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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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從開放式創新觀點探討NTT DoCoMo平台型經營模式 / NTT DoCoMo’s Platform Business Model:Open Innovation Perspective

韓燕甯, Han,Yan Ning Unknown Date (has links)
在現今之行動通訊產業中,面對技術融合、顧客需求多樣化、快速創新的衝即,整個產業結構已發生了根本上的影響。傳統行動通訊產業中的線性價值鏈已不復見,而是重新聚合成全新的價值網,而這個新的價值網跨越了原本各自獨立的產業界線,並經由不同的連結方式,形成新的產業形態,展現出新的面貌。其中,更可以明顯發現,透過許多不同領域能力之結合,可以造就出許多新事業、新市場的誕生。據此,企業為了追求快速創新,便不可能僅憑一己之力,於內部發展出各式各樣之能力。反之,企業必須由外部擷取他人之力,再與內部核心能力結合,與外部關係人建立共生關係,最終達成多贏之局面。據此,Chesbrough (2003) 認為,企業過去「封閉式創新」的作法已不合時宜,未來必須走向「開放式創新」。 本研究在文獻探討的部分,將焦點放在三大議題:開放式創新、經營模式與平台型經營模式。同時,選擇全球行動通訊產業的領導廠商 – NTT DoCoMo為個案公司,從1999年至2007年之公司資料中,歸納出個案公司的三大議題:發展歷程、經營模式與合作關係。 最後,本研究歸納出以下結論:第一:平台型經營模式有利於企業有效且及時地連結外部環境之資源,以實踐開放式創新;第二:企業在追求快速創新之目標時,其所採用之創新模式可依據下述兩種要素來區分:合作關係之廣度與資源投入之程度。而面對不同核心程度之能力時,須採用不同之模式;第三:平台型經營模式由眾多構面組成,而面對不同的構面,企業須採用不同的模式來發展;第四:成功的平台型經營模式必須具備吸引力與主導力。 / Today, the mobile communication industry is faced with the impact of technology fusion, diversified customers’ demand and fast innovation; this industry already changed fundamentally. The linear value chain of traditional mobile communication industry is no more, instead, there is a whole new value net, which is connected in different way to become a new industry. From the result, through the combination of capabilities from different areas, it can lead to many new businesses and markets. According to the above, for the purpose of fast innovation, companies are impossible to develop various capabilities all by themselves inside; instead, companies have to introduce other capabilities from outside and combine with their core capabilities. Through the establishment of ecosystem, it will lead to the all-win situation. According to the above, Chesbrough argues that the traditional close innovation is no more, it is the age of open innovation. In this research, the literature review focuses on three issues: open innovation, business model and platform business model. Meanwhile, this research chooses the global leading company in mobile communication industry – NTT DoCoMo as the case company and the case study focuses on three issues: history, business model and collaborative relationships. This research reaches three conclusions. First, platform business model can help companies connect with the environment effectively and timely. Second, open innovation includes two different concepts: open and closed at the same time and these different concepts should be applied to different capabilities. Third, business model is composed of many aspects, and different aspects should be developed by different concepts. Forth, open business model’s paradigm is platform business model and two of platform business model’s fundamental forces are attraction and predomination.

遊戲直播平台獲利模式之個案分析-以Twitch直播平台為例 / The study on profit model of the game live streaming platform- a case study of twitch

戴欣晟, Tai, Hsin Chen Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路的發展加上行動裝置的普及,導致人們觀看影音媒體的方式逐漸數位化,資策會2015年報告指出,72%台灣民眾每週至少觀看一次線上影音平台。4G時代的來臨,使得網路直播成為一種新應用,世界各地也逐漸興起一股網路直播平台的風潮,多數的直播平台雖然擁有很高的用戶流量,卻沒辦法成功的把這些用戶流量轉化為金流,高額的頻寬成本造成直播平台連年虧損。然而,Twitch卻能脫穎而出,以專攻遊戲直播市場,2015年營收高達13.6億美元,更被亞馬遜以9.7億美元將其收購。究竟直播平台應該如何獲利?如何驅動營收的成長?為本研究欲探討之問題。 本研究挑選專攻遊戲直播市場的Twitch 為個案,運用多邊市場結構的概念分析Twitch的獲利模式;運用社群遞增動態循環四構面-內容、忠誠、輪廓和交易活動,分析Twitch如何驅動營收成長。 本研究發現,Twitch多元的獲利模式依賴其平台所連接之多邊市場,並且對不同的市場採取不同的獲利模式。Twitch多元的獲利模式歸納為:訂閱、廣告和交易模式。另外,直播平台想要驅動營收的成長,則需專注於核心領域、提升平台內容質量和平台成員之忠誠度,才能夠有效驅動平台多元的營收成長。 / The way of people watching media are changing to digitalization. According to Taiwan Institution for Information Industry’s report in 2015, 72 percent of population in Taiwan watch media through online video platform at least one time in a week. Also, the fourth generation of mobile telecommunications technology (4G) makes the application of online streaming popular, which leads more and more online streaming platforms came out all over the world. In fact, many online streaming platforms are losing money year after year, due to the huge cost of the Internet Bandwidth and without a successful profit model to transform the high volume of users into revenue. However, Twitch, which focus on game live streaming market, are very successful nowadays. Twitch claims 43% of market share in the gaming content industry and earned $3.8 billion in 2015. Also, Twitch was bought by Amazon for $970 million in 2014. Therefore, this research chooses Twitch as a research target, and focus on analysis of Twitch’s profit model and how Twitch increases its revenue through theoretical method This research finds that Twitch’s successful profit model is due to its multi-markets. Twitch uses different profit strategies on different markets. Twitch’s multiple profit models can be categorized into Subscription, Advertising, and Transaction Models. In addition, Twitch increases its revenue by focusing on core market, increasing the quality of platform contents and the loyalty of platform users.

台灣P2P借貸平台策略分析及探討其商業模式之適用性 / The Platform Strategy of P2P Lending, and the Applicability of the Business Model in Taiwan

巫瑞芬, Wu, Ruei Fen Unknown Date (has links)
P2P個人網路借貸(Peer-to-Peer Lending)平台,即為媒合個人對個人借貸的網路平台;有閒置資金者,可透過網路平台,挑選自己願意資助的對象,將資金借給資金需求者,以獲得報酬;資金需求者,則可利用此網路平台,尋找願意提供資金者,以滿足借款需求。其中,借款利率由P2P借貸平台業者依據其計算方式評估訂定;因此,對投資人來說,P2P借貸平台成為另類的理財管道;對借款者來說,則成為新興的融資方式。2016年可說是台灣P2P網路借貸元年,LnB信用市集、鄉民貸等P2P借貸平台相繼成立,設計差異化的營運模式,提供台灣大眾新型態的借貸與投資服務。 本研究以個案式的實務分析及驗證,運用平台策略的相關理論為基礎,並以商業模式之要素作為分析架構,探討個案公司LnB信用市集、鄉民貸及FundPark創辦人創建平台時的動機與目標,如何增進平台參與者互動,替用戶解決問題,並共同創造價值。因此,本研究之研究問題總結如下: (一)台灣P2P借貸平台發展之可能性。 (二)個案公司P2P借貸平台營運模式於台灣發展遇到的問題及比較。 / The Peer-to-Peer lending platform (P2P lending platform will be used as the abbreviation in the following section) the practice of lending money to individuals through online services that match lenders with borrowers. Investors holding idle capital can choose the target on the website to lend money and gain higher returns; while the borrowers’ funding needs can be satisfied by the mechanism of the P2P lending platform. Thus, the P2P lending platform has transformed the traditional idea that finance has to be handled through financial institutions. The P2P lending industry in Taiwan have been developed since 2016, the first and second P2P lending companies: Lend & Borrow(LnB信用市集) , Lend(鄉民貸) were founded during 2015 and 2016, which were devoted to offering reasonable interest rates for lenders and borrowers. Based on the concept of platform strategy and the factors of business model, this study investigates the object and the motivation of the founders when they founded the P2P lending companies, and discusses how they increased the interaction of the players in the platform ecosystem, with the case study of P2P lending companies--Lend & Borrow(LnB信用市集) , Lend(鄉民貸) and FundPark. Therefore, the research questions of this study are as follows: 1.The practicability of the P2P lending platform in Taiwan. 2.The comparison of the business model, and the obstacles that the P2P lending companies faced in Taiwan.

En utveckling av teknologi: digitala plattformar för smarta arenor

Mauritzson, William, Kamali, Selma January 2023 (has links)
Den snabbt växande teknologiska utvecklingen har gjort att många företag anpassat sina varor,tjänster och företagsstruktur efter det alltmer moderna plattformsmodellen. Denna modell harvisat goda förutsättningar för företag att växa och att skapa ett större interaktionsnätverk mellanandra aktörer och agerar som en bra konkurrenskraft gentemot företag som förhåller sig till entraditionell analog företagsmodell. Denna fallstudie undersöker hur Jägersro Hästcenter kangynnas av en sådan modell och har undersökt vilka olika förslag som hade ökat antalet besökaretill anläggningen. Det har gjorts sju intervjuer samt samlats in 89 svar från en enkätundersökningsom visade hur intresset var starkt bland respondenterna att testa på nya innovativa teknologier. Undersökningen ger även goda stöd för vidare forskning kring hur dessa förslag bästimplementeras för att leda till bäst resultat. / The rapidly growing technological advancements have led many companies to adapt theirproducts, services and corporate structure to the increasingly modern platform model. This modelhas shown great potential for companies to grow and create a larger network of interactions withother stakeholders, serving as a strong competitive advantage compared to companies followinga traditional analog business model. This case study examines how Jägersro hästcenter can benefitfrom such a model and explores various suggestions to increase the number of visitors to thefacility. Seven interviews were conducted, and 89 responses were collected from a survey,revealing strong interest among the respondents in exploring new innovative technologies. Thestudy provides valuable support for further research on how these suggestions can best beimplemented to achieve optimal results.

創作交流平台經營模式與著作權議題之研究 / A Research on Business Models and Copyright Issues For the Creation Communication Platform

張文愷, Chang, Wen Kai Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網際網路興起,資訊的交流與傳遞產生了革命性的變化,同時也影響了許多產業既有的經營與交易模式,電子商務以及產品/服務數位化的概念開始大行其道。近年來,網際網路的即時性與互動性,更促成平台經營模式的興起,藉由打破傳統交易模式中單向的供應鏈形式,平台建立了多方使用者對資訊及產品/服務在供給與需求上的循環性,促成交易成本降低,進而創造更多新的商機。 以傳統出版業為例,受限於書籍在印刷出版時高額的固定成本,廠商通常只能向已具有市場規模的知名作家或經濟人進行作品出版的提案與邀約;而對於消費者來說,也僅能就市場提供的產品進行選擇。另一方面,對於許多有潛力但尚未被發掘的創作者而言,也因為缺乏能實際接觸市場的機會與管道而遭到埋沒,而對廠商來說,過高的搜尋成本與投資風險也形成了發掘這些新銳作家的障礙。 本研究試圖以平台策略與經營模式為基礎,探討創作交流平台對於傳統出版業以及其數位化過程中所產生的衝擊與影響,並試圖建立一套能有效促成創作者、使用者與廠商三方獲益的資訊交流平台;最後,針對創作在數位化過程中最容易遭遇到的著作權問題,本研究也將以平台經營管理的角度加以審視分析,並提出相關政策上之建議。因此,本研究之研究問題係總結為以下三點: 1.創作交流平台對於傳統出版業與出版數位化的影響與競合關係 2.創作交流平台經營模式與成功關鍵之分析 3.創作交流平台著作權法律相關政策與議題之探討 / As Internet became more and more popular, there was a revolutionary change about transportation of information, and it also deeply influenced many industries’ original operation and transaction models. For this reason, e-commercial and digitization of products and services started to prevail. In recent years, because of Internet’s instantaneity and interactivity, platform business models start to spring up. By breaking through the traditional one-way supply chain, platforms try to find the circulation between each type user’s supply and demand of products or services. Platforms model decrease the transaction cost and help many people find the new business. Take traditional publishing industry for example, for fear of the high fixed cost of books publishing; publishers only publish books by well-known authors or through agents with good reputation. For customers, they can only passively choose from the items supplied. Besides, many potentially brilliant authors may be neglected under this circumstance, because they lack channels to approach the market and audiences. Considering the searching cost and risk, it’s also difficult for publishers to discover these potential creators. This research will be based on platform strategies and business models, discussing the influence and transformation result from creation communication platforms during digitization process of traditional publishing industry. Furthermore, this research will try to build up a platform business model to make users (including creators, audiences and publisher) profit. At last, this research also covers the copyright issue about creation communication platform, and brings up some advices for platform policies. After all, this research will focus on three questions as below: 1.Influence and transformation result from creation communication platforms during digitization process of traditional publishing industry. 2.Analysis about creation communication platforms’ business models and key factors for making success. 3.Discussion of creation communication platforms’ copyright issues and related business policies.

平台商業模式對智慧資本投資及企業價值影響 — 以台灣資訊服務業為例 / The Relationship Between Platform Business Model, Investment in Intellectual Capital and Corporate Value — Evidence in Taiwan Information Service Industry

陳子恩 Unknown Date (has links)
資訊服務業為知識經濟下的代表性產業,其企業價值的創造可以說完全來自 於智慧資本的累積與影響,而對於台灣經濟而言,資訊服務業亦是新興的成長動 力來源。伴隨著網路科技的發達,近期資訊服務業中亦產生異於過去單方向進行 軟體開發及推廣的平台商業模式(Platform Business Model),舉凡電子商務、 線上遊戲、社群網站及通訊軟體皆在此範疇內,而根據 Chesbrough(2006)的開 放式創新理論,平台型企業是最能適應環境變化,亦能最快、最有效率達到創新 的公司,擁有更強的競爭優勢。 因此,本研究主要探討在資訊服務業中,平台型商業模式如何影響企業在智 慧資本上的投資,以及如何影響企業價值。本研究以台灣上市(櫃)資訊服務業 近 2012-2014 年的資料為樣本,利用追蹤資料迴歸模型(Panel Regression), 控制公司成長面、獲利面、風險面及公司規模,並固定年份所帶來的時間效果, 探討在產業當中平台商業模式對智慧資本投資以及企業價值的影響。 實證結果分為三個部分,(1)選擇平台作為商業模式,能帶來更高的企業價 值,並且顯著異於其他非平台資訊服務同業。(2)資訊服務業的關鍵智慧資本為 人力資本,然而資訊服務業中的平台模式更強調結構資本的重要性,相較之下非 平台的資訊服務同業在顧客資本的投資能帶來更高的企業價值。(3)對於平台模 式而言,人力資本與結構資本之交互作用,能為企業價值帶來顯著性的綜效,但 非平台模式在各個智慧資本間則沒有綜效產生。 / As a representative industry of knowledge economy, all the value creation of Information Service value is from the Intellectual Capital(IC). Besides, for the economy of Taiwan, the sector is also the new engine of economic growth. With the development of the Internet, information service industry in recent years has produced a different business model, transformed from “single direction software development” to “multi-sided market platform”, which included e-commerce, online games, social media and instant message service. According to the theory of Open Innovation by Chesbrough(2006), this kind of platform business is the most able to adapt to environmental changes, also the fastest, most efficient achieve innovative company, and has a stronger competitive advantage. This study focuses on the platform business model and IC of Information Service Industry, and tries to decode how platform business model affects investment in IC, and how it affects corporate value. The study collected the listed Taiwan Information Service companies in 2012-2014 for data sample, uses Panel Regression Model with the control of the company's growth, profitability, risk and size, and fixed the year Effect, to investigate the effects of the platform business model for IC investment and the impact on corporate value. The evidence can be divided into three sections: (1) In the industry, platform business model can lead to higher corporate value, which also significantly different from other internet information services peers; (2) Human Capital is key IC for Information Service Industry. However, platform business emphasizes more on the importance of Structural Capital, compared with other peers of the industry which investment of Customer Capital would lead to higher corporate value; (3)The interaction of Human Capital and Structural Capital can bring significant synergy on corporate value for platform business, compared with other peers of the industry which have no synergy between ICs on corporate value.

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