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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Öva! : En studie kring motivation / Practise! : A study in Motivation

Gustafsson, Elias January 2021 (has links)
Det här arbetet är en studie i hur jag bäst motiveras till att öva. Jag har testat olika metoder men framför allt utvecklat min egen modell men avstamp i Flow, Social-Cognitve theory, Self-determination theory och Goal-orientation theory. Motivation är anledningen till att vi kan bli framgångsrika musiker och att fostra sin egen motivation borde vara grundläggande för alla blivande musiker. / <p>Etude in e minor - Pius Cheung</p><p> </p><p>Ripple - Akira Miyoshi</p><p> </p><p>Purity 2 - Thomasz Golinski</p><p>Magical Sphere - Rodrigo F. Marques</p><p> </p><p>Asventuras - Alexej Gerrasimez</p><p> </p><p>Octabones - Adi Morag</p><p>Tango Suite for two Guitars, Nr. 2 - Astor Piazzolla</p><p> </p><p>Annanstans - Erik Natanael</p><p> </p><p>Lemuria, the Fallen Civilization - Csaba Marján</p><p>Prelude in g minor - Sergei Rachmaninoff</p><p></p><p>Medverkande :</p><p>Elias Gustafsson</p><p>Rasmus Hansson Jönsson</p><p>Filmen är min Examenskonsert</p><p></p><p>Inspelningen av konserten startar först efter några minuter.</p>

The impact of Communities of Practice (CoP)on inter-firm alliance research teams

Erasmus, René 30 November 2005 (has links)
The need for faster, more flexible and less risky ways for organisations to expand their capabilities and competencies increasingly lead to the formation and proliferation of networking strategies and partners. Understanding the potential contribution that CoP membership can provide within these teams is a step towards developing and refining a strategy to support and enhance the speedy progression of the team towards a productive phase. The study shows that membership of researchers to the same or similar CoPs have some impact on the norming stage, and assist in reaching the performing / productive stage faster in team development. The survey in particular has indicated that similar standards, practices, terminology, ethics, standards, peer recognition, trust and a sense of belonging have more of an impact on the productive phase of team forming, than on the norming phase. The hard factors such as terminology, standards and similar practices have a strong correlation with the softer factors such as a sense of belonging and trust. This information should be utilised in both the socialisation processes in academic institutions as part of the education of professionals, as well as organisational approaches to Research and Development (R&D), information sharing and development of the researchers. The paper also highlights emerging organisational and strategic Best Practices currently prevalent in R&D teams and collaborative projects. It is clear that research collaborations cuts across the whole spectrum of business and management areas - from strategy, across intellectual property issues, finance, strategic human resource management, R&D management and innovation, knowledge management, organisational values and culture, and many more. To support innovation and R&D on a strategic level, both internally and on inter-firm collaborations, requires a review of the total organisational strategy, culture and norms in an organisation. Innovation and R&D support should be a holistic approach, with strategic and pro-active risk management supported by appropriate strategic human resources management and systems. Literature on CoPs, teams, social capital (SC), knowledge management (KM), intellectual capital (IC), intellectual property (IP), strategy and governance provide theoretical grounding. / Business Leadership / Ph. D.

The impact of Communities of Practice (CoP)on inter-firm alliance research teams

Erasmus, René 30 November 2005 (has links)
The need for faster, more flexible and less risky ways for organisations to expand their capabilities and competencies increasingly lead to the formation and proliferation of networking strategies and partners. Understanding the potential contribution that CoP membership can provide within these teams is a step towards developing and refining a strategy to support and enhance the speedy progression of the team towards a productive phase. The study shows that membership of researchers to the same or similar CoPs have some impact on the norming stage, and assist in reaching the performing / productive stage faster in team development. The survey in particular has indicated that similar standards, practices, terminology, ethics, standards, peer recognition, trust and a sense of belonging have more of an impact on the productive phase of team forming, than on the norming phase. The hard factors such as terminology, standards and similar practices have a strong correlation with the softer factors such as a sense of belonging and trust. This information should be utilised in both the socialisation processes in academic institutions as part of the education of professionals, as well as organisational approaches to Research and Development (R&D), information sharing and development of the researchers. The paper also highlights emerging organisational and strategic Best Practices currently prevalent in R&D teams and collaborative projects. It is clear that research collaborations cuts across the whole spectrum of business and management areas - from strategy, across intellectual property issues, finance, strategic human resource management, R&D management and innovation, knowledge management, organisational values and culture, and many more. To support innovation and R&D on a strategic level, both internally and on inter-firm collaborations, requires a review of the total organisational strategy, culture and norms in an organisation. Innovation and R&D support should be a holistic approach, with strategic and pro-active risk management supported by appropriate strategic human resources management and systems. Literature on CoPs, teams, social capital (SC), knowledge management (KM), intellectual capital (IC), intellectual property (IP), strategy and governance provide theoretical grounding. / Business Leadership / Ph. D.

Trycksårspreventionsarbetet inom sjukhusvården - en litteraturstudie / Pressure ulcer prevention in hospital care - a literature review

Thidé, Joachim, Norberg, Evelina January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund Trycksår definieras som ett sår orsakat av ischemi i vävnaden och kan indelas i olika kategorier. I Sverige beräknades omkring 11% av alla patienter utveckla sjukhusförvärvade trycksår och beräknas kosta runt 450 miljoner svenska kronor avseende förlängda vårdtider inom somatisk specialistvård. Förutom förlängda vårdtider skapar även trycksår ett stort lidande och sänkt livskvalitet för den drabbade. Kunskapen om trycksårsprevention och möjligheten till utbildning gällande trycksår tycks skilja sig runt om i världen. Säker vård handlar om att förebygga vårdskador och risk för vårdskador, säker vård är en del sjuksköterskans kärnkompetenser. Syfte Syftet med litteraturstudien är att identifiera hinder i det preventiva arbetet av trycksår inom sjukhusvård Metod En strukturerad litteraturstudie med inslag av den metodologi som används vid systematiska översikter. Resultat Hindren som identifierats för trycksårsförebyggande arbete var kunskapsbrist, organisatoriska faktorer, patienter och det praktiska utförandet. Kunskapsbrist identifierades av majoriteten av de länder som ingick i studien. Organisatoriska problem som fanns var bristen på riktlinjer, teamarbete, materialbrist, arbetsmiljö och utbildning. Patienter kunde även ses som ett hinder i arbetet med trycksårsprevention, det kunde då handla om exempelvis sjukdomstillstånd. Utförandet av trycksårsprevention sågs som bristfällig i flertalet studier där personal inte utförde riskbedömningar på patienter i riskzonen, det framkom även att all personal inte utför trycksårsprevention av oklar anledning vilket är ett hinder. Slutsats Denna litteraturstudie beskriver hinder i det trycksårsförebyggande arbetet. En stor del av problemen berör organisationer, det finns potential till förbättring inom området trycksårsprevention. / Background Pressure ulcer is defined as a wound caused by ischemia in the tissue and can be seperated into different categories. In Sweden around 11% of all patients were estimated to develop hospital aquired pressure ulcers, these were estimated to cost around 450 million swedish crowns in regard somatic specialty care. Disregarding length of care pressure ulcers also casues great patient suffering and lowers quality of life. The knowledge about pressure ulcer and the possibility to recieve training about pressure ulcers seems to vary between different countries. Safe care is used to prevent healthcare injuries and near miss healthcare injuries. Safe care i one of the core competencies for registered nurses. Aim The aim of the study is to identify barriers of pressure ulcer prevention in hospital care. Method A structured litterature review with elements of the methodology used in systematic reviews. Results The barriers wich were identified to pressure ulcer prevention were lack of knowledge, organisational factors, patients and in the practical work. Lack of knowledge were identified in the majority of studies included in the review. Organisational barriers were lack of guidelines, flaws in teamwork, lack of material, working environment and in education. Patients could be seen as a barrier to pressure ulcer prevention, such barrier could for example be the patients condition. The practical use of pressure ulcer prevention was viewed as flawed, in mulitple studies the personel did not use risk assessement tools on patients with a risk of pressure ulcer development, in some cases there appeared to be no reason as to why some personel did not use any risk assesment tools. Conclusions This litterature review describes barriers to pressure ulcer prevention. A large part of the problem is located in organizations, there is room for improvement in the field.

Rechtliche und praktische Probleme der Integration von Telemedizin in das Gesundheitswesen in Deutschland

Dierks, Christian 30 November 1999 (has links)
Telemedizin ist der Einsatz von Telekommunikation und Informatik, um medizinische Dienstleistungen zu erbringen oder zu unterstützen, wenn die Teilnehmer räumlich getrennt sind. Die einzelnen telemedizinischen Anwendungen sind im Vordringen begriffen. Telemedizin ist allerdings kein eigenes Fachgebiet, sondern eine Methode, herkömmliche medizinische Maßnahmen zu unterstützen und zu verbessern. Da die Teilnehmer telemedizinischer Anwendungen nicht am selben Ort und zur selben Zeit agieren müssen, ist Telemedizin prädestiniert für die Überwindung der Sektorierung des Gesundheitssystems. Telemedizin kann insbesondere Rationalisierungsreserven mobilisieren und medizinische Dienstleistungen effektiver und effizienter gestalten. Ungeachtet dessen gibt es fünf Problemfelder, die beobachtet und weiter entwickelt werden müssen, um Telemedizin auch für die Zukunft möglich zu machen: Die unterschiedlichen Kommunikationsstandards müssen harmonisiert werden, damit der Datenfluß zwischen den Teilnehmer optimiert werden kann. Krankenkassen und Leistungserbringer müssen gemeinsam eine solide Basis für die Finanzierung derjenigen telemedizinischen Dienstleistungen etablieren, die dem Stand der wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnis entsprechen. Telemedizin mit Auslandsbeteiligung zieht in der Regel haftungsrechtliche Kollisionen nach sich, die von den Teilnehmern durch eine Rechtswahl- und eine Gerichsstandsvereinbarung vermieden werden können. Die sozialrechtlichen Möglichkeiten, insbesondere solche, Praxisnetze zu bilden, müssen noch in Einklang mit den berufsrechtlichen Vorgaben gebracht werden, da diese einer überörtlichen Leistungserbringergemeinschaft und einer entsprechenden Information des Patienten zum Teil noch im Weg stehen.Die durch die Telemedizin neu entstehenden Möglichkeiten der Kommunikation müssen durch zusätzliche Maßnahmen für Datenschutz und Datensicherheit flankiert werden. Insbesondere bei Datenübertragungen ins Ausland sollten sich die Teilnehmer durch eine gesonderte Einwilligung des Patienten in diesen Datenfluß absichern. / Telemedicine is the use of information and telecommunication technologies to provide and support health care when distance separates the participants. The single uses of telemedicine are growing in quality and quantity. Telemedicine, however, is not a medical field of its own, but a tool that can be used in most fields of medicine to enhance and support communication procedures. Since the participants must not act at the same time and at the same venue, telemedicine is bound to overcome the sectoral boundaries in a health system, which is separated in an outpatient and an inpatient world. Telemedicine can help to mobilise the health systems rationalisation potential and make procedures more effective and more efficient. There still are five tasks that have to be observed and to be solved, to make telemedicine possible in the future: Harmonisation of communicational standards must progress to optimise communication between the participants. Health insurance funds and medical persons must cooperate to insure a solid basis of financing for telemedicinal procedures that are state of the art. Participants of cross-border telemedicine must be aware of colliding laws and are well advised to agree upon the law to be applied and the court in charge. The professional law for doctors in Germany must be reconciled with the managed care concepts of practice networks that are legally permissible in terms of social law. Data protection and data security must be ensured under the new conditions of telemedicine. Especially cross-border data flow should be based on the informed consent of the patient involved

Die ökologische Bedeutung von Hecken für Vögel / I. Das Heckenprogramm der deutschen Vogelwarten - Netzfang und Revierkartierung zur Erfassung populationsdynamischer und reproduktionsbiologischer Aspekte in einem anthropogen geformten Lebensraum <br>II. Populationsbiologische Bedeutung von Hecken für Vögel in der Kulturlandschaft / The ecological importance of hedges on population dynamics of songbirds / I. The German Hedgerow Programme - Mistnetting and territory mapping in hedges <br>II. Population dynamics of songbird breeding populations in a cultured landscape

Barkow, Andreas 31 October 2001 (has links)
No description available.

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