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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Grenzüberschreitende Unternehmensbewertung in Emerging Markets

Rullkötter, Nils 10 October 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Mit zunehmender wirtschaftlicher Bedeutung der Emerging Markets steigt der Bedarf an Unternehmensbewertungen im Kontext dieser Länder. Ihre besonderen Charakteristika erschweren jedoch eine Anwendung der in Industrieländern standardmäßig verwendeten Methoden. Ausgehend von idealisierenden Bedingungen wird in einer integrativen Betrachtung der Frage nachgegangen, wie die vorherrschenden Bedingungen (insbesondere Länderrisiken und Investmentbarrieren) in einem grenzüberschreitenden Bewertungskalkül berücksichtigt werden können.

Statistical analysis of effect of financial crisis of 2007 in vehicles and transport sector in brazil / AnÃlise estatÃstica do efeito da crise financeira de 2007 no setor de veÃculos e transportes no brasil

Francisco Osair Soares Nobre 19 December 2011 (has links)
nÃo hà / This article aims to measure and analyze potential impacts from the financial crisis of 2007 in the sector of transport and vehicles and in Brazil, whose growth in recent years surpassed many other sectors of the economy and the Brazilian Gross Domestic Product. To this end, it was made use of descriptive statistics associated with various forms of risk, and performance of the distributions of nominal daily return of companies that make up this sector, every six months, from 2005 to 2010 was used as benchmark some market and industry indexes. Due to some factors, among them, heavy subjection on credit for the sale of new vehicles and export profile associated with the most important companies in this sector, it was observed that the daily returns of the shares of individual companies, as well as the return of representative aggregated index of this sector, reacted to the crisis with accumulated expressive losses. Some shares have accumulated losses of more than 80% in value, as occurred with TPIS3, and fairly high standard deviation up to 12.66% for WISA4. Both the direction of change as the value of the shares were provided by outline micro founded given by the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). In the postcrisis period, the industry reacted to a greater extent more than it was expected by fundamentals and the returns of firms and the aggregate index of the sector exceeded all other indexes analyzed in this study. At the same time that the results exceeded the returns of other indices, statistical analyzes were favorable to the sector of transport vehicles and having smaller standard deviation and better indications of Sharpes, Sortino, Treynor and Calmar. / Este artigo visa mensurar e analisar os possÃveis impactos oriundos da crise financeira de 2007 no setor de veÃculos e transportes no Brasil, cujo crescimento nos Ãltimos anos superou o de vÃrios outros setores da economia e do prÃprio Produto Interno Bruto brasileiro. Com este intuito, fez-se uso de estatÃsticas descritivas associadas Ãs diversas formas de risco e de performance das distribuiÃÃes de retorno lÃquido nominal diÃrio das empresas que compÃem este setor, com periodicidade semestral, de 2005 a 2010 e utilizou-se como benchmark alguns Ãndices de mercado e setoriais. Em razÃo de alguns fatores, possivelmente entre eles, forte dependÃncia de crÃdito para a venda de veÃculos novos e do perfil exportador associado Ãs principais empresas deste setor, observou-se que os retornos diÃrios das aÃÃes das empresas individuais, assim como o retorno de um Ãndice agregado representativo desse setor, reagiram à crise com perdas acumuladas expressivas.Algumas aÃÃes sofreram perdas acumuladas de mais de 80% em seu valor, como ocorreu com TPIS3, e desvio padrÃo bastante elevado de atà 12,66% no caso da WISA4. Tanto a direÃÃo da variaÃÃo como o valor das aÃÃes foram previstos pelo arcabouÃo microfundamentado dado pelo Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). No perÃodo pÃs-crise, o setor reagiu em maior intensidade que a prevista pelos fundamentos e os retornos das empresas e do Ãndice agregado do setor superaram o de todos os outros Ãndices analisados neste estudo. Ao mesmo tempo em que os retornos superaram os resultados dos outros Ãndices, as anÃlises estatÃsticas foram favorÃveis ao setor de veÃculos e transportes apresentando menor desvio padrÃo e melhores Ãndices de Sharpe, Sortino, Treynor e Calmar.

Grenzüberschreitende Unternehmensbewertung in Emerging Markets

Rullkötter, Nils 10 October 2014 (has links)
Mit zunehmender wirtschaftlicher Bedeutung der Emerging Markets steigt der Bedarf an Unternehmensbewertungen im Kontext dieser Länder. Ihre besonderen Charakteristika erschweren jedoch eine Anwendung der in Industrieländern standardmäßig verwendeten Methoden. Ausgehend von idealisierenden Bedingungen wird in einer integrativen Betrachtung der Frage nachgegangen, wie die vorherrschenden Bedingungen (insbesondere Länderrisiken und Investmentbarrieren) in einem grenzüberschreitenden Bewertungskalkül berücksichtigt werden können.

Portföljförvaltarens kamp mot index : En kvantitativ studie om riskjusterad avkastningpå den svenska aktiemarknaden

Tewodros, Abel January 2023 (has links)
Titel: Portföljförvaltarens kamp mot index Syftet: Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva och analysera aktiv fondförvaltning genomriskjusterad avkastning. Metod: En kvantitativ studie har genomförts för att uppfylla syftet och besvara studiensfrågeställning för undersökningsperioden 2018–2022. Riskjusterade prestationsmåtten somanvänds är jensens alfa, sharpe- och treynorkvoten. Empiriskt resultat: Studien är baserad på 21 aktivt förvaltade fonder som är registrerad iSverige. Vidare har dessa fonder placeringsinriktning på industrisektorn samt har 80% av sittinnehav på svenska aktier. Slutsats: Mer än hälften av alla fonder genererade ett positivt jensens alfa. Dock visar etttvåsidigt t-test att inget alfavärde var statistiskt signifikant med både 90% och 95%konfidensgrad.Nyckelord: Riskjusterad avkastning, Aktiv fondförvaltning, Treynokvot, Sharpekvot, Jensensalfa, Marknadsindex, Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) och Modern Portföljteori. / Title: Fund manager’s battle against index. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze active funds through riskadjusted returns. Methodology: The study uses a quantitative research method with data from secondarysources that contains fund’s net asset value (NAV). The research period of this study is 2018 to 2022. The study uses jensens alpha, treynor- and sharperatio as risk adjusted measurements. Empirical foundation: This study uses 21 active mutual funds that are registered in Sweden.The mutual funds that were obtained has an investment strategy that focuses on industry.Furthermore, these mutual funds have 80% holdings in Swedish stocks. Conclusion: More than half of the active mutual funds generated a positive jensens alpha.However, according to a two-sided t-test of a 90% and 95% confidence level, none of themutual fund’s alpha showed to be statistically significant and therefore no conclusions weremade.

Avkastning och hållbarhet på fondmarknaden : En empirisk komparativ studie om hållbara aktiefonders avkastning kontra konventionella aktiefonder / Return and sustainability on the fund market : An empirical comparative study of sustainable equity funds return versus conventional equity funds

Backman, Ricky, Sundborn, Henrik January 2023 (has links)
För att investerare ska placera kapital mot hållbara investeringar krävs insikt om det finns en premie som valet av hållbara aktiefonder innebär eller om dessa motsvarar eller till och med överavkastar mot konventionella fonder. I denna uppsats undersöker vi hur den riskjusterade avkastningen, mätt som Jensens alpha, ser ut för hållbara och konventionella fonder. Studien undersökte 51 aktiefonder med hemvist i Sverige för åren 2017-2021 där datan samlades in från Avanza och hållbarhetsbetyg från Morningstar användes för klassificering av konventionella respektive hållbara fonder. Resultaten pekar på att hållbara aktiefonder har en riskjusterad avkastning som är 0,2 procentenheter högre än konventionella aktiefonder över hela tidsramen. Studien undersökte även förhållandet mellan riskjusterad avkastning och förvaltningsavgiften och fann ett marginellt positivt samband utifrån en regressionsanalys. Studien bidrar till forskningsområdet genom att närmare undersöka ett individuellt land till skillnad från tidigare studier och på senare årtal vilket ger en mer nutida förståelse för hållbara och konventionella aktiefonder på den svenska fondmarknaden. / For investors looking at placing their capital in sustainable equity funds, there is a need for knowledge as to how sustainable funds compare to their conventional peers. Do they demand a premium, have the same returns or even outperform? In this paper we look at the risk adjusted return, Jensen's alpha, on the Swedish fund market between the year 2017-2021 and how sustainable funds compare to conventional ones. The results indicate that sustainable funds outperform conventional funds with 0,2 percentage points over the entire time frame. The study also examined the relationship between fund fees and risk adjusted returns and found a marginal positive relationship from a regression analysis. The study contributes to the scientific field by closer examining a single country for a later time frame, giving a more contemporary understanding of sustainable and conventional funds on the Swedish fund market.

An electronic financial system adviser for investors : the case of Saudi Arabia

Aldaarmi, Abdulaziz Adel Abdulaziz January 2015 (has links)
Financial markets, particularly capital and stock markets, play an important role in mobilizing and canalising the idle savings of individuals and institutions to the investment options where they are really required for productive purposes. The prediction of stock prices and returns is carried out in order to enhance the quality of investment decisions in stock markets, but it is considered to be tricky and complicates tasks as these prices behave in a random fashion and vary with time. Owing to the potential of returns and inherent risk factors in stock market returns. Various stock market prediction models and decision support systems such as Capital asset pricing model, the arbitrage pricing theory of Ross, the inter-temporal capital asset pricing model of Merton ,Fama and French five-factor model, and zero beta model to provide investors with an optimal forecast of stock prices and returns. In this research thesis, a stock market prediction model consisting of two parts is presented and discussed. The first is the three factors of the Fama and French model (FF) at the micro level to forecast the return of the portfolios on the Saudi Arabian Stock Exchange (SASE) and the second is a Value Based Management (VBM) model of decision-making. The latter is based on the expectations of shareholders and portfolio investors about taking investment decisions, and on the behaviour of stock prices using an accurate modern nonlinear technique in forecasting, known as Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). This study examined monthly data relating to common stocks from the listed companies of the Saudi Arabian Stock Exchange from January 2007 to December 2011. The stock returns were predicted using the linear form of asset pricing models (capital asset pricing model as well as Fama and French three factor model). In addition, non-linear models were also estimated by using various artificial neural network techniques, and adaptive neural fuzzy inference systems. Six portfolios of stock predictors are combined using: average, weighted average, and genetic algorithm optimized weighted average. Moreover, value-based management models were applied to the investment decision-making process in combination with stock prediction model results for both the shareholders’ perspective and the share prices’ perspective. The results from this study indicate that the ANN technique can be used to predict stock portfolio returns; the investment decisions and the behaviour of stock prices, optimized by the genetic algorithm weighted average, provided better results in terms of error and prediction accuracy compared to the simple linear form of stock price prediction models. The Fama and French model of stock prediction is better suited to Saudi Arabian Stock Exchange investment activities in comparison to the conventional capital assets pricing model. Moreover, the multi-stage type1 model, which is a combination of Fama and French predicted stock returns and a value-based management model, gives more accurate results for the stock market decision-making process for investment or divestment decisions, as well as for observing variation in and the behaviour of stock prices on the Saudi stock market. Furthermore, the study also designed a graphic user interface in order to simplify the decision-making process based upon Fama and French and value-based management, which might help Saudi investors to make investment decisions quickly and with greater precision. Finally, the study also gives some practical implications for investors and regulators, along with proposing future research in this area.

Empirical findings in asset price dynamics revealed by quantitative modelling

Sim, Min Kyu 07 January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation addresses the fundamental question of what factors drive equity prices and investigates the mechanisms through which the drivers influence the price dynamics. The studies are based on the two different frequency levels of financial data. The first part aims to identify what systematic risk factors affect the expected return of stocks based on historical data with frequency being daily or monthly. The second part aims to explain how the hidden supply-demand of a stock affects the stock price dynamics based on market data observed at frequency levels generally between a millisecond and a second. With more and more financial market data becoming available, it greatly facilitates quantitative approaches for analyzing asset price dynamics and market microstructure problems. In the first part, we propose an econometric measure, terms as modularity, for characterizing the cluster structure in a universe of stocks. A high level of modularity implies that the cluster structure of the universe of stocks is highly evident, and low modularity implies a blurred cluster structure. The modularity measure is shown to be related to the cycle of the economy. In addition, individual stock's sensitivity to the modularity measure is shown to be related to its expected return. From 1992 to 2011, the average annual return of stocks with the lowest sensitivity exceeds that of the stocks with highest sensitivities by approximately 7.6%. Considerations of modularity as an asset pricing factor expand the investment opportunity set to passive investors. In the second part, we analyze the effect of hidden demands/supplies in equity trading market on the stock price dynamics. We propose a statistical estimation model for average hidden liquidity based on the limit orderbook data. Not only the estimated hidden liquidity explains the probabilistic property in market microstructure better, it also refines the existing price impact model and achieves higher explanation powers. Our enhanced price impact model offers a base for devising optimal order execution strategies. After we develop an optimal execution strategy based on the price impact function, the advantage of this strategy over benchmark strategies is tested on a simulated stock trading model calibrated by historical data. Simulation tests indicate that our strategy yields significant savings in transaction cost over the benchmark strategies.

The influence of real estate price fluctuations on real estate stocks : An analysis of Swedish asset classes

Jonasson, Jesper, Rosén, Tobias January 2019 (has links)
With background to recent price growth in Swedish real estate and consequently real estate stocks, our aim is to examine the relationship between real estate price development and real estate stock price development. To test our hypothesis, that real estate price development have had an impact on the return of real estate stocks, we built a capital asset pricing model. We divide the return of real estate stocks into two parts, the return in relation to the Swedish market premium and the excess return that is given for the exposure of the real estate market. We found that real estate exposure would treat the investor with an additional return beyond the return given from stock market exposure; hence, real estate price development has contributed to real estate stock returns.

Uma reflexão crítica sobre o modelo tarifário para o transporte coletivo urbano por ônibus no Brasil: uma abordagem de gestão econômica / A critical reflection on princing model that urban transportation by bus from Brazil: of the economic management approach

Santos, Nalbia de Araujo 19 December 2002 (has links)
RESUMO O transporte urbano é importante para a sociedade porque promove as relações econômicas e sociais mediante o deslocamento das pessoas. Contudo, o setor está passando por uma mudança de cenário, em virtude da expansão da concorrência do transporte informal e aumento do uso de carros particulares. Tal mudança tem causado queda no número de usuários do serviço e aumentos nos custos do setor. Essa situação induz as empresas a solicitar em aumentos nas tarifas. Entretanto, tais aumentos não solucionaram o problema. Por isso, este estudo faz uma reflexão crítica sobre a tomada de decisões relativa à tarifa no transporte coletivo urbano por ônibus, utilizando-se da abordagem conceitual de gestão econômica. A reflexão tem o objetivo de contribuir com a aplicação dos conceitos de gestão econômica na elaboração de um modelo tarifário que colabore no processo de tomada de decisão da tarifa e no planejamento de resultado. Para tanto, fez-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica e documental para descrever as características do setor e as variáveis que afetam a decisão a respeito da tarifa. Dessa forma, analisaram-se e evidenciaram-se aspectos relevantes do setor a respeito das relações institucionais, do planejamento e o processo de tomada de decisão, do modelo tarifário GEIPOT, da abordagem gestão econômica e da decisão sobre a tarifa. Como considerações finais verifica-se que: existe uma tendência a mudanças nas responsabilidades institucionais referentes ao planejamento e ao processo de tomada de decisão no setor; há problemas conceituais no modelo GEIPOT; o modelo tarifário contribui com o planejamento de resultados e com o processo que envolve a decisão sobre a tarifa do setor. / ABSTRACT Urban transportation is important for society because it promotes economical and social relations through the movement of passengers. However, the sector has been facing changes in its scenery due to the growing competition in informal transportation and to the increased utilization of private cars. This change has been causing a decrease in the number of users of this service as well as higher costs in the sector, and such a situation leads companies to require price adjustments, though these adjustments do not solve the problem. For these reasons, this study makes a critical reflection on making decisions related to pricing for urban transportation by bus, using the economic management conceptual approach. The reflection aims to contribute for the application of the economic management concepts in the elaboration of a pricing model that can be helpful in the decision making regarding prices and in the planning of results. With this objective, a bibliographic and document research was made in order to describe the characteristics of the sector and the variables affecting decisions regarding prices. Therefore, some aspects related to the public power intervention in the sector were herein analyzed and evidenced, as well as the utilization of the economic management approach for the elaboration of a decision model regarding prices. Finally, it is found that the pricing model contributes for planning results and for the process which involves making decisions related to pricing in the sector.

Asymmetric information in fads models in Lâevy markets

Unknown Date (has links)
Fads models for stocks under asymmetric information in a purely continuous(GBM) market were first studied by P. Guasoni (2006), where optimal portfolios and maximum expected logarithmic utilities, including asymptotic utilities for the informed and uninformed investors, were presented. We generalized this theory to Lâevy markets, where stock prices and the process modeling the fads are allowed to include a jump component, in addition to the usual continuous component. We employ the methods of stochastic calculus and optimization to obtain analogous results to those obtained in the purely continuous market. We approximate optimal portfolios and utilities using the instantaneous centralized and quasi-centralized moments of the stocks percentage returns. We also link the random portfolios of the investors, under asymmetric information to the purely deterministic optimal portfolio, under symmetric information. / by Winston S. Buckley. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2009. / Bibliography: leaves 268-272.

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