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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pilietiškumo samprata Lietuvos kariuomenėje / Conception of public in the Lithuanian Army

Rodzis, Audrius 20 June 2006 (has links)
The main aim of investigation was to examine the maturity of public between professional and national service soldiers in the Lithuanian Army. Methods used during investigation: questionnaires given for professional and national service soldiers in the Lithuanian Army. 100 professional service soldiers and 100 national service soldiers from various sevice places. According to investigation’s results was established the maturity of public between professional and national service soldiers in the Lithuanian Army and factors, which influence it. The investigation showed that it is showed high attention for training of nurture public. The investigation let to set tendentions of valuables and Weltanshauung by soldier. The values opinion majority’s of soldiers is the same as majority’s stereotypes in the society.

Moksleivių savivaldos matmenys kaip demokratinio ugdymo prielaida / Self-government of students is a mean of democratic bringing up

Milko, Alikas 08 June 2004 (has links)
Self – government is a very important part of all educational institution including creativity at school. While developing the democratic life’s experience of students, teachers and parents, the self – government at the same time can raise possibilities for school as for the organisation, which is in the process of learning. Self – government helps to create democratic and humanistic life for the school community. The self – government areas should be concrete; its functions should be fixed in the structure of school – government and statute. The concrete activities form traditions of self – government as a school life’s standard. On reality self – government exists only if students are the organisers of the school life, fell and act as the hosts of the institution. Students themselves plan, organise, have an idea of the perspective, estimate activities and the results. They are the subjects of activities; they themselves create and rule their life. Teacher’s responsibility is to organise these activities systematically, actively, paying attention to the aims. They also have to improve the relationship between students and teachers. However nowadays students self – government as the mean of democratic bringing up is rarely explored.

Paauglių pilietiškumo ugdymo modeliai Lietuvoje ir Prancūzijoje / Modeles d'education civique d'adolescents en Lituanie et en France

Žekonytė, Virginija 07 June 2004 (has links)
L'auteur du travail a eu le but d'etudier et de comparer deux modeles d'education civique; le modele lituanien et le modele francais. Le travail comporte deux parties: la partie theorique et la comparaison de modeles. Le travail presente l'analyse et la comparaison de programmes, de lois, de documents lies a l'education civique en Lituanie et en France.

Demokratinio ugdymo tendencijų raidos JAV ir Lietuvoje lyginamoji analizė / Democracy education development in the USA and Lithuania; comparative analysis

Jazukevičiūtė, Simona 29 June 2006 (has links)
People nowadays are often forced to accept the challenges of the modern society. That is the reason why a great attention has been paid to civic education in many countries of the world including Lithuania. As education system is considered to be one of the key instruments constructing civic society, schools nowadays aim to develop students’ responsibility, social activity and independence; form their value system, emphasize the importance of democratic relationships between teachers and students. The problem of democratic citizenship education is relevant in Lithuanian school and society for understanding democracy itself, determining practical activity of young people. Since 1988 democratic citizenship has been declared to be one of the most important aims of the reformed Lithuanian school. at the beginning of the reform civic education integration program into curriculum was created, however it was agreed that the aspects of democracy education have to embrace the whole school life. Having spent long years in Soviet occupation and having long experience of Soviet education Lithuanian school has inevitably faced certain difficulties creating its own democracy-based education. USA, the country in possession of long civic education experience has been chosen as a model country. During 15 years of independence in cooperation with American civic education experts Lithuanian teachers have made visible changes in Lithuanian education system. This work aims to analyze and... [to full text]

Pilietiškumo ugdymas tautinių mažumų pradinėje mokykloje / Citizenship Education in Schools of National Minorities

Antonceva, Nadežda 03 July 2006 (has links)
The analysis of the literature and results of research allow to formulate the following conclusions: the national politics of Lithuania helps to keep to national minorities identity, to be integrated into economic and cultural life of the country. There is a line of the documents regulating the rights of national minorities. Schools of national minorities give enough attention to civic education. It is proved with the analysis of documents of education and the analysis of the contents of education. National minorities of Lithuania have favorable conditions not only for keeping identity, integration into cultural and economic life of the country, but also for civil education of youth. The most effective form of citizenship education is the lesson “Me and the World” (it 59 % of pupils and 56 % of teachers have specified). 49 % of pupils consider that to be the good citizen to them helps conversations with the teacher. During research of understanding by pupils of concept about “the good citizen” we have found out, that the good citizen is that men, who will always protect the country (so 32 % think). 66 % of pupils think, that become the good citizen is important not because of opinion of other people, and for the sake of itself. It specifies strong motivation of pupils to be active citizens in future. It has been found out, that 68 % of teachers have opinion what to teach civic education important from 1 class because all pupils of initial classes should be interested in the... [to full text]

Jaunimo mokyklų mokinių pilietiškumas / Civic Achievement of Youth shool students

Petrikienė, Diana 08 June 2005 (has links)
The research done by master degree studies student Diana Petrikiene is based on the main concepts and understandings of National as well as International developments of citizenship education. In the first part of the thesis author presents the short history of Civic Education in Lithuania based on the research work of M. Luksiene (1985) and presented in the articles of I. Zaleskienė (2000). It is shown that Civic education did play a strong role during the historical developments of Lithuanian educational system. The post sovietic educational developments are reflecting on these experiences and on the international ideas coming from democratic states. The first ideas of rebuilding Civic education was developed already in 1988 when the educational reform did start. In the contemporary rapid political transition, civic education is framed within a more progressive forward - looking vision accompanying processes of social and political change. Implementation of citizenship education is foreseen in the national documents (Core-Curriculum and Standards, 2004). Main goals of the citizenship education can be structured and achieved according following areas or the ways on which Citizenship education is organised in Lithuania. 1. Through formal curriculum: a) citizenship education is taught as a cross-curriculum. It means that Civic ideas, concepts, topics are integrated in the new developed curricular, textbooks, teaching and learning materials for whole variety of subjects... [to full text]

Jaunimo tautinės tapatybės raiška: sociologinės įžvalgos (VPU atvejis) / Expression of youth national identity (Sociological perceptions in VPU case)

Koščic, Inesa 27 June 2011 (has links)
Darbo problema ir aktualumas. Kasdieniniame gyvenime ryškiai pasikeitė požiūris į tradicines visuomenines, kultūrines ir etines normas, kaip visuotines ir būtinas elgesio taisykles. Visuomenėje pastebimas atsakomybės jausmo nykimas, darosi nebeaiškios padorumo ir nuosmukio sąvokos, neretai sunku atskirti kur tiesa, o kur melas. Sumažėjusi moralinių standartų reikšmė pastebima tiek viešame, tiek asmeniniame gyvenime. Tokioje sudėtingoje socialinių-ekonominių pertvarkymų situacijoje kyla nerimas dėl šalies ateities, dėl nacionalinių vertybių išsaugojimo. Su viltimi ir nerimu žiūrime į jaunimą. Aukštosiose mokyklose rengiami aukščiausios kvalifikacijos specialistai, visuomenės elitas, kaupiamos mokslo, pažangios minties ir laisvės vertybės, mokomasi visuomenės valdymo, tautinio identiteto išsaugojimo būdų. Šių dienų studentai taps politikais, mokslininkais, gydytojais, mokytojais, kultūros darbuotojais. Nuo akademinio jaunimo pastangų, siekių, požiūrio į tautą, esmines vertybes ir kitus visuomeninio gyvenimo reiškinius priklausys mūsų valstybės gyvenimas gana netolimoje ateityje. Šio darbo tikslas – ištirti, kokie yra vyraujantys tautinės tapatybės raiškos būdai bei ją atspindintys tautiniai simboliai ir bruožai VPU studentų grupėje. Darbo uždaviniai: ištirti tautinės tapatybės, tautiškumo, pilietiškumo sąvokas; išnagrinėti esminius jaunimo tautinės tapatybės formavimosi veiksnius; atskleisti lietuvių tautinės tapatybės išlaikymo galimybės globalizacijos kontekstuose... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The problem and relevance of research: In everyday life the point of view of traditional social, cultural an ethical norm as general accepted rules of behavior has changed. There is noticed the lack of responsibility in society, meanings of decency and recession are becoming unclear. There is difficult to distinguish where is true and false. The problem concerning insignificance of moral rules and standards exist both in social and private life. In such complicated social- economical situation there is a worry about country's future and national values saving. We watch to youth with hope and doubts. Youth as a social group differs from other age groups. Significant role among youth has an academicals youth. In high schools are prepared high qualified specialists, elite of society. There are accumulated values of science, progressive mind and freedom. Today’s students will become policians, Scientifics, medics, teachers etc... Our country’s life in nearest future depends on efforts, goals, view to nation, essential values and to other social life phenomenon of academicals youth. The aim of research - to investigate which means are dominated in expression of national identity and which national symbols related with means of expression of national identity are dominated in VPU academicals student group. Tasks of research - to investigate definitions of national identity, nationality and citizenship; analyze the main features of formation youth national identity; to find out... [to full text]

UAB Lietuvos parodų ir kongresų centro "Litexpo" darbuotojų bendradarbiavimo didinimas / Enhancement of employee cooperative behaviour at the Lithuanian exhibition and convention centre “Litexpo”

Norgren, Eglė 12 August 2010 (has links)
UAB Lietuvos parodų ir kongresų centro „Litexpo“ teikiamų paslaugų specifika ir siekis patenkinti besikeičiančius klientų poreikius bei viršyti jų lūkesčius, reikalauja konsoliduoti atskirų padalinių bei kiekvieno organizacijos nario jėgas. Todėl įmonės darbuotojai tampa atsakingi už bendrai atliekamas veiklas bei bendrus organizacijos tikslus. Įmonės veiklos efektyvumas didele dalimi priklauso nuo sėkmingo darbuotojų tarpusavio bendradarbiavimo. Nors įmonėje yra įgyvendinamos įvairios bendradarbiavimą skatinančios priemonės, tačiau pastebimas darbuotojų nenoras bendradarbiauti, ketinimai piktnaudžiauti pasinaudojant komandiniais pasiekimais, net įsitraukimas į konkurencines veiklas. Todėl iškyla reali grėsmė organizacijos veiklos tęstinumo užtikrinimui. Susidariusi situacija verčia ieškoti priežasčių, kodėl įgyvendinamos bendradarbiavimo skatinimo priemonės neduoda pageidaujamo rezultato. Nagrinėjamo darbo problema - kaip vystyti ir didinti darbuotojų bendradarbiavimą? Darbo tikslas – nustatyti darbuotojų bendradarbiavimą skatinančius ir didinančius veiksnius UAB Lietuvos parodų ir kongresų centre „Litexpo“. Siekiant įgyvendinti darbo tikslą, iškelti šie uždaviniai: - išanalizuoti darbuotojų bendradarbiavimo esmę, - identifikuoti priemones, kurių pagalba organizacijos gali skatinti ir stiprinti darbuotojų bendradarbiavimą, - įvertinti bendradarbiavimą įtakojančius veiksnius UAB Lietuvos parodų ir kongresų centre „Litexpo“. Atitinkamai darbe išanalizuotos pagrindinės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The specifics of services that are supplied by the Lithuanian exhibition and convention centre “Litexpo” and the need to satisfy changing demand of clients as well as exceed their expectations require consolidating forces of different departments and individual employees. Therefore employees become responsible for common activities and common organizational objectives. Efficiency of the enterprise largely depends on successful cooperation of employees. Even though various means of cooperation stimulation are implemented in the enterprise, it is obvious that employees are not willing to cooperate, they tend to take advantage of common achievements as well as to involve into competitive activities. This in turn raises a threat to the continuance of organizational activities. This situation necessites making an investigation why implemented means of cooperation stimulation do not produce desirable outcomes. The reasearch problem of this Master Thesis is how to develop and increase the cooperation of employees. The aim of the thesis is to determine factors that stimulate and enhance employee cooperation at the Lithuanian and convention centre “Litexpo”. The goals are as follows: - to analyze the essence of employee cooperation, - to identify the means that may lead to cooperation enhancment, - to empirically test factors that affect employee cooperation at the Lithuanian exhibition and convention centre “Litexpo”. Respectively the thesis looks into the meaning of cooperation... [to full text]

Pilietinių vertybių raiška internete ir paauglių refleksija apie jas / Expressions of civic values in the internet and teenagers‘ reflection on them

Karlonaitė, Dovilė 24 September 2008 (has links)
Pasaulyje bet kurio reiškinio tyrinėjimas nebus pakankamas, jeigu nebus siejamas su vienu reikšmingiausių šių laikų veiksnių – naujosiomis technologijomis. Mokslininkų teigimu, pastarosios transformuoja ir laikui bėgant vis labiau transformuos susiformavusias žmonių įsitikinimų sistemas, taigi, keis ir pilietines vertybes. Vertybės – svarbi pedagogikos mokslų tyrimų sritis. Vienodos vertybės žmones vienija, skirtingos skiria, todėl svarbu, kad kuo daugiau vertybių būtų diegiama per praktinį patyrimą, todėl pilietinis ugdymas jau tapęs viena prioritetinių sričių. Bendrojo lavinimo mokykla Lietuvoje siekia išugdyti sąmoningus piliečius, ne tik išmanančius, bet ir gebančius pasinaudoti savo teisėmis, žinančius savo pareigas bei mokančius gyventi ir kurti nuolat besikeičiančioje, globalizacijos veikiamoje visuomenėje. Viešoji erdvė atlieka svarbų vaidmenį formuojant piliečių nuomonę, nes sekdami informaciją internete, daugiau ar mažiau žmonės ima tikėti tuo, ką mato ir ką skaito. Internete skleidžiama informacija vartotojas naudojasi atskirai nuo aplinkinių, todėl dažnai gali interpretuoti neteisingai. Vertinant virtualiąsias, viešąsias erdves svarbūs laisvo prieinamumo ir racionalios diskusijos veiksniai, skatinantys teisingą čia pateikiamos informacijos suvokimą ir interpretavimą. Deja, dažnai daugelis žiniasklaidai keliamų reikalavimų paminami, todėl ir pilietinis raštingumas, pilietinis dalyvavimas ar paprasčiausias pasitikėjimas žiniasklaida, kitu žmogumi ar bet kokia... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / No investigation in the world cannot be fulfilled in the best way without connecting it to the most significant and meaning agency of today – modern technologies. Scientists state that modern technologies transform present systems of human convictions and will transform even more in the future. It means that modern technologies will influence and transform civic values. Values – are essential area of pedagogical scientific researches. Same values unify people, as different values part people, so it is important to inculcate values into people through the practical experience. That is why civic education has now become a priority area. Basic schools of Lithuania try to form conscious citizens, who are able to fulfil the exercise of their rights, who knows their responsibilities, who are able to leave and create in the volatile and global society. Public area plays a huge role in forming citizens’ opinion as people searching for information in the Internet start to believe more or less to what they see and read. User usually uses the information separately from the others, so the information can be often badly interpreted. Estimating virtual public areas factors of free access and rational discussion are very important, as they may help in understanding and interpreting reached information. Unfortunately, most requirements to the mass communication are often ignored, therefore civic literacy, civic participation and even interest in media is weak. It can be explained, as media... [to full text]

Kariuomenė kaip Lietuvos nacionalinio saugumo garantas: karininkų ugdymo aspektas / Military as Lithuanian national safeness guarantee: aspects of officers education

Katauskienė, Rima 24 September 2008 (has links)
Postmodernusis XXI amžius yra lydimas visuomenės transformacijų, apimančių naujas socialines, ekonomines, politines ir kt. konfliktines situacijas ir grėsmes, besikėsinančias į kiekvienos valstybės (visuomenės, atskiro individo) saugumą ir stabilumą. Nacionalinio saugumo objektai bei subjektai yra tarpusavyje susiję, o jų pažeidžiamumas stabdo darnią ir visapusišką šalies raidą. Todėl nacionalinio saugumo klausimai ir problemos turi būti traktuojamos ir sprendžiamos holistiškai. Šalies ginkluotosios pajėgos, kurių branduolį sudaro Lietuvos kariuomenė, yra integrali visuomenės dalis, atspindinti visai visuomenei būdingas nuostatas ir vertybes. Profesionalių, visapusiškai išsilavinusių, motyvuotų, turinčių tvirtas pilietines ir patriotines nuostatas karininkų ugdymas yra efektyvus bei veiksmingas nacionalinio saugumo užtikrinimo būdas, nes kovos dėl ekonominių, politinių, teritorinių ir kitų įtakos sferų buvo, yra ir bus nuolatiniai kiekvienos visuomenės palydovai. Nauji postmodernios visuomenės bruožai: nuolatinės transformacijos, globalizacija, informacinių technologijų sklaida ir modernizacija, viršnacionalinių struktūrų įsitvirtinimas formuoja naujus tiek visuomeninio, tiek karinio ugdymo tikslus, formas ir funkcijas, sąlygoja naujus reikalavimus šiuolaikiniam kariui, pvz., tokius kaip identifikacija ne su tautos, valstybės, bet žmonijos gynėjo vaidmeniu. Todėl karininkų ugdymas Lietuvos karo akademijoje yra kompleksinis ir sisteminis procesas – karinių, universitetinių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Postmodern XXI century is conducted by social transformations, involved new social, economical, political and etc. Conflict situations and threats, invading each state (society‘s, separate person) safeness and stability. Objects of national security are interdependent, and their vulnerability brakes harmoniously and versatile national development. Therefore questions and problems about national safeness must be treated and solved holistically. State’s armament, which nucleus is Lithuanian armed forces, is integral unit of society, reflective whole community typical attitudes and valuables. The education of professional, comprehensively educated, motivated, having strict public and patriotic attitudes. Postmodern century involves permanent transformations, globalization, modernization, transnationalisation, new social and military education tasks, shapes and functions and determines new requirements for modern soldier. This new educational tasks have changed the identity of soldier, i.e. his role and identification with the defender of the people became more obvious. Therefore education of officers in Military Academy of Lithuania is complex and systematic process – military, academical studies and commander – leader training adjustment to train professional, social and human value and expertise. The testing of cadets’ consciousness has been provided in General Jonas Zemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania. The tasks of this testing were to determine the cadets’... [to full text]

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