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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La circulation des réformes universitaires en Afrique de l'est, les politiques de l'enseignement supérieur au regard de la sociologie de l'action publique et de l'Etat / Transfer of Higher Education Policies in East Africa. Analysing the Policy Process Through the Lens of State-Building

Provini, Olivier 09 December 2015 (has links)
Les réformes des systèmes d’enseignement supérieur semblent, au Nord comme au Sud, présenter des trajectoires similaires. Alors que la littérature appréhende généralement ces transformations sous l’angle de l’imposition des prescriptions des organisations internationales et des transferts performants de politiques publiques, a fortiori dans des Etats sous régime d’aide, cette thèse en propose une lecture originale. A partir d’une étude de cas de quatre universités publiques d’Afrique de l’Est, les observations empiriques démontrent que, malgré l’existence d’une matrice commune de bonnes pratiques à adopter, les réformes dans les établissements disposent de configurations singulières, ne serait-ce que dans le processus de prise de décision ou dans la mise en œuvre de la politique dite de partage des coûts. Ce travail défend la thèse que ces résultats s’expliquent par l’indissociabilité des politiques publiques et de la trajectoire historique de la formation de l’Etat. Que ce soit la transnationalisation des politiques publiques, leurs configurations ou les mutations sociologiques dans les transferts, l’ensemble ne peut se lire qu’au regard d’une articulation entre la sociologie de l’action publique et la sociologie historique de l’Etat. / Higher education reforms in northern and southern countries seem to be characterised by similar policy processes. The transformations of higher education institutions are usually presented as an outcome of the increasing pressure of international organisations and the success of global policy transfers, especially in countries depending on foreign aid. However this dissertation aims to critically analyse these reform processes through an original and comparative framework. Basing on the case study of four public universities in East Africa, our empirical evidence demonstrates that these higher education institutions are constantly shaped by singular policy configurations, for instance in the decision-making process or during the implementation of the cost-sharing policy. We argue that this original result can be explained by a two-way relationship between public policy analysis and the state-building framework. Therefore we argue that policy processes like the success and failure of global policy transfers or the network of involved stakeholders can only be studied through the theoretical articulation of public policy analysis and the historical sociology of state formation.

A cooperação Sul-Sul Brasileira como instrumento de promoção dos direitos humanos: análise da cooperação técnica em direitos humanos com El Salvador

Moraes, Pedro Henrique Angoti de 04 September 2017 (has links)
CAPS - Centro de Atenção Psicosocial / Esta dissertação analisa a evolução da cooperação Sul-Sul do Brasil, sob as perspectivas teórica e histórica, com a finalidade de compreender se e de que maneira essa atuação é capaz de contribuir tanto para os objetivos da política externa brasileira, como para fomentar o desenvolvimento de políticas públicas em outros países. Dessa maneira, são apresentados os marcos teóricos e históricos da cooperação internacional, da cooperação para o desenvolvimento, da cooperação Sul-Sul, bem como a cooperação triangular e a cooperação técnica. Ademais das particularidades relacionadas à cooperação técnica em direitos humanos desenvolvida pelo Brasil com países do Eixo Sul-Sul, à luz do modelo de transferência de políticas públicas de Dolowitz e Marsh. Por fim, são debatidos os detalhes e resultados da cooperação com El Salvador em direitos humanos, sob a perspectiva do projeto de cooperação técnica bilateral intitulado “BRA/04/044-S181 – Enfrentamento da Violência Sexual contra Crianças e Adolescentes”, eleito para estudo de caso considerando-se as dinâmicas e conceitos da cooperação Sul-Sul e os impactos gerados pela atuação brasileira na cooperação técnica em direitos humanos. / This thesis analyzes the evolution of the South-South cooperation in Brazil, under theoretical and historical perspectives, in order to understand if and in what way this it is capable of contributing to both the objectives of the Brazilian foreign policy and to fostering the development of public policies in other countries. In this way, theoretical and historical frameworks of the international cooperation, cooperation for development, South-South cooperation, also the triangular cooperation and technical cooperation will be presented; in addition to the particularities regarding technical cooperation in human rights developed by Brazil with countries of the South-South axis, in light of the model of transfer of public policies of Dolowitz and Marsh. Finally, the details and results of the cooperation with El Salvador in human rights are discussed, under the perspective of the bilateral technical cooperation project entitled "BRA/04/044-S181 – Confronting Sexual Violence against Children and Adolescents", elected for study considering the dynamics and concepts of South-South cooperation and the impacts generated by Brazilian external action in technical cooperation on human rights. / Dissertação (Mestrado)

A transferência internacional de políticas de assistência social durante o governo Lula (2003-2010) : dimensões simbólica e institucional

Boscaini, Bruna Ongaratto January 2016 (has links)
Este estudo se insere no campo acadêmico de análise de políticas públicas, dedicando-se especificamente ao estudo da transferência de políticas públicas entre países. Em termos do objeto empírico, o trabalho aborda a transferência internacional de políticas brasileiras de assistência social durante o Governo Lula (2003-2010). Articulando a literatura sobre policy transfer, sobretudo o modelo analítico de Dolowitz e Marsh (2000), às vertentes idea-based e neoinstitucional de análise de políticas públicas, objetiva-se compreender e analisar como se deu a transferência de políticas de assistência social durante a gestão presidencial Lula (2003-2010). Especificamente, o estudo visa identificar o contexto político internacional, regional e nacional em que se insere o processo de transferência, bem como identificar e analisar elementos inerentes ao processo, tais como: (1) os atores envolvidos, (2) os elementos de políticas brasileiras de assistência social que são objeto de transferência internacional, (3) para quais países houve transferência; (4) o grau de transferência proposto; e (5) os constrangimentos simbólicos e institucionais que operam sobre o processo Para tanto, foram conduzidas pesquisa documental e entrevistas com atores chave do processo, analisadas utilizando estratégias qualitativas de análise de dados. Ainda, em caráter complementar, foi realizada uma análise quantitativa de dados secundários obtidos a partir de fontes oficiais. Como resultado, foi verificado que o processo de transferência de políticas públicas brasileiras de assistência social se concentra no eixo de cooperação Sul-Sul, a partir da convergência de fenômenos externos e da agenda de política externa e social do governo do presidente Lula – o qual é identificado como ator de destaque no processo, ao lado de servidores federais do Ministério de Desenvolvimento Social e organizações internacionais, como o Banco Mundial. Por fim, foi constatado que constrangimentos simbólicos e institucionais operam diretamente sobre o processo, em termos tanto das crenças portadas pelos técnicos envolvidos nas atividades, quanto das condições institucionais do modelo de assistência social adotado no país cooperante. / This study is part of the scholar field of analysis of public policies, focusing specifically on the study of public policy transfer between countries. In terms of its empirical subject, the work handles the international transfer of Brazilian public policies of social assistance in the Lula Administration (2003-2010). It links works on policy transfer, especially the analytical model developed by Dolowitz and Marsh (2000), to the idea-based and neo-institutional schools of public policy analysis. The aim is to understand and analyze how public policy transfer happened during Lula’s presidential terms. Specifically, the study is set to identify the international, regional and national political context in which the transfer process took place. Similarly, it intends to identify and analyze elements which are inherent to the process, such as (1) involved actors; (2) the elements of Brazilian policies of social assistance which are transferred; (3) the destination countries; (4) the proposed degree of transfer; and (5) the symbolic and institutional constraints that influence the process. In order to reach that goal, the work conducted documental research and interviews with key-actors to the process, which were analyzed using qualitative strategies of data analysis Supplementary, the study performed a quantitative analysis of secondary data obtained in official sources. As a result, it was verified that the process of transfer of Brazilian public policy of social assistance focuses on the South-South cooperation axis. There is a convergence of foreign phenomena and elements of the foreign policy and social agenda of President Lula – which is identified as a relevant actor in the process, together with federal officials of the Ministry of Social Development and international organizations, such as the World Bank. Finally, the study verifies that symbolic and institutional constraints work directly in the process, in terms of both the beliefs maintained by the technicians involved in the activities and the institutional conditions of the social assistance model adopted in the cooperating country.

A transferência da política do tratamento diretamente observado em diferentes níveis de gestão para o controle da tuberculose / Policy Transfer of the Directly Observed Treatment at Different Levels of Management for Tuberculosis Control

Elisangela Gisele de Assis 15 January 2016 (has links)
Trata-se de estudo qualitativo desenvolvido por meio de análise de discurso cujo objetivo foi analisar a discursividade dos gestores em diferentes níveis de gestão sobre transferência da política do tratamento diretamente observado (TDO) no controle da tuberculose. Para isto, esta análise parte do contexto de decisão macropolítico para o contexto micropolítico tendo como cenário local o município de Ribeirão Preto-SP, considerado prioritário para o controle da doença. Foram entrevistados quatro sujeitos-gestores envolvidos com a política do TDO nas instâncias estadual, regional, municipal e no nível intermediário entre a regional e o município, mediante aceite de termo de compromisso. Os dados foram coletados no período de agosto a dezembro de 2013, as entrevistas foram audiogravadas, transcritas, respeitando-a na sua íntegra. O corpus da pesquisa foi composto por recortes, formação discursiva e marcas linguísticas, quais foram selecionados dos discursos dos sujeitos. A análise ocorreu mediante a fundamentação teórico-metodológica da Análise de Discurso (AD) de matriz francesa, que se sustenta sobre três vertentes teóricas: o Materialismo Histórico, a Linguística e a Psicanálise. Este tipo de análise não visa uma análise exaustiva horizontal ou de toda extensão do objeto de pesquisa, por entender que este não se esgota e que um discurso institui-se sempre em relação aos outros. Busca-se apoiar na exaustividade vertical com o intuito de contemplar o objetivo do trabalho e da temática abordada. Os dados foram organizados sob o eixo da temática da transferência de políticas e da temática da TB os quais apontaram para diferentes efeitos de sentido durante a transferência da política do TDO como o silenciamento, apagamento, polifonia, polissemia e contradição durante o processo de transferência desta política nos diferentes níveis de gestão, que passou gradativamente pelo processo de transferência autoritária para a transferência voluntária da maior instancia política para a menor. Destaca-se que no município este processo ocorreu de forma incompleta visto que não houve a superação do paradigma da desconcentração das ações de TB para a Atenção Primária em Saúde (APS) / This qualitative study was conducted using discourse analysis, the objective of which was analyzed the reports of different level managers regarding policy transfer of Directly Observed Treatment (DOT) in the control of tuberculosis. This analysis starts with the context of macro-political decisions in the micro-political context and the local setting was the city of Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil, considered a priority in the control of the disease. Four managers involved with the DOT policy at the state, regional, and city levels and another manager in the intermediate level between region and city were interviewed after signing consent forms. Data were collected from August to December 2013. The interviews were recorded, transcribed, respecting it in its entirety. The study\'s corpus was composed of excerpts, discursive formations and linguistics marks, which were selected from the participants\' reports according to the guiding question. Analysis was based on the French theoretical-methodological framework of Discourse Analysis, which in turn is grounded on three theoretical aspects: the Historical Materialism, Linguistics and Psychoanalysis. An exhaustive horizontal analysis, or an analysis that encompasses the entire extent of the research\'s object, is not intended in this type of analysis because the topic is not exhausted and discourses are always instituted in relation to others. The objective is to be supported in vertical exhaustiveness to contemplate the objective of the study and the topic under study. Data were organized under policy transfer\' and tuberculosis\' thematic axis, which indicate different effects of meanings during DOT policy transfer, such as muting, blanking, polyphony, polysemy, and contradictions during this policy transfer process at the different levels of management, which gradually moved from an authoritative transfer to a voluntary transfer, from a higher political instance to a lower one. Nonetheless, this process was not completed in the city because the paradigm decentralizing TB actions from Primary Health Care (PHC) was not overcome

Mellan det globala och det lokala : Örebro kommuns klimatstrategi ur ett policymobilitetsperspektiv / Between the global and the local : The climate strategy of Örebro municipality from a policy mobility perspective

Hennerdal, Ida January 2017 (has links)
Local authorities increased interest in climate mitigation policy has in recent years attracted interest from researchers. Compared to local authorities in most other countries, Swedish municipalities enjoy a larger portion of autonomy. This makes them particularly interesting to study from a policy mobility perspective. The aim of this study is to explore how local authorities develop climate policy, the case chosen for this inquiry is Örebro municipality and its climate strategy approved in 2016. By applying the theoretical framework of policy transfer, to some extent, but especially policy mobility the thesis discovers how local authorities develop their climate policy. It also uncovers from where they gather knowledge and inspiration, faced with the global scope of climate issues. The result show that policy mobility provides great explanatory value in understanding the assemblage that is Örebro municipality’s climate strategy. The result, however, also challenges the notion forwarded within the field of policy mobility that the national scale is not very important for local policy development. The study also show that some policy areas are more easily influenced by the global scale, while other areas are more depended on similarities in context between the ‘sending’ and the ‘receiving’ actor, that is Örebro municipality. / Lokala myndigheter har tagit allt större plats i klimatpolitken och även tilldragit sig allt mer uppmärksamhet från forskare. Tidigare har bekämpning av klimatförändringar endast funnits på den globala och nationella nivåns agendor. När fler aktörer kliver in öppnas nya områden upp för studier av olika slag. Inom policymobilitetsfältet har forskare intresserat sig för hur lokala myndigheter formar sin politik, hur policyer färdas från en kontext till en annan och vad den processen gör med policyerna. Jämfört med motsvarande myndighetsnivå i de flesta andra länder har svenska kommuner ett betydligt större mått av självbestämmande. Denna långtgående rådighet gör dem särskilt intress- anta att studera ur ett policymobilitetsperspektiv. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur lokala myndigheter utformar sin klimatpolitik, som fall används Örebro kommuns klimatarbete och då särskilt den klimatstrategi som kommunfullmäktige antog 2016. Genom användningen av teoribildningen kring dels policytransferering men främst policymobilitet studerar uppsatsen hur dessa lokala myndigheter agerar och var de hämtar kunskap och inspiration ifrån när de ställs inför den globalt omfattande frågan om klimat- förändringar. Policymobilitetslitteraturen visar sig bidra med viktiga förklaringsvärden för att förstå den assemblage som Örebro kommuns klimatstrategi utgör. I resultatet fram- går dock att den nationella skalnivån inte förlorat sin betydelse för lokala myndigheters policyutveckling till den grad som tidigare studier inom policymobilitetslitteraturen pekat ut. Den visar också på att policyer inom vissa områden lättare hämtas hem från en global kontext medan det i andra sammanhang ligger närmare till hands att inspireras av andra lokala myndigheter i samma situation och med en liknande kontext som den egna.

2030 Agenda – Implementation of climate-related Sustainable Development Goals in Norway and Germany by using the example of sustainable transportation / Agenda 2030 – Implementering av de klimatrelaterade Globala målen i Norge och Tyskland,exemplifierat genom hållbara transporter

Dietrich, Ina January 2022 (has links)
Since the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda and introduced its 17 Sustainable Development Goals in 2015, governments all over the world are working on implementing the framework into national, regional and local levels of administration to reach its targets. Climate-related challenges, including the reduction of CO2 emissions, are often met by using climate mitigation tools such as electric vehicles in sustainable transport matters. Due to this international endeavor, comparisons between partaking member states demonstrate achievements and failures of regulations and contribute to a better understanding and learning from other’s experience. In this thesis, the situation in Norway and Germany is analyzed by addressing the differences and similarities in both countries in establishing battery-driven cars on the markets. The political and socio-economic factors, including the associated variables political structure and policies, the energy and car market, the efforts in developing a sufficient infrastructure with charging stations, the consumers’ behavior and the share of renewable energy sources in the overall electricity production, are described. The framework of policy transfer as well as the comparative analysis assist to conceive the link between political structures and policies in both countries and the outcomes of their political decision-making processes. The analysis shows immense disparities in the implementation of electric vehicles due to the countries’ histories and developments of climate-related policies. Furthermore, the transition of transport not only depends on political stakeholders and advocacy groups but also on the willingness of the citizenry to adopt the new technology.

Německá energetická politika v kontextu zahraniční politiky SRN / German Energy Policy in the Context of the Foreign Policy of the FRG

Chrpa, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis called "The German energy policy in the context of the foreign policy of the FRG" deals with the energy policy and its transfer abroad. The aim of this study is to answer the questions, whether Germany makes efforts to transfer its policy, whether the transfer occurs and, if so, what kind of actors are actively involved in it, what type of transfer it is and what is the result. The first part is dedicated to the theoretical frame of the topic, especially to the concept of policy transfer, which is the main theoretical pillar of this work. The second part deals with the formation of the German energy policy at the domestic level - with the historical and social context, the motives for eventual policy transfer and the attitudes of key actors: German government (with an emphasis on the Chancellor), political parties and industry. The next two chapters are devoted to the policy transfer on the bilateral level to the neighbouring Czech Republic and on the multilateral level to the European Union. It turns out that the roots of "Energiewende" can be found in the historical development of Germany and the main features of this policy have a consensual support of the key actors on the German level. Germany is a pioneer of a new energy policy model, whose success is however not yet...

Srovnání přístupu ke vzdělávání Romů v České republice a Velké Británii / The Comparison of Approaches towards the Education of Roma in the Czech Republic and in the United Kingdom

Modlitbová, Jitka January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to compare the approaches towards education of Roma pupils at primary schools in the Czech Republic and Great Britain. The thesis identifies British good practices that could be implemented in Czech environment and explores the conditions that have tobe fulfilled for a successful implementation of these good practices. A theoretical framework of policy transfer is used to determine the conditions of a successful transfer. The thesis describes the history and the present of Roma education in the Czech lands and identifies problematic points that lead not only to the persisting segregation and to deepening of unequal access to education, but also to a severe disruption of social cohesion. Using the interviews with experts on education, the thesis identifies the policies used for inclusion of Roma pupils in the mainstream education in Great Britain. The thesis also focuses on the role of expert opinions during the policy transfer and it tries to find out whether there is a relationship between shared policy beliefs and shared opinions on particular policies or whether there are other factors taken into account when the experts formulate their opinions.

A Critical Comparative Case Study of Education Equity Policies Adopted by ClevelandHeights-University Heights and Shaker Heights City School Districts

Clopton-Zymler, Mario M. 16 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.

La communauté des consultants en marketing territorial et la diffusion internationale des politiques de branding des villes

Désilets, Véronique 12 1900 (has links)
Les villes de toutes tailles rivalisent aujourd'hui avec des endroits et des organisations situés sur tous les continents pour attirer les investisseurs, touristes, entreprises, travailleurs, étudiants et futurs résidants. Afin de faire face à cette concurrence mondiale, l’utilisation d’approches et de stratégies de marketing et de branding territorial par les autorités municipales dans leur démarche de planification et de gestion urbaine est de plus en plus fréquente. Ce mémoire se penche sur le caractère politique du branding des villes, qui a été jusqu’ici très peu exploré. Il expose l’engouement observé pour l’adoption de ce type de politiques dans un nombre croissant de villes et s’intéresse à l’influence de la communauté de consultants en marketing des villes dans le transfert de ce type de pratiques. Puisqu’il s’agit d’une approche nouvelle, ce mémoire se veut avant tout exploratoire. Il présente un portrait de la communauté d’acteurs œuvrant dans ce domaine d’activité et expose certains des éléments servant à illustrer l’influence que ces acteurs peuvent avoir sur la diffusion internationale de ce type de politiques et de pratiques. / Cities of all sizes compete today with places and organizations located on all continents to attract investors, tourists, businesses, workers, students and future residents. To cope with this global competition, the use of territorial marketing and branding approaches and strategies by municipal authorities in their approach to planning and urban management is becoming more common. This thesis looks at a political component of city branding that is relatively unexplored. It exposes the enthusiasm for the adoption of such policies in a growing number of cities and explores the possible influence the community of city marketing consultants exerts in the transfer of such practices. Since it is a new approach, this research is primarily exploratory. It presents a portrait of the community of actors involved in this area of activity and explores some of the elements that may be used to illustrate their influence on the international transfer of such policies and practices.

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