Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pipelines"" "subject:"pipellines""
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Aprovechamiento y mejora de crudos extrapesadosCorresa Mateu, Elena 20 October 2023 (has links)
[ES] Durante la presente tesis doctoral se ha desarrollado un proceso de mejora parcial in-situ en superficie de un crudo extrapesado que ha permitido obtener un buen rendimiento a un crudo sintético que cumple con las especificaciones necesarias para ser transportado a través de un oleoducto, esto es, un crudo sintético con una gravedad API superior a 19, una viscosidad inferior a los 300 cSt y libre de asfaltenos. Además, se ha conseguido eliminar prácticamente el 99% en peso de los metales, níquel y vanadio, presentes en el crudo de partida, lo que facilita el posterior procesado de este crudo sintético en una refinería.
Las reacciones necesarias para desarrollar este proceso se han llevado a cabo utilizado una unidad Micro-Downer (MDU). Dicha unidad consta de un reactor de lecho transportado descendente y permite obtener resultados a nivel de laboratorio similares a los que se obtendrían al procesar cualquier crudo en un reactor tipo FCC a escala industrial. Se han estudiado las condiciones de reacción (temperatura, tiempo de residencia y relación sólido a carga) más adecuadas para llevar a cabo el craqueo térmico de un crudo extrapesado en este tipo de reactores. Asimismo, se ha encontrado que entre varios materiales sólidos con diferentes propiedades ácidas y texturales, es con el caolín, una arcilla natural con un cierto grado de porosidad residual en su estructura cristalina, con el que se obtiene el mayor rendimiento a productos líquidos que cumplen los requisitos de densidad y viscosidad necesarios para poder ser transportados a través de un oleoducto. Estos resultados se han obtenido tras llevar a cabo la reacción en condiciones no severas (530ºC, 0,3 s de tiempo de residencia y una relación sólido a carga de 8 g g¿1), y que por tanto no requieren de un elevado gasto energético. En contrapartida, se ha detectado que con cada uno de los sólidos utilizados y en cualquiera de las condiciones de operación estudiadas, todos los crudos sintéticos recogidos son inestables con respecto a la floculación de los asfaltenos.
Con el fin de subsanar esta limitación de la tesis doctoral, en el apartado siguiente se ha intentado eliminar la fracción de asfaltenos de los líquidos finales. Para ello se ha utilizado, ya sea como sustituto del caolín o como aditivo junto a él, un material sólido con actividad para el craqueo de fondo (BCA, del inglés Bottom Cracking Additive). De este modo se pretende eliminar esta fracción de asfaltenos mediante craqueo catalítico, dando lugar a la formación de otras fracciones más ligeras de crudo, y/o mediante reacciones de condensación dan- do lugar a la formación de coque. En este apartado ha quedado demostrado que la presencia de un cierto grado de acidez, aunque residual, en el sólido de intercambio de calor empleado para procesar un crudo extrapesado como el utilizado para realizar este estudio, conlleva un incremento en el rendimiento a coque cuya principal consecuencia es una importante bajada en el rendimiento a crudo sintético final sin que, en contrapartida, se consiga eliminar el problema de la presencia de asfaltenos en los líquidos finales.
Tras comprobar que para obtener crudos sintéticos estables con respecto a la fioculación de los asfaltenos es necesario eliminar la fracción residuo, es decir, los hidrocarburos con puntos de ebullición superior a los 537ºC, el siguiente paso se ha centrado en encontrar una combinación de etapas con las que sea posible convertir, o reciclar hasta la extinción, esta fracción residuo. Con este fin se han ideado tres estrategias de procesos de mejora y se han llevado a cabo estimaciones teóricas que nos han permitido conocer la mejor estrategia de procesado para obtener el mayor rendimiento a crudo sintético estable.
Finalmente, la validez de este nuevo procesos se ha estimado comparando estos resultados experimentales obtenidos a escala de laboratorio con los generados al procesar este mismo crudo extrapesado en una planta piloto de delayed coking. / [CA] Durant la present tesi doctoral s'ha desenvolupat un procés de millora parcial in-*situ en superfície d'un cru extrapesado que ha permès obtenir un bon rendiment a un cru sintètic que compleix amb les especificacions necessàries per a ser transportat a través d'un oleoducte, això és, un cru sintètic amb una gravetat API superior a 19, una viscositat inferior als 300 cSt i lliure de asfaltenos. A més, s'ha aconseguit eliminar pràcticament el 99% en pes dels metalls, níquel i vanadi, presents en el cru de partida, la qual cosa facilita el posterior processament d'aquest cru sintètic en una refineria. Les reaccions necessàries per a desenvolupar aquest procés s'han dut a terme utilitzat una unitat Micro-Downer (MDU). Aquesta unitat consta d'un reactor de llit transportat descendent i permet obtenir resultats a nivell de laboratori similars als que s'obtindrien en processar qualsevol cru en un reactor tipus FCC a escala industrial. S'han estudiat les condicions de reacció (temperatura, temps de residència i relació sòlid a càrrega) més adequades per a dur a terme el craqueig tèrmic d'un cru extrapesado en aquest tipus de reactors. Així mateix, s'ha trobat que entre diversos materials sòlids amb diferents propietats àcides i texturales, és amb el caolí, una argila natural amb un cert grau de porositat residual en la seua estructura cristal·lina, amb el qual s'obté el major rendiment a productes líquids que compleixen els requisits de densitat i viscositat necessaris per a poder ser transportats a través d'un oleoducte. Aquests resultats s'han obtingut després de dur a terme la reacció en condicions no severes (530 °C, 0,3 s de temps de residència i una relació sòlid a càrrega de 8 g g1), i que per tant no requereixen d'una elevada despesa energètica. En contrapartida, s'ha detectat que amb cadascun dels sòlids utilitzats i en qualsevol de les condicions d'operació estudiades, tots els crus sintètics arreplegats són inestables respecte a la floculació dels asfaltenos. Amb la finalitat d'esmenar aquesta limitació de la tesi doctoral, en l'apartat següent s'ha intentat eliminar la fracció de asfaltenos dels líquids finals. Per a això s'ha utilitzat, ja siga com a substitut del caolí o com a additiu al costat d'ell, un material sòlid amb activitat per al craqueig de fons (BCA, de l'anglès Bottom Cracking Additive). D'aquesta manera es pretén eliminar aquesta fracció de asfaltenos mitjançant craqueig catalític, donant lloc a la formació d'altres fraccions més lleugeres de cru, i/o mitjançant reaccions de condensació donen- do lloc a la formació de coc. En aquest apartat ha quedat demostrat que la presència d'un cert grau d'acidesa, encara que residual, en el sòlid d'intercanvi de calor emprada per a processar un cru extrapesado com l'utilitzat per a realitzar aquest estudi, comporta un increment en el rendiment a coc la principal conseqüència del qual és una important baixada en el rendiment a cru sintètic final sense que, en contrapartida, s'aconseguisca eliminar el problema de la presència de asfaltenos en els líquids finals. Després de comprovar que per a obtenir crus sintètics estables respecte a la fioculación dels asfaltenos és necessari eliminar la fracció residu, és a dir, els hidrocarburs amb punts d'ebullició superior als 537 °C, el següent pas s'ha centrat en trobar una combinació d'etapes amb les quals siga possible convertir, o reciclar fins a l'extinció, aquesta fracció residu. A aquest efecte s'han ideat tres estratègies de processos de millora i s'han dut a terme estimacions teòriques que ens han permès conèixer la millor estratègia de processament per a obtenir el major rendiment a cru sintètic estable. Finalment, la validesa d'aquest nou processos s'ha estimat comparant aquests resultats experimentals obtinguts a escala de laboratori amb els generats en processar aquest mateix cru extrapesado en una planta pilot de delayed coking. / [EN] During this doctoral thesis it has been developed an in-situ extra-heavy crude oil partial upgrading process that has allowed to obtain a good yield to a synthetic crude oil that meets the requirements of density and viscosity to be transported through a pipeline, that is, a synthetic crude with an API gravity grater than 19, a viscosity of less than 300 cSt and free of asphaltenes. Furthermore, practically all the metals, nickel and vanadium, have been removed from the starting extra-heavy crude oil, which greatly facilitates the further processing of this syncrude in a refinery.
In order to develop this process a study has been conducted to determine the ideal reaction conditions (temperature, residence time and solid to oil ratio) to carry out the thermal cracking reaction of an extra-heavy crude oil in a downflow transported bed reactor. Moreover, it has been found that among several solid materials with different acidities and textural properties, it is the Kaolín, a natural clay with a small degree of porosity in its crystalline structure, which yields the largest amount of synthetic crude with the density and viscosity values required to be transported through an oil pipeline. These results have been obtained after performing the reaction under non-severe conditions (530ºC, 0.3 seconds and 8g g¿1) and therefore do not require a high energy expenditure. However, the liquids collected after each of the reactions carried out are unstable with respect to asphaltene flocculation, regardless of the solid heat exchanger or the reaction conditions used.
To overcome this shortcoming, the next step has focused on eliminating asphaltenes from the synthetic crude. To do so, it has been employed, either alone or as an additive together with kaolin, a heat exchange solid with a certain grade of activity to performe the catalytic cracking of heavy molecules (BCA, Bottom Cracking Additive). This would allow asphaltenes removal by means of catalytic cracking reactions, giving rise to lighter hydrocarbons formation, and/or by means of condensation reactions, giving rise to coke formation. In this section it has been concluded that, due to the characteristics of the composition of the extraheavy crude oil used in the present study, the presence of any kind of acidity on the solid used as heat exchanger lead to a such increase in coke yield, with the concomitant reduction in the yield to syncrude, that made its used inadvisable. In addition, asphaltene flocculation continues to be observed within the reduced amount of liquids collected.
So that, after assuming that in order to obtain stable liquids respect asphaltenes flocculation it is mandatory to get a syncrude free of residue fraction, hydrocarbon products with boiling points higher than 537ºC, in the next section has been analyzed the combination of different process steps to either thermally convert or recycle to extinction this heavy hydrocarbons fraction. Three different strategies of improvement processes have been schematized and the best one to produce the greatest amount of stable synthetic crude has been determined through theoretical calculations.
Finally, this new partial upgrading process has been assessed by comparing these results obtained experimentally in the laboratory with the ones obtained after processing the same extraheavy crude oil in a Delayed Coking pilot plant. / Corresa Mateu, E. (2023). Aprovechamiento y mejora de crudos extrapesados [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/198857
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[pt] Neste trabalho são avaliadas as condições de estabilidade
do subsolo marinho ao longo da rota de um duto rígido de
aço revestido com concreto, de 10 de diâmetro, localizado
na Bacia de Campos, RJ. Os dados geológicos e geotécnicos
foram adquiridos a partir de um amplo levantamento
geofísico e geotécnico realizado na diretriz do duto.
Devido as adversidades à estabilidade do fundo marinho,
várias análises vêm sendo realizadas de forma qualitativa
e quantitativa. Atualmente, por questões ambientais e de
segurança de obras de engenharia, busca-se uma avaliação
mais quantitativa dos riscos geológicos associados à
condição de estabilidade do fundo marinho, pois os
escorregamentos de taludes representam o principal risco
para estas estruturas. As análises de estabilidade foram
feitas a partir da teoria do talude infinito, em
metodologia aplicada por Nowacki et al. (2003) nos campos
profundos de Mad Dog e Atlantis, no Golfo do México, e
comparadas com os resultados encontrados a partir da
formulação clássica do talude infinito. Uma integração de
dados geotécnicos e geofísicos foi necessária, para que
todos os parâmetros utilizados na metodologia pudessem ser
obtidos. Os resultados indicaram dois pontos críticos ao
longo da rota, ambos associados aos flancos do cânion
Itapemirim, que apresentam gradientes altos. Foram
realizados breves estudos com o objetivo de se avaliar a
possibilidade de ocorrência de mecanismos disparadores
(terremotos e ondas de tempestade) nesses pontos críticos
mas os resultados descartaram esta possibilidade. Concluiu-
se ainda que os dados geotécnicos utilizados neste
trabalho não foram suficientes e de certo modo não
apropriados para a análise de estabilidade de taludes. Uma
nova campanha de ensaios geotécnicos de laboratório foi
proposta para futuros estudos. / [en] This research analyses stability conditions of marine sediments superficial layers of along a 10 in. diameter pipeline s route, located at Campos Basin, RJ. The geological and geotechnical data were obtained during a wide geophysical and geotechnical survey along the pipeline`s route. Due to adversities to botton stability found in the marine environment, several qualitative and quantitative stability analysis have been made. Nowadays, because of environmental and safety issues, the researches are more focused on quantitative analysis of geohazards associated with the stability condition of the sea bottom, since slope slides represent the main risk for those structures. The stability analyses were based on the infinite slope theory. The methodology applied was the same used by Nowacki et al. (2003) at the deep fields of Mad Dog and Atlantis, in the Gulf of Mexico. The results were compared with the results from the classical formulation of the infinite slope. An integration of geotechnical and geophysical data was necessary, in order to obtain all the parameters used in the methodology. The results indicated two critical points along the route, both associated with the flanks of the Itapemirim Canyon, which have steep slopes. Brief studies were made to evaluate the importance of triggering mechanisms (earthquakes and storm waves) at these critical points but the results discard this possibility. It was also concluded that the geotechnical data used in this research were insufficient and in a certain way not appropriate for the slope stability analysis. A new geotechnical lab tests campaign was proposed for future studies.
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Contexte multli-pipelines et principes tarifairesCaire, Roger 17 April 2018 (has links)
Ce mémoire cherche à adapter les principes tarifaires de Gaz Métro à un contexte multi-pipelines, c'est-à-dire un contexte où Gaz Métro s'approvisionne en gaz depuis plusieurs endroits. Pour ce faire, on développe un modèle général de réseau gazier avec plusieurs points d'achat du gaz, ou sources, et plusieurs points de consommation du gaz, ou puits. On présente ensuite le modèle de Gaz Métro, qui est un exemple du modèle général dans lequel on utilise le réseau actuel de Gaz Métro. Finalement, on opère deux simulations du modèle de Gaz Métro dans le but de comparer le cas où les clients ont accès à une seule source d'approvisionnement et celui où les clients ont accès à plusieurs sources d'approvisionnement.
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Ecological impact assessment: post-project analysis of pipeline installation.January 2001 (has links)
Leung Hoi-gok. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2001. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 188-205). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Abstract --- p.i / 槪論 --- p.iv / Acknowledgements --- p.vi / List of Tables --- p.vii / List of Figures --- p.viii / List of Plates --- p.ix / List of Appendices --- p.x / Chapter CHAPTER 1 --- INTRODUCTION / Chapter 1.1 --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter 1.2 --- The Problems --- p.6 / Chapter 1.3 --- Conceptual Framework --- p.10 / Chapter 1.4 --- Significance of the Study --- p.15 / Chapter 1.5 --- Scope of Study --- p.17 / Chapter 1.6 --- Organization of the Thesis --- p.19 / Chapter CHAPTER 2 --- STUDY AREA / Chapter 2.1 --- Physical Setting of Hong Kong --- p.22 / Chapter 2.2 --- "Towngas Pipeline Project, the Land Section" --- p.25 / Chapter 2.3 --- Study Plots --- p.30 / Chapter 2.4 --- Observation on the Site --- p.39 / Chapter 2.5 --- Post-planting Care --- p.40 / Chapter CHAPTER 3 --- SOIL PROPERTIES AND IMPACTS BY PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION / Chapter 3.1 --- Introduction --- p.42 / Chapter 3.2 --- Methodology --- p.47 / Chapter 3.2.1 --- Sampling --- p.47 / Chapter 3.2.2 --- Bulk density --- p.48 / Chapter 3.2.3 --- Soil texture --- p.43 / Chapter 3.2.4 --- Soil reaction --- p.49 / Chapter 3.2.5 --- Organic carbon --- p.49 / Chapter 3.2.6 --- Total Kjedahl nitrogen (TKN) --- p.50 / Chapter 3.2.7 --- Available phosphate --- p.50 / Chapter 3.2.8 --- "Exchangeable K, Ca and Mg" --- p.50 / Chapter 3.3 --- Statistical Analysis --- p.51 / Chapter 3.4 --- Results --- p.51 / Chapter 3.4.1 --- Soil texture --- p.51 / Chapter 3.4.2 --- Bulk density --- p.53 / Chapter 3.4.3 --- Soil pH --- p.53 / Chapter 3.4.4 --- Soil organic matter --- p.55 / Chapter 3.4.5 --- Total Kjeldahl nitrogen --- p.55 / Chapter 3.4.6 --- Available phosphorus --- p.59 / Chapter 3.4.7 --- "Exchangeable potassium, calcium and magnesium ions" --- p.59 / Chapter 3.5 --- Discussion --- p.64 / Chapter 3.5.1 --- Nutrient content of shoulder and proper soils --- p.64 / Chapter 3.5.2 --- Causes for the change of soil properties --- p.72 / Chapter --- Construction of the pipeline --- p.72 / Chapter --- Influence of localized factors --- p.74 / Chapter 3.5.3 --- Recommendations on soil management --- p.75 / Chapter 3.6 --- Conclusion --- p.77 / Chapter CHAPTER 4 --- SPECIES SELECTION IN RESTORATION PLANTING / Chapter 4.1 --- Introduction --- p.79 / Chapter 4.2 --- Methodology --- p.83 / Chapter 4.2.1 --- Vegetation sampling --- p.83 / Chapter 4.3 --- Results --- p.85 / Chapter 4.3.1 --- Species composition of the undisturbed habitats --- p.85 / Chapter 4.3.2 --- Species composition of the restored vegetation --- p.88 / Chapter 4.4 --- Discussion --- p.95 / Chapter 4.4.1 --- Inadequate baseline and impact prediction in project EIA --- p.95 / Chapter 4.4.2 --- Restoration strategy --- p.98 / Chapter 4.4.3 --- Species selection in restoration planting --- p.101 / Chapter 4.4.4 --- Compatibility of species in restoration planting --- p.105 / Chapter 4.5 --- Conclusion --- p.110 / Chapter CHAPTER 5 --- GROWTH PERFORMANCE OF VEGETATION AND NATURAL INVASION IN THE SITES / Chapter 5.1 --- Introduction --- p.112 / Chapter 5.2 --- Methodology --- p.117 / Chapter 5.3 --- Results --- p.119 / Chapter 5.3.1 --- Growth performance of shrubs and trees --- p.119 / Chapter 5.3.2 --- Ground cover --- p.131 / Chapter 5.3.3 --- Species invading the pipeline corridor --- p.132 / Chapter 5.4 --- Discussion --- p.133 / Chapter 5.4.1 --- Growth performance of the restored saplings --- p.133 / Chapter 5.4.2 --- Site constraints --- p.135 / Chapter 5.4.3 --- Natural invasion on the pipeline corridor --- p.140 / Chapter 5.5 --- Conclusion --- p.141 / Chapter CHAPTER 6 --- RESTORATION TECHNIQUES AND MANAGEMENT / Chapter 6.1 --- Introduction --- p.144 / Chapter 6.2 --- Overview of the Project EIA --- p.146 / Chapter 6.2.1 --- Guidelines for site preparation --- p.146 / Chapter 6.2.2 --- Planting techniques of the restored vegetation --- p.148 / Chapter 6.2.3 --- Maintenance and aftercare --- p.149 / Chapter 6.3 --- Evaluation on Restoration Techniques and Aftercare --- p.149 / Chapter 6.3.1 --- Site preparation --- p.149 / Chapter 6.3.2 --- Restoration techniques of the vegetation --- p.151 / Chapter 6.4 --- Conclusion --- p.153 / Chapter CHAPTER 7 --- IMPROVEMENT ON ECOLOGICAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT / Chapter 7.1 --- Introduction --- p.154 / Chapter 7.2 --- Integrative Discussion --- p.156 / Chapter 7.2.1 --- Scoping and focusing procedures --- p.156 / Chapter 7.2.2 --- Impact assessment --- p.160 / Chapter 7.2.3 --- Impact mitigation --- p.161 / Chapter 7.2.4 --- Monitoring and auditing --- p.165 / Chapter 7.2.5 --- Guidelines of restoration in the technical memorandum of EIAO --- p.167 / Chapter 7.3 --- Conclusion --- p.169 / Chapter CHAPTER 8 --- CONCLUSION / Chapter 8.1 --- Summary of Findings --- p.171 / Chapter 8.2 --- Implications of the Study --- p.179 / Chapter 8.2.1 --- Criteria for the selection of species in restoration --- p.179 / Chapter 8.2.2 --- Silvicultural knowledge of native species --- p.180 / Chapter 8.2.3 --- Soil impact assessment for project involving soil alternation --- p.182 / Chapter 8.2.4 --- Improvement on environmental monitoring and auditing --- p.182 / Chapter 8.3 --- Limitation of the Study --- p.183 / Chapter 8.4 --- Suggestion for Further Studies --- p.185 / REFERENCES --- p.188 / APPENDICES --- p.206
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Advancing cyber security with a semantic path merger packet classification algorithmThames, John Lane 30 October 2012 (has links)
This dissertation investigates and introduces novel algorithms, theories, and supporting frameworks to significantly improve the growing problem of Internet security. A distributed firewall and active response architecture is introduced that enables any device within a cyber environment to participate in the active discovery and response of cyber attacks. A theory of semantic association systems is developed for the general problem of knowledge discovery in data. The theory of semantic association systems forms the basis of a novel semantic path merger packet classification algorithm. The theoretical aspects of the semantic path merger packet classification algorithm are investigated, and the algorithm's hardware-based implementation is evaluated along with comparative analysis versus content addressable memory. Experimental results show that the hardware implementation of the semantic path merger algorithm significantly outperforms content addressable memory in terms of energy consumption and operational timing.
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U.S. Foreign Policy and the Soviet Gas Pipeline to Western EuropeAl-Imam, Jamal D. 08 1900 (has links)
This paper surveys U.S. foreign policy in the late 1970s and early 1980s as the American administration reacted to the Soviet Union's interventions in Afghanistan and Poland and to its planned gas pipeline to Western Europe. Chapter I outlines the origins of the pipeline project; Chapters II and III describe U.S. foreign policy toward the Soviets during the Carter and Reagan administrations. Chapter IV focuses on the economic sanctions imposed against the Soviet Union by the United States and their failure to block or delay the pipeline, and Chapter V stresses the inability of economic sanctions-- in this and other instances--to achieve political ends.
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Surveillance d'intégrité des structures par apprentissage statistique : application aux structures tubulaires / Structural health monitoring using statistical learning methods : Application on tubular structuresMountassir, Mahjoub El 30 April 2019 (has links)
Les approches de surveillance de l’intégrité des structures ont été proposées pour permettre un contrôle continu de l’état des structures en intégrant à celle-ci des capteurs intelligents. En effet, ce contrôle continu doit être effectué pour s’assurer du bon fonctionnement de celles-ci car la présence d’un défaut dans la structure peut aboutir à un accident catastrophique. Cependant, la variation des conditions environnementales et opérationnelles (CEO) dans lesquelles la structure évolue, impacte sévèrement les signaux collectés ce qui induit parfois une mauvaise interprétation de la présence du défaut dans la structure. Dans ce travail de thèse, l’application des méthodes d’apprentissage statistiques classiques a été envisagée dans le cas des structures tubulaires. Ici, les effets des paramètres de mesures sur la robustesse de ces méthodes ont été investiguées. Ensuite, deux approches ont été proposées pour remédier aux effets des CEO. La première approche suppose que la base de données des signaux de référence est suffisamment riche en variation des CEO. Dans ce cas, une estimation parcimonieuse du signal mesuré est calculée. Puis, l’erreur d’estimation est utilisée comme indicateur de défaut. Tandis que la deuxième approche est utilisée dans le cas où la base de données des signaux des références contient une variation limitée des CEO mais on suppose que celles-ci varient lentement. Dans ce cas, une mise à jour du modèle de l’état sain est effectuée en appliquant l’analyse en composante principale (PCA) par fenêtre mobile. Dans les deux approches, la localisation du défaut a été assurée en utilisant une fenêtre glissante sur le signal provenant de l’état endommagé. / To ensure better working conditions of civil and engineering structures, inspections must be made on a regular basis. However, these inspections could be labor-intensive and cost-consuming. In this context, structural health monitoring (SHM) systems using permanently attached transducers were proposed to ensure continuous damage diagnostic of these structures. In SHM, damage detection is generally based on comparison between the healthy state signals and the current signals. Nevertheless, the environmental and operational conditions will have an effect on the healthy state signals. If these effects are not taken into account they would result in false indication of damage (false alarm). In this thesis, classical machine learning methods used for damage detection have been applied in the case of pipelines. The effects of some measurements parameters on the robustness of these methods have been investigated. Afterthat, two approaches were proposed for damage diagnostic depending on the database of reference signals. If this database contains large variation of these EOCs, a sparse estimation of the current signal is calculated. Then, the estimation error is used as an indication of the presence of damage. Otherwise, if this database is acquired at limited range of EOCs, moving window PCA can be applied to update the model of the healthy state provided that the EOCs show slow and continuous variation. In both approaches, damage localization was ensured using a sliding window over the damaged pipe signal.
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Projetos de estruturas lineares: o transporte e suas trilhas e os caminhos da energia - os limites da sustentabilidade / Linear structures projects: transport roads and energy trails - sustentainability limitsClaudio, Celina Franco Bragança Rosa 08 April 2008 (has links)
O assunto básico da pesquisa, como o titulo selecionado, refere-se às estruturas lineares e às faixas necessárias para sua implantação como as linhas de infra-estrutura de rodovias e demais modais de transporte, bem como a infra-estrutura de energia realizada por meio de dutos e linhas de transmissão. As partes da pesquisa selecionadas para a Tese fazem referência aos módulos que serão desenvolvidos, a saber: Primeiro Módulo: Trata dos antecedentes do projeto de pesquisa e da natureza da tipologia de infra-estrutura das estruturas lineares que estão inseridas nas malhas viárias e nas redes de energia. Segundo Módulo: A Cidade Linear sob o olhar da natureza do percurso das águas e da natureza do percurso da energia. A Ocupação de São Paulo, desde a procura do sítio sustentado, o ambiente natural, até a ocupação metropolitana. O sistema de transportes desenhando o ambiente construído até a esfera regional. Terceiro Módulo: A Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental AIA na implantação de projetos de estruturas lineares, com base no conceito de impacto ambiental e as metodologias adotadas para sua quali e quantificação. Quarto Módulo: As Formas de Participação Pública são discutidas visando apontar os benefícios de seu procedimento. A participação pública no Processo de Avaliação do Projeto por meio de Técnicas de Comunicação e Audiências Públicas entre outras. Quinto Módulo: Como considerações finais os casos de empreendimentos lineares apresentados na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo são classificados de forma a buscar alternativas para futuros empreendimentos de mesma natureza. O modelo proposto para avaliação de projeto é objeto de analise. O desenvolvimento da infra-estrutura, de rodovias, ferrovias, linhas de transmissão e dutovias, estão inseridos em segmentos de redes ou malhas de energia ou transportes, as quais deverão se apropriar de corredores de grandes extensões em território que deverá ser avaliado de forma sustentável. / The research´s main subject, as seen in the title, Linear Structure Projects: Transport roads and energy trails sustentainable limits, refers to the linear structures and the lanes that are needed to its implantation like the roads structure lanes and also different kinds of transportation, transmission energy lines and pipelines. The researchs extracts selected to the Thesis, make references to the chapters that are going to be developed they are: Chapter one: Research projects previous considerations were analyzed as well as the linear structures types that are inside of all transportation and energy net. Chapter two: The linear city under the eyes of the water and energy nature course. São Paulo`s territorial occupation, since the search of sustainable place, the natural environment, until metropolitan occupation.The transport system drawing the built environment until the regional boundary. Chapter three: The Environmental Impact Assessment EIA on the implantation of linear structures projects, with basis on environmental impact concepts and suitable methodologies for quality and quantity evaluation. Chapter four: The ways of public participation are discussed aiming the benefits of its procedure. Public participation on the projects analysis process through communication techniques and public hearings among others. Chapter five: Come to conclusion after analyzing the select cases on São Paulo`s metropolitan area, alternatives were brought to discussion for a new future construction with same typologies of linear structures. A new model of project evaluation is presented. The segments of transport and energy nets must be evaluated with sustainable basis.
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Estudos laboratoriais para avaliação do ootencial de contaminação de água e de solo por gasolina oxigenada. / Laboratory studies to evaluation of the potential of groundwater and soil contamination by oxygenated gasoline.Ferreira, Sayonara Brederode 24 January 2000 (has links)
Em muitos países e principalmente no Brasil, compostos oxigenados tais como etanol e metil terta-butil-éter (MTBE) têm sido adicionados à gasolina em cerca de 26% do seu volume para aumentar a octanagem do motor e diminuir a emissão de monóxido de carbono e os níveis de ozônio na atmosfera. O derramamento de tais gasolinas, referidas como gasolina oxigenada tem um efeito cosolvente, provocando um aumento da concentração dos hidrocarbonetos na água subterrânea. A taxa de dissolução em água da gasolina oxigenada, que é dependente das propriedades químicas dos compostos orgânicos, determinam o grau e a severidade de contaminação da água subterrânea nas vizinhanças do derramamento. O objetivo do trabalho foi analisar e quantificar o potencial de contaminação da água subterrânea e de solos arenosos residuais dos arenitos da Formação Botucatu por derramamento de gasolina oxigenada. As análises realizadas buscam fornecer dados para a modelagem numérica em casos envolvendo derramamento de gasolina. Ensaios de equilíbrio em lote e de dissolução em colunas foram realizados objetivando a determinação da concentração aquosa de hidrocarbonetos da gasolina em equilíbrio de fases e a avaliação do tempo estimado para total dissolução em água dos hidrocarbonetos da gasolina pura. Ambos os ensaios analisaram também o efeito cosolvente do etanol na mistura. Verificou-se a validade da lei de Raoult e do modelo log-linear na determinação da concentração aquosa da gasolina pura e oxigenada. Em colunas de solos não saturados avaliou-se a difusão na fase vapor dos compostos orgânicos da gasolina em função do tempo. Finalizando as análises, fez-se uma simulação numérica do transporte da gasolina em zonas não saturadas fazendo-se uso do programa R-UNSAT. / In many countries and mainly in Brazil oxygenated compounds such as ethanol and MTBE have been added to gasoline up to 26% to increase the octane level and to reduce carbon monoxide and ozone levels in the air. The spill of such gasolines, referred as oxygenated gasoline has a potential cosolvent effect, resulting in an increased groundwater concentration of hydrocarbons. The rate of oxygenated gasoline dissolution, which is dependent of the chemical properties of the compounds, determines the degree and severity of groundwater contamination in the vicinity of the spill. The goal of this research was to analyze and to quantify the potential of contamination of the groundwater and of the residual sandy soils from Botucatu sandstone due to the spill of oxigenated gasoline. The performed analysis supply data to the numerical model in case of gasoline spills. Laboratory batch and column leaching tests were carried out in order to determine the equilibrium aqueous concentration of the hydrocarbons compounds of gasoline and to evaluate the time scale for aqueous dissolution of the hydrocarbons compounds. Both tests have analyzed the cosolvent effect of ethanol in the mixture. It was verified the validity of the Raoult's law and the log-linear cosolvency model to estimate the solubility of the hydrocarbons compounds from unamended gasoline and from oxygenated gasoline. Column tests with unsaturated undisturbed soil samples were carried out to investigate the vapor-phase diffusion of aromatic hydrocarbons compounds with time. Finally the transport of gasoline in unsaturated zones was simulated with the R-UNSAT model.
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Projetos de estruturas lineares: o transporte e suas trilhas e os caminhos da energia - os limites da sustentabilidade / Linear structures projects: transport roads and energy trails - sustentainability limitsCelina Franco Bragança Rosa Claudio 08 April 2008 (has links)
O assunto básico da pesquisa, como o titulo selecionado, refere-se às estruturas lineares e às faixas necessárias para sua implantação como as linhas de infra-estrutura de rodovias e demais modais de transporte, bem como a infra-estrutura de energia realizada por meio de dutos e linhas de transmissão. As partes da pesquisa selecionadas para a Tese fazem referência aos módulos que serão desenvolvidos, a saber: Primeiro Módulo: Trata dos antecedentes do projeto de pesquisa e da natureza da tipologia de infra-estrutura das estruturas lineares que estão inseridas nas malhas viárias e nas redes de energia. Segundo Módulo: A Cidade Linear sob o olhar da natureza do percurso das águas e da natureza do percurso da energia. A Ocupação de São Paulo, desde a procura do sítio sustentado, o ambiente natural, até a ocupação metropolitana. O sistema de transportes desenhando o ambiente construído até a esfera regional. Terceiro Módulo: A Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental AIA na implantação de projetos de estruturas lineares, com base no conceito de impacto ambiental e as metodologias adotadas para sua quali e quantificação. Quarto Módulo: As Formas de Participação Pública são discutidas visando apontar os benefícios de seu procedimento. A participação pública no Processo de Avaliação do Projeto por meio de Técnicas de Comunicação e Audiências Públicas entre outras. Quinto Módulo: Como considerações finais os casos de empreendimentos lineares apresentados na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo são classificados de forma a buscar alternativas para futuros empreendimentos de mesma natureza. O modelo proposto para avaliação de projeto é objeto de analise. O desenvolvimento da infra-estrutura, de rodovias, ferrovias, linhas de transmissão e dutovias, estão inseridos em segmentos de redes ou malhas de energia ou transportes, as quais deverão se apropriar de corredores de grandes extensões em território que deverá ser avaliado de forma sustentável. / The research´s main subject, as seen in the title, Linear Structure Projects: Transport roads and energy trails sustentainable limits, refers to the linear structures and the lanes that are needed to its implantation like the roads structure lanes and also different kinds of transportation, transmission energy lines and pipelines. The researchs extracts selected to the Thesis, make references to the chapters that are going to be developed they are: Chapter one: Research projects previous considerations were analyzed as well as the linear structures types that are inside of all transportation and energy net. Chapter two: The linear city under the eyes of the water and energy nature course. São Paulo`s territorial occupation, since the search of sustainable place, the natural environment, until metropolitan occupation.The transport system drawing the built environment until the regional boundary. Chapter three: The Environmental Impact Assessment EIA on the implantation of linear structures projects, with basis on environmental impact concepts and suitable methodologies for quality and quantity evaluation. Chapter four: The ways of public participation are discussed aiming the benefits of its procedure. Public participation on the projects analysis process through communication techniques and public hearings among others. Chapter five: Come to conclusion after analyzing the select cases on São Paulo`s metropolitan area, alternatives were brought to discussion for a new future construction with same typologies of linear structures. A new model of project evaluation is presented. The segments of transport and energy nets must be evaluated with sustainable basis.
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