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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A transferência da política do tratamento diretamente observado em diferentes níveis de gestão para o controle da tuberculose / Policy Transfer of the Directly Observed Treatment at Different Levels of Management for Tuberculosis Control

Assis, Elisangela Gisele de 15 January 2016 (has links)
Trata-se de estudo qualitativo desenvolvido por meio de análise de discurso cujo objetivo foi analisar a discursividade dos gestores em diferentes níveis de gestão sobre transferência da política do tratamento diretamente observado (TDO) no controle da tuberculose. Para isto, esta análise parte do contexto de decisão macropolítico para o contexto micropolítico tendo como cenário local o município de Ribeirão Preto-SP, considerado prioritário para o controle da doença. Foram entrevistados quatro sujeitos-gestores envolvidos com a política do TDO nas instâncias estadual, regional, municipal e no nível intermediário entre a regional e o município, mediante aceite de termo de compromisso. Os dados foram coletados no período de agosto a dezembro de 2013, as entrevistas foram audiogravadas, transcritas, respeitando-a na sua íntegra. O corpus da pesquisa foi composto por recortes, formação discursiva e marcas linguísticas, quais foram selecionados dos discursos dos sujeitos. A análise ocorreu mediante a fundamentação teórico-metodológica da Análise de Discurso (AD) de matriz francesa, que se sustenta sobre três vertentes teóricas: o Materialismo Histórico, a Linguística e a Psicanálise. Este tipo de análise não visa uma análise exaustiva horizontal ou de toda extensão do objeto de pesquisa, por entender que este não se esgota e que um discurso institui-se sempre em relação aos outros. Busca-se apoiar na exaustividade vertical com o intuito de contemplar o objetivo do trabalho e da temática abordada. Os dados foram organizados sob o eixo da temática da transferência de políticas e da temática da TB os quais apontaram para diferentes efeitos de sentido durante a transferência da política do TDO como o silenciamento, apagamento, polifonia, polissemia e contradição durante o processo de transferência desta política nos diferentes níveis de gestão, que passou gradativamente pelo processo de transferência autoritária para a transferência voluntária da maior instancia política para a menor. Destaca-se que no município este processo ocorreu de forma incompleta visto que não houve a superação do paradigma da desconcentração das ações de TB para a Atenção Primária em Saúde (APS) / This qualitative study was conducted using discourse analysis, the objective of which was analyzed the reports of different level managers regarding policy transfer of Directly Observed Treatment (DOT) in the control of tuberculosis. This analysis starts with the context of macro-political decisions in the micro-political context and the local setting was the city of Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil, considered a priority in the control of the disease. Four managers involved with the DOT policy at the state, regional, and city levels and another manager in the intermediate level between region and city were interviewed after signing consent forms. Data were collected from August to December 2013. The interviews were recorded, transcribed, respecting it in its entirety. The study\'s corpus was composed of excerpts, discursive formations and linguistics marks, which were selected from the participants\' reports according to the guiding question. Analysis was based on the French theoretical-methodological framework of Discourse Analysis, which in turn is grounded on three theoretical aspects: the Historical Materialism, Linguistics and Psychoanalysis. An exhaustive horizontal analysis, or an analysis that encompasses the entire extent of the research\'s object, is not intended in this type of analysis because the topic is not exhausted and discourses are always instituted in relation to others. The objective is to be supported in vertical exhaustiveness to contemplate the objective of the study and the topic under study. Data were organized under policy transfer\' and tuberculosis\' thematic axis, which indicate different effects of meanings during DOT policy transfer, such as muting, blanking, polyphony, polysemy, and contradictions during this policy transfer process at the different levels of management, which gradually moved from an authoritative transfer to a voluntary transfer, from a higher political instance to a lower one. Nonetheless, this process was not completed in the city because the paradigm decentralizing TB actions from Primary Health Care (PHC) was not overcome

A transferência internacional de políticas de assistência social durante o governo Lula (2003-2010) : dimensões simbólica e institucional

Boscaini, Bruna Ongaratto January 2016 (has links)
Este estudo se insere no campo acadêmico de análise de políticas públicas, dedicando-se especificamente ao estudo da transferência de políticas públicas entre países. Em termos do objeto empírico, o trabalho aborda a transferência internacional de políticas brasileiras de assistência social durante o Governo Lula (2003-2010). Articulando a literatura sobre policy transfer, sobretudo o modelo analítico de Dolowitz e Marsh (2000), às vertentes idea-based e neoinstitucional de análise de políticas públicas, objetiva-se compreender e analisar como se deu a transferência de políticas de assistência social durante a gestão presidencial Lula (2003-2010). Especificamente, o estudo visa identificar o contexto político internacional, regional e nacional em que se insere o processo de transferência, bem como identificar e analisar elementos inerentes ao processo, tais como: (1) os atores envolvidos, (2) os elementos de políticas brasileiras de assistência social que são objeto de transferência internacional, (3) para quais países houve transferência; (4) o grau de transferência proposto; e (5) os constrangimentos simbólicos e institucionais que operam sobre o processo Para tanto, foram conduzidas pesquisa documental e entrevistas com atores chave do processo, analisadas utilizando estratégias qualitativas de análise de dados. Ainda, em caráter complementar, foi realizada uma análise quantitativa de dados secundários obtidos a partir de fontes oficiais. Como resultado, foi verificado que o processo de transferência de políticas públicas brasileiras de assistência social se concentra no eixo de cooperação Sul-Sul, a partir da convergência de fenômenos externos e da agenda de política externa e social do governo do presidente Lula – o qual é identificado como ator de destaque no processo, ao lado de servidores federais do Ministério de Desenvolvimento Social e organizações internacionais, como o Banco Mundial. Por fim, foi constatado que constrangimentos simbólicos e institucionais operam diretamente sobre o processo, em termos tanto das crenças portadas pelos técnicos envolvidos nas atividades, quanto das condições institucionais do modelo de assistência social adotado no país cooperante. / This study is part of the scholar field of analysis of public policies, focusing specifically on the study of public policy transfer between countries. In terms of its empirical subject, the work handles the international transfer of Brazilian public policies of social assistance in the Lula Administration (2003-2010). It links works on policy transfer, especially the analytical model developed by Dolowitz and Marsh (2000), to the idea-based and neo-institutional schools of public policy analysis. The aim is to understand and analyze how public policy transfer happened during Lula’s presidential terms. Specifically, the study is set to identify the international, regional and national political context in which the transfer process took place. Similarly, it intends to identify and analyze elements which are inherent to the process, such as (1) involved actors; (2) the elements of Brazilian policies of social assistance which are transferred; (3) the destination countries; (4) the proposed degree of transfer; and (5) the symbolic and institutional constraints that influence the process. In order to reach that goal, the work conducted documental research and interviews with key-actors to the process, which were analyzed using qualitative strategies of data analysis Supplementary, the study performed a quantitative analysis of secondary data obtained in official sources. As a result, it was verified that the process of transfer of Brazilian public policy of social assistance focuses on the South-South cooperation axis. There is a convergence of foreign phenomena and elements of the foreign policy and social agenda of President Lula – which is identified as a relevant actor in the process, together with federal officials of the Ministry of Social Development and international organizations, such as the World Bank. Finally, the study verifies that symbolic and institutional constraints work directly in the process, in terms of both the beliefs maintained by the technicians involved in the activities and the institutional conditions of the social assistance model adopted in the cooperating country.

La fabrique des territoires de l'action publique : l'avènement des Contratos Plan en Colombie / Constructing the public action territories : the advent of Colombian Contratos Plan

De La Torre, Luis 19 December 2018 (has links)
Le gouvernement colombien a mis en place les "Contratos Plan", un instrument de politique publique qui s’inspire du dispositif de contractualisation territoriale français "Contrats de Plan Etat Région". Les "Contratos Plan" devenus "Contratos Paz", seront utilisés dans la phase dite du post-conflit pour mettre en oeuvre le volet territorial des accords de paix signés entre la guérilla des FARC et le gouvernement en septembre 2016. La recherche étudie le process de policy transfer qui a donné lieu à la création de la mesure et les conséquences en matière de planification du développement et de recomposition de la gouvernance territoriale colombienne. / The Colombian Government has implemented the “Contratos Plan”, a public policy instrument directly inspired on french territorial contractualisation device "Contrats de Plan Etat Region". The "Contratos Plan” become "Contratos Paz", will be used in the post-conflict phase to implement the territorial component of the peace agreements signed between the FARC guerrilla and the Government in September 2016. This research studies the policy transfer process which gave rise to the creation of the measure and the consequences on planning development and restructuration of the Colombian territorial governance.

地方政府的政策趨同與政策學習 ─ 1999專線個案研究 / Policy Convergence and Policy Learning of Local Government: A Case of 1999 Citizen Hotline

陳序廷, Chen, Hsu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化與資訊通訊科技的脈絡下,各級政府之間為解決政策問題或改善政策績效而相互進行政策學習已成為趨勢。本研究應用政策趨同以及政策學習理論,分析在國內已形成顯著趨同現象的1999專線政策,並選取新北市政府為個案進行深入探討。研究結果顯示,行政區劃層級為直轄市、位於北部或中部、人口數百萬以上的縣市在1999專線上比較有採納趨同的傾向,趨同縣市在土地面積、高山地區比率、道路里程密度,行政機關公務人員數,以及歲入上也較未趨同縣市為多。在細部的服務機制和委外範圍上,各縣市仍多少有差異,較不完備之縣市則呈現人口數以及歲入較少的特徵。1999專線的趨同力量中並無中央政府的強制力介入,促成趨同的可能原因有觀念普及、政治壓力、競爭壓力、問題壓力,以及創新的認知屬性等因素導致。在政策學習分析的部分,新北市政府學習過程中的關鍵行動者為文官體系所形成的移植網絡,並以臺北市為最主要的學習對象,地理區位的接近性以及由此衍生的過往關係為雙方互動交流的有利基礎。然而新北市與臺北市之間存有結構性差異,無法全盤移植臺北市政府的經驗。本研究也發現,臺北市政府在國內1999專線的政策趨同或政策學習上扮演了重要的關鍵角色,其作為一個中介者向外國政府師法、本土化後將此政策資訊傳播給國內地方政府,成為許多地方政府的學習對象。本研究作為一初探性研究,建議未來除在學術上應豐富有關趨同及學習模式之研究外,並應將政策學習理論結合實務的管理面,建置政策知識庫以及制度化的政策學習網絡,讓地方政府的施政經驗得以保存、累積與流通應用,以作為政策知識管理和學習的有效後盾,提昇政策績效。 / Under the influence of globalization and information and communication technologies, governments at all levels get more chances to learn policy across boundaries as a way to solve policy problem or to enhance policy performance. The thesis applies policy convergence and policy learning theory to analyze the 1999 citizen hotline in Taiwan, takes New Taipei City as a case, and intends to examine the process and contributing factors for policy learning. The results show municipality, located in northern or central Taiwan with population of several million or more, tend to convergence in 1999 citizen hotline. There are some differences between convergence city and non-convergence city in land area, the ratio of total land area of alpine areas, density of the road mileage, number of public servants, and revenue. The possible reasons leading to convergence include the diffusion of concept, political pressure, the pressure of competition, the pressure of problem-solving, and the cognitive attributes of innovation. In the policy learning process of New Taipei City, the key actors are policy transfer network consist of civil servants. Taipei City is the main learning objects of New Taipei City. The proximity of geographic location and past relations is the basis for the interaction between New Taipei City and Taipei City. However, there are structural differences between the two cities; therefore, New Taipei City didn’t photocopy all the details in 1999 citizen hotline of Taipei City. This research also finds that the important role of Taipei City in the policy convergence or policy learning of 1999 citizen hotline. Taipei City, as an intermediary earned from a foreign government, localized the policy, and disseminated policy information to the domestic local governments. Based on the findings, the author suggests the government should construct policy knowledge base, and institutionalize the transfer network to improve policy performance. As an exploratory study, the author also suggests the academics could establish more appropriate convergence models by quantitative statistical analysis, or include more cities to compare models of policy learning in the future.

International cooperation as policy transfer : the case of a violence prevention project between Swedish and Ukrainian NGOs.

Mikhnovets, Iryna January 2011 (has links)
Background International cooperation became a wide-spread way of exchanging experience and ideas between organizations of the non-profit sector all over the world. The exchange of new ideas and experience on the international level can very often contain cases of policy transfer, which beyond all doubts can influence the participants of international cooperation. Aim The aim of the presented Master's thesis consists of the investigation and analysis of international project on violence prevention between Swedish and Ukrainian NGOs, assessing and verifying the representation in the project the particular case of policy transfer. Method In order to collect the empirical data, mixed qualitative methods were used in this thesis, which included the concept of triangulation used for the data collection. Result The conduction of the presented qualitative research gave an opportunity to uncover and examine the different roles played by Ukrainian and Swedish NGOs in the welfare systems of their respective countries. It also became possible to observe an occurrence of a particular form of cooperation between the two NGOs in the international cooperation project, which can be related to a particular type of policy transfer. Conclusions Due to the fact that the project analysed in this study is still ongoing, it is still too early to derive any final conclusion about its achievements and formulate an evaluation concerning the nature of the policy transfer process. So far the author of the presented thesis can see that the project on its current stage has an occurrence of lesson-drawing policy transfer.

Seize the Day: Gender Politics in Liberia's Transition to Peace and Democracy

Kindervater, Lisa Dawn 15 August 2013 (has links)
This case study investigates gender-sensitive institutional reforms in post-war Liberia. It applies key concepts developed by the Research Network on Gender Politics and the State to explore the extent to which the emergent theory of state feminism might be applicable to countries outside of the West. Preliminary findings suggest that Liberia is a feminist state insofar as both the women’s machinery and the Sirleaf Administration are allied with feminist and women’s movement actors outside the state, and that they grant these actors access to policymaking fora. Policy content also appears to reflect many of the goals identified by women’s movement actors. However, given the lack of state capacity and the degree of state penetration by international organizations, it is difficult to determine the drivers of ostensibly state-led gender equity initiatives in the country. Because multi-level governance is the norm in areas where the capacity of the state is severely circumscribed, this research introduces the concept of “supra-state feminism” to demonstrate the major limitation of state feminist theory in Liberia. This notion of feminist policy transfer in areas of limited statehood adds to the comparative literature on engendering political transitions in sub-Saharan Africa.

The Power of Ideas: The OECD and Labour Market Policy in Canada, Denmark and Sweden

GRINVALDS, HOLLY S 31 January 2011 (has links)
This thesis advances our understanding of how ideas play a role in policy making by examining the processes and conditions that facilitate their international diffusion into domestic debates, their acceptance by policy actors, and the ways in which their acceptance alters policy processes and policy itself. Specifically, the thesis studies the impact of labour market policy ideas from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and its large-scale study on unemployment, the Jobs Study, in three OECD member states: Canada, Denmark and Sweden. This thesis shows that ideas play a number of roles: sometimes they are simply employed to help legitimize pre-determined policy positions; but sometimes a process of learning takes place, and new ideas change actors’ beliefs about what is and what ought to be, and as well their conception of their own interests and goals. Consistent with previous research, policy failure and uncertainty open actors up to the policy learning process and acceptance of new ideas. More than earlier studies, however, this thesis highlights the role of pre-existing beliefs. Accepting one new idea over another is largely determined by the values and beliefs actors bring to bear when judging new ideas; and thus, the cases show a pattern of acceptance for OECD ideas that largely follows along professional boundaries and/or ideological leanings. Moreover, pre-existing beliefs that are intertwined with an actor’s identity tend to be more resistant to change. As other ideational scholars argue, a change in individuals’ beliefs can alter both the policy process and policy itself. When acceptance of an idea is widespread, problems of collective action can be overcome. When beliefs are not as widely shared, their impact on policy depends on many factors. Fragmentation of power and accountability can create “veto players,” and previous policies can create constituencies of supporters, some of whom may resist change. However, during a policy paradigm change, a shift in authority over policy can alter the political landscape and whose ideas matter. Given all these variables, the impact that a belief in new ideas can have on policy is highly mediated, and policy reforms, therefore, may not resemble the ideas which triggered the acceptance of change in the first place. / Thesis (Ph.D, Political Studies) -- Queen's University, 2011-01-31 12:49:18.185

Opportunities and challenges for the pursuit of sustainability under globalization: A study from Costa Rica

McLennan, Blythe Unknown Date
No description available.

Opportunities and challenges for the pursuit of sustainability under globalization: A study from Costa Rica

McLennan, Blythe 11 1900 (has links)
Globalization and human-domination of the globe have increased the complexity, scope and pace of human-environment interactions in ways that have fundamentally reconfigured the opportunities and challenges for sustainability. As a result, what society needs from science has shifted. Society and scientists alike now call for new ways of doing science that can support decision-makers to confront the complexity and uncertainty of sustainability in today’s more globalized world. The research presented in this thesis contributes to answering this call. The goal of the research was to examine complexities in how globalization shapes the opportunities and challenges for pursuing sustainability. It was conducted in a region of the world where human-environment interactions have been fundamentally transformed by globalization: Latin America. The research used a two-tiered, qualitative case study approach to examine environmental policy-making in Costa Rica and land-use management in Costa Rica’s dry North West. It had three specific objectives: 1. To analyze how environmental policy-making in Costa Rica was influenced by the transfer of policy ideas between the international and Costa Rican political systems; 2. To trial a novel methodology for conducting qualitative land-use research that can support natural resource managers to pursue sustainability while maintaining a high level of scientific credibility; and, 3. To examine the specific processes of forest recovery and rural livelihood change in Costa Rica’s dry North West, and their implications for sustainability and forest management. This research makes three key contributions to our understanding of interactions between globalization, sustainability and complex social-ecological systems. First, it counters a tendency towards oversimplification in both theories and solutions for sustainability. It shows that neither generalized large-scale theories nor single blueprint solutions are adequate on their own to address the complex reality of environmental policy-making and land-use management in Costa Rica today. Second, it demonstrates how the potential of qualitative research to support natural resource managers can be more fully realized through methodological innovation. Third, it reveals important ways that environmental policy-makers and natural resource managers can avoid the pitfalls of oversimplification to more directly confront the complexities of pursuing sustainability under globalization.

A transferência internacional de políticas de assistência social durante o governo Lula (2003-2010) : dimensões simbólica e institucional

Boscaini, Bruna Ongaratto January 2016 (has links)
Este estudo se insere no campo acadêmico de análise de políticas públicas, dedicando-se especificamente ao estudo da transferência de políticas públicas entre países. Em termos do objeto empírico, o trabalho aborda a transferência internacional de políticas brasileiras de assistência social durante o Governo Lula (2003-2010). Articulando a literatura sobre policy transfer, sobretudo o modelo analítico de Dolowitz e Marsh (2000), às vertentes idea-based e neoinstitucional de análise de políticas públicas, objetiva-se compreender e analisar como se deu a transferência de políticas de assistência social durante a gestão presidencial Lula (2003-2010). Especificamente, o estudo visa identificar o contexto político internacional, regional e nacional em que se insere o processo de transferência, bem como identificar e analisar elementos inerentes ao processo, tais como: (1) os atores envolvidos, (2) os elementos de políticas brasileiras de assistência social que são objeto de transferência internacional, (3) para quais países houve transferência; (4) o grau de transferência proposto; e (5) os constrangimentos simbólicos e institucionais que operam sobre o processo Para tanto, foram conduzidas pesquisa documental e entrevistas com atores chave do processo, analisadas utilizando estratégias qualitativas de análise de dados. Ainda, em caráter complementar, foi realizada uma análise quantitativa de dados secundários obtidos a partir de fontes oficiais. Como resultado, foi verificado que o processo de transferência de políticas públicas brasileiras de assistência social se concentra no eixo de cooperação Sul-Sul, a partir da convergência de fenômenos externos e da agenda de política externa e social do governo do presidente Lula – o qual é identificado como ator de destaque no processo, ao lado de servidores federais do Ministério de Desenvolvimento Social e organizações internacionais, como o Banco Mundial. Por fim, foi constatado que constrangimentos simbólicos e institucionais operam diretamente sobre o processo, em termos tanto das crenças portadas pelos técnicos envolvidos nas atividades, quanto das condições institucionais do modelo de assistência social adotado no país cooperante. / This study is part of the scholar field of analysis of public policies, focusing specifically on the study of public policy transfer between countries. In terms of its empirical subject, the work handles the international transfer of Brazilian public policies of social assistance in the Lula Administration (2003-2010). It links works on policy transfer, especially the analytical model developed by Dolowitz and Marsh (2000), to the idea-based and neo-institutional schools of public policy analysis. The aim is to understand and analyze how public policy transfer happened during Lula’s presidential terms. Specifically, the study is set to identify the international, regional and national political context in which the transfer process took place. Similarly, it intends to identify and analyze elements which are inherent to the process, such as (1) involved actors; (2) the elements of Brazilian policies of social assistance which are transferred; (3) the destination countries; (4) the proposed degree of transfer; and (5) the symbolic and institutional constraints that influence the process. In order to reach that goal, the work conducted documental research and interviews with key-actors to the process, which were analyzed using qualitative strategies of data analysis Supplementary, the study performed a quantitative analysis of secondary data obtained in official sources. As a result, it was verified that the process of transfer of Brazilian public policy of social assistance focuses on the South-South cooperation axis. There is a convergence of foreign phenomena and elements of the foreign policy and social agenda of President Lula – which is identified as a relevant actor in the process, together with federal officials of the Ministry of Social Development and international organizations, such as the World Bank. Finally, the study verifies that symbolic and institutional constraints work directly in the process, in terms of both the beliefs maintained by the technicians involved in the activities and the institutional conditions of the social assistance model adopted in the cooperating country.

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