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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kultūros paveldo objektų valdytojų (savininkų) vaidmuo kultūros paveldo apsaugos sistemoje / The role of managers (owners) of cultural heritage objects in the system of cultural heritage protection

Skorupskas, Andrius 24 November 2010 (has links)
Šiame darbe aptariamas nekilnojamųjų kultūros vertybių (sutr. NKV) valdytojų vaidmuo Lietuvos kultūros paveldo apsaugos sistemoje (nuo 1990 m.). Jie yra itin svarbūs jos dalyviai. Pagrindinė valdytojų pareiga yra rūpintis NKV išsaugojimu ir būti atsakingiems už jų išlikimą. Darbe detalizuotos atskiros temos dalys: NKV valdytojo traktavimas galiojančiuose teisės aktuose (įstatymuose ir poįstatyminiuose aktuose) ir jo dalyvavimas praktiniame paveldosaugos lygmenyje. Lietuvai atgavus nepriklausomybę, radikaliai pasikeitė nuosavybės santykiai. Daugelis NKV tapo privačia nuosavybe. Įgyvendinant dalinę restituciją, nemažai sakralinio paveldo objektų sugrąžinta teisėtiems savininkams - religinėms bendrijoms. Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucijoje nustatyta, kad valstybei išimtine nuosavybės teise priklauso valstybinės reikšmės istorijos, archeologijos ir kultūros objektai. Pagrindiniuose su NKV apsauga ir valdymu susijusiuose teisės aktuose yra nustatytos valdytojo teisės ir pareigos, sureguliuoti jo ir valstybės teisiniai santykiai, numatyti nuosavybės valdymo, naudojimo ir disponavimo ja ypatumai. Kritiniu atveju valstybė galinti pasinaudoti NKV priverstinio išpirkimo teise ar paimti ją visuomenės poreikiams. Valdytojams turi būti išmokamos trijų rūšių kompensacijos, su jais sudaromos apsaugos sutartys, nustatančios abipusius įsipareigojimus. Deja, ne viskas vyksta taip sklandžiai kaip kad norėtųsi. Iki šiol stringa kompensavimo valdytojams mechanizmas, nėra realizuojamos įstatymų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This work discusses the role of managers (owners) of cultural heritage objects in the Cultural Heritage Protection System of Lithuania (since 1990). The main duty of managers (owners) is to take care of the preservation of an objects of cultural heritage and to be responsible for their survival. The work is divided into two parts: one of them – the treatment of the Manager (Owner) in law and the other – his presence in the practical level of the cultural heritage protection. There were radical changes of ownership after Lithuania regained its independence. Many of the cultural heritage objects became the private property. According to the partial restitution many objects of the sacral heritage were returned to the lawful owners – religious sodalities. The Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania assigns that the historical, archaeological and cultural objects of State importance shall belong by the right of exclusive ownership to the Republic of Lithuania. The main legal acts which concern the cultural heritage protection and its keeping rules determine the rights and duties of manager (owner), regulate legal relations between manager (owner) and State and cover the peculiarities of property‘s keeping, usage and disposal. At the critical point the State can use the right to redeem the cultural heritage object from manager (owner) compulsively or take it for public needs in accordance with the procedure laid down by laws. The managers (owners) have right to get compensation... [to full text]

N ligoninės organizacijos kultūra slaugytojų požiūriu / N hospital organization culture according nurses viewpoint

Bukartienė, Loreta 19 June 2008 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: Atskleisti N ligoninės kultūrą slaugytojų požiūriu. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Ištirti N ligoninės organizacijos kultūros veiksnius. 2. Palyginti skirtingą stažą turinčių slaugytojų požiūrį į N ligoninės organizacijos kultūrą. 3. Paruošti veiksmų gaires, siekiant stiprinti N ligoninės organizacijos kultūrą. Tyrimo metodika. Tyrimo objektas. N ligoninės kultūra. Tyrimo metodai. Tyrimo instrumentarijus remiasi Denison (2000) parengta metodologija. Organizacijos kultūros modelio pagrindą sudaro keturi kultūros bruožai: įsitraukimas, nuoseklumas, adaptyvumas ir misija. Išplatinta 150 anketų, atsako dažnis 97,3 %. Statistinės analizės metodai: Duomenų analizei panaudota statistinio duomenų analizės paketo SPSS 13,0 versija. Nustatyti skirtumams tarp kelių skirtingų grupių buvo taikomas Kruskal-Wallis testas. Hipotezės apie dviejų požymių nepriklausomumą buvo tikrinamos naudojant chi kvadrato (χ²) kriterijų. Kintamųjų reikšmėms palyginti buvo naudojami procentinių dažnių 95 % pasikliautinieji intervalai. Rodiklių skirtumai laikyti statistiškai reikšmingais, kai p<0,05. Įvairiems vertinimams palyginti buvo skaičiuojami empiriniai vidurkiai ir standartiniai nuokrypiai. Rezultatai. N ligoninė turi vidutinį įsitraukimo laipsnį (įverčio aritmetinis vidurkis - 2,93 balo iš 4 galimų), vidutiniškai išreikštą nuoseklumą (įverčio aritmetinis vidurkis - 2,78 balo iš 4 galimų), adaptyvumą (įverčio aritmetinis vidurkis - 2,77 balo iš 4 galimų), misijos pojūtį (įverčio aritmetinis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study. To evaluate opinion of nurses about N hospital organization culture. Objectives: 1. To analyze factors in N hospital organization culture. 2. To compare viewpoint of nurses with different experience to N hospital organization culture. 3. To prepare action guidelines to strength N hospital culture. Methods. The study object - N hospital culture. Research instrumentations are based on Denison (2000) methodology. Model basement of organization culture consists from four culture elements: involvement, consistency, adaptability and mission. Circulated 150 questionnaires, responserate 97.3%. For data analysis statistical data analysis program SPSS 13.0 version was used. To define differences between some different groups was used Kruskal-Wallis test. Hypothesis about independence of two features was checked by using chi quadrat (X) canon. To compare variables was used percentage frequency 95% reliance intervals. Index differences counted statistical weighty, when p<0.05. To compare different rating was counted empirical averages and conventional declination. Results. N hospital has average involvement degree (mean - 2.93), average worded consistency (mean - 2.78), adaptability (mean - 2.77), mission sense (mean - 2.77). Nurses with working experience till 1 year, the same as nurses with experience 20 and more years, had more worded opinion about organization culture. Nurses with working experience 2-5 years and nurses with experience 16-20 years organization... [to full text]

Pacientų pasitenkinimas pirmine odontologine priežiūra ir jį įtakojantys veiksniai / Satisfaction of the patiens with the primary odontology care and factors influencing it

Ulickienė, Gitana 13 June 2006 (has links)
Aim of the study. To evaluate the satisfaction of the patients with the primary odontology care and the factors influencing it in public institution Šeškinės Poliklinika. Methods. In January – April, 2005 an anonymous questionnaire survey of the patients (n=448) from odontology department of Vilnius city public institution Šeškinės Poliklinika, where odontology services of primary level are provided, was carried out. The response rate was 89,6 percent. The data was analyzed using statistical data analysis package SPSS 9.0. Results. 71 percent of the patients from Vilnius city public institution Šeškinės Poliklinika were completely satisfied with the services. 24 percent were satisfied, 5 percent were not satisfied, there were no patients who were completely not satisfied. 90 percent of the patients would like to be treated in the same department in the future. About 90 percent of the patients were completely satisfied with the communication with the doctor and his competence. The satisfaction of the patients was related to the following factors: family status (there were less satisfied patients among single and widows than in other family status groups); education (there was the least number of satisfied patients among the respondents who had elementary and unfinished secondary education); social – professional status (there was the least number satisfied patients among the unemployed); certain service accessibility factors (there were more satisfied patients among those... [to full text]

Autobusų techninės priežiūros technologijos tyrimas ir tobulinimas / Research and improvement of the bus technical service technology

Kepalaitė, Agnė 23 June 2006 (has links)
In the Final Master’s Thesis, the character of faults of principal systems in buses “Karosa B-741” exploited upon the conditions of JSC “Vilniaus autobusai” is analyzed and an assessment of technical service technologies by fault rate is provided. The regularities of frequencies of faults of the principal systems are searching, the causes of appearance of faults and dependence on seasons are cleared up. The technical service periodicity usable by the bus manufacturer and the enterprise engaged in bus exploitation are analyzed as well. In the Paper, the concept of technical exploitation and the ways of collection the data on exploitation reliability are presented. The system of technical service and the technological processes are described. Statistical processing of the distribution of the most frequent faults is carried out and their middle resource is found. Dependence on run of fault of the principal systems are analyzed; an assessment of the technical service periodicity is carried out. The conclusions from the Final Paper and proposals are provided. Taking into regularities of faults it‘s offering to estimate by correction of the bus manufacturer technical service periodicity, especially in cold season. The Paper includes: the introduction, four parts, conclusions and suggestions, the list of references. Thesis consist of: 101 text without extras, 33 figures, 18 tables, bibliographical entries. The annexes are enclosed hereto.

Antsvorio epidemiologinė situacija Lietuvoje ir jo kontrolės galimybių pirminėje sveikatos priežiūroje vertinimas / Epidemiological situation of overweight in Lithuania and the evaluation of its control possibilities in primary health care

Vaisvalavičius, Vytautas 06 February 2007 (has links)
Aim of study to evaluate the epidemiological situation of overweight among Lithuanian adult population and its control possibilities in primary health care. Objectives- to evaluate the prevalence of overweight and obesity among Lithuanian population aged 20-64 years and its trends over 1994-2004, to determine the associations between overweight and social factors such as sex, age, the level of education and the place of residence and healt behaviuor,to determine the links between overweight and subjective health, to assess the level of giving advice on diet and physical activity by health care specialists and attempts of overweight persons to control their weight,to evaluate the possibilities of weight control in primary health care applying minimal intervention.

Ilgalaikės nuomos prekybos sistemos priežiūros modeliai / Maintenance models of PAT system

Katutis, Artūras 25 May 2004 (has links)
Software engineering is defined as the application of the systemic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and maintenance of software. It is the application of engineering to software. The classic life-cycle paradigm for software engineering includes: system engineering, analysis, design, code, testing, and maintenance. Maintenance is needed to ensure that the system continues to satisfy user requirements. The system changes due to corrective and non-corrective maintenance. According to Martin and McClure, maintenance must be performed in order to: • Correct errors; • Correct design flaws; • Interface with other systems; • Make enhancements; • Make necessary changes to the system; • Make changes in files or databases; • Improve the design; • Convert programs so that different hardware, software, system features, and telecommunications facilities can be used. Accordingly, software must evolve and be maintained. This paper addresses the maintenance portion of PAT life-cycle. There are several improved architecture models presented witch make maintenance and evolution of PAT easier. Among the presented architecture models there is one model (with five layers) witch was adapted to the system. The new system’s efficiency was compared with the old one’s. This paper also contains a new architecture model witch could be adapted to the new systems. The main purpose of this architecture is to separate graphical user interface from system’s business logics... [to full text]

Vilniaus apskrities pirmines ambulatorines asmens sveikatos priežiūros paslaugas teikiančių įstaigų veiklos palyginimas / The comparison of institutions providing primary health care services in Vilnius region

Burokienė, Sigita 14 June 2005 (has links)
Primary health care is a part of health care chain, in which primary contact of individuals, families and society is made with national health system, making health care nearer to people’s living and work places. In Lithuanian health program it is estimated to decentralize the management of health care institutions and create conditions for the development of private health institutions. In Lithuanian national health system it is possible to distinguish three models (types) of institutions, providing primary health care, depending on service organization and ownership type. This research is seeking to evaluate the changes of primary health care institutions in the context of health care reform, evaluate them among institutions of different models, depending on service organization and ownership type. The aim: to distinguish the differences of Vilnius region institutions providing primary health care, depending on peculiarities of work organization. Methods: In years 2003 – 2005 a cross-sectional descriptive research was carried out. The data of State Patient Fund information system database Sveidra was analyzed. The research includes all institutions of Vilnius region, which provided primary health care services in years 1998 – 2003 and signed agreements with Vilnius Territorial Patient Fund. All the chosen institutions were divided into three groups: public institutions, providing primary care and secondary health care services, the establishers of which are... [to full text]

Pirminės sveikatos priežiūros reforma gydytojų ir pacientų požiūriu / Primary health care reform from patients and physicians perspective

Slauta, Virginijus 20 June 2005 (has links)
SUMMARY The aim of the study is to evaluate attitude of physicians and patients towards primary health care reform. The objectives: 1) to assess patients' attitude to primary health care reform and its relations to demographic and social factors. 2) to evaluate physicians' attitude to primary health care reform. 3) to compare viewpoint of patients and physicians on primary health care reform. Methods. The subject of the survey is the attitude of the patients and physicians towards primary health care reform. The survey was conducted in five primary health care centres and three private primary health care practices in Prienai region. Of the 400 questionnaires handed out to patients 82.5% were returned and of the 112 questionnaires given to doctors 87.5% were returned. The participants in the survey were 330 patients and 98 medical doctors. The questionnaires were compiled both for the patients and the doctors. The questionnaire for the patients covered 24 questions, for the doctors - 19 questions. The data analysis was done applying the statistical package SPSS 11.0 version. The statistical procedures were employed by Chi-square’s (χ2) parameters, degree of freedom and statistical significance. The difference of indices were statistical significant at p<0.05. Results. 55.9% of the patients’ attitude towards primary health care reform is positive, while 29.9% of the patients - negative. 18.3% of the patients have the opinion that due to health care reform the quality of... [to full text]

Reklamos teisinio reglamentavimo ir kontrolės problemos / The Problems of Advertising Legal Regulation and Control

Laužikaitė, Jolanta 04 March 2009 (has links)
Reklamos rinka pastaruoju metu smarkiai išaugo. Reklama yra ne tik viena svarbiausių esamų ir potencialių pirkėjų, lankytojų ir klientų informavimo, supažindinimo ir susidomėjimą sukeliančių bei įtikinėjimo priemonių, bet ir perša įvaizdžius, vertybes, tikslus bei formuoja pasaulėžiūrą. Poreikis saugoti vartotojų ir sąžiningų konkurentų interesus verčia susirūpinti reklamos reglamentavimu ir kontrolės efektyvumu. Didžiausias dėmesys šiame darbe skiriamas kontrolės ypatumams Lietuvoje. Institucinė kontrolės sistema yra labai sudėtinga, nes kontrolės funkcijos patikėtos daugeliui institucijų. Taip pat aptariami reklamos principai, reklamos reglamentavimo ypatumai Lietuvoje ir Europos Sąjungoje. Šiame darbe siekima identifikuoti didžiausias reklamos reglamentavimo ir kontrolės problemas Lietuvoje bei pateikti galimus jų sprendimo būdus. Pakankamai didelė darbo dalis skirta reklamos reguliavimo alternatyvoms Europoje ir Lietuvoje. / Advertising plays a great role in the active market. Recently advertising market is growing up, a lot of new implements for advertising are turning up. Advertising also disseminates social values and attitudes, propogates some particular way of life. It’s the reason why it is so important to control advertising and to save consumers and honest competitors from negative impact. Focal attention in this paper is giving to advertising control in Lithuania. The scheme of institutes, which are competent to control advertising, is rather confusing. The peculiarities of advertising regulation in the European Union and Lithuania, the ways of alternative regulation and self-regulation in Lithuania are described in this paper as well. The object of the discourse is to identify the problems of advertising regulation and control, to propose the way how such problems could be solved.

Lietuvos Bankas kaip priežiūros institucija / The bank of lithuania as a supervising institution

Kundrotaitė, Rūta 08 September 2009 (has links)
Lietuvos banko vykdoma priežiūra dar palyginti jauna sritis. Sovietų okupacijos laikotarpiu buvo sugriauta visa bankų sistema. Po nepriklausomybės atkūrimo tiek Lietuvos bankas, tiek kiti šalies bankai turėjo iš naujo pradėti savo veiklą. Todėl bankų priežiūros efektyvumas ir patikimumas Lietuvoje vis dar yra svarbus ir aktualus klausimas. Lietuvos Respublikoje bankų priežiūrą vykdo Lietuvos centrinis bankas – Lietuvos bankas. Priežiūros funkcijas Lietuvos bankas įgyvendina per Kredito įstaigų priežiūros departamentą. Kredito įstaigų priežiūros departamentas, įgyvendindamas bankų priežiūrą, naudoja du priežiūros metodus: dokumentinį patikrinimą ir bankų inspektavimą. Taikydamas šiuos metodus, Departamentas vadovaujasi Bankų įstatymu, Lietuvos banko įstatymu, Lietuvos banko priimamais teisės aktais bei Bezelio bankų priežiūros komiteto patvirtintais Pagrindiniais efektyvios bankų priežiūros principais. Komercinių bankų priežiūrą galima skirstyti į tris etapus: steigimo priežiūrą ir veiklos licencijavimą, įsteigtų bankų veiklos priežiūrą bei poveikio priemonių taikymą. Kiekviename iš šių etapų Lietuvos bankas vykdo priežiūros funkcijas. Lietuvos komerciniai bankai privalo teikti Lietuvos bankui nustatytos formos periodines ataskaitas, laikytis nustatytų reikalavimų, leisti Lietuvos bankui tikrinti savo veiklą. Tiesės aktai įtvirtina reikalavimus banko akcininkams, vadovams, įstatams, kapitalui, verslo planui bei nustato bankų veiklos riziką ribojančius normatyvus. Tokių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Banking supervision in Lithuania did not have time to gain much experience yet. During the Soviet occupation the whole banking system was destroyed. In 1990, after Lithuania‘s independence proclamation, not only the Bank of Lithuania but also all the other banks had to start their work from the beginning. That is why the effective and trustworthy banking supervision still is a very important and urgent question. In the Republic of Lithuania banking supervision is carried out by the Bank of Lithuania. The Central Bank performes It‘s supervisory functions through a Departament of banking supervision. There are two methods to implement supervision: documentary supervision and inspection. Using these two methods the Departament is strongly restrained by Lithuanian laws and the Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision set by the Bazel Committee on Banking Supervision. Banking supervision has three stages: licencing, supervising licenced banks and applying certain measures. During all these three stages the Bank of Lithuania performes supervisory functions. All banks have to inform the Central Bank about the results of their work, to comply with laws and let Central Bank to inspect their activity. There are certain requirements for shareholders, managers, capital, business plan, liquidity and others. The breach of such requirements is punished by taking certain measures, such as warning, penalty or even revocation of the licence. Not in all countries banking supervision is... [to full text]

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