Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aborters"" "subject:"eporters""
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Skapa mervärde med en kompletterande produkt : Vad påverkar konsumentens upplevda värde?Nord, Leonardo, Wallin, Felix January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att förklara vilka variabler som påverkar och har signifikanta effekter på det upplevda värdet av kompletterande produkter. De variabler som som har undersökts och analyserats är: upplevda kostnader, upplevd kvalitet, varumärkesimage och den undersökta variabeln upplevt värde. Hypoteserna formulerades baserat på tidigare studier och föreslog att alla tre variabler har positiva signifikanta effekter på upplevt värde. Hypoteserna testades utifrån data inhämtat från Svenska Tesla-ägare som hade använt den kompletterande produkten “Super-Laddare” där två av tre hypoteser kunde accepteras.
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Podnikatelský plán pro založení nového podniku / The Business Plan for Creating a New CompanyJurík, Martin January 2010 (has links)
The content of this master’s thesis is proposal of business plan for setting up company 123fotky s.r.o., which will run microphotobank. This name is used for photobank which sells photographs with non-exclusive rights in other words with royalty free license. Features specific for successful business plan are included in theoretical part. Analytical part provides view on environment in which will the new company operate. The main proposal of business plan is based on theoretical knowledge of this environment and on market analysis.
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The Relationship Between The Brand Strategy And Business StrategyKaraömer, Ahmed January 2013 (has links)
In this study the relationship between three companies brand strategies and business strategies were investigated based on Aaker’s view on brand architecture. The concept and its strategies are characterized by the driving roles brands possess. At the top of the spectrum, “House of Brands” allows the brands to have the entire driver role which decreases moving downwards on the spectrum, first comes “Endorsed Brands” where the master brand has a little driver role, followed by “Subbrands” where the master brand and the subbrand share the driver roles. At the bottom “Branded House” strategy can be found, it is characterized by allowing the master brand to have the entire driver role. Considering (Porter, 1998) and his three generic strategies, three companies: Colgate-Palmolive Company, Kellogg’s, BMW Group and their relationship between brand and business strategy was investigated. All of these three companies are characterized by possessing leading roles within their industries where they operate. All three companies, BMW Group, Kellogg’s and Colgate-Palmolive Company differentiate themselves with help of the brand strategies. In the Kellogg’s case, except the “House of Brands” strategy, they also use “Endorsed Brands” and “Subbrands”. The BMW Group applies “House of Brands” and “Branded House” to achieve differentiation. When it comes to Colgate-Palmolive Company, the main difference is that, both BMW Group and Kellogg’s achieve differentiation through applying several brand strategies. Colgate-Palmolive Company’s differentiation efforts is limited to the “House of Brands” strategy. Despite their different choices of brand strategies the study shows that each company achieves differentiation. Furthermore, the study shows that one differentiation can also be achieved by implementing a single brand strategy, as in the case with Colgate-Palmolive Company. However, the study shows that each of the investigated companies succeeds to target the desired segments and position their offerings on specific attributes.
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The use of hydrofoil on electric seaplanes in the future transportation system / Användningen av elektriskt foilande sjöflygplan i framtidens transportsystemBroström, Elvira January 2024 (has links)
Runt om Sverige och världen växer efterfrågan av snabba, smidiga och miljövänliga resor och transportsätt. Transporter inom skärgården och över vatten sker till största delen idag med olika färjor och båtar. Dessa transporter är oftast begränsade till vissa sträckor, tar lång tid samt släpper ut gifter i naturen. Genom att använda elektriska sjöflygplan kan möjligheter att transportera sig i skärgården öka kraftigt och öppna möjligheterna att snabbt och miljövänligt, resa långa sträckor över vattnet. Sjöflygplanen, som kommer vara foilande med hydrofoils, ger flera fördelar vid användning. Rapporten ger läsaren en inblick i hur elektriskt foilande sjöflygplan kan komma att användas i framtiden. Genom en litteraturstudie, har empiriska data tagits fram som lagt grund till analys över hur elektriskt foilande sjöflygplan kan användas i framtiden. / <p>Examensarbetet är utfört vid Institutionen för teknik och naturvetenskap (ITN) vid Tekniska fakulteten, Linköpings universitet</p>
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Sortimentsreducering för ökad lönsamhet : En fallstudie hos företaget EdsbynInostroza Galvez, Stephanie, Feizi, Suleiman January 2021 (has links)
Sortiment är hos många företag väldigt stort vilket leder till att företag inte kan hantera sina produkter rätt. Problematiken är att kunderna får för mycket valmöjligheter när det erbjuds ett helt produktsortiment. Varje företag behöver ifrågasätta sig hur de ska hantera sitt sortiment när kunderna har för mycket att välja mellan. I denna situation hjälper sortimentsreducering att öka effektiviteten och lönsamheten i förtaget. Ett välplanerat sortiment är en viktig faktor för kundens köpbeslut eftersom för många produktval i sortimentet kan leda till överbelastning. Studien är en fallstudie med syfte att ta fram faktorer och processer som bör beaktas vid en sortimentsreducering hos ett producerande företag. Studien kommer att avgränsas mot att studera sortimentsreducering hos ett svenskt företag som tillverkar kontorsmöbler. För att besvara syftet och frågeställningarna utfördes fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer och ett studiebesök med anställda som hade relevant kunskap inom området. I metoden har abduktion antagits som vetenskapligt angreppsätt. Den teoretiska referensram togs fram genom litteratursökningar via databaser och böcker som sedan diskuterades i en jämförelse mot den sammanställda empirin som analyserades och diskuterades. Studiens slutsats visade vilka faktorer och processer som företag bör beakta vid en sortimentsreducering. De framtagna faktorerna var sortimentets djup och bredd, företagsimage, flexibilitet, kategoristyrning samt implementering av modulära och standardiserade produkter. Genom att integrera dessa faktorer kan företag göra en reducering effektivt. Studien visade tre processer med hjälp av modeller vid hänsyn till sortimentsreducering som skulle kunna implementeras på företag. Dessa modeller är ABC-analysen, Porters femkraftsmodell och sortimentsplaneringsmodellen. Genom att integrera de olika faktorer och processer för sortimentsreducering kan företaget göra en lönsam reducering i sortimentet. / Many companies have a large assortment, where most are incapable of correctly handling their products. Result of such assortment usually is overload of customers with an abundance of options. Every company needs to question themselves how to handle their assortment when customers has to many choices to pick. In this situation assortment reduction helps to increase efficiency and profitability of organizations. A well-planned assortment is an important factor for the customers purchase decision as too many choices in the assortment can lead to overload. This study is a thesis written with the purpose of developing factors and processes to take into account for a products assortment reduction at a producing company. This study is limited to studying product assortment reduction at a Swedish company that manufactures office furniture. The purpose and questions are answered through four semi-structured interviews and a study visit accompanied by employees with relevant knowledge to thesis. In the method, abduction has been adopted as a scientific approach. A theoretical frame of reference was developed through literature searches through databases and books, which were the discussed in a comparison with the compiled empirical data that were analyzed and discussed. The study´s conclusion showed which factors and processes companies should take into account in an assortment reduction. The factors developed were assortment depth and breadth, corporate image, flexibility, category management, implementing modular and standard products. By integrating these factors, companies can make a reduction effective. The study showed three processes using models with regard to product assortment reduction that could be implemented in companies. These models are the ABC-analysis, Porters five forces and the assortment planning model. By integrating the various factors and processes for product assortment reduction, the company can make a profitable reduction in the assortment.
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Competiveness among apparel manufacturers in Istanbul : An industry analysisAhlqvist, Pontus, Andréasson, Carl January 2007 (has links)
<p>This paper is the result of a minor field study conducted in Istanbul, Turkey, during the period of November and December 2007. The purpose of the paper is to investigate the current business environment for apparel manufacturing in Istanbul. Research was carried out through an industry analysis in terms of competition and potential future development for apparel manufacturers.</p><p>The research has been carried out through interviews with actors related to the apparel manufacturing segment. Interviewees include five manufacturers, two sourcing agents, one trade organization and one professor with research in the area.</p><p>Our findings concerning the business environment are based on Michael E. Porters theoretical framework on “How Competitive Forces Shape Strategy”. In the case of Turkish apparel manufacturers this paper concludes how the barriers of entry for new actors are high, unless integrating forward. Additionally in general terms the suppliers have a weak bargaining position while customers are relatively strong in the bargaining process. The rivalry among apparel manufacturers is low, but it can be stated how less differentiated manufacturer experience significant higher level of rivalry. Further on this paper also concludes how these factors not are affected by any substitute products, much due to the broad scope of the study.</p><p>In respect to these factors a general strategy used by apparel manufactures has been identified as they try to affect the balance of these competitive forces through e.g. differentiation and vertical integration.</p>
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Strategická analýza neziskové organizaceDoležalová, Jitka January 2009 (has links)
The aim of the final thesis was implementation of strategic analysis of dental orthodontia laboratory. The final thesis should help to laboratory during the process of transformation to social entrepreneurship. Strategic analysis pursues macroeconomic and microeconomic environment that influence enterprise in profitable and nonprofit surroundings. In case that laboratory will execute all statutory claims, transformation could be done in january 2011. Results of the analysis proved very good strategic position of laboratory between competition. High quality of the products was the main reason. I determined two strategic aims for laboratory as social entrepreneurship. The one of them deal with the employing of the handicapped or disadvantaged people in the labour market. The second one focus on the sustenance of the contemporary high quality. I divided these aims to the six tactical goals.
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Competiveness among apparel manufacturers in Istanbul : An industry analysisAhlqvist, Pontus, Andréasson, Carl January 2007 (has links)
This paper is the result of a minor field study conducted in Istanbul, Turkey, during the period of November and December 2007. The purpose of the paper is to investigate the current business environment for apparel manufacturing in Istanbul. Research was carried out through an industry analysis in terms of competition and potential future development for apparel manufacturers. The research has been carried out through interviews with actors related to the apparel manufacturing segment. Interviewees include five manufacturers, two sourcing agents, one trade organization and one professor with research in the area. Our findings concerning the business environment are based on Michael E. Porters theoretical framework on “How Competitive Forces Shape Strategy”. In the case of Turkish apparel manufacturers this paper concludes how the barriers of entry for new actors are high, unless integrating forward. Additionally in general terms the suppliers have a weak bargaining position while customers are relatively strong in the bargaining process. The rivalry among apparel manufacturers is low, but it can be stated how less differentiated manufacturer experience significant higher level of rivalry. Further on this paper also concludes how these factors not are affected by any substitute products, much due to the broad scope of the study. In respect to these factors a general strategy used by apparel manufactures has been identified as they try to affect the balance of these competitive forces through e.g. differentiation and vertical integration.
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Nyttan med styrverktyg inom små konsultföretag : Differentiering och legitimitet på marknaden / The usefulness of management tools within small consulting firms : Differentiation and legitimacy in the marketDahl, Victor, Andersson, Oscar, Johnsson, Erik January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: Konsultbranschen kännetecknas av en hög omsättning av aktörer. En anledning till att det ständigt alstras nya mindre aktörer till branschen är att den kan vara lukrativ med låga inträdesbarriärer. Men varför försvinner många aktörer lika fort som de kommer upp? Är det en brist på strategi och styrverktyg som ligger till grund för problemet? Kan det bero på svårigheten för småföretag att skapa sig en solid varumärkeslegitimitet, och finns det en möjligt att med hjälp av styrverktyg stärka företagets varumärkeslegitimitet? Fallföretaget som använts i den här studien är ett litet konsultföretag som vill stärka varumärkeslegitimiteten med hjälp av differentieringsstrategi på marknaden. Syfte: Syftet med den här studien är att med hjälp av en egenarbetad utvärderingsmodell utvärdera olika långsiktiga styrverktyg inriktade mot små konsult- och tjänsteföretags. Genom att utvärdera för- och nackdelar för tre utvalda styrverktyg och sedan applicera de på ett litet konsultföretag är förhoppningen att studien kan leda fram till rekommendationer gällande styrverktygens nytta och möjlighet till anpassning. Metod: I metodavsnittet förklaras vilka metodiska val som har använts i studien. En presentation av vilken forskningsansats som författarna har utgått efter förklaras också. Vidare så tydliggörs kritiken mot de källor som har använts i studien samt urvalet av data. Slutsats: Efter att styrverktygen utvärderats med hjälp av en egenarbetad utvärderingsmodell konstaterades det att det inte fanns ett optimalt styrverktyg men att alla innehöll värdefulla funktioner. Emellertid visade analysen att det styrverktyg som var mest användbart utifrån fallföretagets förutsättningar var det balanserade styrkortet på grund av dess multipla användbara funktioner och möjlighet till styrning enligt utvald strategi och mål. / Background and Problem: The consulting branch can be recognized by having a high turnover of operators. One reason for this is that the market can be lucrative with its low entry barriers. But why do many operators disappear as soon as they enter the market? Is it because of a lack of strategy and management tools? Could it be due to the difficulty for small businesses to create solid brand legitimacy, and is there a possibility to strengthen it by using management tools? The company used in this study is a small consulting company that desires to strengthen their brand legitimacy with the aid of differentiation strategy in the market. Purpose: With the help of a self-made evaluation model, the purpose of this study is to evaluate different long-term management tools geared towards small consulting and service companies. By evaluating the pros and cons of the three selected management tools and then apply those at a small consulting company, an expectation is that the study could lead to recommendations regarding the management tools benefits and possibilities for adaption. Method: In the methodology section the methodological choices of the study are explained. There is also a presentation of the research approach that has been used. Furthermore, the selection of data and the criticism of the sources used in the study are discussed. Results and conclusion: After that the management tools had been evaluated using the evaluation tool, it was found that there was no optimal management tool but that they all contained valuable features. However, the analysis showed that the management tool that was most advantageous based on the company’s prospects was the balanced scorecard because of its multiple useful features and its ability to control according to the company’s strategy and goal.
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Analýza konkurenčního prostředí společnosti Intelsol s. r. o. / Analysis of the competitive enviroment of the company Intelsol s. r. o.Hrnčíř, Filip January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis is focused on analysis of competitive environment of the company Intelsol s.r.o. The goal was to compare companys competition and determining companys competetive advantage. The theoretical part deals with the basic terminology such as competetive environment, SWOT analysis, and Porters five forces framework. The rest of the chapters in theoretical part are dedicated to market segmentation, marketing communication, customer acquisition and customer service. The practical part is describes the company and its major competitors on domestic market. It is internal and external analysis. Further there is introduction of main competetiors and their comparison using the SWOT analysis and Porters five forces framwork. The last part deals with customer service and competetive advantage. It also contains recommendations regarding managing and improving the company, which Intelsol may find useful in its further corporate life.
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