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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impressora de gráficos em alto-relevo para cegos : um facilitador no ensino da física e da matemática

Colpes, Karen Mello January 2014 (has links)
Atualmente, a utilização dos recursos de Tecnologia de Informação e Comunicação tem sido cada vez mais significativa. Porém, para deficientes visuais sem o adequado acesso ao computador e demais tecnologias, os obstáculos no que se refere à educação, lazer ou a garantir um lugar no mercado de trabalho podem ser inúmeros. Sabe-se que na educação para cegos os recursos audiovisuais são frequentemente utilizados pelas Instituições de Ensino, o que pode acarretar que eventualmente alunos com cegueira ou baixa visão venham a adquirir uma compreensão fragmentada da realidade, reduzindo o seu interesse e motivação. Assim, torna-se evidente a importância do uso de material didático adequado, e que não recorra apenas a soluções virtuais, uma vez que isso requer elevado esforço imaginário destes indivíduos. Desta forma, este trabalho propõe o desenvolvimento de uma impressora de gráficos em altorelevo com a utilização de tinta de emulsão acrílica com propriedades expansivas ao calor. Para averiguar a viabilidade deste produto propôs-se a construção de um protótipo através de resíduos de equipamentos eletrônicos e posteriormente analisou-se seu desempenho. Este trabalho teve a intenção de colaborar para a utilização da exploração tátil no aprender dos conhecimentos relacionados às disciplinas de Física e Matemática do Ensino Médio, e contribuir também no fornecimento de subsídios para a inclusão deste grupo de alunos em escolas regulares, profissionalizantes e de ensino superior. / Currently, the resource utilization of Information and Communication Technology has been increasingly significant. However, for the visually impaired without adequate access to computers and other technologies, obstacles with regard to education, leisure and secure a place in the labor market can be numerous. We know that in education for the blind, audiovisual resources are often used by the Institutions of Education, which may force eventually students with blindness or low vision to acquire a fragmented understanding of reality, reducing their interest and motivation. Thus, it is evident the importance of using suitable teaching material, which is not only virtual, since its require a high effort imagination from these individuals. Thus, this paper proposes the development of a graphics embossed printer by the use of acrylic emulsion paint with expansive heat properties. To investigate the viability of this product, it was proposed to build a prototype using scrap electronics and subsequently analyzed for their performance. This project has the intention to collaborate in the use of tactile exploration in the learning of knowledge related to the disciplines of Physics and Mathematics in high school. Also contributing to the provision of subsidies for the inclusion of this group of students in regular, vocational and higher education schools.

Estudo da viabilidade técnica e projeto de um mini-cabeçote de extrusão com rosca para impressoras tridimensionais portáteis / Study of technical feasibility and design of a mini-screw extrusion head applied to three-dimensional desktop printers

Inforçatti Neto, Paulo 08 March 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho tem o objetivo de apresentar o desenvolvimento do projeto informacional e do projeto conceitual de um mini-cabeçote vertical de extrusão com rosca de seção variável intercambiável. A montagem e a validação funcional deste cabeçote é feita na impressora 3-D Fab@CTI de forma intercambiável, na qual o projeto da estrutura foi baseada no projeto Fab@home. O projeto envolve o estudo sistemático utilizando o QFD para identificação dos requisitos do usuário e a escolha do \"cabeçote de deposição\", como característica técnica mais importante conduz o desenvolvimento do projeto conceitual e parte do projeto preliminar do mini-cabeçote vertical de extrusão. Utilizando análise morfológica no projeto conceitual se obteve a configuração do projeto, no qual foi possível dimensionar os principais componentes do sistema proposto: rosca/cilindro e sistema de acionamento. Os materiais considerados para o dimensionamento mecânico, bem como das estimativas das geometrias das seções da rosca foram poliamida e PCL, este último material foi escolhido por ser um biomaterial e por apresentar características físico-químicas mais criticas para o dimensionamento do dispositivo. O projeto conceitual foi fabricado e montado para demonstrar sua funcionalidade de extrusão utilizando um material pastoso e pó sem processo de aquecimento. Este trabalho apresenta o projeto e a validação técnica de um mini-cabeçote intercambiável de extrusão por rosca para utilização em impressoras 3-D utilizadas em manufatura aditiva. A abordagem sistemática de projeto demonstra a importância de técnicas de metodologia de projeto durante o desenvolvimento de um produto, a fim de se obter qualidade no projeto de engenharia. / The purpose of this work is to present the study of the informational and conceptual design of the vertical mini-screw extrusion head applied to portable and open source additive manufacturing machine. The design was validated considering the proposal of interchangeable heads applied to Brazilian 3-D printer based on Fab@home mechanical design. It was developed a systematic study using QFD to identify user\'s requirements, supporting the choice of a \"deposition head\" as the most important technical characteristic, leading the design development of a mini vertical system based on a extrusion screw with variable section. The conceptual design using the morphological analysis defined the design configuration, allowing to make a pre-calculation of the main components of the proposed head: screw, barrel and actuation system. The deposition materials, considered for the theoretical calculations, were polyamide and PCL, being the last a biocompatible polymer. This choice lead to critical physicochemical properties related to system design. The conceptual design was manufactured and assembled, demonstrating its functionality to extrude a paste like and powder materials without heating. This work presented the design and the validation of an interchangeable mini-extruder screw head developed to a portable 3-D printer used in additive manufacturing process. The systematic approach demonstrated the importance of the design methodology tools during the product development to obtain quality in the design engineering.

Möjligheter för produktion med additiv tillverkning : - En fallstudie / OPPORTUNITIES FOR PRODUCTION WITH ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING : -A case study

Sarlak, Shannon January 2019 (has links)
Background: Additive manufacturing is a manufacturing process that has for the past 30 years been used substantially within the branch of industry. By adding material layer-by-layer, an object will be designed, and this method is called 3D-printing. Despite the advantage of building an object without assemblage as in traditional manufacturing, there is a lot of limitations with this additive manufacturing. Are there more opportunities than difficulties with additive manufacturing or is this manufacturing process too advanced too take over the traditional manufacturing process once and for all?    Purpose: The purpose with this study is to increase understanding for promises and challenges with additive manufacturing and in which context it is adequate to use. Which elements makes it more appropriate and which are less, with additive manufacturing.   Implementation: In the theoretical frame of reference, an integrative review study has been formed, by collecting and working with data from precious studies. The focus applies on the content of additive manufacturing, differences between traditional manufacturing and additive manufacturing only in theoretical frame of reference, promises and challenge with AM-processes, logistical aspects that focuses on the service elements that interact between organizations and customers but also the quality issues that concern additive manufacturing, order qualifiers and order winners that makes the establishment unique also adequacy of materials for different AM-processes. The empirics contain data and information from two concerned organizations that utilize additive manufacturing, but also how they go about to achieve competitive advantages. The analysis compiles the theoretical frame of reference that is formed by the data from previous additive manufacturing studies. Together with the empirics that has been brought by the concerned companies. Through the question formulation and a designed survey study that was given to the two companies, an information rich integrative review was embodied.   Conclusion: This case study shows, as well as other studies that concern additive manufacturing, the conclusion is the same. The conclusion shows that additive manufacturing leads to elements such as cost reduction regarding manufacturing, reduced tied capital, to shorten the lead time, less haul, more environmentally friendly and to make complex geometric objects that are hard to design through traditional manufacturing. There are differences between the companies chosen AM-processes, because each AM-process uses different material. Material offering is more considerable to Company A that uses plastics than to Rise Swecast AB that uses powder within metal production. Adequacy for additive manufacturing applies more to build geometric complex objects, manufacturing of lower production volumes. It applies less to larger production volumes, limit of material supplies of different AM-processes and also for building larger objects. There are also quality issues that concern the printout, thus there is no feedback equipment, but this controls after each printout to avoid variations between printouts and between AM-processes. Additive manufacturing will take more place in the industry branch, in the future, and eventually replace processes within the traditional production. There are great opportunities for additive manufacturing that will lead to profitability for companies and customers through decentralization, meaning that organizations do not need to invest in a whole factory. / Bakgrund: Additiv tillverkning är en tillverkningsprocess som har på de senare åren börjat användas avsevärt det senaste 30 åren, inom industribranschen. Genom att addera material lager-för-lager bildas ett objekt och denna metod kallas för 3D-printing. Trots fördelen med att kunna tillverka ett objekt komplett utan att behöva montera ihop delar som i traditionell tillverkning, finns det många begränsningar med additiv tillverkning. Finns det fler möjligheter än svårigheter med additiv tillverkning eller är tillverkningsprocessen för avancerat för att ta över den traditionella tillverkningsprocessen helt?   Syfte: Rapportens syfte är att öka förståelsen för möjligheter och svårigheter med additiva tillverkningsprocesser samt i vilken kontext det är lämpligt att använda. Vilka faktorer gör det mer eller mindre lämpligt med additiv tillverkning.   Genomförande: I studiens teoretiska referensram har en fallstudie utförts genom att samla in och bearbeta data från tidigare studier. Här utformas studiens teori med fokus på innebörden av additiv tillverkning, jämförelse mellan traditionell tillverkning samt additiv tillverkning enbart i TR, möjligheter och svårigheter med tillverkningsprocessen, logistiska aspekter som fokuserar på den leveransserviceelement som samspelas mellan företag och kunder samt att detta inkluderar kvalité problem som uppstår med AM, orderkvalificerare och ordervinnare som gör företagen unika samt lämplighet av material för olika additiva tillverkningsprocesser. I empirin hittas data och information från två berörda företag som använder sig av additiv tillverkning inom produktionsområden och hur de går tillväga för att uppnå konkurrensfördelar. I analysen sammanställs den teoretiska referensram som utformats med hjälp av data från tidigare studier om additiv tillverkning, tillsammans med empirin som tagits fram med hjälp av dessa två berörda företag. Genom ett frågeställningsformulär och en utformad enkätstudie som gavs till respektive företag, kunde en informationsrik litteraturstudie utföras.    Slutsats: Denna fallstudie visar likaså majoriteten av tidigare studier som berör additiv tillverkning, samma slutsats. Slutsatsen visar att additiv tillverkning leder till faktorer såsom kostnadsreducering gällande produktion, minskad bundet kapital, förkortade ledtider, färre transportsträckor, mer miljövänligt, skapa komplexa geometrier som är svårt att skapa på traditionellt vis. Det finns även skillnader mellan företagens valda AM-processer då företagen använder sig av olika tillverkningsprocesser och olika 3D-printer samt material. Materialutbudet är större hos Företag A som använder sig av plaster än hos Rise Swecast AB som använder sig av kvartssand vilket används inom metalltillverkning. Lämpligheten för additiv tillverkning passar mer vid uppbyggnad av komplexa geometrier, tillverkning av låga produktionsvolymer. Men lämpar sig mindre vid stora produktionsvolymer, begränsning vid materialval av olika AM-processer samt vid tillverkning av stora objekt. Det fanns även kvalitetsproblem gällande utskrifter då det inte finns några återkopplingsverktyg, men detta kontrolleras vid varje utskrift för att undvika variationer mellan utskrifter och processer. Additiv tillverkning kommer i framtiden att ta alltmer plats inom industribranschen och kommer även eventuellt att ersätta andra processer inom den traditionella tillverkningen just för att den bidrar med både med lönsamhet för företag samt kunder genom decentralisering, det vill säga att man inte behöver vara långt ifrån kunden samtidigt som man inte behöver investera i en hel fabrik.

Elsa Fougt, Kungl. boktryckare : Aktör i det litterära systemet ca 1780-1810

Rimm, Anna-Maria January 2009 (has links)
Elsa Fougt (1744–1826), a woman entrepreneur, was one of the leading figures in the late eighteenth-century Swedish book trade. Her main enterprise was the printing house Kongl. Tryckeriet (the Royal Printing House), which was responsible for printing and publishing the official documents of the Swedish realm. Besides her office as Royal Printer, she also ran a publishing house, two bookshops and a type foundry, as well as being the editor of the Swedish newspaper Stockholms Weckoblad. The dissertation analyzes Fougt's different enterprises and her position in the book trade between 1780 and 1810, from the perspectives of sociology of literature and gender history. It consists of five independent articles, preceded by an introductory chapter which summarizes the articles and discusses their main findings. The first two articles explore the office of the Royal Printer during the whole eighteenth century, while the third article concerns Elsa Fougt’s position as Royal Printer. The fourth article is a study of Fougt's publishing house, and the fifth and final article focuses on her international bookshop, where, among other things, she sold clandestine books imported from the STN in Switzerland. Fougt's successful career was made possible by a number of favourable circumstances, the most important being her family background and network. Her father Peter Momma held the office of Royal Printer, and Elsa Fougt and her husband Henric inherited his position when he died. When Henric passed away in 1782, Elsa – as a widow – was legally allowed to take up the office of Royal Printer independently. The fact that Elsa Fougt was a woman does not seem to have particularly affected her role as Royal Printer. In comparison with her predecessors, her position as Royal Printer appears to have been rather strong. She was a shrewd businesswoman who successfully negotiated with the authorities for higher financial compensation. Her office was obviously of greater importance than her gender. Being both a publisher, a printer, and a bookseller, Fougt handled most of the functions of the book trade, although she distinguished between these different functions. Furthermore, rather than just being an intermediary of books, she also took part in the creation of them, for example by initiating texts and editing manuscripts. In the book trade of her time, Fougt can be seen as both a traditionalist – holding the inherited office of Royal Printer – and an innovator, representing a more modern literary system with increased specialization.

Construction of Robot for Visual Demonstration at Conferences and Fairs

Haraldsson, Jonathan, Nordin, Julia January 2018 (has links)
A demonstration robot for conferences and fairs has been built from scratch. The demonstration robot is meant to create lasting impressions at the company booth at conferences or fairs. Thus, the robot needs traits that attract people to the booth and makes sure they remember that company. In this project, traits such as being able to move, do facial expressions and play audio have been developed. The robot has also been designed to draw as much attention as possible to the booth. This was achieved by building a robot that consists of a rolling sphere with a head that always remains on top. All movements are carried out from inside the sphere by four different motors. One motor moves the robot back and forth, two motors spin a flywheel to turn the robot and the last motor rotates the head. These motors are mounted at different places on an internal structure. The internal structure is connected to the sphere at two points, one on each side of the robot. At the top of the internal structure, magnets are placed. Thus, it can attach the head at the outside of the sphere by mounting magnets in the head. All movements of the robots are controlled by a hand controller, which has been made in this project. The head has a built-in display simulating two eyes. The display is driven by a Raspberry Pi. An internal speaker is built-in inside the head, connected to the Raspberry Pi. Each simulated eye consists of 64 squares that can be programmed to be in different colours, thus making it possible to express a wide range of facial expressions.Two PCBs were designed and manufactured to control the robot. One was placed inside the robot, and the other inside the hand controller. The PCBs can communicate over Bluetooth, which makes it possible to control the robot from the outside.All parts of the robot have been designed in a CAD program and subsequently 3D printed. 3D design in CAD was learned from a novice level, since there was no previous knowledge of this in the project group.In addition, a registration form has been developed that allows visitors to register at the booth. Making it easier for the company to connect with visitors after the conference or fair. The registration form is connected with the Raspberry Pi in the head of the robot via Wi-Fi. Thus, when new registrations occur, the robot can print the names of them while audio is played.

Utredning om konstruktion och beräkning för additiv tillverkning - Markforged

Bäckman, Tobias January 2018 (has links)
The following thesis work was performed by Tobias Bäckman between 2018-01-15 – 2018-06-01 on behalf of Deva Mecaneyes. Deva Mecaneyes had identified a need and a possible application area for additive manufacturing based on the Markforged Mark Two 3D-printer which they had purchased. However, many question marks remained regarding how the materials from the printer would behave. How to design against this manufacturing method and which applications that could be beneficial for the company. At the start of the project it was identified that Deva Mecaneyes main limitations for not implementing 3D-manufacturing more extensive in their product development process was partly the lack of experience of additive manufacturing methods but mainly due to the lack of reliable material data for the printed parts. Based on this, three research questions were formulated. These research questions discuss how to replace traditional manufacturing methods, which material relationships are possible to identify, and which factors should be considered when designing against additive manufacturing. The bulk of the work thus consisted of producing material data for materials that are compatible with Markforged mark Two. This was done based on ASTM standards that treat tensile tests, bending tests and fatigue tests. Two already existing products from Deva Mecaneyes in the field of lifting gear for manufacturing industries were selected with the purpose to redesign these products to be manufactured with the Mark Two 3D-printer instead. In this way, an alternative way for these applications could be showed by replacing the traditional manufacturing methods with additive manufacturing methods. The reconstructed lifting gear was also manufactured to be verified against the produced material data but also to demonstrate improvement or deterioration against the existing lifting gear. The measurable goals for the project were to prove cost and time reduction by at least 50% by replacing the traditional manufacturing methods with additive manufacturing methods while maintaining the same reliability. The result demonstrated two redesigned lifting gears with many improvement areas. A great result that stood out was a cost reduction of approximately 80% and 90% respectively. Several material relationships have been identified during the work and new experiences regarding printed details have arisen. The author believes that the work, with addition to the accomplished goals, has laid a good ground to begin to understand the materials more and more and thus a good beginning to obtaining a reability from 3D-printed details. Which is a decisive factor to begin replacing the traditional manufacturing methods. / Följande examensarbete är utfört av Tobias Bäckman mellan 2018-01-15 – 2018-06-01 på uppdrag av företaget Deva Mecaneyes. Deva Mecaneyes hade identifierat ett behov och ett möjligt användningsområde för additiv tillverkning baserat på en 3D-skrivare av modellen Markforged mark Two som de köpt in. Dock kvarstod det många frågetecken hur materialen i de utskrivna detaljerna beter sig, hur man skall konstruera mot denna tillverkningsmetod samt vilka tillämpningsområden som skulle kunna vara fördelaktiga. Vid uppstart av projektet identifierades de största begränsningarna till varför Deva Mecaneys inte implementerar 3D- utskrifter mer omfattande i deras konstruktionsarbete som delvis den bristande erfarenheten av additiva tillverkningsmetoder, men främst på grund av avsaknaden av trovärdig materialdata och beräkningsunderlag att tillämpa för fysiska 3D-utskrivna detaljer. Utifrån detta formulerades tre stycken forskningsfrågor. Dessa forskningsfrågor behandlar hur man skulle kunna ersätta traditionella tillverkningsmetoder, vilka materialsamband som är möjliga att identifiera samt vilka faktorer som bör tas hänsyn till vid konstruktion mot additiva tillverkningsmetoder.Huvuddelen av arbetet har därmed bestått av att producera materialdata för materialen som är kompatibla med Markforged Mark Two. Detta har skett baserat på ASTM-standarder som behandlar dragprover, böjprover och utmattningsprover.Två befintliga produkter från Deva Mecaneyes inom området lyftredskap valdes sedan ut för att omdesignas mot additiva tillverkningsmetoder. På så vis redovisas en alternativ väg att gå genom att ersätta de traditionella tillverkningsmetoderna med additiva tillverkningsmetoder. De omkonstruerade lyftredskapen tillverkades även för att dels verifieras mot den framtagna materialdatan men även för att redogöra förbättring alternativt försämring mot de befintliga lyftredskapen.De mätbara målen för arbetet var att kunna påvisa kostnads och tidsreducering med 50% genom att byta ut de traditionella tillverkningsmetoderna mot additiva tillverkningsmetoder. Resultatet påvisade två omkonstruerade lyftredskap med många förbättringsområden. Där framförallt en kostnadsreducering på cirka 80% respektive 90% identifierades.Under arbetets gång har ett antal materialsamband kunnat identifieras och nya erfarenheter angående utskrivna detaljer från Markforged Mark Two har uppstått. Författaren anser att arbetet, utöver de uppfyllda målen, har lagt en god grund till att börja förstå materialen mer och mer och därmed en god början till att börja erhålla en tillförlitlighet hos 3D-utskrivna detaljer som är en avgörande faktor till att börja ersätta vissa av de traditionella tillverkningsmetoderna.

Impressora de gráficos em alto-relevo para cegos : um facilitador no ensino da física e da matemática

Colpes, Karen Mello January 2014 (has links)
Atualmente, a utilização dos recursos de Tecnologia de Informação e Comunicação tem sido cada vez mais significativa. Porém, para deficientes visuais sem o adequado acesso ao computador e demais tecnologias, os obstáculos no que se refere à educação, lazer ou a garantir um lugar no mercado de trabalho podem ser inúmeros. Sabe-se que na educação para cegos os recursos audiovisuais são frequentemente utilizados pelas Instituições de Ensino, o que pode acarretar que eventualmente alunos com cegueira ou baixa visão venham a adquirir uma compreensão fragmentada da realidade, reduzindo o seu interesse e motivação. Assim, torna-se evidente a importância do uso de material didático adequado, e que não recorra apenas a soluções virtuais, uma vez que isso requer elevado esforço imaginário destes indivíduos. Desta forma, este trabalho propõe o desenvolvimento de uma impressora de gráficos em altorelevo com a utilização de tinta de emulsão acrílica com propriedades expansivas ao calor. Para averiguar a viabilidade deste produto propôs-se a construção de um protótipo através de resíduos de equipamentos eletrônicos e posteriormente analisou-se seu desempenho. Este trabalho teve a intenção de colaborar para a utilização da exploração tátil no aprender dos conhecimentos relacionados às disciplinas de Física e Matemática do Ensino Médio, e contribuir também no fornecimento de subsídios para a inclusão deste grupo de alunos em escolas regulares, profissionalizantes e de ensino superior. / Currently, the resource utilization of Information and Communication Technology has been increasingly significant. However, for the visually impaired without adequate access to computers and other technologies, obstacles with regard to education, leisure and secure a place in the labor market can be numerous. We know that in education for the blind, audiovisual resources are often used by the Institutions of Education, which may force eventually students with blindness or low vision to acquire a fragmented understanding of reality, reducing their interest and motivation. Thus, it is evident the importance of using suitable teaching material, which is not only virtual, since its require a high effort imagination from these individuals. Thus, this paper proposes the development of a graphics embossed printer by the use of acrylic emulsion paint with expansive heat properties. To investigate the viability of this product, it was proposed to build a prototype using scrap electronics and subsequently analyzed for their performance. This project has the intention to collaborate in the use of tactile exploration in the learning of knowledge related to the disciplines of Physics and Mathematics in high school. Also contributing to the provision of subsidies for the inclusion of this group of students in regular, vocational and higher education schools.

Mixi Print AB / Mixi Print AB

Isén, Daniel January 2005 (has links)
Detta projekt är en hemsida för Mixi Print AB. Den ska fungera som en framsida för företaget ur ett digitalt synsätt, en plats där det går att få fram information om företaget och dess produkter snabbt och enkelt. Jag har arbetat med programmet flash eftersom det ger möjlighet till bra och enkel men ändå fräsch design. Till detta så har jag kombinerat php och MySQL för att kunna koppla det till en databas. Som en del i projektet så har jag också reflekterat över grafiska bitar på Internet jämfört med hur det var innan. / Detta är en reflektionsdel till en digital medieproduktion.

Analyse d'images couleurs pour le contrôle qualité non destructif / Color images analysis for non-destructive quality control

Harouna Seybou, Aboubacar 23 September 2016 (has links)
La couleur est un critère important dans de nombreux secteurs d'activité pour identifier, comparer ou encore contrôler la qualité de produits. Cette tâche est souvent assumée par un opérateur humain qui effectue un contrôle visuel. Malheureusement la subjectivité de celui-ci rend ces contrôles peu fiables ou répétables. Pour contourner ces limitations, l'utilisation d'une caméra RGB permet d'acquérir et d'extraire des propriétés photométriques. Cette solution est facile à mettre en place et offre une rapidité de contrôle. Cependant, elle est sensible au phénomène de métamérisme. La mesure de réflectance spectrale est alors la solution la plus appropriée pour s'assurer de la conformité colorimétrique entre des échantillons et une référence. Ainsi dans l'imprimerie, des spectrophotomètres sont utilisés pour mesurer des patchs uniformes imprimés sur une bande latérale. Pour contrôler l'ensemble d'une surface imprimée, des caméras multi-spectrales sont utilisées pour estimer la réflectance de chaque pixel. Cependant, elles sont couteuses comparées aux caméras conventionnelles. Dans ces travaux de recherche, nous étudions l'utilisation d'une caméra RGB pour l'estimation de la réflectance dans le cadre de l'imprimerie. Nous proposons une description spectrale complète de la chaîne de reproduction pour réduire le nombre de mesures dans les phases d'apprentissage et pour compenser les limitations de l'acquisition. Notre première contribution concerne la prise en compte des limitations colorimétriques lors de la caractérisation spectrale d'une caméra. La deuxième contribution est l'exploitation du modèle spectrale de l'imprimante dans les méthodes d'estimation de réflectance. / Color is a major criterion for many sectors to identify, to compare or simply to control the quality of products. This task is generally assumed by a human operator who performs a visual inspection. Unfortunately, this method is unreliable and not repeatable due to the subjectivity of the operator. To avoid these limitations, a RGB camera can be used to capture and extract the photometric properties. This method is simple to deploy and permits a high speed control. However, it's very sensitive to the metamerism effects. Therefore, the reflectance measurement is the more reliable solution to ensure the conformity between samples and a reference. Thus in printing industry, spectrophotometers are used to measure uniform color patches printed on a lateral band. For a control of the entire printed surface, multispectral cameras are used to estimate the reflectance of each pixel. However, they are very expensive compared to conventional cameras. In this thesis, we study the use of an RGB camera for the spectral reflectance estimation in the context of printing. We propose a complete spectral description of the reproduction chain to reduce the number of measurements in the training stages and to compensate for the acquisition limitations. Our first main contribution concerns the consideration of the colorimetric limitations in the spectral characterization of a camera. The second main contribution is the exploitation of the spectral printer model in the reflectance estimation methods.

Impressora de gráficos em alto-relevo para cegos : um facilitador no ensino da física e da matemática

Colpes, Karen Mello January 2014 (has links)
Atualmente, a utilização dos recursos de Tecnologia de Informação e Comunicação tem sido cada vez mais significativa. Porém, para deficientes visuais sem o adequado acesso ao computador e demais tecnologias, os obstáculos no que se refere à educação, lazer ou a garantir um lugar no mercado de trabalho podem ser inúmeros. Sabe-se que na educação para cegos os recursos audiovisuais são frequentemente utilizados pelas Instituições de Ensino, o que pode acarretar que eventualmente alunos com cegueira ou baixa visão venham a adquirir uma compreensão fragmentada da realidade, reduzindo o seu interesse e motivação. Assim, torna-se evidente a importância do uso de material didático adequado, e que não recorra apenas a soluções virtuais, uma vez que isso requer elevado esforço imaginário destes indivíduos. Desta forma, este trabalho propõe o desenvolvimento de uma impressora de gráficos em altorelevo com a utilização de tinta de emulsão acrílica com propriedades expansivas ao calor. Para averiguar a viabilidade deste produto propôs-se a construção de um protótipo através de resíduos de equipamentos eletrônicos e posteriormente analisou-se seu desempenho. Este trabalho teve a intenção de colaborar para a utilização da exploração tátil no aprender dos conhecimentos relacionados às disciplinas de Física e Matemática do Ensino Médio, e contribuir também no fornecimento de subsídios para a inclusão deste grupo de alunos em escolas regulares, profissionalizantes e de ensino superior. / Currently, the resource utilization of Information and Communication Technology has been increasingly significant. However, for the visually impaired without adequate access to computers and other technologies, obstacles with regard to education, leisure and secure a place in the labor market can be numerous. We know that in education for the blind, audiovisual resources are often used by the Institutions of Education, which may force eventually students with blindness or low vision to acquire a fragmented understanding of reality, reducing their interest and motivation. Thus, it is evident the importance of using suitable teaching material, which is not only virtual, since its require a high effort imagination from these individuals. Thus, this paper proposes the development of a graphics embossed printer by the use of acrylic emulsion paint with expansive heat properties. To investigate the viability of this product, it was proposed to build a prototype using scrap electronics and subsequently analyzed for their performance. This project has the intention to collaborate in the use of tactile exploration in the learning of knowledge related to the disciplines of Physics and Mathematics in high school. Also contributing to the provision of subsidies for the inclusion of this group of students in regular, vocational and higher education schools.

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