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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mechanismy patogeneze experimentální autoimunitní uveitidy a možnosti jejich ovlivnění. / The Mechanism of Pathogenesis of Experimental Autoimmune Uveitis and Possilbilities of Their Regulation

Klímová, Aneta January 2016 (has links)
Introduction:Uveitis in an ocular inflammation affecting mostly people of working age. Uveitis is responsible for severe visual impairment despite of expanding new therapeutics. The animal models of uveitis were established, because the wide clinical variability of uveitis limits the studies in human medicine. The goal our project was to establish a reproducible model of experimental autoimmune uveitis in Czech Republic, and further on this model to observe the frequency of CD3+ and F4/80+ cells in retina, to assess the influence of microbial environment on intensity of intraocular inflammation and to test the therapeutical possibilities. Material and methods: The C57BL/6J mice were immunized by retinal antigen (IRBP 1-20, interphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein), enhanced by complete Freund's adjuvant and pertussis toxin and mild posterior autoimmune uveitis was induced. The mice were bred in conventional and germ-free (gnotobiotic) conditions. The uveitis intensity was evaluated in vivo biomicroscopically and post mortem histologically on hematoxylin eosin stained sections according to the standard protocol. The histological eye specimen were analyzed also by imunohistochemisty and by flow cytometry. Each experiment was performed for 35 days. The conventional mice with uveitis were treated...

Contrat racial aux États-Unis : sujet, pouvoir et résistance

Tranquille, Marie-Mirella 12 1900 (has links)
Racial Contract fait partie de ces livres pionniers qui ont permis aux théories critiques de la race de faire leur entrée en philosophie politique. Dans cette analyse libérale des inégalités raciales, Charles W. Mills propose de prendre la suprématie blanche comme outil conceptuel pour décrire et expliquer les problèmes liés à la race aux États-Unis. Le potentiel émancipatoire de cette approche subversive chez les personnes racisées noires n’a pas été étudié. Dans ce mémoire, après avoir comparé diverses conceptions de la notion de « race », nous examinons la façon dont Mills articule les concepts de « suprématie blanche » et d’« épistémologie de l’ignorance » afin d’expliquer les injustices raciales. Finalement, nous explorons la théorie de la résistance de Shannon Sullivan afin d’évaluer sa compatibilité avec la théorie descriptive de Mills. En fin d’analyse, nous estimons qu’une philosophie de la résistance aurait avantage à se tourner vers des théories critiques de la race autres que celle de Mills, telles que celle de W.E.B. Du Bois afin d’avoir un concept de l’individu racisé noir qui rend compte de son agentivité et donc de sa capacité à résister. Nous soutenons aussi que le concept de « suprématie blanche », tel que développé par Mills, est un outil théorique cohérent, valide et potentiellement utile à l’élaboration d’une philosophie de la résistance noire. Enfin, même si sa portée est plutôt restreinte, nous considérons que l’apport des « traîtres de la race » tel que Shannon Sullivan dans une philosophie de la résistance peut potentiellement être positif. / Racial Contract is one of the pioneering books that brought critical race theories into political philosophy. In this liberal analysis of racial inequalities, Charles W. Mills proposes to use white supremacy as a conceptual tool to describe and explain race-related problems in the United States. However, the emancipatory potential of this subversive approach among "black" people has not been studied. In this master thesis, after comparing various conceptions of "race", we examine how Mills articulates the concepts of "white supremacy" and "epistemology of ignorance" to explain racial injustices. Finally, we explore Shannon Sullivan's theory of resistance to assess its compatibility with Mills' descriptive theory. In the end, we believe that a philosophy of resistance would benefit from turning to critical theories of race other than that of Mills, such as W.E.B. Du Bois, in order to have a concept of the "black" individual that accounts for his or her agentivity and thus his or her capacity to resist. We also argue that the concept of "white supremacy", as developed by Mills, is a coherent, valid and potentially useful theoretical tool for the development of a philosophy of black resistance. Finally, even if its scope is rather limited, we consider that the contribution of "race traitors" such as Shannon Sullivan to a philosophy of resistance can potentially be positive.

The Strategically Broken System: A Grounded Theory Study of the Clinical Implications of Immigration Law, Policy, and Practice

Agassiz, Kelle 28 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Savoir d’où l’on vient : connexions entre les savoirs expérientiels des étudiant.e.s au deuxième cycle en travail social et leur expérience de formation pratique

Chouinard, Pier-Luc 05 1900 (has links)
Les savoirs expérientiels représentent des connaissances issues de l’expérience. Il s’agit d’une source de savoir controversée pour les intervenant.e.s en travail social, bien que de plus en plus considérée pertinente. Toutefois, leurs impacts sur le cheminement académique des futur.e.s travailleuses sociales et travailleurs sociaux (T.S.) demeurent méconnus. Ce projet de mémoire vise donc à explorer les connexions entre les savoirs expérientiels des étudiant.e.s et leur parcours de formation pratique. Toutes les personnes rencontrées étudient ou étudiaient au programme de deuxième cycle en travail social de l’Université de Montréal (UdeM). Ce projet s’inscrit au cœur de la vaste recherche « Dans quelle mesure la maîtrise en travail social peut promouvoir les apprentissages transformationnels : possibilités et limites » menée par Edward Ou Jin Lee à Montréal. Nous avons conduit des entretiens qualitatifs semi-dirigés, deux (2) de groupe et quatre (4) individuels, pour un échantillon final de treize (13) personnes. Un cadre théorique anti-oppressif et l’analyse thématique de Braun et Clarke ont guidé l’analyse. Trois thématiques principales ont été identifiées lors de cette recherche : (1) le profil sociodémographique largement privilégié des étudiant.e.s en travail social ; (2) la nature complexe, identitaire, intersectionnelle et interrelationnelle de leurs savoirs expérientiels ; (3) leurs perceptions critiques de la formation pratique, notamment sur les enjeux d’adéquation entre le programme et le terrain, l’importance d’offrir des espaces d’échange entre étudiant.e.s et la place de la justice sociale dans la formation. Ces perceptions s’appuient fortement sur les savoirs expérientiels des participant.e.s, particulièrement ceux liés à une expérience professionnelle d’intervention. / Experiential knowledge is knowledge derived from experience. Although a perceived controversial source of knowledge, it is increasingly considered relevant in the field of social work. However, its impact on the education of future social workers remains largely unknown. Thus, this project aims to explore the connexions between the students' experiential knowledge and their field education journey. All the people interviewed are or were graduate students in the social work program at the Université de Montréal (UdeM). This project is part of the larger research project " Social work graduate field education: exploring the potential for transformative learning and institutional change " conducted by Edward Ou Jin Lee at UdeM. We conducted semi-structured qualitative interviews, two (2) focus groups and four (4) individual interviews, resulting in a final sample of thirteen (13) participants. An anti-oppressive theoretical framework and Braun and Clarke’s thematic analysis guided the analysis. Three main themes were identified during this research: (1) the largely privileged socio-demographic profile of social work students, (2) the complex influence of identity, along with the intersectional and interrelational nature of their experiential knowledge, and, (3) their critical perceptions of field education, especially on the issues of the inadequacy between the program and the field, the importance to provide spaces for informational exchange between students, and the place of social justice within the graduate program. These perceptions are strongly based on the experiential knowledge of the students, particularly experiences related to professional intervention.

Height, Power, and Gender: Politicizing the Measured Body

Butera, Laura E. 19 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.

South African Ubuntu Theory in Cross Cultural Community Development Practice: An Autoethnographic Exploration

Crist, Angela R. 31 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.

From Bonding to Bridging: Using the Immunity to Change (ITC) Process to Build Social Capital and Create Change

Booker-Drew, Froswa' 15 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.

How Social Consciousness and the Development of Social Responsibility Can Grow Through the Meaning-Making Processes of Collaboration and Artmaking

Nelson, Meaghan Brady 24 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Career Advancement and Ethnicity : The Experiences in a Multinational Swedish Company / Karriäravancemang och Etnicitet : Erfarenheterna i ett Multinationellt Svenskt Företag

Kurda, Lava January 2022 (has links)
In terms of ethnic background, the labor market of the twenty-first century may be more culturally diverse than ever. At the same time, cultural, racial and ethnic bias are frequently reflected in organizational hierarchy. Power disparities affect interactions between people of different cultures since persons from ethnic minorities are typically shut out of high-ranking positions in Western nations. The homogeneity of most management demonstrates the various gaps in the widespread perception of cultural, ethnic and racial bias. Additionally, given the ambiguity surrounding the connection between organizational structures and racial bias, D&I deployment in organizations can occasionally be dispersed. The aim of this study is to raise awareness of how employees' ethnicity influences career advancement in a multinational organizational culture. In addition to providing insights into issues facing the culture, this tries to pinpoint perceived disparities that are brought on by existing institutions and cultures. The analytical unit is a subsidiary of a multinational company with its headquarters in Sweden. Semi-structured interviews, also known as qualitative research interviews, were conducted. The study focused on employees at lower levels of the hierarchy and had a global scope. The findings revealed that when it came to questions about nationality and career advancement, non-Western employees were typically aware of cultural, ethnic, or racial bias and could reflect on complex issues within these topics, in contrast to Western employees who were not as familiar with these topics. While this study has provided insight into the perspectives of employees and members of ethnic minorities on career advancement, there are still a great deal of unexplored fields. Based on the study's findings, employers and employees are better equipped to understand the concepts, detect examples, and build the necessary skills and instruments to overcome ethnic bias through awareness-raising and training, social dialogue, and diversity research. / När det gäller etnisk bakgrund kan det tjugoförsta århundradets arbetsmarknad vara mer kulturellt varierat än någonsin. Samtidigt återspeglas kulturella, rasmässiga och etniska fördomar ofta i organisatorisk hierarki. Maktskillnader påverkar interaktioner mellan människor från olika kulturer eftersom personer från etniska minoriteter vanligtvis stängs ute från högt uppsatta positioner i västerländska länder. Homogeniteten hos de flesta företagsledningar visar de olika klyftorna i den utbredda uppfattningen om kulturell, etnisk och rasistisk fördom. Dessutom, med tanke på oklarheten kring sambandet mellan organisationsstrukturer och etniska fördomar, kan tillämpningen av D&I-initiativ i organisationer ibland vara oklar.  Syftet med denna studie är att öka medvetenheten om hur anställdas etnicitet påverkar karriärutvecklingen i en multinationell organisationskultur. Förutom att ge insikter i frågor som kulturen står inför, försöker detta att lokalisera upplevda skillnader som orsakas av befintliga institutioner och kulturer. Studien utförs på en enhet till ett multinationellt företag med huvudkontor i Sverige. Semistrukturerade intervjuer, även kallade kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer, genomfördes. Studien fokuserade på anställda på lägre nivåer i hierarkin och hade en global räckvidd. Resultaten visade att när det gällde frågor om nationalitet och karriärutveckling, var icke-västerländska anställda vanligtvis medvetna om kulturella, etniska eller rasistiska fördomar och kunde reflektera över komplexa frågor inom dessa ämnen, i motsats till västerländska anställda som inte var lika bekanta med dessa ämnen. Även om denna studie har gett insikt i perspektiven för anställda och medlemmar av etniska minoriteter gällande karriärutveckling, finns det fortfarande en hel del outforskade områden. Baserat på studiens resultat är arbetsgivare och anställda bättre rustade att förstå begreppen, upptäcka exempel och bygga de nödvändiga färdigheterna och instrumenten för att arbeta emot etniska fördomar genom utbildning, social dialog och forskning om mångfald.

Law, Psychiatry and psychology : a selection of constitutional, medico-legal and liability issues

Swanepoel, Magdaleen 30 June 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to develop a comprehensive process for identifying and addressing primarily constitutional, medico-legal and liability issues, and in addition ethical, social and scientific issues related to the psychiatric and psychology professions in South Africa. In fulfilling this purpose, a comprehensive search is conducted of relevant historical, ethical, philosophical and clinical aspects pertaining to psychiatry and psychology, as well as an evaluation of the current juridical framework regarding the legal liability of the psychiatrist and psychologist balanced against the constitutional rights of the mentally disordered patient in South Africa. Recommendations are made for the establishment of any new controls needed to mitigate and prevent the exposure of mentally disordered patients, further attempting to provide specific remedies to adapt the current juridical framework in South Africa. The examination is conducted within the framework of the South African and United Kingdom's legal systems. Focus is placed on aspects of medical law, human rights law (as envisaged in the Bill of Rights in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996), criminal law and the law of delict and, to a lesser extent, administrative law and the law of evidence. / Law / LL.D.

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