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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Surto de Klebsiella pneumoniae produtora de beta-lactamase de espectro estendido relacionada à colonização persistente das mãos de uma profissional de saúde em uma unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal / Outbreak of extended spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae infection in a neonatal intensive care unit related to the hands of a healthcare worker

Boszczowski, Ícaro 12 September 2007 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação foi descrever a investigação de um surto de Klebsiella pneumoniae em uma unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal cujo elo entre os casos foi a mão, persistentemente colonizada pelo agente, de uma técnica de enfermagem que apresentava onicomicose em primeiro quirodáctilo esquerdo. Revisou-se a história da aplicação do método epidemiológico na investigação de surtos de infecção relacionada à assistência à saúde. Foi revisada também a literatura pertinente à investigação de surtos na busca de situações semelhantes. Embora seja bem conhecido o papel das mãos de profissional de saúde na transmissão cruzada de agentes causadores de infecção nosocomial, poucos surtos foram publicados em que estes profissionais atuaram como fonte comum e persistente de infecção. É mais freqüente Gram-positivos envolvidos, havendo cinco relatos de Gram-negativos neste contexto. A contribuição desta dissertação é alertar para o risco que profissionais de saúde com alterações tróficas em mãos e anexos podem representar quando atuam em unidades críticas de assistência, assim como durante investigações de surto em que a evidências apontam para uma fonte comum, a busca de profissional com tais alterações deve ser considerada / The aim of this study was to describe the investigation of an outbreak of Klebsiella pneumoniae at a neonatal intensive care unit, associated with the persistently colonized hands of a nurse who had onychomycosis on her left thumb. We reviewed the use of the epidemiological method for investigating healthcare related outbreaks of infections. We also reviewed the literature concerning the hands of health care personnel. Although the hands of healthcare workers (HCW) play a role in the cross-transmission of nosocomial pathogens, there are few reports in which the persistently colonized hands act as a common source perpetuating an outbreak. In this setting, Gram-positive outbreaks are frequently reported and five Gramnegative outbreaks were reported. By means of this work, we have sought to draw attention to the role of the healthcare professional with chronic lesions on the hand skin and/or fingernails. They may pose a risk of persistent transmission of nosocomial pathogens, especially for critical patients with invasive devices. During healthcare infection outbreaks, examination of the hands of HCW should be included in the investigation

Avaliação da conformidade de práticas de controle e prevenção da pneumonia associada à ventilação mecânica em um hospital público de ensino / Evaluation of compliance to the practices of control and prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia in a public teaching hospital

Isa Rodrigues da Silveira Cabral de Menezes 11 December 2009 (has links)
Há praticamente consenso de que o processo de trabalho de controle e prevenção de infecção associada a serviços de saúde (IASS) atualmente hegemônico, pautado em indicadores de resultados, ou seja, eventos de IASS, são limitados para reconhecer as condições reais em que as práticas assistenciais são realizadas. Para tanto, avaliações processuais vêm sendo demandadas, para conhecer o grau de conformidade dessas ocorrências com as recomendações dadas por evidências científicas atualmente disponíveis. Este estudo teve a finalidade de avaliar a conformidade de práticas de controle e prevenção de pneumonia associada à ventilação mecânica (PAVM), por meio de indicadores clínicos processuais especificamente elaborados. Tais práticas corresponderam a: a) Avaliação da adesão às medidas específicas de prevenção e controle de PAVM: manutenção da cabeceira elevada a 30-45o; atendimento diário de fisioterapia respiratória; utilização de soluções estéreis para nebulizadores e inaladores; material de terapia respiratória em uso respeitando a rotina de troca estabelecida; b) Avaliação da adesão à realização de higiene bucal; c) Avaliação da adesão á higiene das mãos em procedimentos de aspiração orotraqueal, troca de cadarço da cânula orotraqueal e higiene bucal. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa aplicada envolvendo achados sobre o desempenho de práticas e procedimentos, buscando acessar sua qualidade, com delineamentos prospectivo, transversal e analítico. O cenário constituiu da UTI-Adulto de um Hospital Público de Ensino. A casuística correspondeu às oportunidades de avaliação das práticas selecionadas, realizadas por enfermeiros, auxiliares e técnicos de enfermagem e fisioterapeutas, nos três turnos de trabalho, em pacientes com intubação orotraqueal. A amostra baseou-se na conformidade esperada de 80%, acarretando 1748 avaliações distribuídas entre as práticas selecionadas, realizadas por meio de observação direta e registros em prontuários. Instrumentos e avaliadores foram submetidos à testes de aferição de concordância. O índice de conformidade geral obtido na adesão às medidas específicas de controle e prevenção de PAVM foi 68,0%, sendo que o turno da tarde apresentou o maior índice (72,4%) e o da manhã, o menor (63,2%). O índice de conformidade geral da prática de higiene bucal foi 60,1%, sendo que o turno da manhã apresentou o melhor índice (72,4%) e noturno, o menor (47,4%). Dentre as modalidades prescritas, a que apresentou maior conformidade foi a aplicação apenas de CHX 0,12%, em todos os turnos, mas somente o da manhã atingiu a conformidade mínima esperada (90%-manhã; 73,7%-noite; 72,9%-tarde). A modalidade menos acatada foi a escovação de dentes e aplicação de CHX 0,12%, em todos os turnos de trabalho (3,6%-noite; 28,6%-tarde; 33,3%-manhã). A conformidade geral da prática de higiene das mãos na realização dos procedimentos selecionados foi apenas 10,7%, sendo que a aspiração orotraqueal obteve maior conformidade (18,9%), seguindo-se troca de cadarço (7,9%) e higiene bucal (5,3%). O turno da manhã obteve maior adesão (16,7%) e o noturno a menor (3,1%). Nesta prática, o maior índice de conformidade foi obtido entre os fisioterapeutas (25,8%), seguindose os enfermeiros (15,6%) e, por último, auxiliares e técnicos (4,4%). Concluiu-se que embora as práticas avaliadas não tenham alcançado a conformidade geral esperada de 80% em nenhuma das avaliações, os resultados obtidos permitem inferir que as realidades observadas justificam a revisão de normas e rotinas instituídas, bem como a elaboração de estratégias que assegurem a adesão duradoura das práticas de controle e prevenção de PAVM, associado à análise contínua de infra-estrutura e condições de trabalho. Tornou-se evidente, também, a relevância de avaliações processuais constituírem atividades rotineiras de programas de controle e prevenção de IASS / There is a present consensus that the process of control and prevention of infection associated to health services (IAHS) based on result indicators is limited to recognize the real conditions in which assistance practices are performed. So, processual evaluations have been required to know the conformity level of these events in relation to recommendations given by scientific evidence now available. The aim of this study was to analyze the conformity of adhesion to the practices of control and prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) by means of specifically elaborated processual clinical indicators. These practices corresponded to: a) Evaluation of adherence to specific measures of prevention and control of VAP: maintaining the bed in a 30-45 degrees head-up position; daily respiratory physiotherapy; use of sterile solutions for nebulizers and inhalers; material of respiratory therapy in use respecting established routine of change; b) Evaluation of adherence to oral hygiene; c) Evaluation of adherence to hand-washing procedures when performing orotracheal aspiration, change of tape of the orotracheal cannula and oral hygiene. This was an applied research involving findings on performance of practices and procedures aiming to access its quality, through a prospective transversal and analytical design. It took place in an Adult-ICU of a Public Teaching Hospital. The casuistic corresponded to opportunities of evaluation of the selected practices performed by nurses, nursing assistant, nursing technicians and physiotherapists in the three work shifts in patients with orotracheal intubation. The sample was based on the expected conformity of 80%, with 1,748 evaluations distributed among the selected practices performed by means of direct observation and registers in patient records. Instruments and evaluators were submitted to tests for measuring compliance. The general conformity adhesion index obtained in the specific measures of control and prevention of VAP was 68.0%, of which the afternoon shift presented the greatest index (72.4%) and the morning shift with the lowest index (63.2%). The index of general conformity to the practice of oral hygiene was 60.1%, of which the morning shift presented the best index (72.4%) and the night shift with the worst (47.4%). Among the mentioned modalities the largest conformity was the CHX 0.12% application in all shifts, but only the morning shift reached the minimum expected conformity (90% in the morning; 73.7% at night and 72.9% in the afternoon). The less accepted modality was teeth cleaning and CHX 0.12% application in all shift works (3.6% at night; 28.6% in the afternoon; 33.3% in the morning). General conformity of hand hygiene practice in the performance of selected procedures was only 10.7%, the largest conformity represented by orotracheal aspiration (18.9%), followed by tape change (7.9%) and oral hygiene (5.3%). The morning shift obtained the best adherence (16.7%) and night shift the worst (3.1%). In this practice the best index of conformity was observed among the physiotherapists (25.8%), followed by nurses (15.6%) and the nursing assistants and technicians (4.4%). We concluded that the lack of the expected general adherence of 80% in all the evaluations justify a review of the rules and routines established, as well as the elaboration of strategies capable to assure a permanent adherence to the control and prevention practices of VAP, associated to a continuum analysis of infrastructure and work conditions. It was also evident the relevance of processual evaluations as routine activities of control and prevention programs of VAP

Avaliação de terapia cognitiva-comportamental para prevenção de reincidência penitenciária / Evaluation of cognitive-behavioral therapy for prevention of prison recidivism

Fabiana Saffi 23 March 2009 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A reinserção do indivíduo na sociedade, após ele ter cometido um ato anti-social, iniciou-se com o Iluminismo. Atualmente várias pesquisas têm sido realizadas para se verificar a eficácia de trabalhos de reinserção social para criminosos. Entretanto na realidade brasileira não existem trabalhos sistematizados para a população prisional. Como decorrência disto, pensou-se em sistematizar uma intervenção terapêutica para prevenção de reincidência penitenciária e verificar sua eficácia. MÉTODOS: A terapia cognitivo-comportamental para prevenção à reincidência penitenciária é composta por 10 sessões estruturadas. O grupo de sujeitos foi formado por sentenciados, que cumpriam pena no regime semi-aberto, presos, no mínimo, pela segunda vez (reincidentes penitenciários); o tempo máximo de pena que teriam que cumprir deveria ser inferior a quinze anos e já deveriam ter cumprido tempo suficiente para requisitar progressão de regime. Os 43 sujeitos que iniciaram a pesquisa foram divididos em dois grupos grupo de trabalho e grupo controle. Foram feitas entrevistas e aplicações de escalas antes e depois da intervenção. RESULTADOS: Como resultado do trabalho não se percebeu diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os sujeitos que estavam no grupo de trabalho e no grupo controle em relação a reincidência penitenciária. Em relação às escalas aplicadas, os sentenciados que terminaram o programa apresentaram um escore maior no Questionário de Pensamentos Automáticos, comparado com aqueles que desistiram. Os que concluíram a pesquisa e estava no grupo de trabalho percebemos que o Programa de Prevenção a Reincidência Penitenciária reduz o medo de avaliação negativa. Os que estavam no grupo controle apresentaram um decréscimo na Escala de Estresse e Fuga Social. Após 12 meses de intervenção, entre os sentenciados que iniciaram a pesquisa, os reincidentes mostraram uma tendência a ter um escore menor no Questionário de auto-estima antes da intervenção. Os reincidentes que estavam no grupo de trabalho apresentaram uma tendência a já terem cumprido mais tempo de suas penas e os do grupo controle, uma tendência a ter um escore menor na Escala de Medo de Avaliação Negativa antes do início do programa e um escore menor na escala de Estresse e Fuga Social depois da intervenção. Entre os sentenciados que terminaram o programa e reincidiram, pôdese perceber que a intervenção causou uma redução nos resultados no escore da Escala de Estresse e Fuga Social e uma tendência em diminuir o escore no Questionário de Pensamentos Automáticos. Dentre os não reincidentes existe uma diminuição no escore da Escala de Medo de Avaliação Negativa depois do programa; os que estavam no grupo de trabalho, apresentaram uma tendência de redução do medo de avaliação negativa e os que estavam no grupo controle apresentaram uma diminuição no escore da escala de estresse e fuga social. CONCLUSÕES: A partir deste estudo pôde-se notar que a terapia cognitiva para prevenção à reincidência penitenciária, apesar de apresentar alguns resultados positivos diminuição do medo de avaliação negativa e uma discreta redução na taxa acumulada de reincidência penitenciária daqueles que concluíram o programa - necessita ser revisto e reformulado. / INTRODUCTION: The idea of rehabilitating individuals after they have committed an antisocial act came about during the Enlightenment. Nowadays, a lot of researches have been done to realize the efficacy of offenders social rehabilitation. However, in Brazil don´t exist studies systematized for prison population. As a result of this a therapeutic intervention for prevention of prison recidivism was systematized. METHODS: The technique used in this program is cognitive-behavioral therapy, composed of 10 structured meetings. The group of subjects in the study comprehended 43 inmates (20 of them from the control group and 23 from the experimental group) who served their terms in medium security prisons, and who were serving, at least, their second term. A directed interview and some questionnaires or scales were applied both before and after the program. Results: Regarding re-offense, when we compare accumulated monthly rate, we cannot see statistic difference neither of all the subjects that started the program or those that finished the program. Based on analysis of the data collected it can be asserted that: the Penitentiary Re-offense Prevention Program reduces the fear of negative evaluation; participants in the control group had a decreased score in the Stress and Social Escape Scale; inmates who finished the program had a greater score in the Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire, a greater fear of a negative evaluation at the beginning of the program and a greater score in the Stress and Social Escape Scale. Subjects that re-offended at least one year after the end of the program showed a tendency to have a lower score in the Self-esteem Scale before the intervention. Those who were in the control group and re-offended showed tendency to have lower fear of a negative evaluation before the beginning of the program and had the lowest score rate in the Stress and Social Escape Scale, following the program. For inmates who finished the program and re-offense, the intervention caused a decrease on the results of the score in the Stress and Social Escape Scale, and a trend towards a decrease in the Questionnaire on Automatic Thoughts. Among the non-re-offenders there is a noticeable trend in reducing negative evaluation after the program. The non-re-offenders who were members of the experimental group showed a tendency to have a lower score in fear of a negative evaluation scale. CONCLUSION: From this study it was noted that cognitive therapy for preventing of prison recidivism, although they had some positive results, such as reducing the fear of negative evaluation needs to be revised and recast.

Key perspectives on Opioid Substitution Treatment (OST) programmes, using Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MMT) programmes in Indonesian prisons as a case study

Komalasari, Rita January 2018 (has links)
Background Heroin dependence is associated with increased risk of the transmission of blood-borne viral (BBV) infections such as HIV, as a result of unsafe injecting practices. Opioid Substitution Treatment (OST) Programmes including Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MMT) programmes are a recommended way of addressing heroin dependence with the dual aims of reducing both heroin use and associated harms. However, OST programmes, particularly in prison settings, are often unavailable, in spite of large numbers of prisoners with heroin dependence and the high risk of HIV transmission in the prison setting. Little is currently known about the delivery of OST programmes within prison settings. A systematic literature review conducted within this study revealed that there are only a small number of studies from middle and lower-income countries and the perspectives of the range of stakeholders are often underrepresented. Aim and setting of this study This aim of this study was to understand the role of Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MMT) programmes within the context of HIV prevention programmes and to identify barriers and facilitators that influence the implementation, routine delivery and sustainability of methadone programmes in Indonesian prisons. Study design Three prison settings were selected as part of a qualitative case study. These comprised: a narcotics prison that provided methadone, a general prison that provided methadone, and a general prison, where there was no methadone programme. This allowed the exploration of multiple perspectives of prisoners and the diverse range of staff involved in the implementation of programmes. Interview and observational data were supplemented by data from medical case notes. Qualitative data underwent thematic analysis, with the help of framework analysis for data management. Principal findings This study found that there were many misconceptions about methadone programmes. HIV infection was not recognised as a problem and prison staff, healthcare staff and prisoners alike lacked understanding of the roles of methadone programmes. Prisoners participating in programmes were often stigmatised, while many prisoners believed methadone withdrawal was dangerous and could lead to death. These factors all contributed to low level participation, observed in both prisons with methadone programmes. Lack of confidentiality and associated stigmatisation as well as inappropriate assessment criteria also contributed to this, as did a lack of support systems. A reduction in international funding and a shift in national drug policy priorities away from the provision of methadone to drug-free Therapeutic Community (TC) programmes, together with a failure to embed methadone programmes within the daily prison routine currently pose challenges to effective implementation, delivery and programme sustainability. Conclusion Educating policy makers and practitioners could improve understanding of the roles of methadone programmes and increase support for programme delivery within prisons. It is therefore recommended that Indonesian government and prison policy focuses on ensuring effective delivery and sustainability of methadone programmes for people with heroin dependence in the prison setting.

Hiperhomocisteinemia e o risco cardiovascular / Hyperhomocysteinemia and cardiovascular risk

Vani, Gannabathula Sree 13 May 2002 (has links)
Nível elevado de homocisteína (Hcy) no plasma é considerado fator de risco de doença cardiovascular. Consumo reduzido de vitaminas B6, B12 e ácido fólico tem sido relacionado com hiperhomocisteinemia. O objetivo desse estudo foi verificar o consumo de vitaminas B6, B12 e ácido fólico nas populações urbana e rural, bem como a correlação dos níveis plasmáticos dessas vitaminas com os níveis plasmáticos de Hcy. Também determinamos os níveis séricos de lipídeos e avaliamos o risco cardiovascular das populações frente a hiperlipemia. O consumo de B6 e ácido fólico é maior na população urbana, com p=0,00 e p=0,04 respectivamente, sendo o consumo de B12 maior na população rural, com p=0,47. As correlações são significativamente negativa entre Hcy e as vitaminas B12 e ácido fólico . A população rural apresenta Hcy com valor médio de 16,5±9,2µmol/L, classificada como hiperhomocisteinemia moderada, e a população urbana 12,8±5,5 µmol/L, o qual está dentro da faixa de referência. O valor médio de LDL sérica é maior na população urbana (3,4±0,8mmoI/L) do que na população rural (2,8±0,9mmoI/L), com valor de p=0,00. Como fator de risco cardiovascular, consideramos Hcy plasmática >14µmol/L e LDL sérica >3,38mmol/L. Neste caso, 41,4% da população rural e 7,4% população urbana apresentam Hcy maior que 14µmol/L. O inverso ocorre em relação a LDL, onde 43,2% da população urbana e 11% na população rural apresentam níveis acima de 3,38mmol/L. Concluímos que o risco cardiovascular decorrente de hiperhomocisteinemia é maior na população rural que na urbana e este risco poderia reduzir mediante o consumo de vitaminas. / Elevated levels of plasma homocysteine (Hey) are considered a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Low intake of vitamins 86, 812 and folic acid have been related to hyperhomocysteinemia. The purpose of the present study is to determine the consumption of the vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid in two Brazilian urban and rural populations, along with the plasmatic levels of these vitamins and plasmatic homocysteine. In addition, the serum levels of lipids have been determined to evaluate the cardiovascular risk in the two populations regarding their hyperlipidemie comdition. The consumption of B6 and folic acid is higher in the urban population (p=0.00 and p=0.04 respective/y), while the consumption of B12 is not significantly different (p=0.47). There is a negative correlation between B12 and folic acid with Hcy. The rural population shows mean Hcy value of 16.5±9.2µmol/L and is classified as having moderate hyperhomocysteinemia, while for the urban population, the mean value is 12.8±5.5µmol/L and is well within the normal range. The mean value of the serum LDL is higher in the urban population (3.4±0.8mmol/L) compared to the rural population (2.8±0.9mmol/lL) with a significance of p=0.00. Plasma Hcy values >14µmol/L and serum LDL >3.38mmol/L were considered as the risk factors for cardiovascular disease. With in the reference values, 41.4% of the rural population and 7.4% of the urban population showa Hcy as a risk factor. For LDL, the inverse is true, i.e 43.2% of urban and 11% of the rural population are at risk. We conclude that the cardiovascular risk arising from hyperhomocysteinemia is higher in the rural population and that this can be reduced by increased consumption of vitamins.

Avaliação da efetividade de um programa de controle de placa dento bacteriana em pacientes autistas / Evaluation of the efficacy of dental plaque control program in autistic patients

Dias, Guilherme Guimarães 23 April 2009 (has links)
O autismo surge nos estágios precoces do desenvolvimento e é caracterizado por déficit social, de linguagem e comportamento, sendo freqüente a ocorrência de retardo no desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor. A saúde oral pode ser precária nessa população, pois a higiene é ineficaz; comprometendo principalmente a saúde periodontal. A prevenção de doenças bucais através do controle da placa bacteriana pode ser a melhor alternativa para promover e manter a saúde bucal, contribuindo para diminuir custos no setor público e melhorar a qualidade de vida destes pacientes. Foi objetivo deste estudo verificar a adesão e a efetividade de um programa de prevenção e controle de placa bacteriana em autistas e avaliar a condição de saúde bucal da amostra. Os pacientes foram avaliados cinco vezes, até concluir 180 dias. Os instrumentos de avaliação foram: IHOS (Índice de Higiene Oral Simplificado), índice CPO-D (somatória dos dentes cariados, perdidos em razão de cárie dentária e restaurados), técnica de escovação de Fonnes e lista para obtenção do diário alimentar. A média do CPO-D foi 2,2. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos de acordo com a cooperação ao programa: Grupo A - cooperativos e Grupo B - não-cooperativos. A higiene oral melhorou estatisticamente (p<0,001) e 84,2% apresentaram higiene satisfatória ou regular ao final do estudo. O grupo A representou 57,9% dos pacientes e a média de idade destes foi significativamente maior que a do grupo B (p=0,02). Os grupos A e B apresentaram melhora da higiene (p<0,001 e p=0,004), porém ela foi significativamente maior nos cooperativos (p=0,009, p=0,013 e p<0,001). Conclusão: houve melhora da higiene oral em todos os pacientes, mas ela foi significativamente maior nos cooperativos, que por sua vez apresentaram maior idade. / Autism appears in the first stages of development. Its features include social deficit, language deficits and behaviour alterations and, quite often, there is retardation of neuropsychomotor development. The oral health may be precarious within this population, as their hygiene habits are inefficient, with a negative effect mainly on periodontal health. The prevention of mouth disorders through bacterial plaque control seems to be the best alternative for promotion and maintenance of good oral health, helping to reduce costs in the public sector and also to improve the quality of life of these patients. The main objective of this study was to assess participation in, and effectiveness of, a programme for bacterial plaque control and prevention among autistic patients, and to assess the conditions of oral health for autistic patients. The patients were evaluated at five times, until a period of 180 days was reached. The following assessment instruments were used: OHI-S (Simplified Oral Hygiene Index), DMF-T index (decayed, missed and filled teeth), the Fonnes brushing technique and a list for informing the diet. DMF-T index showed a mean of 2.2. The patients were divided into two groups, according to the co-operation with the programme: Group A (co-operative) and Group B (non-cooperative). Oral hygiene showed a statistically significant improvement (p<0.001), with 84.2% showing fair or satisfactory hygiene at the end of the study. Group A represented 57.9% of the patients and had a mean age significantly higher than Group B (p=0.02). Groups A and B both showed improvements in hygiene (p<0.001 and p=0.004), but this was significantly higher among the co-operative patients (p=0.009, p=0.013 and p<0.001). Conclusion: There was a significant improvement in hygiene among all patients, but this was more significant among the co-operative patients, who also had a higher average age.

Promoção da saúde cardiovascular a partir da representação de adolescentes sobre hábitos alimentares e prática de atividade física / Promoting cardiovascular health through the representation of adolescents on eating habits and physical activity practice

Ianeta, Luciana Maria Oliveira Fonseca 31 July 2007 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Estudos epidemiológicos demonstram que as doenças cardiovasculares e suas complicações estão associadas ao estilo de vida das pessoas. Há evidências de que o processo aterosclerótico se inicia na infância, e que sua prevenção pode ser mais efetiva se iniciada precocemente, com ações de educação em saúde que visem a promover a prática regular de atividade física e a mudança de hábitos alimentares. OBJETIVOS: Observação das representações dos adolescentes sobre hábitos alimentares e práticas de atividade física no contexto da promoção da saúde cardiovascular. Verificação d a exeqüibilidade das técnicas de ensino-aprendizagem baseadas em Paulo Freire, Pichon-Rivière, Prochaska e Di Clemente na reflexão com os adolescentes sobre a prevenção primária dos fatores de risco relacionados com essas representações. Testar a hipótese de que a presença da doença cardiovascular nos familiares têm influência nas representações observadas. MÉTODOS: Alunos da sétima série de uma escola pública de São Paulo foram levantados por meio de questionário epidemiológico para avaliar os riscos associados ao estilo de vida. Dois grupos diferentes de alunos, selecionados de acordo com a presença de doença cardiovascular nos pais, receberam a intervenção educativa em dinâmicas aplicadas no decorrer de 10 reuniões de grupo. RESULTADOS: A matriz de Prochaska e Di Clemente permitiu avaliar que a representação dos temas de alimentação e atividade física foi modificada nos dois grupos, que passaram do estágio de pré-contemplação para contemplação; no entanto, dez reuniões não foram suficientes para os grupos se manterem no estágio de preparação para mudança, oscilando com o estágio de contemplação. A análise feita pela matriz de Pichon- Rivière demonstra que o aprendizado do grupo sem história familiar aparece de forma clara como conhecimento construído sobre os temas propostos, enquanto o grupo com história familiar possui conhecimento pré-existente, e adquire novos conceitos de maneira mais lenta. Justificando as diferentes formas de abordagem aplicadas às atividades dos grupos no presente trabalho. CONCLUSÃO: A intervenção por meio de grupos educativos baseados em Paulo Freire, Pichon-Rivière e Prochaska e Di Clemente se mostrou útil para observar as representações dos adolescentes sobre hábitos alimentares e práticas de atividade física no contexto da promoção da saúde cardiovascular. Durante as atividades dos grupos educativos foi possível avaliar a informação pré-existente, como também, estabelecer com eles um diálogo construtivo para a prevenção primária dos fatores de risco relacionados com essas representações. / INTRODUCTION: Epidemiologic studies demonstrated that the cardiovascular disease and its complications are associated with people\'s life style. There are evidences that the atherosclerotic process begins in infancy and that its prevention can be more effective if it is precociously started by taking educative actions concerning health, which aim at promoting regular physical activity practice and the change of eating habits. OBJECTIVE: Observe the adolescents\' representations on eating habits and physical activities practices to promote cardiovascular health. Verify the techniques applied in the teaching - learning process, based on Paulo Freire, Pichon- Rivière, Prochaska and Di Clemente and together with the adolescents reflect on the primary prevention of the risks related to these representations. Test the hypothesis that the presence of the cardiovascular disease in the family influences in the representations observed. METHODS: Students of the 7th. grade of a public elementary school of São Paulo were surveyed by means of an epidemiologic questionnaire to evaluate the risks associated with their life style. Two different groups of students, chosen according to the presence of cardiovascular disease in their parents were followed during ten sections, when educative dynamics were applied. RESULTS: Prochaska and Di Clemente\'s matrix enabled the evaluation of the representations related to eating and physical activity. The representations were modified in both groups, which changed from pre- contemplation stage to contemplation stage. However, the ten group meetings were not enough for the groups to keep in the stage of preparation for the change, oscillating to the stage of contemplation. The analyses made by Pichon-Rivière?s matrix demonstrates that the learning process in the group which belongs to a family with no risk of cardiovascular disease presents a clear constructed knowledge on the proposed themes, whereas the group belonging to families under such risks has a pre- existing knowledge and acquires new concepts more slowly, justifying the different approaches applied to the activities of the groups in this study. CONCLUSION: The intervention by means of educative groups based on Paulo Freire, Pichon-Rivière, Prochaska and Di Clemente was useful to observe the representations of the adolescents on eating habits and physical activities practices to promote cardiovascular health. During the activities of the educative groups it was possible to evaluate the adolescents pre-existing information as well as establish a constructive dialogue for a primary prevention of the risk factors related to these representations.

Uso do plasma spray dried na dieta de suínos para prevenção da circovirose suína e doenças associadas / The use of plasma spray dried in the prevention of porcine circovirus and associated diseases

Rangel, Luís Fernando Sarmento 02 March 2009 (has links)
O trabalho foi realizado em granja com histórico de ocorrência de Circovirose Suína e Doenças Associadas - PCVAD maior que 5%. Foram utilizados 560 leitões na fase de creche (25 - 66 dias de idade) e 468 no início de crescimento (66 - 94 dias de idade), em experimento delineado em blocos ao acaso, com dois tratamentos e 9 repetições por tratamento na creche e 18 repetições no crescimento. Os tratamentos: Plasma - os leitões foram alimentados com rações contendo plasma (AP 920®) conforme segue: 6,0% na ração pré-inicial I (15 dias); 3,0% na ração pré-inicial II (13 dias); 1,5% de na ração inicial (14 dias); e 1,0% na ração de crescimento I (14 dias), seguindo-se por mais 14 dias com a mesma ração sem plasma. Controle: os leitões foram alimentados com as mesmas rações, porém sem plasma. As rações utilizadas foram formuladas para satisfazer as necessidades nutricionais dos leitões. As variáveis avaliadas: ganho de peso, consumo de ração, conversão alimentar, ocorrência da PCVAD, taxa de mortalidade pela PCVAD e anticorpos anti-PCV2. Houve diferença significativa (P<0,05) no peso dos leitões e no ganho de peso diário em todas as medidas realizadas na fase de creche. A diferença de peso no final da creche foi de 1,92 kg/leitão a mais para o Plasma. Não houve diferença estatística (P>0,05) no coeficiente de variação do peso dos leitões em todas as medidas realizadas. O consumo médio de ração com plasma foi superior (P<0,05) em todas as fases de creche. A conversão alimentar foi melhor (P=0,087) no Plasma. As idades calculadas dos leitões, para o peso ideal para venda (22 e 24 kg), indicaram que os leitões do Plasma atingiriam tais pesos 2,3 e 2,2 dias antes que os controles, respectivamente. Na fase inicial de crescimento, houve diferença significativa (P<0,05) no consumo de ração e no peso final (94 dias de idade) com uma diferença final de 2,28 kg/suíno a mais no grupo Plasma. Isso tem conseqüências importantes no manejo das granjas, permitindo um período maior de vazio sanitário. Aos 39, 52 e 66 dias de idade, houve menor freqüência (P<0,05) de leitões com sinais da PCVAD no Plasma. Verificou-se que a infecção pelo PCV2 estava disseminada nos leitões de ambos os tratamentos. Houve efeito de bloco e idade no título de anticorpos para o PCV2. No período total, o aumento nesse título foi parcial (P=0,0856) para o Plasma. Porém, aos 52 dias de idade, os leitões alimentados com plasma apresentaram aumento nesse título (P<0,05). Isso sugere que os leitões que receberam plasma apresentavam melhor capacidade de resposta imunológica ao PCV2. Os leitões tratados com plasma apresentaram: melhor ganho de peso na creche, que foi ampliado no início do crescimento, reduzindo em 2,3 dias a idade para atingir 22,0 kg; melhor capacidade de resposta imunológica ao PCV2 aos 52 dias de idade e menor manifestação de PCVAD. O aumento no ganho de peso nos leitões foi atribuído ao aumento no consumo de ração e à menor ocorrência de leitões com sinais de PCVAD. / The work was conducted in a farm with historical data, recording pigs with clinical Porcine Circovirus and Associated Diseases - PCVAD higher than 5%. In the nursery 560 pigs (25-66 days of age) and early in growing phase 468 piglets (66-94 days of age) were used in random blocks design with two treatments and 9 replicates in the nursery and 18 replicates in growing phase per treatment. Treatments: Plasma - pigs were fed plasma (AP 920®) containing diets as follows: 6% in the pre-starter I (15 days); 3% in the pre-starter II (13 days); 1.5% in the starter phase (14 days); and 1% in the growing phase (14 days), followed by 14 days with the same feed without plasma. Control: pigs were fed with the same feeds from the Plasma treatment but without plasma. Both feeds were formulated to meet the nutritional requirements of the pigs in different stages. Evaluated variables: weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion, clinical presence of PCVAD, mortality rate related with PCVAD and antibodies against PCV2. There was a significant difference (P<0.05) in the pigs weight and in the weight gain the nursery. The weight difference at the end of the nursery phase was 1.92 kg/pig grater to the plasma group. There was no statistical difference (P>0.05) in the coefficient of variation of weight in all measurements performed. The average feed intake was higher (P<0.05) on Plasma in all nursery phases. A better feed conversion was observed on Plasma (P=0.087). The calculated age of pigs to reach the ideal sale weight (22-24 kg) indicated that Plasma achieved those weights 2.3-2.2 days prior than the Control respectively. In the growing phase there was a significant difference (P<0.05) in the feed intake and final weight (94 days of age) with a final weight 2.28 kg/pig heavier for Plasma. This has important consequences in the management of a farm, allowing a longer downtime period between groups. At 39, 52 and 66 days of age, there was less frequency (P<0.05) of pigs with sings of PCVAD in the plasma fed group. It was observed that the infection by PCV2 was widely spread in both treatments pigs. There was block and age effect in the PCV2 antibody titers. There was a partial treatment effect (P=0.0856) over the PCV2 antibodies when the data was evaluated at different sampling ages. However, at 52 days of age, there was an increase in the PCV2 antibody titers (P<0.05) of pigs that received plasma. This observation suggests that plasma fed pigs had a better immune response to PCV2. The plasma fed pigs showed better weight gain in the nursery. That effect was amplified in the beginning of the growing phase, leading to a reduction in 2.3 days the age to reach 22.0 kg of body weight, better immune response to PCV2 at 52 days of age and less presence of sings of PCVAD. The increase in the weight gain was due to an increase in feed intake and lower incidence of pigs with sings of PCVAD.

Algorithms and computational complexity of social influence and diffusion problems in social networks / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection

January 2015 (has links)
Since diffusion models of social network are widely used in studying epidemiology, in this thesis, we apply diffusion models to study the contact immunity generated by attenuated vaccines.Oral polio vaccine (OPV) is a typical attenuated vaccine for polio that can produce contact immunity and therefore help protect more individuals than vaccinees. / To better capture the utilization of OPV’s contact immunity, we model the community as a social network, and formulate the task of maximizing the contact immunity effect as an optimization problem on graphs, which is to find a sequence of vertices to be “vaccinated” to maximize the total number of vertices “infected” by the attenuated virus. Furthermore, as immune defiicient patients may suffer from the live attenuated virus in the vaccine, we develop models in consideration of this restriction, and study related problems. / We present polynomial-time algorithms for these problems on trees, and show the intractability of problems on general graphs. / 社交網絡的擴散模型被廣泛運用于對流行病學的研究,在本文中,我們使用擴散模型對減毒活疫苗產生的接觸性免疫進行研究。口服脊髓灰質炎疫苗(OPV)是一種典型的減毒活疫苗,它可以在人群中產生接觸性免疫,使得更多未接種疫苗的人獲得免疫力。 / 爲了更好的刻畫OPV 產生的接觸性免疫,我們將社區模型化為社交網絡,從而將接觸性免疫效應最大化的任務轉化爲圖優化問題,即通過發現頂點的一個「接種」序列來最大化被減活病毒「感染」的頂點數量。此外,因爲減毒疫苗中的活病毒會使患有免疫缺陷的病人患病,我們考慮在此因素限制下的模型,并研究相關的問題。 / 我們給出這些問題在樹上的多項式時間算法,并證明其在一般圖上的複雜性。 / Ma, Chenglong. / Thesis M.Phil. Chinese University of Hong Kong 2015. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 40-47). / Abstracts also in Chinese. / Title from PDF title page (viewed on 12, September, 2016). / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only.

Study on the anti-cancer potential of tanshinones and their underlying mechanisms in colon cancer: 丹参酮对结肠癌的抗癌潜力及其内在机制研究. / 丹参酮对结肠癌的抗癌潜力及其内在机制研究 / Study on the anti-cancer potential of tanshinones and their underlying mechanisms in colon cancer: Dan shen tong dui jie chang ai de kang ai qian li ji qi nei zai ji zhi yan jiu. / Dan shen tong dui jie chang ai de kang ai qian li ji qi nei zai ji zhi yan jiu

January 2013 (has links)
丹参是一种著名的传统中药,富含丹酚酸和丹参酮。其中,丹参酮的潜在抗肿瘤作用近年来引起众多关注。本研究评价了主要的丹参酮及其衍生物对结肠癌细胞的细胞毒性。结果显示DHTS具有最强的抗结肠癌活性和显著的肿瘤特异性细胞毒性,其细胞毒性主要由于凋亡诱导而不是引起坏死。初步的构效关系分析提示丹参酮母环结构中的A环和B环增加的离域性有助于提高其对结肠癌细胞的细胞毒性,而非二维结构及较小的D环也是进行结构改造的可能方向。 / 基于以上发现,本研究进一步探讨了DHTS的体内外抗肿瘤活性及内在机制。本研究发现DHTS的促凋亡活性并不依赖于p53的表达,而依赖于caspase活性及线粒体介导的细胞质中氧自由基 ROS及钙离子的聚集。DHTS可引起浓度及时间依赖caspase-9/-3/-7的活化而并未显著引起caspase-8的活化,这一现象发生于同样以浓度及时间依赖方式进行的线粒体中cytochrome c及AIF转位之后。在DHTS诱导的结肠癌细胞凋亡中,cytochrome c及caspase介导的凋亡通路及AIF介导的凋亡通路均被激活并显示出两条通路之间的交叉调控。 / 此外,线粒体在DHTS的促凋亡活性中的作用在本研究中被深入探讨。本研究发现线粒体可能是DHTS的一个直接靶点, 而氧化磷酸化复合体III则更可能是其作用位点。DHTS可以引起迅速而明显的线粒体功能障碍,随之引起细胞质中大量的氧自由基及钙离子聚集,诱导凋亡的产生。 / 与体外结果一致,本研究证实了DHTS对免疫缺陷小鼠中的结肠癌移植廇也具有明显的抗肿瘤作用。与溶媒对照组比较,DHTS治疗组中移植廇的增长显著被减缓,在治疗终点时的廇体积与重量也显著被降低。TUNEL检测确认DHTS诱导移植廇中癌细胞的显著凋亡。免疫荧光检测也发现DHTS诱导caspase-3及caspase-7在移植廇中癌细胞的明显活化。 / 综上所述,本研究提供了丹参酮抗结肠癌活性的一些初步构效关系的信息,为提高丹参酮抗结肠癌活性的结构改造提供一定的参考。更重要的是,本研究证明了DHTS的体内外抗结肠癌活性并探讨了其作用机制及可能靶点,为DHTS作为新的应用于抗结肠癌药物或辅助治疗用药提供了临床前研究证据。 / Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge, also known as Danshen, rich in phenolic acid and tanshinones, has been widely used to treat various kinds of diseases including heart diseases and hepatitis in China with minimal side effects. Among the tanshinones, tanshinone I, tanshinone IIA, cryptotanshinone and dihydrotanshinone I are the major bioactive constituents in this herb. In this study, the anti-colon cancer potential of five tanshinones and six derivatives of tanshinone IIA were evaluated in several colon cancer cell lines. It was found that apoptosis but not necrosis contributed significantly to the cytotoxicity of the tanshinones. Dihydrotanshinone I (DHTS) was confirmed to be the most potent and selective anti-cancer compound among the tanshinones tested in this study. Preliminary SAR (structure activity relationship) of tanshinones reveals that the increase of delocalizability of A and B rings in the chemical structure of the tanshinones enhances their cytotoxicity on cancer cells, while compounds with a non-planar and small sized D ring region are better choices for anti-cancer effect. / The underlying mechanisms of the anti-colon cancer activity of DHTS were further studied. It was found that apoptosis induced by DHTS was p53 independent but caspase dependent, which was closely related to intracellular accumulation of ROS (reactive oxidant stress) and calcium mediated by mitochondria. A concentration- and time-dependent activation of caspase-9,-3,-7 but not caspase-8 by DHTS in HCT116 cells was detected after the translocation of cytochrome c and AIF (apoptosis inducing factor) from mitochondria. In this process, the crosstalk between the caspase-dependent and caspase-independent pathways was firstly shown in the apoptotic mechanism of DHTS. To this end, the release of cytochrome c happened first and the translocation of apoptosis inducing factor (AIF) was prevented by a pan caspase inhibitor. In the meantime, the release of cytochrome c and activation of caspase-9 and PARP (poly-ADP-ribose polymerase) cleavage were decreased after AIF knockdown. Especially, mitochondrion was suggested to be the direct target of DHTS and OXPHOS complex III but not OXPHOS complex I was probably the acting site of DHTS. / In accordance with the results obtained in vitro, the potential anti-colon cancer activity of DHTS was also observed in nude mice with xenograft tumors and the compound did not produce any observable systemic toxicity. DHTS efficiently delayed tumor growth by decreasing the tumor size and weight through the induction of apoptosis in cancer cells but not by inhibition of cell proliferation. In the same tissues, a distinct activation of caspase-3 and caspase-7 in tumor cells was also detected by immunofluorescence assay. / Collectively, the present study provides preliminary information about the SAR of the anti-colon cancer activity for tanshinones. It also confirms that DHTS is a promising compound for anti-cancer action both in vitro and in vivo. In addition, this study gives us a better understanding regarding the mechanisms of how DHTS induces apoptosis in cancer cells. All these findings could provide solid pre-clinical evidence to propel the development and application of DHTS and perhaps its derivatives as novel therapeutic or adjuvant agents for the treatment of colon cancer. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Wang, Lin. / Thesis (Ph.D.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2013. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 122-132). / Abstracts also in Chinese. / Wang, Lin.

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