task orientation and more sport competence and physical fitness. The boys demonstrate more perception of their sport competence and their physical fitness, and they are more ego-oriented than the girls. The girls perceive more responsibility in the strategies their teacher uses in class to maintain discipline than the boys do.

Tělesné sebepojetí a vyhledávání intenzivních prožitků u návštěvníků fitness centra / Physical Self Perception and Sensation seeking tendency in gym gores

Schlegel, Petr January 2016 (has links)
Annotation: The work deals with the relationship between physical self-concept and experience of the search terms sensation seeking. It contains theoretical research of these areas, their position in the discourse of fitness and also presents a starting points for comparison. The research was conducted on a group of gym-goers and analyzed the relationship of concepts Physical Self Perception Profile and Sensation Seeking Scale version V including individual subscales. Comparison showed a weak relationship between SST and PSPP and even between individual subscales. Keywords: Body image, Sensation Seeking Tendency, Physical Self Perception Profile, gym

The self-concept and interpersonal relationships of student teachers

Mampa, Lemohang Lerato 11 1900 (has links)
The aim of the research was to determine the relationship between the self-concept of student teachers and their interpersonal relationships. A literature survey focused on these two variables. This was followed by an empirical investigation involving 300 students. Findings include: A significant, positive correlation was found between selfconcept and interpersonal relationships for males and females and for all three year groups involved. Significant, positive correlations were also found between: cognitive self-concept and relationships with lecturers; self-concepts of male students and relationships with parents; self-concepts of female students and relationships with lecturers. For all three year groups the relationships with lecturers contributed most to their self-concepts. For males, the emotional self-concept; and for females, the cognitive self-concept contributed significantly towards their interpersonal relationships. For first and second-year students, the social self-concept contributed most towards their interpersonal relationships; while for third-year students, the cognitive self-concept contributed significantly towards interpersonal relationships. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

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