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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Organogênese in vitro e transformação genética de variedades de tangerina (Citrus reticulata Blanco e Citrus clementina hort. ex Tan.) / In vitro organogenesis and genetic transformation of mandarin varieties (Citrus reticulata Blanco e Citrus clementina hort. ex Tan.).

Soriano, Leonardo 10 March 2015 (has links)
Atualmente, o Huanglongbing (HLB), doença associada à bactéria Candidatus Liberibacter spp., é a principal ameaça dos Citrus, não tendo sido encontrado ainda espécies resistentes e tolerantes. O melhoramento genético tradicional apresenta limitações para a obtenção de novas variedades porta-enxerto e copa de citros em decorrência a fatores ligados à biologia do gênero. Na tentativa de sobrepor essas dificuldades, a transformação genética destaca-se por permitir a introdução de genes exógenos, os quais, além de reduzir o período de obtenção de material melhorado geneticamente, poderão conferir resistência a doenças em variedades de interesse agronômico. Desse modo, o objetivo desta pesquisa consistiu no estudo da organogênese in vitro, e na obtenção de plantas transgênicas via Agrobacterium tumefaciens das tangerinas \'Fremont\', \'Thomas\' e \'Nules\', com o gene que codifica o peptídeo antibacteriano atacina A (attA), controlado pelos promotores AtSUC2 e AtPP2, visando a expressão gênica preferencial nos vasos do floema. Adicionalmente, foi avaliada a transformação genética via A. tumefaciens de suspensões celulares de tangerina \'W-Murcott\', de laranja doce \'Hamlin\' e de tangelo \'Page\', e a transformação genética direta via PEG de protoplastos da tangerina \'W-Murcott\', com os fatores de transcrição VvmybA1 e Ruby, dirigidos pelos promotores com expressão preferencial nos tecidos embrionários 6105 e DC3. A eficiência da organogênese in vitro foi influenciada pelo tipo de explante e concentração de BAP. Após os experimentos de transformação genética de segmentos de epicótilo e internodal das tangerinas \'Fremont\', \'Thomas\' e \'Nules\', as plantas regeneradas foram analisadas por PCR, Southern blot e RT-qPCR e confirmadas como transgênicas pela presença e transcrição do gene attA no tecido vascular. A transformação genética de suspensões celulares mostrou-se eficiente com alta produção de antocianina nos embriões somáticos regenerados de tangerina \'W-Murcott\', de laranja doce \'Hamlin\' e de tangelo \'Page\'. A transformação genética direta de protoplastos de tangerina \'W-Murcott\' mostrou-se viável e também foi possível a obtenção de embriões somáticos transgênicos. Os fatores de transcrição VvmybA1 e Ruby se mostraram úteis para detecção visual do material transgênico / Currently, Huanglongbing (HLB), associated to Candidatus Liberibacter spp., is the main threat to the citrus culture. The conventional plant breeding shows limitations to the obtain new varieties of rootstock and scion, due to factors related to the biology of the genus. In attempt to overcome these barriers, genetic engineering is notable for allowing the introduction of foreign genes, which, besides reducing the time to obtain genetically improved material may confer disease resistance in varieties of agronomic interest. Thus, the objective of the research was the study of in vitro organogenesis, and obtain transgenic plants of \'Fremont\', \'Thomas\' and \'Nules\' mandarins via Agrobacterium tumefaciens with the gene encoding the antibacterial peptide attacin A (attA), controlled by the promoters AtSUC2 and AtPP2, aiming to preferential gene expression in phloem. In addition, the genetic transformation of cell suspensions, via A. tumefaciens, of \'W-Murcott\' mandarin, \'Hamlin\' sweet orange and \'Page\' tangelo and the direct genetic transformation, via PEG, of \'W-Murcott\' mandarin protoplasts were evaluated with VvmybA1 and Ruby transcription factors driven by 6105 and DC3 promoters, with preferential expression in embryonic tissues. The in vitro organogenesis of the varieties studied was influenced by the type of explant and BAP concentration. After genetic transformation experiments of epicotyl and internodal segments of \'Fremont\', \'Thomas\' and \'Nules mandarins, regenerated plants were analyzed by PCR, Southern blot and RT-qPCR and confirmed as transgenic by presence and transcription of attA gene. The genetic transformation of cell suspensions was efficient with high anthocyanin production in the somatic embryos regenerated of \'W-Murcott\' mandarin, \'Hamlin\' sweet orange and \'Page\' tangelo. The direct genetic transformation of \'W-Murcott\' mandarin protoplasts revealed to be viable and it was also possible to obtain transgenic somatic embryos. The VvmybA1 and Ruby transcription factors were useful tools for visual detection of transgenic material

Detecção e identificação molecular de fitoplasmas associados ao amarelo da videira. / Detection and molecular identification of phytoplasmas associated to grapevine yellow disease.

Neroni, Raquel de Cássia 01 February 2005 (has links)
Os amarelos estão associados a fitoplasmas, procariotos pertencentes à classe Mollicutes que não possuem parede celular e habitam o floema de plantas. Os danos causados pelas doenças de etiologia fitoplasmática são relevantes e podem ocorrer em diversas espécies economicamente importantes. Em videira, pesquisas realizadas em várias partes do mundo têm relatado a presença das doenças do tipo "amarelo", porém, no Brasil, estas doenças ainda não foram relatadas para esta cultura. Em vinhedos comerciais localizados nos Estados de São Paulo e Paraná têm sido observadas plantas com sintomas semelhantes àqueles provocados por fitoplasmas em outros países. Estes sintomas têm sido caracterizados por amarelecimento e ou avermelhamento foliar, necrose do limbo e rachaduras nas nervuras principais. Com o objetivo de detectar e identificar molecularmente fitoplasmas associados a estes tipos de sintomas, folhas e ramos foram amostrados a partir de plantas sintomática e assintomáticas. A detecção foi conduzida com PCR duplo usando-se os iniciadores R16 mF1/mR2 ou P1/P7 na primeira reação e R16 F2n/R2 na segunda reação. A identificação foi realizada através de PCR duplo com iniciadores específicos e análises de RFLP com as enzimas de restrição AluI, RsaI, KpnI, MseI, HhaI, HpaII, HinfI e MboI. Em 23 plantas amostradas, fitoplasmas foram detectados em 10 delas, através da amplificação do 16S rDNA, visualizado em gel de agarose na forma de bandas de 1,2Kb. A identificação por PCR demonstrou que os fitoplasmas associados ao amarelo da videira pertenciam aos grupos 16SrI e 16SrIII. As análises dos perfis eletroforéticos obtidos com o uso da técnica de RFLP revelaram a presença de fitoplasmas afiliados ao subgrupo 16SrI-B. A constatação de fitoplasmas pertencentes a estes dois grupos nas plantas amostradas demonstraram a ocorrência da doença conhecida como amarelo da videira nos Estados de São Paulo e Paraná. As pesquisas desenvolvidas neste trabalho vêm contribuir para aumentar os conhecimentos sobre o papel e a diversidade dos fitoplasmas no agroecossistema brasileiro. / Yellows diseases are associated with phytoplasmas, wall-less prokaryotes, inhabitant of phloem vessels. Damage caused by these diseases are relevant for some important cultivated botanical species. Grapevine yellows diseases have been observed in several areas of the world, but in Brazil the presence of these diseases had not been reported yet. In vineyards located in São Paulo and Paraná States, plants exhibiting symptoms similar those observed in grapevines from other countries have been observed. The symptoms were characterized by yellowing or redding of leaf blade and ribs, leaf blade necrosis and main ribs fissures. In order to detect and identify phytoplasmas associated with those kind of symptoms, leaves and stems were sampled from symptomatic and asymptomatic plants. The phytoplasma detection was conducted with nested PCR using the primer pairs R16mF1/mR2 or P1/P7 for first reaction and 16 F2n/R2 for second reaction. The identification was carried out by nested PCR with group-specifc primer pairs and RFLP analyses with enzymes AluI, RsaI, KpnI, MseI, HhaI, HpaII, HinfI and MboI. From a total of 23 samples analysed, phytoplasmas were detected in 10 of them, through amplification of the 16S rDNA, visualized through a 1.2Kb band in agarose gel. The identification by PCR demonstrated that phytoplasmas associated with grapevine yellow belong to 16SrI and 16SrIII groups. Analyses of electrophoretic profiles revealed the presence of phytoplasmas affiliated to 16SrI-B subgroup. The presence of phytoplasmas belonging to these two groups in the sampled plants demonstrated the occurrence of yellow disease in grapevine in São Paulo and Paraná States. The investigation conducted in the present work contributed to the knowledgement of the role and the diversity of phytoplasmas in Brasilian ecosystem.

Enfezamento da couve-flor: identificação molecular de fitoplasmas, evidência de potencial vetor e análise epidemiológica da doença / Cauliflower stunt: molecular identification of phytoplasmas, evidence of potential vector and epidemiological analysis of the disease

Rappussi da Silva, Maria Cristina Canale 17 June 2010 (has links)
A couve-flor está entre as folhosas mais produzidas na região do Cinturão Verde de São Paulo. A planta apresenta alto valor nutricional para os consumidores e relevante importância econômica e social para os agricultores. Em campos comerciais, têm sido observadas plantas exibindo sintomas de enfezamento e deformação da inflorescência, além da necrose dos vasos condutores. A doença foi denominada de enfezamento e a sua incidência e severidade têm se tornado mais intensas nos últimos anos, afetando a produção e levando ao abandono do cultivo. O quadro sintomatológico levantou a suspeita de que a doença pudesse estar sendo causada por fitoplasmas. Desta forma, este trabalho teve como objetivos detectar e identificar os fitoplasmas associados às plantas doentes de couve-flor, demonstrar a sua patogenicidade, buscar possíveis insetos vetores do agente patogênico e analisar a distribuição espacial da doença no campo. Amostras de plantas coletadas na região do Cinturão Verde ou enviadas de outras localidades tiveram o DNA total extraído e submetido a reações de PCR. A amplificação de fragmentos genômicos de 1,2 kb evidenciaram a presença de fitoplasmas nos tecidos de 66% das plantas sintomáticas. A detecção de fitoplasmas em plantas assintomáticas revelou a ocorrência de infecção latente e que plantas sem sintomas aparentes podem ser portadoras do patógeno. O emprego de PCR com primers específicos, análises convencionais e virtuais de RFLP e análise filogenética permitiram a identificação de fitoplasmas afiliados aos grupos 16SrIII-J, 16SrXIII e 16SrXV-A, com predominância para a ocorrência do grupo 16SrIII. Secções histológicas feitas à mão da região vascular de plantas de couve-flor doentes observadas em microscópio de luz revelaram que a região do floema apresentava-se escurecido e com início de degeneração celular. Fitoplasmas do grupo 16SrXIII foram encontrados em cigarrinhas da espécie Balclutha hebe coletadas em campo cultivado com couve-flor. Estes insetos foram utilizados em experimentos de transmissão e foram capazes de inocular fitoplasmas em plantas sadias de couve-flor e vinca. A transmissão também ocorreu a partir de plantas doentes de couve-flor para plantas sadias de vinca, através do emprego da planta parasita cuscuta. Análise epidemiológica da doença foi feita em dez campos de cultivo de couve-flor, localizados no município de Sorocaba-SP. Análises do índice de dispersão, lei de Taylor modificada e áreas isopatas evidenciaram que plantas de couveflor com sintomas de enfezamento encontraram-se agregadas no campo, e que os focos da doença tinham início nos bordos da cultura. O presente trabalho demonstrou que o enfezamento da couve-flor está associado aos fitoplasmas, os quais podem estar sendo transmitidos por cigarrinhas, sendo que, em termos epidemiológicos, a doença tem padrão agregado de distribuição no campo. / Cauliflower is among the most produced vegetable in the region of the Green Belt of Sao Paulo State. It has high nutritional value and relevant social and economic importance for farmers. In commercial fields, it has been observed plants exhibiting symptoms of stunting, deformation of the inflorescence and conductive vessel necrosis. The disease was named cauliflower stunt and its incidence and severity have become more intense in the past years, the production is being affected and the field is abandoned by the growers. The symptomatology raised the suspect that the disease could be caused by phytoplasmas. Thus, this study aimed to detect and identify phytoplasmas associated to diseased cauliflowers, demonstrate its pathogenicity, look for possible insect vectors of the pathogen and analyse the spatial distributions of disease in the field. Plant samples collected in the region of the green belt or sent from other locations had the total DNA extracted and subjected to PCR reactions. Amplification of genomic fragments of 1.2 kb revealed the presence of phytoplasmas in 66% of the symptomatic plants. The detection of phytoplasmas in asymptomatic plants revealed the occurrence of latent infection and that plants without visible symptoms may be infected. The use of specific primers, conventional and virtual RFLP analysis and phylogenetic analysis allowed the identification of phytoplasmas affiliated to 16SrIII-J, 16SrXIII and 16SrXV-A groups, and predominantly the occurrence of 16SrIII group. Histological sections made by hand of the vascular region of symptomatic cauliflower were observed under light microscope and revealed that the phloem was darkened and with beginning of cellular degeneration. The 16SrXIII phytoplasma was found in Balclutha hebe from cauliflower field. These insects were used in experiments and were able to transmit phytoplasmas to healthy cauliflower and periwinkle. The transmission also occurred from diseased cauliflower to healthy periwinkle through the parasitic plant dodder. Epidemiological analysis of the disease was made in ten plots of cauliflower, located in Sorocaba, SP. Dispersion index, modified Taylors law and isopath areas analysis showed that cauliflower plants with symptoms of stunting were aggregated in field and initial foci were at the edge of the plot. This study demonstrated that cauliflower stunt is associated with phytoplasmas, that may be being transmitted by insects (Homoptera) and, in epidemiological terms, the diseased plants show aggregated pattern of distribution in the field.

Plant-Pathogen Interactions: Turnip Crinkle Virus Suppression of the Hypersensitive Response in Arabidopsis thaliana

Christopher, Stephen James 29 April 2003 (has links)
The presence of turnip crinkle virus (TCV) in Arabidopsis thaliana plants has previously been shown to suppress the ability of these plants to produce a hypersensitive response (HR) upon inoculation with pathogens that would normally elicit this defense response. The ecotype Colombia-0 was examined using wildtype TCV and non-pathogenic strains of Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea Race 4 containing virulence genes avrRpt2, avrRpm1 and avrRps4. Transgenic lines of A. thaliana that express the TCV proteins p8, p9 or CP were also examined in an attempt to determine if these proteins play a role in suppression of the HR. Crosses of these transgenic lines were made in order to determine if binary combinations of these proteins were sufficient for HR suppression. In addition, assays were completed to determine if the inhibition of the HR correlated with suppression of resistance to the virulent Pseudomonas syringae pv. maculicola ES4236 avrRpt2 growth in the plant. Finally, PR-1 protein expression was inspected by visual and quantitative GUS reporter gene assays to determine if TCV also played a role in inhibition of the plants ability to develop systemic acquired resistance (SAR).

Cigarrinhas (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) potenciais vetoras de um fitoplasma (grupo 16SrlX) associado a sintomas de Huanglongbing dos citros, suas plantas hospedeiras e quantificação do patógeno / Potential leafhopper vectors (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) of a phytoplasma (16SrIX group) associated with citrus huanglongbing symptoms, host plants and pathogen quantification

Marques, Rodrigo Neves 08 April 2011 (has links)
O Huanglongbing (HLB) é uma das mais temidas doenças da citricultura mundial, associada a bactérias do gênero Candidatus Liberibacter, que foram detectadas no Brasil em 2004. Em 2008, detectou-se outra bactéria associada a sintomas de HLB no Estado de São Paulo, que foi caracterizada como sendo um fitoplasma do grupo 16 SrIX. Fitoplasmas são molicutes fitopatógenos restritos ao floema de plantas, disseminados por insetos vetores. O presente trabalho buscou identificar cigarrinhas potencialmente vetoras do fitoplasma associado ao HLB e plantas hospedeiras desses insetos, bem como desenvolver uma técnica de quantificação de DNA desse patógeno em insetos e plantas. Amostragens de cigarrinhas foram realizadas quinzenalmente por 12 meses em dois pomares de laranja com histórico de ocorrência do fitoplasma 16SrIX na região norte do Estado de São Paulo, usando-se armadilhas adesivas amarelas em duas alturas (0,3 e 1,5 m) da copa de árvores cítricas, e rede de varredura na vegetação espontânea. Dados faunísticos identificaram uma espécie de Agalliinae (Agallia albidula Uhler) e três de Deltocephalinae, [Balclutha hebe (Kirkaldy), Planicephalus flavicosta (Stål) e Scaphytopius (Convelinus) marginelineatus (Stål)], como os cicadelídeos (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) mais abundantes e frequentes nas áreas estudadas. Essas espécies predominaram na amostragem com rede de varredura e na menor altura de coleta com armadilhas adesivas, indicando comportamento de alimentação em vegetação rasteira. Com observações visuais, verificou-se associação das espécies com certas plantas invasoras, e influência da composição florística da vegetação rasteira sobre a abundância das cigarrinhas. S. marginelineatus e P. flavicosta ocorreram com maior frequência em Sida rhombifolia L. e Althernantera tenella Colla, respectivamente, enquanto que A. albidula foi predominante em Conyza bonariensis (L.) Cronq., e B. hebe ocorreu exclusivamente em gramíneas, principalmente Panicum maximum Jacq.. Plantas invasoras amostradas nas áreas foram testadas para a presença do fitoplasma 16SrIX, porém sem resultados positivos. No entanto, amostras de campo da cigarrinha S. marginelineatus foram positivas por PCR e sequenciamento para o referido fitoplasma. Indivíduos de S. marginelineatus criados em laboratório e mantidos por um período de acesso à aquisição de 72 h em citros infectado com o fitoplasma 16SrIX, foram capazes de transmití-lo para citros, após 21 dias de latência, porém com baixa eficiência (0,5%). Por meio de PCR quantitativo desenvolvido para esse fitoplasma, verificou-se baixo título do patógeno tanto em S. marginelineatus, quanto em plantas cítricas infectadas, o que pode explicar, pelo menos em parte, a baixa eficiência de transmissão pelo inseto tendo citros como fonte. Isto sugere a existência de outros hospedeiros mais adequados como fontes de inóculo para aquisição do fitoplasma por S. marginelineatus ou outro vetor ainda desconhecido. / Huanglongbing (HLB) is a severe citrus disease associated to phloemlimited bacteria in the genus Candidatus Liberibacter, which were detected in Brazil in 2004. In 2008, another bacterium was found in association with HLB symptom in the São Paulo State, and characterized as a phytoplasma belonging to 16SrIX group. Phytoplasmas are vector-borne phytopathogenic mollicutes that inhabit plant sieve elements. The goals of this study were to identify potential leafhopper vectors of the HLB-associated phytoplasma and their host plants, as well as to establish a real-time PCR procedure for pathogen quantification in vectors and plants. Leafhoppers were sampled fortnightly for 12 months by yellow sticky cards placed at two heights (0.3 and 1.5 m) on the citrus tree canopy and by sweep net in the ground vegetation of two sweet orange groves with history of infection by the 16SrIX phytoplasma, in the northern region of São Paulo State. Faunistic analyses indicated 1 Agalliinae (Agallia albidula Uhler) and 3 Deltocephalinae [Balclutha hebe (Kirkaldy), Planicephalus flavicosta (Stål) e Scaphytopius (Convelinus) marginelineatus (Stål)] species that were the most abundant and frequent leafhoppers (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) in the experimental areas. These species predominated in sweep net and in sticky traps catches at 0.3 m above soil, showing that they inhabit the ground vegetation. Visual observations indicated a strong association of leafhopper species with some weeds and the influence of weed species composition on leafhopper abundance in the ground vegetation. S. marginelineatus and P. flavicosta were more frequent on Sida rhombifolia L. and Althernantera tenella Colla, respectively, while A. albidula was observed more often on Conyza bonariensis (L.) Cronq., and B. hebe occurred solely on grasses, more abundantly on Panicum maximum Jacq. Fourteen weed species sampled in the area were PCR tested for infection by the 16SrIX phytoplasma, but none was found infected. Nevertheless, 3 out of 30 field-collected samples (10 adults per sample) of S. marginelineatus tested positive for this phytoplasma by PCR and sequencing. Healthy lab-reared adults of S. marginelineatus were able to transmit inefficiently (0,5%) the 16SrIX phytoplasma to healthy citrus after a 72-h acquisition access period on infected citrus plants followed by a 21-day latent period on S. rhombifolia plants. By using the qPCR method developed for this phytoplasma, a very low pathogen titer was found both in S. marginelineatus and in infected citrus plants, which may explain, at least partially, the low transmission efficiency by this vector using citrus as a source plant. It also suggests that existence of alternative hosts that might be more adequate as inoculum sources for phytoplasma acquisition and spread by S. marginelineatus or another vector yet to be discovered.

Organogênese in vitro e transformação genética de variedades de tangerina (Citrus reticulata Blanco e Citrus clementina hort. ex Tan.) / In vitro organogenesis and genetic transformation of mandarin varieties (Citrus reticulata Blanco e Citrus clementina hort. ex Tan.).

Leonardo Soriano 10 March 2015 (has links)
Atualmente, o Huanglongbing (HLB), doença associada à bactéria Candidatus Liberibacter spp., é a principal ameaça dos Citrus, não tendo sido encontrado ainda espécies resistentes e tolerantes. O melhoramento genético tradicional apresenta limitações para a obtenção de novas variedades porta-enxerto e copa de citros em decorrência a fatores ligados à biologia do gênero. Na tentativa de sobrepor essas dificuldades, a transformação genética destaca-se por permitir a introdução de genes exógenos, os quais, além de reduzir o período de obtenção de material melhorado geneticamente, poderão conferir resistência a doenças em variedades de interesse agronômico. Desse modo, o objetivo desta pesquisa consistiu no estudo da organogênese in vitro, e na obtenção de plantas transgênicas via Agrobacterium tumefaciens das tangerinas \'Fremont\', \'Thomas\' e \'Nules\', com o gene que codifica o peptídeo antibacteriano atacina A (attA), controlado pelos promotores AtSUC2 e AtPP2, visando a expressão gênica preferencial nos vasos do floema. Adicionalmente, foi avaliada a transformação genética via A. tumefaciens de suspensões celulares de tangerina \'W-Murcott\', de laranja doce \'Hamlin\' e de tangelo \'Page\', e a transformação genética direta via PEG de protoplastos da tangerina \'W-Murcott\', com os fatores de transcrição VvmybA1 e Ruby, dirigidos pelos promotores com expressão preferencial nos tecidos embrionários 6105 e DC3. A eficiência da organogênese in vitro foi influenciada pelo tipo de explante e concentração de BAP. Após os experimentos de transformação genética de segmentos de epicótilo e internodal das tangerinas \'Fremont\', \'Thomas\' e \'Nules\', as plantas regeneradas foram analisadas por PCR, Southern blot e RT-qPCR e confirmadas como transgênicas pela presença e transcrição do gene attA no tecido vascular. A transformação genética de suspensões celulares mostrou-se eficiente com alta produção de antocianina nos embriões somáticos regenerados de tangerina \'W-Murcott\', de laranja doce \'Hamlin\' e de tangelo \'Page\'. A transformação genética direta de protoplastos de tangerina \'W-Murcott\' mostrou-se viável e também foi possível a obtenção de embriões somáticos transgênicos. Os fatores de transcrição VvmybA1 e Ruby se mostraram úteis para detecção visual do material transgênico / Currently, Huanglongbing (HLB), associated to Candidatus Liberibacter spp., is the main threat to the citrus culture. The conventional plant breeding shows limitations to the obtain new varieties of rootstock and scion, due to factors related to the biology of the genus. In attempt to overcome these barriers, genetic engineering is notable for allowing the introduction of foreign genes, which, besides reducing the time to obtain genetically improved material may confer disease resistance in varieties of agronomic interest. Thus, the objective of the research was the study of in vitro organogenesis, and obtain transgenic plants of \'Fremont\', \'Thomas\' and \'Nules\' mandarins via Agrobacterium tumefaciens with the gene encoding the antibacterial peptide attacin A (attA), controlled by the promoters AtSUC2 and AtPP2, aiming to preferential gene expression in phloem. In addition, the genetic transformation of cell suspensions, via A. tumefaciens, of \'W-Murcott\' mandarin, \'Hamlin\' sweet orange and \'Page\' tangelo and the direct genetic transformation, via PEG, of \'W-Murcott\' mandarin protoplasts were evaluated with VvmybA1 and Ruby transcription factors driven by 6105 and DC3 promoters, with preferential expression in embryonic tissues. The in vitro organogenesis of the varieties studied was influenced by the type of explant and BAP concentration. After genetic transformation experiments of epicotyl and internodal segments of \'Fremont\', \'Thomas\' and \'Nules mandarins, regenerated plants were analyzed by PCR, Southern blot and RT-qPCR and confirmed as transgenic by presence and transcription of attA gene. The genetic transformation of cell suspensions was efficient with high anthocyanin production in the somatic embryos regenerated of \'W-Murcott\' mandarin, \'Hamlin\' sweet orange and \'Page\' tangelo. The direct genetic transformation of \'W-Murcott\' mandarin protoplasts revealed to be viable and it was also possible to obtain transgenic somatic embryos. The VvmybA1 and Ruby transcription factors were useful tools for visual detection of transgenic material

Caracterização de novos isolados fracos do vírus do mosaico do mamoeiro ocorrendo naturalmente no estado do Espírito Santo; Avaliação da infecção natural de cucurbitáceas com esse vírus; Caracterização de um isolado do mosaico da alfafa infectando mamoeiro (Carica papaya) em campo / Characterization of new mild isolates of papaya ringspot virus naturally occurring in state Espirito Santo state; Evaluation of natural infection of cucurbits with this virus; Characterization of the alfalfa mosaic virus infecting papaya (Carica papaya) in the field

Adriana Gonçalves Moreira 07 May 2009 (has links)
No estado do Espírito Santo (ES), uma das principais áreas produtoras de mamão do país, a eliminação sistemática de plantas doentes tem sido aplicada desde a década de 1980 para o controle do mosaico do mamoeiro (Papaya ringspot virus - type P; PRSV-P). O uso permanente dessa prática nos últimos 25 anos levou a uma aparente seleção e predominância de isolados fracos do vírus. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: investigar a prevalência desses isolados fracos, bem como a estabilidade e o efeito protetor contra isolados severos do vírus; estudar a infecção natural de abobrinha de moita (Cucurbita pepo cv. Caserta) e abóbora moranga (C. maxima cv. Exposição) com o PRSV-P quando plantadas ao lado de mamoeiros infectados e caracterizar um isolado do Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) em infecção natural em mamoeiro. A detecção de possíveis isolados fracos do vírus foi realizada por PTAELISA, microscopia eletrônica e RT-PCR. Todos os isolados também foram inoculados mecanicamente em mamoeiro cv. Golden para avaliação de sintomas. Sequências de nucleotídeos e de aminoácidos deduzidos do gene da proteína capsidial de alguns isolados fracos mostraram identidades superiores a 89% e 90%, respectivamente, com isolados do PRSV-P. De 119 amostras de mamoeiros analisadas, 86 estavam infectadas com o PRSV-P, mas somente 75 induziram sintomas fracos em mamoeiros. Quatro isolados fracos foram selecionados ao acaso para estudos de estabilidade, e de proteção em casa de vegetação. Apenas dois isolados fracos induziram sintomas estáveis em mamoeiros até a oitava transferência. A proteção total só foi obtida com plantas premunizadas com dois isolados fracos e desafiados com o isolado PRSV-PES. Plantas de mamoeiros cv. Golden premunizadas com vários isolados fracos do PRSV-P foram expostas em condições de campo na ESALQ/USP, Piracicaba, SP, em dois experimentos independentes. Poucas plantas permaneceram com sintomas fracos de mosaico até o final dos experimentos. Uma terceira exposição foi realizada em Linhares, ES, com mamoeiros cvs. Sunrise Solo e Golden premunizados com oito isolados fracos, coletados nos experimentos em campo na ESALQ/USP. Apenas uma planta premunizada com um isolado fraco permaneceu com sintomas leves da doença até a última avaliação. Tentativas de detectaçao de infecções naturais de cucurbitáceas com o PRSV-P foram realizados em dois plantios de abobrinha de moita e dois de abóbora moranga, na ESALQ/USP, Piracicaba, SP. A detecção do vírus foi feita por meio da inoculação de extratos foliares das cucurbitáceas em mamoeiros cv. Golden. Os mamoerios foram avaliados por meio de sintomas, PTA-ELISA e RT-PCR. Nenhuma planta de mamoeiro inoculada com extratos foliares das duas cucurbitáceas exibiu sintomas de mosaico, embora o gene ci, mas não o cp, tenha sido detectado em uma amostra de folhas de mamoeiro, indicando que ao menos uma planta de abobrinha de moita estava infectada. Finalmente, no decorrer dos ensaios de campo na ESALQ/USP, constatou-se uma planta de mamoeiro apresentando sintomas severos de mosaico amarelo, deformação foliar e necrose sistêmica, diferente daqueles induzidos pelo PRSV-P. Análises biológicas, sorológica e moleculares confirmaram tratar-se do AMV. Este é o primeiro relato de infecção natural de mamoeiro com esse vírus. / Papaya ringspot virus type P (PRSV-P) causes the major disease in Brazilian papaya orchards that result in significant yield losses. In Espírito Santo state systematic rouging of infected plants has been applied since early 1980s for the control of this disease. Its permanent use over the last 25 years has lead to an apparent selection and predominance of mild strains throughout papaya orchards. The objectives of this work were to investigate the prevalence of mild isolates, as well the stability and protective effect against severe isolates of the virus; The aim of this work was to study the natural infecction of zucchini squash (Cucurbita pepo cv. Caserta) and pumpkin (C. maxima cv. Exposição) grown near to papaya trees infected with PRSV-P and characterize an isolate of Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) in natural infection in papaya. The detection of possible mild isolates of the virus was performed by PTA-ELISA, electron microscopy and RT-PCR. All isolates were inoculated mechanically in papaya cv. Golden for symptoms evaluation. Nucleotides and deduced amino acids sequences of the coat protein gene of some mild isolates showed identities above 89% and 90%, respectively, with isolates of PRSV-P. Of 119 samples from papaya plants analyzed, 86 were infected with PRSV-P and 75 induced mild symptoms on papaya. Four mild isolates were randomly selected for stability and protection studies under greenhouse. Only two isolates induced mild symptoms on papaya and remained stables until the eighth transference. Full protection was obtained with preimmunized plants with two mild isolates and challenged with the isolate PRSV-P-ES. Plants of papaya cv. Golden preimmunized with several mild isolates of PRSV-P were exposed under field conditions at ESALQ/USP, Piracicaba,SP, in two independent experiments. Few plants remained with mild mosaic symptoms at the end of the experiments. A third field exposition was held in Linhares,ES, with papaya cvs. Golden and Sunrise Solo preimmunized with eight mild isolates, collected in field experiments at ESALQ/USP. Only one plant preimmunized with a mild isolate remained with mild symptoms of the disease until the last evaluation. Attempts of detection of natural infections of cucurbits with PRSV-P were carried out in two plantations of zucchini squash and pumpkin at ESALQ/USP, Piracicaba,SP. The detection of the virus was made by inoculation of leaf extracts of cucurbits in papaya cv. Golden. The papaya plants were assessed by symptoms, PTAELISA and RT-PCR. None of papaya plants exhibited symptoms of mosaic, while the ci gene, but not the cp, was detected in a sample of leaves of papaya, indicating that at least one clump of zucchini squash plant was infected. Finally, during the field test at ESALQ/USP, a papaya plant was found showing severe symptoms severe yellow leaf mosaic, leaf distortion and systemic necrosis, different from those induced by PRSV-P. Biological, serological and molecular tests confirmed the infection with AMV. This is the first report of natural infection of papaya with this virus.

Epidemiologia do cancro cítrico (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri) em laranja 'Pêra' (Citrus sinensis) sob condições de controle químico e cultural / Epidemiology of citrus canker (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri) on ‘Pêra’ sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) under chemical and cultural control

Behlau, Franklin 07 July 2006 (has links)
O cancro cítrico, causado pela bactéria Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri, é uma das doenças mais importantes da citricultura. O estudo do efeito de medidas alternativas de controle para o manejo desta doença assume grande importância tanto para áreas citrícolas onde a erradicação de plantas não é a principal medida de controle do cancro cítrico, como no Estado do Paraná, como para regiões onde a prática da erradicação vem sendo adotada como principal medida de controle da doença, como no Estado de São Paulo. Instalado em pomar citrícola do município de Ourizona, na região Noroeste do Estado do Paraná, este trabalho buscou estudar o progresso dessa importante doença em campo sob condições de proteção química das plantas, utilizando produto cúprico; e cultural, por meio de quebra-vento. Além disso, importantes informações relacionadas ao efeito de cada tratamento sobre a produção das plantas de laranja ‘Pêra’ também foram obtidas. Enquanto a aplicação de cobre apresentou efeito significativo na redução dos níveis de cancro cítrico, o emprego de quebra-vento pouco ou nada contribuiu para o controle da doença. Após 29 avaliações mensais, plantas submetidas à aplicação de bactericida cúprico apresentaram valores médios de AUDPC* de incidência da doença nas folhas de cerca de 20 %, nível 44 % inferior ao observado para as plantas não protegidas quimicamente. O mesmo comportamento foi observado para a severidade da doença. Após 18 avaliações mensais foi possível observar que plantas submetidas à aplicação de produto cúprico apresentaram em média folhas com níveis de AUDPC* de severidade 37 % menores do que plantas não protegidas quimicamente. Em 2004, quando os níveis da doença foram relativamente elevados, plantas submetidas ao controle químico apresentaram produção 54 % superior àquelas não tratadas. Em 2005, quando os níveis de cancro foram menores, não foi observada diferença na produtividade entre os tratamentos. Nas duas safras, plantas tratadas com bactericida apresentaram menor incidência da doença em frutos e maior proporção de frutos colhidos em relação a carga total da planta (colhidos + caídos). Dos modelos testados, o logístico foi o mais adequado para descrever o progresso temporal do cancro cítrico nos dois anos estudados para todos os tratamentos. Nas duas safras estudadas a proporção de frutos colhidos foi a variável que apresentou função de dano com maior coeficiente de determinação (R2) quando relacionada aos níveis de incidência e severidade de cancro cítrico observados. / Citrus canker, caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri, is one of the most important diseases to citrus production. The effect of alternative measures of citrus canker control is very important to areas where plant eradication is the most important measure of control, as in Sao Paulo State, as well as to areas where eradication is not a major component of canker control, as in Parana State. This work aimed to study the progress of citrus canker in field conditions under chemical control, by using copper sprays; and cultural control, by using windbreak. Field plots were installed in a citrus orchard of ‘Pêra’ sweet orange located in Ourizona county, northwest of Parana State, Brazil. Information regarding the effect of each treatment alone or in combination was assessed. Whereas copper sprays showed significant effect on reducing citrus canker levels, windbreak did not contribute significantly to disease control. After 29 monthly assessments, plants submitted to copper sprays showed values of AUDPC* of citrus canker incidence near to 20 %. This disease level was 44 % lower than that observed to plants not protected with copper compound. The same pattern was observed to disease severity. After 18 monthly assessments, plants sprayed with copper showed values of AUDPC* of disease severity 37 % lower than that observed to plants of the check plots. In 2004, when the citrus canker level was higher, plants treated with copper yielded 54 % more than that not sprayed. In 2005, when the citrus canker level was lower, no significant difference was observed between treatments. In both seasons, plants sprayed with copper showed lower citrus canker incidence on fruits and higher rate of harvested fruits. Among the temporal models tested, the logistic was the most appropriate to describe citrus canker incidence over time in both years studied to all treatments. In both harvests the rate of harvested fruits was the variable that showed the higher coefficient of determination (R2) when related to citrus canker incidence and severity levels.

Detection And Characterization Of Plant Genes Involved In Various Biotic And Abiotic Stress Conditions Using Ddrt-pcr And Isolation Of Interacting Proteins

Unver, Turgay 01 August 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The main objective of this thesis dissertation is functionally characterizing the genes involved in biotic and abiotic stresses of plants at molecular level. Previously, upon pathogen attack Rad6 gene expression was found to be changed in wheat and barley plants. To functionally characterize the Rad6 gene, VIGS (Virus induced gene silencing) system was used. HR (Hypersensitive response) like symptoms was detected in every silenced barley and wheat plants. To figure out, transcriptomes and proteomes of Rad6 silenced plants were analyzed. 2-D PAGE analysis was also performed on silenced and control wheat plants. No pathogen growth was observed in Rad6 silenced barley lines. Additionally, the susceptible wild type Arabidopsis plants showed resistant phenotype when any of the Rad6 gene copies is mutated. This suggests that Rad6 gene has a negative regulatory role in plant disease resistance which was proved for the first time. Yeast two hybrid protein interaction study suggests that RAD6 carrying out its function by interacting with SGT1 protein and regulating resistance related genes. It has been first time reported in this thesis that E2 (Ubiquitin conjugating enzyme) takes role in plant disease resistance. Boron which is the other consideration in the scope of thesis as an abiotic stress factor at a very limited amount is necessary for the normal development of plants. This study is conducted on highly boron tolerant Gypsophila perfoliata L. collected from a location in the boron mining area. The plant samples were tested in the presence of high boron (35 mg/kg) concentrations. The transcriptomes of the plant samples treated with the excess levels of boron to that of the samples grown under normal concentration were compared using differential display PCR method. Thirty bands showing differential expression levels at varying time points were analyzed. 18 of them were confirmed via qRT-PCR.

Biological control of clubroot (Plasmodiophora brassicae) by an endophytic fungus (Acremonium alternatum) / Biologische Kontrolles der Kohlhernie (Klumpfusskrankheit; Plasmodiophora brassicae) durch einen endophytischen Pilz (Acremonium alternatum)

Auer, Susann 18 September 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The biological control of plant pests with beneficial microbes has become increasingly important over the last decades. Soil microbes such as fungi and bacteria colonise the roots of plants and promote their growth. Some beneficial microbes can trigger a weak plant defence response that enhances the immune response of the plant at subsequent pathogen attacks and therefore increase the resistance of the plant to other invaders. This mechanism is called “priming”. While biocontrol agents are applied against a variety of plant pests fundamental knowledge of the molecular mechanisms of plant-microbe interactions is still lacking. Especially molecular studies on the role of resistance genes in the interaction of plants with beneficial endophytic fungi are rare. In this study it was investigated how the fungal biocontrol agent Acremonium alternatum affects the development of the clubroot pathogen Plasmodiophora brassicae within the plant host Arabidopsis thaliana. Clubroot is a devastating disease in crop plants such as cabbage and rapeseed and causes abnormal root growth that leads to so called “club roots”. P. brassicae develops within the plant roots and forms resting spores that are very durable and stay infective in soils for up to 2 decades. The control of clubroot by chemical means is difficult and the disease continues to spread on all continents and was also found in Saxony, Germany in recent years. In 2 preliminary studies the co-inoculation of clubroot plants with the fungus A. alternatum resulted in reduced clubroot symptoms in Chinese cabbage and Arabidopsis. It was therefore hypothesised that A. alternatum induces resistance mechanisms in the plant and thus enhances immunity. The focus of this study was to test this hypothesis by carrying out expression analyses on root tissue of infected Arabidopsis plants. For this the plants were inoculated with spores of P. brassicae and A. alternatum before RNA was extracted from the roots, followed by cDNA synthesis and quantitative Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-qPCR). A microarray of root tissue of infected Arabidopsis plants was carried out to depict the events at the stage of initial root hair infection with the clubroot pathogen. The findings from the gene expression analyses were verified for 2 genes with Arabidopsis mutants that are defective in the respective gene and with 2 overexpressor lines. Clubroot symptoms were assessed by rating the root galls according to their stage of development. The overall plant health was further evaluated by recording the developmental stage of the plants (generative vs. vegetative), stem lengths and plant biomass. In addition, 2 local varieties of the economically important crop plant rapeseed (Brassica napus var. Ability and var. Visby) were investigated with qRT-PCR and by recording the disease parameters just described. A second goal of this study was to assess the general biocontrol potential of the yet relatively unknown endophyte A. alternatum in terms of enzymatic activity and competitive behaviour against other phytopathogenic fungi. The potential of this fungus for the use in integrative pest management was investigated. The results presented here are novel findings for this fungus and have not been studied before. The microarray from Arabidopsis roots revealed that the clubroot pathogen P. brassicae suppresses its recognition by pathogen receptors of the plant and thus prevents the host to induce resistance mechanisms. The fungus A. alternatum boosted the level of the pathogen recognition-related genes BAK1 and FLS2 and thus helped to establish early plant defence responses. PCR analyses confirmed that these early responses led to salicylic acid-dependent resistance in the plants which was maintained for several days as shown by elevated levels of the PATHOGENESIS-RELATED gene PR1. Marker genes for an alternative resistance pathway that is mediated over the plant signals jasmonate and ethylene were not activated in Arabidopsis. The co-inoculation of Arabidopsis plants with the endophyte A. alternatum resulted in a significant reduction of clubroot symptoms by up to 24%. In rapeseed the reduction of disease symptoms was 19% and 28% when the plants were treated with a crude cell wall extract of A. alternatum before inoculation with the clubroot pathogen. PCR analyses from Arabidopsis showed a strong response of pathogen recognition genes to the cell wall extract and spores of the endophytic fungus. In rapeseed all of the investigated pathogen recognition genes were upregulated after the endophyte treatment but not with the clubroot pathogen. Together with the PCR results from the microarray these findings suggest that A. alternatum primes its host plant and enhances the resistance of the plant towards P. brassicae. In addition, the fungus increased biomass, stem lengths and survival rates of clubroot-infected plants. In vitro tests revealed that the endophyte can solubilise phosphate and is not very competitive against other phytopathogenic fungi such as Aspergillus or Fusarium which is likely an effect of the relatively slow growth of the endophyte on agar plates. From this study it can be concluded that i) the fungus Acremonium alternatum induces resistance mechanisms in Arabidopsis and 2 Brassica napus cultivars and facilitates the recognition of the clubroot pathogen Plasmodiophora brassicae; ii) that Arabidopsis and Brassica react differently to this beneficial microbe, a fact that has been observed for Plasmodiophora and other microorganisms as well; iii) living spores are not necessary for clubroot biocontrol in rapeseed as a crude cell wall extract reduces symptoms more efficiently. Overall the endophyte A. alternatum is a very promising candidate for the use in integrative pest management in plant strengtheners or as biocontrol agent. / Die biologische Kontrolle von Pflanzenkrankheiten gewinnt zunehmend an Bedeutung. Bodenbewohnende Mikroben wie Pilze oder Bakterien kolonisieren die Wurzeln von Pflanzen und fördern deren Wachstum. Einige dieser förderlichen Mikroben aktivieren eine schwache Abwehrreaktion in der Pflanze die sich verstärkt bei einer weiteren Infektion mit einem Krankheitserreger. Dieser Mechanismus, den man “Priming” nennt, führt zu einer verbesserten Resistenz der Pflanze gegenüber Pflanzenpathogenen. Obwohl natürliche Schädlingsbekämpfer bereits gegen eine Vielzahl an Krankheiten eingesetzt werden, weiss man über grundsätzliche molekulare Mechanismen dieser Pflanzen-Mikroben-Interaktionen nur wenig. Besonders die Rolle von Resistenzgenen ist bisher wenig erforscht, welche bei der Beziehung zwischen Pilzen und Pflanzen eine Rolle spielen. In der hier vorliegenden Arbeit wurde untersucht, wie der endophytische Pilz Acremonium alternatum die Entwicklung des Krankheitserregers Plasmodiophora brassicae in der Pflanze Arabidopsis thaliana beeinflusst. Die Kohlhernie, ausgelöst von P. brassicae, ist eine verheerende Krankheit die u. a. bei Kohl und Raps auftritt und Wurzelgallen, so genannte “Hernien”, hervorruft. Der Krankheitserreger entwickelt sich im Wurzelsystem der Pflanze und bildet Dauersporen, die bis zu 20 Jahre lang im Boden infektiös überdauern können. Ein Eindämmen der Krankheit mit Pflanzenschutzmitteln ist durch den komplexen Lebenslauf des Erregers sehr schwierig, das führte zu einer weltweiten Verbreitung der Kohlhernie. Auch in Sachsen wurden in den letzten Jahren Fälle von Kohlhernie gemeldet. Wie 2 Studien zeigen, führt die Ko-Inokulation von Kohlhernie-erkrankten Pflanzen mit A. alternatum zu einer Verringerung der Symptome in Chinakohl und Arabidopsis. Es wurde daher die Hypothese aufgestellt, dass der Pilz Resistenzmechanismen in der Pflanze anschaltet und damit ihre Immunität erhöht. Um diese Hypothese zu testen, wurden in der hier vorliegenden Studie Genexpressionsanalysen an infizierten Arabidopsiswurzeln durchgeführt. Dafür wurden die Pflanzen zunächst mit Sporen des Kohlhernieerregers und des Pilzes inokuliert, es wurde RNA aus den Wurzeln extrahiert, in cDNA umgeschrieben und diese mittels quantitativer Reverse-Transkriptase-Polymerasenkettenreaktion (RT-qPCR) untersucht. Ein Microarray von Wurzeln infizierter Pflanzen wurde durchgeführt um die Ereignisse abzubilden, die sich zeitnah nach der Infektion in den Wurzeln abspielen. Die Ergebnisse der Genexpressionsanalysen wurden dann an Arabidopsismutanten, die einen Gendefekt im jeweiligen Gen haben, und an Überexprimierer-Pflanzen verifiziert. Kohlherniesymptome an Pflanzen wurden durch eine Kategorisierung der Schadsymptome erfasst. Die allgemeine Pflanzengesundheit sowie der Entwicklungsstand der Pflanze, Stengellängen und das Frischgewicht wurden bestimmt. Zusätzlich wurden 2 Rapssorten, die in Sachsen angebaut werden, untersucht im Hinblick auf die Krankheitsenwicklung und die Reguation von Abwehrgenen. Ein weiteres Ziel dieser Arbeit war es das Biokontrollpotential des bisher schlecht untersuchten Pilzes A. alternatum zu bestimmen. Dazu wurde in vitro die Enzymaktivität des Pilzes getestet sowie seine Konkurrenzfähigkeit gegenüber anderen pflanzenpathogenen Pilzen. Das Potential des Pilzes für die Anwendung im integrierten Pflanzenschutz wurde getestet. Die hier präsentieren Ergebnisse stellen neue Erkenntnisse dar, die für diesen Pilz noch nie untersucht wurden. Der Microarray von Arabidopsiswurzeln zeigte, dass der Kohlhernieerregers die Erkennung durch die Pflanze verhindert und damit Abwehrmechanismen verhindert. Der Pilz A. alternatum förderte die Aktivität der pflanzlichen Erkennungsrezeptoren FLS2 und BAK1 und setzte damit die Erkennung von P. brassicae in Gang. PCR-Analysen ergaben, dass diese früh induzierten Abwehrmechanismen zu einer systemischen Resistenz in der Pflanze führte durch die Aktivierung des Pathogenese-relevanten Gens PR1. Genmarker, die die Aktivität eines alternativen, von Jasmonat und Ethylen vermittelten Abwehrweges anzeigen, waren nicht ativiert. Die Ko-Inokulation von Arabidopsis mit dem Endophyten führte zu einer signifikanten Reduktion der Krankheitssymptome um 24%. In Raps betrug die Reduktion 19% und 24% wenn die Pflanzen vor der Kohlhernie-Infektion mit einem Zellwandextrakt des Pilzes behandelt wurden. Mittels PCR konnte gezeigt werden, dass Gene für das Erkennen von Pathogenen in der Wurzel von Arabidopsis auf den Zellwandextrakt und Sporen des Pilzes reagieren. In Raps wurden alle der untersuchten Erkennungsgene aufreguliert nach der Infektion mit A. alternatum, nicht jedoch bei der Infektion mit P. brassicae. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass der endophytische Pilz A. alternatum die Wirtspflanze auf eine folgende Infektion vorbereitet (Priming) und systemische Abwehr-mechanismen in der Pflanze induziert, wenn diese mit Kohlhernie infiziert ist. Außerdem treibt der Pilz das Sprosswachstum voran, erhöht die Biomasse und fördert das Überleben von Kohlhernie-infizierten Pflanzen. In vitro-Tests ergaben, dass der Endophyt Kalziumphosphat löslich machen kann und wenig kompetitiv gegenüber Pflanzenpathogenen wie Aspergillus oder Fusarium ist. Dies ist vermutlich mit dem langsameren Wachstum des Endophyten im Gegensatz zu den anderen Pilzen zu erklären. Aus den Ergebnissen dieser Arbeit lassen sich folgende Schlüsse ziehen: i) der endophytische Pilz Acremonium alternatum induziert Resistenzmechanismen in Arabidopsis und Raps und und fördert die Erkennung des Kohlhernieerregers Plasmodiophora brassicae; ii) Arabidopsis und Raps reagieren unterschiedlich auf diesen förderlichen Pilz, ein solcher Unterschied wurde bereits für Plasmodiophora und andere Mikroben beschrieben; iii) lebende Sporen des Pilzes sind nicht notwendig um Krankheitssymptome der Kohlhernie in Raps zu verringern, ein Zellwandextrakt von A. alternatum ist dafür besser geeignet. Ganz allgemein lässt sich sagen, dass der endophytische Pilz Acremonium alternatum ein sehr vielversprechender Kandidat ist für den Einsatz im integrierten Pflanzenschutz in Pflanzenstärkungsmitteln oder als Biokontrollorganismus.

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