Spelling suggestions: "subject:"privilege"" "subject:"privileged""
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Quishing i Sikte:Försvarsstrategier och Verktyg : -En Studie om medarbetares Medvetenhet om QR-kod Phishing och En Undersökning av Anti-Phishing-VerktygIvarsson, Anton, Stefanescu, Adrian January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker det växande fenomenet quishing (QR-kod phishing) i ljuset av den ökande användningen av QR-koder under COVID-19-pandemin. QR-koder, som är en lösning för beröringsfri interaktion, har blivit allt vanligare och utnyttjas alltmer frekvent i skadliga phishing-attacker mot företag och deras anställda. Under 2023 observerades en dramatisk ökning på över 2 400 procent i en omfattande quishing-kampanj. Undersökningen granskar tidigare studier och forskning om quishing och framhäver behovet av att öka medvetenheten bland anställda och hur man kan implementera effektiva skyddsåtgärder. En central del av studien inkluderar en enkätundersökning och en Attack Simulation Training (AST) som genomförs i samarbete med en Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP). Målet med undersökningen är att belysa anställdas medvetenhet om quishing, deras reaktioner och vad som ligger till grund för de anställdas agerande. Vidare inkluderar studien ett experiment rörande hur effektivt MDO (Microsoft Defender for Office) och andra säkerhetslösningar upptäcker inbäddade QR-koder i olika bildformat och rörliga animationer i epost. Resultaten från enkätundersökningen och ASTn ger insikter som stärker förståelsen för företagens och de anställdas handlande i förhållande till en av många varianter av phishing.Utifrån detta kan rekommendationer för förbättringar, verktyg och policys för att motverka hotet utvecklas och anpassas till hur det verkliga förhållandet är i dagsläget. Studien strävar efter att bidra till en mer omfattande förståelse av quishing och främja framtidens säkerhetskultur inom företagsmiljöer. / This study explores the rising trend of quishing (QR code phishing) in the context of the increased use of QR codes during the COVID-19 pandemic. QR codes, which facilitate contactless interactions, have become more prevalent and are increasingly exploited in malicious phishing attacks targeting companies and their employees. In 2023, a significant surge of over 2,400 percent was observed in a major quishing campaign. The research reviews previous studies on quishing and underscores the necessity of raising employee awareness and implementing effective protective measures. A key component of the study involves a survey and an Attack Simulation Training (AST) conducted in partnership with a Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP). The objective is to assess employees' awareness of quishing, their responses, and the factors influencing their behavior. Additionally, the study includes an experiment to evaluate how effectively Microsoft Defender for Office (MDO) and other security solutions detect embedded QR codes in various image formats and animations in emails. The findings from the survey and AST provide valuable insights into how companies and employees respond to different types of phishing attacks. Based on these insights, recommendations for improvements, tools, and policies can be developed and tailored to the current threat landscape. The study aims to enhance the overall understanding of quishing and promote a stronger security culture within corporate environments.
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Medical therapeutic privilegeCoetzee, Lodewicus Charl 01 January 2002 (has links)
The therapeutic privilege is a defence in terms of which a doctor may withhold information from
a patient if disclosure of such information could harm the patient. This study explores the defence
of therapeutic privilege and provides a critical evaluation. A comparative investigation is
undertaken, while arguments springing from a variety of disciplines are also incorporated.
A number of submissions are made for limiting the ambit of the defence. The main submission
is that the therapeutic privilege should comply with all the requirements of the defence of
necessity. In addition, it should contain some of the safeguards afforded to the patient by the
requirements of the defence of negotiorum gestio so that therapeutic privilege is out of the
question if medical treatment is administered against the patient's will, or the doctor has reason
to believe (or knows) that the patient will refuse to undergo an intended intervention once
properly informed. / Jurisprudence / L.L.M. (Jurisprudence)
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What does it mean to be a “monkey-bird"?: mixed-race students’ educational experiences in the Manitoban K-12 public education system and their sense of identityBradley, Michelle 13 January 2017 (has links)
This thesis explores three main questions: (1) How is diversity and equity in education in Manitoban schools addressed and does this include mixed-raced students?, (2) What are mixed-race students’ experiences with and perceptions of ethnocultural equity in the Manitoban secondary school system and how do these experiences impact their personal and collective identities in the following areas: Social (relationships with peers and family members), Political (notions of Canadian identity and citizenship), Identity (sense of cultural and racial identity and social positioning), Cultural (influences of related cultural groups and communities), and Pedagogical (instructional materials, relationships with teachers and staff, teaching practices and pedagogies, school policies and initiatives) and (3) What can educators and teacher-educators learn from this research that could be used toward a more informed and successful practice? Conclusions are that more work needs to be done to develop a provincial antiracism and ethnocultural policy document for development and implementation that will help establish a system of accountability and consistency, assist our leaders in understanding the complexities of mixedness, establish relationships with different relevant community groups and families, critically examine the curricula for bias, investigate student placement, provide opportunities for counselling staff, explore how to prepare staff to deal with racial and ethnocultural harassment, and consider the representation of mixedness in the staff population. / February 2017
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La protection des créances des sous-traitants dans le domaine de la constructionSansoucy, Andréanne 05 1900 (has links)
La sous-traitance est une pratique constante dans le domaine de la construction, en raison de ses atouts économiques et techniques. Par cette pratique, les sous-traitants effectuent des travaux sans être, sur le plan juridique, liés contractuellement au maître de l’ouvrage. Comment assurer le paiement de leurs créances, eu égard au risque de défaillance de l'entrepreneur. Le législateur a prévu un régime légal de protection et la pratique a élaboré des mécanismes. Le régime légal, bien qu’il assure efficacement la protection des créances des sous-traitants, comporte certaines faiblesses dans son application qui peuvent causer des inconvénients aux sous-traitants et au propriétaire. L’assurance de titres et des retenues de fonds par l’institution financière ou le notaire peuvent pallier ces difficultés pour le propriétaire. Les mécanismes de protection élaborés par la pratique, tels que le cautionnement et les garanties monétaires, accroissent la protection des sous-traitants lorsqu’ils sont utilisés parallèlement au régime légal et profitent au propriétaire. / Subcontracting is an established practice in the construction industry, because of its economic and technical strengths. Through this practice, sub-contractors perform work without being contractually bound to the client. How to ensure payment of their claims, given the risk of default by the contractor. The legislature has provided a statutory system of protection and the practice has developed mechanisms. Although the statutory scheme ensures effective protection of subcontractors’ claims, it has certain weaknesses in its application, which may cause inconveniences to the subcontractors and the owner. Title insurance and the withholding of funds by the financial institution or notary can overcome these difficulties for the owner. The protection mechanisms developed through practice, such as bond and currency guarantees, increase the protection of subcontractors when used in conjunction with the statutory scheme and benefits the owner.
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Les "internationaux" dans les territoires palestiniens occupés : trajectoires, expériences migratoires et engagements sociopolitiques / "Internationals" in occupied Palestinian territories : trajectories, migratory experiences and sociopolitical engagementsChaveneau, Clio 22 February 2016 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur la migration de citoyens de pays du Nord dans les Territoires Palestiniens Occupés (TPO). Elle vise à analyser les trajectoires sociales et migratoires de ces individus, désignés localement « internationaux », ainsi qu'à montrer comment ils sont des acteurs dans la situation locale au travers de leurs mobilités, leurs emplois et leurs engagements. Cette problématique de recherche s'inscrit au croisement de deux phénomènes : d'une part, la diversification et l'accroissement des migrations internationales, et plus spécifiquement celles allant du Nord vers le Sud, et, d'autre part, l'émergence de conditions matérielles et professionnelles favorables à l'arrivée de citoyens étrangers dans un pays en conflit, sous l'effet de l'afflux massif de l'aide internationale depuis les années 1990. L'étude des profils sociaux des « internationaux » résidant dans les TPO révèle une forte homogénéité sociale et culturelle : on observe ainsi une migration de jeunes hautement diplômés, issus de familles de classes moyennes supérieures d'Europe ou d'Amérique du Nord, et particulièrement dotés en capitaux culturels. Toutefois, l'analyse des trajectoires souligne une certaine diversité des parcours migratoires et des liens entretenus à la Palestine. La seconde partie de cette thèse s'intéresse à la place politique et sociale des « internationaux » dans l'espace israélo-palestinien. La question des mobilités est cruciale pour saisir la position inédite de cette population migrante. Sa présence dans les TPO fait l'objet d'un contrôle important et croissant de la part des autorités israéliennes qui cherchent à la limiter et à la surveiller. Dans le même temps, à l'intérieur de l'espace israélo-palestinien, les « internationaux » bénéficient de droits à la mobilité dont sont privés les Palestiniens. L'étude des privilèges et des tensions qui en ressortent permet d'interroger les positionnements et le rôle de ces étrangers. Enfin, deux autres thématiques sont explorées : leur participation au système de l'aide internationale et leur engagements politiques vis-à-vis de la cause palestinienne. Tour à tour, pris dans les dynamiques sociopolitiques locales et partie prenante de ces mêmes dynamiques, les citoyens étrangers résidant dans les TPO représentent pour la recherche une entrée heuristique pour penser les circulations Nord-Sud comme la situation palestinienne actuelle. / This PhD research studies the current migration of nationals from northern countries to the occupied Palestinian territories (oPt). It aims to analyze the social and migratory trajectories of those called "internationals" and attempts to highlight how, through their mobility practices, work and political engagements, they can be considered a new group of actors in the oPt. This core question falls within two global and regional phenomena: first, the increase and diversification of international migration, especially North to South flows, and secondly, the vast rate of international assistance to the oPt since the 1990s, which has resulted in the emergence of tangible conditions conducive to the migration of foreign citizens to a conflict zone. By examining their social features, a strong social and cultural homogeneity of an apparently divers group of individuals becomes apparent; it is a migration of relatively young, affluent people from the upper middle classes of Europe or North America, endowed with cultural and international capital. However, the study of the trajectories that led them to oPt reveals a diversity of migratory paths and links to Palestine. The second part of my PhD thesis tackles the social and political role and position of "internationals". Mobility rights and practices are a relevant and challenging angle to discuss the atypical position of such migrants. Indeed, Israeli authorities seek to monitor, control and limit foreign presence in the oPt (through a variety of measures), transforming privileged people into suspected and unwanted individuals. Yet inside the Israeli-Palestinian space, they are granted mobility privileges which allow them to circulate freely while Palestinians are rendered immobile in their homeland. The study of these privileges and the resulting tension calls into question internationals' position in Palestinian society. Finally, internationals' participation in the aid regime and the political actions taken by some migrants on the Palestinian cause are addressed. Through the political and socio-economic implications of their presence, western citizens living in the oPt are an heuristic point of entry to contribute to the fields of North-South migration studies and Palestinian studies.
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A Phenomenological Study on the Mentoring Experiences of Teachers of Color in New OrleansNichols, Ingrid Alvarado 23 May 2019 (has links)
Mentoring has been used for centuries as a way for a person to pass on knowledge, skills, or support to a less experienced person. Mentoring in the workplace, however, was not studied until the early 1980s, and then more than a decade later, mentoring was studied in the context of the K-12 teacher workforce. Mentoring has improved teacher effectiveness (Yuan, 2015; Koedel, 2009; Campbell and Malkus, 2011); increased teachers’ self-efficacy (Ingersoll & May, 2011; Saffold, 2005; Louis, 2016); and contributed to teacher retention (Ingersoll & Kralik, 2004; Cohen & Fuller, 2006). Most mentoring studies and theories, however, have been developed with a teacher population that is largely White. While about 50% of students in K-12 public schools in the U.S. are non-White, only 18% of teachers are non-White. Because teachers of color have a profound and positive impact on students, they are worth studying.
The purpose of this study is to understand the mentoring experiences of teachers of color in K-12 public charter schools in New Orleans, and to explore how teachers of color benefited from mentoring in the areas of career development and psychosocial support. The researcher utilized a qualitative, phenomenological approach by interviewing ten participants and analyzing the essence of their experiences. Five themes resulted from this research: race plays a significant role in the mentoring of teachers of color; the charter school system in New Orleans has had an impact on the racial make-up of teachers; informal and formal mentoring form a winning combination; mentors provided teachers of color with validation and cultural navigation tools; and mentoring improved teaching practices and retention. This study can have an impact on mentoring theory as it relates to race and identity. This study also has practical implications for K-12 leaders in the way that teachers of color are supported.
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White college students' cross-racial involvement in multicultural organizations and the shaping of white consciousnessShingle, Michael E. 04 April 2012 (has links)
This qualitative study explored the experiences of self-identified White students currently enrolled at a predominantly White institution who were cross- racially involved for at least ten weeks in a multicultural association, club, or organization that had students of color as the racial majority. This study also examined students' consciousness of Whiteness and the development of students' White identities based on their cross-racial experiences. Utilizing a sample of 4 students in concert with a review of relevant literature, the principal findings of this research are that cross-racially involved students have heightened awareness of difference based on race, including their own White racial identity. Although racial tension exists between individuals' White identities and the collective organization’s multicultural identity, White students who were more deeply involved in multicultural organizations indicated that they (a) had a higher sense of belonging with their peers of color, (b) became more conscious of their Whiteness both inside and outside of their multicultural organizations to a certain degree, and (c) desired to more completely understand their ethnic heritage. Findings from this study can contribute towards literature on the development of racial justice allies in college. In order to influence racial justice ally development at a predominantly White institution, findings from this research suggest that student affairs administrators should encourage White students to engage in multicultural organizations so they can understand how their Whiteness "shows up" for others including the impact of privilege and oppression in a multicultural society. / Graduation date: 2012
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Race, Resistance and Co-optation in the Canadian Labour Movement: Effecting an Equity Agenda like Race MattersNangwaya, Ajamu 11 January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this research project was to analyze the dialectic of co-optation/domestication and resistance as manifested in the experience of racialized Canadian trade unionists. The seven research participants are racialized rank-and-file members, elected or appointed leaders, retired trade unionists, as well as staff of trade unions and other labour organizations. In spite of the struggle of racialized peoples for racial justice or firm anti-racism policies and programmes in their labour unions, there is a dearth of research on the racialized trade union members against racism, the actual condition under which they struggle, the particular ways that union institutional structures domesticate these struggles, and/or the countervailing actions by racialized members to realize anti-racist organizational goals. While the overt and vulgar forms of racism is no longer the dominant mode of expression in today’s labour movement, its systemic and institutional presence is just as debilitating for racial trade union members.
This research has uncovered the manner in which the electoral process and machinery, elected and appointed political positions, staff jobs and formal constituency groups, and affirmative action or equity representational structures in labour unions and other labour organizations are used as sites of domestication or co-optation of some racialized trade unionists by the White-led labour bureaucratic structures and the forces in defense of whiteness. However, racialized trade union members also participate in struggles to resist racist domination. Among some of tools used to advance anti-racism are the creation of support networks, transgressive challenges to the entrenched leadership through elections, formation of constituency advocacy outside of the structure of the union and discrete forms of resistance. The participants in the research shared their stories of the way that race and gender condition the experiences of racialized women in the labour movement. The racialized interviewees were critical of the inadequacy of labour education programmes in dealing effectively with racism and offer solutions to make them relevant to the racial justice agenda.
This study of race, resistance and co-optation in the labour movement has made contributions to the fields of critical race theory, labour and critical race feminism and labour studies.
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Race, Resistance and Co-optation in the Canadian Labour Movement: Effecting an Equity Agenda like Race MattersNangwaya, Ajamu 11 January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this research project was to analyze the dialectic of co-optation/domestication and resistance as manifested in the experience of racialized Canadian trade unionists. The seven research participants are racialized rank-and-file members, elected or appointed leaders, retired trade unionists, as well as staff of trade unions and other labour organizations. In spite of the struggle of racialized peoples for racial justice or firm anti-racism policies and programmes in their labour unions, there is a dearth of research on the racialized trade union members against racism, the actual condition under which they struggle, the particular ways that union institutional structures domesticate these struggles, and/or the countervailing actions by racialized members to realize anti-racist organizational goals. While the overt and vulgar forms of racism is no longer the dominant mode of expression in today’s labour movement, its systemic and institutional presence is just as debilitating for racial trade union members.
This research has uncovered the manner in which the electoral process and machinery, elected and appointed political positions, staff jobs and formal constituency groups, and affirmative action or equity representational structures in labour unions and other labour organizations are used as sites of domestication or co-optation of some racialized trade unionists by the White-led labour bureaucratic structures and the forces in defense of whiteness. However, racialized trade union members also participate in struggles to resist racist domination. Among some of tools used to advance anti-racism are the creation of support networks, transgressive challenges to the entrenched leadership through elections, formation of constituency advocacy outside of the structure of the union and discrete forms of resistance. The participants in the research shared their stories of the way that race and gender condition the experiences of racialized women in the labour movement. The racialized interviewees were critical of the inadequacy of labour education programmes in dealing effectively with racism and offer solutions to make them relevant to the racial justice agenda.
This study of race, resistance and co-optation in the labour movement has made contributions to the fields of critical race theory, labour and critical race feminism and labour studies.
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La protection des créances des sous-traitants dans le domaine de la constructionSansoucy, Andréanne 05 1900 (has links)
La sous-traitance est une pratique constante dans le domaine de la construction, en raison de ses atouts économiques et techniques. Par cette pratique, les sous-traitants effectuent des travaux sans être, sur le plan juridique, liés contractuellement au maître de l’ouvrage. Comment assurer le paiement de leurs créances, eu égard au risque de défaillance de l'entrepreneur. Le législateur a prévu un régime légal de protection et la pratique a élaboré des mécanismes. Le régime légal, bien qu’il assure efficacement la protection des créances des sous-traitants, comporte certaines faiblesses dans son application qui peuvent causer des inconvénients aux sous-traitants et au propriétaire. L’assurance de titres et des retenues de fonds par l’institution financière ou le notaire peuvent pallier ces difficultés pour le propriétaire. Les mécanismes de protection élaborés par la pratique, tels que le cautionnement et les garanties monétaires, accroissent la protection des sous-traitants lorsqu’ils sont utilisés parallèlement au régime légal et profitent au propriétaire. / Subcontracting is an established practice in the construction industry, because of its economic and technical strengths. Through this practice, sub-contractors perform work without being contractually bound to the client. How to ensure payment of their claims, given the risk of default by the contractor. The legislature has provided a statutory system of protection and the practice has developed mechanisms. Although the statutory scheme ensures effective protection of subcontractors’ claims, it has certain weaknesses in its application, which may cause inconveniences to the subcontractors and the owner. Title insurance and the withholding of funds by the financial institution or notary can overcome these difficulties for the owner. The protection mechanisms developed through practice, such as bond and currency guarantees, increase the protection of subcontractors when used in conjunction with the statutory scheme and benefits the owner.
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