Spelling suggestions: "subject:"police officers"" "subject:"holice officers""
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Policijos pareigūnų teisinis statusas / Legal Status of Police OfficersMisiūnas, Eimutis 01 September 2010 (has links)
Disertacijoje nagrinėjamas policijos pareigūnų teisinis statusas, tiriant šio viešosios teisės instituto veiksmingumą, nustatant ir įvertinant pagrindinius veiksmingumo determinantus ir modeliuojant teisines priemones, leidžiančias greitai reaguoti į kintančias policijos pareigūno veiklos sąlygas. Teisinio statuso veiksmingumas tiriamas vertinant teisinio statuso elementus, klasifikuojamus į keturis tarpusavyje koreliuojančius segmentus. Vertinama veiksmingumo pokyčio dinamika aštuonių metų laikotarpyje ir jo sociologiniai rodikliai policijos tarnybose, vykdančiose viešųjų vietų patruliavimą, eismo kontrolę ir objektų apsaugą. Disertacijoje įvertinama socialinės aplinkos (visuomenės), politinių ir ekonominių veiksnių įtaka teisinio statuso veiksmingumui apskritai ir kiekvienam teisinio statuso segmentui, analizuojamas segmentų teisinis reguliavimas, nustatant jo nepakankamumą ar ydingumą, vertinama policijos pareigūnų parengtis funkcijoms vykdyti, analizuojant ir lyginant Lietuvos Airijos ir Suomijos pirminės grandies policijos pareigūnų mokymo programas. Disertacijoje pateikiami pasiūlymai dėl teisinio statuso segmentų teisinio reguliavimo, sudarančio prielaidas didinti teisinio statuso veiksmingumą, ir dėl kompensacinių mechanizmų, skirtų palaikyti atkurtą statuso veiksmingumą. Tyrimo išvados atskleidžia, jog pagal pozityviosios teisės tradiciją reglamentuojamas ir įgyvendinamas policijos pareigūno teisinis statusas nėra veiksmingas, netenkina nei policijos pareigūnų, nei... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The thesis addresses legal status of police officers by scrutinizing efficiency of the institution, identifying the key determinants of the efficiency and modeling legal measures that would allow prompt reaction to the unstable environment of the police service. Efficiency of Legal Status is analyzed via assessment of elements of the legal status and classification of those into four correlative segments. The work comprises an eight year evolution of the efficiency, its sociological indexes in police services exercising patrolling of public places, control of traffic safety and protection of secured objects. The thesis evaluates effects of social environment (community) and political and economic factors upon efficiency of legal status in general and, by scrutinizing legal regulation in each segment individually, identifies faults and shortcomings in the efficiency and evaluates readiness of police officers to exercise their functions by comparison of training programs for primary pack police officers in Lithuania, Ireland and Finland. The thesis ends with a range of proposals on legal regulation of individual segments of the legal status that would allow enhancement of efficiency of legal status and on compensatory mechanisms to maintain restored efficiency of legal status. Conclusions of the survey reveal that the legal status of police officers regulated in accordance with positivistic legal theories is inefficient and neither meets demands of police officers nor the needs... [to full text]
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Work-personal life interaction of Afrikaans speaking police officers : a phenomenological study / Eva Kefilwe SekwenaSekwena, Eva Kefilwe January 2006 (has links)
Effectiveness, productivity and motivation of police members are important factors
that contribute to a country's stability, economic growth and development. As such,
understanding experiences that police members might have with regard to the
relationship between their work and personal life is the main focus area in this study.
The objectives of this study were to determine how Afrikaans speaking police
members experience work-personal life interaction, and secondly, to determine the
main dimensions in the lives of Afrikaans speaking police members that is in
interaction with each other, and thirdly, to determine the major antecedents and
consequences of work-personal life for Afrikaans speaking police members, and
fourthly, to determine which strategies Afrikaans speaking police members use to deal
with work-personal life issues. Unstructured interviews were conducted with ten
males and females in the police stations based in the Potchefstroom and Klerksdorp
areas. Qualitative interviews based on the phenomenological paradigm, were used to
determine police officers perception regarding work and personal life interaction. A
Content analysis was used to analyse, quantify and interpret the research data.
Police members reported experiencing their work as stressful, in that it interfered
negatively with their lives and also had certain health implications. They further
experienced some aspects in their personal lives (e.g., household duties, family
responsibilities) interfering with their work. Furthermore, they reported using certain
strategies (e.g., communication, support from a spouse) as a way of bettering the
interaction between their work and personal lives.
Recommendations for future research were made, / Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.
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Medo e Sofrimento Social: uma análise das narrativas de policiais militares em atendimento clínico / Fear and social suffering: an analysis of narratives of Military Police Officers undergoing mental health treatmentSALES, Larissa Jucá de Moraes January 2013 (has links)
SALES, Larissa Jucá de Moraes. Medo e Sofrimento Social: uma análise das narrativas de policiais militares em atendimento clínico. 2013. 127f. – Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-graduação em Sociologia, Fortaleza (CE), 2013. / Submitted by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2014-04-11T17:45:07Z
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Previous issue date: 2013 / This research builds up from the subjective perspective of Military Police Officers in regards to their working activity. The intention is to understand how to establish an explanatory logic featuring work as a part of the subject’s illness – as it is revealed by these social actors, characterized by the discourse of medicalization as “subjects in crisis” and “diagnosed” as carriers of psychological diseases. For such an enterprise, an intensive fieldwork research of seven months was conducted inside one of the military institution’s treatment unit in Fortaleza, Brazil: the Corporation’s Biopsychosocial Center. Within this interactional context, the access to these subjects and a part of their treatments were selected as the focus. Following these subjects’ symbolic categories, they attribute a share of their illness to two kinds of problems perceived as constituents of their work routine. First, as problems directly affecting the individual’s body, such as unhealthy working conditions, lack of security equipment leaving the subject vulnerable to the unpredictable, and the exhausting work schedules, with long hours standing on foot under the sun, among others. The second problem is based on the symbolic violence that directly affects an individual’s mind, inflicting an invisible pain capable of generating suffering, such as moral harassment, humiliation, abuse of authority and covert punishment. The second problem is the most recurring in these subjects’ narratives. For these social agents, such problems affect their bodies in the form of illnesses, which reverberate as professional pressure directly influencing their ways of being in society. For some of them, these illnesses are also used for justifying acts of violence. An ethnographic experience was carried out as a methodological approach inside this treatment Center, from which the life trajectories of three military police officers and fragments of life stories were selected to feature as clarifying sources of this problem. The justifications are initiated by the aforementioned conditions conducive to illness, passing to therapeutic monitoring and concluded by adherence to religious groups as a possible path of cure. Another case to be highlighted is one of tragic outcome, which led to suicide. In this perspective, categories of humiliation, suffering and fear are mobilized by the individuals and their colleagues in uniform to explain their dramas. Ultimately, we aim to promote comprehension of how these subjects understand their work considering this condition. / Este estudo parte da perspectiva subjetiva de policiais militares no que se refere a sua atividade laboral. A pretensão é compreender como se estabelece a lógica explicativa sobre a atividade fim como parte do adoecimento do sujeito, sendo revelada por estes atores sociais, caracterizados pelos discursos de medicalização, como sujeitos em crise, “diagnosticados” como portadores de doenças de cunho psicológico. Para tanto, foi realizado trabalho de campo de sete meses intensivos em uma unidade de tratamento da própria instituição militar, o Centro Biopsicossocial da Corporação. O acesso a estes sujeitos, bem como parte de seus tratamentos foi privilegiado, neste contexto interacional. Nas categorizações simbólicas destes sujeitos, parte de seu adoecimento se deve a dois tipos de problemas detectados como constituintes de sua rotina de trabalho, primeiro como problemas que afetam diretamente o corpo do indivíduo como, em alguns casos, as condições de trabalho insalubres, falta de equipamentos de segurança deixando o sujeito exposto ao imprevisível, às escalas de trabalho exaustivas, com horas consecutivas em pé, em pelo sol, entre outros. O segundo problema está baseado em violências simbólicas que incidem diretamente na mente do indivíduo, provocando uma dor invisível capaz de gerar sofrimentos, como o assédio moral, humilhação, abuso de autoridade e as punições veladas, este segundo problema é o mais recorrente nas narrativas destes sujeitos. Para estes agentes sociais tais problemas incidem em seus corpos em forma de doenças, sendo reverberadas em pressão profissional agindo diretamente nos modos de ser e de estar em sociedade. Para alguns, são usadas também como justificativa para ações de violência. Como aporte metodológico, parte-se da experiência etnográfica nesse Centro de tratamento sobre a qual foram selecionadas as trajetórias de vida de três militares e fragmentos de histórias de vida como fontes explicativas dessa problemática. As justificações se iniciam pelas condições elencadas como propiciadoras de adoecimentos, passando pelo processo de acompanhamento terapêutico e a adesão a grupos religiosos como possibilidade de cura. Em último caso destaca-se um dos casos cujo fim trágico se configura como suicídio. Nesta perspectiva, categorias como humilhação, sofrimento e medo são usadas pelo próprio indivíduo e pelos colegas de farda para explicar os seus dramas. Por fim pretende-se compreender como estes sujeitos entendem seu trabalho a partir desta condição.
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Avaliação da qualidade de vida no trabalho: o caso da policia militar da cidade de João pessoa - PBMelo, Marli Daiana da Silva 15 May 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-05-15 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The aim of this study was to analyze the quality of life at work of police officers who work in the city of João Pessoa, state of Paraíba, Brazil. There is evidence that the way individuals perceive their life at work (satisfaction / dissatisfaction) can affect both their labor performance and their physical and mental health. According to Signorini (2000), although there are doubts as to the exact meaning of the term quality of life at work, the basic elements that distinguish them would be the concern with the effect of work on people and on the organizational effectiveness, as well as on the idea of participation in problem solving and organizational decision making. This dissertation is initially structured on a theoretical discussion about QLW and related topics, followed by methodological procedures adopted, results obtained and closing remarks. Although the research is classified as qualitative, quantitative data have been used in order to strengthen the results obtained. The survey instrument used was based on the structured Model of Walton, contemplating the categories of the Likert scale applied to police officers who work at the 1st and 5th Police Stations, which include the city of João Pessoa. It was found that in their perception, they are not satisfied with their quality of work life at work in all its aspects (dimensions), since the mean scores obtained in the Likert scale did not even exceed the value 4. Comparing the mean scores of the dimensions that make up the instrument of quality of work life with a cutout per battalion, we have that the mean scores generated by the officers of the 1st Battalion were always higher than the mean scores produced by the officers of the 5th Battalion. It was found also that the police officers who act as prison guards / custody of hospitals are those with poorer perceived quality of life at work. / Há evidências de que a forma como o indivíduo percebe sua vida no trabalho (satisfação/insatisfação) pode afetar tanto o seu desempenho laboral quanto sua saúde física e mental. De acordo com Signorini (2000), embora existam dúvidas quanto ao exato significado do termo qualidade de vida no trabalho, os elementos básicos que as distinguem seriam a preocupação com o efeito do trabalho nas pessoas e na eficácia da organização e, na ideia da participação dos trabalhadores na solução de problemas e no processo decisório organizacional. O objetivo dessa dissertação foi analisar a qualidade de vida no trabalho dos policiais militares que atuam no município de João Pessoa Paraíba. Inicialmente está estruturada em uma discussão teórica a cerca da QVT e assuntos afins, seguida dos procedimentos metodológicos adotados e os resultados que a pesquisa permitiu descobrir, e por fim as considerações finais. O instrumento de pesquisa utilizado foi baseado no Modelo de Walton, estruturado contemplando as categorias da escala de Likert, aplicado aos policiais militares, do 1º Batalhão e 5º Batalhão, que contemplam a cidade de João Pessoa. Constatou-se, que na percepção dos PM s da cidade de João Pessoa, não estão satisfeitos com a sua qualidade de vida no trabalho, em todos os seus aspectos (dimensões), haja vista que os escores médios obtidos sequer ultrapassaram o valor 4. Comparando os escores médios, das dimensões que compõem o instrumento de qualidade de vida no trabalho com um recorte por batalhão, tem-se que os escores médios gerados pelos policiais do 1º Batalhão foram sempre maiores que os escores médios produzidos pelos policiais do 5º Batalhão. Detectou-se, também, que os policiais que atuam como guarda de presídio/custódia de hospitais são os que apresentam uma pior percepção de qualidade de vida no trabalho.
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Satisfação no trabalho e estresse ocupacional na perspectiva dos policiais militares do estado do Rio Grande do Sul / Job satisfaction and occupational stress in police officers perspective in Rio Grande do SulAlmeida, Damiana Machado de 27 March 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Job satisfaction is conceptualized as an individual affective lien with his work (SIQUEIRA,
2008). In the other hand, stress, according to Marras and Veloso (2012) is a process or its result
approaches biological and psychological reactions and actions from dealing with someone who
causes stress. It is considered a real threat, perceived and socially-constructed. Being a police
officer is considered a risky job because they deal constantly with violence, brutality and death
(COSTA et al., 2007). Based on these three themes, this work has been developed with the aim of
analyzing the relationship between job satisfaction and occupational stress in police officers
perspective in Rio Grande do Sul. A descriptive study has been carried out, characterized as a
survey with quantitative approach. The study has been made with 519 police officers from armed
forces from cities in Rio Grande do Sul. A research protocol with questions related to personal
data and occupation, Job Satisfaction Scale (JSE) from Siqueira (2008) and Occupational Stress
Scale (OSE) from Paschoal and Tamayo (2004) has been applied. The data has been analyzed by
the use of descriptive statistics, standardized scales, chi-square test, Pearson correlation and
correspondence analysis. Results about general profile emphasized that the majority of police
officers are male (83,43%), are about 31 years old or older (66,47%), married (72,45%), with
children (67,63%) most of them with only one child (42,45%), and with secondary school
completed (59,15%). In relation to occupational general characteristics in the data collected,
police officers with occupation from 21 to 30 years have prevailed (31,98%), soldiers (58,76%),
who have external activities (42,58%). Income concentration among police officers is from 1 to 3
salaries (52,41%), and who divide responsibility with another person (35,45%). In general, an
average level of job satisfaction (79,38%) was seen. In relation to job satisfaction dimensions, it
has been found the higher level of satisfaction in relation to relationship with work (66,02%),
followed by the satisfaction with headship (47,88%). On the other hand, the lowest dimensions
levels has been found in relation to income (45,75%) and promoting (39,96%). With regard to
occupational stress, an average predominance was seen, being the causes of stress: not enough
preparation for professional training (3,51), discrimination⁄ favoritism in the work environment
(3,40), low perspectives in carrier development (3,37), low valorization from superiors (3,04), and
finally, deficiency in communicating information about organizational decisions (3,00). A
negative and statistically significant correlation between occupational stress and job satisfaction
and its dimensions has been found, classifying them as moderate and negative. It shows that
higher the level of occupational stress, lower the job satisfaction, and vice-versa. The dimension
related to satisfaction with headship (p= -0,5736) and satisfaction with the occupation nature (p=
-0,4827) are the ones that presented the highest negative correlation with occupational stress.
Similarly, the association between low satisfaction (18,69%) and high level of stress (16,99%) has
been seen, as well as the association between average satisfaction (79,38%) and average level of
stress (72,39%). In contrast, the association between high satisfaction (1,93%) and low level of
stress (10,62%) was not found. In sum, the relationship between job satisfaction and occupational
stress has been indicated, as well as the inverse relationship. / Entende-se por satisfação no trabalho o vínculo afetivo do indivíduo com o seu trabalho
(SIQUEIRA, 2008). Já o estresse, segundo Marras e Veloso (2012), é um processo ou o seu
resultado, compreendendo desde as reações biológicas e psicológicas e as ações decorrentes para
lidar com o estressor. Sendo este uma ameaça real, percebida ou socialmente construída. A
profissão de policial militar é de alto risco, pois lidam constantemente com a violência, a
brutalidade e a morte (COSTA et al., 2007). Frente a essas três temáticas, este trabalho foi
desenvolvido com o propósito de analisar as relações entre satisfação no trabalho e estresse
ocupacional na perspectiva dos policiais militares do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Realizou-se
uma pesquisa descritiva, do tipo survey, com abordagem quantitativa. Os participantes do estudo
totalizaram 519 policiais militares pertencentes à quarteis de cidades localizadas no estado do Rio
Grande do Sul. Aplicou-se um protocolo de pesquisa constituído de questões abrangendo os dados
pessoais e ocupacionais, a Escala de Satisfação no Trabalho (EST) de Siqueira (2008) e a Escala
de Estresse no Trabalho (EET) de Paschoal e Tamayo (2004). Os dados obtidos foram analisados
por meio de estatísticas descritivas, padronização de escalas, teste qui-quadrado, correlação de
Pearson e análise de correspondência. Evidenciou-se pela caracterização geral do perfil, a
predominância de policiais militares do gênero masculino (83,43%), com idade de 31 anos ou
mais (66,47%), casados (72,45%), com filhos (67,63%) e destes a maioria com apenas um filho
(42,45%), e quanto a escolaridade com ensino médio completo (59,15%). Quanto a caracterização
geral dos dados ocupacionais, prevalecem policiais com 21 a 30 anos de profissão (31,98%),
soldados (58,76%), que desempenham atividades externas (42,58%). A concentração da renda
encontra-se entre policiais que recebem de 1 a 3 salários mínimos (52,41%), e que dividem
igualmente as responsabilidades com outra pessoa (35,45%). No geral, identificou-se nível médio
de satisfação no trabalho (79,38%). Dentre as dimensões da satisfação no trabalho, com nível
mais alto foi a satisfação com os colegas (66,02%), seguido da dimensão satisfação com a chefia
(47,88%). Em contrapartida as dimensões com nível mais baixo de satisfação foram em relação ao
salário (45,75%) e com as promoções (39,96%). Em relação ao estresse ocupacional houve
predomínio do nível médio, com os seguintes estressores com as maiores médias: deficiência nos
treinamentos para capacitação profissional (3,51), discriminação/ favoritismo no ambiente de
trabalho (3,40), poucas perspectivas de crescimento na carreira (3,37), pouca valorização por parte
dos superiores (3,04), e por fim, deficiência na divulgação de informações sobre as decisões
organizacionais (3,00). Identificou-se correlação negativa e estatisticamente significante entre o
estresse ocupacional e a satisfação no trabalho e suas dimensões, classificando tais relações como
moderadas e negativas. O que demonstra que quanto maior o estresse ocupacional, menor a
satisfação no trabalho, e vice-versa. As dimensões satisfação com a chefia (p= -0,5736) e
satisfação com a natureza do trabalho (p= -0,4827) são as que apresentam maior correlação
negativa com o estresse ocupacional. Houve associação entre a satisfação baixa (18,69%) e o
estresse alto (16,99%), e da mesma forma, houve associação entre satisfação média (79,38%) e
estresse médio (72,39%). Em contrapartida não houve associação entre a satisfação alta (1,93%) e
o estresse baixo (10,62%). Assim, demonstrou-se relação entre a satisfação no trabalho e o
estresse ocupacional, influenciando-se inversamente.
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Ett hållbart polisyrke? : En kvalitativ studie med fokus på polisers upplevelse av den psykosociala arbetsmiljön och dess effekter på ett hållbart arbetslivSvanberg, Elisabeth, Flygare Lindqvist, Chris January 2020 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att bidra med kunskap om hur upplevelsen av den psykosociala arbetsmiljön påverkar förutsättningarna för ett hållbart arbetsliv. Mer specifikt har studien fokus på en speciellt utsatt yrkesgrupp, poliser, och deras upplevelse av den psykosociala arbetsmiljön. För att behandla syftet har följande frågeställningar varit utgångspunkt i studien: Hur upplevs den psykosociala arbetsmiljön av poliser? Vilka faktorer upplever poliser som mest centrala i deras psykosociala arbetsmiljö? Vilka konsekvenser får faktorer i den psykosociala arbetsmiljön på polisernas förutsättningar för ett hållbart arbetsliv? Datainsamlingsmetoden som använts i denna studie var kvalitativa intervjuer med sex poliser som antingen arbetar eller arbetat som ingripande polis. För att analysera empirin användes teorin KASAM (Känsla av sammanhang) av Aaron Antonovsky. Viktiga begrepp tillhörande teorin som möjliggjort tolkning av empirin var begriplighet, hanterbarhet och meningsfullhet. Som analysmetod användes en tematisk analys. Resultatet visar att faktorerna är kopplade till varandra men att de går att urskilja i tre övergripande teman; individuella, sociala, samt samhälleliga och organisatoriska förutsättningar. De individuella förutsättningarna inbegriper faktorerna mental trötthet, kommunikativ kompetens och yrkeserfarenheter. Det andra temat behandlar sociala förutsättningar där faktorer som kollegialt stöd, humor och privatliv blir centrala. Det tredje och sista temat behandlar samhälleliga och organisatoriska förutsättningar. Här synliggörs faktorerna personalbrist, arbetsbelastning, autonomi, utvecklingsmöjligheter, schema, arbetstider, rättssystem, myndighet och ledarskap. Slutligen visar resultatet hur faktorerna kan förstås i relation till varandra utifrån vilka konsekvenser de ger på förutsättningarna för ett hållbart arbetsliv. / The purpose of the study is to contribute knowledge about how the experience of the psychosocial work environment affects the conditions for a sustainable working life. More specifically, the study focuses on a particularly vulnerable occupational group, police officers, and their experience of the psychosocial work environment. In order to address the purpose, the following questions have been the starting point of the study: How is the psychosocial work environment experienced by police officers? What factors do police officers perceive as central to their psychosocial work environment? What are the consequences of factors in the psychosocial work environment on the police's conditions for a sustainable working life? The data collection method used in this study was qualitative interviews with six police officers who either work or work as an interventionist police. To analyze the empiricism, the theory KASAM (Sense of Coherence) was used by Aaron Antonovsky. Important concepts associated with the theory that enabled interpretation of the empiricism were comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness. As a method of analysis, a thematic analysis was used. The result shows that the factors are linked to each other but that they can be distinguished in three general themes; individual, social, and societal and organizational conditions. The individual conditions include the factors of mental fatigue, communicative competence and professional experience. The second theme deals with social conditions in which factors such as collegial support, humor and private life become central. The third and final theme deals with social and organizational conditions. Here, the factors are highlighted by staff shortages, workload, autonomy, development opportunities, schedule, working hours, legal system, authority and leadership. Finally, the results show how the factors can be understood in relation to each other based on the consequences they have on the conditions for a sustainable working life.
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Upplevelsen av Work-Life Balance hos poliser i yttre tjänstLiw, Olivia, Westlund, Lovisa January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka upplevelsen av Work-Life Balance (WLB) hos poliser i yttre tjänst med fokus på en emotionell komponent. Den emotionella komponenten innebar att undersöka om poliserna tar med sig tankar och känslor till privatlivet från händelser som inträffat i tjänst. Metoden som användes var en induktiv tematisk analys och materialet insamlades genom 16 semistrukturerade intervjuer med poliser som arbetar i yttre tjänst. Resultatet genererade 3 huvudteman: Polisernas upplevda balans mellan arbete och privatliv, Polis som identitet samt Vikten av socialt stöd. Resultatet indikerade att det fanns flertalet viktiga faktorer som kunde ha inverkan på polisernas upplevelse av WLB med fokus på en emotionell komponent. En del poliser upplevde att vissa händelser som inträffat i tjänst var svåra att släppa efter arbetstid och därav påverkades även privatlivet. Dock upplevde poliserna att de lättare kunde släppa händelser om de ventilerat dessa med kollegor. På så sätt minskades risken för att ta med sig tankar och känslor från arbetet in i privatlivet.
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Emotional intelligence, resilience and happiness among police offices in the Sedibeng west districtMakateng, Agnes Remaketse 09 November 2020 (has links)
M. Tech. (Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Management Sciences), Vaal University of Technology. / Law enforcement departments require staff members that are psychologically stable when facing stressful, unpleasant and undesirable situations during work activities. The literature indicates that law enforcers are exposed to dangerous and unpredictable situations; hence, emotional intelligence, resilience and happiness are important to them. Although the relationship between emotional intelligence (EI), resilience and happiness are considered essential, previous research based on these constructs within the law enforcement departments is limited. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the relationship between EI, resilience and happiness among police officers in the Sedibeng West District in the Gauteng province, South Africa.
The study followed a quantitative research approach and a probability sampling method to achieve its empirical objectives. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to 400 police officers within the Sedibeng West District. 330 responses were received, which resulted in a response rate of 82.5 percent for the main study. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse the data to determine the levels of EI, resilience and happiness among police officers and the results were positive.
Correlation analysis was undertaken to investigate the existence of an association between the constructs. The results indicated a weak positive association between the self-emotion appraisal (SEA) dimension of EI and resilience recovery, and a positive association between the SEA dimension and resilience control. A weak positive association between the use of emotion (UOE) dimension of EI and resilience recovery was revealed and a positive association between UOE and resilience control as well. A significant weak positive association was indicated for the EI dimension other’s emotion appraisal (OEA) and resilience recovery, and a positive association between OEA and resilience control was also revealed. A significant weak positive association between the regulation of emotion (ROE) dimension of EI and resilience recovery, and a moderate positive association between ROE and resilience control was reported. Lastly, a moderate positive association between resilience recovery and happiness was reported and a positive, however, weak association between resilience control and happiness was reported.
Regression analysis was undertaken to determine the predictive relationships between the constructs. The results showed no predictive relationship between SEA and resilience recovery and resilience control; between OEA and resilience recovery and resilience control; and between UOE and resilience recovery and resilience control. A significant predictive relationship between ROE and resilience recovery and resilience control was revealed. Lastly, a predictive relationship existed between both resilience dimensions (resilience recovery and resilience control) and happiness.
The study recommends that law enforcement departments should develop police officers’ EI, resilience and happiness by promoting subjective well-being (SWB) programs. Programs focusing on EI may be implemented to enhance knowledge on how to regulate and manage emotions. Mental health clinics and debriefing sessions should be held to provide police officers with moral support. Finally, an action-oriented approach to assist police officers with their coping strategies and behavioural treatment is also recommended. The study also recommends that the involvement of Human Resources Development (HRD) within police departments should serve to support the wellness and development of police officers.
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Alkoholförbudets inverkan på antalet misshandelsbrott samt polisanställdas arbetsuppgifter : Ur ett lokalt perspektiv / The Effect of the Alcohol Prohibition on the Number of Assault Crimes and the Police Employees tasks of Employment : From a Local PerspectiveSvensson, Michelle, Bengtsson, Evelina January 2021 (has links)
På grund av Covid-19 infördes ett alkoholförbud i syfte att minska smittspridningen i Sverige. Tidigare forskning visar att det finns ett samband mellan alkoholanvändning och våldsbrottslighet. Det är därmed av intresse att undersöka vilken påverkan alkoholförbudet haft på antalet misshandelsbrott i den offentliga miljön i Lund och hur det eventuellt förändrat arbetsuppgifterna för polisanställda med operativ inriktning respektive strategisk inriktning. Antalet anmälda samt självrapporterade misshandelsbrott har minskat mellan 2017 och 2021. Arbetsuppgifterna för de polisanställda skiljer sig åt eftersom vissa har ett strategiskt fokus och andra ett operativt fokus. Av resultatet i denna studie framgår det att misshandelsbrotten misnkat, både utfirån statistik av Polismyndigheten samt polisanställdas upplevda biild. Utifrån de fem semistrukturerade intervjuerna framgick det att arbetsuppgifterna för polisanställda med operativ inriktning förändrats mer än arbetsuppgifterna för polisanställda med strategisk inriktning. Samtliga polisanställda utför krogrelaterade arbetsuppgifter i mindre omfattnning och mer tid kan avsättas för andra relevanta arbetsuppgifter. Polisanställda med operativ inrikning hanterar samt förebygger en större mängd ungdomsbrott samt narkotikabrott medan polisanställda med strategisk inritkning i större utsträckning arbetar med grannsamverkan och att främja kontaktnätet med lokalsamhället. / Due to the Covid-19 the Swedish governement introduced an alcohol prohibition in an aim to reduce the spread of infection in Sweden. Previous research demonstrates that there is a conjunction between alcohol use and violent crimes. It is therefore of interest to investigate what impact the alcohol prohibition has had on the amount of assault crimes in the public environment in Lund and how it eventually have effected operational police officers and strategic police officers tasks of employment. The number of reported crimes and selfreported assault crimes has decreased between 2017 and 2021. The police officers tasks of employment differ because some have a operational focus and others have a strategical focus. The results in this study demonstrates that the assault crimes have decreased, both from statistics from the police department and police officers experience. From the five semistructured interviews it turned out that the operational police officers tasks of employment has changed more than strategical police officers. Both the strategical and the operational police officers perform restaurant-related tasks to a lesser extent and more time can be set aside for other relevant tasks. The operational police officers handle and prevent a large number of juvenile- and drugcrimes while the strategical police officers to a greater extent work with neighborhood cooperation and to promote the network of contact with the local community.
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Tactical Police Officers, Romantic Attachment and Job-Related Stress: A Mixed-Methods StudyFagan, Natalie 01 January 2015 (has links)
Stressors stemming from tactical policing such as social isolation and increased work responsibilities often spill over into the home and affect personal relationships. Using attachment theory as the guiding framework, this mixed methods study aimed to obtain a better understanding of the factors involved in maintaining long-term relationships between tactical officers and their romantic partners. Phase I consisted of surveys administered to tactical officers in Kentucky and measured romantic partner attachment, organizational and operational police stressors. Research questions examined how operational and organizational stress correlated with attachment while controlling for demographics. Analysis indicated that holding a rank above an officer has a significant relationship to both operational and organizational stress. Influenced by the findings from phase I, phase II consisted of 30 qualitative interviews with both tactical officers and their romantic partners. Using elements of attachment theory, symbolic interactionism, and components comprising the spirit of grounded theory, four primary themes with supporting subthemes were discovered: (1) communication, a key component of successful relationships; (2) isolation, particularly from socializing with those outside policing or tactical policing; (3) job related stress, where participants indicated more stress with tactical duties; and (4) tactical team as family and trust where participants indicated that personal support among team members was essential to building the mutual trust needed for the dangers of tactical policing. These themes indicated important findings including better communication between couples who had a romantic partner working in a criminal justice related field and discovery of stressors unique to tactical policing including increased job-related stress pertaining to the higher physical, moral and intellectual standards needed for tactical policing. Participant-based advice and recommendations for more tailored support services for tactical officers and their families were also developed from the findings of phase II and included a need for family notification systems and creation of family-oriented trainings. Relationships between the phases highlighted unique aspects of police subculture within tactical policing and its effects on the personal and occupational lives of tactical officers.
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