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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo molecular do desenvolvimento de Puccinia psidii Winter in vitro e no processo de infecção em Eucalyptus grandis / Molecular study of the development of Puccinia psidii Winter in vitro and during its infection in Eucalyptus grandis

Andressa Peres Bini 05 October 2016 (has links)
O Brasil é um dos principais produtores mundiais de Eucalyptus spp., mas a produção dessa cultura tem sido comprometida por perdas causadas pelo fungo Puccinia psidii Winter, agente causal da ferrugem do eucalipto. Compreender os mecanismos moleculares da patogenicidade desse fungo, conhecer a composição química de variedades de Eucalyptus spp. resistentes e suscetíveis ao fitopatógeno e ter em mãos uma ferramenta de diagnóstico precoce da doença são conhecimentos de fundamental importância para o desenvolvimento de estratégias de controle do fitopatógeno. Uma das principais barreiras que limitam o estudo molecular de P. psidii é o fato dessa espécie ser biotrófica obrigatória, tendo seu desenvolvimento in vitro limitado. Estudos de investigação a respeito de fungos biotróficos obrigatórios são realizados principalmente in planta e em estágios tardios da doença, deixando grande parte do conhecimento dos processos iniciais de infecção desconhecidos. Informações a respeito dos estágios iniciais da infecção, nos quais diversas estruturas típicas são formadas e podem indicar importantes características sobre fungos biotróficos, são de difícil acesso em estudos in planta em função da grande quantidade de material vegetal em relação à quantidade de material do fitopatógeno, que não é passível de ser removido completamente das amostras analisadas. Dessa forma, o presente projeto de pesquisa foi realizado com os objetivos de desenvolver um protocolo para induzir a germinação e a morfogênese estrutural in vitro de P. psidii, identificar genes candidatos relacionados à diferenciação das estruturas de infecção e de fatores de virulência, caracterizar os metabólitos presentes nas ceras cuticulares de folhas de Eucalyptus grandis resistentes e suscetíveis à ferrugem do eucalipto e desenvolver uma metodologia sensível e eficaz para detectar, quantificar e monitorar a presença de P. psidii em folhas de Eucalyptus grandis assintomáticas. Os dados obtidos no presente trabalho podem auxiliar a compreensão da interação planta-patógeno durante os estágios iniciais de infecção da ferrugem e colaboram para o entendimento da biologia do fitopatógeno para que no futuro sejam desenvolvidas melhores estratégias de controle de P. psidii em plantios de eucalipto. / Brazilian production of Eucalyptus spp. is one of the greatest in the world but it has been affected by Puccinia psidii Winter, the causal agent of eucalyptus rust. The comprehension of molecular mechanisms of pathogenicity and chemical composition of resistant and susceptible eucalyptus plants as well as having a molecular tool for early detection of the disease in field can be used for the development of improved control strategies against this phytopathogen. Molecular studies of P. psidii is limited because it is an obligate biotrophic fungus with limited in vitro development. Biotrophic fungi investigations are made mainly in planta at late developmental stages of the disease. This way, most information of early stages of infection as the development of specialized structures of biotrophic fungi are little understood. The study of early stages of the infection process of biotrophic fungi in planta is hampered by the high amount of plant material in relation to fungi material which is difficult to be obtained in an isolated form for analysis. In this work we developed a protocol to increase in vitro germination and structural differentiation of P. psidii and used this protocol to obtain isolated fungi material for the identification of candidate genes related with virulence factors and initial structural morphogenesis. Moreover, we analyzed the composition of metabolites present in the cuticular wax of leaves from resistant and susceptible E. grandis plants and developed a methodology for the detection of P. psidii in asymptomatic leaves of Eucalyptus grandis. Data obtained in this work help the comprehension of E. grandis-P.psidii interaction at early stages of the infection process and can be used for the development of improved control strategies of eucalyptus rust.

Análise, via RNAseq, do transcritoma da cana-de-açúcar e identificação de genes expressos em resposta a Sporisorium scitamineum, o agente causal do carvão / RNAseq based transcriptome analysis and identification of sugarcane genes expressed in response to Sporisorium scitamineum, the causal agent of smut

Alessandra Carolina Palhares 09 September 2014 (has links)
A cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp.) é uma importante cultura agrícola, sendo hospedeira de vários patógenos, incluindo o fungo biotrófico Sporisorium scitamineum, agente causal do carvão. A doença reduz a produtividade das lavouras de cana e a qualidade de seus produtos, sendo reconhecida pelo desenvolvimento de uma estrutura em forma de chicote, onde os teliósporos são produzidos. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o transcritoma da interação cana-de-açúcar - S. scitamineum, visando a identificação de genes do hospedeiro diferencialmente expressos em resposta à infecção fúngica. Gemas da variedade tolerante \'RB92-5345\' foram inoculadas com S. scitamineum e mantidas em casa de vegetação para a coleta das amostras, em dois momentos: 120 h após a inoculação, e no momento da emissão do chicote, aos 200 dias após a inoculação. Foram construídas 12 bibliotecas com base na abordagem RNAseq. Três estratégias computacionais foram utilizadas nas etapas de mapeamento e análise da expressão diferencial de genes da cana: (i) STAR e DESeq, tomando como referência o genoma do sorgo; (ii) Bowtie 2 e DESeq, e (iii) CLC Genomics Workbench, tomando como referência as sequências codificadoras (CDS) do sorgo. Diagramas de Venn foram construídos para identificar genes diferencialmente expressos comuns às três estratégias computacionais, aumentando a acurácia das análises. Para a anotação, foi usada a ferramenta BLAST2GO. Foram obtidos 225 milhões de reads; dentre os 185 milhões usados no mapeamento, 66% foram mapeados em genes e 51% nas CDS. Aproximadamente 77% dos genes e 87% das CDS mapeados apresentaram atividade transcricional (pelo menos um read mapeado), sob as condições do experimento, em ambos os momentos da interação. Um total de 596 e 2.148 genes diferencialmente expressos foram identificados nas respostas iniciais e tardias à infecção, respectivamente; para 79% deles foi possível atribuir uma função. Pelas intersecções, 41 (resposta inicial) e 206 (resposta tardia) genes foram comuns às três estratégias. Sugere-se que a planta percebe o patógeno no início da interação, porém o fungo é capaz de suprimir a resposta de defesa vegetal. Propõe-se que há uma reprogramação da expressão gênica defesa-orientada, favorecendo o desenvolvimento da planta, mesmo com a doença instalada. A expressão de genes relacionados à resistência, às vias de hormônios e com a formação da parede celular (além de inibidores de proteínas fúngicas) sugerem que a planta se empenha drasticamente para sobreviver após 200 dias de interação. Decifrando os perfis do transcritoma da cana na interação com S. scitamineum, este trabalho deve contribuir para o melhor entendimento dos mecanismos de resistência ao carvão. / Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) is an important crop, and hosts several pathogens, including the biotrophic fungus Sporisorium scitamineum, the causal agent of smut. The disease reduces the sugarcane crop yield and the quality of its products, and is recognized by the development of a whip-like structure, where teliospores are produced. The objective of this study was to analyze the transcriptome of sugarcane - S. scitamineum interaction and to identify differentially expressed genes from the host in response to fungal infection. Buds of the tolerant variety \'RB92-5345\' were inoculated with S. scitamineum and maintained in a greenhouse for two sampling interaction moments: 120 h after inoculation, and at the moment of the whip emission, 200 days after inoculation. Twelve libraries were constructed based on RNAseq approach. Three computational strategies were used in the mapping step and differential expression analysis of sugarcane genes: (i) STAR and DESeq, using as reference the sorghum genome; (ii) Bowtie 2 and DESeq, and (iii) CLC Genomics Workbench, using as reference the coding sequences (CDS) from sorghum. Venn diagrams were created to identify differential expressed genes that were common to the three computational strategies, thus increasing the analysis accuracy. For annotation, the BLAST2GO tool was used. We have obtained 225 million reads; out of the 185 million reads used for mapping, 66% were mapped to genes and 51% to CDS. Approximately 77% and 87% of the mapped genes and CDS respectively showed transcriptional activity (at least one read was mapped) under the experimental conditions at both interaction moments. A total of 596 and 2,148 differentially expressed genes were identified at early and late responses to the infection, respectively; it was possible to attribute function to 79% of them. Through intersectioning, 41 (early response) and 206 (late response) genes were found to be common to the three strategies. It is suggested that the plant recognizes the pathogen at the beginning of interaction period, though the fungal is able to suppress the host defense response. It is also proposed that a defense-oriented transcriptional reprogramming takes place, supporting plant development even with the disease setting. The expression of genes related to resistance, hormone pathways, and cell wall formation (as well as inhibitors of fungal proteins) suggests that the plant makes exceptional efforts to survive after 200 days of interaction. Deciphering the sugarcane transcriptome profile during the interaction with S. scitamineum, this study should contribute to a better understanding of the resistance mechanisms to the smut.

Análise da expressão gênica de Arabidopsis thaliana em resposta ao Citrus leprosis virus C e ao seu vetor Brevipalpus phoenicis / Gene expression analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana in response to Citrus leprosis virus C and its vector Brevipalpus phoenicis

Gabriella Dias Arena 30 May 2014 (has links)
A leprose dos citros, principal doença viral que afeta a citricultura no Brasil, é causada pelo Citrus leprosis virus C (CiLV-C, gênero Cilevirus). CiLV-C possui um genoma bipartido de RNA de fita simples, polaridade positiva, que codifica para seis proteínas. O vírus é transmitido de planta a planta por ácaros Brevipalpus phoenicis e pode infectar mais de 40 espécies vegetais, produzindo lesões localizadas cloróticas ou necróticas ao redor do sítio de inoculação pelo ácaro. Invariavelmente, o patógeno não realiza movimento sistêmico em nenhuma de suas hospedeiras conhecidas. Para se revelar os mecanismos moleculares que determinam a atípica interação vírus/ácaro/planta, as atividades das principais vias de defesa foram avaliadas durante a infestação de A. thaliana com ácaros avirulíferos e virulíferos para o CiLV-C. A expressão de 19 genes marcadores associados às respostas de defesa do hospedeiro foi verificada mediante PCR quantitativo (RT-qPCR) em um experimento de time course (6, 12 e 24 horas após a infestação, e no momento do aparecimento dos sintomas de leprose). As análises demostraram que os genes envolvidos na via do ácido salicílico (SA) foram induzidos durante a interação com o ácaro e com o vírus. O perfil de expressão dos genes desta via durante a infestação com ácaros virulíferos foi similar ao observado com ácaros avirulíferos, porém a resposta da planta a ambos os estímulos foi mais intensa. Ademais, ambas as vias do ácido jasmônico e etileno foram ativadas durante a interação com o ácaro e reprimidas ao longo da infecção com o vírus, sugerindo uma interferência antagonística mediada pela via do SA. O mecanismo de silenciamento de RNA foi regulado de maneira diferencial em resposta à interação com ácaros avirulíferos e virulíferos. Diante da infecção viral, em tempos iniciais da infecção, as plantas responderam com a ativação de uma primeira linha de defesa mediada por AGO1, e depois alternaram para uma segunda linha de defesa mediada por AGO2. Os resultados indicam a ativação de um processo multifatorial em resposta ao CiLV-C e ao ácaro B. phoenicis em A. thaliana. / Citrus leprosis, the main viral disease affecting citrus orchards in Brazil, is caused by Citrus leprosis virus C (CiLV-C, genus Cilevirus). CiLV-C has a bipartite genome of singled stranded positive RNA, which encodes six proteins. CiLV-C is plant-to-plant transmitted by Brevipalpus phoenicis mites and can infect more than 40 plant species, invariably producing localized chlorotic or necrotic lesions around the site of feeding of the viruliferous mites. Viral long distance movement in its hosts is not accomplished. To unveil the mechanisms determining the unique characteristic of the virus/mite/plant interaction, activities of main plant defense pathways were evaluated during aviruliferous and CiLV-C viruliferous mite infestation in Arabidopsis thaliana. The expression of 19 marker genes involved in defense responses along a time course experiment (6, 12 and 24 hours after infestation, and after appearance of leprosis symptoms) was assessed by RT-qPCR. Analyses showed that genes involved in the salicylic acid (SA) pathway were up-regulated during plant interaction with mite and virus. The SA pathway expression profile observed at the infestation by viruliferous mites resembled those observed for the aviruliferous mites, but plant response to both stimuli was stronger. Both the jasmonic acid and ethylene pathways were activated during mite/plant interaction and were repressed at the course of infection with CiLV-C, suggesting an antagonistic effect mediated by the activated SA pathway. Gene silencing mechanism was differentially regulated in response to both aviruliferous and viruliferous mites. Upon viral infection, plants responded with the activation of an AGO1-mediated first defense line, in early times of infection; and then switched to an AGO2-mediated defense. Results indicate the activation of a multifactorial process in response to CiLV-C and B. phoenicis mites in A. thaliana.

Uso de Nicotiana tabacum e Arabidopsis thaliana como plantas modelo para estudo funcional de genes associados à resistência a clorose variegada dos citros / Nicotiana tabacum and Arabidopsis thaliana as model plants for functional study of genes associated with resistance to citrus variegated chlorosis

Pereira, Willian Eduardo Lino, 1988- 25 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Alessandra Alves de Souza / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-25T07:11:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Pereira_WillianEduardoLino_M.pdf: 4114093 bytes, checksum: f064932e99a8077c41524b40c01c7dbe (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: A citricultura brasileira representa um setor comercial muito rico, porém a produtividade brasileira é baixa, sobretudo em razão de pragas e doenças, como a Clorose Variegada do Citros (CVC), causada pela bactéria Xylella fastidiosa que afeta todas as variedades de laranja doce (Citrus sinensis). O melhoramento genético de citros é um desafio em virtude da baixíssima variabilidade genética e do grande avanço de pragas e doenças. Uma alternativa para acelerar a obtenção de plantas resistentes a doenças seria a obtenção de plantas transgênicas. A seleção de genes candidatos em citros seria uma excelente estratégia, não fossem dificuldades para transformação genética como escapes, enraizamento, enxertia e longo ciclo da cultura. A solução para acelerar o conhecimento do potencial do gene em conferir resistência ao patógeno seria então o uso de hospedeiros alternativos como Nicotiana tabacum e Arabidopsis thaliana, pois possuem grande informação genética, protocolos simples de transformação e ciclo de vida curto. Devido à identificação prévia por transcritoma de genes possivelmente associados à resistência de Citrus reticulata a X. fastidiosa, torna-se necessário o estudo da função desses genes para aplicação por transgenia visando resistência em C. sinensis. Assim, o objetivo do trabalho foi utilizar plantas modelo (tabaco e Arabidopsis) para estudo funcional desses genes potenciais. Nossos resultados indicaram que Arabidopsis é moderadamente resistente à infecção por X. fastidiosa, uma vez que a bactéria não consegue colonizá-la eficientemente. Utilizando plantas mutantes de Arabidopsis para os genes candidatos RPS5, RAP2.2, MOA2.2, PseudoNBS, ERF73, RD22 e ATJ2 (homólogos aos diferencialmente expressos em C. reticulata sob infecção) verificou-se que dois deles, RPS5 e RAP2.2, estão envolvidos na resistência à bactéria, pois na ausência deles a bactéria colonizou mais eficientemente o hospedeiro, e portanto, são bons candidatos para superexpressão em C. sinensis visando resistência à CVC. RPS5 codifica uma proteína do tipo CC-NBS-LRR, comumente responsável pelo reconhecimento de moléculas dos patógenos e desencadeando vias de sinalização, enquanto o gene RAP2.2 codifica um fator de transcrição relacionado à uma via de sinalização mediada por etileno, de forma a desencadear respostas contra a infecção. Em relação a tabaco foi estudado a colonização da bactéria visando estabelecer um bioensaio quantitativo. Nesse sentido, foi elaborada e validada uma escala diagramática para correta aferição da severidade da doença nas folhas. Também foi estabelecida uma correlação entre níveis de severidade e população bacteriana, permitindo estimar a população bacteriana na folha a partir da análise de severidade. Um bioensaio mais rápido foi estabelecido para avaliação do gene soyBiPD, candidato à conferir resistência a X. fastidiosa. Entretanto, nossos resultados demonstram que esse gene não confere resistência à esse patógeno na planta modelo, não sendo, portanto, candidato para transformar C. sinensis visando resistência a CVC. Num curto período de tempo, oito genes candidatos foram avaliados e dois apresentaram resultados promissores (RPS5 e RAP2.2), sendo selecionados para transformação em C. sinensis visando tolerância a CVC. Isso comprova a importância de plantas modelo no estudo e seleção de genes promissores e a consequente redução de custos, trabalho e tempo para obter respostas acerca da potencialidade dos genes / Abstract: The Brazilian citrus agribusiness is a very important commodity; nevertheless Brazilian citrus productivity is low, mainly due to pests and diseases that affect the culture. The Citrus Variegated Chlorosis (CVC), caused by the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa is one of the most important diseases, since it affects all varieties of sweet oranges. Citrus breeding programs could be used to solve this problem however the breeding is a challenging due to the very low genetic variability and the breakthrough of pests and diseases. An alternative to accelerate the obtaining of resistant plants to diseases could be through of transgenic plants. The selection of candidate genes in citrus would be an excellent strategy, if there were not difficulties in genetic transformation. The solution to accelerate the knowledge of gene to confer pathogen resistance is the use of alternative hosts such as the Nicotiana tabacum and Arabidopsis thaliana. Both hosts have great genetic information, simple protocol of transformation and short life cycle. Due to the prior identification by transcriptome of genes possibly associated with resistance of C. reticulata to X. fastidiosa become necessary to study the function of these genes. Thus, the goal of this study was to use model plants (Arabidopsis and tobacco) for functional study of potential genes to confer X. fastidiosa resistance and use them in C. sinensis in a transgenic approach. Our results indicated that Arabidopsis is moderately resistant to infection by X. fastidiosa, since bacteria cannot colonize it efficiently. Using mutant plants to the candidate genes RPS5, RAP2.2, MOA2.2, PseudoNBS, ERF73, RD22 and ATJ2 (homologous to the differentially expressed in C. reticulata under infection) it was found that RPS5 and RAP2.2 are probably involved in resistance to this bacterium, since the mutants were more susceptible to X. fastidiosa, therefore they are good candidates for overexpression in C. sinensis aiming CVC resistance. The RPS5 gene encodes a protein of the CC-NBS-LRR type commonly responsible for the recognition of molecules of pathogens and triggering signaling pathways, while RAP2.2 gene encodes a transcription factor related to the signaling pathway mediated by ethylene, triggering responses against infection. Regarding tobacco we study the colonization of bacteria to establish a quantitative bioassay. In this sense, was developed and validated a diagrammatic scale for accurate measurement of disease severity in the leaves. A correlation between levels of severity and bacterial population, allowing estimation of the bacterial population in plant from the analysis of severity, was also established. A faster bioassay was established for evaluation of soyBiPD gene, candidate to confer resistance to X. fastidiosa. However, our results demonstrate that this gene does not confer resistance in the plant model, and therefore would not be used to transform C. sinensis. In a short time, eight candidate genes were evaluated and two of them showed promising results (RPS5 and RAP2.2). These results demonstrate the importance of model plants in accelerate the knowledge of candidate genes and consequent the reduction of costs, labor and time to obtain responses about the potentiality of genes to confer pathogen resistance / Mestrado / Genetica Vegetal e Melhoramento / Mestre em Genética e Biologia Molecular

Expressão de genes da via do ácido salicílico em resposta à infecção por "Candidatus Liberibacter spp.", agente do huanglongbing dos citros / Expression of genes of salicylic acid pathway in response to "Candidatus Liberibacter spp.", causal agent of citrus huanglongbing

Oliveira, Tiago Silva, 1987- 23 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Marcos Antonio Machado / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-23T15:02:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Oliveira_TiagoSilva_M.pdf: 9792911 bytes, checksum: ad5dca1b90e42dd95db47317b65cb9be (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: O resumo poderá ser visualizado no texto completo da tese digital / Abstract: The abstract is available with the full electronic document / Mestrado / Genetica Vegetal e Melhoramento / Mestre em Genética e Biologia Molecular

Aplicação das omicas para o estudo de duas doenças fúngicas do cacaueiro / Omics' application for the study of two fungal cocoa diseases

Ambrosio, Alinne Batista, 1983- 08 February 2012 (has links)
Orientadores: Gonçalo Amarante Guimarães Pereira, Odalys Garcia Cabrera / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-21T17:42:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ambrosio_AlinneBatista_D.pdf: 4013772 bytes, checksum: 30fca05155be94194f624c02d6697d87 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: O cacaueiro (Theobroma cacao L., Sterculiaceae), planta nativa da região amazônica, é aprincipal espécie dentre as 22 do gênero que é comercialmente explorada para aprodução de sementes, as quais tem grande importância econômica principalmente porser usado na produção de chocolate.Por conta disso, a produção das sementes sempre foiuma grande preocupação para as regiões produtoras, e o fator que causa o maior declínioda produção de cacau é o aparecimento de doenças. No Brasil, o cacaueiro apresentacomo principais doenças causadoras de perdas na produção a vassoura-de-bruxa e o maldo-facão. A vassoura-de-bruxa é causa pelo fungo Moniliophthora perniciosa e tem comosintomas característicos a hiperplasia e hipertrofia das células que dão lugar a tecidosanômalos chamados de vassoura. O mal-do-facão, causado pelo fungo Ceratocystiscacaofunesta, é uma doença assintomática, sendo detectada somente com a morte daplanta. As duas doenças foram estudadas neste trabalho atravez de ferramentas dagenômica na tentativa de identificação de mecanismos de interação patógenohospedeiro.Em Ceratocystis cacaofunesta foi feita uma análise global da mitocôndriaintegrando dados de genômica, transcritômica e proteômica. Foi gerado o primeiroinventário de proteinas mitocondriais de um fitopatógeno, sendo preditas um total de1.124 proteinas, das quais 304 foram identificadas experimentalmente. Dentre asproteinas listadas no inventário, 117 tem função desconhecida e 7 parecem ser específicasdeste fungo.Análises dos dados do genoma de M. perniciosa sugerem que o fungo poderiaestar produzindo giberelina, o que explica muito dos eventos que acontecem durante ainteração M. perniciosa-cacaueiro durante a fase biotrófica do fungo. Este trabalho demonstrou a importância desse hormônio na progressão da doença, assim como aalteração do metabolismo de giberelina na planta durante a interação. Os dados obtidosneste trabalho geraram conhecimento para desenvolvimento de estrátégias de controledas duas doenças, além de direcionar estudos com outros fitopatógenos / Abstract: Cacao tree (Theobroma cacao L., Sterculeaceae) is a native plant from Amazon region andthe main species commercially exploited for seed production among the 22 of the genus.This plant has a great economic importance because of its use in the production ofchocolate. Due to this, producing regions always has been concern to seed production,and diseases are the most important factors of decline in cocoa production. In Brazil,cacao witches' broom and ceratocystis wilt are major diseases causing production losses.The witches' broom is caused by the fungus Moniliophthora perniciosa and thecharacteristic hyperplasia and hypertrophy symptoms of cells gives rise to anomaloustissue called broom. Meanwhile, the ceratocystis wilt caused by Ceratocystis cacaofunestais an asymptomatic disease; it is detected only with the death of the plant. Both diseaseswere studied using genomic tools in an attempt to identify mechanisms of host-pathogeninteraction. In Ceratocystis cacaofunesta, a mitochondrial global analysis integrating datafrom genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics was made. This work generated the firstinventory of mitochondrial proteins of a plant pathogenic fungus, in which 1,124 proteinswere predicted and 304 were identified experimentally. Among the proteins listed in theinventory, 117 have unknown function and 7 appear to be specific to this fungus. Dataanalysis of the genome of M. perniciosa suggests that the fungus could be producinggibberellin, it may explain much of the events that happen during the interaction M.perniciosa-cacao in biotrophic phase of the fungus. Therefore, this work showed theimportance of this hormone in disease progression, as well as altered metabolism ofgibberellin in the plant during the interaction. The data obtained in this work generatedknowledge to develop strategies to control these two diseases, and can drive studies withother pathogens / Doutorado / Genetica de Microorganismos / Doutor em Genetica e Biologia Molecular

Etude de la biosynthese du nad chez les plantes : conséquences physiologiques de sa manipulation chez Arabidopsis thaliana / NAD biosynthesis in plants : physiological consequences of its deregulation in Arabidopsis thaliana

Pétriacq, Pierre 07 October 2011 (has links)
Porteur redox intervenant dans nombre de processus métaboliques, le NAD (nicotinamide adénine dinucléotide) est central pour les cellules vivantes. Outre son importance dans le métabolisme oxydoréductif, des données récentes suggèrent fortement d’autres rôles importants pour le NAD dans la signalisation cellulaire. Un système inductible d’enrichissement en NAD en surproduisant la quinolinate phosphoribosyltransférase (QPT) d’Escherichia coli chez Arabidopsis thaliana a permis de mettre en évidence l’implication du NAD dans les mécanismes spécifiques de défenses qui régissent les interactions plante-pathogène. Par ailleurs, une dérégulation de la synthèse de NAD sur l’étape enzymatique catalysée par la QPT endogène d’Arabidopsis thaliana souligne le rôle critique du NAD dans la balance C/N des plantes, en particulier en bouleversant l’assimilation de l’azote en conditions photorespiratoires. Ces travaux nous ouvrent à une nouvelle compréhension des mécanismes de signalisation impliquant le NAD dans les grandes fonctions métaboliques des plantes. / Plant development and functions are underpinned by redox reactions which depend on cofactors such as pyridine nucleotides as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD). Beside its redox properties, NAD has recently been implicated in cellular signalling. An inducible system based on Escherichia coli quinolinate phosphoribosyltransferase (QPT) overproduction in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana was set up as a convenient experimental technique to raise NAD content. This build-up highlights the involvement of NAD in plant-pathogen specific defense mechanisms. Furthermore, manipulating endogenous Arabidopsis thaliana QPT levels was used to deregulate NAD production. Such an approach points out the critical role of NAD in C/N interactions by shaking up nitrogen assimilation upon photorespiratory conditions. These results pave the way for a new understanding of signalling mechanisms involving NAD in plants major metabolic functions.

Étude des traits d'histoire de vie de "Melampsora larici-populina", agent de la rouille du peuplier : de leur déterminisme génétique à leurs conséquences évolutives / Study of life history traits of the poplar rust fungus Melampsora larici-populina : from their genetic determinism to their evolutionary consequences

Pernaci, Michaël 25 June 2015 (has links)
L’adaptation d’un champignon pathogène à son milieu, ainsi que l’évolution et la structuration des populations qui en découlent, sont fortement influencés par ses traits d’histoire de vie qui conditionnent sa fitness. C’est ce que nous avons illustré chez Melampsora larici-populina, l’agent de la rouille du peuplier. Ainsi, nous avons mis en évidence que le volume des spores du champignon évolue de manière répétable au cours des épidémies annuelles dans la vallée de la Durance, et ce sous l’effet de la sélection naturelle, signe que ce trait intervient directement dans le processus adaptatif du champignon. Par conséquent, les contraintes génétiques conditionnant le potentiel adaptatif du champignon en lien avec les traits d’histoire de vie ont été étudiées en laboratoire, au sein d’une descendance S1 issue de l’autofécondation d’une souche de référence. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent que M. larici-populina présente un potentiel adaptatif élevé. Enfin, une carte génétique à haute résolution du champignon, comprenant 18 chromosomes, a été construite afin d’étudier le déterminisme génétique de ces traits d'histoire de vie. Un locus de virulence ainsi que des QTL intervenant dans l’expression de la taille des lésions ont pu être détectés et positionnés avec précision sur cette carte. Ce travail a mis en évidence le rôle des traits quantitatifs dans l’adaptation et la structuration des populations de M. larici-populina en réponse aux pressions de sélection du milieu, en lui conférant un potentiel adaptatif élevée, essence de l’adaptation des organismes. Il ouvre également de nombreuses perspectives de recherche visant à identifier les bases génétiques de l’adaptation de ce champignon pathogène à son hôte, éléments indispensables à l’élaboration de stratégies de lutte durables / Adaptation of a phytopathogenic fungus to its environment, as well as the resulting evolution and structuration of its populations, are strongly influenced by its life history traits which condition its fitness. This is illustrated here with the poplar rust fungus Melampsora larici-populina. Hence, we showed that spore volume repeatedly evolved through natural selection, during annual epidemics in the Durance River valley, showing the implication of this trait in the fungus adaptive processes. Consequently, genetic constraints conditioning the adaptive potential of the fungus, in connection with life history traits, were studied in laboratory, over a progeny resulting from a selfing of a reference strain. Results suggest that M. larici-populina has a high adaptive potential. Finally, a high resolution genetic map of the fungus, comprising 18 chromosomes, has been built in order to study genetic determinism of these traits. One locus of virulence and three QTL involved in the expression of the lesion size were detected and accurately mapped on this map. This work emphasizes the role of quantitative traits in adaptation and structuration of M. larici-populina populations in response to the environmental selective pressures, by conferring an adaptive potential, the basis of organisms’ adaptation. It also opens many opportunities to identify the genetic bases of adaptation of this fungus, these elements being essential for the development of sustainable strategies of disease control

L'alpha-tubuline B et ses régulateurs chez le champignon Botrytis cinerea : régulation, rôles et interactants / The alpha tubulin B and its regulators of the fungus Botrytis Cinerea : regulation, roles and interactant

Faivre Talmey, Yohann 07 February 2014 (has links)
B. Cinerea, l'agent responsable de la pourriture grise, possède deux alpha-tubulines : l'alpha-tubuline A et l'alpha-tubuline B. Ces protéines sont connues pour participer à la construction des microtubules, mais la connaissance de leurs rôles est relativement limitée chez les champignons et particulièrement chez les pathogènes des plantes. L'analyse du profil d'expression des gènes codant pour ces tubulines a démontré que l'alpha-tubuline B est majoritairement exprimé et qu'il se caractérise par un pic au moment de la germination de la spore fongique. L'étude du promoteur de son gène a révélé la présence de trois zones possibles de régulation, et l'approche de «simple-hybride» a permis de mettre en évidence deux régulateurs potentiels : BcYOH1 et BcFT027. Un mini-réseau de régulation entre les différents gènes codants pour les tubulines et ces facteurs de transcription a été mis en évidence. Nos résultats ont montré que le gène codant pour l'alpha-tubuline B n'est pas indispensable à la vie cellulaire et l'étude du mutant de délétion a permis d'attribuer un rôle particulier de cette protéine dans la formation du mycélium aérien et, donc dans la production des spores de la reproduction asexuée, mais également dans le cycle infectieux du champignon. Par ailleurs, les mutants de délétion des gènes codant pour les deux facteurs de transcription identifiés dans notre étude ont permis l'analyse de leur rôle sur le développement et le pouvoir infectieux du champignon. Nous avons ainsi montré que la vitesse de croissance, la biomasse, le mycélium aérien et la vitesse d'infection étaient augmentés chez le mutant BcFT027 / The plant pathogen Botrytis cinerea contains two alpha-tubulin isomers (alpha-tubulin A and B). These proteins are known to participate in the construction of microtubules in all eukaryotes, but our knowledge about the roles of different isomers is particularly poor in fungi, and null in fungal plant pathogens. Analysis of gene expression profiles in B. cinerea revealed that the alpha-tubulin B encoding gene is more expressed than the alpha-tubulin A one and that its expression peaks during spore germination. Subsequent promoter studies led to the identification of three DNA regions probably involved in this regulation, and two putative regulators were then found by using the one-hybrid yeast system : the already discovered BcYOH1 and the totally unknown and ascomycetous specific BcFT027. Additional expression studies in mutant strains of these regulators finally suggested the existence of a regulatory network between these two regulators and the two alpha-tubulin encoding genes. Production and analysis of alpha-tubulin B deletion mutants showed that this isomer is not essential for cell viability in B. cinerea. More importantly, this study revealed that the alpha-tubulin protein plays a role during plant infection as well as in the formation of aerial mycelium and the production of asexual spores. Partial to complete characterization of the BcYOH1 and BcFT027 deletion mutants strengthened these results and showed that BcFT027 is a key player in the development of areal mycelium and of the infection process (via the development of penetration structures called infection cushions). Never reported before, these results are of significant interest in our understanding of tubulins and fungal development

Influence des processus démographiques sur la structure et les caractéristiques génétiques des champignons phytopathogènes : cas de l'agent de la rouille du peuplier Melampsora larici-populina / Impact of demographic processes on population structure and genetic characteristics of fungal plant pathogens : a case study with the poplar rust fungus Melampsora larici-populina

Xhaard, Constance 23 June 2011 (has links)
La structure génétique et la dynamique des populations des champignons phytopathogènes peuvent être influencées par de nombreux facteurs, ce que nous avons illustré à différentes échelles chez Melampsora larici-populina, l'agent de la rouille du peuplier. A l'échelle de la France, deux principaux groupes génétiques se différencient. Le premier, inféodé aux hôtes sauvages, est le produit de l'évolution des populations en conditions naturelles. Le second, formé suite au contournement de la résistance R7 portée par le cultivar "Beaupré", se caractérise par une forte proportion d"individus virulents 7 et présente des signatures de sélection et d'expansion démographique, témoins de l'invasion de ce groupe sur tous les peupliers (y compris sauvages) de la moitié nord de la France. A une échelle plus restreinte, nous avons examiné une zone de contact située dans les Alpes, où la délimitation entre les groupes « cultivé » et « sauvage » était la plus marquée. En testant l'effet du paysage, nous avons montré que le massif des Ecrins protégeait le groupe « sauvage » situé à l'est, en amont de la vallée de la Durance, de l'invasion des individus au profil « cultivé » venant du nord-ouest. Il n'en est pas de même dans la partie aval de cette vallée, colonisée annuellement par une vague épidémique, issue de ces deux groupes génétiques présents en amont de part et d'autre du Massif des Ecrins. En dernier lieu nous avons examiné les conséquences génétiques des évènements de colonisation, qui se traduisent par une augmentation de la différenciation par rapport à la source de l'épidémie ainsi qu'une érosion de la diversité génétique. Ce travail original a permis de souligner l'importance de combiner les approches d'épidémiologie et de génétique des populations pour caractériser au mieux les processus démographiques et leurs conséquences génétiques / Many factors can impact the genetic structures and population dynamics of fungal plant pathogens. Here we illustrated some of them at different spatial scales for the poplar rust fungus Melampsora larici-populina. At the scale of France, two main genetic groups were found. The first one infects only wild hosts and results from natural evolution of rust populations. The second one was formed after the R7 resistance breakdown, which is carried by the cultivar ?Beaupré?. This group exhibited a high proportion of virulent 7 individuals and presented signs of selection and demographic expansion; these signs indicate the recent invasion of individuals from this group on both wild and cultivated poplars in the northern half of France. At a regional scale, we focused on a contact zone between the ?cultivated? and the ?wild? genetic groups, located in the Alps. Upstream the Durance River valley, the influence of landscape has been highlighted by the effect of the Ecrins range which protects the ?wild? group located on the east side from the invasion of individuals from the ?cultivated? group, which arise from the northwest. Downstream the valley the annual epidemic wave was shown to be composed of admixed individuals from ?wild? and ?cultivated? groups, originating from both sides of the Ecrins range. Lastly we assessed the genetic consequences of the colonization wave. We evidenced a gradual increase of genetic differentiation with the epidemic source and a loss of genetic diversity. This work highlights the need of combining population genetics and epidemiology to characterize demographic processes and their genetic consequences

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