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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


[pt] A dissertação discute a relação existente entre o videodesign e a cultura pósmoderna, através da análise da linguagem visual das vinhetas da MTV. Porém, há também o estudo do sistema visual da emissora, no qual as vinhetas estão imersas, com referências à história, à programação, aos cenários, aos comerciais, aos videoclipes e aos VJs. A MTV assumiria um lugar de destaque na reprodução das manifestações pós-modernas, por ser um legítimo produto da indústria cultural, tendo como principal audiência o jovem, que costuma consumir diversas mercadorias atreladas à imagem dos artistas que tem seus clipes exibidos pela emissora. Além disso, a MTV procura adotar uma linguagem visual de vanguarda, expressa também em suas vinhetas, para continuar mantendo a atenção de seu jovem público, ávido por novidades que são descartadas de modo contínuo, estando baseadas na efemeridade pós-moderna. O ambiente de criação do videodesigner, repleto de recursos técnicos com o uso maciço do computador, através de programas de edição e manipulação de imagens, faria com que esse profissional fosse ao mesmo tempo produto e reprodutor de determinadas características da cultura pós-moderna, enquanto desenvolve as vinhetas que serão exibidas para milhares de pessoas através da televisão, que é um meio de comunicação de massa. Aspectos concernentes à cultura pós- moderna, como a fragmentação, a efemeridade, o presente contínuo, o pastiche, a globalização, a compressão do tempo-espaço, a indústria cultural, o consumismo generalizado, dentre outros, são expostos sob diferentes ângulos e relacionados à linguagem visual da MTV e de suas vinhetas, que são produtos legítimos do videodesign. / [en] The research presents a case study of MTV on-air promos and discusses the relation between the visual language of MTV - with an analysis of its history, programs, sceneries, video clips and VJs -, and postmodern culture. MTV visual language may be considered a privileged locus of reproduction of postmodern expression insofar as it is a legitimate product of the cultural industry. The teen audience of MTV consumes various commodities that are linked to the artists whose video clips are played in the broadcasting station. Besides, MTV adopts an avant-garde language, also expressed in its promos, to continue maintaining the young audience s attention. This kind of public is always eager for novelties that are continually discarded, true to the pattern of postmodern ephemerality. The videodesigner´s workplace consists of a broad array of computer-based technical resources, such as image edition softwares. These resources are part of the process in which the videodesigner becomes both a product and a reproducer of postmodern culture, while developing the promos that will be displayed to millions of people on television. Postmodern aspects, such as fragmentation of ideas, ephemerality, continuous present, pastiche, globalization, time-space compression, cultural industry, generalized consumerism, and others, will be discussed from different angles and compared to the visual language of MTV and its on-air promos.

iCHEF-POS系統商業模式創新之研究 / The business model innovation of POS system : a case study of iCHEF

蔡佳縈, Tsai,Jia Ying Unknown Date (has links)
物聯網概念逐漸成熟之下,舊有產業知識與概念被顛覆,智慧化發展開啟產業新時代。台灣近年來以微型創業盛行,不需要太多資本,簡單的設備就可成立一家餐廳,也因此創業門檻大大降低,造就餐飲業以每年2-3%的比率增加,而大多數餐廳中必備且關鍵的設備-POS機台,卻還停留在舊有思維,不僅佔了不少花費在創業者初期成本以外,也會需要較長時間將成本回收,更因為POS機台為固定成本,後續折舊及保養問題也是餐飲業創業者需要多費心力的重點。 結合雲端技術的POS機台雖需耗費較多時間研發,在概念驗證、場域驗證及商業驗證上也需要比傳統POS系統更縝密的考量,但與傳統pos相比,雲端POS不論在介面的易用性、資訊的即時性及改善工作場域的效率上,皆有顯著改善。除傳統POS注重的技術升級外,雲端POS提供更多面向的整合式解決方案,大大改變了整個產業的商業模式。 本研究以iCHEF為個案,目的為探討新產業環境之下,企業如何創造新的商業模式,推動產業典範移轉。本研究所得之結論為:雲端POS系統成功的商業模式中,雖然產品技術研發能力仍為關鍵因素之一,但其中企業的創新能力、社群操作力等軟實力的培養更是決定能否維持長期競爭優勢的根基。 關鍵字:雲端POS系統、商業模式創新

Unsupervised Natural Language Processing for Knowledge Extraction from Domain-specific Textual Resources

Hänig, Christian 25 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis aims to develop a Relation Extraction algorithm to extract knowledge out of automotive data. While most approaches to Relation Extraction are only evaluated on newspaper data dealing with general relations from the business world their applicability to other data sets is not well studied. Part I of this thesis deals with theoretical foundations of Information Extraction algorithms. Text mining cannot be seen as the simple application of data mining methods to textual data. Instead, sophisticated methods have to be employed to accurately extract knowledge from text which then can be mined using statistical methods from the field of data mining. Information Extraction itself can be divided into two subtasks: Entity Detection and Relation Extraction. The detection of entities is very domain-dependent due to terminology, abbreviations and general language use within the given domain. Thus, this task has to be solved for each domain employing thesauri or another type of lexicon. Supervised approaches to Named Entity Recognition will not achieve reasonable results unless they have been trained for the given type of data. The task of Relation Extraction can be basically approached by pattern-based and kernel-based algorithms. The latter achieve state-of-the-art results on newspaper data and point out the importance of linguistic features. In order to analyze relations contained in textual data, syntactic features like part-of-speech tags and syntactic parses are essential. Chapter 4 presents machine learning approaches and linguistic foundations being essential for syntactic annotation of textual data and Relation Extraction. Chapter 6 analyzes the performance of state-of-the-art algorithms of POS tagging, syntactic parsing and Relation Extraction on automotive data. The findings are: supervised methods trained on newspaper corpora do not achieve accurate results when being applied on automotive data. This is grounded in various reasons. Besides low-quality text, the nature of automotive relations states the main challenge. Automotive relation types of interest (e. g. component – symptom) are rather arbitrary compared to well-studied relation types like is-a or is-head-of. In order to achieve acceptable results, algorithms have to be trained directly on this kind of data. As the manual annotation of data for each language and data type is too costly and inflexible, unsupervised methods are the ones to rely on. Part II deals with the development of dedicated algorithms for all three essential tasks. Unsupervised POS tagging (Chapter 7) is a well-studied task and algorithms achieving accurate tagging exist. All of them do not disambiguate high frequency words, only out-of-lexicon words are disambiguated. Most high frequency words bear syntactic information and thus, it is very important to differentiate between their different functions. Especially domain languages contain ambiguous and high frequent words bearing semantic information (e. g. pump). In order to improve POS tagging, an algorithm for disambiguation is developed and used to enhance an existing state-of-the-art tagger. This approach is based on context clustering which is used to detect a word type’s different syntactic functions. Evaluation shows that tagging accuracy is raised significantly. An approach to unsupervised syntactic parsing (Chapter 8) is developed in order to suffice the requirements of Relation Extraction. These requirements include high precision results on nominal and prepositional phrases as they contain the entities being relevant for Relation Extraction. Furthermore, accurate shallow parsing is more desirable than deep binary parsing as it facilitates Relation Extraction more than deep parsing. Endocentric and exocentric constructions can be distinguished and improve proper phrase labeling. unsuParse is based on preferred positions of word types within phrases to detect phrase candidates. Iterating the detection of simple phrases successively induces deeper structures. The proposed algorithm fulfills all demanded criteria and achieves competitive results on standard evaluation setups. Syntactic Relation Extraction (Chapter 9) is an approach exploiting syntactic statistics and text characteristics to extract relations between previously annotated entities. The approach is based on entity distributions given in a corpus and thus, provides a possibility to extend text mining processes to new data in an unsupervised manner. Evaluation on two different languages and two different text types of the automotive domain shows that it achieves accurate results on repair order data. Results are less accurate on internet data, but the task of sentiment analysis and extraction of the opinion target can be mastered. Thus, the incorporation of internet data is possible and important as it provides useful insight into the customer\'s thoughts. To conclude, this thesis presents a complete unsupervised workflow for Relation Extraction – except for the highly domain-dependent Entity Detection task – improving performance of each of the involved subtasks compared to state-of-the-art approaches. Furthermore, this work applies Natural Language Processing methods and Relation Extraction approaches to real world data unveiling challenges that do not occur in high quality newspaper corpora.

Estudo do impacto psicológico na intercorrência cirúrgica: trauma e seus efeitos pós-traumáticos / Study of the psychological impact in surgery: trauma and posttraumatic effects

Prado, Maria Angelica Pereira 18 May 2012 (has links)
O proposito deste estudo e avaliar o impacto psicologico da vivencia hospitalar de individuos que sofrem complicacoes pos-operatoria, partindo do pressuposto de que a intercorrencia agrava o quadro clinico com repercussoes na esfera psiquica destes pacientes. Teoricamente enfoca a evolucao do conceito de trauma na teoria freudiana, partindo do desamparo primordial (hilflosigkeit) ate a nova concepcao de angustia, levando em consideracao o fator economico, a nocao de a posteriori (nachträglichkeit) e a compulsao a repeticao. Com o intuito de ampliar a compreensao do fenomeno, o estudo percorre a etiologia do trauma para outros teoricos: Sandor Ferenczi, sobre o narcisismo da doenca; Donald W. Winnicott, que correlaciona o trauma a vivencia do fracasso do ambiente, a imprevisibilidade, ao excesso de tempo de exposicao a situacao desorganizadora, e a elevacao do nivel de dependencia. A constancia desta situacao leva ao que Maksud Khan nomeou de trauma cumulativo. A hipotese e a de que esta experiencia hospitalar pode promover um trauma psiquico, na medida em que o individuo se ve diante de uma situacao imprevisivel, que pode lhe causar transbordamento emocional pelo estado de desamparo, impotencia e risco da perda de sua integridade fisica -, que inibe uma elaboracao psiquica. Apos a alta hospitalar tais fatores podem, ainda, desencadear efeitos pos-traumaticos, acarretando-lhe, assim, uma dificuldade adaptativa. Para Moty Benyakar isto significa que o evento disruptivo pode promover um vivenciar traumatico dado a magnitude do impacto no psiquismo. Metodologicamente, para melhor compreensao do processo psiquico, faz-se um estudo longitudinal, de seis sujeitos, iniciando enquanto estes se encontram hospitalizados (situacao potencialmente traumatica), tres e seis meses apos a alta hospitalar. Na aplicacao do metodo qualitativo o estudo baseia-se na coleta de dados com entrevistas e na aplicacao reduzida da tecnica projetiva do TAT (Thematic Apperception Test). Pelo metodo quantitativo os pacientes sao submetidos a aplicacao da escala de avaliacao do transtorno de estresse pos-traumatico (CAPS Clinician Administred PTDS Scale). Esta pesquisa foi realizada em Hospital Escola de Universidade Publica, apos a aprovacao do Comite de Etica desta instituicao e do Comite de Etica para Seres Humanos do Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo. Atraves dos resultados obtidos na pesquisa pode-se constatar que ha uma relacao direta entre o evento e os seus efeitos no psiquismo. Pelo proprio carater disruptivo da instituicao hospitalar, dos encargos dos problemas de saude e do entorno (familiar, socioeconomico) o individuo vivencia uma vulnerabilidade fisica e psiquica. Contudo constatou-se que a dimensao da repercussao psiquica esta diretamente associada ao quadro clinico dos pesquisados, e ao tempo que ficam expostos a situacao potencialmente traumatica. Sendo este um fator fundamental na incidencia dos sintomas do Transtorno de Estresse Pos-traumatico. Com base neste estudo psicologico das complicacoes pos-operatorias, espera-se possibilitar aos profissionais de saude um novo olhar ao promover sua conscientizacao sobre problemas advindos desta experiencia, nao so aos individuos como, tambem, aos familiares, levantando a possibilidade de, se necessario, recorrerem a uma assistencia psicologica e/ou psiquiatrica / The objective of this study is to assess the psychological impact in subjects who stay in hospital after suffering from post-operative complications, on the assumption that the clinical picture gets worse causing troubles in the psychic area of these patients. Theoretically it focuses the evolution of the concept of trauma according to Freudian theory, since the primordial abandonment (hilflosigkeit) up to the new concept of distress, considering the economical situation, the concept of a posteriori (nachtraglichkeit) and the repetition compulsion. Aiming to offer a deeper understanding of the phenomenon, the study works with the etiology of trauma by other theorists: Sandor Ferenczi, about the narcissism of the disorder; Donald W. Winnicott, who relates the trauma to the experience of the environment failure, the unpredictability, the length of time facing a disordering situation, and the raising in dependence level. The constancy of this situation leads to what Maksud Khan called as cumulative trauma. The hypothesis is that in-hospital experience might provide a psychic trauma in so far as the subject has faced an unpredictable situation that might cause an overflow of emotions feeling abandoned, powerless and at the risk of losing physical integrity -, inhibiting a psychic elaboration. After having been discharged from hospital, such factors might also trigger post traumatic effects, implying into an adapting difficulty. According to Moty Benyakar, the disruptive event might provide a traumatic experience due to the great impact in the psychism. Methodologically for a better understanding of the psychic process, a longitudinal study has been made, with a number x of subjects, starting while they are in hospital (a potentially traumatic situation), from three to six months after they had been discharged from hospital. Applying the qualitative method the study has been based on the data collected through interviews and in the reduced application of the projective technique of TAT ( Thematic Apperception Test). Through the quantitative method the patients have been submitted to the application of the evaluation scale on the post-traumatic stress disorder (CAPS - Clinician Administered PTDS Scale). This research was carried out at the Hospital Escola da Universidade Publica, after the approval of the Comite de Etica ( Ethics Committee) of this institution and the Comite de Etica para Seres Humanos ( Ethics Committee for Human Beings) of the Instituto de Psicologia (Psychology Institute) of Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP). Through the results provided by the research, it was observed that there is a direct relation between the event and the effects in the psychism. For the own disruptive aspect in hospital, the burdens of health disorders and other surroundings ( familiar, socio- economic problems), the subject lives in a physical and psychic vulnerability. However it was pointed out that the dimension of the psychic repercussion is directly linked to the clinical picture of the six subjects who are studied, and the length of time that they have been exposed to the potentially traumatic situation. And this factor is extremely important in the incidence of the symptoms of the Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. This psychological study of the post- traumatic surgery complications is meant to bring to health professionals much more awareness about the problems that come after this experience, not only for the subjects as well as to the relatives, who should be allowed to require, whenever necessary, some psychological and/or psychiatric treatment


ANA CLARA TELLES CAVALCANTE DE SOUZA 25 January 2016 (has links)
[pt] A presente dissertação busca oferecer uma leitura crítica sobre as performances militarizadas de (in)segurança que constituem a guerra às drogas na América Latina. Entendemos a guerra às drogas como um conjunto de normas, políticas e saberes relacionado ao controle, via proibição, de drogas ilícitas , que prioriza estratégias militarizadas nas tentativas de suprimir a produção e a comercialização dessas substâncias pela via da oferta e que opera primordialmente através da cooperação bilateral ou multilateral com agências estatais e atores políticos estadunidenses. Situamos a discussão proposta no contexto mais amplo das leituras feministas/de gênero, pós-estruturais e póscoloniais sobre Relações Internacionais e segurança internacional, com foco no processo de construção de imaginários políticos sobre o mundo social através de performances (discursivas e não discursivas) de (in)segurança. Utilizamos como principal (embora não única) estratégia de pesquisa a análise de discurso, olhando para as principais práticas discursivas da guerra às drogas que se colocam como discursos oficiais do Estado estadunidense. Argumentamos que as performances militarizadas da guerra às drogas são tornadas possíveis por uma forma de imaginar as relações internacionais que constrói o Estado nacional moderno como sujeito primordial da política internacional através da (re)produção de fronteiras de (in)segurança. Mais ainda, esse processo reflete complexas hierarquias e dinâmicas de poder que também são informadas por performances de gênero – seja a fluida dualidade entre feminilidades e masculinidades , seja a contraposição entre uma masculinidade hegemônica e masculinidades e feminilidades subalternas . Nesse sentido, a guerra às drogas é tornada possível pelo mesmo imaginário político que (re)produz: um que (re)afirma as fronteiras de possibilidade da política (inter)nacional. / [en] This dissertation aims at offering a critical reading on the militarized (in)security performances that constitute the war on drugs in Latin America. We understand the war on drugs as a cluster of norms, policies and knowledge related to the control, via prohibition, of illicit drugs that prioritizes militarized strategies in their attempts to inhibit the production and commercialization of such substances at the supply side and that operates primarily through bilateral or multilateral cooperation with state agencies and political actors from the United States. We locate our discussion within the wider context of feminist/gender, poststructural and post-colonial studies, focusing on the process of construction the social world through (discursive and non discursive) (in)security performances. Our primary research strategy (among others) consists on discourse analysis, in order to look at the main discursive practices of the war on drugs that posit themselves as the official discourses of the United States as a state. We argue that the militarized performances of the war on drugs are rendered possible by a political imaginary on international relations that constructs the modern nation state as the primordial subject of world politics through the reproduction of borders of (in)security. Moreover, this process reveals complex power hierarchies and dynamics that are also informed by gender performances - being those the fluid duality between femininities and masculinities or the contraposition between a hegemonic masculinity and subaltern masculinities and femininities . In this sense, the war on drugs becomes possible by the same political imaginary that it (re)produces: one that (re)affirms the borders of possibility of (inter)national politics.

Estudo do impacto psicológico na intercorrência cirúrgica: trauma e seus efeitos pós-traumáticos / Study of the psychological impact in surgery: trauma and posttraumatic effects

Maria Angelica Pereira Prado 18 May 2012 (has links)
O proposito deste estudo e avaliar o impacto psicologico da vivencia hospitalar de individuos que sofrem complicacoes pos-operatoria, partindo do pressuposto de que a intercorrencia agrava o quadro clinico com repercussoes na esfera psiquica destes pacientes. Teoricamente enfoca a evolucao do conceito de trauma na teoria freudiana, partindo do desamparo primordial (hilflosigkeit) ate a nova concepcao de angustia, levando em consideracao o fator economico, a nocao de a posteriori (nachträglichkeit) e a compulsao a repeticao. Com o intuito de ampliar a compreensao do fenomeno, o estudo percorre a etiologia do trauma para outros teoricos: Sandor Ferenczi, sobre o narcisismo da doenca; Donald W. Winnicott, que correlaciona o trauma a vivencia do fracasso do ambiente, a imprevisibilidade, ao excesso de tempo de exposicao a situacao desorganizadora, e a elevacao do nivel de dependencia. A constancia desta situacao leva ao que Maksud Khan nomeou de trauma cumulativo. A hipotese e a de que esta experiencia hospitalar pode promover um trauma psiquico, na medida em que o individuo se ve diante de uma situacao imprevisivel, que pode lhe causar transbordamento emocional pelo estado de desamparo, impotencia e risco da perda de sua integridade fisica -, que inibe uma elaboracao psiquica. Apos a alta hospitalar tais fatores podem, ainda, desencadear efeitos pos-traumaticos, acarretando-lhe, assim, uma dificuldade adaptativa. Para Moty Benyakar isto significa que o evento disruptivo pode promover um vivenciar traumatico dado a magnitude do impacto no psiquismo. Metodologicamente, para melhor compreensao do processo psiquico, faz-se um estudo longitudinal, de seis sujeitos, iniciando enquanto estes se encontram hospitalizados (situacao potencialmente traumatica), tres e seis meses apos a alta hospitalar. Na aplicacao do metodo qualitativo o estudo baseia-se na coleta de dados com entrevistas e na aplicacao reduzida da tecnica projetiva do TAT (Thematic Apperception Test). Pelo metodo quantitativo os pacientes sao submetidos a aplicacao da escala de avaliacao do transtorno de estresse pos-traumatico (CAPS Clinician Administred PTDS Scale). Esta pesquisa foi realizada em Hospital Escola de Universidade Publica, apos a aprovacao do Comite de Etica desta instituicao e do Comite de Etica para Seres Humanos do Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo. Atraves dos resultados obtidos na pesquisa pode-se constatar que ha uma relacao direta entre o evento e os seus efeitos no psiquismo. Pelo proprio carater disruptivo da instituicao hospitalar, dos encargos dos problemas de saude e do entorno (familiar, socioeconomico) o individuo vivencia uma vulnerabilidade fisica e psiquica. Contudo constatou-se que a dimensao da repercussao psiquica esta diretamente associada ao quadro clinico dos pesquisados, e ao tempo que ficam expostos a situacao potencialmente traumatica. Sendo este um fator fundamental na incidencia dos sintomas do Transtorno de Estresse Pos-traumatico. Com base neste estudo psicologico das complicacoes pos-operatorias, espera-se possibilitar aos profissionais de saude um novo olhar ao promover sua conscientizacao sobre problemas advindos desta experiencia, nao so aos individuos como, tambem, aos familiares, levantando a possibilidade de, se necessario, recorrerem a uma assistencia psicologica e/ou psiquiatrica / The objective of this study is to assess the psychological impact in subjects who stay in hospital after suffering from post-operative complications, on the assumption that the clinical picture gets worse causing troubles in the psychic area of these patients. Theoretically it focuses the evolution of the concept of trauma according to Freudian theory, since the primordial abandonment (hilflosigkeit) up to the new concept of distress, considering the economical situation, the concept of a posteriori (nachtraglichkeit) and the repetition compulsion. Aiming to offer a deeper understanding of the phenomenon, the study works with the etiology of trauma by other theorists: Sandor Ferenczi, about the narcissism of the disorder; Donald W. Winnicott, who relates the trauma to the experience of the environment failure, the unpredictability, the length of time facing a disordering situation, and the raising in dependence level. The constancy of this situation leads to what Maksud Khan called as cumulative trauma. The hypothesis is that in-hospital experience might provide a psychic trauma in so far as the subject has faced an unpredictable situation that might cause an overflow of emotions feeling abandoned, powerless and at the risk of losing physical integrity -, inhibiting a psychic elaboration. After having been discharged from hospital, such factors might also trigger post traumatic effects, implying into an adapting difficulty. According to Moty Benyakar, the disruptive event might provide a traumatic experience due to the great impact in the psychism. Methodologically for a better understanding of the psychic process, a longitudinal study has been made, with a number x of subjects, starting while they are in hospital (a potentially traumatic situation), from three to six months after they had been discharged from hospital. Applying the qualitative method the study has been based on the data collected through interviews and in the reduced application of the projective technique of TAT ( Thematic Apperception Test). Through the quantitative method the patients have been submitted to the application of the evaluation scale on the post-traumatic stress disorder (CAPS - Clinician Administered PTDS Scale). This research was carried out at the Hospital Escola da Universidade Publica, after the approval of the Comite de Etica ( Ethics Committee) of this institution and the Comite de Etica para Seres Humanos ( Ethics Committee for Human Beings) of the Instituto de Psicologia (Psychology Institute) of Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP). Through the results provided by the research, it was observed that there is a direct relation between the event and the effects in the psychism. For the own disruptive aspect in hospital, the burdens of health disorders and other surroundings ( familiar, socio- economic problems), the subject lives in a physical and psychic vulnerability. However it was pointed out that the dimension of the psychic repercussion is directly linked to the clinical picture of the six subjects who are studied, and the length of time that they have been exposed to the potentially traumatic situation. And this factor is extremely important in the incidence of the symptoms of the Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. This psychological study of the post- traumatic surgery complications is meant to bring to health professionals much more awareness about the problems that come after this experience, not only for the subjects as well as to the relatives, who should be allowed to require, whenever necessary, some psychological and/or psychiatric treatment

Unsupervised Natural Language Processing for Knowledge Extraction from Domain-specific Textual Resources

Hänig, Christian 17 April 2013 (has links)
This thesis aims to develop a Relation Extraction algorithm to extract knowledge out of automotive data. While most approaches to Relation Extraction are only evaluated on newspaper data dealing with general relations from the business world their applicability to other data sets is not well studied. Part I of this thesis deals with theoretical foundations of Information Extraction algorithms. Text mining cannot be seen as the simple application of data mining methods to textual data. Instead, sophisticated methods have to be employed to accurately extract knowledge from text which then can be mined using statistical methods from the field of data mining. Information Extraction itself can be divided into two subtasks: Entity Detection and Relation Extraction. The detection of entities is very domain-dependent due to terminology, abbreviations and general language use within the given domain. Thus, this task has to be solved for each domain employing thesauri or another type of lexicon. Supervised approaches to Named Entity Recognition will not achieve reasonable results unless they have been trained for the given type of data. The task of Relation Extraction can be basically approached by pattern-based and kernel-based algorithms. The latter achieve state-of-the-art results on newspaper data and point out the importance of linguistic features. In order to analyze relations contained in textual data, syntactic features like part-of-speech tags and syntactic parses are essential. Chapter 4 presents machine learning approaches and linguistic foundations being essential for syntactic annotation of textual data and Relation Extraction. Chapter 6 analyzes the performance of state-of-the-art algorithms of POS tagging, syntactic parsing and Relation Extraction on automotive data. The findings are: supervised methods trained on newspaper corpora do not achieve accurate results when being applied on automotive data. This is grounded in various reasons. Besides low-quality text, the nature of automotive relations states the main challenge. Automotive relation types of interest (e. g. component – symptom) are rather arbitrary compared to well-studied relation types like is-a or is-head-of. In order to achieve acceptable results, algorithms have to be trained directly on this kind of data. As the manual annotation of data for each language and data type is too costly and inflexible, unsupervised methods are the ones to rely on. Part II deals with the development of dedicated algorithms for all three essential tasks. Unsupervised POS tagging (Chapter 7) is a well-studied task and algorithms achieving accurate tagging exist. All of them do not disambiguate high frequency words, only out-of-lexicon words are disambiguated. Most high frequency words bear syntactic information and thus, it is very important to differentiate between their different functions. Especially domain languages contain ambiguous and high frequent words bearing semantic information (e. g. pump). In order to improve POS tagging, an algorithm for disambiguation is developed and used to enhance an existing state-of-the-art tagger. This approach is based on context clustering which is used to detect a word type’s different syntactic functions. Evaluation shows that tagging accuracy is raised significantly. An approach to unsupervised syntactic parsing (Chapter 8) is developed in order to suffice the requirements of Relation Extraction. These requirements include high precision results on nominal and prepositional phrases as they contain the entities being relevant for Relation Extraction. Furthermore, accurate shallow parsing is more desirable than deep binary parsing as it facilitates Relation Extraction more than deep parsing. Endocentric and exocentric constructions can be distinguished and improve proper phrase labeling. unsuParse is based on preferred positions of word types within phrases to detect phrase candidates. Iterating the detection of simple phrases successively induces deeper structures. The proposed algorithm fulfills all demanded criteria and achieves competitive results on standard evaluation setups. Syntactic Relation Extraction (Chapter 9) is an approach exploiting syntactic statistics and text characteristics to extract relations between previously annotated entities. The approach is based on entity distributions given in a corpus and thus, provides a possibility to extend text mining processes to new data in an unsupervised manner. Evaluation on two different languages and two different text types of the automotive domain shows that it achieves accurate results on repair order data. Results are less accurate on internet data, but the task of sentiment analysis and extraction of the opinion target can be mastered. Thus, the incorporation of internet data is possible and important as it provides useful insight into the customer\''s thoughts. To conclude, this thesis presents a complete unsupervised workflow for Relation Extraction – except for the highly domain-dependent Entity Detection task – improving performance of each of the involved subtasks compared to state-of-the-art approaches. Furthermore, this work applies Natural Language Processing methods and Relation Extraction approaches to real world data unveiling challenges that do not occur in high quality newspaper corpora.


FLAVIO TELLES MELO 23 December 2021 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese pretende abordar a teoria da religião do filósofo e sociólogo alemão Jürgen Habermas (1929 –) em uma sociedade considerada pós-secular em que o Estado seja neutro, isto é, secular e plural diante das diversas visões de mundo. Habermas parte da reviravolta linguística pragmática pós-metafísica do século XX, dos jogos de linguagem do L. Wittgenstein tardio até a transformação semiótica da filosofia de Kant no a priori da comunidade transcendental de comunicação de K.-O. Apel, passando pelo caminho da linguagem em M. Heidegger, pela hermenêutica de H. G. Gadamer e a teoria dos atos de fala de J. Austin. Herdeiro desse arcabouço teórico, Habermas filia-se a ética do discurso, a partir da pragmática universal com a teoria do agir comunicativo. Os princípios da moralidade e da universalização da ética do discurso são repensados na teoria discursiva do direito e da democracia, a partir dos modelos normativos do liberalismo e do republicanismo, em que os direitos humanos e a soberania popular são entendidos como cooriginários no modelo da democracia deliberativa ou procedimental. Ora, é nesse modelo de um estado liberal, e assim secular, que é normatizada a vida de uma sociedade pós-secular, onde a religião persiste, apesar de seu entorno secular. Para que a religião possa existir no seu entorno secular, é preciso que crentes e não crentes travem um diálogo tolerante de aprendizagem mútua. Mas qual o papel que a religião ainda pode ter nessa sociedade? De que forma a filosofia ainda pode pensar Deus hoje? A defesa que se faz aqui, principalmente a partir da última obra de Habermas – Pensamento pós-metafísico II – é a de uma filosofia, de posicionamento agnóstico e metodologicamente ateu, que tomando por base Kant dialoga com a teologia contemporânea. É reconstruída, por Habermas, uma filosofia da religião de Kant, tendo como fundamento o contributo moral que a filosofia e a teologia, podem deixar para o conceito de uma sociedade moderna e da solidariedade anamnética. Essa filosofia da religião, que está presente no pensamento de Habermas não se dá a partir de provas ontológicas ou cosmológicas da existência de Deus, mas na fundamentação da exigência do dever moral, uma “fé moral”, uma filosofia da religião da boa conduta de vida, no dizer de G. Sala e J. A. Estrada. Somente assim poderíamos chamar Habermas de filósofo da religião. / [en] This thesis intends to approach the theory of religion of the German philosopher and sociologist Jurgen Habermas (1929 –) in a society considered post-secular in which the state is neutral, that is, secular and plural before the different world views. Habermas starts from the twentieth-century pragmatic, post-metaphysical linguistic turn, of L. Wittgenstein s late language games and the semiotic transformation of Kant s philosophy into the a priori of transcendental community of communication of K. O. Apel, going through on the way to language, by M. Heidegger, through the hermeneutics of H.G. Gadamer and the theory of speech acts from J. Austin. Heir to this theoretical framework, Habermas joins the discourse ethics, from universal pragmatics with the theory of communicative action. The principles of morality and universalization of discourse ethics are rethought in the discursive theory of law and democracy, based on the normative models of liberalism and republicanism, in which human rights and popular sovereignty are understood as co-originating in the model of deliberative or procedural democracy. Now, it is in this model of a liberal state, and thus secular, that the life of a post-secular society is normalized, where religion persists despite its secular surroundings. In order that religion exists in its secular environment, believers and non-believers must engage in a tolerant dialogue of mutual learning. But what role can religion still play in this society? How can philosophy think about God today? The defense made here, mainly from Habermas last work – Postmetaphysical Thinking II – is that of a philosophy, with an agnostic and methodologically atheist position, which, based on Kant, dialogues with contemporary theology. t is reconstructed by Habermas, a philosophy of religion by Kant, based on the moral contribution that philosophy and theology can leave for the concept of a modern society and anamnestic solidarity. This philosophy of religion, which is present in Habermas thought, is not based on ontological or cosmological proofs of the existence of God, but on the grounds of the requirement of moral duty, a moral faith, a philosophy of religion of good conduct of life, in the words of G. Sala and J. A. Estrada. Only then, we could call Habermas a philosopher of religion.

Factores asociados a complicaciones postoperatorias de apendicitis aguda en el hospital José Agurto Tello de Chosica, de 2012-2014

Tapia Guevara, Angelo January 2016 (has links)
Objetivo: Determinar los principales factores asociados a las complicaciones postoperatorias de apendicitis aguda en el Hospital José Agurto Tello de Chosica, durante el periodo comprendido de Enero de 2012 a Diciembre del 2014. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, analítico de tipo descriptivo, en 961 pacientes. Se determinara asociaciones entre pacientes intervenidos quirúrgicamente de apendicitis aguda a una complicación postoperatoria. Resultados: El 15,8 % de la serie sufrió algún tipo de complicación, principalmente en la infección del sitio operatorio. Las complicaciones se vieron asociadas al grupo etario comprendido entre 14 a 30 años, así como en las formas histopatológicas más avanzadas de la afección. La aparición de tales complicaciones puede ser causa de re-intervenciones y de aumento de la estadía hospitalaria. Conclusiones: El diagnóstico precoz de la enfermedad y la apendicetomía inmediata con una técnica quirúrgica adecuada previenen la aparición de complicaciones posquirúrgicas y determinan el éxito del único tratamiento eficaz contra la afección más común que causa el abdomen agudo, cuyo pronóstico depende en gran medida y entre otros factores, del tiempo de evolución preoperatoria y de la fase en que se encuentre el proceso al realizar la intervención.


INDIRA ALVES FRANCA 08 October 2014 (has links)
[pt] A pesquisa aborda estratégias utilizadas no contexto da prática por coordenadores de quatro programas de excelência na Área da Educação (PUCRS, Uerj, UFMG e Unisinos), que avançaram duas notas entre as avaliações trienais da Capes de 2001 e 2010. O objetivo geral da pesquisa é compreender como se caracteriza a relação entre excelência e gestão nos quatro programas, com ênfase nas estratégias acionadas pelos seus coordenadores visando ao alcance dessa condição. Na metodologia, adotamos uma abordagem qualitativa, com o estudo de caso das quatro experiências institucionais à luz, principalmente, das contribuições teóricas e metodológicas de Pierre Bourdieu e de Stephen Ball. A abordagem do ciclo de políticas de Ball permitiu, junto com o conceito de performatividade, fazer a ponte entre os níveis macro de definição das políticas para a área da pós-graduação e o nível micro da aplicação local, por meio da análise comparativa tanto dos discursos e das práticas dos atores nos programas pesquisados (estudos de caso) quanto dos resultados obtidos. A descrição, análise e comparação dos diferentes aspectos relacionados à gestão foram feitas em quatro níveis, a saber: os contextos de influência, de produção de texto, da prática e dos resultados. O quadro teórico e conceitual para o estudo e interpretação das políticas e da gestão da pós-graduação em Educação foi construído, fundamentalmente, em diálogo com Bourdieu, notadamente com o conceito de campo científico, que rompe com a imagem ingênua de ciência, e permite entender a área da Educação e os próprios programas de pós-graduação como um campo social, com formas específicas de relações de força e monopólio, lutas e estratégias, interesses e lucros. Os principais achados da pesquisa mostraram que determinadas dimensões contextuais fazem diferença na atuação dos gestores, tais como a forma de provimento do cargo, a preparação e a remuneração que os coordenadores recebem para exercê-lo, bem como o apoio técnico-administrativo disponível. A análise comparativa das estratégias adotadas nos programas e as categorias nativas surgidas das entrevistas com os coordenadores revelaram aspectos coincidentes, relativos a questões como a gestão coletiva dos programas, a existência de uma política efetiva de credenciamento de docentes, um maior rigor com os prazos para titulação dos discentes, a importância dada à vinculação do projeto do candidato ao mestrado ou doutorado com a pesquisa dos docentes do Programa como crivo de seleção e uma diversidade de estratégias pedagógicas para melhoria da produção discente. Essas estratégias revelam a importância do papel dos coordenadores no alcance das notas que qualificam os programas estudados como programas de excelência. A análise do contexto dos resultados nos permitiu, finalmente, observar como a posição de excelência trouxe aos programas lucros simbólicos e materiais, como uma maior visibilidade acadêmica e um maior acesso a recursos financeiros, embora à custa de um aumento significativo do trabalho tanto da coordenação como do corpo docente. As conclusões abrangem os diferentes contextos estudados e põem em evidência as principais características das gestões dos programas que explicam as convergências e divergências detectadas. Diante dos achados da pesquisa, esperamos que este trabalho possa ir ao encontro do objetivo expresso no Documento de Área da Educação 2013, segundo o qual, é necessário produzir indicadores que permitam diagnosticar as condições de gestão que produziriam melhor desenvolvimento do Programa e, assim, orientar mais precisamente as Instituições quanto a este aspecto. / [en] The research project presents practical strategies undertaken by coordinators of four excellence programs in the field of Education (Pontifical University of Rio Grande do Sul - PUCRS, Rio de Janeiro State University - Uerj, Federal University of Minas Gerais - UFMG and Unisinos) whose programs achieved higher scores when comparing the triennial reviews held by the Coordination for Improvement of Higher Education Personell - CAPES in the years of 2001 and 2010.The general aim of this research is to understand how the relation between excellence and management is characterized in the four programs, with emphasis on the strategies implemented by their coordinators with the with the aim of reaching that condition. Qualitative methodology was chosen to approach case studies of four institutional experiences mainly in the light of the theoretical and methodological contributions of Pierre Bourdieu and Stephen Ball. Ball´s policy cycle approach associated to the concept of performitivity seeks to build a bridge between macro-level of policy definition for Graduation and local application at micro-level through comparative analyses of discourses and pratices of actors involved in the programs as well as its outcomes. The description, analysis and comparison of different aspects related to management was carried through at four levels: the contexts of influence, of policy text production, of practice and of outcomes. The theoretical and conceptual framework for the analysis of Graduate course management policies was built, fundamentally in accordance with Bourdieu, notably with his concept of scientific field. He proposes breaking with the naïve idea of Science and allows us to see the field of education and Graduate programs as a social field, with specific forms of power and monopoly, struggles and strategies, interests and benefits. Main findings indicate that certain contextual dimensions are relevant for the work of coordinators such as the achievement of their position, their preparation and payment as well as the technical and managerial support available to them. The comparative analysis of strategies adopted in the programs and native categories that emerged during the interviews show similar aspects related to issues such as the joint management of programs, effective accreditation of faculty members, a higher degree of rigor in deadlines for students, the importance of the existence of masters’ or doctoral projects more closely related to the research conducted by faculty members as one of the elements for the selection of candidates. Further, the diversity of pedagogical strategies to increase students’production reveal the relevance of the role of coordinators in the attainment of grades that qualify the analyzed programs as excellence programs. The analysis of the context of outcomes permitted us to realize how a new position of excellence ended up bringing symbolic and material benefits, such as greater academic exposure and greater access to financial grants, although to the cost of increasing working loads for the coordination as well as for faculty members. Concluding remarks point to various contexts taken into account and highlight the main features of Graduate course management models that explain the detected convergences and divergences. We hope our findings will meet the objectives expressed in the Documento de Área da Educação 2013 which states that there is need to produce indicators that provide the diagnosis of management conditions so as to produce a better development of programs, thus, offering a better guidance to institutions regarding this matter.

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